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Tell me, why do we still feature these fucks on our website again?
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um there isn't one?


No link, no proof


Begone wrecker.



gta is making le kids do school shootings… its over

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why should I not believe in objective morality when subjective morality means a moral system okay with eating babies is equally valid with one that doesnt do that.
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Subjective morality doesn't mean we have to let people eat babies, it just means there's some room for nuance and disagreement, if someone fundamentally has no concern for the lives of humans and works to harm them they should be snuffed out


>without objective morality [insert bad thing here] is justified and/or will happen

literal prageru tier logic


>why should I not believe in objective morality
so you're aware believing in a morality is your subjective choice


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All moral concerns are actually just logistical or ethical concerns under several layers of abstracion. Only by peeling away these layers, can we truely assess these for their credibility and seriousness.

This becomes intuitive if you look into animism. If you treat all things, all animals, all plants, ect… as persons with agency, then nearly all of your "shoulds" collapse into tangible interpersonal concerns. If you think about the ways in which your conflict with non-human persons (which you will have some no matter what, i.e. mosquitoes) could have cascading consequences, then any concept of "karma" you have collapses from a nebulous tally of debts to a tangible series of cause and effect. If you routinely act in a way that takes heed that the land may choose to curse / reject you by some other mechanism if you do not get it's consent–particuarly giving it the option to decline, even if you are confident that it won't, and respecting this decision if it comes to that–before entering it, engaging with it, or taking from / leaving things in it, then ethics will come very intuitve to you. That last part is especially important for killing any internalized colonizer brainworms you might have.


>why should I not believe in objective morality
Because it isn't real, and if it is, there's zero actual evidence of it, let alone clues to its nature. An assertion's pleasantness is orthogonal to its truthfulness. It'd be fantastic if the way I wanted everyone to act was the Objectively Correct way that people Should act, but that doesn't make it true.

>when subjective morality means a moral system okay with eating babies is equally valid with one that doesnt do that.

Why is that necessarily not the case with objective morality? What if the metaphysical moral authority decided that eating babies was Good, and that by abstaining from doing so, you're Evil?

Beyond that, even in the world of subjectivity, you don't have to accept people eating babies, or anything else you find unacceptable. If something bothers you, no justification is needed.

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This is it.
At the end of this life I won't every realise I am dead.
I will just suddenly not he anymore.
All of the pain and suffering and struggle and my stupid autistic retard brain was for nothing
I just got unlucky tough luck that is it.
This horrible body is the same
Everything in this life was for nothing I will just go back to eternal oblivion
I will be honest with you sibera I feel alone, trapped and angry. I want to know why I am here and why I am who I am.
If I can't get that I don't want to be here with my autistic brain.
I am a pathetic diseased mental ill individual and i hate myself


Don't even THINK about it. The fact that you're posting here instead of other social media places by itself means you're more valuable than 99% of people. 'Tism also means that you're better than everybody else. You should love yourself NOW

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spent over 9000 hours making this bingo so pls respond
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This pic of Haru from Persona 5 by artist ero_honey.
First and only time I've commissioned something and in all honesty I was way too shy to give proper feedback to the artist so I ended up not being 100% happy with the results (still gooned to it like 10 times tho)


Money well spent if you ask me.


Kill the priest in your head.


Not a single square


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>>544207 boooo


>Be me.
>Baby leftist.
>Still in friend group from Uni.
>Talking to friend over fbi.gov.
>He speaks about usual rightwing stuff
>Jobs, economy, killing protestors
>Get intrusive thought
>Hey C… This is an odd idea, but do you want to pretend to be a nazi and I'll give you a blowjob ad pretend to be inferior
>He stutters and asks what the fuck I am talking about, laughing and trying to go back to the former point.
>We finish our game, say goodnight and get off
>Wake up to message, in the morning
>He asks if I was serious, and that he really wants to do it, it wasn't something he ever thought about but it made him really horny
>I ask him to explain himself
>He states that its because he trusts me (friends for years) and likes the idea of me licking his cock and being submissive to him. The nazi shit turned him on.
>I pry further and further,
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:( Okay, but can you at least tell me whats going on with you?


I am feeling quite melancholy. It's difficult for me to articulate exactly what I am feeling, but I will try. I am currently reflecting on the state of the world and the state of the communist movement, and I am feeling rather sad at the moment. The world seems to be in a state of disarray with escalating tensions and violence, and the communist movement seems disjointed and lacking focus. I also find it sad and frustrating that despite the progress that communism has made over the years, capitalism still remains the dominant ideology and the ruling system.


Cool story bro


>The world seems to be in a state of disarray with escalating tensions and violence, and the communist movement seems disjointed and lacking focus.
You want to know something? You are correct! The world is in disarray and your view is correct, however I would like to offer you an alternative view? In this chaos, most people will adopt new states of thinking and new ways to believe, now is the time of change. I want to link you something. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/opinion/gen-z-millennials-republicans.html
I am a zoom zoomie 26 year old, our generation is the most left in a good long while, and we are staying left. You will see leftisim come into its own soon, as for the commie movement? Hmm… I agree sort of, I think its the same for you, its the time of new ideas and change, I truly and I mean TRULY believe that you will see a great unifier soon.
>I also find it sad and frustrating that despite the progress that communism has made over the years, capitalism still remains the dominant ideology and the ruling system.
Its dying. People don't want to work, people know their boss is a fat bougie piggy and that their cowrkers are cunts. Most of our gen hates the idea of working in these enviroments. You are living in an intresting time. You will see the change you want in this life, I swear to God.


Thanks bro! Hey I wanna ask, do you wan to get McDonalds with me? I will pay

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China is the strongest country in the world
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wow mao


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American youth five years after liberation of the USA by Chinese peacekeeping forces.


I'm affraid this has been debunked by Chinese historians. Those stories of brothels were spread by the CIA in the 1950s


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Not stronger than North Korea


He said he was showing a Chinese passport. I wonder if he and his black friend will go to a local restaurant to eat after filming the video.

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Worst optics I have ever seen, like Jesus fucking Christ
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From how the thread was written I thought the funny man got murdered by the nazi dad.


yeah but spain is a filled with fascistoids, who cares, unlimited genocide etc etc


Yeah especially Murcia, is fillen with nazi shitheads


why are liberals like this. this is why we need to stop letting them call themselves leftists


It goes to latin america as well, with communists and feminists also praising the father

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Maximizing joint slay edition
Prev: >>506441
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rly says something about SOCIETY that its easier to find someone to fulfill our fetishes with no matter how weird than to have a fulfilling relationship, and this goes for any sexuality tbh


it's unsurprising tbh, it takes so much compatibility and goodwill and effort to actually make a relationship work whereas all you need for fetish sex is someone whose mind is about as poisoned as yours


>original incel was a lesbian
wasn't the original incel that guy who made experimental country music and it was actually pretty good?


why is there so much transphobia on this site?


Guys please come to 4chan LGBT, we are being raided by zionists there on occasions and we need more left wing queers, and besides, this board is homophobic af


There is no demographic more Hitlerite than Second and Third world Labour Aristocrats.
>You can't talk to them about politics without them bring up le freebies or complaining about muh reservation
>Always puff up ultranationalism and ethnic pride (a.k.a racism) but emigrate to the West at the earliest possible moment
>If your particular turd world country had a military junta in the past these faggots would always, always line up in its defense
>Uncritically parrot NATO talking points
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Is that where the famed boysmell comes from?


Some Cubans look like that


I mean yeah I know 'some' do but definitely not the average


CIA d&c psyop


I was just stating the belief of the artist.

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