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Does anyone else hear voices when they are drifring off to sleep? Most of the time when i'm nodding off and almost about to fully fall into sleep I hear short phrases. Is this normal? I don't actually hear them, but I guess I imagine them but they are way more vivid than just thinking it.
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>Hypnagogic hallucinations are often auditory or have an auditory component. Like the visuals, hypnagogic sounds vary in intensity from faint impressions to loud noises, like knocking and crashes and bangs (exploding head syndrome). People may imagine their own name called, crumpling bags, white noise, or a doorbell ringing. Snatches of imagined speech are common. While typically nonsensical and fragmented, these speech events can occasionally strike the individual as apt comments on—or summations of—their thoughts at the time. They often contain word play, neologisms and made-up names. Hypnagogic speech may manifest as the subject's own "inner voice", or as the voices of others: familiar people or strangers. More rarely, poetry or music is heard.[15]
I get a loud bang while falling asleep or waking up, once in a blue moon


>Does anyone else hear voices when they are drifring off to sleep?
When I'm on the cusp of falling asleep, I'll often hear weird music.


>Is this normal?

Yes, completely normal if it's during the transition to sleep, not pathological and very common among mentally healthy people.


whispers of my exes


>is it normal to experience proto-dreams in the transition from being awake to being asleep
yeah OP it's normal and common

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>>Mpox can be transmitted through sexual contact as well as through cuts, respiratory tracts, and mucous membranes in places like the eyes or mouth. Men who have sex with men are at highest risk, though other groups can be affected as well.



>>Then it was no longer monkey pox it was measels goyim



>>Then it was no longer monkey pox it was measels goyim

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Hello anons. Pic related is adult film star named Luscious Lopez. She has been a XXX star for more than 20 years. I have coomed and gooned to her videos many times.

She made a movie titled "10 Man Cumslam" in which 10 guys ejaculated in her mouth and she swallowed each load. If I were to estimate, I would say she has probably had the cum of around 50-100 men down her throat over the course of her career. She has had the cum of many more men in her mouth or on her face.

She is known as an anal performer and has had many, many large cocks in her ass. She also does ass to mouth in just about every video she does anal in.

I wonder some times what she's like and how she likes to spend her time. She has never been married or had any children that I know of.

In a strange way, I have spent more time with her than with any other woman. I love her anons. I saw one of her videos the other day and she had sad eyes and looked to be holding back tears. I got this odd feeling that some kind of shift had occurred.
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lots of weird repulsive threads popping up lately
must be some 15 year old that just got out of school


You are sick in the head OP. Take pills and stop stalking camwhores. Whole post was just an excuse to talk about your anal cum fetish. You need to be castrated.


>Its like making a public toilet a water fountain.
lmao based.
>I find its mainly adult males whom obsess over female sexuality?
<femcels/chads exist
try again


newgene thread


hygiene thread


Do you believe in free will?
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This is a good summary of God's Will


free will is relative not absolute


people who believe themselves to be "free thinkers" tend to be the absolute dumbest in my personal experience


>Philosophy is when you say "itself" alot

Youre also forgetting
"Therefore", "ergo", "otherwise", "counteract" "antithesis", "as much", "and/or", "for every".


Is will licensed under the GPL?
No? then it's non-free

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Why does the english speaking internet treat nine elvens where barely more than 2900 people kicked the bucket as the most tragic memorable event in this millenia? Like they treat it as this very tragic, ultra terrible, extremely shocking thou shall not laugh about it event, like you always see le offensive memes compilations featuring memes about nine elven, all you need is a picture of two tower shaped things and a plane noise and suddenly its """offensive"""", what's so offensive about this? I'm sounding heartless but im not, i could name events not that far where more people died, if nine eleven had a 3k toll and recieves this, imagine what other tragedies need in levels of mourning.

Same thing could go for jan 6 and octo 7
Like they are too brainfucked by dates in english speaking internet that i could swear i saw someone crying about the hostages taken on january 6.


my parents once told me they remember exactly where they saw it happening and i'm not even a burger. i think there are three main causes:
>most people think terrorism is bad
>westoids meme it into this attack on le free world and the gays
>any criticism of the latter is rebuked by appealing to the former


Is this post copied from the early 2000s internet? The mid 2010s was defined by edgy humor and 9/11 jokes galore.


it's "safe offensive" because it was taken very seriously by Americans in 2001, which gives it the cachet of being edgy, but nobody actually cares. As early as 2002 British newspapers were doing pull-out comedy supplements by Chris Morris taking the piss. ("9/11 - THE ATTACKS CHANGE FOREVER THE BRITISH CONVENTION FOR PLACING THE DAY BEFORE THE MONTH IN DATES" / "Success of 9/11 attacks giving al-Qaeda acute ‘second album’ difficulty." / "‘Yessssss!' - FIRST REACTION OF MANY BRITISH PEOPLE WHO SUBSEQUENTLY CLAIMED TO BE APPALLED.")

Plus, like loss, it's very easy to pattern match for cheap humor. A roman numeral countdown from II to zero (Zero in roman numerals, like the North Tower, does not exist) is a 9/11 joke!

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Why are downie girls being pushed so much and what are the implications on the sexual marketplace?


And why are white (especially female) progressives like this?

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me pissing in public


ITT: talk about board celebrity newgene and gossip about them
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Shay is unhinged


Im amased that you guys made another umoteenth thread about me.
Also, yea I can be a bit anooying, but how is that any differemt from you guys making threads about "Is X fascist" for the umpteenth time?
How many threads must be made about nazi-to-transhumanist pipeline?

Or whining about being lonely and horny?


Your posts are worse than those threads


I think he adds flavour to this site.



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How are you spending this Friday? Do you have any plans for the weekend?
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Hanging out with the friends I do have and drinking a bit.


I don't like Fridays because it means no work for 2 days.


said literally no one in the entire cosmos


youd be surprised, ive got a workaholic middle class friend who uses wage labor as escapism and is always looking to do extra hours despite not having money problems


For real, I have a co-worker who constantly stays at work past the clock, does overtime, even works from home during weekends, when I asked her about it, she answered "I dont mind when I have nothing else to do". Actually fucking insane, a schizohreniac scribing his deranged thoughts on wall with his own excrements is less mad than people like that. And she is not even middle class, this is a poorly paid, mind-numbing office work.

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ITT, we post our favorite Youtube clickbait thumbnails
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wtf is the context for the first one lol


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Don't know who this is, probably a lib, but he pot porky in thumbnail


I think conure is a leftist


my hobby: extrapolation


Jucheist thumbnail

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