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I think the Kingdom Come: Deliverance of the problem of trying to make an authentic artistic product amid culture war bullshit.

Despite the fact that KC:D is historical fiction and is set in the real, historical medieval kingdom of Bohemia, the first came came under fire for its lack of diversity. What were they thinking, making all the inhabitants of rural villages in medieval Bohemia white?! And coming to the defense of this admittedly ridiculous criticism were a bunch of right-wing and GamerGate types.

Now we have Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and… what's this? There's one (1) Muslim traveler from the Mali Empire in Bohemia? And what's this? You can have a gay romance? Are you trying to tell me there were GAY people in the middle ages? This game isn't BASED anymore!

It really shows how creatives are sandwiched between two tribes of dipshits wanting equally stupid changes so that all media products signal towards their tribe.
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Only if you get it for free. The story sucks, quests are a slog, and the combat is wooden and repetitive. It's a total grind to level your character and the game is unoptimized.

I feel like you could say the same for every game that comes out nowadays

Ill just pass on it then, thanks comrade

At this point if you are still humoring anti-woke bullshit you are the enemy. Might as well start Sieg Heiling. I'm serious.

Anon is being too harsh to it. KCD has a cult following for a reason. True, it is blatantly obvious developers had more ambition than resources, but it is still definitely worth a try. Just tamper your expectations, it isnt a Bethesda-style AAA open world RPG.

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I don’t think I see any JRPG-focused threads on this board, so why not have a comfy JRPG general?

>any JRPG-related games, from retro to modern

>you can share/discuss any news or announcements related to JRPGs
>you can talk about or discuss JRPG stories, gameplay, and characters
>recommending any JRPG titles
>talkin' about JRPG devs & studio is fine too

QOTT for starters : what's your favorite JRPG titles? and what's the reason you're liking it?
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I don't think I've ever gotten that far in a JRPG before. I think the farthest I got was in Final Fantasy X but I still don't think I beat it. Maybe I should go back and play it.

Are there any JRPGs with choices and consequences in plot, quests? It is a staple of western RPGs, but seemsto be lacking in anything that comes from east.

>the game has strong socialism & anarchist element
Ya, sure. 😒

shin megami tensei : devil survivor
Ogre Tactics
that's mostly it
or it's things like Drakenguard/nier where you have to do all the first endings to get the real one so it's basically like NG+ adding more story everytime

>Ogre Tactics
Thanks for recommendation, downloaded that one, it is fun. Cumbersome controls, as all these japanese TRPGS, but I do seem to be making choices, even if I am not sure what their impact is yet. Had to homebrew some rules though, because defeat in battle means game over ->reload. Instead I decided that if my unit makes it to edge of the map, I am going to treat it as "retreated", and after reloading the game after a defeat delete all units that died in the battle, except these who managed to retreat. Lost half of my team in early game fight against necromacer like that.
Also dissapointingly, despite this being remake of a remake of the original game, they still havent reworked the disgusting sprites, that sharply contrast with the beautiful portraits.


Post in this thread every time you play a new game and rate it, I'll start, currently playing Dread Dawn, pretty jank and honestly not that good but I'm desperate for more zombie games to wait until PZ 42 comes out. 6/10.
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Playing kill knight here and there, pretty fun game. Kinda like a twinstick doom eternal. Most of my playtime so far was spent on the first level which I got the hang of after 3-4 attempts and only played it more and more to get a feel for the game. Attempted the 2nd level recently and there's way more enemies thrown at you that makes me glad I spent all that time on the 1st level because I don't think I'd make it past the 2nd or 3rd section of it otherwise. Wish the hardest difficulty was unlocked from the start but I can settle for the one below it.

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This one looks pretty interesting. I've been looking for some twin stick shooters, there is not that many these days it seems. Thanks comrade

I got Darktide a week ago. Its not bad. I played it 2 years ago maybe when I had gamepass on pc and it was not good. Its improved quite a lot. The gameplay is decent. Worth it if you get it on sale for like 10 or something.

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I have been playing SpellForce 3. Also briefly tried its expansion, Soul Harvest. Havent finished either though. Really pity there arent more RTS/RPG hybrids out there. SpellForce 3 gets fun during the strategy sections, balancing issues aside, but most of the play time is spend as a very shallow party-based RPG. There are almost no decisions to be made, and handful you can make have no impact on anything, not much in terms of buildcrafting either, plus constant tedious and unchallenging dungeoncrawling. Still, I would recommend anyone to try it, it is unique enough that it might strike your fancy.

Playing Dragon Age Origins for the first time and it's been fun, I'm glad I'm getting around to it after buying it over a decade ago.

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Operation Deep Sneed edition

Made a new thread since the other one is full. You know the drill folks, gather here to discuss and/or complain about Hearts of Iron 4 and all the alt history mods that make the game relevant. From green natpops to sicko mode Savinkov we've got a lot of exciting stuff coming in the next Kaiserreich update, one which will make the LKMT look like pre-rework Germany by comparison. But dont worry TNOomers, you're getting some new content too! After a year and a half and three focus trees that only last for four years, we finally have something new and that's…

…three years of fucking Antarctica
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this but unironically

Vanilla alt history really is like a bad Kaiserredux path

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Just vaporized Middlemark


>bad Kaiserredux path
>has anything bad
shit example, Kaiserredux is in full on wacky mode compared to vanilla, it's a just OG Kaiser paths or a blue ukraine path if anything.

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After 2 play throughs the cutscenes become a slog. You already know what happens. So you skip the cutscenes because at this point they are boring. This game often feels more like a movie than a game at times. They put so much time money and effort into all the cutscenes. Imagine if they instead used that for gameplay. I think I prefer DOS2 which felt more like an actual game than a movie and had more enjoyable gameplay. Another problem with BG3 is the lack of randomness. Every play through basically feels the same. The combat is always the same enemies every time. There is no interesting aspect of randomness to increase replay ability. Baldurs Gate 3 is only good for 2 or maybe 3 play throughs. Then it just becomes a game you only play once every several years. Baldurs Gate 3 would have been better if it had random loot and random enemies as well as less linearity. They should have also just ditched the endless Mass Effect cutscenes and instead put all that budget and energy into improving the actual gameplay.
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I know those games. Maybe would have enjoyed DMC, really liked Revengence. Doom was just not very fun. Resident Evil is basically action adventure though.
Anyway my point isnt that AAA games are bad, that actually rarely happens, but they are unimaginate, conservative, generic. Is Doom any more action pumping than dozens of other pseudo-boomer shooters on steam? Is Resident Evil any scarier than other horror games? 100 million dollar budgets used up to make the same thing we all played already with more polished pixels.

>that actually rarely happens
And now we've switched sides because I do think it happens quite often nowadays.
>they are unimaginate, conservative, generic
A poorly-made creative game is way better than a bland one. Just compare Shadow the Hedgehog to Sonic Forces. Sure, ShTH has lots of problems but when you're not pixel-hunting for the last remaining soldier or flying off a stage you can genuinely enjoy it. Sonic Forces is barely even a game, it's a glorified QTE which is over before it starts getting interesting. Still better than '06 ig.
>Is Doom any more action pumping than dozens of other pseudo-boomer shooters on steam?
But Doom did it first, it's the others that copied it. I think this is the "Seinfield is unfunny" moment.
>Is Resident Evil any scarier than other horror games?
I think you're searching for perfection rather than just a good AAA game.

there are other games. you're not supposed to play the same game over and over

What about games with multiple endings?

you do one,you reload,and you do the others

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I got good news and bad news, good news is this 15 year old cowboy shay Daniels game is coming to PC after so long in 29 October, bad news is, you're gonna "have" to pay 50 dollars for steam to play it. So contact your local piratebay smuggler, tell him fitgirl repacks has a new target.
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Dutch was either pic related or he was just using the money as an excuse and simply lived to fight. I lean toward the latter given his dialogue in RDR1.

Impeccable taste, we need a remaster of that game

Dutch didn't want to leave behind the life of being an outlaw even though he knew it would catch up to him in the end. He loved the life of leading an outlaw group too much to actually act on his plans of moving to Australia or Tahiti.

The funny thing is that if you exploit the odriscoll camp in the early chapters, running away after looting and killing all but 1 guy, and coming back so they respawn, you can have hundreds of thousands of dollars yourself from selling their endless loot. It was funny because I did this on my first playthrough and gave most of it to the ledger, so the ledger would just be like everyone donating a few bucks here and there and HERE COMES ARTHUR DONATING ENOUGH FOR THE GANG TO LIVE THE REST OF THEIR LIVES IN COMFORT and the game still acts like we a bunch of broke ass bitches on the verge of starvation

this is meant to make arthur look muslim for laffs but plausibly an amish dude would look like that too

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I want to talk about an idea that’s been on my mind. A lot of people came into part 2 waiting for wish fulfillment. I don’t want to get into the debate over Joel’s, but from what I understand about the western gaming community and the last of us’ fan base, a lot of people were expecting another game dedicated to Joel and Ellie running around.

I’m glad that the developers took a strong stance away from this idea, but there’s another thought that’s been on my mind. The authors can recognize that pain is permanent.

For context, a lot of games, shows, and movies tend to feature tragedies, traumas, and other events that cause pain as reversible. Hell, physical regeneration from immediate injuries or even resurrection is commonplace throughout franchises like deadpool, warhammer, and other mainstream slop.

The last of us’ developers treat pain as permanent. Even if the forces that caused the suffering are removed, the effects and the legacy of the pain itself never go away or fully leave one’s life.

In part 3, Ellie isn’t going to come out any less broken than she did by the end of part two. If her ending is retconned, it’ll feel completely half assed. How the fuck do you even approach such an idea. So many people in her life are dead, so many hopes were crushed, and so much hasn’t changed. Even if her physical condition improves, what am I saying, it won’t.

The third game is going to be intense. I don’t think anyone is going to be ready for the loneliness in it.
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Both things are good actually. Fuck mankind. Blew its chance in 1991.

The Fireflies were a bunch of morons willing to kill maybe the only person on the planet with immunity on the first attempt to create a never before tried vaccines. Realistically, it was never going to work. Joel was right to kill them all, if humanity had any chance left at rebuilding, it wasn't gonna be due to a miraculous vaccine.

These games were written by a moron to have forced drama and they fall apart under basic scrutiny which completely devalues any sort of dilemma they try to pose.

>The last of us’ developers treat pain as permanent. Even if the forces that caused the suffering are removed, the effects and the legacy of the pain itself never go away or fully leave one’s life.


I hated Joel in TLOU1 and disagreed with his choice and supported Marlene and the Fireflies' desperate gambit over Joel's selfish desire to LARP Sarah 2.0 with Ellie. I am literally the perfect audience for TLOU2 but I still hated TLOU2 since Neil didn't bother to write a good story and just went straight for shock value. I'm fine with Joel dying but even as someone who hates Joel Neil did him so dirty and killed him in the most retarded way possible. Dina was also not a good character just a walking plot device to throw more unnecessary drama into Ellie's life. When she admitted she was pregnant I actually cringed IRL it's like Neil spent his entire time watching soap operas rather than thinking of a good storyline. The Scars and WLF were also insane caricatures rather than realistic post-apocalyptic factions. There was so much wrong with TLOU2 but unfortunately in terms of gameplay it's probably the best single player third person action zombie shooter on the market and will be remembered fondly for that reason alone.

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Why is there none hoi4 mods that are set in the 90s and you have to try and save the soviet union. The 90s are completely untapped and it would cool to do shit with the IRA or the gulf war. As well the Yugoslav wars would also be fun.

There was the canceled East vs West Cold War game by Paradox, check out the amazing OST btw
Not many details available, but must’ve been planned to have a game continue even after 1991 into the 21st century, I mean the OST sounds kinda ambient, so very modernish.

Continuing with your train in thought OP, where are the military simulators and FPS set in the 90s? Modern military, future, Cold War and WW2, but wheres the 90s??

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I'll even settle for more singleplayer puzzle games.​​​​​
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OP IS CLEARLY A GIRL so don't be so mean. she wants to play sims 2 and roblox puzzles, and that's valid ok?

you fucked up. you're dead kiddo

>Lawl, Sims 2 is so cringe, guys, amirite? Only fake gamer girls play them!
Listen here, cuck. One more negative word about The Sims franchise and I'll force you to drop the soup in a shower. These games are literally better than crack. Have you ever tried roleplaying as Vladimir Lenin?

>I'll force you to drop the soup in a shower.
Who would be eating soup in the shower to begin with!?
>Have you ever tried roleplaying as Vladimir Lenin?
Yes, this is precisely why I play grand strategy games to begin with.

>Who would be eating soup in the shower to begin with!?
I will force you to eat the soup.
>this is precisely why I play grand strategy games
Apples and oranges, The Sims is a social simulator series. It's like comparing Victoria 3 to XCOM. Like, you can do that but these are strategy games of different scale. In Sims games you have to micromanage one or few characters down to their basic needs like food and sleep, it's part a survival game, part an RTS, part a sandbox, part an RPG and part a character and architecture creator. Which is sort of like Garry's Mod but it's restricted enough while giving you hundreds of options without addons or mods to be more like your grand strategy games on a very tiny scale.

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I've had this idea in my mind for a few years to make a strategy game about organizing labor unions and worker-owned cooperatives, but I'm not really sure how to make it FUN and RADICALIZING for both KIDS and ADULTS. thoughts?
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Thanks for your suggestions. These are interesting routes I hadn't suggested, and would actually be easier to make than a huge map painting sim or spreadsheet type game where you manage a growing union at a national level

After playing inscryption and staring at the image of the sniper bot for a few minutes, i had this idea of making a deckbuilding turn-based-strategy game themed around revolution in a future dystopia. Like you would play cards on a grid with attack points for every ordinal direction, have visible terrain values like camouflage and buildings whose occupation would trigger events. If i had ever managed to get the engine right (involving >>>/tech/27752 ), the plot would have involved siding with one of several factions that were references to now dated leftypol personalities (leninhat, syndicat, s, jvnko).

What kind of genre were you thinking, OP? There are a number of ways you could approach this.

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I initially thought of it as a time period game where you play as a union salt for the IWW (or some fictional equivalent) in the 1920s. But it doesn't have to be a time period game and it doesn't have to be salting specifically. I liked the idea of salting because it would add a stealth element to it. But if it was contemporary you could add a whole bunch of social commentary on top of that but I don't know if I can do all that gracefully. I got this idea after reading a guide to salting on the IWW website which no longer exists but is on web archive.


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bump for interest

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