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AND HERE ARE MY RESULTS! My wife's bvll is 8 inches long. At 180 strokes per minute, for sessions lasting 120 minutes at a time, 3 times a day, 365 days a year for the last 3 years… that works out to 567,648,000 INCHES: or 8959 MILES. My wife's bvll has bred her with 8,959 MILES of cock in the last 3 years. Since he always goes raw, he has ejaculated inside her at least 3,285 times as well in these same 3 years. I have fucked her a grand total of 0 times and cum inside her a total of 0 times in the last 5 years. I couldn't be happier than I currently am in this moment.
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gem that will be unfortunately deleted by powertripping jannies


This is was bush was told in that kindergarden
Thats why he was confused


> only 8inches
Give your wife my condolences


I laughed very hard at this


"Mr. President, a second bvll has entered your wife"

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Should families be the building block of the communes instead of the commune itself consisting of individuals? 30-60 families organize into a commune and send representatives to district council that send to etc?
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If my families, you mean my harem, yes.


As long as families in question are clans, not nuclear families.

Case in point


>should the commune be trad and nuclear family pilled instead of individualist


No, the family is a reactionary prison for women and children that should be replaced through collective child-rearing, collective kitchens, laundries, homes, etc

source: The Communist Manifesto


>another utopia-crafting thread
leftoidism is a mental disease

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Has anyone written / presented an in-depth analysis on the social unrest in Egypt a decade ago and how it produced the current conditions for its people? Is Jan 25th a revolution? Is June 30th? How does it relate to the larger Arab Spring and NATO's involvement in neighboring countries e.g. Libya..? What were the shortcomings of those who drove the revolution? What should've been done under those material conditions of the time? Where do the ideas behind "the revolution of the hungry" which all political elites warn about come from? I can answer many of those questions with some limited reading on the situation but I'm really interested in something deep and well-written. however, even just an accessible video-form essay will do. Just wanna make sense of it all on a deeper level.

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Holy idpol


Its not my problem.


They'll be "meeting" their Neo-Nazi Ukrainian "heroes" soon when the inevitable blowback comes.


>why is a trans woman going to kill herself when the republicans take her HRT from her
have you interacted with a trans person in your life?


>Why are liberals so hysterical?


Given the Absolute State of the world, I require nuclear weapons for security reasons. I feel commiecats can help with this. I must have a commiecat that can steal nuclear secrets so I can start my own nuclear weapons program. That's how they bootlegged a nuclear weapons program last time so I'm sure they can do it again.

I would like to order one SS-4 Sandal nuclear missile. Can pay in rubles or whatever other monopoly money is used in communist circles. Delivery by seller as I do not possess a TELAR. Must contain valid cracked launch codes.


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i'd give you uranium, but my cat ate it


i wish alunya had an older brother i could get my claws into…

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how did a man like this aquire bitches ?
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>bald guy still wins
it's not over bros


You're right I have no excuse to not lead the burger vanguard and form the USSA.


Youre forgetting that he was cute and smart. Incels may not have much of an excuse but that doesnt mean they have much a chance


It was much easier to find a wife and start a family back then. If it was modern times he would be cooked, no doubt.


alot of people often like to compare historical figures to current year laymen without considering the logistics.
Myself included


I don't know if communism will work. All I know is capitalism doesn't.
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It worked before civilisation, so we will get communism regardless of if it fails.


Communism may work but it wont be the kuxiry starship kumbiya setting you want it to be


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>I don't know if communism will work
It's okay, I do :)


Do you?

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I hate all fash bastards
Except one, he is my best friend and had bren there for me in my darkest days, at one point I want him to be my bf (homo)
I can't reconcile the disconnect between wanting death for rightoids and, my friend who smiles at me and fills me with light and happiness
heres some porn or something as payment for reading my slop
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can't reconcile someone being a fascist and being a good or wholesome person. what's he like


Yes, but OP specifically stated that they were attracted to a man.


a little bit tubby, brown hair, typicall little englander orange order type, wants to deport all poc. However he is very kind to animals and volunteers at rspca stuff, he is kind to me and has been there for me when depressed and I've known him since we were 9. I havr a massive disconnect in my brain. Because I want to fix him


The subtle bit of bush along the sides of the panties really elevates this artwork.


That's sweet anon. I'm glad you have a friend like that



>>Robert C Schwartz and David M Blankenship

When you point your finger at the one of few white schizophrenics lol

>>Slavery was abolished though….


What the schizophrenia diagnosis entails is your misplaced dislike for the government. Next time you're in one of these places and say some anti schizo bullshit remember you're an NPC drone.

Don't forget to call your local black psychiatry professional a house NAgger today.
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That's not what I said you obviously didn't read the articles lol :O

Or you're a schill. I said that Schizophrenia is a cover-up for government dissent and is alternatively used to cover up the truth coming from sexual assault victims of people who hold positions of power lol.



Alternatively this is a bait thread for comments like these, and you will more likely than not get IP traced and angry parents are gonna come to your house and kill you desu…



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As you can see we do not trust the police in matters of CSA anymore we just do our own vigilante justice :D

That video is from 2012 tho it's been that way for a white now…


>Unique IPs: 3 | 13 replies

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If I had tons of money, I would bankroll a muscular communist egirl who would be the female answer to Hasanabi/Hasan Piker


very cool


the dengist billionaire who funds Vijay Prashad. ask him about communist gooning girls.


Thanks :)

What does this have to do with gooning?


you literally said egirl in the op

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