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Does the Paul VS. Tyson fight get postponed again?
Do you know how to summon Noob Saibot?
Who is your favorite Statesman or Stateswoman? Who would you pick to run for Pepsident from any living person if you could choose?


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Don't care. This shit debate won't be as entertaining and intellectually honest as this


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>"So Donald, have you ever taken DMT?"


So something went wrong with last Windows update, it wont boot, recover, or do anything at all, my laptop appears to be completely bricked, Ill have to do factory reset (and even then Im keeping fingers crossed it will actually work). This is the last fucking drop, Im switching to Linux. The thing is, I have virtually no IT skills, so what is your advice? What type of Linux is most noob friendly? I use computer basically just for internet browsing, some graphic software and bideo games.
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Another option, dual boot, so Ill just use Linux and switch to Windows for gaming, is there any downside I should be aware with this method?


Upon further research, I am heavily leaning towards Mint Cinnamon, and putting my faith in God that whatever game I want to play is runable through Wine/Lutris/Proton.


>Which Linux is the most popular one?
I would imagine Ubuntu is the most popular Linux Distribution (distro) for both websites/servers and personal use.
>Or alternatively which of the user friendly ones is the most popular? Im asking because if I search for "how to fix X", "how to change Y", with which system I have the highest chance of someone already dealing with the same issue and figuring out the answer?
I believe PopOs is the best candidate for user friendly. It has a nice desktop environment, which somewhat resembles the look of Windows 11. It comes with a store and tries to minimize spooky scary command line actions as much as possible.
>Also gaming wise, I have a Lenovo laptop with Nvidia Geforce, is that all right driver-wise? Any issues with Linux there?
I haven't heard of any, although I hope another Anon more knowledgeable than me can speak to this.


Another option, dual boot, so Ill just use Linux and switch to Windows for gaming, is there any downside I should be aware with this method?
Some minor downsides- Less avaliable storage space for your Linux system, since you have to allocate some for Windows. However, my question is what games are you looking to run? With the compatibility of WINE, most games (and apps!) made for Windows can run on Linux, the issue is if the game employs an anti-cheat, which may cause the game to crash. I'ce had experiences with this in games such as Valorant, Helldivers 2, and Destiny. But I've ran other games, such as Borderlands 2-3, Metro Exodus, Overwatch 2, with no problems.
Solid choice aswell Anon.


Moved to >>>/tech/25779.


ayo bro got the chihuahua in his character's inventory
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>>541959 they should hang this masterpiece in the louvre


crush all Chihuahua skulls


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Provoke a war with russia, make population of most hated countries antisemitic.

Get nuked by two opponents at once. Ie Samson Plan and Russia's nuke reserve.

What's a more based way to die than kill everyone who called you a schizo at the same time, including family members who said they were there to help.

If I somehow survive the appocolypse though, I'll turn into a tentecle monster and eat the surviving shelter folk. (no cap)

You can all thank your masonic regime for this, for raping and silencing me as a child by saying i was ill and no wrong was done :O

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if you had a house made of cheese and you had to travel somewhere for a day, would you let this rat take care of the house for you
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I'd let him eat a designated part of the house as a treat.


Then I would have a happy well-fed rat friend.


a feed the rat enough food to sate its hunger before leaving it unobserved


imagine the smell of the house in summer


It will be exsquisid.

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>Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics and civil liberties under the rule of law, with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech.

Why is any of this bad tho??
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>free market and laissez-faire economics
Results in huge inequalities and the domination of a property-owning class. Not even more efficient or productive than more interventionist market economies. No way to correct market failures, no way to provide public goods, and no way to provide for the needs of people who don't receive factor payments.
>civil liberties under the rule of law
This is actually good.
>individual autonomy
I don't know what they mean by this.
>limited government
Unable to provide the menagerie of very useful things the government does. We need public infrastructure, education, social programs, national parks, libraries, and a million other things.
>economic freedom
>freedom of speech
This is mostly a good thing.


Capitalism's inequality doesnt come from a free market though, it comes from capitalism's class origins via bourgeois appropriation, which marx calls primitive accumulation.
Also limited government is a flexible term. What people tend to mean is that the government shouldnt intefere in people's private lives. Infrastructure and public services by comparison dont intrude upon "the private" except by contrivance.
I'll give you can example. A local pub was building a fence on its property. Suddenly the council (who are functionally useless and corrupt) stepped in and tried to demolish the construction done since it wasnt properly regulation and/or taxed.
This is the government getting in your business (literally) while they let potholes accumulate.


> Why are you not a neo-monarchism? Don't you know that kings were the progressive force and liberated the people from the patricians of the ancient times? The monarchists killed all the patricians and liberated all the plebeians, they are our guys! The kings and queens are the wholesome chungus good guys, and if you don't like them, you are a reactionary.


this but unironically


Syndicalism is the only solution for that, I do not support Bolshevism (it has nothing to do with communism , and everything to do with corruption , dystopia and elitism/tribalism). The employees own companies, instead of bankers, and they will support themselves by increasing wages, saving up money collectively for sabbaticals, invest in new employees’ education of the trade, pensions, social benefits, transportation etc. The only way bankers can own shares— also, for limited predetermined periods—is bu providing liquidity in form of debt to these kind of organizations— to protect their interests , or investment. Everything has to be fair and everyone treated rightly; and exploitation eliminated, worldwide by fighting jewish malignant globalism.

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Girls keep gooning in public and it's turning into a sanitation issue. Most guys don't know this but girls masturbate by moving which pushes the labia against the clit. Even in public they'll rock on the edge of a chair, sway side to side, "dance", or squeeze their thighs together. They are leaving stains on seats, along with all kinds of stds. Every chair at my university is stained. You can't sit anywhere in public because I didn't want some hags fluids soaking into your clothes. Then there's the psychological aspect, you shouldn't be first to interact with people doing this crap in public. It's disgusting at a restaurant, it causes them to underperform at work, it makes them sexually harass men in public. It simply has to end
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assholes are even grosser. they exist to push out fat steamy turds






Why would Mao say that… uhm guis???


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Do people really enjoy this style of editing? I noticed every streamer pays an editor to make their video like this:

>subtitles "pop" onto screen and expand

>large obnoxious font with outline
>subtitles for every half a sentence rather than longer subtitles
>silly cartoon noises
>silly special effects
>annoying bad memes pop up on screen
>frequent jump cuts
>remove all parts of the audio where the person pauses to breath so they speak in 1 long never ending sentence
>don't remove the actual redundant parts of their speech such as observational "humor" that consists of just saying the most obvious shit, so they say the same thing 20 times
>zoom waaaaay in on certain parts of the screen to draw your attention to action/text because you don't trust the viewer to know what's going on but at the same time zoom so far in that you divorce it from the surrounding context so that it's ugly/grainy/disorienting
>motion track individual objects on screen so they always appear at the center of focus even when the cam is shaky, resulting in a bizarre "stability" that is unpleasant to look at and makes it feel like you're a targeting system and not a person.

Is this something people actually enjoy or are video streamers and editors just telling each other in a circle jerk that this is what people enjoy? I've worked for a few streamers as an editor. It seemed like 10 years ago their requests were modest and reasonable but now every single one of them wants this kind of high effort ugly schizo editing style in exchange for zero money and it's not even good.
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>or are video streamers and editors just telling each other in a circle jerk that this is what people enjoy?
They get all their tips from MrBeast and its not based on what people enjoy but what increases watch time
Beast found that if you don't cut every minute or so people get bored and leave


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>Beast found that if you don't cut every minute or so people get bored and leave
Bleak. I remember one editor I worked for was actually a socialist content creator. Not a big one. A lesser known one. Video essayist type. Made long videos with lots of citations, etc. He kept telling me to make his videos "memey". I kept telling him he should trust his audience to listen to what he had to say and not need to lean on all these weird editing "tricks." I even pointed to Paul Cockshott as an example. I said I would watch the power points presentations of a 70 year old man with a shitty microphone if the content interested me enough but I guess I'm in the minority and people really do just "get bored" over nothing and tap out… and to think that I'm the one who has unmedicated ADHD… how my ADHD usually manifests itself is that I won't "quit" a video altogether over getting "bored" but will rather just leave it up in its tab and finish watching later. And it's never "boredom" for me but simply branching interests. Something makes me think of something else so I "branch" off.


It's a consequence of algorithm-driven optimization. You need to hold people's attention in competition with everything else out there. This leads to what you could call "stimulation maximizing." The main limit on adding more bells and whistles is your workflow and how much time/effort you have to add all the goofy shit.


>do people really enjoy?
yes uygha otherwise uyghas wouldn't be making it


Nope, Youtube decides what is watched and what isn’t. 100 million people didn’t suddenly decide to watch MrBeast, who started out as Minecraft clickbaiter.


Do you use a custom font on your web browser / system font?

I saw someone mention Tex Gyre Corvus on fedi, and wow this font is pretty, and makes everything fancier. Needs a browser plugin to enforce it since FireFox's in-built option for that is broken I guess, but I feel like I'm writing and reading letters with this. Sucks that it isn't monospaced tho or I'd use it in the terminal too.


Monospaced every day, monospaced all the way. I'm genuinely baffled that somebody invented non-monospaced fonts.

You might like this:
"Texture healing" keeps the feature word length = characters of the monospaced font while making the letters look more like in a proportional font, if possible. The trick is that when characters that want to be thin (like i) sit next to characters that want to be wide (like m), the font just make them give and take space.

I absolutely hate this, because
1. the same letter appearing several times inside the same word can appear in different styles
2. the letter centers don't align vertically anymore

If both issues were fixed, I would like this a lot, but then the effect would be so small compared to not doing anything that 99% of users would not notice it.


Does anyone know, what the mistral-like font in https://anders.unix.se/images/desktop_rob_malda.png is? I want to use it for my own desktop.
Writing is usually proportional by virtue of the letter shapes and spacing out the smaller letters makes it waste more space without tangible readability benefits. The way i see it, the only things monospaced is good for is ascii art and indenting lisp code.


No I use the defaults but I do love the TeX Gyre fonts.


What's your preferred font demo sentence?
>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
>Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
>Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf.
>Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
>Sympathizing would fix Quaker objectives.
>Watch "Jeopardy!", Alex Trebek's fun TV quiz game.

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Hi guys. I might just be having panic attacks, or I might have some heart condition I am unaware of. For whatever reason I feel like today might be the day that I die. If it is, I wanted to let you know that I love all of you and you've all made a difference in my life. You make me feel so much less alone in this world. Fight on. Never give up the revolution.
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i would just die in "peace" so to speak, just trying to relax while watching funny videos.
trying to have a convo while im dying seems like a nightmare to me



sounds like a panic attack to me… my chest always twitches and i think they're heart palpitations and i'm about to have a heart attack etc. the feeling of imminent danger is strong.


That sounds nice.


I have a fear of dying because I have partially-written leftist treatises that I consider to be potentially important


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