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🎶 Cruuuuuuuwuuisan DAS RITE come mong go cruisaaaaaaan AWYEAH Lesbo Cruuuuuuisan 🎶

Cruis'n Blast for Nintendo Switch is colorful fast food. First time you race a course feels like your life turning into an amazing action movie. Second time you race the same course is also movie-like, but in a bad way. You suspect that explosions and stuff are rigidly scripted to coincide exactly with where the player is. In time trial you can slow down and see how the game falls apart: Animals slow down just like you, rockets and even falling rocks idle in the air.

Worst of all is how rarely collision detection happens. No experienced gamer expects the collision geometry to be as complex as what you see, especially in a racer that doesn't present itself as a very serious affair, but here the amount of things you just pass through almost touches the negative record for a game made this century (still your the winner, Big Rigs). Massive monsters and explosions can't ever hurt you as human-controlled cars take no damage from anything, which is a tolerable design choice for a 90s style arcade racer IMHO, but you don't even slow down and just clip through. Most of the chaos is just purely optical. Do you like the squid item in Mario Kart that does nothing but obstruct your view a bit? Would you love a racer to throw many variations of the squid idea at you? Well that's what you get here with the rockets & and explosions & dinos & UFOs and nothing else. 30 years before this Switch game F-Zero on the SNES had tracks with wind coming from the side you had to steer against, in Cruis'n Blast you have a storm or torrent of water crossing the track and there is no effect whatsoever on the steering.

You play a course for the first time on the lowest difficulty and in the last few seconds you make it from third place to first place. Then you practice and practice and practice and level up your car and what not, play the same course on the lowest difficulty and… in the last few seconds you make it from third place to first place. The amount of rubberbanding is off the charts here. The beloved Mario Kart is notorious for rubberbanding too, but most people playing that can achieve an early and persistent lead in first place on the lowest difficulty and better gamers can do it on higher difficulty as well. Here it is imposPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anyone got a rec for a Switch game that's like Daytona or Ridge Racer? Or Cruis'n Blast but good…

Yes I'm pissed and I'm going full Karen and will continue complaining about every single little annoying thing I can think of with this game.

Arcade mode doesn't make sense as a distinct mode. It's just the courses from the arcade version that are a bit longer than the rest and arcade courses are only available for single race and not time trial or tour and you can't set the difficulty here (4 levels for the other tracks in single race and tour mode). This "mode" doesn't have different physics as far as I can tell. The checkpoint system from the arcade is absent, just like with the other courses. What's the point of separating these courses from the rest?

Speaking of courses, there are the 5 known from the arcade plus 24 "more" that I don't know how to count because it is some iceworld and Hollywood and remixes thrown together with some variety like where the course starts and ends plus optical effects. They should have differentiated the course variations more (boost-pad patterns!). Feels like the equivalent of about a dozen courses.

Everything about it feels so flat: Drift-boosting is so easy it feels just stupid. Unusually restrictive invisible walls on courses are everywhere. Alternative routes are neither cleverly hidden nor hard to access; likewise with the keys & dollar bills (stuff literally glows through objects).

The HUD is dumb, too. Thank you devs for telling me I'm currently numbah 1 out of 1 in freaking time trial. While I'm racing you constantly poke the corner of my eye with the information that I already found the three keys on the course.

Couldn't you devs put the key graphic in your stupid loading screen. And I want to fiddle around while the course is loading so I should be able select a song title and viewpoint already during the loading before the race. And an air refresher should be dangling on that screen and I should be able to make it swing back and forth.

There are three viewpoints and they all suck. First person is kinda awkward as usual and reverts to just showing the car when things get too wild for it. Normal view obstructs the most interesting part of the scenery with your car. It would be a neat perspective if only youPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>>29541 (me)
>They should have differentiated the course variations more (boost-pad patterns!).
To be fair there is more than zero variation with the boost-pad patterns (e. g. only on Dino Tour does the Rio course have the boost-pads at the end of the big jump after the statue), I just think there should have done more of that.

Forgot to mention that AI cars in front of you interact even less with the environment than you do. There are several scenes where you must crash through something to continue the course and you are always the first to do so, even while in last place. The AI cars just pass through the stuff like ghosts. So here is something where a modest amount of rubberbanding would be the intuitive and realistic effect (cars in front of you move shit out of the way of the cars behind them, so…) and then they don't bother to model that (just like with the non-existence of the slipstream effect). Instead of some "natural" rubberbanding they have this massive amount of insane rubberbanding where almost everything depends on the last few seconds.

Oh and forgot to mention also that there is a stupid system where you gain XP and "level up" your car which is not something you actually feel because of all the 💩🗡☣💣💀 rubberbanding, but it's a stupid idea anyway. If there is a sequel I hope they will yeet the XP.

I think older Cruis'n was more sophisticated (and that series is not known for sophistication) because of the checkpoint-time requirement and being able to set back the checkpoint clock by doing stunts, and also because of the option of using manual transmission that is now gone.

Just like with the Cruis'n home ports in the day of the N64 you can't make animals splatter like you can in the arcade. No mirror mode. And you can't honk. I want to honk at the f'n dinosaurs.

Still have a glimmer of hope for the next iteration because I'm clearly insane.


This game learned nothing off ff16 or isekai anime. Overly flashy combat effects, endless screaming, unnecessarily high pitched voice acting, anime faces that don’t look like faces all stacked on top of the most generic fucking world building design that I would expect from any generic isekai slop. God I can’t fucking illustrate how much I loved the worlds of made in abyss, Tamriel and avatar for how much care went into making those places feel organic.
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>bro we made the rocks float in the sky look at how interesting our worlds look like
Meanwhile in major as mask, a game made in 2000


This board is filled with people who'll make a new thread for everything even if there's already a thread for it.


Xenoblade Chronicles 1 did this shit tbh


Op here
My best guess is priorities. Like you can tell who this was made for and the developers knew that if the games combat and base mechanics were fun enough they could ignore the standards gaming veterans like me expect from games today. This meant world building and diegetic design is an afterthought for these kinds of games that companies like Bandai and nexus(I think they made maple story) don’t have to care about since they’re not gonna get shit for it.


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Yeah, they found a formula that a good portion of casual players enjoys and now the thing is to pump out similar games and capitalize on the success. As such, they have little time to write good lore or work on a more or less comprehensive artstyle and just focus on taking elements from other JRPGs and blending them without much regard for how well it would look all in all, and more effort goes into creating the worldspace itself, gameplay mechanics, ironing out bugs and then making sure the monetization model will milk the whales as much as possible.


>Still the only game in this generation that had american soldiers as the main baddies you kill.
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multiplayer modes do


don't they call in the national guard in GTA if your wanted level gets high enough



You're the bad guy in those games tho


In GTA5 the CIA and FBI are all corrupt opportunists, you even end up killing an "ex-CIA" guy TV show host who tortured some random Arabic guy. The game also has a Blackwater stand in and the CEO is an Erik Prince smug rich dickhead. In GTA:VCS the military is just straight up selling guns off the base
Pretty much everyone is the bad guy in that series




I don’t think there’s any case in gaming history where a game this large and this ambitious managed to not just have a shit launch but end up completely abondoned even with having core elements of its gameplay finished. I know the development cycle for this was fucked up, I know EA and BioWare could give a rats ass for this title but knowing they just flat out gave up, not just move on to another IP like it but give up on everything they wanted with it and never bring any of the concepts suggested by what could’ve been one of the most unique third person shooters to date, it hurts. I’ve been waiting for another game since elden ring that could make me feel the same way about open worlds as anthem during its trailers could. God damb what could’ve happened with this…


Eh, I’d rather just play zelda


I just want to fly in a game that has a world like made in abyss and BioWare killed that dream before I even knew I wanted it


The trailer was just a guy zooming around in a jetpack. When it was made, they didn't even have a core gameplay loop. Jetpacks weren't even in the game at that point; they only put it in because some exec said they needed something for the E3 showcase and he liked jetpacks as a concept.
Anthem Did Not Take Place.
What is there to be caught up on?


For me, it was what could’ve been. World design wise there actually isn’t another game designed like anthem at all. The games world has the verticality of a world like made in abyss, with the freedom of movement seen in an iron man game. There aren’t any 3D games with that kind of world and movement design outside of far cry 4 thanks to its mountainous terrain, zip line and skydiving mechanics. That’s what made me want the game to actually succeed so badly because it really was the most unique title coming out at the time, and it wasn’t like there were alot of games being released back then either, hell, there still aren’t many games coming out today, much less ones that functioned the same way. I just really need a major title with something unique and a world that feels different from any other


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Normalize violence against people who make or buy spyware devices and destroying said devices.

Have you tried not playing DnD? There's never been a better time to play not-DnD.


I work in childcare are there are definetely parents who straight do not do anything resembling parenting besides basic material needs(if that) and just expect the world to parent there kids instead. Its honestly really fucked up. these are the parents that complain about there kid being groomed while sitting them in front of Ipad all day when they're home. They just straight up dont like their kids or at least interacting with them. Like why tf did these people even become parents in the first place. we literally had a dude who would show up early to pickup and then play nintendo switch in his truck until the very last minute that they wouldn't charge a late fee and thats a someone common trend at pickup time. All these "i would fucking kill and dismemmber an imaginary criminal of my own creation for my children" dipshits don't even love there children or if they do then there "love" is shitty and bad


>Like why tf did these people even become parents in the first place
They live their life following a script instead of doing what they want to do with themselves, and also they are misled by pro-natalist ideology about what having kids actually entails.


Simon beavouir talked about this in the second sex. It was after a section about how women feel about marriage. Basically how people feel about parenting is different from how they feel about marriage, there’s no instinctual urge to protect youth, but to protect DNA. This idea was also mentioned in another book called “Mother Nature is trying to kill you” by a biologist I wish I could remember. Anyways what ends up happening is that the sentiment people have towards parenting doesn’t change once they actually have kids instead of fetuses. If parenting really mattered to those people their disposition has to change not just their attitude. obviously there are cases of actual cunts that are selfish and don’t wanna put in the effort to raise kids, but as a general trend parental care and quality is generally a lot higher in countries that put a lot of resources into ensuring most parents have the time and money to be with their kids often - some parts of Japan have even managed to increase births per family substantially through this - or countries that have civilians exist in extended families like much of Africa, MENA and to a lesser extent India.


this is exactly why I'm not having kids, if you can't be fucked to give them the best quality of life then it's just selfish to reproduce. but as the others said, people have been indoctrinated that there's no other option. or they just want the benefits of being parents but are too lazy to do any work.

In fairness, parents nowadays are immersed in an incredibly sick world that makes it hard to be a good parent, but to be unfair, they are the ones that chose to bring kids into this world.


For those not familiar with the term, hitscan refers to a design choice game developers of first person shooters use to make sure the projectile ends up hitting the target and not the environment around them. What’s important about this is that rather than having the bullet eject out of the ingame muzzle the bullet itself auto hits a target based on a position vector from the center of the players monitor/screen to the target. Thus bullets may occasionally pass through objects clearly obstructing the position of the firearm being used by the player but still hit the opponent because of this, an easy example is with a box in front of an opponent while the player is angled just enough so that the position vector still points towards their target even if the gun itself visibly is colliding with the object in front of them.

Here’s an easy fix, just do what modern warfare 2022 did by adding leaning and mounting guns on fixed edges. Similar to third person leaning in the first gears of war titles, having the gun simply go into ads and pivot as the player stops and aims near a wall can allow developers a way to keep projectiles eject out of the muzzle of the gun without relying on hitscan to make sure those rounds end up where they should be. It’s also semi realistic and adds new styles of gameplay by offering the player multiple positions they can fire in to keep themselves protected without having to rely on leaning seen in games like r6 where the mechanic at a high level can be abused


Gun stabilization through bracing could give leaning and crouching more value in FPS games besides simply providing cover. Though it might also incentivise excessive camping that would slow down matches a bit, but not much since players usually have cover-clearing options like grenades too.


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Which way western man?


Give me the GEP gun.


Arcade shooters often have mechanics in them that make them far more realistic, or at least believable than their tactical counterparts. Take a game like mw2022, that game has limits for how many items a player can carry at any time, typically ammo, but it’s not like they’re running around at a snails pace. it’s a trained soldier of course they’re gonna be a littler quicker even with a lot of junk on, on top of the fact that they’re also a member of the most endurable species. S.T.A.L.K.E.R mods on the other hand like gamma and anomaly are so overbearingly slow and constant see the player bleed more often than bruised despite wearing enough gear to significantly reduce the impulse felt by most ammunition that it feels like the player character is fragile.

Another way is just through ammo and weapon distribution: far cry 2, basically every cod title, home front and more all have the player carry a modest but believable amount of ammunition and weapons at any time. However in tactical shooters - especially ones with survival elements ones like 3d fallout - see the player carry a comical amount of resources on them at all times, most of which are rarely ever useful to gameplay and turn the player into a walking arsenal. I’d you wanna imagine how ridiculous this is gameplay wise, imagine if those games were in third person and allowed you to see every item you were carrying.

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Thank fuck Nintendo never made an edgy "realistic" copy-cat of Ocarina/Twilight Princess Zelda again. That Wii U demo they showed decades ago looked like ass.
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Those games weren’t even that edgy.
I feel like people forget all the goofy shit like Tingle in the N64/Gamecube era. I would be fine with a version that has dark overtones if it’s done right.


That’s kind of their whole deal. If a son is born to a Gerudo they are treated as royalty. However the only ever mentioned is Ganondorf so far.


my bad, I forgot that


Like what exactly?

Windwaker, especially the hd version – looks really good now a days.
While skyward sword age abit poorly.

Twilight princess is realistic and looks bad now.
But I'd say Majoras mask, which was also realistic (as much as they could at that time), aged weirdly well since the game was darker, which let obscured details and let the payer use their immagination.

>It's cool as long as link is still a hot twink and most of the NPCs are gaybait
>ugly-ass cel shader
Funny, reminds me of when Japanese teen girls wrote angry letters at nintendo when they revealed the wind waker.


>Funny, reminds me of when Japanese teen girls wrote angry letters at nintendo when they revealed the wind waker.

how come?


Since 3 isn’t out and after finishing episode 1 I’ve been thinking about where combine troops are after the transmission got cut. After all, with no advisor or threat of annihalation by the rest of the combine some of the combines human members like the metro cops have the opportunity to flee for the first time in 2 decades. My best guess offers three cases

Former metrocops joined the resistance for two reasons: to fight back against xens wildlife and the remaining combines alien forces, or to rebuild society. Overwatch soldiers stopped finding a reason to fighting and simply came to either wander the planet, without memory of the world before the 7 hour war. They simply roam without purpose and may have been abducted by either the remaining forces of the combine to resume their war, or taken captive by the resistance to be studied and potentially regain their memories and humanity. Case three, the combine now operate similarly to the aliens and still continue fighting against the resistance. Here they would be at their most vulnerable without clear coordination from advisors or any other leaders and may be overwhelmed by earths remaining human population, seeing their conclusion as the last remaining threat the combine offered before humanity comes to restore itself and the planet.
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I actually believe that the plot of HL3 post Half-life Alyx is about GMAN taking over Combine Earth Remnant and Gordon going after him

>HLA ending hints strongly about a final confrontation

>Combine armed forces will follow anything strong enough to seize control


God damb I fucking regret posting that image for the OP
Reminds me of seeing Barney in the first episode all fucked up after hl2. Remembering the last words were “don’t leave me” just feels worse and knowing it’ll take years before hl3 comes out


Aren't metrocops slightly transhuman? Not enough that Barney can't pose as one obviously.


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The Civil Protection are pretty explicitly stated in-game to be unaugmented humans who volunteered to be part of Combine's occupation police force in exchange for better access to food, water, medicine, protection of their family members and VR pornography, or whatever "non-mechanical reproduction simulation" could mean. During their service, they are gradually brainwashed and sterilized, until the point the Combine command deems them loyal enough and direct the metrocop to Nova Prospekt for "promotion", where the subject's memories and basic instincts are overwritten with Combine's commands, their bodies are implanted with basic synth technology and then are transferred to the Overwatch units.
As for Barney, my theory is that he managed to evade the brainwashing and being turned into a cyborg because he likely was a new member of the Metropolice and did not take any mind-altering drug laced rations the Combine has paid him with for his service.


Transhuman soldiers would really suck at their job if they had 0 agency and couldnt handle any situation where they get disconnected from Command.

My theory is something similar to SERE Training that US Air Force Pilots undergo. The Transhuman soldiers and synths would attempt to regroup and hold the fort while waiting for help that might nevers arrive

Purely worldbuilding-wise, how that military enclave might turn out when they realize that help coming is highly unlikely is an interesting premise


>A mini documentary about the little Doom WAD that could - and did!

I had no idea this was a thing. Someone should make a sequel, Ronald Reagan's Techbase or something idk

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is it ok to skip the first games before playing the following games (?):
-Resident evil 4;
-Metal gear solid 5;
-Diablo 4;

I want to play these games, but I'm afraid that not playing the games that came before them is going to hurt the experience and make me a poser + cringe
additionally, is playing the remake of resident evil games first instead of the originals morally wrong? Thanks in advance ❤
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The one thing I'd say is that the story in MGSV is that major characters and events are relevant in the other games so you might appreciate the significance of it more by playing the rest of the series first (and playing V first might ruin the mystique of those elements if you play the other games later).

It's also arguably a weak entry in the series and was compromised significantly by a troubled development. IDK much about that though.


>not to mention the bits that are now considered offensive.

Sauce? I'm curious. It sucks if they took stuff out like the bad guys calling you, that was funny


There's a few, most infamously the B A L L I S T I C S joke which was actually pretty important for the characterization of two characters (the one making the quip and the one responding to it). The other big one is Ashley calling you a pervert if you look up her skirt which is actually kind of impressive at a technical level and pretty likely to get triggered accidentally (like if you look up to check if she's at the top of a ladder). Not narratively important but one of those cool details that makes the game feel more alive.


Sure I guess. You won't really lose anything, you'll just miss out on an iconic series. Just, play the OG version of RE4.
Why would you ever do that anon? You'd miss a lot since MGS5's story is early-midway through the series timeline, but also MGS is a fantastic series.
>Diablo 4
Well you probably wouldn't "miss" anything really, but you should at least check out the earlier games.


Peace Walker is a fine game, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone new to MGS.

I finished MGS V main story for the first time last week. I played MGS 1, 2 and 3 as well as PW a while ago, and I was still confused by the story tapes, especially everything related to Zero because I never played MGS 4. The references to The Boss, Big Boss, Liquid Snake and the Patriots were nice, but MGS V is all about gameplay I think. I didn't remember who was Paz, just like her in the cutscene tbh.
The story was just a thing for the fanbase to mull over, that couldn't even be finished properly due to Konami withdrawing their capital from the project before Kojima was truly satisfied, in order to invest in pachinko machines instead (and in some ways, it's a fitting meta-end to the MGS saga).

MGS V gameplay is a fine mix of MGS 3, MGS:PW, and Red Dead Redemption, I spent 100 hours on this game and I usually don't spend that many hours on a game since I became a wagie, I usually play short indie games like Pizza Tower.

I think it's fine for zoomers to begin with MGS V, and honestly after playing it, I wonder if the gameplay of MGS 2 and 3 aged that well.
My desert island video game would still be MGS: HD Collection or something like this, and I think every zoomer should play the PS2 MGS games to understand why Kojima is a big deal, but maybe it's more rewarding for a new gen gamer to experience MGS V first, and then to go back to the previous iterations of the series' game design and (much better) story telling if they like it.
It's kinda like philosophy books in a way: most philosophers refer to past philosophers, and while you can start with the Greeks, or Confucius, or ancient Indian spirituality, you could also start from more modern philosophers like Marx and then rewind the tape of history, till you find yourself reading older philosophers.

So I think OP could start with MGS V without any issue. It's normal if you are weirded out and don't understand everything at times, but after some point, if you want that stealth gameplay with good story telling, play MGS 2 and 3, they are classics. Then if you want the true background story, play Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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