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Anyone notice a massive flood of Cyberpunk spam on every gaming site and forum over the last 2 months? The worst part is that I did play it post patch and I know for a fact that claims that the writing/story are good and that the game is "fixed" are pure bullshit. Normally the game is super forgettable but holy shit is the fanbase incessant on spamming it everywhere, even in discussions for completely unrelated games.
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>formulaic combat that only really accommodates using a sandevistan and being a "loud stealth" build or a full on mage assassin hacker bullshit build.

idk I just shot everything to death


"I just killed a person until they died."


you could shoot someone and not kill them


>And that romance options suck ass.
based, give me better gay option.


CDPR died with Witcher 2

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i said come in, don't stand there. i said come in, don't stand there.



is it worth it to buy a cheap vr headset (like the oculus rift CV1, or quest 1, or samsung odyssey HMD), or is VR only worth it with extremely expensive devices?

and my apologies if i've already made this thread, my memory is ass


If you don't try before you buy you risk the thing making you sick.


i've tested an oculus rift before and didn't get sick. I think i'm pretty resistant to vr motion sickness. Do you own a vr headset? Do you like it?

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Thoughts on Arknights?
Kinda surprised there's not already a thread about this, there's so much politics crammed into this game's story I'd imagine people here would have interesting takes on.
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I miss Reunion, the current Londinium-Dublinn-Kazdel arc is boring.


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From what I see, most of the anti-capitalist stuff comes from the tradlarp Kazimierz events.


From what I've read so far, yeah, but seems they're broadening the scope a bit more with stuff like the recent blacksteel story.


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Post any free games.
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This game is held together by duct tape but its still good. Its open source and so is the engine its on(there also a prewrapped version on PlayonLinux4)


I miss playing chiv 1 even though the community was reactionary. I lost many hours in team objective and deathmatch


Every game on the internet is free, and can be free for all, if they know piracy.
When you steal you take something from a person, and now this person dont have their thing anymore.
When you pirate something from someone on the internet, you duplicate the thing, so both sides can have the thing. No one loses, everybody wins.


Oh brother, why do lefty moralfags always have to make up some stupid fake arguments, only to justify their deeds? I don't give a fuck if I am a thief. People who allow being robbed deserved it. No need for moralfagging. I DON'T WATCH ADS AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE ARTISTS.

Here, this is a much better and honest ideology.


The "moralfags" coming up with the "stupid fake argumants" are porkies equating copying information with property crime which is the gravest sin in their bourgeois value system. You think you're rebelling against them with your juvenile and safe illegalism-lite, but actually you are adopting and legitimizing their morals.

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Hey comrades,
I'm an enthusiast hobbyist game dev, i mostly handle the programming part in games. I also do more general coding.

'Nuff saif, i was wondering if this forum was interested in collaborating to make a semi-official (or even official if mods are down) /leftypol/ game? There's much ideologically motivated obscure alt right games so why not do our own? Could also make us known more among leftist and leftists gamers circles, and mostly be a fun experience for everyone.

I've made a document with a bunch of game ideas that fit it in the /leftypol/ theme, if some of you guys are interested, i can share them and we could build something great. Also share your ideas if interested.
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It's really not cumbersome, it just handles a lot of stuff in optimized ways on multiple platforms. Multiplayer is most of it and coding it from scratch is AIDS, especially if you want to deliver a game and not have masochist fun trying to code it from scratch.


I was busy but i got more work done, i'm working on computer logic. Not much stuff that's interesting to show


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Beware!!! This is actually what science says happens when you sit at your computer!!!


The game, and prototypes, will be made open source on completion. Right now i'm making 3D ui work better.


Throw some ideas around for the logic of the gulag manager idea, as i'm beginning to code it, after having fixed a nasty bug.

Has some good ideas, but i was thinking their could be multiple prisonner types, all with their own inclinations. Inclinations would notably be between 4 state they can be in: Idle, working, as a dead body needing to be disposed of, and as a dispoed of dead body, and a "revolt" gauge.

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So Xdefiant came out. How do you people feel about the game?
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I wonder why they choose a name that sounds like it belongs to a quake clone for X11. Are they trying to cash in on the xitter name recognition?


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Relic of an older era where they planned for the game to be more overwatch esque than call of duty


Disney XD.


I might give this a go after being severely brainrotted and abused by the dogshit that is apex legends


This, it got my hopes up when a friend asked me to play. Then I saw it was a CoD clone from Ubishit.

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What unknown games are you playing that you think are worth talking about? And I mean actually obscure not EYE Divine Cybermancy obscure.

I just finished through playing Kandria, which is a very small indie open world platformer. The gameplay is a lot like Celeste most of the time except much more difficult, and this is applied to a metroidvania like open world, except there isn't anything that unlocks new areas like that and you've got your entire arsenal at the beginnin of the game. The platforming is fun but as I said it is incredibly difficult in later areas, though in earlier areas they added a bunch of pointless underground office blocks to like make it an open world or something. Those areas are very tedious and pointless. It also has a combat system which sucks and I try to avoid it except when you can use it for platforming. The game is very open as to how you approach obstacles, there are often different ways of getting past a room or you can go a different way through the map. The most standout thing for me was the story, which I wasn't expecting to be sort of good even if the twist is predictable. It also has a good soundtrack. All in all its a heavily flawed and rough indie passion project that nevertheless managed to fulfill my need for open 2D platforming.
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There's a guy making a game where dinosaurs swordfight each other.


Cortex Command is pretty cool if you are into sidescrollers and RTS games. The original version sold on Steam has been abandoned, but thanks to the release of the source code the fans have created a fork called CCCP, or Cortex Command Community Project for short.


lmao it has mikiru counter, and void slash and the rebellion moveset too


oh man it's been like a decade or something since I played Cortex Command. totally underrated game


I learned lua to script this game. Good memories. Can't believe the dev started it in high school. I was ecstatic at how much better my Pentium 4 ran than 3 when I upgraded.

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I haven't had the chance to play Homeworld 3 but it's out now and I've heard mixed things about it. Any other Homeworld fans on this board? The first game is one of my favorites, the rest of the series is still good but it feels like it gets progressively less interesting.


I haven't played 3 either, but one of the problems I've heard with it is that for some reason Homeworld 3 has a character-driven story, and does it in a way that essentially retcons some of 1 and 2's story. Specifically, it isn't like an unfolding history like the first two games, but specifically a story about Imogen S'jet who is apparently the protege of Karan S'jet and has some kind of personal, face-to-face conflict with the big bad, and to make this work they've essentially retconned the whole "integrated into the ship" thing. In 1 and 2, Karan S'jet was almost literally the voice of the Mothership, but that's questionably canon now because she kept her personality now somehow.


Totally agree. Homeworld was better when it was a story about people trying to survive, not prophecies or chosen ones or any kind of special characters.
It feels limited in its scope as well. In the original game, were were introduced to a bunch of new cultures and nations, whereas the rest of the series feels like it only brings up new villains.


Never played them, but I like the lore, it's nice.


It seems like these platforms have been tripping up a lot in recent years. And recently Microsoft shuttered a bunch of indie studios because of cost cutting or whatever. It seems like the future of gaming now is PC, mobile and the Nintendo platforms.


The problem with PC is DRM and shitty ports so even if the consoles die it'll be some time before we get a good and fast PS4 emulator. Preservation my ass.



I said "shitty ports." Just look at Arkham Knight, oh, God.

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