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this is a stuffies thread
post your stuffies and how much you nuzzle them
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That's dumb, just go and buy a cute one.

it's at least something to hug

It's just plushies, you can do it lmao

He doesn't like to be hugged but I pet and sleep next to him.


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Why don't best friends kiss for fun? You can show affection without sexual attraction. Kissing shouldn't be innately sexual and should be done among friends.
32 posts and 7 image replies omitted.

nobody looks like this

Can you explain why? I thought they do

Because it's degenerate and against human nature

>Among the indigenous Tapirapé people of Central Brazil, Wagley (1977) found that “couples showed affection”, but “kissing seems to have been unknown”. He explains:

<"When I described it to them, it struck them as a strange form of showing physical attraction … and, in a way, disgusting."

>Across the Pacific Ocean in Melanesia, Bronislaw Malinowski’s (1929: 330) classic account describes the impression of kissing among Trobriand Islanders, who were equally bemused by the foreign custom:

<"Certainly it never forms a self-contained independent source of pleasure, nor is it a definite preliminary stage of love-making, as is the case with us. This caress was never spontaneously mentioned by the natives, and, to direct inquiries, I always received a negative answer. The natives know, however, that white people “will sit, will press mouth against mouth–they are pleased with it.” But they regard it as a rather insipid and silly form of amusement."

>The Tsonga people of Southern Africa are also openly disgusted by the practice: “Kissing was formerly entirely unknown… When they saw the custom adopted by the Europeans, they said laughingly: “Look at these people! They suck each other! They eat each other’s saliva and dirt!” Even a husband never kissed his wife.”


Some of these indigenous ethnicities have boys drink semen for rites of passage

my friends are ugly

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Map autism thread.
3 posts omitted.

We need to get rid of Milei and the tiny red dots in the Americas

Paint the New World blue

Shouldn't the UK be blue now?

Is this an alt history map or some shit?

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Allies WON


Uyghur we were winning as Soviets in HOI1.


You will only receive bare minimum to survive
>Lower socialism: the worker receives from the unitary economic and social organization a fixed quantity of products that he needs to live and cannot have any more. Money disappears; it is replaced by consumer coupons that cannot be accumulated or exchanged for any but their designated purposes. A rationing card? Yes, in lower socialism there will be rationing cards for everyone, without the employment of money and without the existence of a market.

You will have ZERO fun
>The drunk who waves his bottle, saying, it’s mine, I bought it with the money from my wages (paid by private or State institutions), while he is a victim of the Capital form, is also a usufructuary traitor to the health of the species. And so is the idiot who smokes cigarettes! Such “property” will be eliminated from the higher organization of society.

You will be a SLAVE to the MATRIARCHY
>We then encounter the admirable matriarchy in which the woman, the “mater,” leads her men and descendants; it is the first major social form of a natural power in the actual sense of the word, in which the woman is not passive but active, not a slave, but a mistress. The tradition of this still lives on in the Roman family; the term family comes from “famulus,” i. e. slave, while wife [it. donna] comes from “domina,” i. e. mistress. In this primitive communism, which is crude but knows neither property nor money, love stands much higher than at the time of the legendary robberies. It is not the man who takes possession of the woman as an object, but the mater, who we do not want to call a woman[18], chooses her husband to carry out with him the task of spreading the species, a task incumbent upon her in a natural and human form.
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the proletariat already owns nothing idiot

Proletarians own labor-power, dumbass

>having nothing to sell but your labor is the same as owning property and reserves
Fucking retard.

OP you're supposed to misread it in a funny way when making threads like this.
Now your redtext just reads as dumb AND unfunny (cringe).

>When booj owns labor-power: "OMG LOOK AT ALL THESE RESERVES!"
>When prole owns labor-power: "Bruh, he's basically propertyless"

Proles also own their own body, unlike slaves, but they won't under Left-Communist Dictatorship

>Were the commodity character of production to disappear (for instance, through the organisation of all world economy as one gigantic state trust, the impossibility of which we tried to prove in our chapter on ultra-imperialism) we would have an entirely new economic form. This would be capitalism no more, for the production of commodities would have disappeared; still less would it be socialism, for the power of one class over the other would have remained (and even grown stronger). Such an economic structure would, most of all, resemble a slaveowning economy where the slave market is absent.



>movie night with date
>He/she pulls this
What you do?
14 posts and 2 image replies omitted.

This never fails to crack me up everytime it gets reposted.

90s Anastasia soundtrack was bussin fr fr no cap. All of those 90s cartoons went hard with the RnB stars. I'm a big Peabo Bryson and Aalyiah fan.

It's funny how all the people complaining about the woke children's cartoons don't point out how negrofied the cartoons were becoming in the 90s.

HR is politely requesting you not to use the word 'negrofied' ever again

These are the kinds of images that can only be crafted by an American mind. Nowhere else on Earth.

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>be me, 18 yo virgin gamer
>join Mormon church to get a gf
>mfw wtf am married now
>we read CES letter, become exmos
>wife becomes poly witch stoner
>aka fat cheating lazy whore with Book of Abraham tier beliefs
>son appears to me from premortal realm in dream
>says to fix our home so he can be born
>take wife to woods to commune with the Ancestral Gods
>sneak shrooms in her snacks and hide a speaker in a tree
>speaker starts blasting LDS hymns
>she’s tripping balls, I fuck her brains out while teaching her to submit to my priestly authority
>her whole body heaves and shakes in scary ways as she orgasms for a whole hour

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0/10 terrible post

>join Mormon church to get a gf
I heard they get entire harems. American evangelicals are insane.

they give muzzlems the shit for 72 virgins then go and have and entire state full of mormon institutions

i joined the catholic church to just make frens

i dont believe this story and if its true you're still a retard

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Ghostface: serial mysoginist and prescient caricature of beta males, or secret anti-villain and 90s hero?

ghostface was soyfacing before it was cool

Billy and Stu were fuckin, there's more layers to this than you know. Also, fuck the sequels, all of them.

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Just a reminder that being DRAINED is the best state to be in when reading theory. Patronize your local hooker.
110 posts and 9 image replies omitted.

Everybody on an anonymous imageboard is a faggot.
At least they know their Mao.

All publicity is good publicity especially when we're competing with the rethuglican and demonrat campaign machinery for airspace

That is the biggest copium ever. From a "moral" perspective, does that mean if i pay someone to rape somebody else that makes me more moral than an actual rapist because i'm not the one directly doing that? Or if i abetted the lifestyle of a known rapist by buying his products then i'm not as guilty because i obscured the real exploitation into economic relations?

OP is a retarded faggot as is the twitter account fag

why u repeat yourself

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>>579188 (me)
gg guys, i got it


Okay, so hear me out. I decided to binge a bunch of Chinese Civil War literature in hopes of finding a way I can contribute to the revolution, and I think modern leftists really underestimate the value of lessons learned during that period. I don't know why this isn't often discussed, but a major reason Mao was able to assume control of China was because he was able to leverage his vast network of hooker-propogandist-informants. Again, its often long ignored by modern leftists, but after being DRAINED, Mao would engage hookers with rudimentary (but occasionally hours long) lectures on leftist theory. While every hooker he spoke with wasn't receptive to this, many became sympathetic to the revolution and voluntarily acted as informants and advocates for the revolution. Mao Zedong's vast human surveillance network of hookers enabled him to beat Nationalist forces and spread communism throughout all of China. What I'm advocating for is for all leftists to engage with the hookers that drain them on an intellectual level. After being DRAINED by a hooker, get them to know and truly understand leftist theory (it doesn't need to be communist, or even Maoist). The more hookers that are sympathetic to our cause, the more people will be exposed to our ideals. Additionally, if it is ever necessary, these sympathetic hookers may become vital aspects of our human intelligence network.

The full title is "Grassroots Dispersion of Leftist Ideology In 2024: An Analysis of Maoist Labor Agitation During The Chinese Civil War." And I will expand upon this for my masters thesis. And, yes, I was prompted to write this after being DRAINED by my favorite hooker.

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