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>WHy the fuck was this spoilered? MODS!!!
probably due to frog


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>posting on a porn thread
These were more like 'miring threads before people started porning it up.

ok here's a version with alunya doing the face instead


Nice tattoos



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i feel like crying. pic unrelated


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I am feeling a strong headache. Very unfortunate. It is cold.


im sorry to hear that


it s fine, it is ok. Hope you guys are also ok.


How do I stop hating myself so much?
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uygha goes on to write a 30 chapter book


just dont say youre suicidal


Have you thought about transitioning?


just be chill haha 🤙


Remember - its not you who is sick, its the world.

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Did it cause the internet to turn into the horrible place it is now?
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I've heard about this place so many times but I know nothing about it, and trying to visit it didn't enlighten me. What was so special about this place? Is it still that way?


It was one of the biggest websites in the 2000s when the internet itself had just been mass-adopted among American suburbanites. Many of the same people who browsed it would go on to become e-celebs, site founders and just generally punch above their weight when it comes to influencing online culture in the 2010s.


every day i'm thankful that that fucker lowtax killed himself.


it's where image macro memes come from
it was one of the biggest sites of the forum era, if not the biggest
moot was there when he was a teenager
the weird twitter people and some twitter leftist cliques come from there as well


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i always found it interesting how SA's userbase shook its reactionary brainrot (for the most part) but its contemporaries got worse about it

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Something ironic about sending your landlord a gofundme (in hopes that he doesn't evict you immediately) and he asks "Anything I can do to help?"

Jee, I dunno, maybe wave the rent? Make a donation?


Anyway, if you guys could share this around that would be swell. I'm no contact with my family on account of them being conservatives and me being openly queer. So things are looking dire.

There's a lot shame that comes with sharing this type of thing. I became unemployed at the end of January, after my company stole my last check, I inquired and they fired me. At the same time, my Driver's License had expired. I had renewed online but they never mailed it, you can only renew an expired DL in-person, and Texas has a nearly 6 month waiting period for this, due to anti-migrant policies and general understaffing.

I've been homeless twice now, once after getting kicked out at 18 and in 2021 during Covid. I don't want to be homeless again, because this time it won't be bouncing between motels and couches, it'll be street homeless with no way out, no permanent address and no ID.
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I contacted the Texas Labor Board yea, they told me to kick rocks, basically saying I assumed the risk when working as a 1099 contractor.

This is also why I don't get unemployment. In tech, most of the lower level jobs are 1099, so no benefits.


Yes Texas sucks ass and I wish I never moved here. Living without a car in this city as well as been a nightmare. I had plans on moving before I lost my job, had a good bit saved up but that's long gone.


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I owe $150 on a Cashapp loan. I can borrow $400 from Cashapp.

If I pay off this $150 for the loan, I can re-borrow $400, and immediately send that to my landlord. It's not the entire rent, but it's a large enough amount to where I know he won't file an eviction. I can get the rest of the money later, I have a few things pending sale on Mercari, the last of my video game collection (anyone want to buy a PS2?).

I also have $100 in pending donations but bc of the holiday on the 4th, I won't have the money until next week. I have gotten $200 in donations in total, the first $100 of that went to paying down that loan, as it automatically takes my money to do so.

It's honestly insane how much money $150 dollars feels like right now, when these rich porkies can spend that on a single dinner like it's nothing.


move away from this shithole, preferably on a city that is atleast has a amount of jobs.
even california is better than texas


I have a plan to link up with a growing amount of comrades I've been networking with via my brand in Miami (hopefully by the end of the summer), though recently coming to terms with being trans has made me re-think the viability of Florida as a whole.

I'm from bumfuck Louisiana, San Antonio was just the closest city not named Houston, it was never supposed to be long term, just a way to escape my family.

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Pedophiles of Leftypol, beware.
On behalf of every victim of child abuse we will take over the government this November 5.
We will seize the government, arrest your supporters
Using the power and justice of law enforcement
Because you gratify yourself with images of raped children and supported one clown of a president.
With evidence of their guilt and yours, your fate is sealed.
And independent researchers will make it easy.
Fuck you, pedos. Trump 2024. We are winning. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
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You hate everyone but claim to love Him and conflate this "country" with Him. His blood covers you not, until burgervile is well below Christ in your heart.


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annoying faggot, keys


Thats actually pretty impressive drawing anon.


>You hate everyone
source? We only disagree and never hate - and what you consider "hateful" behavior is really just self-defense. If a pro life protester attacks pro abortionists, that would be an abomination, but so is vice versa.
>but claim to love Him
Yes I do
>and conflate this "country" with Him
If Almighty God intended the United States to be that way, why not be it?
>His blood covers you not

>until burgerville

Ah, a nice insult right there. Sorry man, it's really pathetic.
>is well below Christ in your heart.
America is a God-ordained country, why object to it? God bless America!

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It's over Bidenbros… They be taking the White House on November 5 and y'all will surely be extreminated… be it through arrests or even deaths - BLOOD WILL BE SPILT DURING THE STRUGGLE, AND AMERICA WILL REGAIN ITS POSITION AS A GREAT COUNTRY - AGAIN!!! #MAGA #TRUMP2025


Maybe you should lurk more before posting.


>the anarchist got baited
lol, lmao even


That's not specific to anarchists tbdh famalam

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>neglect stonerchan
>a week into its creation there's already a right winger spreading info-charts on books to read to become a rightoid

on an unrelated note why dont we ever do stuff like this, rightoids are extremely committed to posting their shit everywhere in the interwebz and I've never seen left wingers be as enthusiastic. Rightoids basically do agitprop online for free 24/7 whereas this is just a book reading club.

pic unrelated
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Our situation is only hopeless as long as the dollar remains the world's reserve currency. Once the internet and the global economy decouples, it'll be a new gold rush for companies to clone eachother due to the unenforcability of intellectual property. That means an incredible amount of protectionist competition and commercial enterprise.


shut up


what >>549906 said, leftists actually go out and go to work and socialize while far rightists just sit on their ass all day to bitch and moan about black people existing in childrens media. The reason they do free agitprop online 24/7 is cuz like all /pol/yp style rightists there annoying losers with no friends.


ya know now that you mention it outside of FPS and paradox games the gaming community is actually isn't that chinletdy. Common indie game W


I mean half of Paradox players are communists anyway


>be Adolf Hitler
>be dead
Lmao what a retard


should've taken it all up to paris tbh


Hitler is alive in Argentina obviously

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praise the sun
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Fusion power


Bro you might as well claim oil is fusion energy since it originate from photosynthesis using the light cominf from the sun's nuclear fusion


Exactly, pretty much every energy source on earth except for geothermal is a result of solar energy, even wind and hydro. So why not get it directly?


>all these (you)'s from a shitpost

we should just build a dyson sphere obviously

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