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We can't frag n00bs like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to play matches that don't go anywhere, like the time I joined a 24/7 16k 32vs32 no AWP dust2 server in the community browser, which was how you joined matches in those days. I had replaced all the player skins with Touhou and Vocaloid characters, which was the style at the time. Now to buy guns AND ammunition you had to spend money. "!MONEY" for $16000 you'd say, otherwise you'd be playing catchup with a USP and a knife and no armor while everybody was running around with M4s and AKs.
Now where were we? Oh yeah, the important thing was that I had installed anime girl decal mods on my guns, which was the style at the time. They didn't have in-game weapon skins cause of hostility to microtransactions. The only thing you could do was download mods off gamebanana…

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learn how to draw
learn how to animate
learn how to compose
learn how to do trig
learn how to do linear algebra
learn how to do physics
learn how to do calculus
learn how to program (starting with ASM)
learn how to make games

Now I can make games!
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that's called being a writer lol


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Has any game that advertised itself as "your choices matter!" ended up with the player's choices actually mattering? Seems like it's always a marketing thing and the actual system is that your choices give you either Ending A or the slightly different Ending B or C


nah, at least the indie games i played they had too many endings, so to increase the replayability.
One of the best "Your choices matter" game was Fallout new vegas, and they did not have many endings, but almost every choice had some form of consequence in the end


>anon ascended to higher tier of existence


I mean there's quite a lot of games with totally different endings based on who you side with, but stuff like 'social' games rarely have your choices matter much yeah


I'll start: I understand and support if Mojang wants the real life animals to teach environmantalism or something, but Dolphin's Grace absolutely dumbfounds me in this context. It incentives the player to swim between 9 and 15 meters of a dolphin, and encourage them to maintain the dolphin's persuit in order to get one of the fastest modes of transportation in the game, especially early game when the player lacks protective equipment.
Polar bears make more sense, they attack if you are within [wiki doesn't specify] meters of a cub. That is their lesson: teach the player not to approch a polar bear cub. This is a good lesson.
They even know IRL dolphins can be dangerous when approached haphazardly, but they balanced out making them cute with having them "steal" the kelp that floats above newly generated ocean ravines. But the whole Dolphin's Grace thing throws that out of wack. I don't get it's inclusion.


i'm pretty sure they don't care about teaching anything, they just thought it was fun (and it fucks over speedrunners which I assume they find amusing)

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is dead rising leftypol approved?


its a video game


Yes, it's fucking ebin, my favourite game ever. I made a politics analysis video on it that's like 5 hours (dumb in retrospect but oh well)


Surprisingly good story that might be a good intro to American foreign influence if you read into all the symbolism about meat. The games after that have been a steady decline since

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Every day more artists are drawing Chiaki Nanami with a Nintendo Switch instead of a Playstation Vita. They don't get it, they'll never understand the appeal.
Portable gaming hasn't been the same ever since it went from "pocket gaming" to "backpack gaming", the vibe is different.
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this piece of shit costs 200 Dollars and the crank is part of the controller


I bought a PSTV like a decade ago, played Persona 4 Golden for 70 hours, and then didn't touch it again until literally yesterday when I found out it was really easy to hack.


oh fr? I assumed it was one of those build it yourself 3d printer projects.


still has more games than the vita


black and white
no backlight
200 dollars
Really unappealing and I say that as somebody who is still fond of games from 40 years ago.

Compare with the Evercade EXP:
color (duh)
supports vertical screen mode
8-bit and 16-bit games in collection carts, big hits and indies, over 380 games in total
18 Capcom titles pre-installed (Megaman, Street Fighter)
+6 Irem titles on cart (R-Type)
150 dollars
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while modifying skyrims movement behaviour files I discovered something really awful about bethesda titles I thought was only an issue from morrowind to new Vegas. Bethesda doesn’t attach grounded momentum to movement, whenever you walk or sprint in a bethesda made game you will always without a shadow of a doubt always immediately move at full speed on frame one. This is also why the games feel noticeably janky and dated despite having their graphics and animations updated each release and why npc and third person movement tend to feel like you’re controlling a character with absolutely zero weight. Turns out it’s not just Bethesda a lot of game developers for first person titles will pull this same kind of trick aswell here’s some recent examples of this

Dying light 2
Cyberpunk 2077
Modern warfare 2
Ultra kill
Not just that even third person games especially the pvp ones don’t hide this or even try to
The division 2 pvp
Literally every 3d MMO
Nearly every assassins creed title has this same issue of weightlessness

This doesn’t sound bad but play any souls game, naughty dog, Bandai rpg, rockstar title or any game with half decent physics and it becomes way more obvious how much better movement in those types of games handle, it’s also why those games feel so much more advanced
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No thx, some of us like responsive movement. Not every game has to have realautistic motion. OP is obviously a zoomer for not mentioning Thief and System Shock where you can kill yourself sprinting into a wall with inertia.
>naught dog
Nevermind he's just baiting.


>If you could clearly convey what the character's momentum and body position are in 1st person it wouldn't feel as clunky
More nuance in arm positioning, put some relevant info into HUD and sound effects.

IRL I can feel when I'm walking backwards into a wall (and distinguish from walking backwards into a person) or when there is air under my feet. Jumping in FPS with lots of deadly gaps (like in Turok on N64) is kinda awkward. Whenever you are about to fall if you don't jump, there should be an arrow under your crosshair pointing at the ground with variations based on the fall damage you can expect.


>Literally every 3d MMO
In this instance its a good thing. Imagine trying to do a modern day mmo raid with animation frames interrupting your movement.


The issue is being able to switch at will between 1st and 3rd person and needing to have a consistent control mechanism for both.


I agree, and going with what >>34437 said about better visual feedback: Cyberpunk is 1st person only, but if you force it into 3rd person with mods the animations are all fucked up (vid related).




They're trash honestly. The last time I went to them they didn't even double check that they had all the files uploaded so the game wouldn't even launch.


Huh? What caused this?

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Hilariously ironic that big boy games with big boy money chasing after vapid realism and """prestige""" storytelling stumble so hard at being artistic, while a freaky game that would probably cause a second ESRB debacle if found is much better at being artistic.
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alan wake is pretty good yeah


Everyone makes fun of Kojima but he absolutely takes advantage of the medium and is a great cutscene director.


>and is a great cutscene director

except that his cutscenes are mostly three times as long as they should be


I will gladly sit through all of those MGS4 cutscenes because I get to play MGS4 between them. I expect from KojiPro full throated, excellent gameplay with those movies.


I didn't even finish MGS4.


what are some games with interesting girl characters?

i'm rly bothered by how women in the videogames i've played are all either 9999I.Q girlbosses with no negative qualities (99% of the women in cyberpunk 2077) or le hysterical feminist stereotype (99% of women in grand theft auto). I have yet to see a videogame girl character that's the funny + dumb + lovable character that we identify with
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uhhhhhhhhh based and class analysis pilled and deep state awareness pilled???



shadow tactics and desperados (old and new)


What's wrong with the girls from cyberpunk 2077? The only girl that fits your description is Panama IMO. Rogue is a boss but she's a decently present character, Evylin could be seen as a girl but she's a sex worker and ends up commiting suicide, I don't get any girl boss energy from her and again she's a decent character. I've criticized cyberpunk for plenty but the characters are all well written.


Karl Marx did love Shakespeare.


In which we speculate about the rumored new Russian game console. My vision: A weak but also cheap machine (perhaps even cheaper than production by following a strategy of "selling the blades") running games from 10+ years ago with mods adding in Russian language support and some fun extra features and the marketplace is just paying pocket change for these mods and it's all perfectly legal because of copyright reform. If it's cheap enough and the controller feels decent I don't think normal people would mind the hardware being ancient.
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I once tried to play Klonoa on a Wonderswan emulator. Works perfectly, until you must rotate the device.




It's real… but not available on GNU/Linux?


Weird hardware lost on economies of scale. The closest thing these days are overstock ARMshit like the broadcom inside the original raspberry pi. That isn't even all that weird, it's just undocumented trash meant for phones or tv boxes.


Fill that bitch with emulators and then cram it with every ROM they can find.

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