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Was this the most milquetoast liberal show ever?


I dont know


no, you're thinking of The West Wing


idk this scene goes hard


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it promotes reactionary ideas about masculinity and gender, one of the main characters is a serial sexual harasser and it's played for laughs when he puts a hidden camera in the neighbor's house

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primcom hammersickle goes hard



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How do we support these guys?


airdrop them guns and ammo


Leave them alone.


There are Sonic-themed DLC & food items at iHOP now until May 5th apparently.
Go get your late-stage capitalism happy meal faaast!


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we'll see you there, anon.

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I live in Croatia, edge of EU and NATO and I am worried about ww3. Serbia or Republika Srpska (picrel) may start war against Bosnia or Kosovo. I am prepping and collaborating with my neighbors about it. I wish to, if Croatia turns into a lawless war zone, make a refugee camp for all refugees that come my way. I think refugees will be Roma, Serbs, Bosniaks, Albanians and Middle Easterners.
Are there any books on how to make a refugee camp so I may accept all refugees and rebuild the society with them? Could I build a grain silo and start filling it? Assuming I convince my neighbors to become not racist, what would happen to racist Croats and white refugees hating on PoC refugees? Should I separate my future refugees ethnically?
I will be honest, I want to, when ww3 happens and Croatia goes belly up, rebuild civilization and survive to be remembered in history.
You can now call me a bad leftist liberal reactionary.
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My brother in this shithole, there will be no war.
No politician here in their corrupt mind would do anything like that cause it would mean a literal suicide (for them and their wealth). Dodik and whoever is in charge in the muslim part are speaking shit cause it's a local election year again.
Starting a war would mean a total economic isolation, as well as loss of the money and shit they get from their benefactors. Every year it's the same thing. "We'll break from Bosnia, we will proclaim indenpendence etc" and nothing ever happens.
If there was even a war, I can bet that the youngest volunteers would be 50 year olds cause of how depopulated the countrs got. Not to mention the complete death of any revolutionary spirit of the working people.
I fucking hate this country and every Serb, Croat and Muslim in it, I want it all to burn so that at least all the partisans who gave their lives for us no longer need to see the absolute shit state we turned former Yugoslavia into.


I forgot to mention in original post, but if ww3 happens they could do it since the world is gonna go to shit and sanctions won't mean shit. Only difference is if Serbia and republika Srpska joins Russia in ww3 or NATO/EU since some Srbs wants to be in EU.
I have no ill towards Serbs and Bosniak nor desires for a war. And ww3 most probably won't be Dodik's or Bosniak or Croatia's fault. My post could also be applied to collapse due to climate change and collapse of globalization due to rest of the world, not just politics.


Albania is rightful Italian land and Albanians are ethnically Dalmatians in denial


>he fell for Dodik's larp


Dodik will cuck out and if he does not 80% of the population will flee to germany lol. Literally nobody except the autists that marched to the border a few months ago are happy to get drafted. And what remains will be steamrolled by EUFOR or NATO if Croatia gets involved its over for him. And Vučić might be a schizo but hes smart enough not to get involved in that. But if you are still afraid, go to /akm/ and read up on the pdf thread. You should at the very least have a hidden forearm and a way to temporarily retreat deeper into croatia, however if you dont live near Dubrovnik or in Krajina i wouldnt worry about an invasion at all. You might be useful for Serbian deserters and leftists if you live near the vorder so just have a good network of peoole who can work together on the refugee project. I migt pay you guys a visit if Dodiks autism catches me in Srpska.

t. Bosnian Serb


>So what if God…
>…is a woman?
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If you unironically think and say that all women over 30 are unattractive then that might be a sign of literal pedophilic tastes yes, or just hebophilia/ephebophilia and immature sexual attraction in general and preferences for individuals that are not yet mature sexually or emotionally and psychologically. That is if your age of preference is much lower than an adult, or as close to childhood as possible, and you are much older yourself.
The baity nypost article that OP posted was implying 22 is 'a time when people feel they are hags', albeit for some kind of hyperbole. But you do see shit like the anime "christmas cake" meme that women above 25 are unmarriable and "time to throw out". And generally the idea that age correlates directly and proportionately with attractiveness is delusional and "pedoish". There are plenty of 18-2x year olds that would be considered unnattractive by an arbitrarily large number of people, while there are women in their 30's that would be considered attractive by an arbitrarily large number of people. There are some factors in how people form their conceptions of sexual attractiveness that pertain to social opinions and ideological opinions or whatever, and there are some that pertain to physical signs of health or attributes seen as positive by the observer, like possible indicators of strength or intelligence, that are linked to aging an sensescence. For example horomonal levels and collagen production decreases in both men and women at different points throughout their life, and this varies depending on the individual and factors like lifestyle and diet and exposure to environmental pollutants, or supplementation with hormonal therapy, or treatment with skincare products or collagen supplementation or certain drugs like rapalogs.

All these factors are mediated by societal norms and all that, it's worth pointing out that women and men both experience similar rates and timelines of average decline in hormonal levels and collagen production and muscle or bone mass, or thickness of greying of hair and all that. Not all of it seen as unattractive even by current predominant standards. In some random studies I half remember conducted on participants rating a photo of a person with neutral expression and no other info on their personality or what they do in their life or whatever, a female participant might be rated as most attractive at 18-24 depending on the rater's aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>pedophilia judgement based on literally aesthetics
Writing a long wall of text just to show you're incredibly fucking retarded


> If you unironically think and say that all women over 30 are unattractive then that might be a sign of literal pedophilic tastes yes


What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us.
Just a stranger on the bus.
Tryin' to make his way home?



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Macron said this
What does it even mean

It sounds good but I know it's an insult
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What the fuck, I love IVPITER now!?


Macron is just a genuine opportunist.


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The frogs are DeGaulist (the original Dirigisme Dengism) and as such defy the western conception of politics as capitalism vs. communism.


He really just says whatever, his words have 0 connection to his actions. It is literally to the same degree as trump. It's pretty funny sometimes, he comes across as such a failed theaterkid.

Then I remember the austerity and it becomes less funny


Post raw, classic YouTube. No stupid celeb 'YouTubers', influencers or other parasocial crap.



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Among the men we know, whether by ourselves, or from historians, or from travelers, some are black, others white, others red. Some wear their hear long; others have merely curly wool. Some are almost entirely covered with hair; others o not even have a beard. There have been and perhaps there still are nations of men of gigantic size; and apart from the fable of the Pygmies (which may well be merely an exaggeration), we know that the Laplanders and above all the Greenlanders are considerably below the average size of man. It is even maintained that there are entire peoples who have tails like quadrupeds. And without putting blind faith in the accounts of Herodotus and Ctesias, we can at least draw from them the very likely opinion that had one been able to make good observations in those ancient times when various peoples followed lifestyles differing more greatly among themselves than do those of today, one would have also noted in the shape and posture of the body, much more striking varieties. All these facts, for which it is easy to furnish incontestable proofs, are capable of surprising only those who are accustomed to look solely at the objects that surround them and who are ignorant of the powerful effects of the diversity of climates, air, foods, lifestyle, habits in general, and especially the astonishing force of the same causes when they act continually for long successions of generations.

All of these observations on the varieties that a thousand causes can produce and have in fact produced in the human species cause me to wonder whether the various animals similar to men, taken without much scrutiny by travelers for beasts, either because of some differences they noticed in their outward structure or simply because these animals did not speak, would not in fact be veritable savage men, whose race, dispersed in the woods during olden times, had not had an occasion to develop any of its virtual faculties, had not acquired any degree of per-
fection, and was still found in the primitive state of nature. Let us give
an example of what I mean.

"There are found in the kingdom of the Congo," says the translator of the Histoire des Voyages, "many of those large animals called orangutans in the East Indies, which occupy a middle ground between the human species and the baboons. Battel relates that in the forests of Mayomba, in the kingdom of Loango, one sees two kinds of monsters, the larger of which are calPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


genuinely didnt read a single word.


We need to give humans tails again


Oh my fucking god, why did you cunts take down 420
Fucking Jesus Christ, you know all I wanted to do was ask some druggies about ibotenic acid to assuage or amplify my paranoia about having done severe brain damage to myself through Mmelt and Tre bars, also those stupid Wundar gummies. And then I find here, motherfucker I need the people that pawn the family dog to feed a habit for this shit, not you guys.

Anyway seeing siberia in the topic is perhaps a bit of synchronicty anyway given I had communed with the spirit of Mukhomor and it taught me that the mushrooms wanted me to die so as to feed the forest and thus their offspring. These toxic mushrooms are literally trying to farm me.

You know I actually can't help but wonder if the Soviet commander was right, that these really are bourgeois and needed to be exterminated throughout Sibera. However, all that being stated, I have come to conclude it is a far darker take on the realities of transitional Socialist theory in the mycelia given that they literally require me to die to spread their young, and so tricked me into eating mycotoxins that as Mukhomor informed me (it didn't give me its name, it simply fits given the nature of the article I read about the alleged Soviet soldier who went insane and disemboweled himself and murdered his comrades after being ordered to do so by Mukhomor the spirit of the mushroom, I have concluded listening to this thing is like rolling a willpower check against a warp entity) that apparently while the Amanita Phalloides is intent on just straight up killing you the fact is the intoxicants of non-lethal "poisonous" mushrooms is to the same effect, that it's to make you ineffective and incompetent and thereby fall down a cliff or fall prey to predators, than directly killing you. As such one must truly wonder the crossover between what Mukhomor is doing, vs the realities of the bourgeois drugging of society and the Tsarist control and distribution of dangerous narcotics like alcohol, similarly mirrored by our CIA control of heroin and cocaine.

Anyway what havPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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i used to love 420chan. I kinda do wish that Leftypol had 420chan attached to it. my perfect imageboard


I never partook (or liked wrestling) and wasn't browsing altboards in its heyday, but it's telling that LULZ: A Corruption of LOL was compiled by them and not 4chan.


it's called ur site owners linked you here for literally no reason LOL


Oh god right you newfags don't even
ngl last shit in particular really hits with with stims and gin


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>America goes communist
>They're Hoxhaist and nuke China for being revisionist, plunging the planet into nuclear war and ending life as we know it
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unironically nuclear war was the only possible good ending to the cold war and the soviets were cowards for not going through with it


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>ending all life on earth was the only good ending to the cold war
bleak if true


They would just do socialism in one country (Canada is part of the country).

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