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mods better unban unkle adams, or i'll be forced to get out the hot iron rod, and who knows what i might do with it… (it starts with a # and ends with an A)

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we'll do as soon as you pinky promise not to rape any maga men or women, including the president

Actually it would be funny if you raped. But only Trump. Maybe musk also

americans are too desensitized to violence, they can dish it out but they can't take it, i think htey need to see their president violently sodomised on live television for the world to see, they need to know what its like.

Trump raped me.

better rape him back, or i'll force you to force fuck him.

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and i'm tired of pretending it's not true.

>too long didn't read

don't you see it too? it's wierd when rightoids, or even edgy people of all beliefs in general discredit criminals as leftoid or degenerates and barbarians, cry about defunding the police, but then unless these criminals do their crimes professionally; say some lolbertarian anti-government stuff, get away with it, fit the criterea of their beliefs then suddenly these criminals are based and cool.

hell an arab mugger and a dude who steals from old people bank accounts via hacking are both criminals, yet these people will look at the first as dump dindu thug and whine how the cops aren't beating him enough, and the other as smart streetwise.

why is the same violence you see perpetrated by thugs and petty criminals suddenly seems worth the praise to these people when the perpetrators are either shrewd, did it professionally or seem charismatic on air despite still being criminals? (especially dump gurus who go on and on about being alpha and never cowering to nobody, but then say gta games disrespect cops and we must respect all cops)
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if you think about it, northern italians are just bragging that instead of their ancestors being fucked by greeks and arabs and africans, theirs were fucked by the gauls and celts instead, imagine bragging that you're blonde because some german guy came in your great great granma lmao

Lazio is terronia too

minorities have bee bought off time an time again with white women, like elrigle cleaver when he married a white women, then he was palling around with Ronald Reagan at christian conferences

for me, it's bank robbery movies from the 2000s

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do you pay your taxes leftypol? do you pay your money tribute to the military/basic public needs/israel/goverment projects that'll never be built

Yeah but where I live it's more like a donation to the prime minister's son in law.

i was gonna put something similar in the list


I got raped by a male staff at CAMH now everyone of the staff members aren't letting me sleep and they're giving me expired food on my tray. I want help this is hell please save me and get this place off the map its evil as fuck.
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Pointless, I'll probably get sleep deprived to death in this hell and die thanks for the help.

>Look, I gave you the best advice I think ITT which is get yourself a lawyer.
That would only be useful for filing a civil case against this guy, which could still be worth doing. If she wants him charged criminally then it's in the hands of the police and Crown prosecutors.

Yes but one lead to the other. The lawyer can help her with filing the criminal complaint as well.

You should call the police now and report it. If you won't do that just act normal and pretend to comply until they let you put.

Also if she wins the civil case it will probably produce enough evidence to warrant a criminal investigation.


You might hate this, but this is what ideal zoning looks like.
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lmao timestamp

Around 7:00 he starts talking about the family life and he mentions people having children with more than 1 partner

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>rent is 50-75 dollars

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legit there are nice svbvrbian medium houses in uganda or tanzania that have tenth of the rent of a london or new york 2x2 flat

Except that island will most likely not be inhabitable for much longer given the overcrowding. Also, climate change means most of these small islands are basically doomed in the near future.

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Why are these greaseballs like this? Why are they so anal about their mid cuisine? Greek and mexican food mog it.(USER BROKEA DA SPAGET AND WAS TURNED INTO ASPICY MEAT-A-BALLS)
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matteo salvini went on a rant about italian liberals and lefties who hate their own culture when one italian politian said publiclly american-italian cuisine is richer than the original thing and mozzarela is actually american because the original mozza is nothing like the modern thing, the anger is real

Italian food is great but their autistic obsession with preventing anybody from changing it at all is stupid.

Especially when half of their "ancestral culinary tradition" comes from italian-americans who came back in italy with the new dishes they invented made in the east-coast in 1910.
These uyghas i swear. Northern Italian food is incredible though, best european culinary tradition.

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Brazilian pizza? Better
Brazilian lasagna? Better
Brazilian spaghetti? Better

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GanQing Impact edition
Previous thread:
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>What happens if you aren't there and he can't contact you does he make decisions on his own or wait?
He can make decisions on his own, he just likes to let me do it for fun. He didn't even tell me about this kink until almost a year into the relationship when he felt more comfy telling me about how freaky he is. Prior to that we just did everything normally.

Holy fuck is she ugly

She's so pretty it's unreal

ok but what about her feet


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Damn, the leftypol dev team must have learned a thing or two from Apple because I‘m seeing a bunch of superficial changes that literally nobody needed

We need marketable plushies of alunya, and sell merch of leftypol. Leftypol should enter the 202X age.


This is my proposal, sell merch, get money, create ART, increase popularity, everyone gains.
I have other revolutionary ideas te o improve tge site in 300% productivity and quality, but the world is not ready yet.

you mean fumos. we have a reputation to uphold after all!

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They are the most CIA fed channels in all of history. They have no opinions which differ then what the West wants. They are unfunny as shit. And feel like if reddit was eastern European. All of their history videos are extremely biased.
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Gattsu switched teams after his US visa was denied and his USAID cheque bounced

Chvds don't get the irony of cutting off one of the remaining reasons a lot of people still tolerate this bloodsucking cocksucking dying empire. They're such based retards, and he ruffled some feathers in his comments too
Also his South Korea video showed some third-eye opening moments. I think what wakes up a lot of butthurt post-Soviet people is realizing that other hyper capitalist countries aren't the freedom loving utopias they were promised, which was what even a lib like NFKRZ was trying to communicate

>Chvds don't get the irony of cutting off one of the remaining reasons a lot of people still tolerate this bloodsucking cocksucking dying empire
Lol nah. People around the word are aware of what regime change ops USAID get up to.

>Several countries have expelled or banned the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) due to concerns over its activities. Notable instances include:

> Russia: In 2012, Russia expelled USAID, accusing it of attempting to influence political processes within the country.

>Bolivia: In 2013, President Evo Morales expelled USAID, alleging that the agency was working against the Bolivian government.

>Ecuador: In 2014, Ecuador expelled USAID, citing concerns over the agency's activities in the country.

>Venezuela: In 2010, Venezuela expelled USAID, accusing the agency of attempting to destabilize the government.

>Cuba: In 2019, Cuba expelled USAID, alleging that the agency was involved in activities aimed at undermining the Cuban government.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

>Eritrea: In 2006* Eritrea expelled USAID,

> 23 Mar 2006

>One of the poorest nations in the world, Eritrea has in the past year ejected the U.S. government's international aid agency USAID,

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I am aware but it's basically PR
They help people SO they can then use them and form a footstep into countries they want to fuck with, like those Taliban textbooks from the 80's

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>peaceful time

>no wars
>no Christcuckery allowed
>tell gaijins go home

Imperial family
>betrayed samurais
>weird fixations becoming honorary Aryan
>wars and death cults
>copy and pasting Imperialism from Europeans

Tokugawa was based
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did you know there was a group in ethiopia that called themselves the japanizers? they wanted to do the same in ethiopia that the japanese had done : quickly industrialize and rely less on western countries, the japanese themselves had interest in ethiopia because they saw it as a way to access the profitable african market and expand their imperial borders to new lands while claiming to be helping a fellow colored nation resist white imperialism
the ethiopian japanese relationship was shortlived but its definitely interesting

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neets and their lack of will to work i swear to god

i will have a look at this, but there was also a similar phenomenon in the Ottoman empire with Japano-boos. there was even a belief among some who thought that the Japanese emperor was a crypto-Muslim and they were waiting for him to officially make an annoucement and join the ottomans in a jihat against the west.

Japanese communists seem to focus on the sengoku period
I don't actually know that I'm just basing this off a manga from the 60's made about a peasant rebellion during the sengoku period and that it's closer to whatever period Princess Mononoke is set in, and miyazaki apparently read a marxist historian when making it

The Tale of Genji, the highest pinnacle of Japanese literature, was written by lady-in-waiting Murasaki Shikibu in the 11th century during the Heian period though.

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