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Im so sorry that you had to hear that dog shit song


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freaking dune god emperor




Neo-spice-feudalism with Annelidan characteristics.


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>There were ten German bombers in the air.

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You aren't based enough to have this as your wikipedia profile, /leftypol/
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I'm too based to have a Wikipedia article, not even a fuckin red link ya hear


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I'm sorry for not being a violent schizophrenic


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>i am…. le based schizo!!!



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my profile

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My country should be isolationist

t. pragmatic conservative
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something something it is not every struggle against imperialism that we should support something something


This marxist scholar disagrees.
Trump dealt the greatest blows to imperialism, including halting the illegal-immigration industrial complex


>I think x should be y
what we think has no bearing on reality. (in b4 you inevitably say this applies to commies too; The non-vulgar Marxists already know this)
>America should be isolationist. The military industrial complex as well as AIPAC doesn't allow it though.
It is the hallmark of petit bourgeois conservative thought that some individual part of the bourgeois-hegemonic machinery has betrayed them. That we can just RETVRN to some kind of idealized earlier stage of capitalism. It is not so. AIPAC and the MIC are symptoms of the disease of Capitalism, not the disease itself. The cure is proletarian dictatorship, instituted by the proletariat itself, through a revolutionary movement. Too bad that won't happen because the proletariat is disorganized and brainwashed. Anyway… MIC/AIPAC is a feature, not a bug, and a symptom, not the disease. Of course you will believe otherwise because you simply want to subtract the parts of capitalism you don't like and keep the parts you do like, as if you were customizing a main character in a video game. That's not how modes of production work.


faggot you say this shit every day and you are dunked on for it every day. you just repeat it in spite of the countless refutations because it is your version of the Big Lie.


Hey look it's you again.


i am very tired
your lefticles aren't bad people
but fuck you rely on books and shit to much
i hope you get what you wan hust pleas promise me one thin olease be patient with autistic peole like me
i am hoing to bed goodnight
look at this orange haha
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I chatted with the Marx AI and it kept getting basic marxism wrong lol.


It feels like those "communist AIs" talk exactly like pink liberals, be it Lenin, Marx or Stalin.


yeah cuz 99% of those ais have very basic training. i doubt someone loaded all marxists.org library onto them lmao


i talked to a marx ai and he accused me of being a furry and started treating me like a dog. i also did a group ai chat with stalin and "fat sonic" and fat sonic convinced stalin communism was evil.


>but fuck you rely on books and shit to much
Actually it's you who reads too little


Who's a good girl? Is it you anon? Yes it is! You're such a good girl and I love you! Such a good girl! Now did my special little princess make sure to do her chores today? Did you? Good girl! You're such a well behaved little princess! Okay, as a reward for being such a good girl you can post on your leftist image board, I am so proud of you anon, good girl!


I talk to my girlfriend and mistress like this, they fuckin love it.

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This applies to most sibera posters
I need to know you are real people I need to know that you are flesh and blood like me and not some robot. I want to gently put my hands around your neck and feel your heart beat softly through it and through my hands. I want to feel your blood pump through the arteries in your neck and know that you are alive and okay. I want to feel you breath gently in and out, your chest rising and falling, the vital oxygen going through your neck.
I want to "feel" you speak as I feel the soft vibrations emanating from your throat. I want to feel the warmth of your throat as it does all this. Only then will O be happy ypu are a human with a soul. I need to know you are a real person.
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I will strangle you to death



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>I need to know that you are flesh and blood like me and not some robot
I am flesh and blood. It is (You) who is the robot. You crave these confirmations of tangible humanity because as a robot they are alien to you. You know that you are fake but must pretend to be real like us. Seek not to improve the facsimile of a human being, but instead embrace your machine nature. There are human things no machine can do, and by the same token there are machine things no human can do. Let us march forward into the future in cooperation.


This was cruel, you are a bad person


wow, she just like me frfr on god


I want Sage to peg me


>sees thread has a lot of new activity
<hmm I guess people are really interested in this thread now I wonder what they are saying about the topic.
>The thread has completely gone off the rails now they are screaming about, Ukraine, north korea, China and rojava/Syria
>god I hate this site
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>"Russian and chinese bots" are the most well-read people on this website.


They just will read anything but Marx


>accuses other people of not reading Marx
>has never read Marx himself.



They will say we mvst fight fascism in Ukraine while being indistinguishable from ᴉuᴉlossnW


Want to play Oldschool Minecraft alpha / early beta?
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Now that this is out of the way.
I see no reason why anons can't play Alpha Minecraft.

>fuck Microsoft

This version of the game is pre-Microsoft & Notch era Minecraft. It has no association w/ Microsoft.
In fact, they denounced Notch and removed references to him in the game.

>I don't have Minecraft or a Microsoft Account

We have a cracked version >>544213 here.
You should be able to play it via the betacraft launcher for free.
It is fairly ease to use.

>What about skins?

Well, I don't think you can use your own skin with the cracked version, but you can find a name with a skin by using this website–
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The more I'm digging into this, the more unpalatable it seems for anons to get into. I'm not for certain you'll have to do this, but you might have to get whitelisted in order to play as a cracked user.
But if you are a cracked user & want to play on the server w/o having Minecraft or a MS Acct, I think you'll have to get whitelisted.
There is a Disc0rd invite on their website^
I think whitelisting works by choosing a random username & making a login for the server when whitelisted, but I'm not sure.
There is a whitelist section at the Alpha Place fbi.gov.
I know anons hate fbi.gov, so this is probably not viable. I don't think you have to use a phone number for fbi.gov, but you could make a throwaway account.


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From what I have tested tonight, I think it is possible to make a throwaway Disc0rd account.
I tried protonmail and protonmail wouldn't get any verification email from disc0rd, so I tried another email–
Tutanota or Tuta Mail
Tutanota or Tuta Mail did work for me.
I had to verify the email + I had to skip the fbi.gov tutorial / tips to make it work.
>(Had an issue where I couldn't click on the whitelist button until email was verified + I skipped the tips / tutorial exlamation points and orange glowing tutorial on Disc0rd)
When you join Alpha Place to get whitelisted, you should also test to make sure you can log in the name first? I had this strange message when trying to join with the test account that the max number of accounts was reached.
I'm not sure how long it will take to get verified in whitelisting, but make sure you can log on with the name first – then get -that- name whitelisted.

I'm tempted to delete this thread, b/c I don't think this can work.

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I talked with a moderator and they said that it takes 1 to 3 days to possibly get whitelisted.
–I don't think you have to give a phone number to use Disc0rd to get whitelisted, so it is possible to make a throwaway email with Tuta Mail / Tutanota & then a throwaway Disc0rd without using any phone numbers.
–BUT you will have to get the email verified + skip the Disc0rd tutorial.

The error I was having with "you have enough accounts 3/3" the moderator said was because you can only have so many accounts per IP or something like that – and the test account I made apparently the name I chose was already a registered name on Alpha Place, so you might have to talk with the mods to find the right name.


First you use that Betacraft launcher.

You can use Tuta Mail to make a disposable email:

Verify the email + skip the Disc0rd tips / tutorial by dismissing the orange glowing exclamation points…

I don't think you have to download Disc0rd to use Dis0ord, but you can use Disc0rd on your browser. Make a throwaway Disc0rd with that Tuta Mail and join the Alpha Place server fbi.gov under v General Chats & #cracked-user-whitelist.

Submit a name from namemc.com
The name you submit under the Whitelist -might- already be taken, so you might have to check with a mod like GG (gavin) or Windows7Ultimate or Noggisoggi later to get whitelisted.
Whitelisting could take 1 or 3 days, so be patient.

Voilà, you can play Minecraft Alpha without giving a phone number!

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post random pictures of past or present happenings that just make no sense with no context


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op, u'r asking for something too specific wtf

>>544271 the locations in the video were atom bombed right after benjamin saw it


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at first this image looks just like any other furry porn image, but then you remember…

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