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Project Zomboid today.

Finally got around to Neke Atsume 2, basically the same game with some new music, much needed QoL features, and some system for visiting other people's yards. I'm gonna assume more cats and furnature too. Quite nice.

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Finished with Expeditions: Viking (go play it, its great). Immediately installed its predecessor Expeditions: Conquistador. Its clunky as shit, looks like ass, big stretches of boring nothing as you traverse the map collecting randomly scattered pickups, completely different feel from Viking, not fun experience at all. Would have started Expeditions: Rome already, its the newest and the the most well received in the series, but there is an update coming out soon, so waiting for that.

Also for like an hour tried Knights of Honor II: Sovereign. Its basically Crusader Kings 2 with Total War battles, but lacking the depth of either of those.

Crusader Kings 2, the After the End mod. I'm playing as the 7 year old Tycoon Eugene Murrough of Alleghenia. Tycoon Eugene took the Steel Throne as a newborn after his mother, Tycoon Phillippa, died from cancer.

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Forgot pic

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>game made by 3 people
>has features at launch that battlefield added months after release
What isn't there to love?
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>cant strafe sideways

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Its fun but seems kinda grindy? I suck even after 8 hours of gameplay so Im kinda burnt out at this point. Finally pepole play the same 3 maps over and over even tho theres like 20 to choose from

damn uygha you suck
skill issue

that they will permaban you for civil queer discourse and the lead dev is a turkish Israel loving cockroach

That is a namefag I haven't heard in a long time.
>that they will permaban you for civil queer discourse and the lead dev is a turkish Israel loving cockroach
Bear in mind, I haven't played since the hype of it's release, but from what I understand is they will ban anyone using derogatory language.
And it's unfortunate the lead dev is a zioncuck.

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Getting a gaming PC again soon for the first time since I was a fat fuck, I am interested mostly in the deep, weird, and sometimes just funny experiences that only seem to exist on PC.
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elder scrolls 2 daggerfall

Coming soon: Peripeteia, 1st person deus ex-sorta game set in a polish cyberpunk shithole on the border between Poland and not-USSR

>deep, weird, and sometimes just funny

Explicitly anti-communist, reactionary dogwater.
Which is a shame because it is funny in a very deus ex way.

>Neo-Imperial CHina


>Destroys commies and leftypol
>Is everyone's favorite character in Mafia 3?

How does he do it?

Anyone who shoots state senators no scope is a favorite in my book. Even if they canonically dismembered a Vietnamese mom

Yeah I mean he's still an anticommunist freak that in general deserves to die, but his arc is based.


I have looked all over the catalog both on /games/ and /music/ and have not found the VG OST thread so I guess it got wiped by the bumplimit, so here we go again.
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Just installed Ancestors Legacy, havent even played it yet, but the main theme rocks so hard I had to immediately post it here.

*pink pajama guys*

got this stuck in my head due to that one topic about genshin (dont even play it)

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Undertale is primarily a commentary on the ways people approach media. Genocide route, in that context, is a response to playing through games in the increasingly prevalent mechanical and consumptive way. While there's enough in there to support Toby exalting authorial intent, I think he's noticing trends in the ways people approach games (consumptive and completionist), but hasn't really diagnosed the cause, which is why he condemns the player for playing through genocide (or choosing to see it without playing themselves) as a personal failing rather than getting at things like the culture industry or trends in game design and marketing that encourage that kind of approach. As not a great fan of authorial intent I still see a lot of value in a game (or anything really) having the guts to resist people who only want to engage with it in a boring or distanced way.
87 posts and 29 image replies omitted.

>Ralsei is dead Asriel theory

The fandom will not take it well the "incest implications". Asriel and Ralsei must be totally different characters

Deltarune's final boss will be (You), the player.

kinos back on the menu boys

Idk if the roast chicken bit is related to the games but Toby seems to be having fun whatever this is.

(mimetype issues so had to ffshare it, should play now. Flood detected)

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Ay yo what fucking game is this please.

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anon solves a thread without uttering a letter, respect

well they say a picture is worth a thousand words

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There is no excuse for the world of fallout to look the way it does. The united states in fallout shouldn’t be an empty wasteland, it should be a polluted graveyard filled with dead mega cities and broken highways everywhere. The fucking matrix comics got this aspect of omnicide right. Being aware of this fact makes the combat so dissapointing too. The player should be spending more time in the ruins of irradiated or depopulated cities using laser guns and fully automatic rifles. That shit is objectively way more cool and sci fi than whatever 80s era retrofuturist bullshit the dickheads at black isle are pulling. Like fuck, how the hell did the fuckers working on the TV show somehow manage to continue the tradition of fucking up the setting.

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Helldivers 2 gets regularly compared to this game. It’s disappointing to see how much worse starship troopers turned out on launch. Helldivers 2 wasn’t perfect at launch either. However, the sequel had way more features that made it a much better game. Helldivers 2 has a playable menu system, a community based conquest system, procedurally generated maps for infinite replay, better bullet ballistics, crater physics, some vehicles, and air support.

What’s strange is the lack of reasons for starship troopers to have performed poorly. In terms of bugs, both games are evenly buggy. In terms of strengths, starship troopers has larger lobbies, more diverse levels, larger maps, and more heavy weapons than H2.

When considering all this information, it’s strange to see the game do poorly compared to helldivers. Voice your ideas on what went wrong. Additionally, voice your suggestions on what could change.

I'm glad helldivers is adding clans. It should have done it months ago. Without the in game social element there's nothing to really keep the samey gameplay fresh and relying on randos for the higher difficulty levels is such a mixed bag. Having a reliable team to play with will make a big difference I think.

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The gem empire in Steven universe is a universe-spanning alien empire. The fuckers literally rip apart entire planets to fuel their expansion. They don’t take just the biologically-compatible resources, they take everything and they’ve colonized nearly every region of their universe. Their own home world is located in a fully colonized galaxy away from the Milky Way. They can fucking teleport anywhere.

The imperium wouldn’t stand a chance even at its prime and neither would the necron empire. The forerunners would be walking with their tails crossed between their legs if the gems went to war with them. Not even the fucking reapers of mass effect stand a chance. The gem empire of Steven universe could and legitimately would solo all galactic empires in every video game franchise and its elites probably wouldn’t even notice that they were even at war with them.

How do gay-mers even cope with this objective fact?
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I truly hate how the series ended with the literal fascist empire just ended being friends with the crystal gems. I love that a series about a revolutionary group fighting for liberation and equality ended up with such an interesting finale, where the upper classes just gave up on their privilege and power peacefully, merciful and pious as they are…
I remember the best fanfics i read of steven universe were the ones depicting the revolution of Rose Quartz on earth, when the crystal gems were more than just 4 people living on a beach. Pearl being a true renegade, writing and spreading theory to incite revolt, contacting other pearls in underground secret meetings, that kinda stuff really gets me going. Yes it is infantile, yes it is cliche, yes Steven Universe is a liberal cartoon, and the crystal gem revolution is probably based on the American and French revolution, not the Soviet one, but i like it nonetheless. I like stories of good revolutionaries beating up nazis. Also the empire in most part of the series is mysterious, you don't really know how much power they have, who are their leaders, how they changed from the period of Rose to Steven, etc. That is interesting.

If only the series wasn’t written for Cartoon Network man. Korra also had the same problem of discussing mature politics and ideas for an audience that’s too young to understand such ideas. Coincidentally the authors of both series are genuinely not equipped to discuss ideas like sexual assault, class society, or revolutions themselves.

Actually, I’m now realizing how infantilized most western media is. It’s not just the entertainment, the way westerners treat their own history and politics is insufferably childish.

Hold on, I’m going to go on a tangent

There are so many examples of infantilism and immaturity present in every sector of western society. Nearly all their entertainment is so fucking loud, long, and devoid of meaning.

Another is the portrayal of slavery. Americans especially are taught a hyper simplified idea of what slavery was and looked like, but aren’t taught anything related to the subsequent revolts, massacres, ethnic cleansings, vigilantism, and migration crises that would all collectively contribute to the literal and political violence necessary to send the USA and much of the rest of the Americas into major wars. It’s criminal knowing how many Americans aren’t aware of the fact that they’re lucky to not have been hit by several civil wars instead of just one given how fucking violent slavery was. If these fuckers can fail with maturely describing something that important to their history, imagine how much they fail at everything else.

McCarthyism and poor public education basically destroyed any awareness most western proletarians had in their understanding of how ownership over commodities and relationships influences power dynamics. Western media shoves pacifism everywhere in its morality even towards things and people do not have any right to receive any form of forgiveness or even acceptance into society. Even their debates are insufferably childish in their presentation. There’s no professionalism or maturity in so much of it. Even the so called ‘conservative’ shitheads somehow always end up being the most childish and uncivilized people in the west.

I get that cartoons history was always filled with meaningless violence, but pushing pacifism as the solution to all problems
is just as infantile. "Modern psychologists" have studied cartoons for years, and the impacts of small children on seeing inappropriate or violent content are also documented, but Steven Universe is not a cartoon for small babies who can't distinguish good from bad, they need to think about what is appearing on the screen and be critical about it.

I agree with the points made in the tangent, about childish behavior and culture not being limited to children but to "western society" as a whole, the use of historical cliches, like slavery in america, to do world building, but not going any deep than critique the societies of 300 years ago, and remain silent about the wars and genocides of today, much more complex and close to reality. Professionalism and maturity are lacking in the public space worldwide, lots of inflammatory speech with nothing to back them up, since everything is just theatre for the demagoges.

But i don't know if i agree with the article posted. Sure, adults may act infantile today, and have "unrealistic" expectations of reality, since they are are blinded by modern consumerist culture, but the solution for the problem is clearly and unapologetic liberal. "Restoring capitalism to what it was", " a productive way of meeting real economic needs, from supply (or push) back to demand (or pull), ", "Democracy as an opposition to "capitalist hegemony"", etc. It is a study who puts too much time defending "human spiritual needs", "freedom of choice", and ignoring almost on purpose all the material reasons the world is the way it is now, even mocking the communists for trying to go against the inevitable absolute will of the market.

And i must question, are people, or the proletariat, infantile for not living in real, material and concrete misery? It is easy to mock the religious fanatics or the childish and consumerist adults, or stupid politicians, but all of those have the same similar stench of desperation and nihilism. People who live in misery will always seek salvation, even as just as a form of placebo. Especially in the US, were salaries have stagnated in relation to GDP growth since the 1970-80 if i recall correctly. Capitalism may look like as an godly-like force, just as dangeroPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Moved to >>>/hobby/44114.

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