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Holy faggots of /siberia/, I have come to your exile to implore you to use your psychic powers to evaluate whether the new leader of France is straight. I am in dire need of a reading. As a mere mortal and straight man I don't possess the psychic gift colloquially known as 'gaydar'.
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>white male autism aesthetics

Not even once


yep i could fix him


Asbergers are usually stiff as fuc. Not prancing and sashaying.


Ummm, youd be surprised


Absolute majority of homophobes are straight males

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post chinlet
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did you read it at least?

tldr lumpens are lumpens because they dont associate with each other or with regular proles so because of that they dont have a tendency to organize collectively against capital, ergo they have no revolutionary potential. its that simple

>lumpen as a moral judgement
<This is pure cope, and a vulgar mechanistic caricature of Marxism


look at all these people ~choosing~ to be unhealthy. what's happening here is definitely a mass outbrek of ~bad choices~, that's the materialist explanation for this phenomenon.


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🎨: Roverdosing


He shouldn't have to transition to be happy.


are they roommates?

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Umberto Eco always comes up for his 1995 essay "Ur-Fascism", but did you know he also wrote this in 1994?
>The fact is that the world is divided between users of the Macintosh computer and users of MS-DOS compatible computers. I am firmly of the opinion that the Macintosh is Catholic and that DOS is Protestant. Indeed, the Macintosh is counter-reformist and has been influenced by the ratio studiorum of the Jesuits. It is cheerful, friendly, conciliatory; it tells the faithful how they must proceed step by step to reach – if not the kingdom of Heaven – the moment in which their document is printed. It is catechistic: The essence of revelation is dealt with via simple formulae and sumptuous icons. Everyone has a right to salvation.
>DOS is Protestant, or even Calvinistic. It allows free interpretation of scripture, demands difficult personal decisions, imposes a subtle hermeneutics upon the user, and takes for granted the idea that not all can achieve salvation. To make the system work you need to interpret the program yourself: Far away from the baroque community of revelers, the user is closed within the loneliness of his own inner torment.

>You may object that, with the passage to Windows, the DOS universe has come to resemble more closely the counter-reformist tolerance of the Macintosh. It's true: Windows represents an Anglican-style schism, big ceremonies in the cathedral, but there is always the possibility of a return to DOS to change things in accordance with bizarre decisions: When it comes down to it, you can decide to ordain women and gays if you want to.

>Naturally, the Catholicism and Protestantism of the two systems have nothing to do with the cultural and religious positions of their users. One may wonder whether, as time goes by, the use of one system rather than another leads to profound inner changes. Can you use DOS and be a Vande supporter? And more: Would Celine have written using Word, WordPerfect, or Wordstar? Would Descartes have programmed in Pascal?

>And machine code, which lies beneath and decides the destiny of both systems (or environments, if you prefer)? Ah, that belongs to the Old Testament, and is talmudic and cabalistic. The Jewish lobby, as always….


linux is shia, bsd is druze

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my friend went to the house of one of our classmates. he told us they had a wicker basket in the corner with some rolls of tissue paper. it was called the wanking corner. the members of the family would reserve a timeslot in the day and do the business. sometimes while the others were in the room, like it was the most normal thing in the world. did you know anybody in your life who had this tradition ?


this is probably a lie, but it's an entertaining lie that I want to believe


i would like to form a commune…
i am autistic and struggle to talk to others without coming off as weird
if things go bad socially i end up hurting myself as punishment for fucking up
i am very anxious talking to people
i get possessive over people who are friends and i am jealous if they have other friends.
i will not form a commune because i am not a suitable material
I would like to form a commune…
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If you have trouble with communication and working with others you shouldn’t be living on a commune.


They could be an anchorite.


i work well i do kendo im fit and would love yo farm i just struggle to talk


The chants of the local communes are destined to fade away beneath the melody of advanced, cold machinery, organized by a centrally planned system.

The allocation of resources for upcoming automation is costly and the resources are pretty variable, plus it requires sufficent workforce and infrastructure.


but too autistic to form or keep a relationship




shout out to the vegan muscular poster who is doing just that
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not even close. chihuahuas are demons who possess nothing but contempt for the mortal plane.


Come September I'm gonna be joining a Boxing Club through my Student's Union. Anyone have any advice for a beginner?


Hey chihuahua I saw this and thought you'd like it 🎁


>>550175 based
>>550253 that's VERY cool!!!!! good luck
you thought right!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
i don't think that's a chihuahua but that's a very goofy ahh video


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VR edition: by invitation of Cat Alunya
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8. Blood relationship, kinship, lifeforce.
This I invariably agree w/ Aristotle in Politics b/c I think this is a spot-on observation.
It is also evident in the Eucharist that there is a blood relationship between Christ the King & Christians.
& why bees & ants are called royal animals when they're in a monogamous colony, since they're born of one queen.
As it is said, of the same blood and suckled by the same milk.


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If you ask what is Graceposter's criteria for Monarchy –
My 8 points, Bossuet 4 properties of royal authority, Jean Bodin's marks of sovereignty & a few quips from Hobbes, the basic definition & etymology of the word MONarchy, Homer's monarchist maxim from the Illiad, & Darius in the Herodotus Debate.
This is my frame of reference & comprehensive criteria^


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I try very hard, but there are still idiots out there that think diarchy is monarchy.
These people can't even count and tell the difference between 1 & 2.
Sadly, the monarchist circles are filled to the brim with people like this.
It isn't complicated to understand, but for some people I believe it is so simple they can't comprehend it b/c they want more complexity needlessly.


What if the king was a plural system?


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>What if the king was a plural system?

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Post your favourite birds and let's talk about birds in general!
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This is nonsense. It depends on how you stroke the bird and how you handle them. If you handle them and hold them regularly, they aren't going to interpret the body as sexual unless you are doing it gently and lightly as a mate would in the wild.


weirdo puritans are sexualizing animals now huh?


Is he /our guy/?


Truer words have never been spoken.

Admiration and love are only similar in that theyre both positive emotional energy but theyre not the same.
Admiration likes the public image, love likes the personal image

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I want a leftist boyfriend to dominate.
I don't care about race gender colour or sexuality.
I want to stand over him, laugh and use my foot on his cock to make him climax
I want to tease him for not being strong enough to stop me.
I want to tie him to a chair and gag him and drug him
I want to tease him that I am petite bouregose and use him as my slave boyfriend sex toy
I want to break the light in his eyes
I have many ideas about dominating some of you
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fair point. I get tired of the hebegynocentrism on this site. Dont you?


Personally speaking, the "lack of care" for men makes me sick, the idea I think men are amazing beings are are not appreciated by the average internet denizen. I greatly dislike that people who I personally like, are made to hate themselves and think of themselves as less.
People don't see their own worth becuase they see some random whore on instagrame and think becuase they aren't her they are worthless and it makes me sad.
Furthermore I amam well versed in biology and the human male body is something I find interesting on multiple levels. Also yes, to answer your question.


Men throw away self value for women.
Chivalry is the poison of cisheterosexual relations.


Perhaps. I will be honest, its difficult thinking of cishet relationships. The way we treat eachother is sickening. I wish men would see their own value and strength, you don't need to be rich, 666, chad, to be attractive. I am currently chasing after a fat american becuase his personality makes me want to kidnapp him mkultra him into being my boyfriend. Perhaps men do throw away self value, but I REALLY wish they wouldn't.


This is why its better to be single and invest all aphroditic energy into BL

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Alunya & Grace fanfic thread
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I thought this was a fanfic thread, not an ERP


^to make your own songs using prompts.
(I advise not using key words mainly, but a synopsis or prompt like "Alunya beats Grace in a duel") with an addition of key words & descriptions like "Grace has emerald eyes").
(you get 5 songs per day)
To get a genre, write it in front of the prompt like gangsta rap or diss rap or diss track or rap battle or rap song or ballad or medieval ballad or musical or punk or blues or happy pop song or bluegrass – (there are more I think).


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To download your song, click the 3 dots & click video. Sometimes you have to wait or refresh the page to get the video download.


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Made a song about Grace beating Alunya in a duel + love songs!


IAlunya sounds like "Alunia", it's so weird

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