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From the concept art it’s clear ND toned this character down from what they were going for by like a lot. Abby was way skinnier, used guns and blades like Ellie but she was as vicious as her when it came to kills, protagonists no exceptions. The fact that the first encounter she has with Ellie after straight up slicing off Joel’s arm happens when the several members of Jackson are captured by WLF soldiers and executed collectively, only to have Abby fully armed against Ellie is really dark. I don’t fucking know what happened during the writing phase that saw her have such a drastic change in character but man, this version is horrifying and I’d hate having her in the game wether or not she gets killed by Ellie just for how terrifying she is. Hell her post enslaved concept is so brutal I’d question if the game would get straight up banned like mw2 for being too violent.


I know to so many animators this doesn’t and shouldn’t matter at all but I feel Iike it’s something worth the effort to acknowledge for hack and slash titles. (I’m not a professional so take this with some level of criticism) typically most attacks meant to come out fast, barefisted or with a blade/blunt don’t involve the any part of the body moving backwards at all. In fact the entire point of faster attacks is to use the individuals body to quickly throw out a generally short but swift attack. This typically means these kinds of attacks wether it’s a basic jab, thrust or swing ends up covering little area but enough that it’s not entirely reactable for the person receiving the hit. In nearly all hack and slash titles this doesn’t happen, monster hunter, Witcher, Skyrim, dark souls, I could keep going. It makes the combat feel a lot less brutal and a lot less difficult when every normal attack has someone taking ages to throw something out in the most overly dramatic fashion possible. If there was a mix between fast, and swift attacks followed by highly telegraphed swings covering a large area, attacks you’d find with some of the lothric knights in dark souls 3, or basic jabs in tekken, it would help make these titles feel just a little more interesting.


Play nier replicant


That was actually a pretty shitty example because the attacks are all super telegraphed including the players. It would make slightly more sense to just make the attacks cover significantly more range but the combat is dmc tier in terms of spectacle over realism.

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Truxton, Truxton, we want Truxton.


You want the Truxton?

You can't HANDLE the Truxton.


Have fun reading to anyone here that does that.
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Well done for putting the work in, anon! that's more than most people ever do.

I'm working on fully editing your transcript, putting in paragraphs and making general corrections. If you want your work to be read seriously, you should listen to myself and the other anons in this thread. If you just like writing for fun, ignore it I guess.

Keep writing, anon.



I knew Skyrim sucked when I, a fucking nobody, walked right up to the jarl and without any proof told him a legendary creature burned his fort down, and he was like, "by the nine, I need to get my best men on this now. Hey, guy that just walked in and that I don't know at all, can you take care of this for me?"


Oh that’s caused by a multitude of problems both related the games combat and Bethesda’s dogshit mentality towards game design. I don’t even to write anything. they basically wanted the game to reward the player and feel good as a primary objective over fleshing out the game itself to feel like a world worth playing in for those that cared about it. This sounds redundant but it’s why the devs gave zero shits towards things like level design, world design, npc encounters, dungeons, fleshing out the cities, fleshing out the characters(in comparison to other TES titles, there’s still some really interesting people in game), fleshing out the enemies you get the point.


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Hmm, sounds fair. Elaborating on this I would say my main 5 gripes with their games nowadays are:
<Lack of NPC dialogue variety and depth, you hear guards talk about their bursted knees often and most of the time you get only one or two topics to talk about with any NPC outside of questlines
<Shallow questing where you get mostly binary choices at best, and at worst are forced to proceed with one choice, which couple with the first point limits your roleplaying choices and player agency
<In Skyrim's particular case: a pretty poor attempt at replicating Dark Messiah's combat and environmental interaction system that lacks the depth of its inspiration i.e. the shitty resource management, lack of the ability to kick, the ability pick up and throw objects, environmental hazards serve mostly as a deterrent to player and hardly can be used against the enemies
<Dungeon design that often resembles a gastro-intestinal tract in its linearity and lack of branching paths, also extremely claustrophobic when it comes to pathways between the rooms
<The power creep that kicks in once you get to a certain level, with the games pitting you against enemies that for example can disarm and shout you off cliffs while boasting insane amounts of health and stamina
Overall, I agree the issue here it not lack of game systems per se but lack of depth and refinement of them, as well as the lack of depth in the overall in-game world and level design. If Bethesda or someone else were to look to improve on it, they should look into generally expanding and refining what there already is laid out first and only then adding new mechanics.


Guy undergoes failed blood transfusion gets crazy hallucinations and starts murdering randos and wild animals in southern Britain
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Bloodborne is the ps4's Xenoblade X. It's never getting ported anytime soon.


It will get a remastered on the PS6 that will also come to PC


I want it now


OP here, I think Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne were fromsoftwares most important soulsborne titles: DS2 expanded massively on NG+, QoL features like fast travel, a central hub the player always has access to without the need of features like lord vessels, and play-style diversity; Bloodborne brought in the mechanics that would speed up the combat of souls-borne titles, build a framework for level artists to design interesting, but believable interconnected worlds and provided graphical optimizations to the havoc engine for the developers to massively improve the visuals of their future titles.


Sounds a little bit too realistic for my liking

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anyone play Cyberchinlet?


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where can I get this?

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Do you advocate for classless societies or do you prefer classes in your games? What about advancing skills/attributes on use vs a point buy system?
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I didn't mean to imply it was new, just something I hadn't considered before.


You can offer rewards other than XP. You can even build-in costs incurred as the flipside of earning XP (like depopulating an area affecting its economy) that automatically rewards the clever solutions in other ways.


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This is what immersive sims do because it doesn't require you to grind enemies to progress and it makes variable playthroughs perfectly viable.


MMOs and RPGs should EITHER prioritize class OR prioritize levelling, rather than prioritizing both. WOW is an example of prioritizing both and what ended up happening is that both the classes and levelling experience suffered because both were intrinsic mechanics of the game. A game like morrowind otoh prioritized levelling and any class you pick at the beginning does nothing but influence your starting skills in certain magic schools or combat skills. A game like tf2 prioritizes class and barely has levelling at all and therefore has great pvp gameplay where strengths and weaknesses are what you need to understand to gain skill as a player.


I’ll expand on this. It’s better any RPG has its progression focus on at most, two connected systems of its progression, because it prevents feature creep and improves accessibility of that game. Like you said, WoW is a fucking monument to what happens if a game dev tries to include every system at once at the same time, the games so over bloated with systems and features tied as core components to its progression that it’s unapproachable for both veterans after a break and new players. Admittedly those systems aren’t hard to learn, but they become a headache to manage mid to late game. Worse having too many systems alienates players from the world they’re in, because they’ll end up spending more time thinking about their build than the time they actually spent playing through the game. Seriously look at how many max level characters wow vets have on their accounts but don’t give two shits about talking to any generic npc about their day, or their experiences with any encounters, dungeons or low level raids. It’s hard to take those kinds of things seriously when your first concern is how long it’s gonna take before you get your next skill points.


During the development of splinter cell and AC unity, Ubisoft was developing their still widely used methods of node based animation. It’s why the games feel so smooth and responsive movement wise to this day, but there’s an issue. Shortly after the conclusion of splinter cell the studio would go onto develop another technology, motion matching. Basically it’s a similar technology to uncharteds physics animation system, but it’s specifically links the movements of an actual person to any character. The difference between it and NDs techniques aren’t huge but it does bring a question. Why exactly does AC mirage and Valhalla not use this tech they just made. Mirage is especially weird for this, the animations are fine but they lack the physics based transitions the team made for splinter cell and previous AC games. I want to feel like this was a deliberate choice for the sake of improving responsiveness to the player, similar to what the studio did by downgrading physics from far cry 2 after the Dunia upgrades. But that still doesn’t explain to me why the animation transitions had to die with those downgrades. Was it budget? Did the team have collision issues with the anime? What happened.


idk about the specific case but animation transitions are kind of controversial because like you said they reduce responsiveness. It adds padding between actions and while it may look more realistic it can be more frustrating to play and make the game feel more sluggish. For a game like assassin's creed that does a lot of acrobatic stealth it's kind of a weird fit.


Maybe it’s not even the movement but the map design itself that causes breaks in the quality of animation transitions. It would be easier for the studio to implement the transitions safely in a game like unity, because it’s map is dense with things to climb on, that makes it less likely for the player to have to make large jumps quickly in order to traverse through it. That’s my guess, maybe they’ll change this when mirage releases


I’ve seen some anons on community forums and mainstream social media sites like Reddit, YouTube or 4chan suggest the story wouldn’t have gotten as much backlash if it started off with Abby and not when players would hate her the most. I don’t believe that’s wrong, but I don’t think the story and the experience would’ve been better as a result.

It was clear on druckmanns end that starting off with Abby right after Jessie gets shot was fully intentional, and was supposed to piss off the player. The entire first half of the game is specifically setup to get you to hate Abby as much as possible, having it suddenly transition to her perspective at such a specific moment would be considered suicidal by any other director if that wasn’t the goal. By having the story start off with Ellie, a character the fan base already connected with and ending off with her resolution with Joel, the story feels more closely connected to her as a character and Abbys impact on her. Letting the game conclude with Ellie stating how she felt about Joel’s actions and then not being able to state what she wanted to do with her relationship with him at the same period when Ellie is moving on with her life past Abby makes it way easier to understand not just why she was so angry, but how she was such in a miserable state of mind well past the death of Joel. It’s not just the fact that Joel died horribly, it’s the fact that he died at a point in her life where she wasn’t able to let him know that she forgave him and wanted to make sure he wasn’t completely abondoned by those that loved him during what were his final days. If the game introduced abbys arc just after that, it wouldn’t have hit right. I wouldn’t have felt as angry, I wouldn’t have as much of an understanding of Ellie as a character, I wouldn’t have been as open to understanding the conditions required for Abby to even go after Joel to start. Obviously the way the game was paced pissed the living shit out of so many players, but I think it was a risk worth taking if it meant getting a new, and in my own opinion, thoughtful and experimental way of concluding a character arc.
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Yeah Bethesda games are pretty bad about this kind of stuff. At best if you are playing a character with Illusion skill you can cast Fear on NPCs and watch them run away or they'll extremely rarely do it when beaten down to an inch, but making an NPC yield unconditionally is pretty much impossible in vanilla at least.
Stealthy pacifist walkthroughs are an option, but like I said it barely affects the storytelling here in any way and it makes the dissonance even more jarring because it still acts out as if you fought your way through. Contrast this for example with Deus Ex, where taking the stealth/pacifist route during levels opened different story paths, affected the dialogue, character disposition etc. If it did affect the storytelling and its outcomes then I would commend it, but as it is the point of the mechanic here in this context falls flat beyond letting you not waste precious resources by avoiding combat.


I feel like the issue extends to how the game was set up. ND did a lot of things with uncharted and the last of us, but one thing that was consistent was how linear their games are. It’s not just the fact that we’re playing a story based game, but a series focusing specifically on one or a few protagonists. Other story based games like dying light, gta, what you mentioned, deus ex, undertale, and more can have branches to their stories, but that only works because their isn’t one character in focus for multiple games. If NDs major entries had that kind of non linearity to their stories to fix the dissonance, it would be a lot harder to write a coherent storyline between games without constant retconning, or plots that converge towards the same outcome regardless of the players actual inputs with slight modifications to dialogue(cough cough telltale)


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It's funny how the game getting leaked and people seething over Abby completely overshadowed Druckmann writing the story as some allegory to the Israel-Palestine conflict.


>Oh, man, if I could just push a button and kill all these people that committed this horrible act, I would make them feel the same pain that they inflicted on these people.
saying this specifically in reference to Palestinians lynching IDF soldiers is just about peak irony, wow


Imagine if he was referring to the Israelis from a Palestinian perspective

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Babylon's Fall was done dirty.
Friday the 13th isn't anywhere near one of the worst NES games.
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>3 player co-op
Shouldn't it be titled Triple Dragon then? Jokes aside, besides having MTX it sounds like big fun.


that game was fun as fuck. one of the last ones I ever rented back when rental stores were still a thing. I was 12 back then.


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Cringe premise, but the gameplay is solid and the soundtrack is good enough that it is reused in the Rise of the Reds to great effect.



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