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Which are the best ice cream flavours?
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coconut ofc


No, vanilla ice cream is flavored with vanilla extract, while plain ice cream is jus milky way sweet milk!


They're all good, even mint.


Even mint? You can't be serious!



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ITT: post about porn, sex, tfw no gf, and ask retarded questions that are frowned upon in the sex and relationship general.
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they get off on it, like a bdsm type of fantasy but non-consensual


consent is a spook


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damn you brought back memories


In bourgeois society, love, like everything else, costs money. To someone with an empty pocket who lives in perennial drudgery, being allowed to love someone of the same gender is on par with being allowed to eat from a gold plate - they cannot afford either in the first place.


Should I buy this used lense system made by Zeiss and used by ASML for Utra-high violet chip litography?

It's only 55k RMB.

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What the fuck is an RMB?


It's a currency abbreviation.




In which country to you pay with Rwanda?


In the Omani Empire Rwandans were an accepted form of currency. I'm surprised they're still being used though, and 55,000 Rwandans seems very expensive.


Vidrel is about the Argentine comic book artist Hector Oesterheld. TL;DR: He wrote a comic book about the life of Che. He also wrote fictional comics that were critical of the fascist military junta that ruled Argentina at the time, which got him and all 4 of his daughters tortured and killed.

How and why do people put not only their own lives, but also the lives of their families to speak up against fascists? Like, it's one thing to die in battle, and another to get yourself and your family tortured to death in the most gruesome manner. Keep in mind, he published his last comic while on the run after the death of his daughters. What inspires such bravery and/or stupidity?
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A website / forum that specializes in turning video essays into a readable format would be a godsend.


Most men don't choose or desire to have children, they just fuck and it happens.


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>Why live with dignity rather than waiting to be reaped?


Finally someone gets it.


And they tote around their wife and kids as maturity license. Notice how alot of them often like to patronise/bully men whom are single/childless?

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it's tiresome how people think fixating on the differences between median and average makes them sound smart. especially when they are talking about massive datasets.
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doctors gone…


If you want to know how most people are living, ignoring billionaires would be misleading⸮


"What is a distribution of wealth in society" and "how most people are living" are two different question with latter being extremely poorly formulated and not operationalized.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services, so these two questions are closely related & the contrast between mean and median income is relevant for both questions.


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Post Zero Two! NSFW, SFW it doesn't matter just post her.
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yeah imagine how lewd it'd be




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>yeah imagine how hot it'd be



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just a friendly reminder robbing a bank is not that bad, it's both (lumpen)proletarian, and it's american tradition, 1798 pennsylvania was where the first ever american bank heist took place, no hackers, no con artists, no ocean's eleven bullshit, just two men with long kentuky rifle, cultasses, powderwigs on top of their balaclavas and the grindset at heart, days later the first guy had died of yellow fever (typical early america things) and the second guy was caught due to him needing to hide his payday somewhere,……….by depositing it at the same bank he had burglared. this is more than enough proof bank robberies are a patriotic act, as american as apple pies and cowboys, robbers built this damn country.
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Check out Hell or High water for a modern day bank robbing kino.


yeah but the big problem is that banks are not full of cash anymore


They are the elites of the bank robberies world, lumpenbougies who rob rival casinos and museums, real lumpenproletarian Robbers break into small businesses


Karl Marx was lumpen. He would want us to rob banks.


it's an unfortunate act of desperation if it's someone in poverty that just needs some cash to get by

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>huggingchat AI has been censored and now I can‘t roleplay anymore as a werewolf with a huge cock raping desperate house wives
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nuh uh


well she was also an egg in another woman
having sex means you're bisexual by definition it seems


and who fertilized that egg? A MAN


Most erotica/porn is male fantasy so we all gay.


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Since the foot fetish threads have already been split into IRL and anime ones, I think it is fair to open up a dedicated furry feet thread too. Post your favorite furry paw art, discuss what kind of anthro feet you like the most, stories and others, just do not be a dickwad.
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lolberts when they realize censorship actually work

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