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>Progression system
The pieces drop faster the longer you play.
>Build variety
The number of piece combinations and placement options means you can customize as you see fit.
The emergent narrative possibilities are unmatched by any other RPG, as they're restricted to simple dialogue options.
>Choices and consequences
Putting the pieces in suboptimal locations can fuck up your run completely.
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It's named after the Shakespeare play. Russians love their native arts.


what is the role that you play in the role playing game tetris


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>RPG where combat is played out via Tetris


Actually, it's a shortening of "tetramino," a puzzle game Bazhenov based his game on.
>Russians love their native arts.
Lol, no.


It's up to player headcanon, it's very immersive in that sense.

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There's going to be a Fallout TV show and it looks like a yoghurt ad. It's also solely based on Fallout 4 and it's going to have even more BOS wank. Thanks Todd!
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Todd says everything is canon, for what that's worth.


I love BB and all but I seriously don't like the idea of random celebs crawling out of the woodwork to try and worm their way into shows because they like the IP. If Aaron Paul is in S2 I'm actually going to be a bit irritated.


Matthew Perry was put in New Vegas because he talked about playing 3 a lot. Aaron Paul could work in Fallout. The problem is they would probably put a bunch of BrBa jokes in there.


That pic is from New Vegas' launch event.

>If Aaron Paul is in S2 I'm actually going to be a bit irritated.

Maybe if the pics get enough traction on social media but I doubt it.


I hate to say anything good about dark souls 2, but elden rings combat is considerably worse. The only good thing about it is the lack of enemy spam and that’s it. AOE attacks, environmental hazards and gank squads in boss fights, projectile spamming, enemies that exist as ai variants of the player character, unusually high poise enemies, and unpredictable delayed swings make running a melee play through even more painful than it is in dark souls. I’m not asking the game to have sekiros combat pacing, quite the opposite. I like the feeling of weight the souls trilogy had with their combat, it feels sluggish, fair and brutal like the world you were in. Only a few large enemies were actually fast and that’s if they were more lean than large like yhorm or gundyr. Every fucking enemy in elden ring has so much cheese attached to the way they attack that it’s meta to spam jump attacks and rolls which is even worse than the r1 and estus mashing of ds3, also poise is meaningless against spells unlike DS2. It’s a shame knowing DS2 and 3 still have the best pvp that’s far more aggressive with much less of people straight up running away, spamming spells/summons and constantly fishing for jump attacks, parries and backstabs like in DeS and DS1.
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>The fact it caught on as its own subgenre shows that bandwagoning redditors don't even understand what made the games appeal to people.
From software fell off after bloodborne and you can tell just by how people talk about their favorite bosses
Every single one always pics the flashy, cinematic looking boss
I've been saying this shit ever since elden ring came out that every boss turns into a dodgeroll, then wait for their aoe to finish and dodge roll again
No more boss battles that reward you for paying attention to the environment or anything like in DS1


I just gotta say that this is my first time coming here after checking to see if 420chan was finally back, and it's reeaal fucking weird to see the same damn opinions here as on /v/, albeit without seeing the word transhumanist being thrown around by obnoxious manchildren.


>albeit without seeing the word transhumanist being thrown around by obnoxious manchildren
so whats the problem exactly


That was the nice part. I just wasn't expecting to see people shitting all over DS3, Elden Ring etc. like the perpetually angry and hateful chuckle fucks on /v/. I guess I just miss 420chan still.


I mean pure melee builds are not really supposed to exist. You have STR casting options with minimal Faith, or Dex which improves casting speed so it's good combined with Fai or Int which can both work with Arcane shit too.
The whole game is balanced around casting and weapon arts but melee is super sustainable with a high amount of endurance.
Probably my best build is just pushing STR and END with 14 faith, and 2h scaling works fine even past 100, there seems to be no actual cap on carry weight bonus from END. Also it lets you take some points out of Vigor and many out of Focus.

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What kind of world would we be living in now if John Romero did indeed succeed in making us his collective bitch? What kind of effect would "sucking it down" have had on the course of events in gaming?

>daikatana is the killer shooter instead of halo

>2 weapon max doesn't take hold
>9-11 averted
>high concept boomer shooters displace brownanbloom ww2/cowadoody at the big industry cash cow
>ion storm goes on from its massive successes with deus ex and daikatana to buy up a bunch of other 90s studios
>with design being law origin, westwood, etc aren't cannibalized and destroyed by EA
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>Metroid Prime would be the killer app and Samus would become the most popular Nintendo character.
Multiplayer is what drove Halo. Metroid Prime only had multiplayer in 2 and Nintendo wasn't going to do online, so couldn't replicate Halo 2 and 3 regardless.


That doesn't necessarily mean that military shooters would look the same as they do now if boomer shooters were popular, they'd probably look closer to Wolfenstein: the New Order and such instead of CoD. And when it comes to story-focused FPSs they'd probably be immersive sims instead like Deus Ex and System Shock.
I said "Bungie would've continued to make Marathon games" for a reason.


In this universe Nintendo would also be different after id convinced them to let them put Mario on the pc, and it's success along with the runaway hit that Mario deathmatch would bring convinces nintendo to invest heavily in online multiplayer.


Splatoon would have been created earlier.


Someone didn't play Sigil 2.

UT is better, cunt. Eat my flak.

>2. The only genuine contribution of COD was ADS. But ADS sucks in arcade-y games and ARMA did it first anyway so…
Hoooly shit, I can't believe someone else finally said this. This this this.


Nintendo forces Garry's Mod to delete 20 years of content — Garry confirms Nintendo is behind Steam Workshop purge

They can't keep getting away with it!
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Looking at this kind of stuff and the obvious fact that it doesn't actually benefit the company makes me wonder what's going on here. Like this is really bad PR and isn't protecting their profits at all. Like they turned down putting Samus in Fortnite specifically because they wanted the skin to only be visible on Switch versions of the game. Idk how you can even reconcile this as some kind of ruthless business decision. It just seems like whoever is in charge of the legal department is huffing lead paint.


>Apparently it wasn't actually Nintendo and was just some troll.
If it was a troll then whom are they trolling and where's the punchline? Because I don't see the point in this.


You're forgetting something:
>Nintendo makes its games to sell its console
>AAA publishers treat their games as commodities
What's important is not that an official Mario game is playable on PC but rather that any Mario game is playable on PC. Mario is just a brand for Nintendo. A recognizeable brand. No wonder why Nintendo don't care about retro games and niche franchises. Fox MacWhat? Samus whom? Sorry, I'm just a kid/grampa, I don't know who these people are.


It's not. Garry confirmed it was nintendo.


Nintendo has nuked entire generations of their own digital content and you think they care about others?

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I am creating a gta san andreas with ideas of punk and oi music, I changed the grove street gang for skinheads s.h.r.p.s, the enemies, that is, the ballas, I changed for hammerskins/boneheads/ the pistols I changed for bats, mitts, by little I am adding gangs, I also plan to change the radio,I post some photos of my project
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>I'd rather shit out my intestines than ruin my liver
Is that an ad or a government PSA?


Can there be a gang based around grindcore?




Motion carried.

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Get in the hype train Communism simulator is coming in 3 days. Which will be your starting nation?
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Okay. Is there an issue?


I was going to say maybe it should be longer, but here
Have this masterpiece



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>Since when was Marx ever portrayed with a monocle?
Marx always wore a monocle around his neck which he utilized when reading. Real Marxheads know this


The real objection you should have is that his moustache isn't black on top of his white beard

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Why did ocelot pretend to be possessed by the arm and do a whole bit where he pretended to be liquid possessing himself and put on a British accent?
I don't understand metal gear as much as I wish I did..
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Shitty retcons to justify discontinuity by Kojima.


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But he literally had a whole speech about the mumbo jumbo being fake stuff he made up with tech when he bullies picrel for a bit.


it's been a long time


I didn't have a great memory either of it, was watching old cutscenes.
He literally does his 'lel I made it up, it's called technology you gullible retards' and proceedes to jump into metal gear, put on the accent and tell everyone he's possessed.
I know we all did, but.. you'd have to be a fool to buy it.


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because it was a funny bit

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GTA VI they're renaming Florida "Leonida" to fictionalize it further. Which is weird. I mean it's consistent with San Andreas being a fictional state, and all those other fictional Midwest states they made up for Red Dead Redemption II, but at the same time, when Vice City came out in 2002, Florida was just called "Florida" in that game. Numerous references to "Florida" over the radio. If Rockstar is going to make a totally fictionalized Burgerpunk America, they should just go all out and make an entire fictional country already, like Eagleland in Earthbound.
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brainlet detected


It's hard to keep consistent lore for an open world series since the geography is constrained by technical limitations. It's not like people play these games for that anyway.


>im a smart boy for playing video games with "lore"
very similar to what i pointed out in >>34828 lol


some people believe every game must cater to their arbitrary personal whims when the series already has a defined audience. i get it when its dumbing down or dramatically changing the games but like you said nobody plays gta for its lore lmfao


I think it's to just avoid legal issues. 99% chance they're safe but since they established the trend why risk it? It also gives them more of a chance to change things if they want without people complaining.

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based wholesome kulak bisexual harem isekai
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Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever have children but if I didn't have any time for videogames (which I barely have nowadays) I'd rather watch a film or read a book instead of lobotomizing myself with the glorified Cookie Clicker. Get a grip.


Your mom's a glorified Cookie Clicker.



Bros.. I love the "bitchy bimbo with a secret heart of gold" archetype so damn much.


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