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"No chin, no right to speak."
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>Hey samurai cop, what does doujinshi mean
>It means Japanese playboy


marijuanaposters what does WOD mean?

War on drooogz

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World of Darkness

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War on dharam

Nice cock.

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legalis weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed in bul
IM so bre sober
I AM SOBER IM so tired legalize weed
in bulg aria
germnan ffukcers get to smokk 2 plqnets
598 posts and 275 image replies omitted.

Or maybe not, checked soundcloud, updated 7 years ago, then checked name to the soundcloud, lead to another soundcloud updated 3 years ago. Probably a DXM survivor. At that, the video desc says
>i dont do drugs no more. just smokin blunts daily maybe drinkin a lil and i be rappin now
If alive, then congrats to Isabel for not dying to DXM.

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Never seen a full thread on Siberia for some time

>early gnome shell ui
>old chrome ui
>old youtube ui
bruh, how could they fuck everything up so badly, we had nearly achieved greatness…

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one day i was walking home from school and a guy in a car drove past me screaming "YOU WALK LIKE A FAGGOT"
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one day I walked into a bar and my gay friend told me my scarf looked queer
i just said "THANKS"
im straight btw


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>mfw straight people

you got owned dude. lmao.

Catch him and break his kneecaps.



We discuss our results and the idiocy of the choices of other people, especially if the body is too short or empty.
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4got pic

Twelve million pennies would one hundred twenty thousand dollars.

Twelve million dollars would be one billion and one-fifth pennies

That's a fair scenario. In fact, I think this is how communists should approach economic equality.
Everyone of lower and middle classes live in luxury for one to three years depending on their initial station.

Save up from the billionaire treatment

> the USSR is back
< they follow a tendency of Marxism that you disagree with
would you press?

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Asian femboys built for BWC

Look at their size difference no wonder East Asians populations decided.
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God damn right wingers are the same in every place and time.

Cuckoldry is a pretty standard fetish in Japan tbh. If it's not race-based, it's status related like someone's boss or a younger man cucking them.

BBC only

Das right wyboy

BBC loyalist 💪🏾


does ACAB include police dogs
does ACAB include police cats
does ACAB include police horses
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there he is, the cavalry horse captain, chief gigaequus the armored, the last sight of many anarchists

>tom and jerry alliance against the black maid
This would've literally ended the entire show.

nah they did it but then they realized at the end if they become frens the show would end, so they made tom an asshole for no reason at the last minute, found the episode

>then they realized at the end if they become frens the show would end, so they made tom an asshole for no reason at the last minute, found the episode
I'm not even surprised. Longrunners, man.

False consciousness is subhuman

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Blue Forest Berry, Blue Haze, Manipuri also known as Mirchayia
How many strains of blue weed are there? How many are nicknames for the same strain?
1 post and 1 image reply omitted.

transhumanist weed
(I don't mean the word filter btw)

>ReCoWeCo posters are back

WOD uyghur is still dead

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Actual uyghur turkroach can't have fun because islam

blue yellow pink… whatever man just keep bringing me that

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lol your 24 yrs old and never once had sex
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how tf do people find time to have sex

from my own experience be unemployed and a drug addict

Ngl it is extra sad. But not impossible, you must any of the following:

•Live in an extremely conservative rural area
•Is extremely fat
•Have extremely high standards
•Very, very flaky and scared of sex

I'm "bi" and non-white and really only like twinks and femboys and never had sex with a woman (that wasn't a hooker) I even managed it after 30 as well. If you're white and not fat it's basically a guarantee.

Legit, the most sexo I got was when I was unemployed NEETing it with my parents. Unlimited free time to go on dates with tinder hoes. I wish I could go back bros.

That sounds awesome. But some of us were just going to have harder time getting any even harder if you don't try.

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Why did it become such a cowboy state?


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many cows
many boys

It's all LARP. Someone page Gay Nazi, I've seen him do big write ups on Texas and how they manufactured the cowboy image in the 60s. More famous cowboy shit happened in New Mexico and Arizona than Texas. They're just the ones that decided to make the old west their whole identity.

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texan here, its all bullshit. all the cowboy stuff is like centralized to places like santa fe

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