>>39151The Last Days of The Third Age. Lord of The Rings mod, I would say the most impressive mod of Warband, in terms of how much it manages with the engine and how polished it is. Gameplay loop is completely changed, you create a character for either good or evil side, then pick specific faction you wish to belong to (e.g. orc of Moria, man of Gondor, elf of Woodland Realm,…), and try to help your side win the war. All the internal politicking is removed. There is no money, instead you earn requision (basically money, but tied to a faction), rank (unlocks special item rewards) and influence points (buy item rewards and order NPC parties around), with specific factions by fighting their enemies, and fulfilling quests. You have to reduce the enemy faction strength by defeating parties so your side can lay siege to settlements.
I like playing evil side, much more challenging than good guys, especially as an orc, worse equipment, weaker troops, although you do get trolls.
It is a mod I would recommend trying to everyone, even people who dont like Mount&Blade, because of how different it is standard Mount&Blade experience.