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>Last two anons on leftypol fighting each other
1 post omitted.

this will actually happen and I'll be one of them

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ah hell nah that nygha zabulon called his ass a triple goy

>“I don’t talk to him, he’s the devil,” Simentov told The New York Times in 2002. “A dog is better than him … I don’t have many complaints about the Taliban, but I have a lot of complaints about him.” Levi replied that Simentov was “a thief and a liar.'”

You ain't a real gamer if you can't land the triple goy in Tony Hawk Pro Skater.


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It's amazing how much better /leftypol/ feels when you simply hide TOR posters and certain flags.
I recommend it to everyone. (For those who don't know click Options > Filters, you can also filter certain words)
28 posts and 7 image replies omitted.

When I click the little arrow and add filter, I only get Post+. Please help.

For threads you can select hide post, you don't need to add a filter.

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New hall of fame addition

actually green would be a better color

I am taking back what I wrote, it actually is decent as long as you stay away from the news cycle driven generals and instead stick to theory threads.

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< It's so ovah we might as well start again :D
> Last famous words from the previous thread.
- Spoiler hyper girls and anything that could shock or traumatize the poor normies here.
- Don't be an asshole.
- Let the girldicks reign free and supreme.
87 posts and 62 image replies omitted.

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I like girls with big fat nuts though; expecially when they're so loaded with semen their testicles look swollen.

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final sage

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why are you posting on /siberia/ tn when you could be fishing?

inside a too short boat with a few too empty cans of beer at your feet perhaps

I don't wanna hurt animals.

But animals want to hurt you so you should get them first.

No that's OK, I deserve to be hurt.

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democracy calls
ban 3d porn

my buddy is not short he's 6.3

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No ban won, sorry.

first past the post calls
electoralism wins again

3d would imply CGI and 2D stuff with perspective–which is like half of doing accurate anatomy.
Photographic / filmographic would be for accurate to what that entry was about.

I dont wish for porn to be banned, but I would like mods to rule that hardcore pornography has to be spoilered.

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im mentally handicapped in all but name. i can just barely imagine objects in my head. i have zero to none creativity. i've never felt love in my life and i sincerely cant relate to 99 percent of novels/stories about love. im also very low 1Q and just generally dumb. I remember a guy once told me im "spiritually a uyghur" and honestly he's right, how the fuck am i supposed to live like this? im fully aware of being awful but there's no way to fix it
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>If someone can't distribute/configure fact from reality they have to be joking or trying to sell a perspective, make a point. Living in such states is only possible for a limited time entirely.

Aphasie, Sprachverlust, Aphasia are the top transitions of "aphasia" into German. Simple translated sentence: It causes a confusion or a seizure effect. That, what causes the aphasia. ↔ Das verursacht einen Krampf und der wiederum die Aphasie.

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That might be a concentration problem. Try looking at a nice anime picture like pic. related, close your eyes, and recall it. Keep it in your mind as long as you can. When it escapes your attention, open your eyes, look again, close again, recall again, and so on, until you can keep it in your mind steadily. Find a new image and repeat.

I recommend working through this geometry book, it will make you smarter and you will have to work with images in your mind: https://litter.catbox.moe/39em9n.djvu (/siberia/ won't let me post djvus…).

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Why can't I have this? Why is this damned world so fake and gay?
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Get a job. It's equally painful and humiliating as this, so you'll love it.

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same reason i cant be her

capitalism did this

that's gay

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no argument

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The people of the past had it right. Theater kids and actors should be excluded from normal society and viewed as roughly on par with prostitutes and petty criminals. However, our ancestors did not foresee the coming of higher literacy rates and the internet, so it should be expanded to anyone who has ever engaged in "shipping," has had a parasocial relationship with a fictional character or has ever written fanfiction.
10 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

A lot of writers get started with fanfics. I wouldn't be surprised if Marx himself had a least a few under his belt, even if never released.

Those would be language arts teachers

What's bad about arts and crafts is how people philosophise them.

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BramblePrick deniers:
>Nooo the Erins would never make a cat penis joke–no matter how funny–and especially not in a cat's name. I don't care that BramblePrick is a valid warrior name. Also it would make people think they're connected to BrambleStar
Me, with my 100 chapter rough draft of Warriors: Smoking Weeds, starring BramblePrick, the mpreg kit of Scourge and FireStar (both still alive because of Dr. Who lore I homebrewed in):

Touch grass.


2 billion dollars and he still can't afford a belt sander to smooth out the top of his head. Trumpflation is crazy.
3 posts omitted.

wait, eggnog


strange filter

he got a BAWD hed

I think I know who is causing eggflation…


I've come to make an announcement: Kasane Teto's a bitch-ass motherfucker, she pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, she took her red-fuckin' girl dick out and she pissed on my fucking wife, and she said her dick was "THIS BIG," and I said "that's disgusting," so I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com: Kasane Teto, you've got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller.

>Kasane Teto's a bitch-ass motherfucker
very cool

>she pissed on my fucking wife

very cool

>That's right, she took her red-fuckin' girl dick out and she pissed on my fucking wife

very cool

>and she said her dick was "THIS BIG,"

very cool

>and I said "that's disgusting,"

very cool

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imagine someone not getting the reference

I don't have to imagine, I don't get it.

I’m aroused

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