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This game is getting shilled hard right now but turns out it's an unironic "free hong kong" game in 2024 lmao. Gamers can't stop being cringe. Honestly the ResetEra radlibs aren't any better than the neckbeard rightoids.
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we really need more games where you defend an 'authoritarian' and clearly flawed left wing state against 'opposition' freedom fighters who are just terrorists and/or foreign shills

Alternatively games like Brigador where you are the evil foreign-backed terrorist destroying a sovereign state with ML characteristics

Papers Please!

free hong kong

From what I can gather from the synopsis on wikipedia, the clones are navigating memories, and that's just one of the characers they navigate through, Iris.
Unless there's more to it, If anything it's got more to do opposing israel than china. I might watch a playthrough later tho.

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Are you annoyed how much space some games take with save files and downloaded mods on your C drive and they don't even let you select another location for the folder?

Introducing symbolic linking! With this one neat trick you can basically create shortcuts to folders that your computer will treat as if it is the folder itself. So you can move any folder to another drive, and when the application is looking for it on the C drive, it will automatically be redirected to it's location on the other drive as if it was still on the C drive.

This program was very easy to use:

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away with you, Vile busta ass foo

why first m&b

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So I'm not an experienced game developer or anything, but I figured we should have a general dedicated to this sort of thing, especially since I'm interested to hear peoples' ideas on lefty-orientated videogames that would be cool for me to make.
I've been using Blender since I was 11 or 12 years old (I'm 20 now) so I'm pretty much at a level now where I can model any game asset I want. I'm also in school for Computer Engineering, and have been a hobby programmer since I was around 14 working with Python, C, and GLSL shaders, so I can script pretty much anything as well. I would say my main weaknesses when approaching a task like this are Sculpting, Spriting, and Painting, so to any drawfags/artfags with skills: I invite you to contribute on whatever projects we end up embarking on.



Blender: https://www.blender.org/
Kritas: https://krita.org/en/
>Game Development
Godot: https://godotengine.org/
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Looking for an idea guy

The requirements for the idea guy:

The idea guy must be very used to always thinking about ideas but never actually making anything. I want people who would prefer going out to the bar and talking about their game idea rather than the guy who would stay at home learning how to make prototypes.

I need the idea guy to have years of experience thinking about their idea, but again, not putting in any effort into learning how to actually make it. This ensures the ideas are "pure".

Next, I need the idea guy to have a lot of notes about exactly how the game will work. Since our ideal idea guy has never tried to build a game before, we need these ideas to be "pure". The only way for the idea to be "pure" is if you come up with your design document without any knowledge about all the constraints that developers have when making a game.

If you are one of the few idea guys who has tried to prototype your idea and found out that a lot of your gameplay mechanics simply don't work, would take years to develop, or is way too complex for a small team, we don't want you. This kind of idea guy doesn't have "pure" ideas.

Lastly, it's important that our idea guy would at some point try and make a game and post on forums getting encouragement from other members and recommendations on what to learn, but never following through on anything. This is essential because then we know you are truly an idea guy with "pure" ideas.

Who hurt you?

Idea guys.

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>So why not closely stack triangles with holes in their textures for creating the look of a rough surface?
They've been doing this (shell textures) for a long time. Usually to make fur. But you could do the same sort of thing with a different sort of texture pattern. Instead of having one texture copied multiple times along the normal, you could have varying textures. Probably the simplest way is to have a height map that is interpreted as an alpha channel, with the pixel value indicating at what layer(s) the texture should be transparent. E.g. 0 (black) means only visible on the lowest layer, 1 (white) visible on all layers up to the top, and the grays in between vary depending on the number of layers.

Honestly though you should probably prototype to see if a normal map would suit the purposes better since you're already trying to abstract the physical shape of the surface (i.e. "texture" in the common use of the word) with textures (images painted onto the geometry), and normal maps are purpose built to do that. Displacement maps are also doing what you're talking about but they're not very performant. You might find through prototyping that the best solution is some combination of shell textures, normal maps, and maybe other techniques too.

I was best friends with an ideas guy when I was younger. Very charismatic. He had movie ideas. I would write screenplay drafts and bring them to him when we hung out but he would always reject them and be like "it's different in my head maaaaan but I like, can't describe it, maaaan". I hung out with him because he always was a gracious host who would share weed and beer and was a genuinely funny guy to hang out with but part of me will always regret putting any effort into his movie ideas. To be young again.

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I love Tetris and recently a collection & documentary thingie of Tetris games came out, Tetris Forever (by Digital Eclipse, the same people who made the collection & documentary thingie Atari 50, which I liked a lot). And I'm amazed that it doesn't include a single version of Tetris I'm interested in:

NES Tetris? There are some obscure crappy versions on the NES/Famicom, but the one famous in the West is still played competitively today. Not in the collection.

Game Boy Tetris? The killer app the system launched with. To many people this is THE version of Tetris. Not in the collection.

N64 Tetris? I don't mean the sphere thing,
but 2D. Can also be played competitively at high levels. Not in the collection.

Pokemon Mini Tetris? A fav of game collector Stuart Campbell, this one allows you to mirror pieces. Not in the collection.

Arika's Grand Master Tetris? Have you seen clips of some arcade Tetris with pieces dropping instantly and sliding across the floor like crazy, it was probably from this series. Amazing high-level play. Not in the collection.

WildSnake? Not in the collection. I don't actually know if this is solid, I just was interested in it.
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is the NES a boy or a girl
is the SNES a boy or a girl
is the Nintendo 64 a boy or a girl
is the Gamecube a boy or a girl
is the Nintendo Wii a boy or a girl
is the Nintendo Wii U a boy or a girl
is the Nintendo Switch a boy or a girl
is the Gameboy a boy or a girl
is the Gameboy Color a boy or a girl
is the Gameboy Advance a boy or a girl
is the Virtual Boy a boy or a girl
is the Nintendo DS a boy or a girl
is the Nintendo 3DS a boy or a girl
is the Game & Watch a boy or a girl

and what is their sexuality
1 post omitted.

if they make me hard : a girl
if they don't make me hard : a boy
simple as.

the answer to all of the above is: no

They're boys but they have the b i g g a y

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They're futas.

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It’s actually impressive how they could make something so good (Dark Descent) which is a masterpiece and then immediately follow up with sequel after sequel of terrible games. This is like one of the worst managed franchises of all time.
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Dark Descent (the only one worth playing)
>perfect gameplay, sanity system, puzzles, conserving light ect
>perfect HP Lovecraft style story
>great atmosphere
>terrifying monsters and scares

>abandoned HP Lovecraft story for shitty Saw story that sucks
>no save points
>40 minutes long
>monster is retarded

A Machine For Pigs
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The Bunker is good, but most of the sequels suffer from having abandoned Lovecraft. Dark Descent was basically a mix of the Lovecraft stories Hypnos and Rats in the Walls. Like you said, Justine is just Saw and the other two go into this sci-fi bullshit they keep pushing that isn't actually scary at all.

The Bunker mostly wins on them nailing the dynamic AI on the monster and making sure the player is under just the right amount of stress, and WWI is a horror setting all of its own right.

But what really made Dark Descent pop was a lot of the Lovecraft ethos. The main entity hunting you is a strange, unknowable force, while the mechanics of the game encourage the player to not get a good look at the monsters, creating a consistent feeling of the unknown, with the sanity effects making even the "known" things uncertain. There's also just something about the classic horror setting of Dark Descent, likely inspired by Rats in the Walls, with an old manor house with a secret, dark underground complex that is hard to beat, especially with an ayy lmao alternate dimension or whatever it is Frictional is going for.

A machine for pigs was actually my favourite and I thought it was the scariest. Dark Descent is good in the beginning but it falls off really hard after like the wine cellar level and ends up not being that scary or atmospheric. The peak level in it was like the apartment where there is light coming in through the windows and the monsters are stalking you but you never see them

Is the second game the one where you play as a pregnant woman?

Well, at least they published the source codes, that's very generous of them to do, not even id Software does it nowadays. Go and make a mod or something.

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Thoughts on Arknights?
Kinda surprised there's not already a thread about this, there's so much politics crammed into this game's story I'd imagine people here would have interesting takes on.
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I suppose this is silly, but it hadn't quite clicked with me that "identity politics" was a term used outside /leftpol/ and adjacent circles. Like I only ever hear the term here.

Main Story 6-4, Festering Scars

Anyone know anything about the new game? I heard there's a beta but I havent looked much into it.

I know there was an ARG about it.
As for what I've seen of gameplay, kinda looks like reclaimation algorithm.
I should probably try signing up for it. I hope it'll have a linux build. At the very least I might be able to chime in that a linux build would be appretiated.

I was playing and I found this skin for this guy. Good golly ms molly this man is a 4 course meal

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For those of you unaware squad is a tactical shooter like arma whose main focus for its gameplay is its infantry combat. Recently the developers launched a controversial but cool update called the infantry combat overhaul or ICO. The update brings realistic recoil physics, depth of field of effects to simulate the eyes focusing on certain objects, altered ADS time, improved weapon inertia and a lot of other QOL features. This update was controversial for the amount of things changed, more specifically changes away from being an arcade shooter to reaching closer towards a simulation of real infantry level combat. I think it was a good update, it brought a lot of new ideas to what FPS games can be and currently the game plays as if your actually controlling a person and not two floating hands with a hitscanned gun, adding another layer of depth to the gameplay.

I’m assuming real force vectors are used in this update because the current procedural weapon animations play out in a way that feels responsive to the players movement and inputs rather than being predetermined like in other shooters.

Agree, update caused combat to be more interesting, infantry can’t hit shit just like in real life, suppresion became king again. Had alot of fun fighting over a single tree line with both sides being able to reinforce before getting bodied which caused the battle to be way longer than before, flanking the flanking party of the enemy while getting flanked, amazing.

Squad is a performance miracle, 100 players, no visible lag, great graphics that run ok on most hardware (playable on a gt 1030)

We need to do a leftypol unit to fight against ameriKKKa and NATO(kkk) forces in every map. Seriously i need some people to play it with

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There seems to be a lot of promotion of the idea that the imperium is more fascist than feudal. I’m not seeing that.

I think a lot of people tend to forget that the imperium is neither a centralized authority nor a federation. It’s a horribly decentralized, disorganized, and mismanaged confederation of star systems that works to keep several species of humans alive.

Reminder, the great crusade was never finished because of the whole ‘Horus has some daddy issues’ thing. This also means that there are hundreds to dozens of thousands of human worlds that exist outside of the imperium’s control. Some may not even be in the Milky Way.

It also doesn’t help that most of the planets that did get annexed were never stabilized after the civil war ended. Most human worlds are still recovering from the effects of the age of strife, and the imperium has been largely absent in directly managing these planets. The only real thing the imperium does is collect taxes, kill secessionists, and fight aliens and or demons. That’s it.

Ignoring that basic responsibility, most of the imperium is left to whatever it has. The imperium doesn’t really have any ability to actually do much for its citizens. Most people rely literally on feudal lords, walled cities, slavery, religious communalism, and serfdom to survive the aftermath of the age of strife and the existential threats of the galaxy.
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But Leftypol told me dissolving all cultures was based…

dissolving all cultures in a materialist way is based
dissolving all cultures in a humanist way is undialectic immaterial reactionary essentialist nonsense

Cope. Even the ussr didn’t unite its members in the former way and you know that.


I mean I certainly see it as a feudal mode of production as far as the underlying economic logic goes.

Since fascism as an ideology is not fundamentally concerned with economics I suppose its possible it could be both, but it seems kind of muffled to me to be honest.

oh no, what ever will i do? i dont really care… all cultures WILL be dissolved.

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