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now that the dust has settled
who was in the wrong here
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same reason why christians take the new testament seriously even though it was written decades after jesus' death by multiple different sources


Well because Hadiths are the foundations of Islam, not the Quran. This anon >>543921 makes a good connection between the New Testament and the Hadiths; in the sense that the Quran is like the "Sayings Gospels" of early Christianity which doesn't actually provide that much value for an organized religions since it's just sayings removed from the social context where it was uttered in, making theology practically impossible. (Think about the Little Red Book and how irrelevant it was in actual Maoist theoritizing)


theology is mostly interpretation in the present
books like the quran set a baseline but that's it


my cousin got married after a year of converting. is islam the cure for incelpdom?


Doesn't the Quran literally say that the Quran itself is all that's required


was 4chan always like the unironic /pol/ack stuff it is today?
was told there was always ironic racism but was it always like full on /pol/?
wondered that /new/ really made the unironic stuff take over the site but i saw some denialism about it. is there a bit of truth to the denialism?
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The internet in general was less politicised, it was le epic memes, forums and porn
Politics happened in blogs, then it started happening on social media, and so it went


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>was 4chan always like the unironic /pol/ack stuff it is today?
No, it got progressively more like this as internet neo-nazism got more popular and groups like stormfront actively engaged in campaigns to turn the site in that direction. There were always some nazis there, but in the same way that there used to be a wide range of other political ideologies.
>was told there was always ironic racism but was it always like full on /pol/?
No, and the "ironic racism" was often directly making fun of those kinds of people, see picrel.
>wondered that /new/ really made the unironic stuff take over the site but i saw some denialism about it. is there a bit of truth to the denialism?
It goes back further than that but basically yes through a combination of failure to moderate against active consensus cracking and moot stupidly deleting the board that contained these people (multiple times), their brainrot spread to the whole website and over time became dominant. Thanks to the insular culture and strong self-policing (contrary to the site's supposed ideals of free speech), once the neonazis became dominant their position became self-reinforcing.


it was ironic, but as we've all memorized: ironic [x] is still [x].


Most of 4chan unironically supported Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012. I'm of the opinion that while it wasn't /pol/tarded, it was inevitable that it'd become so.


>The Internet Hate Machine
<a hugbox asylum for mentally ill burgers
And it's a honeypot filled with bots too. A downgrade if i ever saw one


>Why don't you talk more?
<I don't really have anything to say
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Honestly, I'd like to read new one.


literally me fr


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>1&2: a directory points to a set of nodes that MUST be its children. meanwhile a symlink points to a single node that is not its child. these could be merged into a pointer that is 1:many, but non-local (not mandatory for the nodes to be its children)
I don't think there is any value in combining the concepts of symlinks and directories. Symlinks are a completely transparent means of making a file accessible under another path (except with some badly written programs). Directories in contrast need to explicitly provide their children as the list of directory entries and there is no sane way to open a directory-like data structure as a link without arguments like there is with symlinks. Obviously a single entry directory shouldn't be indistinguishable from a symlink.

Otherwise your proposal seems sound, in fact similar data structures have been suggested several times, to supersede the unix filesystem (https://web.archive.org/web/20021128194423/http://memetech.com/). Do you think an implementation of your particular design would be reasonably fast? While a log-structured "pointer store" should get good results on basic operations, searching any space of the filesystem seems like a complex endeavour.

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Was he stupid?
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>zchads writing their essays about how cool it is for putin to blow up ukraine because of something that happened centuries ago


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I am not a Z guy. I asymptote towards that but I ultimately view it as an inter-imperialist conflict which I think is the less revisionist line to take. I simply acknowledge the cleverness of Putin's decommunization joke. Ukraine was blowing up "Ukraine" in a US-instigated civil war 2014-2022. The United Snakkkkes and Vladolf Putler are fighting over trillions of dollars in minerals. The American Revolutionary Defeatist part of me, and the Epic Ben Norton Multipolarista part of me both want Russia and China to get those minerals just to piss off Lindsey Graham and other Amerikkkan war mongers. The anti revisionist epic Enver Hoxha part of me wants of course all bourgeois governments (including Russia and China) to collapse into proletarian revolution simultaneously. I think the anti revisionist part of me is more correct but the multipolar part of me is more realistic.


>2014 was centuries ago
damn lenin really was spitting with that decades in weeks quote


no i'm a multipolarista too, i dont really care who wins, either way the result is the humiliation and the fascist turn of the west, but i still think it's fucked up to invade a country, kill conscripts in a 2 year meatgrinder, and displace eastern ukrainians even harder than they were before. even if you look at it through purely a kind of socialist realpolitiKKK lens it's still a loss, because now europe has moved to realign with the united states and spend more on its military. that being said i still mostly share your perspective
well do you remember 2014?


>the people in Donbass Luhask were part of Russia prior to 1917, speak Russian,
They were settled by Stalin between 1920 and 1940 retard

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This lil uygha indirectly created the most enduring shit flinging in human history. Say something nice about him
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another point I wanna make (I keep thinking of more sorry)

as medicine and other inventions became more important, especially department 1 (production of the means of production) it became necessary to have anatomical diagrams, taxonomic drawings of plant/animal species, realistic blueprints of mechanical devices, there came a strong economic incentive for realism and draftsmanship. So building up to the industrial revolution you needed more accurate drawings for purposes like blueprints. This incentivized the development of realism in the work of artists, who would also do non-artistic or semi-artistic work in scientific fields.


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naturalism is just another style amongst many
societies like ancient egypt and greece and china were able to produce artisans who managed to develop and incorporate finer details into their forms for whatever reason


the intellectual development of human anatomy probably helped a ton
ancient egyptians were renowned for their embalming process which obviously came from an in-depth understanding of the body
ancient greeks also developed an understanding of anatomy around the last couple of centuries BC which is when the naturalism in their sculptures really kicked in


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My deepest desire is for a man who is stronger them me, physically, spiritually and mentally to stop me. If I go to self harm I want him to grab my arm and physically stop me, I want him to force me to eat nutritious food, to exercise with him to be social. I want him to prevent me from making mistakes and to force me inside when he sees my BPD flares up. I want someone, anyone to just stop me from hurting myself, to just stand in the way when I am about to make a mistake, this is my biggest desire. What is your biggest desire?
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Chances are you're not a fed, however I have to say this anon… Is everything okay in your life?


I have a hard time telling if something is trolling, so please I ask you one anon to another if you are could you tell me? I can't tell, I think you're not in which case I want to ask why you are a satanist but again, can you tell me?


How do you worship or show reverence to your dark god? Do you have any holy acts or the like? You're interesting. What do you think about your common man?


>My deepest desire is for a man who is stronger them me, physically, spiritually and mentally to stop me. If I go to self harm I want him to grab my arm and physically stop me, I want him to force me to eat nutritious food, to exercise with him to be social. I want him to prevent me from making mistakes and to force me inside when he sees my BPD flares up. I want someone, anyone to just stop me from hurting myself, to just stand in the way when I am about to make a mistake, this is my biggest desire.
You want parents.


I didn't have very good ones and now I seek them. I will be honest if I ever win the lottery I would pay someone to be my dad : (

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I need a woman who can easily overpower me


So, uh, any woman then?


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This is cute, I hope you get a strong woman, who puts you in your place, and forces you under the table between her legs when she needs to blow off steam. also sage.




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Me on the left.


i was watching you through your camera the entire day and that never happened


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I was watching you watching me on camera all day and I waited until you went to make yourself hot cheeto ramen to sneak out and do it in the camera's blind spot.


Who is she?

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has anyone else here ever fallen in love with someone else from /leftypol/ ?
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Yes with n1x


every guy i've fallen in love with i met on /leftypol/
i've basically used it as a dating site.


the chihuahua poster


Not from here no, but I have an odd relationship with you all. I want to spill love and warmth in threads to people and ask about shit they do, or their mental health or their day. I want to hear them talk about the "cringe" shit they do or the music that they listen to her, but I feel like I will shit up threads if I ask an anon about how his day has went… More than that that though. I have very intense feelings and thoughts and people will be scared away with how much I feel things for them and I hate it when people leave me.


😳 >>543576 😳

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why the fuck is the main transgender flag so shitty compared to the proposed trans flags ?
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You can slip him a note instead :3


no i have to be a big boy and talk to him, i can't pass a note but if i fuck it up and he hates me i am going to donate all of my organs to the chinese, hence why i am scared


Incest pride worldwide



lol this is fucked

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