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Hi /pol/.


Are you that guy who keeps posting his face


Femboys never beating the racist allegations


i hope they take away your computer


post his androgynous face

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you gotta get in there and hawk tuah
spit on that thang; ya feel me??
if she don't wanna hawk tuah I don't wanna talk to her
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I hate these street interview videos and wish people would keep sexual shit to themselves. It feels weird as fuck.
I wouldn't want to be spit on either


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>I hate these street interview videos and wish people would keep sexual shit to themselves. It feels weird as fuck.
your dad came in your mom's pussy and now you're here crying about it



its like defecation.
Its a necessity for life but do we need it thrown in our faces everyday?

Feces makes the biochemical realm go round


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>your dad came in your mom's pussy and now you're here crying about it
What point are you trying to make here? There's nothing wrong with having sex, but it's an intimate and personal matter. Hypersexualization is lib brain rot.

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If I had infinite power along with sending piggies to the woodchipper, I would like to massivpy increase funding and support for psychiatric "walk-ins" across the world, for men and women. I think psychiatry is important and it should be free, anonymous and easily accessible.
I'd like to mandate that everyone owns one rifle, one pistol, one shotgun and are semi proficient in all three.
For English specifically we should have a central school for it like the Germans, French, Italians etc, the school will be in Dublin for the lols.
One last little bit of corruption, I have three friends in life, I would like (anonymously) them to all be taken care of for the rest of their natural lives, no expense spared and I would like them to never know I did this for them
After this, I would like all power stripped from me and to be left alone in a commune in a cold country where I can just work the farm and cook nice food for people.
Is this too much to ask? Also what would you all do?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


didn't read anything, but the gif is very cool


kissing gif thread


that ending always gets me


they look like they're having fun drooling in each others mouths


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your best results from AI generators, could be DALL-E 3 (free here with a Microshit account: https://www.bing.com/images/create ), Stable Diffusion, or anything. Coomers slightly allowed but don't flood the thread pls I want it more shitposting/curiosities focused.
Also you can just post AI memes, doesn't need to be original.
551 posts and 867 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



marx is fucking balling whole shit


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nice fupa in img 3

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Real talk: how do we fix Detroit?
465 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Detroit needs jobs. That’s it. Everything else will come in later.


Those posts are not comparable, one is just objectively correct the other is wignat shit


Planned Parenthood will unironically save Detroit.



I work in public transit and work all across the mid-west and rust belt, in many ways Detroit is quietly an example of what to do as while I'm not gonna lie and say they're doing fantastic, it has substantially improved and is still on the right track. Just last year they had the least amount of murders in 57 years, Detroit's doing fucking fantastically compared to some cities like St. Louis, Baltimore, or Memphis. Hell Im pretty sure Detroit as a whole is statistically safer than San Francisco but that might be San Fran getting worse more than anything lmao.

Invest in public transit, focusing on dense housing and mixed use zoning (Downtown Detroit is way safer than a lot of mid and small cities in the rust-belt), and expanding outwards from there works, we're seeing it in real time. Now ideally the structural causes of poverty that affect everywhere in America also get resolved to help but we all know that's going to take way longer than unfucking a single city

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread >>538562
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White moids are mostly samefaced NPCs tô.


>t. brown woman


My mom just saw an email notification from BLACKED.com pop up on my phone screen 😬


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reeeeeeeeeeer I hate nightfalls my dick is on fire



 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

post NON-PORNOGRAPHIC videos version 2.0
454 posts and 437 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


plot twist: liposuction


I don't know, I can eat huge quantities and I don't gain a single kilog.



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File: 1719876507668-4.mp4 (1.03 MB, 640x360, HXTSiXJKPvtEVaHo.mp4)

Some random shit


Biden is talking like a halfass white preacher

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>be me
>into black women
>my family, particularly my mom doesn't want me to marry or even think of dating a woman with the slightest melamine
>nooo society will look down on you and your black wife!
>nooo you will ruin muh family genetics
>nooo your children will turn out ugly and get bullied
>nooo you will face racism in Europe! marry an Aryan woman instead!

feels bad man
364 posts and 235 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>2nd from the right
Source pretty please?


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You mean the buns one? I have no idea tbh, I saved this like a decade ago.

Edit: https://namethatpornstar.com/thread/235038 -> Mrs. Six Figures
It was from a tumblr gallery that got deleto'd


Sorry. I'm retarded. They're all nice but I meant 2nd from the left. Her pussy looks extra good.


Ah I see. No clue about that one. The only thing I could find was an old post of mine from a /b/archive thread 6 years ago.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/tits/ 6
245 posts and 289 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>discord, xitter and instagram links
>5 different paying options
>iframes to other sites everywhere
>magick larp


okay bud

>noo you can't ask for donations!!

suck my dick


you got a problem with me asking for donations?

What's your problem faggot? speak your fucking mind


I like it, it's got soul to it. I keep redesigning my site but I never quite make too much progress due to descision overload with the CSS.
Not sure what this has to do with titties tho.
Before the jannies nuke you for flaming I'd like to boint out they only use one iframe for bandcamp, at least according to lynx.


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Both of you post tits or stop posting, you retards

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