and i'm tired of pretending it's not true.
>too long didn't read
don't you see it too? it's wierd when rightoids, or even edgy people of all beliefs in general discredit criminals as leftoid or degenerates and barbarians, cry about defunding the police, but then unless these criminals do their crimes professionally; say some lolbertarian anti-government stuff, get away with it, fit the criterea of their beliefs then suddenly these criminals are based and cool.
hell an arab mugger and a dude who steals from old people bank accounts via hacking are both criminals, yet these people will look at the first as dump dindu thug and whine how the cops aren't beating him enough, and the other as smart streetwise.
why is the same violence you see perpetrated by thugs and petty criminals suddenly seems worth the praise to these people when the perpetrators are either shrewd, did it professionally or seem charismatic on air despite still being criminals? (especially dump gurus who go on and on about being alpha and never cowering to nobody, but then say gta games disrespect cops and we must respect all cops)
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