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>Bayonetta 2 gets Samus's Varia Suit instead of her Zero Suit
>Doom Eternal gets absolutely nothing
What was Nintendo thinking? Such a missed opportunity, The Zero Suit in Bayonetta 2 and a Doom x Metroid crossover make so much sense.
1 post omitted.

Sucks its nintendo exclusive. I replay Bayo 1 all the time on PC. Love it. At least we got wonderful 101, another great game.

Which character is most busted between Bayo, Samus, and Doomguy?

Doomguy for sure

Nintendo won't even let their characters have skins in fortnite unless epic makes it so that people not playing on a nintendo platform can't see it

>Bayonetta 2 is Nintendo-exclusive, Doom Eternal is not, so Nintendo is unlikely to do such a thing.
Doesn't excuse Nintendo not putting the Zero Suit into Bayonetta 2.
>Which character is most busted
It depends. Doomguy's BFG is OP but Bayo can slow down time and summon demonic hands so she may attack Doomguy before he can properly react. Poor Samus loses before even starting with one BFG shot.
>Nintendo won't even let their characters have skins in fortnite unless epic makes it so that people not playing on a nintendo platform can't see it
I mean, that proves that Samus in Doom Eternal is definitely possible but for some reason Nintendo refused to do that. Maybe they just hate Metroid.

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Im making a thread about VNs because there isnt one on the catalogue and i wanna talk about my experience. I just finished danganronpa 2, which im not certain counts as a VN or if it's a point and click murder mystery social deduction game, and i think im pretty confident to say that it presents a pretty interesting moral dilemma. On one hand, the hope faction is pretty clearly a technocratic organization who obsesses over "Ultimates", or people who possess immense talent in a particular field or study, for example the world's best scientist, or the world's best doctor. It is revealed in the story of goodbye despair that before despair took over, hope's peak academy created a method of artificially forcing someone to become extremely talented, which dialectically had the potential to equalize mankind and develop the talents of anyone, which would make the idea of meritocracy, or ruling over others due to better talents or knowledge, completely obsolete. Despair on the other hand spawned as a result of the mass movement of reserve students, malcontents who became disaffected with the idea that people with talent mattered more than the rest, since hope's peak academy was formed to research peoples' talents and how to cultivate them.
I think it would be pretty easy to side with the latter out of frustration, especially if you're talentless like i am, but i think the idea that talent could be forcibly cultivated out of someone who never realized it before would be the "productive forces" argument. Not to mention that junko destroyed civilization, which is dialectically bad.
Your turn to die is a great game too, very similar to danganronpa on a surface level, i finished it a while ago and im glad i played it. Free btw. Anyone got visual novel recommendations? I need a weeb fix.
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I played Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji a few months back and I'm still processing how I feel about it. The erotic scenes were trash and I mostly clicked through them and only stopping to read if a line of text felt important, but the story itself was interesting. The twist near the end was predictable, but at the same time somewhat beautiful. The ending itself is where I'm confused on how I feel though. On one hand the ending serves as a solid way to tie up the main character's story and makes the resurrection of his childhood friend make sense. At the same time, it feels like it could've been handled better without the use of time travel and instead gave the girl a second chance at life with her new identity she'd already been given in a human form.

My other issue regarding it being an erotic VN is just how horny the sister is for the main character. It feels like she's being a huge bitch while also coming onto the main character at random times and then all of a sudden is like "let's fuck" and all of a sudden the main character is down for it and they make that their whole thing.

Still, the sister route aside I really liked it, enough to be thinking about it months later.

I’ve been reading Subahibi and I’m probably about halfway done I’m towards the end of Looking Glass Insects and I just want to say congrats SKA-DI the h scenes are easily as uncomfortable as Full Metal Daemon Muramasa. I’d say so far a 8/10 I bet if you haven’t read Kant or even Descartes the whole phenomena vs thing in the thing itself distinction would blow your little weeb mind. The mystery seems interesting I’m looking forward to see how it pans out.

I’m also about 12 hours into Utawarerumono and the TRPG gameplay grew on me. Hakuowlo is a great MC (historically progressive bourgeois revolutionary and great manTM), Oboro the homie, and Eruruu is best girl because she’s a BL enjoyer. I heard the sequels are even better but so far 7/10.

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Anyone here plays otomes? I prefer them to male audience orientated dating games, they tend to be less outwardly coomerish while at the same time incredibly horny. And I like the look into what women find hot, and apparently we are not so different after all, just now started with Bewitching Sinners, one of the characters is literally a virgin slut, and other the first dialogue after meeting him has option to comment on his well developed chest.

a friend of mine plays them and tells me about them, so I get my experience secondhand

Please make some recommendations. I wonder about women's aproach to porn too, but every otome i've tried was just boring.

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Anyone else here play this kino update? It fixed alot of issues I had with the base game, like the slow combat, the story is much clearer as well and learns into the schizo visuals the first game was lacking in which was nice

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I've been planning on playing it when I have the time since I played the previous version up until a bit after the golden alpaca and tapped out. Don't know how the new combat is but surely it can't be as bad as the shit they had prior.

the new system takes a bit of getting used to but its fun

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Why are gamers salesfags these days? Seems like everyone is obsessed with game popularity, like it's the only thing that matters is whether or not other people play the same games you do
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And the Cameraman from Skibidi Toilet.

>>39253 (me)
Zero build looks interesting though, and some mechanics like vehicles and destructable walls look hella fun. So I dunno. I guess I'm not as interested in Fortnite mainly because of the building looking like jank and the eye-gouging graphics, and also due to the fact that there are other MMO shooters like Launch Royale. But Zero Build and raytracing eliminate at least two of these problems (I don't have a good PC for raytracing though). And I do wonder how satisfying the guns feel in the game, I don't want to play Overwatch 2 2: Electric Boogaloo.
>Doesnt matter
Bruh, I still have very strict standards, it does matter. I like Project M for God's sake, Sakurai no longer impresses me with Smash Ultimate's roster. I am beyond salvation.

>Zero build looks interesting
the whole point of fortnite compard to like PUBG is the building mechanic tho,else it's just the same game except graphically and with different vibes

>the whole point of fortnite compard to like PUBG is the building mechanic tho
Well, I guess the game is just not for me then.

It truely is overstimulating sometimes


When i present furry or are seen with furry, this always be:
Fasch idiot: "Ew furries are zoophile degenerates"

Me: ζζζζφ🐾

Hehe i made it in a random anarchy minecraft server

Please, get back to your senses, comrade. You are not acting the same after that shell hit you!

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Post any free games.
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So is multicrew tank combat vro

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<Pioneer is a space adventure game set in our galaxy at the turn of the 33rd century. The game is open-ended, and you are free to eke out whatever kind of space-faring existence you can think of. Explore and trade between millions of star systems. Turn to a life of crime as a pirate, smuggler or bounty hunter. Travel through vast territories of various factions, experience beautiful scenery, be the first to witness foreign stars being eclipsed by alien worlds. The universe is whatever you make of it.


<Starshatter (2004) and Starshatter: The Gathering Storm (2006) were military space combat simulators in distant future. They allowed players to command all kind of ship sizes and all kind of ship groups putting the players anywhere in the regular military chain of command. Starshatter: The Open Source Project is a legacy of this series and intends to maintain, polish, and extend the game. Just like before, the goal is to let the player experience the ultimate space combat, from planet surface to interstellar space, from piloting the smallest ships to commanding entire armadas.


<Masters of Orion fan remake, Remnants of the Precursors


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>sure until you have to be on their team
Sabotage them.

Basically a modern fan fork of the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory game without Punkbuster. Works like a charms on modern systems.

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If you like arena shooters, this 1v1 shooter called Straftat came out recently. I've been having a lot of fun with it playing with friends.

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Again, same guy editing new Vegas. I discovered this shockingly common design flaw after observing how raiders fight in desert and urban environments.

I found that NPCs in most games tend to fail at finding cover in natural environments.

For context, game developers assign certain objects marks that tells an NPC “hey you can take cover here.” In gameplay, these markers allow NPCs to hide behind crates, cars, doorways, and other man-sized objects.

Now with terrain, normally there are plenty of hills, rocks, and depressions available for NPCs to take cover from. In Arma, players (hopefully) take advantage of these aspects to conceal and cover themselves during combat and patrols. In real life, there are entire systems dedicated to using terrain to cover oneself from enemy fire.

Now with most shooters, this basic feature is no where to be found. Yeah, even in milsims, I was surprised to find NPCs failing to recognize objects as simple as rocks as useful things to hide behind.

Why isn’t this something that is fixed in milsims right now. I can understand why this pathfinding feature may not be as common in arcade shooters, but for the more realistic games, missing something like this is a massive mistake.
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>(exposure × eyeball compass score) / (health × armed level +1) = hiding action score (HAS)
The core idea is fine but the way you get the values could be optimized.

You could get an exposure value from the raycasts.

The eyeball compass can be derived from the player's average rotation, which you could just update each frame according to a rolling average calculation, like multiply previous value by 0.99 and add current value * 0.01 or whatever ratio you want. Realistically modeling this sort of thing is more where you'd use the screenshot type of method, to figure out what areas are exposed to the player character at their location, like a point light projecting outwards. This could also be baked into the level so that there are zones that have an associated "mask" applied to the navmesh to highlight optimal placement.

Health and armed level could also be modeled in a more dynamic way without that much cost, pretty hacky methods like average time between the player popping up to shoot. This would also mean that suppressing fire matters (especially if you incorporate location data for where the bullets are going), and would contribute to more ebb and flow in the combat pacing since you can help control when the NPCs are going to move.

>Doom, Quake, etc are all challenging and interesting games despite the enemy AI in them basically being "if you see the player move towards them and attack
The single-player campaigns were like that, but the deathmatch bots got pretty sophisticated. When Quake III Arena came out in 1999, that game was only deathmatch and capture the flag and its bots were "aware" of weapons, ammo, health and could communicate through chat with you. See pdf.
>because most of the enemies has a unique purpose that creates interesting situations you have to figure out when you mix them together
Right. For instance, there can be different "magic skills", basically cheating to create crude models for guessing where the player is when out of sight:

1. Big Bubble: We draw a big sphere around the player actually is and randomly choose a point inside the sphere as the guess.

2. Slow Telepathy. We use rather accurate location data, but we delay the transmission to the AI.

3. Evaporating Trail. We put in a slowly evaporating trail that is following the player. It's invisible to the player, but the AI can "smell" it when standing inside of it.

If I had to choose only one of these, I would strongly prefer Big Bubble. That's because Slow Telepathy is thwarted by moving around and Evaporating Trail is thwarted by camping. Big Bubble looks robust. But a mix of some bots having the "magic skill" Slow Telepathy and others Evaporating Trail would also work.

Hmmm, what would a Pac-Man clone with these three AIs feel like?

>The image analysis method is extremely overkill especially since the game should know where all the opponents are.
I said it's for single-player and was thinking about NPCs against the player only and not each other and only using the method for those NPCs registered in the pseudo screenshot. I don't believe that would be hard to do on hardware from twenty years ago. Maybe it's overkill in the sense of annoying to program rather than in the sense of eating much processing power.
>it would make more sense to do a separate low-res image for each of them aimed in exactly their direction
I agree with that low-res image is enough, but I do think that where the player looks should have weight. Remember I said the pseudo-screenshot would be broader than the actual POV of the player, so the approach isn't as limited as one might expect.
>give the NPCs "foresight"
They already have a tiny bit of foresight just because the pseudo-screenshot uses the broader POV, so they can also react to almost being seen. I admit this is not for foresight in the sense of planning something that takes more than two seconds to execute. It's barely more than a reflex.

I believe the most elegant way of NPC punishing both camping and "anticamping" (I mean running around a lot) would be directly scoring the player's behavior and shrinking or expanding the fuzzing factor applied to the player's actual location when generating the location guesses for NPCs to follow.

The area gets a virtual tamagotchi-resolution map that is initially grey. Over time, the pixels turn more and more pale. The pixels visited by the player turn black. This map's average brightness is the camping score. The brighter, the err campier.

NPCs tasked with punishing camping get less fuzzy location data of the player the higher the player's camping score is. NPCs tasked with punishing anticamping get less fuzzy data the lower the player's camping score is. NPCs that are jacks of all trades get less fuzzy data when the camping score is either very high or very low.

Somebody ought to make a shooter with a twist, where you wouldn't see much less defeat most enemies, to fuck with player.


What would the Kaiserreich/Kaiserredux versions of ᴉuᴉlossnW and Mosley react to their real life counterparts? Or Kaiserreich/Kaiserredux fascist react to real life versions of their ideology.

>KR Oswald Mosley
KR Mosley if taken power of the UOB would see his OTL counterpart as a footnote joke, who failed because he didn't commit enough to become a revolutionary "great man of history". KR Mosley would view british fascism as a reactionary faux "revolutionary" force with some similarities to policies he recognise with Totalism and to his own thinking. But KR Mosley would see the policies as insufficient, pro capitalist, and in some cases "watered down" versions of Syndicalism (Corporatism), feminism, and Keynesianism (The "coming" rework Mosley retains a Keynesian worldview). KR Mosley who falls into disgrace would think if he is destined not to become a "great man of history" but "joke of history?" (Mosley is a narcissist after all)
>KR ᴉuᴉlossnW
KR ᴉuᴉlossnW regardless if he takes power would see his counterpart with jealousy. As he would see his OTL counterpart was "much more successful", and Italy didn't fall into a civil war. Though he doesn't like his counterpart's fall into historic disgrace and how he was overthrown.

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Getting Started
Please consult docs/contributing.md for more information! it contains information on how to compile the project on both Windows AND Linux

Picking up where Open V2 left off
The goal of Project Alice (named after Alice Roosevelt Longworth) is essentially to create a new version of open v2 – my earlier project to create a Victoria 2 clone – and then to finish a working, feature complete, version of the game. This means that, at least initially, there will be few departures from doing things as Victoria 2 did them, simply to keep the project focused and on track. Once a 1.0 is complete, we can then use it as a playground for new experiments. As of July 2023, I have basically caught up to where open v2 was, minus some deficiencies in the ui.

I hope to find a few people to form an art team that can recreate the assets that Victoria 2 uses to give this project its own distinctive visual identity. I know that is a big ask, but on the other hand, there will be no 3d modeling required. We already have access to a set of new flags that we can use, courtesy of the SOE project.

In comparison to other projects
In comparison to SOE (Symphony of Empires) this project is a more direct Victoria 2 clone, while SOE is its own game. Nevertheless, I tend to think of it as a sister project. We do have some people here involved with both (I myself make the occasional suggestion there), and if you see something that we make that they could use, I am sure that they would appreciate the contribution. Likewise, we will be using at least some of their work.

With regards to the OpenVic2 project, although it "marketed" as a Victoria 2 "clone," that isn't what they are working towards creating. Instead, they intend to provide an entirely new set of assets, including events, decisions, etc., which will make their project more of a Victoria 2-ish game. It is also run with a very different managerial style. If you are interested in both Project Alice and OpenVic2, I suggest spending time with both teams or even joining both projects.

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I managed to build it from source on linux a year ago after changing some platform-specific vector arithmetic functions who told these people to write sse/avx calls by hand. why???
now it is completely ogre, it is too much spaghetti to fix it with a small patch, I don't understand why couldn't they use a library, it would have been less work and the code would be "vector agnostic". right now it only compiles for a small subset of x86_64 computers

Gamers are always shit tier at writing code, it seems. it just comes with the territory for some reason.

dude is a commie tho.

Doesnt make this code better

<Latest stable release with support for state-level markets.

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The book series is far more explicitly fascist than warhammer ever could be. Unlike the imperium, the Terran federation started off as a fascist organization and does not possess any of the art or emblems representing human history that war hammer has. There is no inquisition, there is only fascist police officers dressed in parsimonious uniforms. The Terran federation never establishes any diplomacy with any of the aliens it encounters. Unlike how the imperium learned to at least coexist with peaceful aliens, the Terran federation tried obliterating everything it saw. The federation doesn’t even use melee weapons that at least bring historical vibes and art. All you get are bombs, WMDs, and assault rifles.

The bugs are even portrayed in a more biased manner than the other aliens. Anti-Soviet propaganda is everywhere in these books. The bugs are regularly compared to Chinese people. This makes sense given how strong anti-sino sentiment was when this book was written, but my god, the insults get so fucking petty.

Also the first book is one and completely obvious infantry recruitment ad. Like, there is no point in the first book where it tries to discourage the reader from joining the army. It’s the fucking milsim era of shooters all over again but with Cold War era rhetoric.

are you autistic? yes heinlein was a freak and the starship troopers novels are actually fascist slop. warhammer is goofy maximalist fun that draws from all kinds of reactionary aesthetics but is more like unabashed playground fantasies of a dark future than it is actual fascist masturbation

Because nobody read that shit,and everyone that does agrees with you,simple as that

I was under the impression both were meant to critique fascism in that, but I haven't read it either lol.

The films do more to critique fascism. The original ST book is dead serious.

Warhammer is much more actually reactionary than ST

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