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Moscow nights
I feel with desire,
Shining bright
Like a fire
And everywhere you hear the balalaika
Bringing out love

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Does anyone have experience with these fuckable butt sextoys? In theory it would be better than fapping as you at least get to work on your thrusting skills right?

I was thinking of maybe trying 7 days of nofap and then on the final day just goon in one of these for a fun long session with 3-4 cooms to get completely drained. But wanted to hear if anyone had tried them.
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this post gave me a strong pain in my heart area


that's already way more work than throwing away tissue paper or cumming in the toilet


>they spoilered it



>browsing /siberia/ in front of others


how to do things and maintain a strict study routine as an unmedicated adhd fag
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Caffeine doesn't really work like Anphetamines or Methylphenidate but it is a stimulant. ADHD is a disorder which disfunctional attention symptoms come from insufficient stimulation. If you take, say, 600mL of black coffee, you might be able to concentrate more.


so like, 3 cups? that sounds a bit excessive, but i might try it out this week and see if it works. i usually have 1 cup and then wait til it wears off, then have another one. that means about 3-4 cups a day


good luck sis


>Three semesters
that's nothing, I dropped of college out entirely out of disinterest and remained unmedicated until my 30s


Drink macha tea. It has lower amounts of caffeine that release slower into your blood stream so it keeps you going for more hours, but is less intense on the heart

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this is what would have happened if Lysenko thought wins the world.

the kruschevites, boojs, radlibs, leftcoms, """scientist""" and any other groups who are in opposition to the lysenko-line of science had taken this from me (AND YOU!!!).
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>the chinlet isnt necessarily a nazi, but still often becomes one
>The chinlet is simply a disgruntled, misanthropic and cynical >zoomer in essence,
>"Nothing ever happens"
>"Its so over"
>"Billions must die"
>These are his mantras



Cope and seethe?


That sounds like a nazi.


based on the responses here. all of you are counter-revolutionary.


what the heck… maybe.. socialist antifer and chinletdy arent so different after all

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is he on the lefty train or is this some futurist post-modern larp?
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Isnt that politics in general though?
Self-absorbed indignation?


Abrahamicisn tells us that "man is above the animals, second in command to God".

Yet, humans do everything that animals do. In fact theres some species of animals that are more efficient than humans especially in gender relations.


*ahem* Musl-


>that are more efficient than humans especially in gender relations.
That literally doesn't make any sense every animal is specialized into its own niche. No animal is more efficient than any other


It's even spelled wrong lol

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My lil bro is obsessed with that country, a lot, like its part of his personality right now, we're not even on the same continent as brazil, and he can barely name more than ten countries, but when its brazil thats mentioned, he's very happy, one day i noticed he talks about it often, in an exited tone, about soccer, about the favelas and the music, food, cities, landscape, ganghoods, carnivals, news, if its in brazil, he loves it, he always loved football and now says he wants to play it in a street in brazil, when he opens his phone you always hear soccer music or brazilian dança phonk, his toktok is all brazilian influencer girls dancing or football matches, at this point, show him a place in japan and he'll say yeah cool, but show him a colored favela and he gets real intrested

not saying its bad, im just happy someone loves brazil with all the shit it gets online about being le bad crime place
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Só se for na sua bolha de pequeno-burgueses. Aqui onde eu moro, literalmente ninguém liga pra judeus nem muçulmanos, nem mesmo os crentelhos. Só um pequeno-burguês que consome slop internacional adotaria pautas ocidentais quanto à guerra em Gaza.


aw fuck, brazil mentioned LET'S GOOO


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That's cool, anon. Here's a subbed brazilian meme for you. What do you say?


Skibidi 74 is imminent
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how hard is it to not let a 3 year old have unrestricted internet access? extreme parenting fail, there's all kinds of shit on youtube and tiktok that's way worse than skibidi toilets.


This is an overexaggeration.

Typical suburban culture overdiagnosing kids for the slightest flaws


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Skibidibros…. it's over…. the zoomers are angry


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uyghas thinking they are watching Game of Thrones or smth.


Im not watching this.

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Sometimes I visit imageboards and they make me feel sick but not as sick as the 24/7 news cycle of poverty and violence.

Why isn't there a news channel for good news? Like segments on normal people making the world a better place through their efforts? What could be done to create one? (I'm not asking Chat GPT this question because it's a robot and eventually the grid will go down.)
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The world is getting more shit in other ways tbh , crime is overblown.


most doomerism about the world getting worse is mainly generational copium for aging.
Innocence is a spiritual drug.
Most older people are more easily triggered by harmless slang or differing pop cultural gestures.

People only pay attention to things when something blows up.
Most people also have cultural amnesia.
They only know about the past from movies and novels.
Alot of conspiracy theories exploit this.


Physical crime has went down alot especially in the west.
If not in quantity then in severity.

Sins/vices are alot less filthy. Teens are more likely to play video games than go out drunk driving.
Teen pregnancies have dropped alot in the past few decades.

But, the world is still going to shit.
People are now morally obsessed with safety.
God forbid a child gets a boo boo or isnt cut out for advanced academia.

God forbid a man is awkward or forgets to hold a door open for a woman.


Mercy kill yourself



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maleness under patriarchy is inherently oppressive. it's my intention to achieve gender abolitionism by means of removing gender's framework for all except feminine genders, restoring the liberation of primitive socialist matriarchy by with slow assimiliation. gender as something as which exists to secure reproduction by tying together functions shall under post-scarcity become even less meaningful than under matriarchy. I'm anti-transmasculinity because I'm maleness is an inherently violent role within gender.
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Maleness vs femaleness is just biology
Nothing to do with "roles".


>speaking on vague terms like "oppression"
Yup, it's leftoid time.


marxism will never be a soyence


Oppression, the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control. Example, the relation between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie is a relation of oppression. A minority exploits the majority. The relation between slaves and slave owners, sefs and nobles, etc

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>no gemdom thread
>log is utterly fucked
really makes you think


She's pretty



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