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Fuck off I just posted this >>546028


very cool
intellectual property is a spook, anon


I was gonna ask them:

Ok, so let me get this right. You are a socialist who allies themself with the people who hate socialism the most… because hitler is "the most documented person on earth and it's extremely helpful to read his history". Completely incoherent.


sounds like ai or tool-assisted federal agent

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Why are people here so fiercely violent against Israelis? Not even bourgeois Israelis or politicians, just everyday average citizens. Do you just hate Jews who reside in Israel, even though most Jews are Zionists anyway?
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One is pro-palestine and the other is anti-jewish state


>if I change the meaning of words the left is antisemitic too!

ok great, i'm proud of you


i wasnt at first but hearing every single jew ive talked to unrepentantly support zionist causes is starting to wear my patience thin


And i mean this in the literal way. Most identitarian White Americans don't even give a damn about other White people. Did you see an identitarian burning himself to death for the sake of peace in Russia-Ukraine? No. In fact they actively make memes about this. RW populism is not about loving Whites it's about hating uyghurs


There's no such thing as a "Jew" (Read Sand's The Invention of the Jewish People) there is only the Jew who hasn't assimilated yet, and there is the Jew who has assimilated by becoming nationalists for their own nation.

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how do you deal with narcissistic parents?

POV: you had to start a gofundme to make rent and fucked up by telling your mother
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>Im homeless living in a tent now
Be careful. Social darwinists will lash out at you and murder you in cold blood.


Fatties with patrick bateman pfps dont scare me


vigilantes tend to murder homeless people while they're sleeping


My narcissistic father had sex with me.


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Share your tips and tricks for filling your belly with this delicious poison without feeling poisoned in the morning.
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Sounds demanding, but that should ward off a hangover.


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That's fair. I'm a big absinthe fan, so I'll post a cocktail:
>Death in the Afternoon
>1 part absinthe
>enough champagne that you get a louche idk


Might do this but swap the vodka out for flavored Soju


That is the breakfast of champion raging alcoholics. It definitely has more get up and go than vodka Red Bull or Irish coffee.


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Speaking of Irish coffee…I know it’s a massive bastardizion but my recipe is objectively better.

>one spoon of (organic barrel aged) maple syrup. Not that“breakfast syrup” slop. Pay a little extra or just throw your money in the trash.

>one shot of club soda to loosen up the syrup.
>one part barrel aged rum. Make sure there’s no added sugar. I prefer Flor DeCana or Appleton (if I’m in the mood for something funky) or Havana Club for that perfect balance.
>one part cold brew concentrate
>add club soda to your liking
>no milk, no cream, no whipped cream. Maybe cold foam, if you’re okay with puking a little.
>chocolate bitters are a nice touch.


Please share whatever OC of general secretary Doidld Tyatsmr you have

plus points if schizo
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>Weirdly though my MAGA family not only love Putin but are down with Xi now

we're back


why is this thread here and not /leftypol/?


>called "magacommunism" which is of course reminiscent of Hitlerite "national socialism" from the 1930s

what are they gonna do if they won ? kill the jews ? ofcourse no, the Americans have no lore about them like the germans. so why be afaraid of it if it will just be a welfare movement ?


they're gonna kill the "globohomo fags". That's their "jews".


Also when national "socialists" won they didn't just kill jews. They didn't even primarily kill jews. They killed Communists, socialists, homosexuals, and even liberals and conservatives who opposed them. Any kind of reactionary fascism that appropriates working class rhetoric is bound to do something like this after taking power. National socialism with american characteristics will possibly take the form of an anti-LGBT and/or anti-immigrant movement in terms of who it scapegoats for the actions of the bourgeoisie.

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In 30 years we will look back at this being America's Chernobyl moment.


How so?


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You might think something is happening, but.. nothing ever happens.


>You might think something is happening, but.. nothing ever happens.
In terms of what? Everything is relative.

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Breed of peace
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Did the dog eat her afterwards?


99% of dog owners only give their dogs the occasional bath and trip to the vet


I've always thought it would be funny to release a van full of pitbulls on a politician or high flying exec. Especially considering in lots of places people don't get in trouble for maulings.
How was I supposed to know the van full of pitbulls I set loose as I was driving past my local representative was dangerous? They're nanny dogs sweatie stop being a dog racist.


Ultimate pitsimp cope.




>fell for the black haired pale twink mlm at the socialist org
>bought him burger king and he smiled at me and talked about interests
how cooked am i? i think I am fucked.
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he talks about shining path alot.


>Glowing Path
The sex will be great, but not relationship material.


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oh thats a shame, perhaps i can fix him


I'm confused Anon, what did you do wrong?


Snakes go Hisss and frogs go ribbit. Is she stupid?

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Why are defenders of Hollywood slop like this?
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streetb coming out of your place…..
sorry it was as strong

so, reviser as strong,…


I am not saying i am not leaving…. just saying



let the sun kiss your skin at least once a week


It's decent if you like monke, otherwise not special, is what I meant. A movie for fans of the "genre", rather than the general public, if that makes sense.

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Anyone looking for advice on buying a new car?
Anyone got any advice on buying a new car?
Let’s be ferns.
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Get a Highlander, I used to work at vehicle inspections and I saw a bunch of those things cruising around with 300k miles ore more and no issues.


Damn it. I was hoping times had changed.
I’ve been failing to buy a used Toyota since the penny saver days.
They’re either just outside of my price range or have some kind of structural damage once I have a mechanic take a look.
It seems like all the best ones are bought up the minute a good deal hits the market.


get a toyota boku no pico


Damn it. I’ve taken a lot of cars for a test drive, but there just aren’t any good deals on Toyota.
They just don’t drop in value, until there’s some sort of deal breaker.


I mean, I hear Acuras are generally good, people know about toyotas so they hold their value. Any American suv that isn't a Chrysler will be pretty reliable and pretty affordable but you probably won't like it very much.

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