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Name a character with more self confidence than her. I’ll wait
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And not a very confident faggot, too.



The skinny bitch literally invaded and murdered nearly every member of a slave owning faction before sending off hordes of slaves with guns to finish off the genocide. That on top of murdering literal hundreds of trained and armed riflemen and zombies.



shes a foid it doesnt count


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A friend of mine gifted me a psvita, i used to own a psp 3000 when I was a child (i have long since then broken it), and It was honestly and still is my favorite thing, I remember the same friend back when we're little when he got that PSVITA I was very jealous. So after like 12 years he gifted it to me haha.

The best thing about my PSV is that it perfectly runs all PSP games, which i have the most memories with. Nevertheless it has a few good games and its hardware is very potent for a handheld of its age. The homebrew scene has ported a lot of interesting titles so you can have them on the go.

This is a guide if you wanna jailbreak it.


it's really ridiculous you just run some web-exploit through the PSVITA browser


I wanted to talk about which games you know, have played, of the PSVITA and how was your experience with them. Do you have any recommendations for me ?
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dame tu psita


love the vita, youre lucky


no, just dress like a random tokyo young adult from the 2000s


Yeah I was thinking of doing that my hands get a bit fucked up after longer Sessions with it. Man i've been running for a few days dissidia with adrenaline, and i am hooked as much as i was back when i was 13 !


She's showing it to you


Is gacha reactionary?
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jesus christ you retards goon to this shit?
develop some taste, hooooly fuck


Nah, I just saw it on tumblr and thought it was wacky. Like the concept is hot but it's the most boring execution of it. Give her some sharp teeth, actually show the chain being cronched and falling between her hands, and just make it cell shaded 3D or something instead of this awful attempt at squash and stetch.


I retract my statement and apologize. Granted, it's mostly the design that does (not) do it for me.
>instead of this awful attempt at squash and stretch
Actually machine animation, just very poorly done. Aren't the Nikke people supposed to be good at that?


I'll goon to what I want you fucking fapscist


I want her to bite me

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Did any of y'all buy any games during this steam summer sale? I wanna get something, but I have no idea what I want, and the sale is about to end. I think I want to buy something indie, since I usually pirate AAA games.
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I pirated it and found it was painfully mid. Tonally it's a jumble so neither the comedy nor the horror works after the a few different paths. The ending could have framed the whole thing nicely, but it just doesn't work with the way most of it plays out. It's certainly not a bad game, yet i couldn't tell you whether it was worth playing or not.


Nah but I did re-install steam because school's over and I got bored of minecraft.


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stay vigilant and protect your wallets


It's good, just the difficulty curve of all systems it has is a 90° cliff.
Luckly you can make custom games and disable almost anything you don't understand yet.

Also, do the tutorials: they're boring but they explain a bunch of stuff that isn't intuitive at all.


We need to start making fun of people who actually pay for video games.

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Always wanted to make this thread, but could never find time for it until now. Discuss lore, art, modding, headcanons, C0DA and other stuff related to the games.
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Glass is refined ligament of a long dead god wot scattered over Nirn. That is why there is relatively much of it on Vvardenfell.

When sourcing the UESP on Morrowind, don't use general lore pages. They contradict each other. Better yet: just cite books directly from the Imperial Library.


looks gorgeous


This site has curated modlists suited for different tastes if you want to check it out https://modding-openmw.com/lists/
Other than what >>36164 said, I always use NCDGMW (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/53136) which ties attributes directly to skills because I hate the vanilla attribute increase system.

Daggerfall Unity has a lot of quality of life options already built in, although the options can be difficult to interpret right away and you don't know what you'll find annoying before you play. UESP explains what each setting does here: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall_Mod:Daggerfall_Unity/Settings
The ones I'd recommend for everyone are swap health and fatigue, click to attack, and smaller dungeons. The game isn't for everyone and I think it'd be better to figure out whether you like the base before you start expanding on it.


I'm the other recommender, I also use NCDGMW. must've overlooked it scrolling through my modlist.I have no issues with vanilla's handling of attributes but still definitely prefer this approach.


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I've been looking at some of the earliest mods for Morrowind and it's funny that the same mods that we're recommending today (non-hostile wildlife, leveling rework) had their own incarnations not even a month after the game's release:

There's also a ton of "merchants with a million gold" and ridiculously overpowered weapon/armor mods.

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Comparing Starfield’s levels to previous Bethesda major releases reveals another flaw about the developers of that studio’s game design principles. Where as other game developers build space around the elements of their levels, Bethesda builds the elements around the space the designers already allowed. It’s no wonder to why every level, every room, every dungeon, every dlc in any Bethesda game feels like playing an early 90s dungeon crawler. The levels don’t allow enough space for either the player, the enemies, the NPCs, the objects, or anything else to move or interact with anything sufficiently, and the gameplay suffers. Just compare how much space the player has to move around in a game like Doom and Wolfenstein to fallout 4 or Skyrim. Even Redfall’s developers understood to give the player enough space to play the game right..:


I don't see why huge empty rooms are necessary, in real life rooms are kind of cramped and cluttered.


Clearly you have never played a good game. Good developers make their games feel big by giving their assets enough space to function, but also make sure to have a lot of assets worth playing with to begin with. Bethesda’s developers don’t do this. They just make big open worlds, then proceed to frantically try to fill them with assets without accounting for the amount of space those assets need, and pump out the games without thinking. The levels ultimately feel disorganized. It doesn’t matter if it’s unrealistic, for the player, these games feel bad to play. It’s the same issue with not applying keeping movement vectors tied to the player’s speed or the enemy’s algorithms which causes erratic npc and player movement, or Bethesda god awful implementation of level scaling over conventional enemy placements.


I can't say Starfield is the best game ever but personally I enjoy a cluttered environment where you have to dodge around objects and stuff can go flying when a gunfight happens, and you can end up hiding behind a random desk.


Bethesda has a thing for adding interactive clutter to every room, and in order to improve performance you generally can't see across multiple rooms due to physical obstacles like 90 degree turns in hallways and floor elevation changes. Plus the player has a lot more maneuverability in Doom and can actually make use of all that extra space in its arenas, where characters in Fallout and Skyrim aren't very mobile by comparison although I don't think that's strictly a bad thing. If they ever tried to emulate Doom's movement system the level design would reflect that, but I think they're all in on clutter and keeping the player relatively slow moving. And for what it's worth, the only time I feel like a space is too small is when a follower stands in a doorway or something.


One of the biggest issues with Bethesda level design is it doesn't account for stealth even though the game mechanics massively reward stealth on paper. So instead of doing anything clever like hiding behind all that clutter and moving at the right time, you pretty much just have a sneak skill that determines how close you can get before they notice you. The levels aren't built with stealth in mind since there's basically just one way in and out and a lack of secondary spaces within rooms where you can hide.


been on the resident evil mood. it's a much better franchise than i thought!!!!!!

i played 1(hd remake), 2, 4, 5 and 7. i haven't finished 3 (ps1) yet but it's already my favorite along with the first one. can't wait to play the remakes of 2, 3 and 4

do you like any resident evil??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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>because i didn't like 5 a whole lot, and 6 seems to go all in on the things i disliked about 5

Yeah I guess that's true.


>How did they write such iconic lines?
It's the voice acting more than the writing with that character.

RE4 is really at the intersection between the older style of games and the modern one. It's like a tolerable version of the old RE with a bunch of good improvements added.


>It's the voice acting more than the writing with that character.

Probably also his role in the game, he's your only buddy/person to talk to outside of cutscenes, he represents a place of safety/getting stronger weapons/emptying inventory.


The OG (pc port) of RE1 is on GOG if anyone cares


Also the music.

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A large number of players are complaining about the difficulty of "Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree."
Players from China are particularly angry, with the Simplified Chinese region currently showing only a 31% approval rating.

大量玩家抱怨《艾尔登法环 黄金树幽影》的难度
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>but this time it's clear that difficulty debates occupy a large part.
then it's dumb.
I'm pretty sure there's chinese users who pirated dark souls before that should know about fromsoftware's difficulty and being a staple to there games at this point. The hard difficulty is the point of gameplay i.e Ghosts 'n Goblins or any Kaizo hack/game.


I got bored of ER after 100hrs when I got to the mountaintops and it felt like I saw nearly everything the game had to offer. I hated how it continues From's trend of focusing more and more on combat while barely doing anything to actually alter combat at all besides adding 1 or 2 new mechanics while bosses feel more and more like caricatures of themselves with the nth "swordsman that does rapid flurry of attacks and wacky AoEs with 2nd phase where they do that even more." The DLC seems like more of the same with bossfights that looks so ridiculous it seems like the actual challenge is trying to see the boss through all the particle effects their 30 hit dmc attack strings make than playing another sequence of simon says where you dodge and attack when the game wants you to. I had the most fun exploring the world and going through the legacy dungeons, but it's such a far cry from DeS and DaS overall. But the aforementioned is what fans want out of the series, so it's what it will be.


That might have a lot to do with Elden Ring breaking into the mainstream this time. It attracted many players drawn by the names of Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R.R. Martin, the beautiful art style, and the epic fantasy adventure. However, these players are not veteran Dark Souls fans and might not have anticipated the high difficulty level included.


FromSoft is stuck in an arms race against its own fans. They make bosses harder and harder, knowing that within six hours of release sperglords will be posting clips of no-hit naked SL1 boss kills. They make stories more obscure and convoluted, knowing that a legion of different sperglords is on hand to datamine their game and comb through the files to identify every stray filename and polygon, then tell the world via hours-long 'lore' video essays. They try to balance an array of PVP weapons, knowing that hordes of sweaty tryhards will find every exploit and imbalance and make online play a living hell unless promptly patched.

Souls games weren't meant to be 'popular,' and FromSoft is groaning under the effort of making video games that can survive such 'popularity.'


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>The hard difficulty is the point of gameplay i.e Ghosts 'n Goblins or any Kaizo hack/game.
It isn't, at least for DeS and DaS which aren't even particularly difficult except for very few difficulty spikes.

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Two actions most video game developers take with their movement is to keep the player character’s velocity vector separated from the player’s inputs, and to apply some form of linear interpolation to the player character’s speed. These actions allow the player to maintain their inertia and smoothly transition between speeds. Without these features, franchises like Titanfall, Half Life, Destiny, Doom, Quake, Mario, Zelda, Warframe, GTA, and more would have janky movement and uninteresting gameplay. Implementing these features isn’t hard either—I’ve even done so myself in visual studio.
So what’s stopping Bethesda from implementing these features in their gambryo games? It’s not like gamebryo can’t handle physics, otherwise Bethesda wouldn’t be able to have rag doll physics in fallout 3 or space combat in Starfield. It’s not like implementing inertia for movement is hard either, because doing so only requires a couple dozen lines of code to work tops. Outside of movement, lerp and other interpolation curves are rarely ever used in other aspects of every major Bethesda game’s gameplay. You can see this with how static HUD elements move around, how the camera is animated in a visibly static fashion, how even the inertia on the weapons of the elder scrolls and Bethesda fallout series are clearly preanimated and lack true locomotion/interpolation. What gives?


You already made a tgread about this and I already explained some gaymers prefer it that way because it is more "tactile."

Even some games that implement velocity and inertia, it is so minimized you hardly notice it.

Also Bethesda is from an rpg background not a run and gun background. The focus has always been walking simulator focused.


Anon, you’re forgetting the “separate the velocity vector from the player’s inputs” part. This one feature allows the game to update the players position constantly regardless of whether or not they are pressing a key, which allows movement techniques like strafing to exist, and allows doom-like gameplay to exist in games that aren’t boomer shooters. Bethesda for some reason doesn’t do this, and doesn’t use interpolation for really anything in their major games. The games as a result always play so weirdly compared to every other title that’s released, and it feels like the programmers of that studio never picked up on this at all.

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Right-wing games?

I'll start:

Every CD Projekt Red game (Pole company, the most reactionary, racist country on Earth, will always put chinlet propaganda in their games, such as that caricature queer guy in Cyberpunk who's a rapist and smuggler), every TES game (lore is basically about humans, the white ppl of the setting, genociding elves and others and being portraited as good guys, Skyrim is the worst offender), every Paradox game (literal map painters made for chinlets to larp as crusaders, nazis, conquistadors and others who killed BIPOC worldwide)
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>no mention of Kingdom Come Deliverance ITT
It's a great game by the way. appeals to chvds for obvious reasons, but very fun. It's like an Elder Scrolls game that takes place in real life medieval bohemia
>no mention of Mordhau, Chivalry
the communities in those games are awful, but the gameplay is very fun.


>every TES game (lore is basically about humans, the white ppl of the setting, genociding elves and others and being portraited as good guys, Skyrim is the worst offender)

That's unintentional. Emil is just that bad of a writer irl generally


It's 80% off on Steam right now so I'm tempted to try it. Just to be clear, chinlets like it because it's a period piece? Seems like a flimsy basis for claiming the game is right wing. It's like the inverse of claiming that every game that features anyone other than straight, white men is "woke"


The only thing that felt a bit weird about KCD to me was how the invader guys were kinda orientalised, even though they're just like, hungarians, but I guess back then people from several hundred miles away were basically from another continent


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apparently this is the 'main dev' behind it, so yeah can definitely argue theres some chinlet influence and maybe they had a bit too much fun making a game with no black people in it (which obviously isn't an issue whatever) but the game itself was fun and good, but like I said the portrayal of the turkic cumans in it felt a bit weird and maybe psuedo-racist to me, but on the other hand it's realistic for them to be 'othered' to the protagonist.

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