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3rd worldist gamers where you at?
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

Inspiring. I will never pay porky a cent ever again.


Based, but also highly autistic.

Give this man a BRICS citizenship if there's one. You have made all the five nations of game crackers proud

Brazil is not know for crackers, is usually russians

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Is gacha reactionary?
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The game is utter brainrot but I only play it because of some furry called Von Lycaon. What a stupid name.

All I know about it is that prudes are upset about it.

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♂️ Deep Dark Fantasies ♂️

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DOD:S isn't talked about as much as the other Source-Engine multiplayer shooters of its day, but damn is it great. There's still full servers if you ever feel like hopping onto a game with a bunch of old farts and chilling out.

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All sci fi games should be shooters. Melee isn’t just conceptually stupid, it’s also just fucking boring. If the game developers are making a game set in the future, they should feel comfortable with introducing modern and futuristic weapons. Laser rifles, gravity guns, portal cannons, artillery, nukes, missile launchers, energy shields, drones, mechs, and more are all way more fun options. There are so many creative and underused weapons in futuristic shooters. The fucking dogmatic push for shitty weapons to become standard in futuristic games like destiny, fallout, and borderlands is so pointless.

I want a weapon like the gravitational beam emitter from blame, or the javelin from anthem. Not a fucking lightsaber in battlefront or an actual frying rolling pin from fallout.

Maybe it is boring for you, but I personally love to just go "Grug smash!" on someone, especially if the melee system allows for stunning and staggering enemies, movement based attacks or dismemberment i.e. Shadow Warrior 2.

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There's no proper word to describe just how cultish and odious Nintendo fanboys are. There's a weird game of telephone going on because I've seen people accusing Palworld of being made with AIs or stealing from artists when it's not and at worst they are obvious parodies of pokeymans.
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that pic goes hard

God bless our troops

blue dabeedee

nintendo can sue you for making a game that violates their patent where the player character throws a spherical object to catch a creature that they didn't even file until after the game came out

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why do video game remakes fail to capture what makes the original game special all the time even though they are good games they still fail as remakes let's take a look at RE2 remake or the RE4 remake and FF7 remake. i am pretty sure the MGS3 and Silent Hill 2 remakes are gonna be just the same.
20 posts omitted.

Silent Hill 2 Remake was pretty good to me, I haven't played the original though. Fuck Konami btw

that's not how it works, it's mainly a budget location thing

that's not a garantee slum dunk in sales though

Should i get deadspace remake or resident evil 4 remake?
both are on sale and i have some cash to spare

dead space, easily the better game of the two

I was going to say you're wrong instinctively, but then I gave it some thought and you are probably right.

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I really wish this game had been good but it isn't, the design is completely boring. I just want a good game where I can run a country (preferably in the modern day) that isn't yet another HOI mod. Any suggestions outside of the obvious Paradox fare?
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Has anyone here given Imperator Rome a fair shake?
The Invictus mod is a godsend, and bless the developers for keeping this niche title alive.

What I dislike most about the game is the lack of real historical events. For instance, in EU4 as France, you get an event to have Napoleon as your leader. There are no Scipio or Cato events for Rome, but there are Barca events for Carthage.
I'm not sure for the other nations in the game, but it really seems like the game is less focused on Rome than it is on the Diadochi wars.

Anyone else here play Darkest Hour at all? Thinking about giving modding it a go in the future and maybe they'll end up good enough to share.

I want to play as an Arab nation and form Umayyad borders. Is it hard?

I got you one of those grand strategy games that you like so much, anon!


the mission from cod 2 where you hold a line and do a mass charge still pops in my head randomly with the music 20 years later

I would kill for another wwii fps game with a red army campaign

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Did you forgive the roba or did you kill her?
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I had forgiven her in my first playthrough

I killed her because shes a fucking retard

I see, for me, I didn't judge any whim of the monsters and just continued my way…

Genocide ending is more appealing in original Undertale, since Frisk's soul is merged with Chara… and if it makes Chara pleased, why not kill some monsters :p

> Chara pleased, why not kill some monsters
true we must commit total genocide against monster kind.
everything for them

This banger

>true we must commit total genocide against monster kind.

>everything for them

Yeah imagine sharing the same soul with someone, that's the closest you can get to someone. Whilst if they were seperate bodies, the constant longing would be more severe since their desperate longing to be one subject whilst the cold distance being there… I imagine Chara constantly whispering and bullying us to kill a monster. But of course, whatever you do ( pacifist or genocide ) , Chara will still be there till ( and hopefully after ) death.

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So, i live with a minimum wage and sometimes barely make ends meet. in recent years since ive had some cash to spare i brought games on steam (sometimes at full price) the thing is. i feel like a moron being ripped off. these companies have been adding piles upon piles of dlcs and battlepasses even in singleplayer games. Silent hill 2 remake is 27% of my wage alone (i didnt and im never buying it cuz fuck konami) i hate these greedy companies and i dont want to support them. should i feel like scum for pirating games?
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Wtf even is this thread?
Who cares?
Steal everything.

no idiot

Fake illegalist.

Also, voting with your wallet is bs and most of the money goes to greedy businessmen anyway, although you can throw some spare money to indie developers for food. And buying old games is downright stupid, the authors aren't even getting any money. Like, why, WHY!!?

The only reason to buy a game is if there's no pirate version available and you can't go on living without playing the game and you can actually afford buying it.

I have never bought a single game in my life. When I was a kid my dad used to buy me a few pirated games on the black market, but that was before the internet become widely available in my country. Since then I just torrent whatever is worth checking out at all, which is not much in reality.

If I'm already wasting my time playing a game there's no need to waste my money too. Western gamers have a similar idea: they waste a lot of money buying games on steam but then only play a few them. Indirectly they finance our playtime, so it's a win-win cooperation.

There's nothing wrong with pirating video games. Intellectual property is a spook.

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