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Kart racing general

You may now play as Alunya in SuperTuxKart.gentooGentoo
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Characters can be added to Tuxkart, but I don't think many people want to race as horny Hillary Clinton. I know which character would be more popular: Mickey Mouse (public domain in 2024).


OP here: no.


I'm such a skidmaxing nitrocel haha


>Characters can be added to Tuxkart, but I don't think many people want to race as horny Hillary Clinton
Judging by Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, anything can happen really.

By the way, why does nobody mention SRB2K in this thread? It needs more love. It's FLOSS too and has a bigger following, as does SRB2 itself. Because Sonic. Duh.


That girl looks cute, anon.


I'm starting to think that nostalgia isn't a delusion but a form of false consciousness. Nostalgic people can point out that certain things were better in the past but they cannot figure out why. Take "Games were better back then" for example. It's clear that people say this because of modern AAA gaming but they just don't understand that the worsening of quality of AAA games is due to the gaming business becoming mainstream and "too big to fail" rather than some innate special qualities to these older games that cannot be replicated today. And when it comes to certain games that people remember fondly, it's often not because it's their childhood but rather that these are genuinely good games or at least games that had potential. Therefore using the word "nostalgia" muddies the waters, it's a term that obfuscates discourse and makes people attached to superficial brands and appearances devoid of the content they represented. Nintendo's games were and are good because their developers are talented and pixel art is charming because it looks pretty and stylish, simple as. There was no pixel art in the 80s anyway, your shitty CRT screen turned everything into a blended goop.

In conclusion, we should stop using such a word as "nostalgia" and just say that the AAA games were just simply superior back then because capitalism, deal with it, zoom-zooms. And Sonic was always good… kinda… not really.

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Sorry if this exist already but I didnt see it anywhere and Id like to discuss
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Which of SMT games is the closest to eraMegaten? I've only played personas on emulators, but judging by youtube playthroughs of SMT games it feels like what a Palworld is to a Pokemon

What a fun game, anyway. Get Ringo to assume a "persona" of a demon with full magical reflect/resist and give her tetrakarn, get Figue to assume a "persona" of a demon with full physical reflect/resist and give her makarakarn, somebody to break enemy's resist to fire or something, somebody to buff, somebody to debuff, and then go and smash the enemy with some fire physical ability or with a fire-infused weapon. It's just a pure (un)adulterated dark power fantasy


Probably Soul Hackers.


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This man is the only true representation of Stirnerism in media


>the only true representation of Stirnerism in media
This is a very bold claim.


Last couple of hours of this game now. This games shit in the 3rd act. Might just be me but bugs are super apparent now and why the fuck am I doing the shit ton of quest there is now if Im already max fucking level? This games straight kaka when you hit act 3


I'm wondering what a Marxist reading of Genshin would come out to, given that a few Mihoyo founders are Communist Party of China members.

How do you read Liyue, for instance? Ningguang, for instance, seems like a representative of the Party State, given her omnipresent surveillance empire, while Keqing is an eternal revolutionary and humanist.
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don't assume whales are rich, most of them are just addicts.


>"This is the people's taxation: all the accumulated taxes will go to the building of socialism."
>"This is the people's corporation: all the surplus value will go to the building of socialism."
>"This is the people's predatory microtransactions: all the profits from them will go to the building of socialism."
>"This is the people's casino: all the profits will go to the building of socialism."
Dengists are the real whales. How long can it go on?


>Also is [video game] actually socialist?
what the fuck am i reading


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>Socialist video games?
>No contradiction!


>game about the futility of building walls
>anything but revisionist trash that destroyed the DDR

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Has there been an uptick in anti-communist games/crypto-ethnonationalist anti-Russian ethnic grievance games coming out of former eastern bloc countries recently?

This game treats the Bolsheviks like they're cartoon villains and acts like the fucking retreating Czechoslovak Legion cared more about Soviet citizens than the Red Army.
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these posts made me curious, is black ice good ?


It's trying to simulate as much crap as possible, lagging everything to shit. And you have to micromanage everything. So no. It is not good. MEIOU and taxes isn't good either. Everybody telling you otherwise is just memeing you. Nobody plays bloatshit unironically.


i am still trying to meet the Stalin quota for the 5 year plan, i am trying not to take the lying focus but this is getting tedious.
I believe i found a way though. Mills are considered "industry" and cost half the price of civs.
For some reason you get 150 PP by doing a fucking population census, and then you got an event that "the population actually decreased, weird huh :^)". Also gives you stability for 2 year, so you can't just ignore it.
The tractor stuff is annoying, only now i realize without complete mechanization of agriculture i can't pass better economic laws for mobilization.
The border conflict between you and Japan is another thing that is very annoying that you need to spam.
Anyway, pic rel is my pog champ reddit encirclement, please mom be proud of me.
I will try to finish the next 5 year plan tomorow, is getting late. Good thing i don't have homework for this week lol.


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Stalin, the xenophobe, famously know for having a weekly quota of deaths of 100 people, and after being put as domestic minister, responsible for the death of 20% of the monthly population growth, somehow. Yes completely neutral extremely ultra realistical mod incredible totally not bullshit nazi propaganda.


i mean the whole hundred trillion deaths is very 100% true big wikipedia chungus said so but saying he was a "Xenophobe" is schizo shit, it's Stalin not the God emperor.

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I don't care about gamergate 2 or whatever but I did think this was interesting

> Former game executive and develop at Blizzard Mark Kern

> @Grummz

< "The way games are funded you don't use your own money. Even EA, its games are hugely expensive to make, they're upwards of you know 250 sometimes 600 million dollars it's for certain live games it's incredibly how expensive they are and to do that uh your CFO is your best friend.

< "You're counting on your CFO to get you tax breaks to get you in to put studios in regions which are financially favorable and you will borrow the cheap money, you will get a cheap money to do it. Even EA does this. I worked with EA; we were putting together a deal where they were taking bailout money from the banks in the last financial crisis that we had, and they were applying that cheap money towards games, same thing with Covid money. They're applying that cheap money towards games, and what has been the cheapest money while interest rates were still low, you know a couple of years ago it was ESG financing, and so they're going to take this money."

< "Because the returns on investment have been so poor on Wall Street for ESG funds, that source of Revenue is drying it up. This Woke machine cannot continue in the way that it is now for AAA gaming, and I think unfortunately, it's so entrenched that you're not going to see—you're not going to see much of an ability to course correct because the studios are—they're just gonna shut down."

>He goes on to state that the ESG money comes with “strings attached”:

< Mark Kern explains how ESG money comes with strings attached inside corporations and is used to make companies partner with DEI consulting companies like Sweet Baby Inc:

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The worst thing Lies of P has included is Denuvo, not censorship.


>ofcourse it is sexism, much as I and you find it appealing it is objectification
It is sexualization, not objectification. Which isn't necessarily sexist unless it's Duke Nukem Forever, and we know how that game turned out. You don't morph into Andrew Tate if you enjoy sexy fanservice, and hot characters can still be interesting as actual characters.

Let's be honest: men often get these specific accusations of sexism because they're straight, gay men have it easy on them. Straight men wouldn't be shamed and berated by liberal feminists if they became gay. Which may also reveal libfems' anti-bisexual sentiment too: you can't just become bi, oh, no. You have to stop liking women. Full stop. This descrimination against straight, bi and pan chads that keeps showing up on our site is unacceptable and frankly cringe.

Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.


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>look at stellar blade


>look at stellar blade
Don't tell me what to do. I look at games when I want to.


You know what? Lobbying is based actullly. But not the lobbying that interferes with the creative process like what Sweet Baby Inc. does but the lobbying that fights for consumer rights like what FSF, SFLC and EFF do. I mean, it's basically a more effective "voting with your wallet" because ancaps' voting with your wallet doesn't actually work unless you have a strong organization behind you that has enough capital to make a change, however small. And I wouldrather lobby for the changes FSF advocates for. I would oppose conservative lobbyists just as much, I don't want another Dingo Pictures. I want genuine improvements for the consumers.

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So entertainment technology is becoming more addictive, more immersive and more personalized. If you think your dopamine receptors are already fried, wait until VR porn becomes mainstream.

I don't know about you, but I will not touch this shit. I will not use modern entertainment technology, because I don't want to get used to this extreme brain stimulation. Basically the same reason, why I wouldn't try heroin.
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Showing it to yourself may seem like a common trope of advice. However common this advice may seem it's because it is an approximate truth. Something to be discovered for yourself if it hold meaning to you, which is a valuable use of your time.


No, they're right. It's not that your dopamine receptors get fried. It's your attention span that gets fucked. Big difference. When your dopamine receptors are hyperstimulated all the time you become more easily bored.


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I'll keep using modern entertainment technology until society makes going outside worthwhile.


Actually, you know what? VR is based. Mega-based in fact. It forces people to actually use their whole body. AR is even more based, it forces people to touch grass. VR and AR are our last lifeboats before we are turned into the mindless drones of corporations, they must be protected at all costs from the Big Tech and the adoption of brain chips, brain chips should not exist, once they exist it's all so over.


Everything I don't like that other people like more than my vague arbitrary acceptable threshold of liking things is actually le drug.


Old thread fell off at some point. I've been trying out the hardcore addon for classic and it's been a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Only level 20 so far on my warrior but it makes what's usually a long slog to max a lot more dramatic with trackers for its own achievements like only using certain gear or not using professions. It's pretty sobering seeing all the death alerts too, knowing what a huge time investment it is for someone to get to the 50-60 range only to die from fall damage or something. There's also a big sense of community with all the hardcore guilds and people tend to look out for each other even if they're not "officially" allowed to, which is cool.

Not being able to trade (even if to hand off things you can't use), no grouping unless in a duo/trio or in a dungeon, and only being allowed to run each dungeon once before max is annoying, but I'm hoping the official servers will be able to smooth out the rough edges whenever they come out. I don't think they should make trading/dungeons unrestricted, maybe just put a level band on grouping (no group member can be more than 4 levels apart from anyone else, for example) and prevent trading gold before max level while making traded items soulbound so they can't get passed around.
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What a loser. I bet he has nothing going for him in life.


kinda epic ngl


Every single design decision that blizzard has had to go back on or regret making can be traced down to a single idea, one wow shares with multiple other MMOs. Wow is designed like a linear game with a fixed conclusion in a game that’s not supposed to end. If you want to know what this looks like compare world of Warcrafts quest lines to RuneScape 2s. RuneScape 2 has quest lines that function similar to gta 5s, although some do connect to the main story of the game most quests don’t relate to any specific grand goal or character arc, they all serve as one off stories about different aspects of the world as a whole and how the player goes about dealing with the problems prosed in them is their own choice. Thus quests in RuneScape 2 rarely ever feel bloated or pointless to the game, because they’re all optional, and serve as content the player can playthrough at any time at any pace they want. Wow on the other hand has a lot of quests that play a lot differently, most are integrated to some major plot point in warcrafts lore, to some grand journey. When the quests go off topic to these stories they feel completely out of place, they feel pointless and serve only to drag out playtime for the player and they don’t have to be but that’s just how they were designed relative to the game. This disparity between how the game is fundamentally set up - an MMO to hop in and play for as long as you want whenever you want - and how blizzard designs new content is what drives out the fun in a lot of expansions, often completely indirectly and this is why so many new decisions put into it get scrapped. Increasing level caps, scrapped due to p2w shit and also just the fact that levelling for that long is boring and hard to balance on the developer end due to bloat. Azerite gear and item leveling, has to be scrapped and completely reworked because it feels out of place and over complicates progression. Heirlooms and the old skill tree, ends up getting reworked or even removed in some places because again it feels out of place, like it’s bloating the game even if the game isn’t meant to be finished without it.

What I’m saying here is that wows fundamental problems game design wise stems from a disconnect between the fact that it’s an MMO meant to be played indefinitely while having content designed to be finished once like in an ordinary game. What ends up happening is all that content ends up getting clogged with system after mechanic after feature and it all feelPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Classic Hardcore is out. Anyone else playing?


Some madman is remaking Runescape in WoW and is starting an alpha within a month. The world scale seems pretty wonky in 3D. Very little verticality as well.

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It's 2022 and TF2 still slaps.
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none of this has anything to do with the age of a game though. games younger than tf2 have had their official servers killed


>none of this has anything to do with the age of a game though
Of course. Just saying that games indeed do expire, but not in a way the anon thinks they do. It's indeed not the age that expires them, but rather the devs themselves, and it's always either their own fault or their publisher's.


Yes it does


It was the last FPS I played on a regular basis; after a while I realized I was low on the skill ladder, I wasn't getting any better and I didn't enjoy meming around(VRChat with guns) so I left. I'm only in my late teens, so it's not my reflexes getting bad. I wish it the best.


It was the last FPS I played on a regular basis; after a while I realized I was low on the skill ladder, I wasn't getting any better and I didn't enjoy meming around(VRChat with guns) so I left. I'm only in my late teens, so it's not my reflexes getting bad. I wish it the best.

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Without Colonel Soll, there would be no New Sordland!
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>it's not like he releases the information anyways
He does. He literally does. It makes it easier for you to get Zillie through AN arbitration and pleases Wehlen, so you might not even have to.

If you send Titus after Su Omina and don't cooperate, you can use it as a chip against Lespia in negotiations. If you exhaust every option, but the last, you can bring up the spy, and either Lespia will give up Rusty to you, and you can nationalize RRG (for +5) or you can have them veto any sanctions against you, if you're going to war.

You will always lose AN arbitration, if you have a shit global image for being a racist asshole, accept ships from Valgsland, and keep ships in the field.


>Now that I think about it. Can Marxists potentially ally with lolberts?
And thus, the united front was born


I don't remember him releasing the information. Even if he did I feel like that being public domain would help my case at the AN right?? That Pales' primary backer is sponsoring terrorism against me. I did manage to get Zille back though without the AN so that's something. Wiktor is a funny guy!

In seriousness the only reason I would prolly consider playing it again is to follow up on the fact that if you pursue a pro-Valgsland foreign policy Hegel rings you up at some point and is like 'I think we may have a common interest which you have been keeping from everyone around you… is that right?' and you can be like 'assuming that was the case, now is not the right time, and I wouldn't admit it anyway', which makes me think there is some goofy Manchurian candidate path where you allow the country to have a socialist uprising. Possibly added to by the drinking game where you can be like 'sometimes I wish that the republican revolution had succeeded'. But no idea if that's a real fully fleshed out path or just a tease/an afterthought.


If you note the curious "Flagship" unit that there is no way to obtain, it's safe to say the DLC isn't finished.


I figured that was just to give the AI some advantage lol.

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