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What do you do when you’re filled with violent anger?
Yanks need to be slaughtered like animals and I’m tired of living in a world where they’re permitted to live
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Its natural especially in younger age but its good to know that everyone else has sometimes violent thoughts. People just dont act on them unless cornered.


My brain filtered out all the gigachads and edits until I saw the maoist gigachad in the end then I saw everything when the video replayed.


seems more something in middle aged males tbh


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It’s not even the system, it’s just the faggot capitalist realism I’m sick of, we live in the most vulnerable form of capitalism ever devised and the retarded neoliberals literally fucking gave up on social care leaving an opening for socialists to go back in, instead everyone is stuck in some faggot illusion that capitalism is unstoppable and also synonymous with the universe so even though it finally can be completely destroyed by a global proletarian movement it hasn’t been
All thanks to Westoids and the fact that they’d rather retardedly kill all of humanity with Fourth Reich Anglo-Yanko-Evropa nonsense than even give themselves a better life than being fucking wage slaves
Euroaches are worse than yankoids
Bro just today my boss tricked me into working outside hours and gloated about it, muh proletariat in my country supports shit like this


>weapon shit

jiujitsu or muay thai.

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why do people call people outside of their social sphere "Normies"
I Heard this used to refer to metalheads by some right-wing figure on twitter. I think metalheads are more hipterish than you my guy
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it was normalfag
Then chan slang spilled on to the great internet due to the proliferation of pepe and it was shortened to normie to use in Youtube videos because it was less offensive


>metal isn't subversive
>Disturbed: "im gonna kill all the landlords, nothing can stop me" "let's prepare for revolution so we can't be oppressed anymore" "we won't fall for the war propaganda this time, nuh uh"


tbh I think when rightists use normie its mostly a result of there poor socialization and inability to see other people as humans with just as much complexity and depth that they have.


the real edgy is being a no fun chvd posting on an imageboard


Theres nothing profound about punk or gangster rap. Both genres died when they became politicised.

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have i lost by getting out of 4chan.
i don't even care if it gives the right credit for the canard of "The left cannot handle free speech"
because I am simply getting more and more bored by 4chan every day and yet i go there out of habit. Yet I still feel the need to go there, I feel the need to post because if I don't, that just makes the left one person weaker, but the posting on 4chan just got too inane for me. There is hardly any OC, it's just stupid shit nowadays, and all the smaller boards are dying off.
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holy shit we lost 4chan guys
what ever will we do


>posting furry on a site that popularized furry hate in the first place
Here is your problem. There used to be a bit of lenience for /co/ due to anthros being common in comics and /v/ because it is an absolute shithole to moderate, but now the jannies ban it everywhere outside of /trash/, and in /trash/ itself there is a noticeable rightoid furry presence due to them moving in there after it became apparent that Hiro will tolerate them as long as they maintain their Hitler particle count.


I wish I were you. For the moment I ban myself on 4chan and come back here.


Can you really "lose" against a website full of bots?


Meatspace is good for nature walks and exercise and making good homemade food. Dont waste time with looking for love though. Or "changing the world".




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This chart but the X, Y, and Z axis are Porn Addict, News Addict and Debate Addict respectively.


why is clay so OP?

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Could you entertain her?
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Every single redscarepod person I've seen has been a massive pseud who covers it up with boring "edgy" humor and abrasive personalities.
But being rude is not a replacement for intelligence, lol. So it always makes them look pathetic.


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Bros…i love you all so fucking much


Nah. Shes too unappreciative of plainness.

Tbh shes not wrong that most men are boring but hey so are most women.


Shes a young white Angloid woman. What makes you think they will have enough empathetic sense to understand that?


Wear that anchor with pride you fucking cunt

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Do you think he would be a good comrade?

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< you were going to spoil your ballot paper, why not check this list to see whether there's a candidate in your constituency:
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>Women's rights involves controlling what bioidentical hormones people can put into them and making broad generalizations about people?
No, it's about advancing the interests of biological women. Transwomen can do whatever gender affirming treatment they want, dress how they want, etc. They are still biologically male at the end of the day.
>men being "inherently violent sex predators"
I don't agree with this statement, but male on female violence, exploitation, etc. is more common than the opposite.
>crime statistics can be used against black people as well.
The differences between men and women are greater than the differences between races.


>the differemces between men and women are greater than that between races

And yet you all call for gender equality


Postboomer leftism is not very consistent


>wikipedia says the CPB rejected her endorsement on the basis of the tweet "clarifying" their position r.e. the ForWomenScotland post. (which never mentions Rowling)
>the "transgender rights" part of their page only emphasizes their empty statements about "opposing transphobia", not their more meaningful ones about amending the equality act to exclude trans people from protection from sex-based discrimination
>this is the narrative that's going to stick even though the party is clearly just trying to have it both ways
fucking hell.


correction: it mentions rowling, but doesn't actually reject her endorsement. it just "clarifies" the original tweet. there is no shortage of space: the lack of an explicit rejection is not a neutral "well, that's obvious" choice: it is an active decision.

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I've noticed that rightoids are actually very receptive of criticism of capitalism so long as you say "the system" instead of capitalism, and I wanted to share this discovery

pic unrelated


The same way the right would be communists as long as communism also included killing da joos. It is the fetishistic object which orients the possibility of their criticism.



I don't think this is a sustainable strategy, because it would be as easy to bring them back to capitalism by saying "the system" instead of bare minimum welfare policies


My dad is like this. MAGA anti-establishment, hates the "elites", is a member of a union and he fingered me. Some sections of the traditional conservative base are completely rejecting neoliberalism.


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Does anyone else feel like there are more state actors / propagandists in 4chan?


No because like 90% of 4chan is just GPT-J trained on /pol/, whose culture has been shaped by thinktanks, state actors, ect…

The distinction being instead of paying actual shills to sit in an office, hiroshimoot just pays the electric bill for a AI / crypto farm in Texas, and occasionally someone posts a screenshot of actual Markov chain jibberish from /tttt/ or /g/ to twitter.


While I'm sure there are state actors (Ukkkraine, Q posts from Langley, Zionazis), my guess is most posters are subhuman fun losers and hysterical petty bourgeois (the natural constituency of Nazism)


Yes they hire them from India for pennies on the dollar


Study Dasha thought, follow her teachings and act according to her instructions.

- Simp Biao
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>What's so great about faith is that it doesn't have to be grounded in rational thought. We are seeing a lot of people return to religion because everything feels so senseless and pointless, so why not be a Catholic?

Death penalty to all christfags who think this way. Sorry simps.


well that was underwhelming. she really went viral off that?


>We are seeing a lot of people return to religion because everything feels so senseless and pointless, so why not be a Catholic?
By that metric people should go Pentecostal since its feels: the denomination


Dasha and I have the same kind of face where everything's skewed a little and certain parts are too small or too far apart or too close together and we never believe guys when they say we're attractive
So I do understand the direction her life has taken


The memes were smaller tikotok clips of the interview afaik.

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