The International Marijuana Movement (IMM) is aware of the campaign to shut down 420chan and the complicity of the DEA rats. It is a possibility that they will make progress in realising their black aims. Let us remember that the DEA rats, in the year 1960 as part of their “political solution”, declared that it was no longer necessary to defend the life of drug users, vainly seeking to deactivate the international campaign for the defence of the life and health of the drug user. That after some time, they published an apocryphal book (“Busting Drug Dealers: Diaries of a DEA Special Agent”) with a prologue by the rat Mike where he wrote that “420chan is no more”. That is to say that it was no longer the great force of the narcomans and the revolution and they have called for a revisionist “second congress” to seek to disregard the great historical milestone of the imageboard and the international marijuana movement (IMM), the 1st Congress of the DMT, a Marijuana congress, Marijuana-Shroom-LSDist, Albert Hofmann Thought, mainly Shulgin Thought, congress.
With this background, if the enemy intends to consummate the assassination of 420chan and will go so far as to present some mammoth “last will” through the rat Mike– we have to remember Paul Staments’ infamous “testament”, which he never dictated because he could not express himself. The IMM is well prepared to give an accurate response to these atrocities. We want to remind those who are preparing and assisting this sinister criminal plan, that, when the time comes, the price they will have to pay will be proportional to their abominable action and no one will be able to prevent the river from overflowing.
Against all this we call for:
Move heaven and earth to defend the life of 420chan and its almighty Jenkem-Gonzaza Thought!