"It's not about me personally attacking people, it's getting them scared. I'm just freakin em' out so that I can seel the most records and stuff. (On dissing other singers)"
"I swear, what is she tring to do (Christina Aguleira), beat Britney on being the sluttiest of all time? She is freakin nasty. I mean, how many STD's does she have? Who goes around telling everyone about their p—- ring? It's sick."
"I grew up on the mean streets of Canada and I had to survive."
"'Skater Boy' is one of the most hardest, rawest songs ever made. Alot of girls wish they could jam on the gutiar like I could, but they can't!"
"I dress cool and I look hot, so if you don't like it suck it."
"People like comparing me to Alanis. Sorry, I take baths."
"Christina Agu…who? I thought that hoe died!"
"People like Shakira shouldn't have record contracts. She cant even speak English."
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