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So you guys know that store-bought greek yogurt can taste exactly like vanilla, right? Because it apparently can.


Go to sleep


>Make yughurt
>Fill it with tons of sugar and artificial vanilla flavour so much so that it doesnt taste like yoghurt anymore
>People claim they like yoghurt now


What is the most pathetic angloid country and is it England?

>responsible for an unimaginable amount of crimes against humanity

>shit economy and quality of life
>no future
>queen is dead lmao rest in piss
>haven't been exporting culture in decades
>shit weather
>still has the audacity to be arrogant and patriotic
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communist ones dont at least :)


>haven't been exporting culture in decades
how many decades? britpop and jungle/dnb were 90s. more recently, there's that boy band that was big 10 years ago, plus hyperpop i guess


All white countries suck tbh


there's no meaningful difference between america and britain besides maybe the gdp and accent
mainstream american culture is still the same boring WASP shit


well op is a communist trans woman so they're not an adult male


So here's an interesting thought I've been having lately. Because trans people are more loathsome to conservatives than women are, we are seeing a strange breed of Conservative feminism emerge, although I believe this form of feminism has been in the works for a while and is exemplified by many girl characters in western television shows from the 90s-00s. We see its apex in the character of Jeanie from Mr. Birchum.

For those of you (probably all) that haven't seen the show, Jeanie is presented as a sprite, rebellious tomboy who is also totally beholden to paternal authority. She is the good child who wants to be a carpenter just like daddy, she can do almost no wrong. She is meant to stand in direct contrast to Mr. Birchum's gamer son who is a big loser with no aspirations, he smokes weed all the time, he is a failson fun more or less.

This is permitted to be a feminist character because she is a tomboy and does things just as well as the boys do, and it leads your mind astray from the otherwise reactionary and misogynistic politics of Mr. Birchum and the Daily Wire. Of course there is nothing wrong with a girl wanting to do boy stuff, I don't even need to tell you all that because feminism is inherent to communism and anarchism alike.

But here is the thing that I notice about this sort of tomboy girl that conservatives are now in love with is that she is not actually a liberated woman but rather a "model minority", where instead of women having things like the freedomt to have an abortion, to not have children, to express themselves sexually they are "cutely" into boy stuff like carpentry, drinking coffee, shooting guns etc. So feminism for conservative men like Adam Corolla is girls being just like the boys, but certainly not having any actual agency or freedom from patriarchy.

and these tomboys are always contrasted with the figure of the failson or the effeminate man (or the ultimate abomination, the transgender woman) and used to shame them. They are also used as mouthpieces as in "woah, the little girl misgendered the trans woman! from the mouth of babes! the emperor wears no clothes!" that kind of stuff.

This is a rough outline of what I'm thinking but I thought it was an interesting topic.
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>What if… the disco elysium meme… BUT I ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT!!!!


>because patriarchy was common to historical capitalism (actually the common vector were populous productive agrarian societies) having a pussy nullifies your bourgeois potential 💀

the most capitalist societies are the most feminist, let that sink in, as i see my mexico being devoured by the US hegemony, i see feminism make its way thorugh.


for the same reason they allied with evangelicals decades ago and are doing it again today against le "trans menace" :)


>women tend to support whatever empowers them economically in a way that both protects and preserves their social status
middle-class women*


none of the shit they said was wrong but its about the petty bourgeois, not "women" lol. feminism is an interclassist movement and not communist for a reason

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216 days left


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until … a senile old pedophile gets inaugurated as POTUS? The best part is this will be true no matter who wins! Just like last time!

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I have been here for three weeks and I wounded like to share some further observations with all of you about this place and you all.
>Alot of you have deep rooted psychological issues, however bad this is, its not a reflection on your character and most of you if not nearly all, are psychologically pleasing to talk to
>Its hard to work out gender for most of you, I am a big fuck of strong man, but i often don't know the other person I am talking to is a man, when talking to a-lot of you it feels like I am talking to women
>You are not very sentimental, some of you are overly pragmatic and I am not sure why, I am not a psychologist but it seems like you are on constant fight or flight… or constantly in pain and it shows
>You are kind, when you are not trolling, some people here put on a bastard persona but if you scratch away the surface you actually find theyre warm and soft Why put on a persona? This leads back to the last point about fight or flight.
>Most of you are INSANELY well read but, I feel like you don't put things into practice, not due to laziness but… mild autism?
>Some of you seem emotionally jaded and it's quite sad that people so young would be numb to things.
>You're actually more normal than you think.
>I don't really know if you people have emotional problems as mentioned before most of you feel… jaded are you all on anti depressants a lot of you type like you nerd a hug and someone to care
>People here have weird insomnia
In another life I think I would enjoy being your friend and hopefully help you het over the dead inside thing.
Oh one last thing
A lot of you have a very bleak outlook on life and seem to think at some nebulous point in the future you will die or suicide, many people here have passive suicidal ideation. I think I am right with most of you needing close contact with someone who cares about you and not just a sexual fling
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Many of us don't actually have mental issues. We just play our characters post-ironically 🎭🎭


Thx baby


I know at least three people like this on the matrix server


>remote mass anonymized psychoanalysis through text



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>it is now illegal in the UK for incels to talk to women
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it is now illegal to goon in your home in the UK.


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i wish it was illegal for incels to speak in general vghghhhhh


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This. America banning porn everywhere. Not looking forward to it but the west is gonna have a whole lotta rapes real soon.


>digital pornographic media became illegal therefore people are going to do something 100x more illegal to avoid breaking the porn law
doesn't make sense. it's also illegal for people to own pirated games, yet they still just go ahead and do that instead of shooting up a game store and making off with all the games

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Santa Claus is the perfect device for speedrunning a kid through the process of belief giving way to skepticism. Kids learning about Santa Claus (who omnisciently judges you from far away and gives you rewards based on your behavior… sound familiar?), only to find out he isn't real and was made up by your parents to get you to behave, is an ideological dry run for finding out God isn't real. And just like parents all tell their kids about Santa Claus despite no longer believing in him, parents tell their kids about religion despite (sometimes) no longer believing in it. That's the thing a lot of Atheists don't understand. Religion isn't just a belief system, it's a practice system. Many continue to practice without believing. You go through the motions even if you no longer believe because that's just what we do around here. Santa Claus is how secretly-nonbelieving participants in a religious community subtly admit to themselves that it's all fake without outright saying it: They have this "lesser God" that they play with, that they actively tell children is real, and then disabuse them of the notion when they are old enough. If the child chooses to extrapolate that process further, they can become nonreligious. But if they value the practice of playing with that concept, then they can use that same concept on their children, even if they don't believe in it. It's a microcosm of religion itself. I've known Atheists who tell their children God/heaven is real simply because they don't see an alternative in their community. Kids usually discover what death means around 4 years old and if you don't accompany that discovery with the concept of an aterlife, they'll freak out and cry and everyone else will know that you didn't give them the "gift" of religious indoctrination. So a lot of people go along with that process even if they disagree with it. Now see how Santa Claus serves as a secular microcosm of religion and you can see how Santa Claus becomes a gateway to Atheism dressed in the robes of a Saint.
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Wait… Santa isn't real?


>Has a fireplace
>Doesn't use it
Should be shot for that ngl even if she wasn't a richoid


Hey there, I came to /leftypol/ by way of /fringe/.
In ye olden days, anagrams were a way aristocrats communicated. I'm not sure how much it's still practiced, but it's fun to play with words. Santa/satan is a classic.
Consider the way satan is presented in classic theology: He's the accuser. The prosecutor in the courtroom, while God is the judge. That's the role of Santa Claus: He makes a list of naughty people to be punished. But just like Satan doesn't deliver torment (God does that), Santa's elves are responsible for packaging the presents.
Okay fine, the metaphor breaks down towards the end, but it works the other way too is my point. God IS real, and Santa is the microcosm to prove that to children, because children behaving is essentially a form of prayer-through-action to the benefit of their parents and loved ones, which can come back in the form of fiscal gratitude at the end of the year. Yeah, it's not Santa rewarding you, it's your Mom & Dad: Because you weren't in their hair all year, so they could make more money, so they COULD reward you for your good behavior.
I've got a half-baked theory here that there's something to be said for autism. Allists learn by watching others, autists have a need to understand why something is the way it is before they'll do it that way too. I think for generations now it's been seen as "easier" to teach through mimicry than to explain economics to infants and toddlers. But honestly, they can handle it. Kids learn to hear and think earlier than they learn to speak.


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santa being an anagram for satan doesn't prove satan is real

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What would Mark Fisher say about this?


2 and 3 are on the same level of militarization tbh


Anarcho-tyranny (the vanguarding of crime by police) is more of a reality in the west today than an efficient police state.


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fatsoc detected

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Read it and weep, /leftypol/
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"it" is garbage


isnt this from the same election where they lost most of their seats and became an irrelevant third party





i wonder if there's even a single vajayjay-having femanon here or if they've all been grossed out by all the porn threads
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datamining thread


Here, and I even contribute to the porn threads lol.


Does man pussy count?


this might shock you but women also like porn


very cool! round of applause 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

>>545941 no because trans dudes are dudes
>>545960 das crazy

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