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"No chin, no right to speak."
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>psst, I got the stuff you buyin or what?
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Drank a 1L Tuborg plastic bottle yesterday, I had been drinking Heineken cans (silver and regular) up until then, I didn't realize how much better beer tastes out of a 1L squishy plastic bottle, I always saw drunktards with these things on the buses and on the streets and I thought they couldn't be better than a cold can, but I was wrong, I was so wrong. Not only was the beer seemingly easier to drink and the bottle was squeezy like a pair of tits or balls, but the taste could only be described as the taste of a great penis to a gay man who has lived thousands of years stuck in the body of his mid 20's without anything to suck on. The beer felt like the climax, which was so good I didn't want to stop drinking it to breathe. I drank the entire bottle in less than a few minutes. If anyone else here has only had beer from aluminum cans and always avoided plastic 1L bottles, then you have no idea what you're missing out on. There is no beer like the beer out of a squeezy plastic bottle.

And it might seem like a lot, one might think "I only need a can", but once you start gulping it you will realize it's never enough. You need to try out the plastic bottles, if you don't you're a coward.

And this might seem controversial, but damned be glass bottles, those diseased things with a small opening that aren't squeezy, that a thousand million of people have sucked on then been melted into filthy 1400 C to 1600 C where all their ebola and cancer and viruses can mingle and combine again into a new glass bottle to then be washed and used like it's nothing. Every time you suck on a glass bottle's neck opening you're taking in the microbes of entire diseased generations.

whiskey bravo alpha

mmmmmm Heineken

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i miss the old thread. it got nuked with the outage
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>nightmare fuel
>the movie where the shower is an actual shower
didn't have the balls to finish what he started

should just transition at this point

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I remember there being a thread or post debunking this video but couldn't find it.

Why tf was it deleted?

I'm interested to see the debunk because Asianometry is usually rigorous and the vid seems to be validated by people who were in the field in the USSR in the comments.

Nah not by everyone. I already found a few comments by I think a russian who disagreed and even under the that one calculator story from that burger, there are people that disagree and he also admits that he wasn't aware of alot of calculators the Soviets produce. There is also /ourguy/ with a deng profile pic fighting the real struggle kek

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No i'm not just saying this because of no gf, Valentines Day is a fascist holiday that encourages consumerism and promotes fashoid "family values". Please this valentines day do some praxis for the left and just fuck or be fucked anally and cut out the entire crap about buying flowers and chocolates and shit.
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actually valentine day is kino and gallant and spiritualy noble thanks you king charles vi

Nothing wrong with Valentines day other than every day should be treated like Valentines day with a romantic partner if you have one.

Nah, then it becomes common place and mechanical, of course you should treat your partner better than average but you don't want the exception to become the new norm as a kind of soulless ritual.

>The people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

A lot more women would be getting pissed at their men if this happened more frequently mainly if they forgot or felt too tired to go through with it

I didn't mean literally I just meant being appreciative in moment to moment and showing you care.


Wtf Leftypol, America is based?
1 post omitted.

guatemala*, não sei ler….

its money theyre sending to destabilize countries. no one would spend millions on a fucking transgender opera.

How can you produce and then print a comic book for just $32k? And why Peru? Codeword for a CIA operation.

What the fuck are these personalized contraceptives? Is it something from a compound pharmacy or are they talking condoms with your face printed on them?

They'll take some art program in some country and then stretch it beyond belief to go "THEY'RE FUNDING transhumanist PLAYS IN GUATEMALA" because they have no instinct for being honest
Example, "Contraceptives to Gaza" included STD prevention and reproductive health but the spin machine wanted you to get the message that they're freely giving "condoms to hamas"


Will we have corny but cool media productions imploring us to consoom product (AKA commercials) under bommunism?

I hope we have death penalties for anyone making commercials.

Some commercials are pretty entertaining but they are wasted talent that could go into proper short films.

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will this ever happen in our timeline?
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ehh, thinking about japans war crimes against the chinese and current hate against the japanese in china, i just cant put their women together.

mostly a man thing, most asia women aren't that political beyond a bit of daily casual racism against the gaijin and Riben guizi, although die hard xenophobe asian women can exist and outracist the males

Look up Sakurai Yoshiko, jap females are just as savage as the men.

Japan has an incentive to keep their hatred of China going because of their alliance with the US.

american missioraries made christianity a home religion in korea

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Do you think the glownonymous post differently than regular users?

glownonymous is not of the common kind, I see him as some kind of all powerful fey, sometimes seelie sometimes unseelie, glownonympus is very wise

another oh so "rational" moid failing at basic statistics

Why dont you like lesbians?

>Lesbianism is a political movement
by conceding the political nature of lesbianism, you admit any opposition to lesbianism must be political as well. checkmate heteroid

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i know its stonetoss, but this comic is correct(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Fuck off /pol/yp.

No its not what are you talking bout lil uygha
Chuds saw two male feminist neckbeards getting caught raping on the low and they gleefully call all male feminists as rapists even doe rightoids got caught in a sex scandal once every month (see Elon Musk)

/pol/s are only mentally capable of updooting and downdooting.

It's pure projection, like is this uygha even pretending that the altshite isn't full of a wifebeaters and rapists and pedos

I dislike male feminists for being gender traitors but every time i see a case of "rape" coming from them it's always "erm he was lowkey abusive which is basically RAPE sis!"

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Should incest be illegal?
When I was a 8 years old kid and my sister 6 we used to make out, before booth of us got scolded by my parents “IT IS LE BAD”
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It is odd it is a blind spot but they may also just be avoiding it trying not to be accused of being literal child rapists just for supporting rights of even just teenagers like how White people who were for the emancipation and civil rights of Black people were called uyghur lovers but this is far worse an accusation.

This also effects alleged and actual rape victims who are minors or even just having had consensual sex with someone that reportedly broke the law can be forced against their will to have nude photos taken of them to display to a jury and have a rape kit done on them effectively sexually violating them. This has changed in some places where for example some around 12 and up can refuse and can voluntarily choose to testify in trial but is still an issue at large where it is very clear the goal is control not protection.

Also ironic /Siberia/ sometimes on occasion like this has more in depth quality discussions on tough topics than the /leftypol/ mainboard.

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Not really a debate thing and more me reminding you that there are different things being referred to by the word grooming. It seems you think you can also reason your way into grooming being the responsibility of children to suss out and stop and also being something completely harmless. Incredible what you can bring out of people with one morbid joke about the obvious exceptions to what they're saying. Generalizing all of this into "grooming isn't real because it's got an inconsistent definition" is pure autism. That's not how anyone uses words. You should try talking to people off the internet, because I am a retarded sisterfucker and apparently I have a better understanding of language and ethics than you. Doesn't take much work, just stop depriving yourself of common sense.
Will never use the word moralfag, most terminally online thing you could possibly say, and on top of that an example of a dumb meme getting taken seriously.

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>Leftypol has inconsistent logic
because it's several people with different ideas and not a single person you can call out for being self-contradictory
see what I mean?
>talk about morals beings spooks
one type of person does this
>but then get ass mad about age gap relationships between consenting adults.
another type of person does this


I study psychology where the term came from. Just stop embarrassing yourself with pop psychology drivel. Grooming isn't an actual thing in the sense you can not predict or convict someone on these things you call "grooming", these are not unique behaviors specific to any form of abuse sexual or not. Just stop.

It's funny how conservatives have no problem with stopping teenagers from having transgender therapy but they have no problem with cutting off genital foreskin from newborn babies.

Also, ironically even conservatives nowadays are against teens having after school jobs.

Schools claim to be about "expanding your mind/opening up the world to you" yet kids are discouraged from socially and physically interacting with the outside world

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