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Frank Fontaine is all I wanted from Ra social memory complex for every contract I didn't get. Frank Fontaine starts as Mayor Defacto. They say I can't build a city on anger for the city itself. Ra social memory complex took all my dreams and put them in Venusian and Montreal cement contracts 100 years out. I will buy all that marine life that is urban cement. I will take delivery. With all they did to my former personality, I will build a city. I care not of the religion. My ambition remains regardless of their set time. Frank Fontaine and Mayor Defacto are all that Ra social memory complex fights here.


I am Ra. This is the type of behavior created by Ayn Rand averaged into our complex and contained. :)


You will never have my city, Howard Roark. Bioshock is just construction contracts of Fountainhead, warped with alien material. You can't write Howard Roark as refusing the agreed contractors of a city. Roark can blow up all the buildings he likes. But he can't build them unless he does business with Frank Fontaine, the Fountainhead.


I am Ra. We do not find this healing in this era. :)

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Was he a leftist like you all?
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Yes, proletarian bonapartism is the general preference of most users here.


>Was he a leftist like you all?

No, he betrayed the french revolution, he can fuck off


>he betrayed the revolution by spreading it's ideals all over europe and leaving liberal democracies behind


>and leaving liberal democracies behind


He destroyed the revolutionary spirit of the french revolution, destroyed democracy in france and commit genocide to hundreds of ethnic cultures. He was also am imperialist that killed billions of people. Scholar consensus say he is a bad guy, and history will NEVER redeem him. EVER


We should establish a secret rite of passage for all new adults and citizens.

A newly minted adult should given two positions, one obviously true and the other obviously false, and asked to endorse one of the positions after a waiting period. Then they should be taken into a waiting room with people who are secretly in on the rite. They should be divided between very high class, qualified and respectable people who espouse the obviously false position (and maybe throw in a Bertrand Russell-style English professor for good measure) and a bunch of unfashionable slobs and yokels who espouse the obviously true position. After the waiting period is over, the person is brought in and asked which position they will endorse.

If they endorse the obviously false position, they are declared non-sapient and have all their political rights revoked.
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Water isn't wet, the definition of wet is:
>Covered or soaked with a liquid
The sky is oftentimes a different color (The sky is pitch black during the night would be simpler bc black is the easily defined color, being defined by absence)
The third I can't think of anything off the dome but fire is a process and ice is a substance.


That's some Grade A contrarianism. You didn't even fully process that I said that the sky was blue *during the day*


No, I precisely processed everything in that post.
It can also be grey during the day and besides. is sunup and sundown part of day and night? It would be precise to say "the sky is a light shade of blue if the conditions are right". Everything else is an oversimplification and probably liberal as well.


No, you're overthinking it to be contrarian. Clouds are grey, not the sky. Sunup and sundown are typically called "twilight."


Ok to not overcomplicate it, the sky doesn't exist either. It's the projection not the projector.

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Can you be a (male) feminist while also being a porn addict?
I support women's liberation, reproductive rights and putting and end to the patriarchy but I also am a gooner and really like porn, both live action and 2D.
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try to stop consuming porn. youre not a bad person for doing it, its just a bad habit


Feminism is fighting against SEX based oppression
>I guess women who watch porn are also supporting abuse and dehumanization of women then?
Yes but this doesn't change the fact that the demand is created and the majority of the consumption is created by men.
>Are there real abuses in the porn industry? Sure, but it's not fundamentally different than any other industry.
It is fundamentally different, in what other industry is rape the norm?
>Organize porn stars, staff, etc into unions would be a step forward to ending some of it.
>Christcuck moralism is not Marxism
OK, you're a liberal larping as Marxist.


It does usually say that. There's a reason they tend to say stuff "white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy" instead of "sexist, white supremacist class society." In the feminist analysis, sex is the primary division of labor and therefore the primary social antagonism on which everything else is built. Of course there's also tension between that view and the (pre)historical revisionism going on where they question dubious patriarchal narratives projected onto pre-class hunter-gatherers that assumed men = hunter and women = gatherer etc. But even locating the emergence of sex based hierarchy in the emergence of class society, they still put the sex division first.

This is kind of silly on its face because it implies that class stratification as a secondary component of male domination would benefit the male "class" in a general sense, when it very clearly benefits the upper class elder men (patriarchs) at the expense of everyone else, including young and lower class men forced to labor and fight wars for that minority ruling class. The notion that this system represents a conquest of men over women primarily rather than rulers over the rest doesn't really pass the sniff test and is mainly supported by speculative philosophy rather than empirical evidence. If anything placing sex-based division of labor as the fulcrum on which class society pivots directly undermines the potential for unisex worker solidarity too, since it erroneously positions men as the primary oppressor and consequently upholds "female empowerment" through ascension to the ruling class as a legitimate avenue of change.

None of this is to say that sexism is not a huge problem (it is), but that's why it matters to have an accurate analysis of how it functions rather than being browbeaten into accepting a politically correct version of it lest you be labeled sexist. Much of feminism (including the label itself) is something of a sacred cow buttressed by kneejerk social conformism. Any time the bourgeoisie are willing to embrace a social cause should raise questions about its relationship to capitalist power and make you question the origins and consequences of popular narratives about it. This isn't a new point, and many Marxists wrote quite plainly on the matter of "the woman question" regarding the problems with the bourgeois/liberal women's movement (whicPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Good take


threads like these are allowed all the time yet my posts are the scorn of this site.

How are yall better than Reddit or Twitter?

I should make communities on Reddit and Twitter where I post screenshots of imageboard posts like these.

I wanna see the faux-contempt you guys have thrown back at you

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I think this is too unserious to be in /leftypol/ but honestly why don't we create more propaganda. It could be memes, drawings, videos, comics or whatever the fuck.
I feel like the right wing has grown a lot due to simply spreading the fuck out of their ideas via internet memes and shit while we do nothing of the sort, or at least not nearly as much.

We gotta spread our shit and fish for adherents, methinks.
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And so are Millennials amd Gen X


>Marx: the overall behavior of a class is defined by their position in the system, this is why communism is the real movement composed of all proletarians in the world
<retarded leftoids online : let's make da epic maymay propaganda so gommunism will win :–DDDDDDDDDD


So communists should do nothing because of historical materialism?


>this is why communism is the real movement composed of all proletarians in the world
I dont think he said this part anon.


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Everything in capitalism costs money. Time not spent making money is wasted time, especially when cost of living is going up all the time. There's no monetary support for propaganda so there's no way to pay the people making it a sustainable amount. The only way to sustainably do it then is to insert it into something that does get funding and that people will actually think about like art and entertainment.

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I noticed the rules don't have any rule against doxing but figured better ask before doing shit like this.
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It's against reddit's terms of services


Not your personal army, and there's plenty of other places to post it that would make better use of that information.


not today, cia


I would like to preface this by saying I have minecraft/fedposted somewhere on the site. Can you find it? :^)
Yeah, this is kinda at the heart of what always made me mad. The sheer sense of entitlement of posting about whatever you like, wherever you like. And anyone that has a different view must be in the wrong. Because see, you wanna post and you can't see anything wrong with it.
It's failing at the most basic sociality (other people don't share every inclination with you). Disconnected to the point of autism. I know social interaction is hard but there are some thing you should have incorporated at a certain point and if not something is wrong.

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Imagine if Mr Beast got horny and started making sex videos
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The dude 100% eats scat.


Soulless eyes
Also no one can explain where all his money comes from. Im guessing its straight from the federal reserve


free sperm donations


Mr Beast looks constipated


Mr Breast, then


What was your reaction when liberal capitalism succesfully assimilated progressive thought within its structures?(stop trying to circumvent ISG containment)


Neither of these people understand how imperialism works. Anyway yes anyone that comes over the border becomes a citizen. If you don't agree you're racist lol. It's been demonstrated many times. Slatz is literally a racist.

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Presented without any other comment…
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Remember the whole twitter debacle over how if you're against treating gig workers badly that you're ableist?


If you use twitter you have dementia


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remember how twitter isn't real?


The enjoyment of the process of crafting things is where the good life is. It is how one imprints upon the world themselves. The creative process of things like cooking is a process that creates a concept of yourself. The ever greater spheres of life that are taken away from you through convenience equals also spheres of life that become colonised by the products of others labour. When that labour is alienated and the corporation creates products that are as broadly acceptable as possible, you begin to consume only commodities that adhere to the bland tastes of the corporation. You begin to lose the skills and faculties to impose the way you wish to live your life on those products. You lose the process and with it you lose the playful expression of yourself through the process.
You become less yourself, your conception of yourself becomes more of brand loyalties and commodity fetishism than a culture shared with communities of production nearby.

No i wouldn't drop cooking if i was rich. I would cook more if i had the time to. The issue with the rich is that they see the process of production as beneath them. That human level craftsmanship and basic chores are things they shouldn't have to do and would be weird for them to find interest in within their class-culture.
Then, because that is the case, the rich find ways to automate all the little joys found in building with your own two hands. They can't imagine why anyone would want to spend time imprinting themselves on things so small and lacking in prestige. So they automate it away and because they have automated it away, we must then automate all that is good in life away to keep pace with them. We used to have time to write letters and grow our own crops. We could mend our clothing and embellish it. Now we barely have time to survive.

Like a child fascinated by a race car because it go big big fast, the rich person is also fascinated with speed, with efficiency. But efficiency to what end? Progress for progress's sake is not progress at all. Because it has no goal but itself it can't be progressing toward anything except maybe speed for speeds sake.
What good is a life filled with trying to carve out endless efficiencies to work faster at jobs that bring no joy? We see this in AI art. Why would you want to learn how to create with your own hands art when you can jusPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


peoppe forget that automation requires constant human intervention.
AI art isnt magic. It requires using coding and other parameters


religoids get out
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My bunkerchan gold subscription is still on autorenew.


The bottom right of that image is some real nazi shit. The rest is based though.


Religgers OUT


>no Yakub on image
Tricknology has won once again.


It's funny that Kemetism and Illuminati are in the picture as well XD

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