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Tabletop Games / Traditional Games
Wargames, Roleplaying Games, Board Games, Card Games, Drinking Games, and so on and so on.
What are you playing/running/home-brewing? What do you have to recommend or criticize?
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What's the hook? What sets it apart from other TTRPGs?

>the creator Steve Jackson isn't a reactionary twat

no but his games tend to have some galaxy brain logic in the mechanics to facilitate making things more proprietary.
>running it theater of the mind is possible but annoying because the game references hexes (or "megahexes") for distance rather than actual distance
case in point lol
Sounds like a job for homebrew. If hexes are a consistent size it shouldn't be that hard to convert to distance (and maybe angle). If the abstraction is more important, then a "zone" system might be a better alternative. Knowing what solution is best would require familiarity with the whole system though.
>The game, like GURPS, is lethal
>finding ways to give players a way to feel more powerful is hard even being generous with XP
Playstyle preference tbh. Games like this are less of a straight power fantasy and more about trying to be clever.
>this all stems from the aforementioned "realistic fantasy" stance that makes simply the idea of adventurers stupid, as well as questioning how a D&D-esque setting could exist at all with such scrawny humanoids not being wiped out by bigger monsters
Adventurers make sense as long as the rewards are worth the risks. IRL you have a long history of grave robbing and hunting big game. Going back further, stone age people were exploring caves and killing ice age megafauna. The only unrealistic part is maybe how people didn't manage to kill all the monsters before reaching a medieval tech level. Another Steve Jackson galaxy brain moment.

>What's the hook? What sets it apart from other TTRPGs?
Tactical combat, flexible and simple character creation that can cover many possible concepts, ease of play.

Trying to find info about a dice based tabletop game - Haywire. It's supposed to have strong political themes. Anyone heard of it?

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Search is turning up nothing but https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/302307/haywire which doesn't match the description. You probably got the name wrong and strong political themes is pretty vague. Maybe Paranoia (Cyber-McCarthyism) fits the bill?

I wanna run a oneshot (or a short chronicle) about the Spanish Civil War in WtA. Problem is, I dunno which edition is better, since I never played/dmed Werewolf before. Is it Second or Revised? I kinda want to utilize Wod Combat rules, so Second Edition makes sense. Am I right?

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By around m42 there are a few characteristics of war in the imperium of man.
>the only important fighters are the PDF and the arbites
The sheer number of PDF forces and arbites officers throughout the empire alone makes them the only forces that matters to the entire security situation of the IOM. The inquisition, sisters, astartes, mechanicus forces, custodes, and more are only used for highly niche purposes. Otherwise, most fights are almost entirely composed of the arbiters and PDF against most aliens and traitors.
>most fights aren’t particularly densely violent
The sheer amount of violence in most conflicts fought in the IOM is explicitly tied to the scale of each conflict being fought. Most battles faced are unamed and consist mainly of firefights between human soldiers against terrorists and mutants using auto guns, lasguns and some light machinery. The fights on each world resemble the battles fought in MENA today. These battles may occasionally have a nuke or a series of air strikes, but most battles will consist entirely of gunfights. Soldiers rely primarily on cheap weapons and equipment. They find themselves dying and coming out of battles that will be forgotten about if they were even remembered.
However, these small battles also comprise most of the deaths faced by war in the IOM due to the sheer number of them present throughout the galaxy. Its not the tyrannic wars or interstellar invasions that fucked up the empire, but the dozens of thousands of planetary and continental scale battles that collectively have pushed much of the galaxy into a near constant state of disrepair.
>space is cold and dark and big
Most PDF and Arbites officers fight in dimly lit or pitch black conditions throughout the imperium. The amount of light that reaches the vast expanses of cold and distant worlds is only barely enough to keep most worlds illuminated enough to be hospital enough for settlements and armed conflict. The danger of warp travel also puts limits on logistics networks throughout the galaxy. Many soldiers may spend years to decades entirely on spacecrafts travelling between worlds and systems before they’ll ever begin their mission. Additionally, the availability of vehicles to transport military equipment throughout each world varies between nonexistent and semi effective. Many soldiers within the empire must march on foot Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Oh yeah one more thing; every fight is a fucking bullet storm. In lore and in some models, the PDF and guardsmen carry slings and many cartridges worth of ammunition. The same principles apply for most other factions. As a result, you can expect that most gunfights turn out to being magdumping sprees, because nearly all fighters involved have the firepower capacity to unload an absolutely disgusting amount of rounds. Maybe the 40k timeline even has the same bullet to kill ratio as the Korean War…

A PDF is outfitted from an entire planet's industrial capacity and population. They should be as competent and as well equipped (or moreso) than any human army today. They'd probably look like soldiers do in Russia and Ukraine if they are fighting. Most planets would have multiple wars going on at the same time due to their class society where the contradictions are laid bare. I think mostly these would look like counterinsurgency wars / genocides. it would be interesting though to portray the normal PDF generals as competent like they should be, and they follow COINTEL tactics to fight revolutionaries that almost certainly have popular support. These revolutions would be wierd, I can imagine a lot overthrowing the entire government on a planet but then still remaining part of the Imperium of Man just with a socialist economic system (It's impossible for communism without everyone else being communist though). Revolutionaries would probably be able to use drones to great efficiency. 40k does portray the ubiquotus revolutions well. But I think a mistake was made with the handling of the Imperial Guard. They should be much more elite, after all they are the best of a planet's PDF and the good equipment goes to them. The imperial guard should look a lot more like the tempestus scions in their training and equipment. They wouldn't be fighting in the dark because they would have better night vision than we do today. They shouldn't have as much supply line issues as they do in universe either. Every spaceship is so big and seems to have so little fuel that there is great space for factories on every vessel. When they enter a system they can build an outpost and make ammunition there, this should be the first thing any imperial fleet does the moment they warp into a star system and renders any issues with supply lines basically irrelevent. Small warp capable ships can just tp to and from any fronts in the system to the outpost factory supplying everyone. Obviously it could take a decade to conquer a whole planet and a century for a whole system with people living on every asteroid and moon if they don't surrender, so the Imperial Guard should be very good at image and propoganda. The most important part of any fight where you're not going to exterminatus them is the actual people and their morale. Also if the fight is taking such a long time they can build new warships and train new crews in the system. But maybe the Imperial Guard would be so powerful humans wouPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

You forgot to mention the fact that the sheer amount of violence created by the political problems and the violently high availability of military resources ends up producing the perfect conditions for feudalist societies to form. There’s a reason for why the IoM is described as a feudal theocracy. Most ‘normal’ people on these planets are going straight for the nearest hive city or mega city that’ll offer the most amount of protection against aliens, heretics, revolutionaries, insurgents, fascists, zealots, and more. Even if socialist states form, they ultimately become Stalinist or outright fully feudal in nature, because each planet is legitimately too dangerous to permit enough freedom of movement for people to live away from their oppressors. Don’t forget, people in the feudal Africa and Europe didn’t just become serfs for the sake of it, they became serfs to protect themselves against other lords, barbarians, and militias.

You're misunderstanding feudalism. It wasn't a voluntary contract from the peseants, it was imposed top down under threat of violence since the very beginning when late Roman coloniae were made serfs against their will. The Imperium isn't feudalist and this is a very common mistake 40k fans make when describing it. Feudalism was / is a particular stage in history and only exists in semifeudal colonies nowadays which isn't the same as historic feudalism. If it was feudal it wouldn't have industry because that threatens feudal power which is in their land. The Imperium isn't feudal, it is entirely fascist since its foundations. Or maybe a better term is 'barbarism' as in socialism or barbarism, where capitalism has led to a more evil system. Hive cities aren't based on feudalism they are based on 19th century industrial capitalism. Lots of crypto reactionary 40k fans don't want to accept it because it means they have to face the fact that they think the Ecclesiarchy, Inquisition and Astartes are cool when all three are completely fascist.

Anyway I don't care if this is true but in my head cannon everyone lives lives high quality by todays standards (but they are getting exploited even worse since they still have to work 4 hour days despite unspeakable automation in their work) because otherwise I struggle to suspend my disbelief. Also 'Stalinism' is like as far away from feudalism as you can get, Stalin completely erradicated feudalism. Don't put them in the same sentence.

Nah it’s pretty feudal. People only become rouge traders out of luck or out of inheritance over what was left from the DAOT. Otherwise, most imperial citizens are stuck living on whatever colonies are under the authority of some random noble or lord and must obey whatever command that leader has to ensure the colony’s survival and the leader’s fortune. If they don’t, risking exile or persecution from the inquisition is what’s left. There are obviously elements of fascism present on these worlds: total subordination to the state, sort of enforced class divide (this is to account for the class violence experienced between the inquisition and all the leaders), militarism (depends on the planet), and police states (also dependent on the planet). However, the conditions for how these worlds fundamentally function paired with the reality that the IoM doesn’t have that much authority over most of the worlds it has or were colonized by the old empire both ensure that the IoM is more feudal than fascist.

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If there’s a similarity that Star Wars battlefront, helldivers 2,, starship troopers: extermination, every fallout game, space marine 2, Halo, duke nukem, GTA, even COD all share, it’s that none of the guns featured in these games have slings. Historically, the use of belts, bags, and slings by foot-soldiers is a recent phenomenon.
I don’t know what caused this, but most modern infantry use that shit to make transporting their supplies, equipment, and weapon(s) around a shitload easier. It’s such a subtle change too. You don’t notice how much the other aspects of human violence have changed outside of the tech used until you notice that soldiers literally hold rifles differently compared to a century ago and in more positions for increased coverage and mobility.
I don’t even think the devs of actual military simulators like arma and squad caught onto a change this drastic yet subtle…
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Very little payoff, too. most players wouldn't notice or care, except to complain

You sure you can’t just attach cloth physics to that shit?

well you 'could' do a lot of things but development is on a deadline

Cloth physics takes more computation to render, and you would need to have it prepared for lots of complex interactions. It would also clash with the trend toward fast, responsive animations. If you have to put the sling over your shoulder every time you pick up a weapon (and also take it off if swapping from a previous weapon), that takes more time and is more clunky. Especially since games tend to involve weapon swapping as a major feature, even in terms of practical utility, the sling is more of an impediment than a benefit.

Another Editor Anon effortpost.

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Tf fucked up reasons made these guns preferable to slug-throwers (it’s the Star Wars equivalent of an ordinary gunpowdered rifle.) This thing won’t kill anything that isn’t a point blank at that point. No wonder the empire is such a mess when such a trash piece of equipment is the primary weapon used by most of its armies. Who knows how much worse their mechanized divisions are…
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Another lore reason is that blasters have much better armor penetration. People meme about how stormtrooper armor doesn't stop shit but it's actually meant to stop slug throwers, not blasters. Also, most modern rifles only have an effective range of 300-600m, so the blasters aren't that much worse in that regard.

blasters have no recoil or bullet drop so you're going to be ridiculously more accurate with them for targets within their max range. i'd take that tradeoff.

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That’s the lethal range, the effective firing range for most firearms is often a couple to several kilometres
Not really. The drop can often be helpful when shooting someone indirectly from behind cover. Something like that would be useful in… idk within a trench on a barren planet.

You can't hit someone in a trench with a rifle, it's not an artillery cannon.

You can on a mountain while covering behind a rock, also people did do that and still do—in the same way you’d fire shots at someone by abusing the trajectory of a projectile being shot at a high height.

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Thanks to the guy that recommended revelation space to me, because I wouldn’t have realized just how ‘earth like’ most planets feel like in warhammer games compared to the books. The books share similarities to revelation space, because the authors put shitloads of effort into creating vivid descriptions of the dark coldness that encompasses the vastness of space. Planets in books like rebel winter and fifteen hours actually are described the way a real planet would feel like.
Space marine 2 doesn’t do justice to the legacy the authors of the franchise gave the setting. The planets, ships, and cities all make the game feel more like a fantasy shooter than a sci fi focused on the worlds beyond earth.

>2nd pic is drawn by Alastair Reynolds
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I just beat the main campaign last night. It wasn't bad but I think chaos sucks dick and kind of ruins the story. Like, it's not enough that you have to save hundreds of billions of people from getting devoured by space bugs, now you've got to deal with retardmarines that burst into confetti when you kill them.

I dunno. I was expecting the story to be about fighting the tyranids, and you do for a little while until you get sidetracked by martian tech bullshit and faggy chaos shit AGAIN. And the Necrons are RIGHT THERE if you need a surprise third act villain, so why retread old ground with warp dwelling failsons?

Maybe it's my fault for getting hyped about fighting the Nids and reading about all the fucked up horror aspects involved. I thought at some point a genestealer cult would be involved, and there's a point where it seems like that's about to pop off, but no surprise it's just tzeench chaostard bullshit again.

Oh well, glad I didn't pay for it.

>hundreds of billions
It’s literally some random hive world. The population is probably closer to earth’s. As for the rest, it’s likely that they couldn’t add in necrons, because the entire game would be entirely one-sided to them. The corrupted eldar could’ve been a candidate given Titus’ history, the tau are too strange to fit in Titus’ story, and the devs couldn’t do orks because they already did orks.

I guess the hive fleet is just a splinter instead of part of a major invasion fleet, but then why not make it a major invasion fleet? Make the world a major hive world and make the ultramarines have to pull out all the stops to save it. Instead they're defeated by killing the load-bearing nid and then they all just die of broken hearts, oh and here are some chaos short bus seat warmers to shoot.

>it’s likely that they couldn’t add in necrons, because the entire game would be entirely one-sided to them
No, just Geedubs being too touchy with their IP

>they also don't allow the use of certain major characters like the primarchs and, funnily enough, "Trazyn the Infinite very specifically"
40k end times two, roboskelly reboot boogaloo.

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Is anyone still interested in RTS here? This is cold war themed and you can play as the Eastern block against the West.

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I mean I'm just assuming you can pirate it.

That sounds cool in theory but I bet we would get demolished by the no lifer poltard players

Luv me some BRRRguska

So, I did the whole tutorial and lost many of the first battles lol. What I noticed is visibility is crucial. Lost most of my units because the enemy saw me first while I couldn‘t see the enemy. Additionally, you need to keep track of all the diverse units, which I often lost sight of. Zerg rushing type of play style doesn‘t work at all lol, which is good.

I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand the core gameplay is definitely the best out of all of these games thus far (referring here to Wargame and Steel Division), but the more grounded realistic approach (e.g. sticking to units and nations present in Germany in 1989) takes away a lot of the fun. Part of what gave Red Dragon such replayability was the huge diversity of units, nations, and accompanying playstyles, even if they were laughably unrealistic. Yeah, no shit the DPRK would never face down Sweden in a war, but fuck if it wasn't fun to simulate such a conflict. Tbh I haven't played any NATO decks yet, but honestly thus far all the Pact battlegroups feel pretty similar in a way they did not in Red Dragon.

Anyone plays SURM? Few mod working on my cracked version (btw check https://catalogue.smods.ru/game/warno for mods for cracked)

Also, there's a fix to play red dragon online, if anyone wants to play

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>chinese monkey god in the myth is all sass all jokes
>chinese monkey god in teh gaem is generic master forgive me badass rip and tear until it's done
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>They did the full story true to form. Honestly I don't remember the Journey To The West part wit the monk.
I did watch a gay as anime based on this portion that went nowhere back in the days when the only way to watch anime was to rend dvds from the anime store.

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Aint it right to as an American uyghur to identify with the monkey who BTFOs all the crackers in heaven. My monkey uygha.

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Yeah yeah yeah the ultimate message is supposed to be submit to Chinese secular authority. To me Son Wukong is Tetsuo. Tetsuo ended his rampage with absolution. To me that should've been Son Wukong's end. He fucking stunted on all of heaven. He surpassed all those fags.

hehe monke

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too bad they missed the boat on all the monke memes
if they released the game a few years ago the memes would have propeled it even higher


I've been playing this game a lot and it took me a long time to finish the Vesta Overkill mission. Before that it took me a while to finish the interplanetary manouver one. This is what I used along with a stinger drone spammer with nothing except drones that barely made it into the cost range. My ship just points at the enemy and has really thick sloped armour on the front and aluminium on the back which will never get hit, it ended up beating their mega fleet in a slugging match because they have no armour it seems. The drone launcher is to intercept incoming drones so I don't lose the main drone swarm's fuel.

First thing I did when I unlocked module maker was to try an orion drive but the result was turning my whole ship to slag… you cant have armour on the back of your ship so it ends up destroying it all from behind. Also I made a giant gun that shoots nukes. nukes, all of which I make are way too big I just make the slider maximum. I'll stick with the spaceship builder, the nuclear reactor builder seems a tad difficult.

Whoever the person is who overanalyzes every game should play this because your suspension of disbelief won't be broken thats for sure, everything in the game is possible IRL thats the whole point. But I think its wierd how there isn't radar and missiles only have IR homing.
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Just remembered this game is super easy to exploit tho. You can easily just exploit enemy drones and missiles into just wasting all their fuel.

Yeah I used a missile spammer on my first try to beat that level but it kept crashing the game. Also idk if I'm using them wrong but my missiles always seem to miss and nukes do no damage to anything just make the armour red.

My missiles miss a lot too. Worse they run out of propellant. I think that's why I switched to the nuke launching missiles. I only really use the nuke missiles for the drones. So I fire 100 missiles that fire 100 nuke bombs and then that screen of bombs typically manages to at least partially hit the target because it's so wide.

But I do all my ship killing with these unarmored drones that fire the smallest sized projectile they let you make which I think is like 22mm. Those things fucking eat up the enemy ships.

The key is to turn off the automatic range limiting the game does and have them spray as soon as the battle starts as soon as one of your or the enemy's ships guns are in range. So that means it will start as soon as the lasers are in range on the enemy ships so they'll start lasering you as soon as the battle starts so you need to start spitting bullets as soon as it starts as well even tho the game considers it out of range. Apparently firing out of range is one of the things that makes the game lag up the most too.

Don't need to worry about armor at all because drones are disposable and I never let the enemy intercept me anyways.

I wish the bastard who made the game wasn't so obsessed with the combat part and more into the orbital stuff. Like I said I don't even play the combat part because A there's nothing to do, battles are basically automatic, and B it can't even realtime simulate the things I want to do so I just have to let it calculate in the BG anyways. It's really all about navigating all the orbital stuff. He also made that part lame by making the enemy fleets auto-evade, but then you can't auto lock on.

So it's just,
>plot interception
>press play
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I like the combat, its just so cool and no other game really does it, even in TV and film plausible space combat is extremely rare. It's my favoruite kind of sci-fi combat. But yeah the issue is that its massive wasted potential, the game could have been about fighting a war across the entire solar system, doing inefficient interplanetary transits in order to throw the enemy out of wack and gain position, stopping supply lines and starving enemy positions of resources they need to build good ships, sacrificing vessels with hundreds of crew as diversions with lasting consequences, bombarding asteroids with missiles and committing war crimes in order to win victory, having to make ship designs not just cheap but easy to manufacture, ships surrendering. This game probably wouldn't be like this because its Indonesian power fantasy (not a bad thing, there are enough U$ power fantasies), but maybe also a system where you have a socialist faction who have massive boosts to production, morale and so on but who are completely isolated diplomatically.

Well as you are aware he said he made the game in the first place to scientifically answer the question of what space combat would look like, but I think because he has such a narrow focus he fundamentally fails to answer that question. Every battle in the game starts out with you and the enemy already in the same gravity well.

Well how the fuck did they approach the gravity well for days, months, years at a time without getting intercepted before that?

Also even some of his assumptions of the technical spaceship stuff is kinda off too. Like on the forums they point out that his assumptions for size of crew quarters is ridiculously small.

You mentioned radar, I think he might be right that IR is all you need and the way to go. But where the fuck is the ECM?

So my dream game, it's like Victoria in space. Try to approach everything realistically like no space strategy game ever does at all. It's literally Kerbal, Simply Rockets and this. So it would be kind of like Victoria except it would also simulate like corporations as their own entities. War would be an option but I wouldn't slant the game towards it and I'd try to mix in the realities of modern political consequences and war.

>It's my favoruite kind of sci-fi combat. But yeah the issue is that its massive wasted potential, the game could have been about fighting a war across the entire solar system, doing inefficient interplanetary transits in order to throw the enemy out of wack and gain position, stopping supply lines and starving enemy positions of resources they need to build good ships, sacrificing vessels with hundreds of crew as diversions with lasting consequences, bombarding asteroids with missiles and committing war crimes in order to win victory, having to make ship designs not just cheap but easy to manufacture, ships surrendering.

The RP kind of stuff you're talking about Falling frontiers looks like it's doing somewhat, but it's an RTS that doesn't try to approach space realistically at all.


Why is TI's prize pool the lowest it's been since 2013?
I don't play dota but I do know the prize pools are funded by in-game purchases and things like that. Are the players just broke?

>the prize pools are funded by in-game purchases
not anymore, they stopped doing that
now it all goes to valve

Oh. that sucks

you should check the prize pool for lol worlds,it's abysmal compared to dota's

I mean, not really

uyghas that play fighting games would kill for these prize pools


That's all folks

Lmfao, British company

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