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>parrotting destiny talking points

unlike you I don't follow these faggots and I don't need them to tell me that a Westoid living in Latam to live cheap and get pussy and virtue signalling the rest of us about true socialism is highly problematic

What's problematic about that

1) Baseless accusation.
2) Argentina is basically white themselves.
3) BadEmpanada is likely a gay man.

isn't he from Argentina?

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>average ccp slanderㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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My guess is the -ification sways in the favor of whichever country is doing better economically, since families will straddle between the two kinda [elaboration needed].

Ever heard of tiananmen square

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all humans are mixed. abolish all racespooks.

East Asians are crakkkkas too

>uygha littered their bikes


what would you do if this happened to you
1 post omitted.

cry and scream a piss and cum probably

I would seethe 2 decades later about how it was a hit job

but not shit?

uygha should've wrapped it up after he made a joke about jamie the first time but the ego of comedians doesn't let them stop until they get laughs

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>uygha should've wrapped it up

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my ideal home? a floating cambodian shack made out of wood and sheet metal and a bit of mortar, and standing above the water on strong baboo legs.

think the town from flapjack but asian and more third world-ish
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typ mor

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Very detailed and thorough debunking of that guy's extremely loaded post riddled with logical fallacies. I bet you look like this guy.

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If you are American you can live in a boat on the bayou. Looked pretty neat.

>Very detailed and thorough debunking of that guy's extremely loaded post riddled with logical fallacies.
Thank you very much, I'm so cool, I know.

would prefer this over OP no question

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/siberia/ is filled with slop and bait; It is time to bunpost.
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bnuuy (real)

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>>604969 i feel bad for actually wanting to make one

there are sussy bunnies among us

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would you buy weed from this bunny

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this is epic

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I found something really intersting that u might be interested in becaue it does seem somwhow fujny to be honest because on how trump and this abd that and stuff many stuffs alot of stuffs
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I can even hear it say china

Bros, considering how much Trumps gut protrudes, is now the time to buy?

Long until you hit the belly button, short ozempic stocks

why did you think this was a good OP?

buy the dip into his mangina

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I cannot let go of my rage. My partner has suffered greatly in life. He's autistic, massively into DND and Wrestling, he has been diagnosed. I am not, I can't stand what normal people have done to him over his life, because of something he didn't chose, he has suffered greatly, he has been denied work and is now in his mid-30s and assuming he will end up dead before he finds a proper job over in burgerland.

I hate people, I hate them all for what they did to him, he is the sweetest, kindest and compassionate big fuck of a man, and normal people physically attacked him, denied him employment and made his life hell. I want to murder them, my blood boils at the thought of what he has suffered because of his autism.
I hope anyone who has ever harmed him dies.
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A solid improvement over zoomer culture.

Sorry anon. I'm a zoomer just a musically literate one.

Genpol smh

Don't feed the trolls

why doesn't he just self-diagnose as neurotypical? it works for me.

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It's pretty comical how terrible the average historian's politics are.
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And they have the nerve to accuse the students of academic laziness for not knowing the correct sequence of events

I have a messing fetish.

Most historians simply memorize chronological listings of dates, battles, dynastic successions, inventions, and autistically specialize in one form of history, like culinary history, military history, or technological history. They do not bother to integrate the random events into an understanding that is scientific or materialist. To do so, they assume, is the work of philosophers. Furthermore they often take narratives at face value and forget that history is written by the winners. They are often surprisingly vulnerable to propaganda.

It is just like how pure mathematicians are very bad at finding situations in real life they can apply math to, and go through real life looking like bumbling spacey spazzes.

This academic professions have an allergy to realism
And then people wonder why students have declining academic prowess when most of the teachers learn their professions via rote themselves.

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I don't think I've ever read a single book that had a positive impact on my life. I feel lucky when a book does not make things worse. Reading is a colossal waste of time, to be honest I am starting to suspect I only do it as a form of self-harm. And no, neither smoking weed nor getting DRAINED by hookers change that. Mao was wrong, reading any book is harmful.
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Ahh the mods deletetd my Dinotopia posts. Well co fuck yourselves.

Did they delete all your posts or just that one?

I have no clue, I made a couple posts in this thread about Dinotopia. You can go look up for yourself what Dinotopia is. I have no desire to post it if I will be banned,


No manga? No pamphlets? No zines? No manuels? No essays? No self help books like the ones that give study advice? No philosophy books to help with critical thinking?
Not even stuff like visal novels? Or just media with so much text to read it's basically like a book(s)?

(Even if you argue essay =/= book or whatever, if you fine enjoyment and use from an essay you'll certainly get it from books)

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Irrigation is the future.

The body was too short or empanada.
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There's no evidence that the biotic pump effect is strong enough for that.

You can see the bio pump effects if you plant hard enough

On God, I was going to post that image with my original post but couldn't find it, thank you

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