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Why do retards flock to ancapism
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>Why do retards flock to ancapism
American default ideology is liberalism or "libertarianism" like they say. Ancapism is more edgy and rad version of this liberalism.

It's not about a weaker state, these guys always pump up the police. Friedman talked about it, Milei did it, and the right wing in the US has always done it

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this is how it be

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Because they're ideological window shoppers who think that they can believe whatever they want into existence.

Retarded ones.

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I won't say what my job is, for all you know I'm posting from Langley as a CIA agent, but here is what went down
>I work the night shift
>Some time 2 AM get an urge to shit
>The toilet is small, crammed, when you sit you have the sink right next to your face
>The toilet is bowl and lid are always dirty from people pissing on them
>I cleaned them with rubbing alcohol, layered handkerchiefs in the shape of a japanese "mon"
>sat down and took a shit, it was bad
>stood up to clean, the room is so crammed that it takes forever to wipe, there was a bin under the sink but it was full, already tired I decided to flush down the handkerchiefs
>toilet immediately got clogged, filled to the brim with water and shit
>there is no plunger
>I took a toilet brush in an attempt to unclog it
>the toilet brush got wrapped up in handkerchiefs and chunks of shit
>tried to clean the toilet brush, mission proved impossible
>threw it away in a bin far from the workplace
>arrived back, since there was no plunger I took a broom stick from one of the floor wipes nobody uses
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>making your boss pay 100 bucks because you were too embarrassed about clogging a toilet

>It was paper handkerchiefs / tissues, they flush in some toilets but not all

some toilets might be able to not clog but you're not supposed to use them in any toilets, also it's cripplingly dysfunctional to have to cover the toilet seat in paper in order to use it, just clean the fucking thing if it's dirty

this is praxis

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>Havent you heard? Chihuahua poster was found raped and dismembered in an abandoned house near Cincinati, Ohio

Lies. I would not let that happen.

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>You bring this up awful casual. Most folks flinch when they talk about dead bodies. So tell me, how deep are you in it?

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why do i keep dying all the time? :C

>>627490 thx for the protection
>>627782 thx for the investigation
>>627487 NO THANKS for the raping and killing >:C

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Does this happen in your country?

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i thought this was going to be a video of two overweight bald men having séxo

I thought this was gonna be CP spam or some illegal shit, but is just two cats.

Those 2 cats are illegal immigrants!

nah our cats have fur

erm proofs?

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would the job of being a drag queen be allowed in a communist state?
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It would be part of state funded arts

Drag is a vocation, not an occupation.

Wouldn't exist under communism

why not?

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The International Marijuana Movement (IMM) is aware of the campaign to shut down 420chan and the complicity of the DEA rats. It is a possibility that they will make progress in realising their black aims. Let us remember that the DEA rats, in the year 1960 as part of their “political solution”, declared that it was no longer necessary to defend the life of drug users, vainly seeking to deactivate the international campaign for the defence of the life and health of the drug user. That after some time, they published an apocryphal book (“Busting Drug Dealers: Diaries of a DEA Special Agent”) with a prologue by the rat Mike where he wrote that “420chan is no more”. That is to say that it was no longer the great force of the narcomans and the revolution and they have called for a revisionist “second congress” to seek to disregard the great historical milestone of the imageboard and the international marijuana movement (IMM), the 1st Congress of the DMT, a Marijuana congress, Marijuana-Shroom-LSDist, Albert Hofmann Thought, mainly Shulgin Thought, congress.

With this background, if the enemy intends to consummate the assassination of 420chan and will go so far as to present some mammoth “last will” through the rat Mike– we have to remember Paul Staments’ infamous “testament”, which he never dictated because he could not express himself. The IMM is well prepared to give an accurate response to these atrocities. We want to remind those who are preparing and assisting this sinister criminal plan, that, when the time comes, the price they will have to pay will be proportional to their abominable action and no one will be able to prevent the river from overflowing.

Against all this we call for:

Move heaven and earth to defend the life of 420chan and its almighty Jenkem-Gonzaza Thought!


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>be me
>to poor to pay 15 dollar fee at flea market so i try doing my own yard sale for the first time out of my shitty apartment
>the most typical karen looking lady parks her giant 4 door truck right infront of my little yard sale
>ask excuse me but are you going to be long?
>she doesnt answer my question and just says shes helping her daughter move
>i wait for her to come back and say it would be less walking if she parked in the back closer to her daughter
(the daughter literally lives maybe 8 steps away form the back alley as opposed to the 50 steps to take from the front way)
>she fake laughs and says yea and ignores what i said
>she begins walking back toward the house and i ask her for the last time to please park somewhere else very politely
>she pauses stops walking and says no autistically for some reason
>I say okay then youre being a cunt then you fucking bitch
>she gets really angry and brings out her daughter to confront me
>i call both of them a cunt and a bitch and to go away you woman kek
>she threatens to call her husband or whatever to deal with me
>I tell her to bring him on and that hes a cunt to
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seem the woman was being a cunt, but then rather than insulting her a good time and be done with it, you kept insulting and she brought her family into this and you insulted them as well. Should prolly have tried to reason the family (works sometimes if you appear calm and reasonable and have a legit grievance). Then the stupid brawl on the account of the women which prolly neither of you came out of the bigger man.
exactly the kind of stupid shit that makes it funny to watch trailer park boys. I can feel superior to everyone involved.

I dont think these people complaining have real jobs

>I'd refuse to physically endanger myself for her.
I mean the deal for me would be : if you want me to defend you from any shit you say, then I can also decide when you shut the fuck up and apologize.

We can get into what ifs all day, what if her entire family did agree with me like what youre saying but the lady is still stubborn and refuses to move her truck anyway? If someone spreads misery to me then I want to spread it to them 10x over and onto everything they stand for and love and even people close to them. I dont care if this makes me look unhinged by the way.

r/AmItheAsshole: the thread.

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Genuinely what the fuck is stopping anyone from putting LSD into food? Everyone knows how to get it, and it only costs like 100 euros for 100 x 100mcg of liquid lsd on the darkweb.
Seriously, you would think that there would be a case of some kid putting it in the school's food or a factory worker doing a little trolling from the sleeves of their coat as the sort donuts.

For reference, 50mcg is the dose where you see hallucinations you see on those stereotypical hippy posters for 12 hours, 500mcg is the dose where you see the shit like blood waterfalls and red skulls chasing you for 24+ hours. And a bottle of 100 doses of 100mcg in liquid form costs around 100 euros. Weird how this hasn't happened yet in the news.
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I looked at the texts and the images, all is legit,
might be problematic to rule 3) Actively promoting extreme illegal activity
but I don't think this is any more extreme than the calls for murder and rape seen on the main board. It is simply a guide to chill illegal activity.

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Nice lol, I think the first two images were accidentally swapped so I edited them to their correct positions

It'd be easier with magic mushrooms. You grow em, dry em, powder them and just sprinkle like 5gs in someone's drink or snack or whatever.

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"Hmm, why does my chips taste so umami? And why the fuck is there floating shit in my drink?"
With LSD, it would only take half of a drop from a eyedropper to get them blasted for 8 hours…
Now that I think about it, that's probably why LSD is more highly criminalized than shrooms, (that, and the effects last twice as long) with shrooms, almost all of the time it's self-ingestion

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This is what I look like irl

>body too short or empty
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did you show your patriotism today by gooning to local made superior big american titties instead of that chinese foreign hentai honkai impact crap? remember to support our great nation's products instead of jap and chink hentai, show our american beatiful pornstars you're a patriot, not a democrat weeb.
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Sex work is real work and should be reported to the IRS. Also, health insurance should cover visits to hookers. It's essentially a subspeciality of physical therapy

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>sex bourgeoisie

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absolutely disgusting. the only biblically approved sexual activities are: gay sex. fellatio. anal. spanking. wanking.

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OP your picture of genderbent drumph is proof he might be the only gyaru president america ever had, not white or black, but gyaru

She's worth more than that

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