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Abraham Baruch speaks
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Memri tv lives!

Memri tv jewish version??

Now we only need a christian one to complete the trilogy

אתה גנב

I dont really care about jews.

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Thread for erotic contend made with women's pleasure in mind. Primary 2D, but if you have some good 3D stuff dont be ashamed to post!
60 posts and 81 image replies omitted.

Get these adult diapers out of here

I'm tired of gaslighting. most pictures itt show men who are just as sexualized and rare in real life
it's fine, just stop gaslighting people.

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This makes my pp hard too. Ye sure it's for women?

womens romance is actually a fantasy about being eaten alive by a serial killer cannibal or some other gross shit
female coomers are worse than male coomers by a long shot

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i didn't even know mexican fascists were a thing, name a more cucked ideology tha, mexican fashism lmao
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this is mexico so we're not talking about minorities

and uygha please, i'm saying why can't they be reactionary using an ideology that actually benefits them, not one where they larp as germans and italians, atleat african americans have yakub and islam nation, latin americans just wants to larp as ancient aryans

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name a more cucked ideology than mexican fashism lmao

ukrainian stalinism? (real btw)
palistenian zionism?(real btw)
indian monarchism? (real btw but their favorite monarch is the brits)
armenian neo ottomanism?
taiwanese and chinese showa shinto restorationism? (real btw look up taiwan doing festivals to honor japanese soldiers and praying they come back to life to beat tha ccp)
kurdish baathism? (probably real)
cuban gusano capitalism? (very real)
jewish nazism? (not zionism, the other jewish nazism in 40s germany)

artstyle look like mdickie games

>palistenian zionism?(real btw)
Plenty of Palestinian Arabs live just fine in Israel though.

i was talkin about palistenian arabs serving in the idf

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Only nice looking races should be near each other. I'm talking about the ones who actually have fair skin ofcourse, no make-ups like Koreans and no eye contact like Latinos. Also Afros and South-Asian people need to stay far from everyone else.

The Anarchists believe in personal choice in who one associates with, but it seems like you want to use state power to enforce your own personal preferences, which makes you a homo lol.

interesting proposal. Elaborate please

did you really have to post this with a lust-provoking frog attached?

it was a joke about enforced homogeneous society i.e. an ethnostate retard.

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"It's not about me personally attacking people, it's getting them scared. I'm just freakin em' out so that I can seel the most records and stuff. (On dissing other singers)"

"I swear, what is she tring to do (Christina Aguleira), beat Britney on being the sluttiest of all time? She is freakin nasty. I mean, how many STD's does she have? Who goes around telling everyone about their p—- ring? It's sick."

"I grew up on the mean streets of Canada and I had to survive."

"'Skater Boy' is one of the most hardest, rawest songs ever made. Alot of girls wish they could jam on the gutiar like I could, but they can't!"

"I dress cool and I look hot, so if you don't like it suck it."

"People like comparing me to Alanis. Sorry, I take baths."

"Christina Agu…who? I thought that hoe died!"

"People like Shakira shouldn't have record contracts. She cant even speak English."
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1 post omitted.

the board is healing

>"People like comparing me to Alanis. Sorry, I take baths."

Why? She's lame.

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>most hardest

So you're retarded.

I don't get it

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me + your mom (i'm your new daddy)
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>Shota femdom is cringe ngl

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lol bitch i went to japan and became a male pornstar huehuehue, check out all the hotties + me 😎

hell yeah

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lol me and your bitch got close to eachother on the train u mad?😎


Well, I didn't vote for you
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Amazing! Fun to imagine her interacting with ponyAlunya

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too early for siberia

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This joke was basically the beginning of the mass online anti-trans hatred
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It was chosen by Chicanos(Mexican-Americans) because it sounded like something cool in Nahuatl(the Aztec language) because it used the letter x a lot

Ah that explains a lot.

> Hispanics who fume over it are just reactoid scum
>Regular hispacins never heard of the term (in fact, in spanish and portuguese "latine" is the gender neutral way of saying it), and those who did just think as something cringe
I never suggested otherwise just that the majority when surveyed dont like it.

It was likely made up Hispanic nimbies to describe themselves in as neither latino nor latina but "latinx" unless it was entirely created by White feminists who don't speak any Spanish and just consider Spanish sexist a language so they made up a word. It's an internet word so it's origin is a bit hazy.

It was more likely made by chicanos who thought understandably that Spanish was a colonially implanted language that doesn't rightly represent them
>it's an internet word

Real Chicanos call themselves Nican Tlaca and America Cemanahuac

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ITT: we give each other tips and trick on how to cope with in a world that's fundamentally hostile to us.
183 posts and 26 image replies omitted.

Where does the line between others understanding this (e.g. The mess level you'll tolerate is higher but it will be cleaned eventually) versus this causing problems to others (e.g. The mess level is smelly and causing pests that impacts others)?

post more of this

All fun and games until they start shooting you in a collapsed society THOUGH
Autists make incredible soldiers or warlords

Can cats really have autism?

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