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What did Beast mean by this
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Did you know that there are no socialist billionaires because they are just head of SOE, not the owners of the companies?

Did you know that Chinese mechanization of the Congolese cobalt mines wiped out child labour?


Uhm Xi didn’t invade muh country at this second and pressed the communism button for me, so they are actually the real racists


based multipolar mr. beast?!?!!?!?


Did you know hitler was a socialist because the roads were state owned? Come back for more interesting facts


99.99% of burgers would believe that.

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Why can't we be friends
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Capitalist hegemony


We are friends wtf do you mean.
Everybody is friends with everyone, we are all fucking comrades, we are in this together.
Even ME.tm!



amazing new map shows the most common nationality in each country



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Tomorrow is national black people day
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So it's a zased Dixie-Bolshevik holiday.


black peoples day? black history month? we're missing a black something week


What was wrong with Black Friday?


Happy Black People!


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Chinese imperialists are gonna make us adopt their zodiac system but instead of animals like the ox or dragon, we're gonna have the Year of the Gays, the Year of the Disableds, and the Year of the Black People. This is what cultural sino-bolshevism is going to do to our kids!

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I feel like religiosity is in a downward trend, is the tradcath arthoe matrix not working anymore?
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>imperialism when you forced at swordpoint to worship a foreign god and to pray in a foreign language
<islam permits slavery and its still a common practice


superstition and religion are just being sublated by secular forms


i just feel like goblins are real right now


oh my science! something must be done!


Well thats why i just say i am religious, because its easier than pretending ive escaped le mind virus
My joke is to say that im a non-practicing christian

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>Apply to jobs for nearly a year
>Not a single callback
>Mom's friend tells me to apply for a position at a place her friend works for
>Get an interview offer a few weeks after applying
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the worst was when I had a friend who suddenly got an entry level job in a hospital. then he went to management. and it went to his head because he started thinking everyone else was a lazy dumb.


>no work experience
>interview in a few days
>don't know how to answer anything without bringing up some project I worked on in uni,making up BS stories about volunteer work, or describing myself in buzzwords
Why do we have to endure this humiliation ritual just so we can have the ability to sustain ourselves?


> that's also part of why I was fired.
That's illegal if you can prove it. Next time explicitly ask them to provide you a record of the reasons you were fired and bring them to your lawyer if you have one. A lot of companies don't even bother to follow labor laws so you can catch them slipping easily. The vigilant worker can be quite litigious. Yeah yeah yeah bourgeois-granted rights mean nothing you should still leverage them until a revolutionary situation pops up.


Did my first interview. Felt like I did decent but I fumbled over my words for a few questions, and trying to answer work experience questions with little work experience is torture. Also got blindsided by "What's the shortcut to open the windows file explorer?" I just guessed it was the windows key + F and it was actually the windows key + E :)


>What's the shortcut to open the windows file explorer?
Wtf, what sort of job do they ask you to memorize windows hotkeys for. Bill Gates is evil.

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How many of you guys actually have friends irl that is not part of your race or ethnicity or religious group? And i mean actual friends, not your fellow DSA canvasser or anything.
Like looking at left twitter i'm convinced that a lot of online leftists never talk with anyone that is not part of their immediate social group, much less with people from other countries. This is an absolutely shameful condition for a movement that is inherently internationalist.
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race is pragmatic, a picture paints a thousand words, if you fit a certain phenotype it signals cultural affinity which people can extrapolate from, including a way someone dresses, accent and so forth unless theyve been entirely deracinated but almost always their is some cultural baggage


this is such a distinctly amerikkkan way to think


My boyfriend is Arab, I'm Italian


I loove brown people!


I have a pretty even distribution of ones I know the race of. Most my friends are furries tho so idk in total.

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dear leftypol, please stop spamming pol with bbc porn.


- based polack
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your schizo theory doesnt even have anything to do with the means of production, come on man, you oughta hit that dmt before coming up with stuff at this point


your own ideology says communism is moneyless, stateless.
immigrants move to wealthier countries=they become stateless
Great Reset and Biden gas prices and austerity=moneyless
do you even understand your own beliefs?


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stop calling me gay i am not gay look i have hentai saved a gay person wouldn't do that!!! fuck you




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Sure have this


in rural parts of the US often good old boys will fool around in a sweaty locker room after a football game, or give their bros a beej in their pickup truck and its not considered gay

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Medbros, can you confirm?
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Latin America too, kek and the Portuguese African cuntries


If you think about it, All Eastern Asian, American and Turkic countries through tvran.


What could have been…


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they came from Yakub



t. Greek

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I think alot of right incels are sexually repressed gay men and just need a dominant commie man to push them against the wall for them to never be right wing again. (oh and let them sleep on his chest other times)
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its not you anon, its that… Some of the posts here I know are women and i think nothing of them, but some of the posts here are men. And, well I want to tie then to a chair, and use warm mineral oil to force them to cum on my hand as i laugh and giggle at them for not being weak enough to fight me off and that probably isn't helathy some posts I see I wonder what the anonymous poster would look like as I force him to taste my blood (or cock) and that REALLY isn't healthy.
I saw an anon on 4chan talk about animals he finds cute and my first thought was I wonder what he would sound like gagged and drugged.
I should nip this in the bud before I prove how much I love the make body.


fuck off back to your schizo world view.
Again typical image oard users. I wish you all were forced to mingle in mestspace so your real selves wpuld be stripped and seen by the world.

It just furthers my point about life in this postmodern era being defined by arbitrations and their consequential entitlement.

Youre gaslighting ypurself because as usual, you imageboard users have your head shoved too far up your own asses.


Daww. It really helps me to hear that kind of encouragement. Reading that particular piece really hit me hard as well.


>point about life in this postmodern era being defined by arbitrations and their consequential entitlement.
Explain this.
You are trying to gaslight me, most men are bisexual and I just need to find the right combination or words, body type, and pressur eto make them mine. "Men are easy" is probably true, and I thank GOD it is, so I can find someone to make the hollow feeling die, stop trying to take this away from me you evil motherfucker.


Most men are prison gay. If theyre bisexual it's because the prize in question is an ikemen/bishonen.

You need to stop bleeding from your crotch.

You're the one gaslighting yourselves why else are you on image boards.
Fucking punkass post boomer bitchboy

Already in adulthood yet y'all cannot top crying about lack of coochie or dick.
Cannot cook eals or hold a job. Y'all don't even like trades.

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