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Based Rayne, the antifa we need.


I basically avoided playing that game because I don't want to do ship design and if you don't the game is impossible.


>ripping off poor people
>credit check at the gate
Freeside isn't his problem either. It's just a shanty town outside of his strip that the NCR is coping in.


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of course most /pol/tards side with caser's legion but looking at it almost every single faction is awful one way or the other, The NCR is literally a reboot of America that is in the middle of a manifest destiny, House is a egotistical maniac and probably appeals to Musk bros and Yes man is just a libertarian wet dream
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Now that I've played (though evidently I have commitment issues as I haven't beaten any of them yet) the first 5 games sans Tactics and BOS I'd rank them as 1>NV>3>2>4. Having 2 ranked so low is probably sacrilegious for most but imo I just found the game to be extremely tedious. It's a bunch of fetch quests and go find/kill x so I give the edge to 3 in that regard, particularly for the side quests but even the main quest is slightly better. Looking for your dad is far a more compelling objective than some random vault tech that you don't even find any convincing leads for until well into the game but both are pretty shit tbh; go find Dad/G.E.C.K. and then beat up the Enclave. I only bothered to get around to them after exhausting the side quests or if I wanted XP.
Another observation: contrary to my initial impression when these games were new, FNV is clearly superior to Fo3 in just about every way. I guess I was too young to appreciate story, dialog and worldbuilding the first time around, preferring instead more surface levels aspects like the map and the atmosphere more generally, things that I still prefer in Fo3 but which are ultimately just facades in front of a rather shallow game. That said I think the voice acting in 3 might be better? Still need to play through to confirm whereas I pretty much 100%ed FNV but man was I getting sick of the one mf'er that voices seemingly every male in the Mojave. In that one regard FO3 has been a refreshing change of pace so far with some standout performances to boot, such as Dr. Li's empathic pleas to be let into The Citadel among others. Meanwhile I'm still groaning at that 10 of Spades attempt at a stutter. IDK if I'm just imagining things or if the voice acting was one of the victims of the game being rushed but ya if I had to nitpick the game it'd be over that.
pic/vid unrelated just thought it was kino


I really enjoyed the Tranquillity Lane section, probably the thing I find most memorable about FO3


Funny how it’s 2024, and there are still people LARPing as Roman legionnaires in New Vegas instead of playing Fallout 76. Fallout 76 just got a big map update, and you're missing out.


The new update is pretty sick. I played the pts and they had a communist base in the new area. The lightning people are scary too


Here are some photos of my playthrough.

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dayum, the No Man Sky guy is still pumping out updates and bug fixes to this day.
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I started playing no man's sky a few months ago and it was a total snoozefest. Just because it's way better than how it used to be doesnt make it good. The game is overly complicated and also extremely grindy. The game is constantly telling you what to do, and it takes forever to get anything done at all. All the procedurally generated planets are super uninteresting and i cannot fathom why anyone would willing play this game.


fundamentally its still a completely shit game


Pretty good game to test out if a person can stomach a game that requires patience. Since it is not obscure it is easy to convince someone to play it, too.


The Sean Murray erotic fanfiction was worth it.


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Is the way the Combine portrayed in Half-Life anti-communist?
Ironic the people that made these games became huge lefties later.
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the Combine might also be a case of Kautskian ultra-imperialism. either way resistance is clearly reactionary


>another "is le pop culture le communist????????????" thread
oh my fucking god who cares


this is clearly a "is le pop culture le anticommunist????????????" thread, pay attention


more productive then a porn thread or japan/anime thread that devolves into bunch of neets complaining about jcp not being pro hentai.


>The USSR was a repressive brutal dictatorship, but actually that was good
>Therefore every depiction of repressive brutal dictatorships in media must be good and opposing them is wrong!

Zoomers please stop doing this


Let's play Oldschool Minecraft, /leftypol/!


<Want to play Oldschool Alpha / early Beta Minecraft from early 2010s?
The Minecraft version is b1.1_02
1. Download MultiMC
(Use 7zip or Winrar to open the zip file)
2. Open & right-click white background to "create instance".

3. Under "Filter" in the Create Instance window, check "Betas" & "Alphas".
(I do version b1.1_02 as an old beta)

4. Go to settings → Account – and add your Mojang or Microsoft account

5. Right-click your instance → do "edit instance" → Go to "Version" → Then on the side, click "add to minecraft.jar" → and add the AlphaPlace Client as it is zipped.
(do not unzip it).

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Ok, I looked into playing the cracked version without a microsoft account or buying Minecraft:
If you want to play a cracked version for free and play Notch's old Minecraft alpha for free and without a microsoft account–, follow the instructions here
How to play Alpha Place without a MS acct:
Go to
Do "Download Latest Windows Version" or the other one.
Do "Select version" and select b1.1_02
Enter whatever name in the login – it doesn't matter – no account is needed.
To login to Alpha Place, write in the Multiplayer login: alpha.place
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The more I'm digging into this, the more unpalatable it seems for anons to get into. I'm not for certain you'll have to do this, but you might have to get whitelisted in order to play as a cracked user.
But if you are a cracked user & want to play on the server w/o having Minecraft or a MS Acct, I think you'll have to get whitelisted.
There is a Disc0rd invite on their website^
I think whitelisting works by choosing a random username & making a login for the server when whitelisted, but I'm not sure.
There is a whitelist section at the Alpha Place fbi.gov.
I know anons hate fbi.gov, so this is probably not viable. I don't think you have to use a phone number for fbi.gov, but you could make a throwaway account.


I talked with a moderator and they said that it takes 1 to 3 days to possibly get whitelisted.
–I don't think you have to give a phone number to use Disc0rd to get whitelisted, so it is possible to make a throwaway email with Tuta Mail / Tutanota & then a throwaway Disc0rd without using any phone numbers.
–BUT you will have to get the email verified + skip the Disc0rd tutorial thing.

The error I was having with "you have enough accounts 3/3" the moderator said was because you can only have so many accounts per IP or something like that – and the test account I made apparently the name I chose was already a registered name on Alpha Place, so you might have to talk with the mods to find the right name.


First you use that Betacraft launcher.

You can use Tuta Mail to make a disposable email:

Verify the email + skip the Disc0rd tips / tutorial by dismissing the orange glowing exclamation points…

I don't think you have to download Disc0rd to use Dis0ord, but you can use Disc0rd on your browser. Make a throwaway Disc0rd with that Tuta Mail and join the Alpha Place server fbi.gov under v General Chats & #cracked-user-whitelist.

Submit a name from namemc.com
The name you submit under the Whitelist -might- already be taken, so you might have to check with a mod like GG (gavin) or Windows7Ultimate or Noggisoggi later to get whitelisted.
Whitelisting could take 1 or 3 days, so be patient.

Voilà, you can play Minecraft Alpha without giving a phone number!


So we are getting both a nu-Doom prequel and Hexen spiritual successor, aren't we?
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>after how they treated Mick Gordon


tl;dr version he got the "screw over the private contractor" treatment while making the music for Doom Eternal, including:
<nonsensical expectations (like writing music for levels that weren't even designed yet)
<rejecting submitted music for not being "good enough" but then using it anyway and not paying him for it
>not paying him in general (for almost a year)
>producing the OST release of the music without him, behind his back, and without his knowledge, but crediting him for it causing him to take the heat for it being poorly done
>Marty Stratton running to r/doom to post a hit piece slandering Gordon as lazy and entitled
>constantly jerked around and lied to by Marty in general
>Zenimax trying to force him to take a settlement on the condition that he would accept the reputational damage and own the sloppy OST release he wasn't even involved with
That's just some of the bigger stuff.
And this is how they treated a guy widely hailed as a visionary who majorly contributed to the success of the previous game. IDK maybe Marty got butthurt from the "they included a game with this album" jokes.

Mick Gordon's full statement, with receipts:


Damn, what a bunch of assholes. I haven't even played Doom Eternal yet I mostly know it for Gordon' amazing soundtrack, I hope they pay dearly for this.


It's probably the most iconic piece of video game music since, what, Snake Eater?


Mick Gordon still hasn't been paid for half the game if memory serves, and that's the actual in-game music. He didn't get paid at all for the OST release. Like he said, that's a whole separate product. The in-game music is basically a bunch of modular pieces that get arranged in real-time by an algorithm while you play the game, and the OST is a manual arrangement to try to get the best version of each piece. For the OST release he still made most of those pieces (the same pieces used by the game) but they were arranged and mastered by the sound designer Chad Mossholder IIRC.

Yeah and like I said, if they are doing this guy this dirty, how do they treat the rest of the workers? Who else on the project has the name recognition that people would even pay attention if they spoke up about something like this?

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I'm curious to see what would happen if a game with a phenomenal story and great combat, but with PS2-era graphics, got released. I wonder how well it would hold up against modern AAA games
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Gaming is simply too big for its britches. Too many shareholders that heard about how lucrative the industry is, jumping in and making demands without any idea of how to make a fun video game.
The indie market is thriving because of its detachment from the more money hungry side of the industry.


It’s inevitable. There are already some PS1 graphics horror games.

Can’t wait to experience a new Gothic/Morrowind as the “Minecraft of PS1 aesthetics” is probably in the works at this moment by some lone dev.


As someone with no access to the internet and not owing a proper gaming PC as teen, we'd buy these game from local mobile shops. Every time they included one of these. Painkiller, Delta Force, Ubersoldier and Stalker Within,


If only one could get their hands on VBS4


Wait, VBS4? They already released VBS3?

Also sidenote, but is it even possible for one to get their hands on a personal edition of VBS? I heard VBS2 got one.

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The cancelled, almost-finished Daredevil PS2 game has been shared online by an anonymous developer who worked on it, almost 20 years later:


hearing the story of why it was never made reminds me that the reason modern culture sucks is because executives have terminal brain rot


Fuck, I wonder how many good games are lost to corporate squabbles.


>daredevil game
>it still has graphics

what did they mean by this?

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So I'm not an experienced game developer or anything, but I figured we should have a general dedicated to this sort of thing, especially since I'm interested to hear peoples' ideas on lefty-orientated videogames that would be cool for me to make.
I've been using Blender since I was 11 or 12 years old (I'm 20 now) so I'm pretty much at a level now where I can model any game asset I want. I'm also in school for Computer Engineering, and have been a hobby programmer since I was around 14 working with Python, C, and GLSL shaders, so I can script pretty much anything as well. I would say my main weaknesses when approaching a task like this are Sculpting, Spriting, and Painting, so to any drawfags/artfags with skills: I invite you to contribute on whatever projects we end up embarking on.



Blender: https://www.blender.org/
Kritas: https://krita.org/en/
>Game Development
Godot: https://godotengine.org/
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>How hard is it to implement photorealism and how terrible is the performance compared to normal graphics?
It's very easy. The performance is good as long as you're not doing dynamic lighting and reflections.
>What are the different methods to achieve the photorealist style?
Like I alluded to, you can prebake all the lighting as long as it's static, meaning the lights don't move or turn on or off.
>When and how will it hit mainstream?
It already did a long time ago. You can pick up unreal and start making photorealistic levels right now.


Prebaked would break immersion, stuff like Bodycam has dynamic and it really adds to it
Unreal Engine is crazy atm, always releasing something new


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>Prebaked would break immersion, stuff like Bodycam has dynamic and it really adds to it
I'm sure it's 99% baked. That's how games do. You can still have a mix of dynamic and baked lighting because the dynamic light is just additive. Like for example this daytime level: All of that sunlight is going to be baked unless you need to have the sun actually progressively change time of day. Even then I think they have some kind of technique to transition between baked lightmaps.


this is for their weird social media feature
this is the correct link https://gamejolt.com/help-docs/Shop/sell-games


The next jump in photorealism I think will be implementing these AI filters.

Anyways if you want to learn more about photorealism techniques and Unreal(both Bodycam and Unrecord are Unreal) there are a million tutorials out there. Unreal also gives you access to the Quixel library which has tones of photoscanned assets which is half of the work getting photorealism.

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I’m playing far cry 2 with redux+ realism and I’m amazed by the level of immersion and sense of control I have over my time with it. The mod fully disables all in-game features to assist the players availing to navigate the map meaning your paper map and some screens showcasing your location is all you get to figure out where to go. I’ve navigated my way through several missions off my own accord, having to learn to be patient with outposts, run the fuck away from anything that looks like trouble and fight with barely any ammo is such a unique experience you can’t create in so many games. The world itself even without mods is beautiful and every hour I spend playing makes me feel like I’m genuinely apart of it, something you wouldn’t typically get from a non roleplaying game.
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keep fighting the good fight, anon. I'm impressed at your perseverance, both with the game and with these updates! I'd usually have given both up by now.


It's the only Far Cry game I never played. Even played the OG once in the 00's, though I don't think I finished that one.


It is the best one by far, great example of video games as a storytelling medium. First one is its own thing, while all the ones after feel like progressively dumbed down and bloated up versions of 2. Even Far Cry 3, which seem to be most peoples favorite, is already too deep into Skinner box school of game design.


am playing this now, pretty good, but damn dunno why but it's so fucking laggy


Check if it runs on dedicated GPU, by default it was on integrated card for me.

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