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Is it just me or is the Eastern European "hipster philosophy" trend now is just aping every random esoteric/failson Western school of thoughts they can put their grubby hands on? You can name every single sloghtly famous Western pop academia figure be it Nick Land or even Haz and i can guarantee you there is at least one Russian microsect on twitter dedicated to talking about them
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Oh yeah? What kind of brown are you buddy.


sounds like a typical reactionary hiding behind ironic humor.
And when caled out for it, they scream "IM BEING CANCELLED".

No respect for edgelords, tongue-in-cheek or deliberate.


That's GODjeet for you whiteboi or i'll mobilize the entire Indian call centre networks to make sure you'll never be able to call a refund ever again


All of what you said is true but i don't find him particularly scary, it's all much too larpy, hipster politics. I find him very similar to Richard Spencer in both his past and current form, it's just neocon shit at the end of the day. By that i mean actual existing neocon like George W Bush not the weird bizarro-land neocon Fuentes/MAGA and other nativists imagined where they pretended like it was some sort of secretely progressive movement to build gay pride in bagdad in order to make it loose credibility.
BAP is also not gay indeed, he was dating dasha from redscare not too long ago.


You should make better posts

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

2d/3d porn animation thread

Old: >>297367
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Careless animation, her hair is clipping.


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>Oppailoli so good
Checks out.



unf these are muchas good

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What the FUCK is wrong with Western society


idpol, that is what is wrong with it


Context: Do a quick search using that term and you'll see COUNTLESS NEWS REPORTS about that matter


>>549921 (contd)
I mean why can it be so pervasive as fuck to the point of exceeding limits

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>Nothing to do were I live
>Don't like parties
>Don't like my family
>Don't like my coworkers
>Don't like social media
>Don't like the people online that cohabitate my interests
How do you make friends?
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this is the average suburbanite woes and amplified by the fact fast food is a rip off so that is no longer a real option. honestly have no advice besides moving out if that is even possible.


also are you american? if so you are fucked throughly


this is good advice


Make a neocities and have a public email.


living in bumfuck nowhere that's being "developed" for several years now is awful this place is just a boomer retirement home and there's no prospects for young uyghas we've gotten more stores and restaurants at the cost of losing the local park, movie theater, etc and you now have to drive hours to another place to do those things even shit like meetup is nothing but thinly veiled hook up events for bobs and gertrudes. nearly everyone else my age has dumped this shithole and moved for greener pastures or they're in and out of prison. only reason i'm looking forward to starting a job is so i can hopefully save up and get the fuck outta here.

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since the war in ukrain is about blonde-haird and blue-eyed ethnic-white people killing each each other, why don't we speak with them ?. tell them that we can unite russia and ukraine but instead of screaming online and offline about nationalism or liberalism, we encourage them to scream about ex-USSR unity. Also, scream about white breeding program for ethnic whites group and sub-group in both nation and surrounding. tell them to scream that china will help them do the breeding program if it gain enough support (who knows, it may just work. after all chinks likes whiteys). tell them that the breeding program would ignore things like marriage and romance and any other things that may hinder the production of whites. But the catch is the right can still get gf. also, tell then that white commie country let you make pollicy that would ensure your fair-skinned ethnicity group and sub-group to only breed within their own (think middle asia USSR areas). tell them that white/lighter-skinned commie country doesn't invite darker skin collored immigrant.
>"but they don't want whores/women who already get fucked millions of time, they want virgins/ tradwives"
<just treat the pregnant women as your wive being pregnant
>"not my baby"
<there is no difference, all eastern-europe-ethnic-whites looked the same. none of you guys even actually cares anyway. so, just ignore it.
>muh familly
<you can make a familly but the women still need to do her job
>it's not authentic
<i do not care as long as the whites are reproducing alot of white babies it's good.

conflict will genuently stop if we do breeding program as long as said ethic-white group and sub-group take the mate/artificial insemination from their own group group and sub-group. also promise them that the program will maximize the production of blond hair and blue eye and every other non-generic (collorfull) eye and hair collor.

>so… it's cucking ?

<it's not
<it's just doing things for the grater good.
>also if they're pregnant then you can just bang them a lot and not Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>t. Selfhating Subcontinental


Buy me the DLC please please please


Most of the world will be brown, nothing you can do about it.


All of you need to die in nuclear fire regardless of race, gender, sexuality,
Please erase mankind from this world


>inclusive nuclear holocaust

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imageboard users are supposed to be hostile. I don't need your sympathy
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>let me tell you about real chan culture
Fuck off nerd.


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Yeah dude everything posted on imageboards should be endless variations of the navy seal copypasta but unironic. That's totally interesting and worthwhile.


Why would I be hostile towards my friends?


everything must be resolved through the barrel of a gun, there is no other way.
I am sorry for your friends.

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If therapists just did this, I would be cured. Why does capitalism force their ineffective methods over such an obvious solution to 99% of patients?
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Well then you would get a big strong dude with a hairy chest to princess carry you everywhere homorade.


The real issue is that we lack cures for psychiatric illnesses. As a result, we resort to medicating the symptoms or spending money on therapy that primarily focuses on teaching individuals to accept and live with their condition.


I want you to know that for the rest of the day I am going to read your post and enjoy the thought.


"Sex stabilizes your mind."



I'd like to have sex with a girl who is cute, kind, affectionate, big boobs, and has very good blowjob skills.

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How do I leave the house outside of scheduled events such as work and funerals?

(No I am not in prison)
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Then you won't ear anything because they won't talk much so move to another place until you ear aconversation happening


Then everybody walk the dinosaur


Read this: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/guy-debord-theory-of-the-derive
Now you have an intellectual excuse for your schizo-strolls and something to talk about with arthoes.


>walk to your front door
>open it
>walk outside
>surplus value


Shit, got me there. The probability of this is low however.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fuck femdom, lets see some femboydom

(Also, is there anyone lucky enough to have found a real life femboy top, and is in a porn video?)(Spoiler Pornographic OP Images)
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The fact that this fetish makes people genuinely mad is very funny.


>The fact that this fetish makes people genuinely mad is very funny.


Some of the people starting shit with the OP (not all of them) are clearly mad about the fetish and not just the fact that it's a porn dump thread. Not that those have ever been forbidden in /siberia/ either.


>Some of the people starting shit with the OP (not all of them) are clearly mad about the fetish and not just the fact that it's a porn dump thread.
What people? Areyou talking about the obvious shitposts? Are you sane?


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Having a pet is so awesome. Non pet-owners don't know what they're missing. How sad to live in a world of millions of species and you never get to interact with any of them outside of pests to be exterminated.

Everyone needs a familiar.
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>I think livestock are the best pets
Why anon?


It's easier to milk a goat than a dog


tbh that's only part of it: it's common even in countries like the UK where there's less of a service-animal culture, or where "no dogs except guide dogs" was a common sign in the past.

i think there's two other reasons, one more US specific than the other:
1. in America landlords are allowed a no-pets policy, but they have to allow service animals to comply with anti-discrimination law. having a pet probably does marginally help with your depression, and everyone's depressed, so why not get your therapist to sign the waiver saying fido gets to come with you to the only apartment in your price range? …but then once he's a certified service animal, why not take him anywhere you like? especially in cases like airplanes, where it's not unheard of for someone to fuck up and put the dog carrier in the unpressurized hold.
2. for regular businesses, rather than odd cases like airlines, you're looking at freefall in the number of people who go to the town center relative to even say 2005. nobody goes there shopping anymore when they can get the same shit cheaper on amazon. nobody goes to local government offices when they can do stuff by e-mail. side effect: fewer people go to secondary services like cafes because they're not already in the area for some other reason, they're at home and can eat there.
but you know who's always outside? dog walkers. you know a good trick to increase foot traffic in your business? ditch the "only service animals" requirement and just let dog walkers take their dog inside. they do just happen to be in the area…


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>It's easier to milk a goat than a dog


Parrots are the best and funniest.

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