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>Be Albanian leader
>Insult world powers in their own conferences
Is in their DNA
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Edi Rama quite famously doesn't give a shit. Every month or so there's some scandal about him blowing up a hotel or a sex tape of his getting leaked. People vote for him anyways because the alternative is basically just Albanian Yeltsin.


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comecon did more damage to the USSR economy for the sake ot its "colonies" than the other way around tho.


>soviet social imperialism


He's right tho

Fascist serbs also targetef atheist and christian Albanians

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Forget 420chan visit https://stonerchan.org/
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Isn't he some devout Christian now? I don't think he's bringing that drug den back.


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Wow I missed this episode of the anime


Never forget that 420chan was a wrestling imageboard with some drug subboards



Eeew fucking trash


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when everyone masturbated and left but youre still shitposting lol.

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im here to rant
i have noticed the sheer amount of litter is the more recent nowadays. as an afab it also pisses me off when the streets are littered with PISS bottles. like i dont get why men dont fucking have respect. maybe its where i live right now thats an issue because its ghetto and even black people call it that. but holy shit in general theres so much litter. i wanna maybe make a correlation to the economy and the amount of discarded trash but its just a theory. i think a lot also has to do with people that are struggling mentally and homeless but also the street trash cans are always so full. a solution would be more punishments that involve community service and cleaning or dealing with trash. win for the city and win for the person by staying out of jail/fines. any other solutions are appreciated
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>leftist goes to a black neighborhood first time
This is how you become a /pol/ convert.


Sounds like we never left the 1980s/90s.

Yea everyone likes to blame kids for being out of line but overlook the more common atrocities committed by adults.

But its not even just that.
The real problem in the ghettos is that everyone is poisoned by the Protestant ideal of "suffering is a virtue."

Everyone brags about all the bad shit they went through or crimes they committed and how they "reformed/adapted".

People in ghettos speak like theyre motivational speakers.
If you grow up in a black household you know that tone of voice tht black women use, that lecturing voice with alot of fancy vocabulary.

Then you have the white ghettobros who talk in that typical "impressionable white guy who listened to soul/hip-hop".

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The problem is there's nowhere to throw the trash, a lack of public trash cans, so you have to hold onto your trash until you get somewhere that has them if you don't want to litter. It's a very NIMBY kind of problem where they think it looks bad to have trashcans every 100 meters along sidewalks but they'll just complain and do nothing about wrappers and broken bottles every meter.

>Not pissing wherever you want is fascist
t. french


i'm not a frenchoid, this is just common sense. not pissing in public is fascist and possibly bourgeois as well. it's a law/custom designed to stifle a harmless expression of one's body, and it's the sole contributor to the price gouging of public bathroom spots


Pissing in public makes everything smell like piss and isn't hygeni

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I am a rightoid. I would like you all to insult me and tell me how you are going to hurt me because of this.Hold nothing back. Thank you
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Stop being reasonable. I am your enemy insult me, I am right here. Surly you hate me? I am an avatar of everything wrong in your life.


What kind of rightoid?


4chan /pol/-denizen from years ago before the 2016 election.


4chan really went down the shit with the Trump era didn't it?
Also GamerGate.
So are you more the libertarian Ron Paul type or the neo-Nazi or the incel type?


how are we supposed to do that if you barely tell us anything about yourself?

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We as some of you might be aware are coming to an end of the age of man. Sometime in the near future we will enter the age of the Biomechanoid. Will you accept the cold embrace of metal and rise above your primitive state ascending to godhood to find your destiny amongst the stars. Or will you stay a sorry blob of flesh and be left behind to die on this sick and decaying world. The choice is yours!
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Would be awesome if true but it's not true.
Why would you assume that life extension would necessarily be coupled with a "tortured state"? There's no reason to assume this, and good reason to assume the opposite. Death is only desirable if life sucks. Transhumanism carries the promise of life not sucking for the first time ever. Superlongevity, superintelligence, and superhappiness are mutually reinforcing.


no sorry, immortality is bad because it's spooky, end of discussion


If indefinitelly prologning life of a single organism is bad, why is continuation of a species, or life in general desirable?


I think our brains could cope with a theoretically infinite lifespan. I already forget most things i did more than 2 days ago. Someone like that should definitely keep a journal or a more convenient type of long-term memory storage. There is bound to be some form of progress in intelligence amplification over the next century, right?


Because biological reproduction is meant to be renewal of the earth. Prolonging the lifespan individual organisms disrupts this. Everything that is born must die some day.

Writing, videos, oratory are all external memory storage

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Happy Father's Day /Siberia/. How is your relationship with your father? Are they reactionary swine? Revolutionary kin?
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I think youbhave a father complex bad.

Trust me ypure not missing out on much.
Youre nondofferent from the sexless incels who whine about lack of romance.

Adulthood glorifies/rationalises sins and vices of fellow age-peers.
This is especially true in the male sector.


Adulthood is far too often defined by age and financial level. Its treated like some secret big kids club, with no questioning ones skillset.

And its no wonder why life is so ass.


oliver anthony is basically trade union consciousness but without the trade union lol


My dad has like 2 other families but he's cool other than that I guess.


erm excuse you hes a based appalachian proletariat and he literally kickstarted the magacom movements relevance in 2 more weeks

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Having a cup of tea.
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I am resteeping my tea.

pissed and tea-pilled


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OP died of too much tea up the ass.
RIP in shiggydiggy


I hope OP is fine.


Too many anime girls in this thread


OP is kill

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The thinking man's candy
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I prefer salty licorice over this.


Grandad sweets. Back when everything sweeter was rationed and unavailable.


the STINKING man's candy


/siberia/ theme song



>gen x humor


this music video would be about 10x funnier if there were zero shots of bam margera on the keyboard and more shots of skeletor and beastman. but because it's CKY they couldn't help themselves

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can't tell what the fuck his politics are anymore
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global politics are just really weird right now


Milei will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in this decade on latin america. Hopefully the ancaps get quiet down for a little while after this absolute disaster that happened in argentina.

Socialist media should just spam argentina stats today everywhere to anihalate the ancap world in the internet. Make them feel pathetic.


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Gotta ride em vibes until ya die

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