>>37710I get that cartoons history was always filled with meaningless violence, but pushing pacifism as the solution to all problems
is just as infantile. "Modern psychologists" have studied cartoons for years, and the impacts of small children on seeing inappropriate or violent content are also documented, but Steven Universe is not a cartoon for small babies who can't distinguish good from bad, they need to think about what is appearing on the screen and be critical about it.
I agree with the points made in the tangent, about childish behavior and culture not being limited to children but to "western society" as a whole, the use of historical cliches, like slavery in america, to do world building, but not going any deep than critique the societies of 300 years ago, and remain silent about the wars and genocides of today, much more complex and close to reality. Professionalism and maturity are lacking in the public space worldwide, lots of inflammatory speech with nothing to back them up, since everything is just theatre for the demagoges.
But i don't know if i agree with the article posted. Sure, adults may act infantile today, and have "unrealistic" expectations of reality, since they are are blinded by modern consumerist culture, but the solution for the problem is clearly and unapologetic liberal. "Restoring capitalism to what it was", " a productive way of meeting real economic needs, from supply (or push) back to demand (or pull), ", "Democracy as an opposition to "capitalist hegemony"", etc. It is a study who puts too much time defending "human spiritual needs", "freedom of choice", and ignoring almost on purpose all the material reasons the world is the way it is now, even mocking the communists for trying to go against the inevitable absolute will of the market.
And i must question, are people, or the proletariat, infantile for not living in real, material and concrete misery? It is easy to mock the religious fanatics or the childish and consumerist adults, or stupid politicians, but all of those have the same similar stench of desperation and nihilism. People who live in misery will always seek salvation, even as just as a form of placebo. Especially in the US, were salaries have stagnated in relation to GDP growth since the 1970-80 if i recall correctly. Capitalism may look like as an godly-like force, just as dangero
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