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>what does "social darwinism" mean?
might makes right, aka fascists

>also being anti-war is more sympathetic

yes. but its also a purely moral position disconnected from the working of the world, and as such, is ironically not the most effective at actually avoiding war and minimizing human suffering, and is highly susceptible to being manipulated, as shown by the their willingness to arm ukrainians and throw them in the meat grinder rather than negotiate neutrality


Random workers can't negotiate neutrality unless you're a liberal believing in electoralism, every single ones of those flags represent bourgeois dictatorships btw. We could also turn your argument around and say that if Russians were anti-war they would relinquish their claims and stop sending hundreds of thousands of proletarians dying in an imperialist war, it's not like it never happened.




This is an image of national narrative rather than class narrative.
I think many foreigners see this picture like a group of us here see that red-blue-green-yellow coordinate graph.


>palestinian flag represent bourgeois dictatorship
you fucking moron

>Random workers can't negotiate neutrality

most support sending weapons anyway

>turn your argument around and say that if Russians were anti-war

who said that? how is that the reverse argument?

this chart is simply accurate in my experience

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brahmins are bourgeois
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The caste system when not reified by capitalism is merely the division of labour applied to any functioning society, even if the occupation is undergone temporarily to fulfil a need by those who have the means of aptitude. Its also a metaphor of meritocracy based on the predominance of virtue or lack of it (gunas) required for the cultivation of the mental horizon and ability to carry out the role effectively.


Kill yourself


the caste system is pre-capitalist
many high caste descended people are proles now and many lower caste people have become nouveau riche


Why? Its a good effortpost.

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Would you alter human traits if it was possible? Give evolution a little push in the right direction. If so, what changes would you make?
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Big boobs hurts your back.
Id say make women flatchested.

Also, aging doesnt really start at thirty.
But I would say have aging end at 20-25.

And make human sexual reproduction an external affair. Like how frogs do it.
The female dumps eggs and the male sprays his seed on them.


Get rid of m*n and turn the entire human species into futanari women


I think the easiest way to do this would be through culture.


Only thing preventing human genetic manipulation is laws against it.


remove ribcage so you can suck om your own pennis


new brandon


Idek who this is and I’m not watch that.


Since all the threads here are boring and suck, I've decided to make a thread dedicated to my degenerative fetish, tg/tf
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Amelia transformation sequence by El Loko a.k.a El Doc


LMAO nice quads
Apparently the guy does a lot of TF stuff. Here's an old set



Is pic 1 supposed to be a moth or a werewolf?


Probably moth since the lack of snout.


Could someone breadpill me on Ozempic?

Is it a Big Pharma psy-op or legit?

Why is everyone going apeshit over it?
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Nooooo that’s neoliberal propaganda! Wanting people to eat right and exercise is bourgeois!


Where's the proofs?


I'm old enough to remember when the Atkin's Diet took off in the early 2000s and everyone was freaking out over too many carbs. My mom tried that bullshit for two years and her weight yo-yo'd. The Ozempic craze is exactly the same thing.


To be fair, a lot of pharmaceuticals were developed from animal venom.


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Over consumption of carbs DOES cause health issues, not just weight related.

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Behold, fully automated meme creation.
>inb4 "It's wojak"
But it's funni tho and costs nothing.(Terrible)
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it's gonna be so over in 10 years.


the griffon thing was cool too


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yeah it's pretty scary what this shit can do already. maybe in the future you'll have to sign all your content with your real name and ID just so people can tell it's not bot spam (but then bots will just steal people's IDs)

27: I specifically said 'dissident' but I think it lost the point

28: I put 'dissident complaining about north korea' and it got what I wanted

29: it can get fairly specific so i'll try skynavia with EAW prefix

30: hooray it worked! and generated a nice looking hoers too

31: I put 'mlp chrysalis simp' and the result was a bit vague and disappointing, oh well, I think I might stop for now, sorry if anyone is mad at my thread spam


Behold, kino


Perhaps the Galloway cat pic is some sharting over Hemmingway's cat?

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What is the reason for its continued existence?
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The servers are in langley


/pol/ and porn


A lot of old niche forums are still alive today but we must obsess over 4chin for some reason.




>What is the reason for its continued existence?
American free speech laws.

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DIid you have a fetish at high school? My dream was to give a blowjob and swallow my gym teachers' cum at the lockeroom, I remember I used to get boners at class just looking at his thick legs, his fuzzy full beard and his cock bulging in his shorts
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They didn't "bulge" as if he had a boner it just marked inside it and I remember lusting over it


Having a crush on someone is not a fetish dawg


I just wanted to suck his cock and touch his whole body didn't really want a romance with him


No, I was too busy fantasizing about how I wouldn't be have to be there if I killed myself or died otherwise.


i was already into big titty musclegirls at 9

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Demons souls of pornographic video games
Dark souls of pornographic video games
Armored core of pornographic video games
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Played it, don't remember the name, but it's an itch.io game and I think it was a submission for a Strawberry Jam hosted by Eevee. It'll keep an eye out.


>>550075 (me)
Found it with the tags "erotic, furry, pixel_art": https://xxylas.itch.io/cherry-bunny-demon-hunter


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I remember playing CoC years ago and staying pure, finding that sword and shit.
Wuz fun.

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