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Gordon Ramsay was just in Cuba. If you like Cuba and/or Ramsay I uploaded the episode here: https://we.tl/t-2FZ13XJzzy (link available for 1 week)
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What the fuck was he doing to get eaten by badgers? Fucking them? Nah he 3foot tall, badgers where probably the ones fucking him


Most British "celebrities" are almost certainly the product of a "public" school upbringing - for some silly historical reason, a "public" school in England is actually a private school, therefore posh and exclusive. It's almost superfluous to say that in those kinds of establishments a lot of pederasty goes on and the result of that rampant sex abuse is those kind of demented bullies.
Btw, if you're interested in a relatively balanced coverage of Cuba on Bong telly, look for Joanna Lumley's trip there. She doesn't shit on Cuba even for a nanosecond for the entirety of two episodes. There's also an episode about Haiti on that series, and the difference between the two nations is like night and day. In general, I advise you to check Joanna's travels, it's really good and entertaining stuff.


the abuse in the schools help to preserve an esprit d corps for the future elite.
thats why Richard Dawkins defended his experiences with pedophilia.
and anyone who criticises child abuse at public school gets ostracised.


Thats why adults downplay/moralise bullying as "toughening up" the youngins.

Thats also why they adapt "Lord Of The Flies" as rationalisation for institutional misopedia.
In fact, the main characters in that book were British prep school boys.

That explains why theyre so savage, not because of their age alone.

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I wanna go back so badly, I want to correct my life

If only..
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Well for one, I would try to be less reciprocal with people and try to avoid them more often. I find that alot of my problems were and are created by other people, chiefly my parents, but also others who took advantage of me. I would argue making friends, especially in schools, is the last thing one should do because you risk opening yourself up to potential enemies then getting bullied for it.


I would kill myself.


But also quite frankly, this, in addition I would go so far as preventing my parents from ever conceiving me.


So sigma


Fuck time machines.
Alternate reality would be much better.

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Streeeeeet sharks




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What can be improved here or is it already perfect?


Beautiful, keep up the good work


Anon, stop doing speed

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Can my lawyer bros relate?


you should cheat on your wife immediately with a femboy


Holy poop it's John K the creator of Ren & Stimpy!

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I thought 420chan.org was back.

Srsly thouhh I forgot you existed I remember sometimes browsing you while waiting for my hypno porn to download back on the 8chan days..

Fuck you all though
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>I thought 420chan.org was back.

It's gone?


Hey it's like staying at a friend's house until you can get a more stable living situation. Eventually another 420 will pop up. Until then /siberia/ and /hobby/ should be sufficient.


It's a 15+ year old project and most everyone who used to use it moved on or died.
Why not just accept it's over?


The guy who made 420 redirected here as a joke. It's not our fault lol


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Sadly he will actually fit in here.

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You will live to see leftism in your time.
You will be around to see people become more aware of class.
You will make leftist friends, ho don't care about your looks, race, gender and just want to be friends with you.
You will live to see a more fair, and more utopian society.
You are going to be around when Capitalism crumbles, and most people will accept working together,
There is not going to be a fascist uprising.
The future is very bright, and you will live to see it all.
Then after much time, you will die surrounded by your loved-ones.
You will move on from this coil, approaching 100 knowing that the world is in a better state, and people will miss you.
Things seem dark, but they will not be this way forever. You are going to see things get better.
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mom can i have some uuhh laosian leftism with a bit of anarchism sprinkled in today


mom can i have some uuhh laosian leftism with a bit of anarchism sprinkled in today


>You will live to see a more fair, and more utopian society.
I don't wanna live in a utopian society, sounds really boring.


>Then after much time, you will die surrounded by your loved-ones.
>You will move on from this coil, approaching 100
That's not good enough. If I die of old age before extended longevity is discovered I will consider myself to be living in the bad timeline. It will only be utopian if I get to live for millions of years in a post-work post-suffering democratic socialist vegan hedonistic-transhumanist utopia a la the culture. If mortality, work, and pain still exist then I will consider the future to either be doomed or to not yet have occurred.


i will live to see it all

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Who's cooler?


Yeltsin - nothing is less cool than being British.
But there is a funny mirroring in their careers: in 1996 and in 2019, Boris had to be propped up by unspeakable levels of corruption and press lies to hold off the left (communists in Russia, the mildest possible European socdem reformists in Britain…), only to later be recognized to a higher degree as being total embarrassments. In the British case, unlike the Russian, it seems there's a higher degree of willing to pretend there's a discontinuity - "United United Kingdom" doesn't work as a party name, so instead dominance must go to "Labour".


>nothing is less cool than being British.
Are the French or the Italians cooler than bongs?


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>Are the French or the Italians cooler than bongs?
Italians definitely, duh. Italians are the prototypical cool guys, that's why their fashion and cars are the most prestigious in the world. I think Frogs are overrated personally but maybe.


I don't really care that much about Disney Star Wars, but I just learned that in the latest episode of The Acolyte, they introduced a canon and apparently-unironic gender-flipped version of the joke from Oglaf and I can't stop giggling to myself about it.


Force Butt Birth


so inherently inferior to men giving birth via their poopers


Wasn’t it implied in one of the comics that darth sidius or whatever used force to make anakins mom pregnant?


They probably retconned it in the Disney canon


Yes, but that was supposed to be something seemingly impossible, even with the Force, that showed how special Anakin was.

As far as I can tell, making babies with the Thread is just something the witches can do.

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Do you ever wonder if lesbian indian women are as provocative towards women as indian guys on the internet? Like imagine You're a westoid white thot and an Indian girl is in your DMs like "hey cutie send me your bob I like girls vagene I kiss your poosie lips I love you ok fuck you with strap-on next week"
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Wouldn't surprise me at all if they act that way towards white men


We all know Indian women were built for BFC (Big Filipino Cock)


I work with an Indian chick and she touches me sometimes but in ways that have plausible deniability.


Women be doing that all the time tbh


What if an Indian woman was gay and Chinese?
Hell yeah dude

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