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Is he based for having for standing his ground or is he cringe?
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The guy in the video was standing ground against idpol
A lot of cultures have speaking head wiggles. Fluffy talks about it around the 2:50 mark in vidrel.

It used to be a thing before the twentieth century in western society

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Kind of.

You definitely shouldn't be accepting of open bigotry, simply because it's idpol. If you let people who yammer on and on about race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. into your movement with no pushback, you're going to find your movement overtaken by people who care about those things way more than they do the class struggle. It's how you end up with mental retardation like picrel.

However, rejecting them outright just leaves them to go be a moron somewhere else. If possible, you should educate these people; meet them at their level, but then drag them to yours.

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kill reactionaries

>That said. I think there are a lot of non-bigoted White guys that are suffering under capitalism. I would rather work with those guys instead of wasting time converting idiots.
How many overt racists are gonna show up to the communist party meetings do you honestly think? If people are turning out it's because they're at the very least interested in the class struggle. There's no point in doing the kind of witch hunts for le bigots implied by the guy in OP's video. It's one thing to correct people for actually doing or saying something wrong, whatever that may be. It's another to try to purge people who don't meet your moral scruples. We have enough problems with splitting. We don't need fed idiots like that guy pointing fingers until we have a circular firing squad.

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African folk music thread. In this thread the body will be too short, but the soul will be very long.

>inb4 anything



i like shit

you mean free bumps? good

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Been trying to come up with a good trolling campaign, I've thought about making rw profiles on twitter and posting about how you need to drink small amounts of bleach to "de-vaxx" yourself over the course of 6 months. I'm mostly thinking about online stuff but I'm down for irl action as well

Do any of you have any good ideas? Also do you guys wanna help me spread this kind of stuff?

Smoke weed and they seethe

damn, chill. killing boomers isn't trolling, man. don't get my mom killed

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>small amounts of bleach
They're already doing that for various reasons, you'd only contribute more to their ideology without changing much.

I'd say the best way to troll them is to get leftist and liberal debate addicts on twitter and other hellsites to migrate off of these platforms so the rightoids are forced to debate eachother, as currently seen with twitter and 4chan.
If everyone that made social media fun for them by giving them opportunities to debate moved off, they will go into withdrawlz.

make crypto coins for rightoids

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This body was too short short short
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A mi me lo quitaron hace mil años. Solo es justo que el resto de México sea circuncidado.

>They took my foreskin
>Billions must be mutilate
Why are chuds like this?

The 4T is powered by foreskin-necromancy. Submit willingly or the 4T-skin police will come for your extra skin.

Chat is this real?

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It's in the bible anon
Aren't you in for the theology of liberation and the calls of Christ to end the bourguieoisie?
This is just a mere asking of God.
In for an inch, in for a mile

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Anon, the dog got smushed

>his body?

>The body was too smushed or empty.
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Nooo Moo deng! 😭

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>>604921 oh no!
i'm glad i stopped watching the sopranos now that i know there's a cat smushing scene

Cozzete is a dog

dey dogs smushed that cat into two what the heck

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What are your thoughts on "meta maxxing" or; using all the newly-developing technologies as a job source\ personal business enterprise (small ,not huge)? Namely: 3D printer, A.I. stuff, VR headset, and the intermingling between them.
Should I study 4-8 years worth of this stuff? programming, graphic design, A.I. certifications, cyber-security, etc?

Don't bother it will take less than four years for the bubble to pop.

I can see why generative AI and 3D printing can be seen as highly overestimated by speculative markets, but I think that Virtual Reality has the potential to be civilization-changing in a few decades. If civilization doesn't collapse in a few decades, that is.

only if they create near-perfect VR that you can actually live in.

3D printing is the real deal but it's too esoteric for most people to understand and use properly (they just want to make slop or they lack 3d modeling skills)

but it can't be scaled up, other methods are generally more economical, but nothing beats 3D printing for production at small scales. You can reproduce and 3D print a lot of obsolete parts that aren't made anymore, and while they won't be as strong as the original item, having something can often be better than nothing

I do have a neglected webvr portion of my site, I should spin that back up.

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Why does death and nothingness make me feel so sad? Currently, Trudeau is set to resign, and I cannot shake off the feeling that humans will come to see many more of their leaders, beliefs, and institutions just fade into oblivion.

The British monarch is gone
Assad is gone
Nearly all African and South American dictators are gone
A growing number of people are recognizing the false existence of miracles, god(s), justice, karma, magic, mysticism, immortality, total regeneration, necromancy, pseudoscience, spectacles in history, souls, spiritism, conspiracies, and any other idea people use to give themselves false reassurance about their surroundings.
Market economies are facing eradication worldwide
Governments are being forced to decentralize
The ussr is gone
I can’t count how many celebrities are dead or retired
A larger portion of the planet is ageing to death

Like. The world felt a lot more full of life and meaning just a decade ago and even more full of life and spectacles centuries before. Everything these days feels repetitive, empty, dying, and or dead.
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Not really. There’s a pessimistic nihilistic component to my thinking. I just don’t believe that it’s possible to see a future where everything doesn’t die.

Again, most of my opinions are objective. You see how dead the planet is today compared to the past too no? Do you really think anything interesting will happen these days compared to the achievements of a century before?

>Again, most of my opinions are objective. You see how dead the planet is today compared to the past too no? Do you really think anything interesting will happen these days compared to the achievements of a century before?

Dead in what?
Also, most of history has had decades of peasants working in squalor. Most historical happenings were fee and far in between.
And a lot of historical events we read about were not as glamorous nor spontaneous as the books made them out to be.

At least they fucking happened. We’re literally at our most violent point this century and we didn’t even get so little as a full colour revolution out of it

I hate people like you. Your brain is fried from action adventure movies. You think histtory is supposed to happen like in comic books.

Also again, in history, revolution is often rare and slow to reparation.

We aren't even at the most violent point in history.
We just have a lot more news stories being made often about recycled opinions.

OP is low-key reactionary.
He wants the world to return to his selfish aesthetic impression of culture

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In this thread we are writing a letter to Luigi one post/word at a time.

Let's start:

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pissed "porkies"


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chef's kiss


Inspired by https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/75372.html#

Yes, It's another whine about 4chan thread, but what the fuck is going on? I always knew chans had a glowfag problem but the bots are new to me. I heard about ai scraping on 4chan posts and corpos wanting to shill products on there but I thought that was the full extent of it. /g/ is absolutely unusable right now and I'm guessing /pol/ is too but fuck em. There's an elon thread up there that's full of strange posts. What's happening?
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I do that's why I proposed what i did.

>Inspired by https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/75372.html#
I think I know which thread that is (didn't click to check). There are a handful of decent posts and then a whole fucking bunch of paranoid bullshit, which is expected given that a part of their userbase is the /r/privacy \ 8ch /tech/ type of pseud conspiracy idiot.


your own fault at this point.
>llm scraping
A few years back some anon made a public LLM trained on /pol/ data. This isn't hard to plug into a bot, so long as you can buy autosolves on captchas or 4chin passes.
I think I also mentioned it in that thread, there was a person who tried to start a shilling service where you would get money for shilling on certain chan boards, but it's dead now.
Has been full of shilling for many years, like maybe 10. This isn't even a bot issue.

Seriously, so many posts attributed to bots aren't made by bots. I've written post bots, I've seen them used by others, and most stuff people assume are bots probably aren't, they're just people shilling manually.
Example with evidence: https://trashchan.xyz/meta/thread/374.html

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Good. Keeps the kind of garbage we have here from dominating the site.
Lainchan isn't a *pol/ site and doesn't want to be. Cry about it, tourist.
Only crit is those warnings should become bans.

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Not one person called him an esl even though it's barely legible. The shit is just weird man.

gemmy reference to adrian dittman aka elon musk
god hes cringe

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>revenge is le bad you will become just like him if you kill him and yes even if he raped and killed your daughter

Why are movie writers like that?
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Damn so the proletariat should keep the bourgeoisie in cages stripped naked force fed junk food until they are all morbidly obese, the marched to the desert where inevitably many will die on the way. Then once the survivors make it start A-10s strafe them with depleted uranium rounds until all are dead or not, who cares then just leave.

Atavistic cultural heritage from Christiansim

you guys don't get it.
revenge is not "morally wrong". it just brings you nothing. you will feel empty after doing it

In fact most of morality lies in the same foundation as revenge. Rather than identifying behavior as the result of the material conditions of the subject, focus is placed on the subject having generated some justice deficit, and that this justness can be regenerated by bringing harm upon the subject.
Sometimes the narrative is that the injustice was commited because there is some inherent injustice in the subject's essence so the only way to appease the justice gods is to sacrifice them or torture them through exhilation or carceration.

Disagree, revenge is just a socially acceptable outlet for sadistic impulses. The moral reasoning you exposed is just how people are rationalizing it.

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