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>this picture exists
>Musk remains uncancelled
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It's because thats what kings did or some shiet.


Adults being really weird and invasively demanding physical contact with kids is extremely normalized in burger culture. A lot of us grew up with grandparents or other older relatives who would demand you give them a kiss or something and get really indignant if you didn't. Teaching people from an early age that they're not allowed to assert boundaries and that consent doesn't matter.


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Shut up you prude bitch and just let me sniff yuh and kiss yuh. I'm the goddamn president, I'll kiss and sniff whoever I damn well please.


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>And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."
>"nibble on their children. You can do anything."


Even great apes do that. The leading male kiss the babies of the others to signify that they are under his protection.

Reject modernity, go back in the trees.

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Why aren't you taking the makeup pill anons? All movie actors and pop singers are doing full face makeups and women dig the femboy look. Why not take the makeup pill and cheat your way to aesthetics and be a beautifulboy
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Incels I get you think its gay and you don't want to put in the effort but if you really want to have sex or get into a relationship you're only shooting yourself in the foot by not doing it. If you're this lazy you don't deserve a woman anyway, and she certainly doesn't deserve you.


I think you are the incel for either being unaware or refusing to recognize that the overwhelming majority of women are also complicit in enforcing patriachic standards, probably because you don't know many women IRL.


> you think women that obsess over boybands are ugly then ur stoopid

Someone has never left their house and been to a boyband concert before and it shows.


While I was never on a boyband concert, I had the chance to talk to real life 😏 females before 🤯 and they all liked cute looking male singers in some shape or form 😳


Patriarchy standards like cute looking boys? 😎


Teetotalism is reactionary
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You got it sport.


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alcohol is a shitty drug imo



Gotta love the romanticising of booze.
As so eone from the Dixieland, alcoholism is a rite of passage and is taken too lightly by the church.
Meanwhile pot is pathologised


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We need more people like him.

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fuck i just wish i could be normal man. everything about me is just so fucking fake its like i dont even have a real personality im just an alien tryjng to imitate humans. why did god put me on this earth just to torture me in eternal solitude, unable to ever connect to anyone.


sometimes people be interested in me. maybe because of my appearence, maybe because of my demeanor, maybe they formed a positive perception of me on their heads based on a good first impression but then they talk to me and get to know me better and its all over. they see my lack of personality, lack of interest, lack of passion, lack of soul, lack of wit, lack of experience, lack of conscience, lack of basic cognitive functions. this happens over and over again. im tired of it. i dont wanna talk to people i wanna seclude myself


No such thing as "personality". It isn't matter, it isn't essence, it doesn't exist a priori. Personality is merely an a posteriori description of a set of consistent behaviors.
i.e. just be sincere with yourself and the world.


>just be sincere with yourself and the world


This is why the New Testament advocates asceticism.

The Protestant order has ruined it with its ruthless capitalist ethos.


The tweet that DESTROYED utilitarianism.
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Matt Walsh is arguing fo what every right-winger argues for - cruelty. Obviously this piece of shit sees no value in human life, the "human life is more important than ape life" is just expression of his hierarchical worldview where people on the top can do whatever to those beneath them, regardles if its a dictator murdering dissidents, husband raping wife, or some sicko getting off on torturing animals.


Right-wingers transcendentalise private property relations so seek to erase any contradictions in the notion of animal ownership, so they can be objectified as commodities.
Slave owners did the same to human beings once.


Marx was a utilitarian as far as it concerned his ricardian obsession for use-value, which was also the weakness of his modernism


Marx considered use-values to be incomparable, which makes utilitarianism bason on it impossible.


fair point

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So if Trump wins do we accelerate into socialism?
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anti imperialist MAGA bros, is so magover


No, see >>548208. Trump will bring bad policies, but they won't destroy the brainwash that has convinced Americans the two-party state is the only successful model.


counterpoint: yes it will


>Trump will bring bad policies
He'll actually save American jobs and prevent the Democrat threat to the existing American and Judeo-Christian values. America is the land of hard work and wise decisions, that is why it succeeds. Europe, otoh, shoots its own foot by becoming full liberal (e.g., lax immigration laws, welfare states) thereby inviting illegals from all impoverished countries existing at the present time to take advantage of its generosity. The US doesn't allow that, it instead asks you to assimilate and adopt American values (cf. when in Rome do as the Romans do) or to get out of the country and move somewhere ASAP.

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Leftybros, we're cooked. Finished. Fini. Finito
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Some mild democratic and welfarist reform is the only way forward. Proletarians of all countries, unite to keep voting for the next 500 years while your lifeblood is sucked daily by infinitely vampiric capital.


i know, i'm talking about the tv series
it's not anime


The insistence upon voting is more or less a hallmark of the middle classes, voting rates increase with an increase in income, educational qualifications, etc. Proletarians, especially in the less developed, poorer regions, tend to abstain in large numbers.


people set up a false dichotomy between "voting" and "revolution" because they are poseurs. as though ticking a sheet of paper would actually undo the actions of any real revolutionary - as if, were we to find that Lenin had secretly voted for a liberal while in exile, he would be undermined one iota by that revelation. as if this would constitute an abandonment on his part of "revolution" for the mirage of "reform". nonsense, utter nonsense.
having achieved nothing, people instead try to signal based on what they abstain from: sure, i may not organize, i may not even leave the house, but you know what? this vice is a virtue: like lenin, i do not vote if the RSDLP is not on the ballot. that makes me better than you…


I was attacked and they made it sexual

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Was he a good leader?
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Soviets won WW2 not because of him but despite him.



The best.


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/leftypol/ I'm sad, KC is being attacked by raiders rn

I just wanna go back to my autistic Nazi forum
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>most of us are Americans
Yes, I'm aware

I don't want an American-free board, I just want one which doesn't revolve around USA 24/7. KC's /int/ was such a board and it's an English one


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No imageboard is safe from raiders if KC itself has been sacked, not even this one I'd wager

It's over.. the Internet has fallen.


We get raided constantly, sounds like a skill issue on behalf of the KC mods


KC mods are known for being shit, so no surprise there

It truly is, I'm afraid. The age of the dead internet is upon us


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>It's over.. the Internet has fallen.
Good news, now touch grass.
As for now, a warning has been issued:


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More detailed prompts don't fix the wrong number of fingers, which even the shittiest human artists tend not to fuck up.


Time traveler from 2022


Oh absolutely, It's been pretty fun and fulfilling so far, even if the more exciting progress so far is "drew a perfect circle a few times" and "80%+ average on the challenges in itch.io Fluid Lines." Much faster progress than I assumed it was gonna take.
I bet I'll be able to draw characters with a good level of competency by next year, and I may very well be lowballing that considering what I've seen other beginners accomplish.
While porn would be neat for leorning anatomy, I'm primarily wanting to draw chibi animals doing anime fights with swords and stuff.


AFAIK major errors like that aren't so prominent these days and can usually be fixed by just generating over and over
It's much harder to avoid the glossy shiny exaggerated look and blurry linework of images like the OP. There's just a bunch of little things that make "normal" AI images look off and unappealing, only people with real in-and-out knowhow of these tools seem able to avoid it


Just inpaint

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