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Very late to the party, I know, but I just finished the game over the course of last two days. Never played any David Cage game, saw streamers playing most of them though. They seemed hilariously bad, like The Room of video games.

The premise of the game is basically "what if racism was real?". The entire game is extremely clique, with social commentary so heavy-handed it borders on parody, and crige inducing sense of self-importance.

Gameplay wise, its a glorified visual novel, but filled with quick time events for even the most mundane of task, such as sitting on a chair. You have dialogue choices that are described to you in a single vague word (Sincere, Regretful, Determined, etc.), so good luck guessing what you character is going to actually say.

The impressive thing about the game is sheer amount of potential story branches. Like I cant even find list of all the final endings, because they are combinations of various intertwined outcomes for each of the main characters, resulting together in dozens of distinct endings you can get.
Speaking of which, there are three main characters, two of them actually relevant to overarching plot of the game. One is putting together a revolution to liberate androids, while an autistic detective investigates why androids are going haywire. The third one might not actually be of any importance, but she does have one of the tensest segments I ever experienced in a video game, when you end up as a prisoner in a death camp, waiting in a line for a robot gas chamber. Certainly memorable, but personally I feel way to heavy for (unintentionally) rather silly game.

Anyway, on my playthough I went for violent revolution, wasting every human I could for shit and giggles. If I was playing seriously, as in doing what I personally think is moraly right and effective as if IRL, I would pick peaceful protest actually. In this world andoids are fully integrated into society, everybody own one, and they all act and look like people. Children are raised by androids, androids serve as companions to humans, it just seems unrealistic for there to be a widespread public opposition to android liberation. They are too human-like, humans would recognize them as people even if they actually were glorified toasters. I kept thinking how much more interesting the setting would be if the android did actually look and behave like machines. Sentient ones, acquiring their own will and desiring freedom, buPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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SEX with chloe

i prefer redheads

Devastated when I found out that David Cage isn't David Chase.

> would pick peaceful protest actually

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“The entire orc race was crafted by gods and they have a super huge civilization that has survived multiple battles against magic and massive armies.” “oh by the way there capital has a population of a few thousand.”

“Stormwind is a massive industrial capital with the capabilities of equipping its army’s soldiers with fully ornamented metal armour, magic and even guns.” “Also the entirety of the alliance is in the medieval era of technology somehow for… reasons.”

“There are actual gods and people with access to time travel and teleportation that can casually obliterate Azeroth and all the other dimensions at any time but won’t, because the writers only need to acknowledge this when it’s convenient for any expansions.”
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Your mistake was looking for profundity in cuhrazy Warhammer bullshit. No shit it's surface-level, enjoy the cool pictures retard.

But the pictures aren’t cool. The characters in them are only good looking for 3D porn :(

They used to be quite cool, back when they were still copying Warhammer and other wacky hypermasculine fantasy of yore. I would argue that their quest for Warcraft's story/worldbuilding to be good™ is ultimately what lead to how lame, convoluted and cringe it ended up becoming. Like trying to improve Conan the Barbarian my making it more like Game of Thrones. The dreamworks-reject art direction they've pivoted to doesn't help much.

The writers could’ve also kept the writing of the story as simple as it used to be. But of course, as blizzards game design philosophy changed after the activism on buyout, the writers “had” to keep adding newer and larger plots.

Blizzard literally cannot stop sabotaging itself.

Blizzard forgot that a part of the appeal of the original game was that you only needed this short blurb in the beginning to get what was going on and they do themselves no favors by making the plot so convoluted (even if the writing wasn't also terrible)


Still haven't won this stupid fucking race in classic difficulty. I genuinely despised this mission more than any other games that I hate.

Also, they better not fuck up with Mafia 4.

It sucks, but just keep trying it, eventually you will learn where the AI generally crashes and you can use that to your advantage

Did the race on my third try 👍🏿

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I beaten it after several tries, I cheated but I don't care. Probably won't get the Made Man trophy as I switched difficulties in the main menu for Free Ride.

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Every single game you are just killing Soviets or other evil Russians. The Soviet Union is pure evil in the games. I fail to see how this overrated dogshit series is “based”. The only game that’s actually based is Peace Walker since you are killing CIA agents instead of Russians like in literally every other game. Or in MGS4 when you get to kill Blackwater mercenaries but even in that game the US military are portrayed in a positive light. Hideo like most Japanese are massive cucks and suck USA dick. Most of the villains are actually based. Skull Face talks about how evil America is and how he wants to overthrow the Amerikkkan world order. Solidus is also based but these are supposed to be the “bad guys” for some reason.
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PMCs hired by UNITA then, whatever.

>I never saw any evidence of this, but who cares?
WDYM "who cares?" People I don't like like something so I have to dislike the thing now! 4chinlets hate child trafficing and Big Pharma so I HAVE to support them instead!

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In Peace Walker, you also briefly help the Sandinista at the beginning of the game, and Big Boss expresses admiration for Che Guevara, but again, Big Boss is jaded about politics and admire Che as a fighter and revolutionary, not because of his ideological convictions. Big Boss fights solely because that's the only thing he is good at.

>“Anti war” literally means nothing.
What am I supposed to get from this? Do you believe like Truffaut that no movie and by extension no video game can be anti-war because by depicting war, you are ultimately glorifying some aspects of war in the process instead of solely depicting the misery it causes? Or do you mean something else, that war is nothing but a form of conflict and that conflict is inevitable, therefore being against conflict doesn't make any sense?

You and >>36891 remind me of why I rarely post on imageboards anymore: I take the time to type a post in order to explain some shit, and all you say in response is "no you are wrong" with zero explanation. There is no discussion, no opposite point of view for me to understand, nothing to be gained.
I haven't seen that Clint Eastwood movie and I have no interest in it either.
What's your point? Why "anti war" literally means nothing? I can't read your mind, anon.

>There is no discussion, no opposite point of view for me to understand, nothing to be gained.
Well, you see, the problem is that this is a very ideological board so the users here are poisoned by pure ideology a.k.a spooks. If your imageboard forms a hegemonic "correct" party line its users become extremely zealotted.

How can we square the circle that war is bad despite being cool? I don't exactly agree that all media that portrays war can't be anti-war but definitely there's a lot of people who manage to completely miss any satire or anti war points

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Getting Started
Please consult docs/contributing.md for more information! it contains information on how to compile the project on both Windows AND Linux

Picking up where Open V2 left off
The goal of Project Alice (named after Alice Roosevelt Longworth) is essentially to create a new version of open v2 – my earlier project to create a Victoria 2 clone – and then to finish a working, feature complete, version of the game. This means that, at least initially, there will be few departures from doing things as Victoria 2 did them, simply to keep the project focused and on track. Once a 1.0 is complete, we can then use it as a playground for new experiments. As of July 2023, I have basically caught up to where open v2 was, minus some deficiencies in the ui.

I hope to find a few people to form an art team that can recreate the assets that Victoria 2 uses to give this project its own distinctive visual identity. I know that is a big ask, but on the other hand, there will be no 3d modeling required. We already have access to a set of new flags that we can use, courtesy of the SOE project.

In comparison to other projects
In comparison to SOE (Symphony of Empires) this project is a more direct Victoria 2 clone, while SOE is its own game. Nevertheless, I tend to think of it as a sister project. We do have some people here involved with both (I myself make the occasional suggestion there), and if you see something that we make that they could use, I am sure that they would appreciate the contribution. Likewise, we will be using at least some of their work.

With regards to the OpenVic2 project, although it "marketed" as a Victoria 2 "clone," that isn't what they are working towards creating. Instead, they intend to provide an entirely new set of assets, including events, decisions, etc., which will make their project more of a Victoria 2-ish game. It is also run with a very different managerial style. If you are interested in both Project Alice and OpenVic2, I suggest spending time with both teams or even joining both projects.

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>multiple RGOs in single state
Actually soyfacing right now. Although the amount of historical research needed to determine what kinds of RGOs each state should produce seems unwieldy.

man i wish i had opengl support to play this, good stuff

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hqs are being developed


Fucking nice.


Kingdom Sharts 1 Agrabah is the worst level how the fuck do you even beat the sand lion thing?

question no.1: why are you making a thread about kingdom hearts as if it's a game that everyone played
question no.2: why are you assuming that the people who have played it remember what the hell this level is
question no.3: why would you even play kingdom hearts? who thought it was a good idea to put disney characters on a weeb game? why does this exist?

op, please answer my questions, i need to know

>why would you even play kingdom hearts?
people call it one of the best arpgs out there
>who thought it was a good idea to put disney characters on a weeb game?
that's exactly the appeal. It's like they made a teenager's disney x final fantasy x OCs fanfiction into an actual game. Kingdom Hearts is something that couldn't be conceived in the modern industry.

git gud

You have to jump on his head and attack the eyes. Easiest is to just climb on his neck from the side/back but you can also jump on him when he attacks with his mouth.
It's annoying but doable, just be patient.


>Bethesda Game Studios is officially the first Microsoft game developer to full unionize under the Communication Workers of America (CWA), forming a "wall-to-wall" union of developers including artists, engineers, programmers and designers. Microsoft has recognized the union.
>The union was confirmed after 241 developers either signed a union authorization card or indicated that they wanted unionization via an online portal. It follows Bethesda Games Studios Montreal's unionization in late June and the unionization of roughly 300 quality assurance workers within Zenimax, which is Bethesda's parent company.
Surprised this happened amidst Microsoft turning all their game studios to dust.
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maybe now they'll make good games

>this is a (technically meaningless burger terminology) union
This is a burgoid post. Pass.

can i not support this specific union because i hate their games?

Hey, how is it in Bihar today?

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This might seem desperate but I don’t care.
I’m giving away $409 in Steam games cuz I need stream viewers.

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Just give me the games if you have any good ones, not going to watch your shit btw.

If you give me games I'll watch the stream


First, you should not be advertising your channel here the users here are too low in quantity and are disloyal by nature

Second, you should seek out to advertise yourself to an audience with low quantity of resources at their disposal and who are also very desperate and naive, thus the ideal audience would be children/teens in countries where games are not as accessible either because of the economical struggle or sanctions, like russia, iraq, turkey, south africa etc.

Third, you should seek out this audience, use youtube shorts and tiktok for your advantage, the audience on those apps is often young and naive, especially in youtube shorts.

Fourth, you should syphon the audience gained from one app/media to another.

Fifth, giveaways are good way of gaining an audience, but at some point you will just run out of resources to give away, you should work on keeping the audience by creating an appealing persona and or gimmick.

Not even a pfp or VOD
Like what's your vtuber model theme, something paper crafts / drawing related?

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The cancelled, almost-finished Daredevil PS2 game has been shared online by an anonymous developer who worked on it, almost 20 years later:

hearing the story of why it was never made reminds me that the reason modern culture sucks is because executives have terminal brain rot

Fuck, I wonder how many good games are lost to corporate squabbles.

>daredevil game
>it still has graphics

what did they mean by this?

DDs cool but honestly fuck this. We need Ultimate Alliance 4 and we need it day 1 launch on all systems

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A large number of players are complaining about the difficulty of "Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree."
Players from China are particularly angry, with the Simplified Chinese region currently showing only a 31% approval rating.

大量玩家抱怨《艾尔登法环 黄金树幽影》的难度
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It's kind of unfortunate that these games acquired a fame for being difficult. It kind of shuts out any discussion about them beyond difficulty. If you criticise them in any other way you are met with the reflexive response: "git gud", or a response with that sentiment. The embedded video makes a the point, that I agree with, that more and more the gameplay of these games has been boiled down to the loop of learning an enemies attack pattern, attacking within the appropriate window, dodging at the right times, and rinse and repeat. Which is a tried and tested perfectly solid gameplay loop, but it's basically Megaman. The earlier games in the franchise were not so focused on that gameplay loop, rather it served a larger gameplay experience.

Lol been years since Ive seen this pasta

>the player is not invested in changing or saving it
Have you played any souls game? All of the games heavily emphasize that the word is stuck in some unsalvageable samsara and the game itself is more of a personal struggle than a hero's journey. None of them really incentivize "saving" the world, as if such a goal was possible

> The background story is a confusing mess of dueling family drama, and none of it ultimately matters to the player.

Even the dullest players understand that the golden order is a facsimile of the roman empire and that it is a top down imposition on an ancestral land, which already covers most central themes lol. Probably the clearest any of the souls game have ever been. You don't need to understand the intra-faction strifes to get the central theme.

> There's no larger theme of decline/rebirth like in the Souls games

Did you miss all the deathroot shit what are you talking about, did you even play the game

Obviously the broad strokes of "world is fucked, player character changes it" are understandable, but it's a lot more complex than "link the fire or don't" this time. Elden Ring has six different endings. You need to understand the background and history of the place if you want to make an informed decision, which is why people are scouring the 'lore' in order to make sense of it all.
>the golden order is a facsimile of the roman empire and that it is a top down imposition on an ancestral land
Literally the first time I've ever heard it described like that, where are you pulling that from?

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