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Lately I’ve seen a huge influx of good games that try to update the outdated capitalist realist Cyberpunk genre to the current political and economic landscape. Stuff like Disco Elysium is getting more and more recognition they rightfully deserve for depicting the hopeless and bleak death of modern revolution. However they’re still have some semblance of hope like with Ghostrunner having the corporation being destroyed by a revolution in contrast to the sad oppression of the system.

Another great but obscure example is whatever the fuck Cruelty Squad is. It’s fully embraced the boring drug fueled dystopia aesthetic while delivering basically Deus Ex but without the stealth. Compared to the faux shell of a Cyberpunk game 2077 was (full of cyber but nothing about the societal implications of such technologies other than some edgy infantile “message” about “soul”), this game have everything and everyone be miserable using the cyber-enhancements. Space colonization and AI being pipe dreams. Corporations are not knowingly malicious but only apart of the rot of capitalism.
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And? Are we going to abolish capitalism if enough people play Shadowrun or whatever?


Oh people are mad they didn't bring up some shitty philosophers. What a blow for communism.


And I'm aware Bataille isn't even really a philosopher (actually a plus for his works).


Pyro is a smart guy but he's not an analyst (culture theorist, whatever you wanna call it). Don't expect discourse/textual analysis on youtube. Most people wouldn't "get" it either.
Smart move


We need Shadowrun LARPs to steal all the schizos from CIA/Salafism.

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Are there any sci do books or games that take advantage of transport and combat vehicles outside of Star Wars’ IPs? Even franchises as large as warhammer, battletech, and supreme commander tend to forget about the importance of transporting a societies resources in a true sci if world.

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I’ve been thinking about the imperium’s image for most fans, and I’m noticing just exaggerated everything about that faction’s lore is.

Hive worlds
Like think about these planets for a second. These supposedly ‘kardashev type 1’ societies that function as ecumenopolies, but when taking into account the number of planets the estimated 3.5 quadrillion humans in the 40k universe occupy, the number of moons available, the fact that human settlements exist on a hierarchy rather than being centralized urban centres, and the fact that not every human necessarily is on or lives on a planet or moon and you end up with hive cities that are either moderately dense or just straight up empty for most of the time they’re functioning (even on planets not considered deathworlds). Like fuck, the way the writers describe hive cities is similar to the way advertisers describe cities like Tokyo and New York; they are big cities, but they aren’t gargantuan—especially as they plateau in density relative to one’s displacement from their centres.

Then there’s the conflicts. Even the writers can’t be bothered to pretend as if the Milky Way is always in a state of galaxy-ending conflicts. The vast majority of the imperiums battles aren’t fought by space marines or the guardsman but by the PDF forces and the navy. It’s not like the latter two forces do nothing, but they’re only active like once every few decades to centuries—or even millennia. Even with major conflicts like the crusades or the heresy, the galaxy as a whole will never see a conflict like the cybernetic revolt ever again… and that’s in the worst possible scenario; there’s plenty of worse conflicts in sci fi.

Additionally the ‘untold billions’ is shockingly low given how long humanity has been around for (the same applies for the other factions). No really, if the human population were to grow by even 0.1% each earth year, by m.42 there would be 8.16*10^26 people. A number that’s a far cry from the 3.5 quadrillion to 330+ quadrillion estimates for the 40k population by the fan base.

There’s really not much more I can add to this. For as hard as the authors try to make the galaxy seem, there really isn’t that much wrong with the world building of rouge trader. Anyone getting into the series today that actually takes anything going on seriously misses the point of this goofy fucking tabletop game.
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Played Man O' War: Corsair. Its like not particularly polished Warband mod turned into standalone game. Cant recommend.


That's sad. It looked like a fun, but jank successor to sid meier's pirates. Skipped it on launch because of the price.


If Star Wars’ writers got anything right about war, then it would be vehicles. Star Wars’ vehicles have so many different types, forms, and functions with direct influences on lore. Because of this abundance in transport capabilities present in most factions, the worldbuilding of that franchise feels so much more complete and realistic in comparison to rouge trader. The authors of this franchise should spend more time away from the riflemen, mutants, aliens, and gods, and spend more time developing the tactics, machines, and weapons used that make rouge trader feel like a franchise really about mechanized warfare.


The big problem is there just doesnt seem to be much to do. Naval combat has little tactical depth, personal combat none, and thats the entire game, you sail around and you fight. Nothing to strive towards, no endgame akin to Warbands transition from mercenary captain to lord and king.


I played this as tabletop.
It was quite fun, a lot of laughs were had.

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Is Dwarf Fortress the most Historical Materialist game of all time?

>Simulates thousands of years of history

>Simulates individual lives
>Simulates entire economies
>Simulates private property, families, cities, states
>does not privilege the player with any kind of protagonism. You are simply an entity in a larger civilization
>any entity can be wiped out at any given moment and replaced with a similar one.
>deep physics simluation that includes erosion, precipitation, and the formation of continents
>can instantaneously generate an entire encyclopedia of interconnected occurences spanning thousands of years
>simulates marriage, divorce, courtship, cheating, betrayal, coups, assassinations, persecutions, and purges
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replace "nondwarf visitors" with "nobles" and its based


wtf realistic police simulator


I think the fact that you can build 1 (one) stone wall and sit safe in your fortress ruins the game for me.
So in order to lose the game, you kinda have to humor the game and let it win.


i mean that's true of minecraft as well. you can just build a dirt house with a torch, seal yourself in, and never worry about mobs getting to you. yeah you can never die if you bury yourself at the beginning. deep.


That's why I don't like minecraft either.

Both DF and minecraft have this weird thing where people build elaborate constructs, buildings and systems, that the game is incapable of ever interacting with or acknowledging. No enemy in the game is smart enough to ever bother with anything other than a long corridor with spike traps in DF, and minecraft it is difficult to die in general, and mobs are too stupid to provide any gameplay at all.

both games are just glorified voxel editors with extra steps, that, for some reason, have superfluous game mechanics and gameplay elements that never really come up.

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Can someone tell me if any of them are worth playing? I bought them while they were on steam sale so they were like two dollars each, are they any fun or are they just standard libshit stuff
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Hopefully you can democratise without privatisation (and with making the economy more communalised).


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The economy and government structures are separate


That was something you could do in the original too. Hell, the easiest way to democratize was with a Stalinist-Trotskyist coalition and an automated planned economy.


I remember it being too difficult because democratisation and privatisation factions were linked, maybe I'm thinking of a different game though IDK


They are kind of linked if you want to take the slow path to reforms, since you need a majority of reformers in the SC to pass that law under Soviet Democracy/Party Eliterization. Right-wing thought becomes more common if "liberalization of the minds" gets too high, and that tanks popular support, forcing you to either privatize, use soldiers against protestors, or die. Events also pop up that encourage you to privatize the economy, often with penalties to popular support if you don't. Theoretically it can be pulled off the slow way, but I've never done it myself.

Although, if you centralize power completely, you can pass nearly whatever laws you want, including direct democracy. It's best to save this after you implement OGAS, since at that point your popular support and economy are perfect and it becomes impossible to have anything but a planned economy.

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Getting Started
Please consult docs/contributing.md for more information! it contains information on how to compile the project on both Windows AND Linux

Picking up where Open V2 left off
The goal of Project Alice (named after Alice Roosevelt Longworth) is essentially to create a new version of open v2 – my earlier project to create a Victoria 2 clone – and then to finish a working, feature complete, version of the game. This means that, at least initially, there will be few departures from doing things as Victoria 2 did them, simply to keep the project focused and on track. Once a 1.0 is complete, we can then use it as a playground for new experiments. As of July 2023, I have basically caught up to where open v2 was, minus some deficiencies in the ui.

I hope to find a few people to form an art team that can recreate the assets that Victoria 2 uses to give this project its own distinctive visual identity. I know that is a big ask, but on the other hand, there will be no 3d modeling required. We already have access to a set of new flags that we can use, courtesy of the SOE project.

In comparison to other projects
In comparison to SOE (Symphony of Empires) this project is a more direct Victoria 2 clone, while SOE is its own game. Nevertheless, I tend to think of it as a sister project. We do have some people here involved with both (I myself make the occasional suggestion there), and if you see something that we make that they could use, I am sure that they would appreciate the contribution. Likewise, we will be using at least some of their work.

With regards to the OpenVic2 project, although it "marketed" as a Victoria 2 "clone," that isn't what they are working towards creating. Instead, they intend to provide an entirely new set of assets, including events, decisions, etc., which will make their project more of a Victoria 2-ish game. It is also run with a very different managerial style. If you are interested in both Project Alice and OpenVic2, I suggest spending time with both teams or even joining both projects.

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anf the research is still a grid although thats where vicky 3 allows so much more options.


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New release with multiple RGOs and language support, among other updates.



>multiple RGOs in single state
Actually soyfacing right now. Although the amount of historical research needed to determine what kinds of RGOs each state should produce seems unwieldy.


man i wish i had opengl support to play this, good stuff


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Can I still be a communist if I play Helldivers 2?
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It was not a AAA game and not even in the same genre


I played it once on a free weekend on steam.

>It was not a AAA game and not even in the same genre
Yeah I was confused about helldivers 2 because the first one is top down twin stick.


I'm pretty happy about the new patch. The hmg emplacement isn't a total piece of shit now.


I went back to Deep Rock Galactic to scratch my co-op shooter itch.


I went and bought 1 to try it out and its really fun. We need more twin stick shooters like it

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Tabletop Games / Traditional Games
Wargames, Roleplaying Games, Board Games, Card Games, Drinking Games, and so on and so on.
What are you playing/running/home-brewing? What do you have to recommend or criticize?
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>Christmas layoffs
This is disgustingly common, yet there's never any solidarity. Everyone left just thinks "at least it wasn't me". I was at a web development firm that got dismantled by private equity scrappers. The first round of layoffs were right before Christmas. I made the cut, but we were left without any QA on our team. I wish we had stood up for the people who got laid off that round because in the end, the only guy left was the one with 10 years of tenure.

WotC revenue is mostly cardboard crack.


What's the hook? What sets it apart from other TTRPGs?

>the creator Steve Jackson isn't a reactionary twat

no but his games tend to have some galaxy brain logic in the mechanics to facilitate making things more proprietary.
>running it theater of the mind is possible but annoying because the game references hexes (or "megahexes") for distance rather than actual distance
case in point lol
Sounds like a job for homebrew. If hexes are a consistent size it shouldn't be that hard to convert to distance (and maybe angle). If the abstraction is more important, then a "zone" system might be a better alternative. Knowing what solution is best would require familiarity with the whole system though.
>The game, like GURPS, is lethal
>finding ways to give players a way to feel more powerful is hard even being generous with XP
Playstyle preference tbh. Games like this are less of a straight power fantasy and more about trying to be clever.
>this all stems from the aforementioned "realistic fantasy" stance that makes simply the idea of adventurers stupid, as well as questioning how a D&D-esque setting could exist at all with such scrawny humanoids not being wiped out by bigger monsters
Adventurers make sense as long as the rewards are worth the risks. IRL you have a long history of grave robbing and hunting big game. Going back further, stone age people were exploring caves and killing ice age megafauna. The only unrealistic part is maybe how people didn't manage to kill all the monsters before reaching a medieval tech level. Another Steve Jackson galaxy brain moment.


>What's the hook? What sets it apart from other TTRPGs?
Tactical combat, flexible and simple character creation that can cover many possible concepts, ease of play.


Trying to find info about a dice based tabletop game - Haywire. It's supposed to have strong political themes. Anyone heard of it?


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Search is turning up nothing but https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/302307/haywire which doesn't match the description. You probably got the name wrong and strong political themes is pretty vague. Maybe Paranoia (Cyber-McCarthyism) fits the bill?

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Undertale is primarily a commentary on the ways people approach media. Genocide route, in that context, is a response to playing through games in the increasingly prevalent mechanical and consumptive way. While there's enough in there to support Toby exalting authorial intent, I think he's noticing trends in the ways people approach games (consumptive and completionist), but hasn't really diagnosed the cause, which is why he condemns the player for playing through genocide (or choosing to see it without playing themselves) as a personal failing rather than getting at things like the culture industry or trends in game design and marketing that encourage that kind of approach. As not a great fan of authorial intent I still see a lot of value in a game (or anything really) having the guts to resist people who only want to engage with it in a boring or distanced way.
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all the theories people have about the knight are so fucking boring ngl


I am more interested discovering who is december holiday and ralsei true intentions.
And what will happen with the secret bosses in the end.


There’s a very interesting one called the Oberon Smog theory, which proposes that the Knight is actually a Darkner based off of Gerson’s hammer, taking on his personality and an anagram of his name because monster funerals feature the deceased’s remains being spread on an object associated with them, with Father Alvin simply being an accomplice. It relies on the “Ralsei is a dead Asriel” theory, though, which is why I’m not completely fond of it, but it’s still very unique.

Another interesting one is the Knight is Papyrus is Gaster — that is to say, all three are the same character (seriously, there’s an insane amount of overlap between Papyrus and Gaster’s character traits). My issue with this one is that it feels like two theories packed into one, and that Gaster (even if Papyrus) has much bigger problems to deal with than the Roaring.

I’m partial to it being Father Alvin because of how much evidence there is and, more importantly, he’s one of the few who have an actual motive. I understand if he’s not the most exciting candidate, but I personally think he would be a more cathartic reveal than someone like Dess Holiday who we don’t really know anything about or Gaster who has bigger fish to fry.


>Ralsei is dead Asriel theory

The fandom will not take it well the "incest implications". Asriel and Ralsei must be totally different characters


Deltarune's final boss will be (You), the player.

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no beat 'em ups thread?
post your favorite beat 'em ups, the ones you're currently playing or obscure titles you want to share
i'll start:
>Gourmet Sentai: Bara Yarou
pretty cool game from 1995 for the snes that got a full english fan translation recently (https://cdromance.org/snes-rom/gourmet-sentai-bara-yarou-japan/)
instead of restoring HP by picking up health items like in other games you prepare meals in between stages with ingredients you pick up and heal that way instead, and there's no continues so you better figure out which meals you should be cooking because that's the only way to restore HP
the sprites are really nice and it has a surprising number of moves you can do compared to most beat 'em up games from that era
it also has a re-release on steam under the title "Gourmet Warriors" (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1104460/Gourmet_Warriors/) but i think the snes version with the fan translation is better since the official one also uses emulation anyway


River City Ransom


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nothing like it my man

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