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So how bad are they going to butcher this?


ussr bad capitalism good now buy the latest tetris game



is this a good tetris clone? it's open source and i heard about it


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Bsdgames is a pretty good tetris clone.

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Are Undertale and Deltarune leftist games?
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Ralsei is an even bigger doormat than his Light World counterpart smh.


I'm fully aware this is jumping full into speculation-tier, but honestly I'd love an infodump on how monsters construct their food so we could analyze the political economy of monsterkind. Their society seems to resemble capitalism, but we have no idea how their nourishment translates to how many magical goods they can produce. I suppose those are just arbitrary variables and the fundamental points of Marxism would still stand though, even if valued in monster-food units instead of human-food units.


I didn't see Undertale making a political point. The protagonist is a kid. How many kids become killers? It was more a critique on RPGs and grinding mechanics than anything about violence being good or bad.


Vaguely /leftypol/ related AU:

A post-Pacifist world where Muffet dominated the world through her business prowess, and her descendants dominate a cyberpunk world 80 years after monsterkind left the underground. Main character starts as a libertarian type, the best of their political analysis being that if we get rid of the state and the "cronies", the market will set itself well again.

Good ending: Main character, through allying with those either struggling under and/or fighting against the capitalist system, realizes that a society run by the market cannot stand and joins the communist revolution, understanding that ArachCorp is not the end, and never could be, not until capitalism worldwide is destroyed.

Bad ending: The character joins in with the corps and their ideology goes to full-on ancapism. After getting promoted for their ruthlessness, they are pushed to the conclusion that relying on the idea of "property rights" to make sure that no one takes from you is nothing but a show of weakness, becomes a full-on egoist, slaughtering their porky allies and taking their wealth(and perhaps literal power through some soul-harvesting mechanic), only for it to be implied that they too will fall to the revolution eventually.

Neutral Ending: They get blackpilled and become a shitposter like us I guess


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kris is a great friend


For bethesdas first real shooter this actually turned out to be a pretty good game on a such a “dated” engine. Yet things like real time shadowing for objects, actors and items is fully possible, the team did have cinematic camera animations(admittedly for first person but there’s some rare 3rd person ones aswell). They even got a pseudo train by attaching a train to an NPCs head which just makes me ask, how much of the constraints behind this engine really a victim of its age and how much of this was to avoid save bloat and wasting time before release?
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They upgraded the graphics and animations I’ll give them that but the physics and ai is cartoonishly bad.

I think the physics will improve from starfield due to flight mechanics and new updates but the ai for me is expected to stay the same ignoring scripted encounters


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My brother in Atom, I…


Honestly that’s just impressive to me. Really shows how much the team for 3 understood their own engine to pull off shit like that


Why hat thought? Would it not be simpler to make train its own creature? Like changing model of dog to train.


making a whole new creature would probably take longer than this


the game cube world apparently is getting an update on it called cube world omega which has been shown recently in a blogpost from the game's creator

so if anyone is interested in talking about the game then this thread is here
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It's weird seeing that this game actually got released. I remember being in 8th grade and people were calling this vaporware online a little over a decade ago. Is it good?


Last I checked this was vaporware from 13 years ago, and I don't have high hopes


it was released 10 years ago, I remember playing it with my high-school friends
it wasn't bad, I played it for like 30 minutes before getting bored
there is a similar open source game, veloren, which can also be entertaining for 30 minutes and it runs better and has native linux support



i remember seeing comparisons between this game and trove back around 10-8 or a little less years ago, but i never really played it until 2019 which is when a version of it released on steam

there was an official steam release in 2019 but it was controversial and people didn't like it very much. basically the creators made it so that levelling was removed from the game and progress was reset when you move out of regions, so your progress is locked inside of a region, if you move your character out of a region in the game you lose your items and stuff and have to restart from zero but if you go back in that region your stuff that you got inside of that region comes back. i personally played it and i think it wasn't that bad despite its flaws but the original alpha version was obviously much better, and it is repetitive to constantly have to restart from zero in the game after completing the content in a region

the creator got bullied off the internet from the backlash of the update, and only came back a few days ago to post this update to the game which we don't know much about yet


no i am not


Oh my Woolay has been fast with that update.

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So what's our opinion on myhouse.wad?
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Just watch the docuvideo by Power Pak on YouTube


>>28819 thank u ❤
>>28820 wouldn't just watching it kinda ruin the experience?


better love story then twilight.


Childish escapism dressed up as mysterious e-art


you can say that about all forms of art Though


I’ve been walking out more often and coming back to some of my pc games and found that a lot of them look fake, granted a lot of my favourites are games like oblivion, fc2 and fallout 3 which are old but some are also new games. I took some images of nature and my city and came to the conclusion that video game graphics still look fake because they’re fake in nature

In real life, materials are never consistent. Similar in qualities yes but multifarious when observed on a larger scale. Grass is constantly deviating in colours, types and scale, cracks and bumps on alloys always come in different patterns and frequencies of their appearance. Same goes for objects, you can work around this but it’s really taxing on computers to implement a sort of procedural/splatting technique for modeling 3d objects and texturing everything to make games feel a lot more believable than solely rely on rearranging meshes and cover ground textures with instances grass


The problem with procedurally generating textures in order to make them more distinct is the same problem as just having a lot of unique textures hand-crafted or sourced from photography or something. You still end up needing to store a large amount of texture files to keep things consistent. You might be able to get around this is you use a random seed type of system, so that you don't have to store the textures in the game files, but you still have to store them in system memory when you load a scene unless you have a way to instantiate the procedural textures at render time.


Good point.


This would never work. There’s a reason for why tlou2 and mw2 had such freakishly large file sizes. Just look at the textures for objects not related to the terrain

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the remake is comming soon
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Story of seasons is old harvest moon.


Yeah, and natsume, being the original localization team for the series kept the name "harvest moon" and made their own shit.
None of the harvest moon games since 2014 are worth a shit.
story of seasons at least remade the goat, friends of mineral town


Then you should read my post again, i said that story of seasons is pretty bad for a long time, and not that the new harvest moon games are bad (even though they are pretty bad aswell).

The last good story of season game was a new beginning, and that was already a massive downgrade from hero of leaf valley


This is why the creator of Stardew Valley made that game, OG Harvest Moon is still a banger and needed a proper remake/spiritual successor.


Stardew is the superior kulak harem isekai

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post in this thread if you ever lost girthy saves

i just lost a TEN HOUR long save from the game Dredge because of some bullshit bug it has. and that's a massive amt of hours considering i barely have any entertainment time :C. the game's spectacular though, i highly recommend it, but buy it from like a month from now when they fix this
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I lost 40 hours on my 80+ hour Etrian Odyssey 4 save where I'd already beaten the game since I was an idiot and deleted my most recent backup by accident and the closest one before that was halfway through the game. I wouldn't mind replaying it to complete it again but fuck it if I'm going through Golden Lair again.


When I was a kid my brother overwrote my Black & White save where I was on the final level, which was probably 30-40 hours of playtime. In KOTOR 2 I got that Nar Shaddaa bug that softlocks the game, I didn't have any backups from before reaching the planet and got so pissed I didn't pick up the game again for another couple years. Recently in Kenshi I lost a save I'd put more than a hundred hours into because of a weird outpost assault bug that reliably crashed the game even after disabling mods and importing. I was basically done with the game so it wasn't too bad.


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>>27977 it runs well on my system, and i think it should run well on most systems, because the visual presentation is technically very simple, although very pretty artistically. i recommend that you get it even if ur pc only manages 30 fps or less, because it doesn't really require fast reaction times, & i was really enjoying my time until my save got yoinked (thanks obama)

>>27980 jesus christ, that sucks

RIP >>27978 RIP
RIP >>27979 RIP
RIP >>27981 RIP
RIP >>27986 RIP
RIP >>27991 RIP

demon demon demon
demon >>27982 demon
demon demon demon


When I am done playing a game I make a point to delete the save data. It helps remove any incentive to spend more time playing it when I could do something else, and it makes me feel like God deleting the universe and everything in it.

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Favorite racing game:
Favorite action game:
Favorite adventure game:
Favorite shooter:
Favorite RPG:
Favorite puzzle game:
Favorite strategy game:
Favorite (other genre here) game:

Ignore the genres you don't like, and don't think too much, just answer with whatever game in the genre that you'd want to be playing
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Favorite racing game: Mario Kart 8
Favorite action game: Sekiro
Favorite adventure game: Breath of the Wild
Favorite shooter: Half Life 2
Favorite RPG: Persona 5
Favorite puzzle game: Portal 2


hi data mining person, please tell to your bosses that I don't want another disco elysium or the witcher saga. stop wasting money writing scripts and stories: I consciously refuse to read game dialogs. and no, adding more rails to your rail adventure games doesn't make them open world. come up with some actual game mechanics with emergent gameplay potential and I might consider spending money on your product


Greetings customer, might I suggest Battle Brothers or Wartales? They are open world tactical RPGs, in which you manage a group of mercenaries in a low-fantasy medieval world, taking various contracts and building your reputation with factions, exploring, fighting or trading in order to lead your company to wealth and glory. Both games are critically acclaimed and available on Steam and GOG store.


battle brothers also has a dynamic economy


A delightful game, but I never really managed to get into it. The company size is at fault, at the beginning you grow attached to your brothers, getting levels and equipment for them is exciting, but when you have 15 guys micromanaging them is just tedious.


I can’t believe knowing that after it was abondoned so many years ago that I’m still torn over it. I’ve never seen a game in my life that looks distinctly like anthem, the sense of scale that brings back memories of morrowind, the unique geometry of the terrain similar to earths or Minecraft’s new caves that makes you want to explore every inch of terrain out there, the fact that unlike most games that keep you grounded in anthem you become airborne as a core element of gameplay.

I NEED a game that has these kinds of mechanics and aesthetics so bad. Every time I come back to this game I get hit with a pang of sadness knowing what could’ve been, it’s like seeing rdr2 and tlou2 or kill zone 3. You always wonder where games could’ve been if that level of quality and uniqueness in game design became a standard for the industry

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