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I love old movies with cheesy acting like you wouldn't believe.


Samurai Cop is from 1991 and is a parody of 1970s movies, so despite being 33 years old it's actually a little "past" being sincere. It's ironic. In that way it's closer to something like Black Dynamite (2009) than it is to the original thing being satired.


>hey samurai cop, what does fukushima means
>it means japanese chernobyl


I grew up on this kinda ninja slop.
The owner of the video store had a crush on my babysitter, so he’d let us rent anything we wanted for free.
So I always picked anything with ninja or samurai in the title.

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Me on the right.

Pls sar what da phuck is dis
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My brother in god (who is a femdom), I look up femdom tag on motherless and this came amongst the results, I click on it and it sends me to a rabbit hole of race femdom.
Some hindutvas are so politically horny I'm honestly impressed


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da phuc


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couldn't find the third one unfortunately. if anyone knows what character is depicted in it then reply with it and ill see if i can find it


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I'm a porn addict


gooners of the world unite


400mL of wine

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it's easy to tell why holes like the vagina, or the anus or the mouth are hot for men (you can stick your pp in there and it feels good), but what is the explanation for the body areas like the feet, or armpits, or even breasts also being sexually attractive for men? i'm focusing on what men find hot because i have no single clue how girl sexuality works
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>but breast size isn't correlated with fertility

breasts are literally fat deposits and women of any age literally stop ovulating their moment their bodyfat drops below a certain percentage


Small feet are part of sexual dimorphism, high dimorphism, high fertilty. Also estrogen correlates with bone density in women and feet are a part of the body where dropping lack of bone density and collagen leads to all kinds of deformities


Well, what is your definition of small tits? Men who like flat-chested women are definitely a very tiny minority.


Absolute state of this board.


>body areas like the feet
Litterally just a quirck of brain structure. Processing of feet is spatially close to processing of sexual excitement, its just a common brain disorder.
>or armpits
Sweat => pheromones/smell/sex => kinda looks like a vagina if shaven
>or even breasts
We are apes. Apes are attracted to big butts which indicate fertility and sex. When we started walking upright and became social you usually look at faces and upper bodies, not asses. Human females evolved swollen mammary glands because they look like butts, are in the front you constantly see, and activated the already present wiring for butts in our brains we've had for 90 million years.

It really is that simple.


because I love kissing my partner head to toe and I worship the ground that they walk on because I love them so much :)


In materialist terms, elaborate.

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>huge wealth gaps between neighborhoods (poor houses, rich houses)
>land usage is heavily inefficient (big backyards, parking lots, etc.)
>not enough apartment buildings or space to build them
>farmland is individually owned by high tech bourgeoisie farmers

Would it be easier if we just bulldozed everything and just rebuild?


Are American farmers considered bourgeois? I thought most of them were in deep debt due to land and equipment costs and are basically indentured to corporations


Most of them are middle class or upper-middle class.
They all have college degrees in agriculture and most of them have nice houses and big families.


Most of it is owned by Bill Gates.


most farmers are petty boug or pmcs who oversee other workers whether you're in europe or in amerikkka. not that they cant be like them based communist confucian dengists who post on leftypol.org, but they're usually directed towards reactionary causes as a pressure valve for the material issues they feel

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>people actually go through life thinking like this
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they see the problem but don’t properly understand it


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bone apple teeth


Everyone hated Bush from varying flavors of rightoid all the way to the left. The only people that supported him were hardcore American jingoists and Evangelicals.


yeah lol he literally had to blatantly cheat and rely on the most undemocratic institutions of usian soyciety in the election to win in 2000


Bush was realism-pilled before it was cool

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I made the mistake of reading Japanese comments on an article about a Korean tourist's experience in Japan. That there are people that would write that kind of vile shit in 2024 makes me actually want to cry. I shit you not, it's worse than /pol/, it's like how black people were talked about in America in the 19th century by the most hardcore racists of the time. 19th fucking century.

What the fuck man. And this Korean person was actually praising Japan, didn't even say anything that would provoke the commenters.
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or about roma people, or jews, or slavs, or muslims, or indians, or literally anyone who isnt an inbred habsburg looking deformity


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kill everyone except me


So why are the Japanese punching down if they're so superior??


>So why are the Japanese punching down if they're so superior??
That's what racial chauvinists do all the time. I'm pretty sure any country with a violent history of racial supremacy and imperialism engages in hate against their victims to reduce feelings of guilt for them, as retarded and evil as that may sound.


Lmaoing as a Korean who is currently vacationing in Japan. Every time I start to like Japs, I'm reminded of their bullshit.
쪽발이 motherfuckers


What was Ho Chi Minh's secret cement recipe??


The secret ingredient is love


Love doesn't exist
Drop more bombs


What the fuck

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