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What are iconic and legendary games that defined a generation of gaming, that deserve a place in the gaming pantheon?

List all of them that you know.
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Mobile games are a major part of gaming, so it might be worth considering when talking about iconic games in general.


I know, I just feel like farmville et al should be put in a different category


wii sports unironically got the major manufacturers to blow untold millions on the wagglan gimmick


A few games that come to mind for mid to late Millennials.
>Pokemon Red/Blue
>Kingdom Hearts
>Super Mario 64
>Sonic Adventure 2


Sonic bros we won

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Im making a thread about VNs because there isnt one on the catalogue and i wanna talk about my experience. I just finished danganronpa 2, which im not certain counts as a VN or if it's a point and click murder mystery social deduction game, and i think im pretty confident to say that it presents a pretty interesting moral dilemma. On one hand, the hope faction is pretty clearly a technocratic organization who obsesses over "Ultimates", or people who possess immense talent in a particular field or study, for example the world's best scientist, or the world's best doctor. It is revealed in the story of goodbye despair that before despair took over, hope's peak academy created a method of artificially forcing someone to become extremely talented, which dialectically had the potential to equalize mankind and develop the talents of anyone, which would make the idea of meritocracy, or ruling over others due to better talents or knowledge, completely obsolete. Despair on the other hand spawned as a result of the mass movement of reserve students, malcontents who became disaffected with the idea that people with talent mattered more than the rest, since hope's peak academy was formed to research peoples' talents and how to cultivate them.
I think it would be pretty easy to side with the latter out of frustration, especially if you're talentless like i am, but i think the idea that talent could be forcibly cultivated out of someone who never realized it before would be the "productive forces" argument. Not to mention that junko destroyed civilization, which is dialectically bad.
Your turn to die is a great game too, very similar to danganronpa on a surface level, i finished it a while ago and im glad i played it. Free btw. Anyone got visual novel recommendations? I need a weeb fix.
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I think that if girls can take the subahibi aesthetics we boys should take the nitro+ aesthetic and dress all black and get really into swords



Kill yourself.


>>34467 Anon, do you actually think any dumbass that visits this site has any meaningful amount of self-respect?


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I played Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji a few months back and I'm still processing how I feel about it. The erotic scenes were trash and I mostly clicked through them and only stopping to read if a line of text felt important, but the story itself was interesting. The twist near the end was predictable, but at the same time somewhat beautiful. The ending itself is where I'm confused on how I feel though. On one hand the ending serves as a solid way to tie up the main character's story and makes the resurrection of his childhood friend make sense. At the same time, it feels like it could've been handled better without the use of time travel and instead gave the girl a second chance at life with her new identity she'd already been given in a human form.

My other issue regarding it being an erotic VN is just how horny the sister is for the main character. It feels like she's being a huge bitch while also coming onto the main character at random times and then all of a sudden is like "let's fuck" and all of a sudden the main character is down for it and they make that their whole thing.

Still, the sister route aside I really liked it, enough to be thinking about it months later.

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please post your favorite indie games and tell us something about them,
any description will do, all are welcome

presenting: The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante is a narrative-driven RPG that comes to life on the pages of the protagonist's journal. Set in a ruthless world where any form of dissent is mercilessly crushed, the story follows a man who has dared to challenge the existing order. Set out on a lifelong journey and become an individual able to carve out their own destiny… But remember that freedom never comes cheap.

Life in the Great Arknian Empire is harsh and its hardest Lot is yours by the circumstance of birth. You are a commoner, holding no rights and no title. To seize your fate and become the rightful heir to the legacy of the Brante family you will have to come to grips with ossified tradition and prejudice. Embarking on a life-long journey from one's birth until true death, you will have to endure great upheavals, face adversity, and make many difficult choices. Every decision will affect not only the protagonist, his family, and loved ones, but may even topple the foundation of the Empire itself.
Key features

At the turn of time
Every imperial citizen's life is predetermined by their estate. The deities known as the Twin Gods have bestowed this truth to the world, dividing mortals into Lots. The nobles lead and rule over others, while the clergy guides people on the one true path, and the lowborn suffer, toiling away for the glory of the Empire. You may accept your fate without question, but it is also in your power to change the cosmic order that governs all.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It's not exactly block pushing, the main mechanic is picking up and putting down floor tiles to make a path to the exit. There isn't quite as much forethought involved in my experience. The devs do refer to it as a sokoban, though.



I tried playing as bourgie, helping porky but owning the aristocrats but somehow I fucked up and the revolution started, then I tried joining it but my family died, welp RIP


Apparently the highly anticipated Manor Lords which releases in one week is an indie game made by a solo dev. It's getting quite a bit of coverage on youtube from a wide variety of gamers, from city builders to RTS and GSG enjoyers, and is supposedly the most wishlisted game on Steam atm. Will be interesting to see if it lives up to the hype and if it can successfully combine Banished with Total War


>Will be interesting to see if it lives up to the hype and if it can successfully combine Banished with Total War
>made by a solo dev
I think I can already answer that one.


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a fun roguelike

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Why has the average gamer's average skill increased so much since the late 2000s?

I was never good at the games I typically play and lose often in the multiplayer games I play, but I wonder if I was playing multiplayer fpses back then if I at my skill level currently would be decent back then.


- Advancements in learning techniques
- technical research into game source codes yeilding generally applicable discoveries
- bigger library of tactics and skills with vocabulary to describe them
- better hardware responsiveness
- availability of free learning and training resources
- harder indie games have been released
- speedrun culture
- nutrition
- etc..
Similar situation to kids getting better at drawing earlier.


Is it possible you just got old and don't play as much? Plus games change over time, I'm still good at Battlefield and similar games but hopeless at Fortnite clones, the time to kill is just too long and I get panicky


Mad cuz bad


without any data to back it up I'd wager that kids play (read; practise) more nowadays. The industry itself has grown a lot sicne the 2000s, so has online multiplayer games. I used to shit on my friends in halo in local splitscreen matches, was just okay online, and nowadays I'm a lost cause vs these kids on counter strike for example.

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Since joining to my Minecraft server has proven to be quite a headache for a lot of players, I want to propose the board admins to host a server for its free, open-source alternative: Minetest (minetest.net).

The prime upsides of this would be:
- Much less resource consumption on both client and server end due to Minetest using an engine written C++ rather than Java.
- Extremely deep and wide maps compared to Minecraft, with the estimated maximum size being 60000 chunks on every axis. Minetest's terrain generator also creates caves and mountains much larger than any seen in MC even after the Caves & Cliffs update.
- Ease of moddability due to the game's modular nature and a built-in modding API based using the Lua language, as well as automatic mod fetching from the server eliminating the need for players to download mods beforehand. Also, the game does not need to be quit from when editing mod files, just for the world to be reentered.
- No need for third-party plugins for stuff like sethome and logins as this functionality is already built into the base game.

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Never played Minecraft before on PC, is it free? And how does it run on Linux? Either way I´d be happy to join this server.


Minetest is built for GNU/Linux, you're in luck.


I thought this was long dead, but I guess not! Thanks anon who just decided to bump this thread after a whole year lol.


It costs money but runs amazingly on linux


There are launchers that remove all the Micro$oft bullshit. They've taken $20 from me and they wouldn't let me send account recovery emails it just said "something went wrong" so fuck them I pirated and it turns out the launcher I needed to do it is way better anyways

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How to reply?


Why do you need to reply


Surprised that there hasn't been a thread about the halo franchise in all the years of this site being up, so I thought I'd make one so that we can discuss it
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Not really, the UNSC never recovers and a lot of insurrectionists survived the war and made rival governments, as per Halo 5's item descriptions. But that was something known since Fall of Reach, a lot of rebels were already in deep hiding from the UNSC so they came out of the war pretty good, especially since their piracy of Covenant vessels has given them an edge on reverse-engineered Covenant tech.

If halo 5 wasn't shit it'd be about Chief defecting from the UNSC to those guys and actually being hunted down for it


>If halo 5 wasn't shit it'd be about Chief defecting from the UNSC to those guys and actually being hunted down for it

You have too much faith in 343 lmao


I've been waiting to play Halo 2, 3 and Reach since I was literally a teenager and at the ripe old age of 28 I finally got my hands on MCC and finished everything but ODST.

I love this franchise so much it's crazy. I feel sad that I missed out on it in its heyday due to being poor as shit and it's also sad to see how the franchise is being run into the ground by people who don't care but man I fucking LOVE this shit. It has injected more happiness into my miserable ass life than anything I have done in a long ass time.

I'm currently on my second playthrough of Halo 2 on Heroic. Is multiplayer worth a shot? I've heard there are a lot of hackers and ridiculously skilled players who have been playing since the XBox live days but this shit is no bullshit like crack to me. I just love all the characters and guns and lore and etc. it's all just gr8 shit


yeah dude the multiplayers fine ull pick up on it quickly, a lot of ppl are just fucking around anyway and aren't leaning in and tryharding
have fun with halo 2 bro, was always my favourite of the trilogy


>I'm currently on my second playthrough of Halo 2 on Heroic. Is multiplayer worth a shot?
idk what the MCC multiplayer is like but Halo 2 multiplayer is the quintessential online multiplayer game that set it up for all multiplayer games to come. It's also a rare case where an old game's multiplayer gets to have new life that's officially supported - most services eventually close down and the online becomes abandonware/lost media.

Also a lot (most?) halo fans care more about the multiplayer than the campaigns, for what that's worth.

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I'm the most hardcore gamer on the planet. Nobody can compare themselves to me. I don't care what anybody else thinks. I only care about myself and my perspective of the world.

Who care about material reality and all that nonsense? When it comes to gaming I'm a serious hardcore idealist who gatekeeps people who I see as inferior and lesser gamers to me who aren't on the same level as me.

I don't care about numbers. Being a hardcore gamer is all about qualifications that only I can fulfill. I don't use metrics such as that to determine my hardcoreness. Also you're a console peasant so you're immediately disqualified because one of my mysterious requirements is that you have to be an member of the pc master race.

I could brag about many gaming related achievements here, and many other achievements that are unreplicable by fake gamers and lesser gamers than me. But I won't. It's just more hardcore to be mysterious like that. There is one thing that a gamer will never leave behind, and that is their pride.

You can list your gaming achievements here to see if you qualify for being part of my cadre of advanced gamers league. Eventually, I plan on creating a micronation called the Republic of Gamers. Are you in? Or are you too casual?


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Stop killing games petition is up gamers. You know what to do.


Isn't it only for UK citizens?

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Just because I play military glorifying first person shooters doesn't mean I like the military's actions itself or want to glorify it. It's just a game don't take things so seriously. Even if it could potentially be propaganda, I don't care. It's tacticool and its fun. It just a game just chill out ffs. I just want to turn my brain off and have some fun. It's also the types of games I played growing up.
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my brother in yakub, are you retarded? how do you think propaganda works??


If material conditions and class position was the only thing shaping people's beliefs and worldview then every worker in the world would be a communist.


I'm glad you thin skinned retard took my sarcastic mockery of op as an actual attack on your favorite media genre. Grow a pair.


>Grow a pair.
<I-I was being sarcastic
You were clearly still trying to make a point, your point is still wrong, and you're still retarded. I don't even like cowadooty shit.


To those complaining that we are trying to take away their fun in playing these games, let me iterate that we are not trying to take the fun away from you. I love COD and I enjoy playing it. But you need to keep in mind that it is propaganda in terms of how they glorify combat and glorify the US military. Just make sure that you don't let the games of the franchise influence your values and your opinion on things. The games are purely fictional and do not accurately portray or represent reality. I have seen too many people allow this game to influence their beliefs. So many, who at the time didn't care about the military or want to join, suddenly wanted to join because of what COD and games like it showed what the military was supposedly like.

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