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I already hate shows and movies, I haven’t fuckjng watched one in years because all of the ones they keep pumping out are shit, but come on. This is gonna be what the halo show was for fallout. The games already are notorious(yes even the black isle ones) for deviating so heavily from their inspiration a boy and his dog to the point where the games barely feel like they’re related to a nuclear war at all, but this? This is is somehow even worse when it comes to writing and I haven’t even seen what this piece of shit is beyond a trailer in 240p
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>>fallout 3 and oblivion remaster
Nice. Between this and an alleged KOTOR remake Im excited about my gaming future for the first time since idek. Finally the remake era reaches my generations pop culture


by western I meant the genre, otherwise idk what you mean


If they remaster Oblivion they should keep the goofy aaaah faces. Just transfer all the meshes assets to the new NIF format and upscale the textures, but keep the meshes the same


Dishonored 3? Lets fucking go!! :)



people eat this shit up man. i think its especially worse with Bethasda cause if they didnt jump ship with 76 theyd take anything at this point. itll be bad, people will complain and then theyll complain in hordes how you dont like fun.


i'm gonna get a VA monitor with (probably?) much better blacks than my current one just so i can play darker games without the immersion-breaking glowy blacks of my IPS monitor

recommend me dark games, preferably horror games pls (thx in advance ❤)
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Minetest is spookier because shadows here actually can be pitch black. Even more pant-shittingly scary if you install a bunch of mods which add mobs like ghosts, fire-breathing demons and even Balrogs in them since running out of torches and falling down during spelunking basically becomes a death sentence.


>>30477 i rly like how doom 3 looks


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The shading tech in that game and Quake 4 is outstanding even today. Very contrasting and suapenseful. My only real gripes with Doom 3 are overly enthusiastic use of corridors in comparison to originals and nu-Dooms and the dull monster redesigns, but even then the Hell Knight, Revenant and Mancubus redesigns and the new ones like Cherubs, Vagary and Bruisers stand out as creepy and memorable.


A good glossy IPS display will have decent blacks. VAs have ghosting problems. My best panel is a glossy IPS display with no PWM (no flicker). Just get a glossy display.

That said, try Noita.


>>30494 it's a very distinct look, i think that games made with that id engine look beautiful! i rly like the uniformly sharp, pitch black shadows. i think there's a very small chance that a modern developer would end up with a game that looks this way, since modern engines try to simulate light bounce and soft shadows, which gives a much less contrasty look

as far as I know the glossy layer thingy only improves the contrast of a display when in a bright environment, and in the dark the contrast looks the same. I like playing games in the dark, so this wouldn't do it for me

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Hi everyone, I’ve been working on a web game directly coded through JavaScript than relying on an engine to get anything to learn how to make games, so I can start getting back to making even better mods. In that time I learned a bit more about camera movement but what I found fascinating is how much of a role visibility plays into the accessibility and quality of gameplay in any title.

I’ve made complaints before about cluttered MMO UI design that makes it impossible for any newcomer or casual player understand wtf is happening if they’re seeing gameplay they’re not responsible for. I learned something from this and it’s also the role auras and camera placements play into this as well. Auras are often a bigger visual distraction to players more than a useful indicator over the status of a player if they’re overused. Take the resin buffs you’d get in the souls trilogy compared to the effects you’d get off an enchanted piece of gear in wow or Minecraft, the former effect tells you directly what to expect from the weapon you’re using while the ladder can quickly be confused with any other buff. The purpose of an Aura is to temporarily provide information to players about the state their avatar, tool or gear is in. If it’s constantly glowing it becomes a distraction more than an indicator because it fails to serve its temporary function and becomes a passive element of gameplay, one whose nature impairs player vision.

Another major way games can harm the players vision is through how they place their cameras. Most third person games place their cameras an offset away from the player character, however games focused primarily on combat like for honour and GOWR or large worlds like in WoW, rain world and la noire keep the camera centred and the reason is pretty smart. A shoulder offset is great for keeping gameplay cinematic and great for shooters since it provides space for the player to see any incoming targets, however a centred camera is much better in general for third person gameplay because it provides clear context to the player characters position relative to their surroundings at all time. This also allows for traversal through larger set pieces or even fights with large enemies in combat oriented games.

However it’s important for the sake of accessibility to keep cameras a maximum distance away from the player avatar at all times, and preferably not let the player have full control over the cameras displacePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Thorough article about cameras in 2D games with tons of examples:
The most basic stuff for a sidescrolling platformer is that
1. the camera should show more in the direction you are walking and
2. not move with every jump, but snap vertically based on whether you land on a platform.

Mario World on SNES actually has some additional thing going on with continuous running. The camera then gets into a distinct mode where it breaks rule 2 and does follow you vertically instantly whenever you jump. This makes sense since there is a power-up that lets you fly if you run for a few seconds.

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Anybody here plays games over VLAN? I played Terraria over Radmin for some time before and would like to have some more players on board for my modded run. Also, what other games you would like to try also?


Ah, forgot to include that I am in the "Terraria [English]" room and also that I run these mods:
- tModLoader v2023.6.25.36
- Terraria Overhaul
- Terraria Calamity + music mod
- Mr. Plague's Authentic Races
- More Accessory Slots
- Reobtainable
- Boss Intros

The server has no password, so just enter my address and get in.

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It struck me how inconsistent thematically the fallout series is from its inspiration “a boy and his dog” and og wasteland. I don’t even know why Bethesda kept the goofy as shit world building elements from fallout 2 and stuck with it for 3,4 and 76. New Vegas could’ve been a fix but throws everything away with the sci fi nonsense and making the legion look like goodwill discount of ancient Rome. When I play TES games I feel like I’m on a separate province with consistent world building and geography containing familiar faces in familiar places, when I play star field I feel like I’m a star treck dystopia where there’s increased conflict, political discourse but most of all hope and love for a technologically advanced humanity. When I play fallout I barely can tell wtf is going on, not a single game throughout the franchise barely even feels like an acknowledgement of the realities of a post nuclear world. It feels like I’m entering another cowboy world with nuclear aesthetics to make even reference it.


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Because Bethesda unlike with TES where they called Kirkbride and co. for help with Oblivion expansions and Skyrim never consults the original Fallout writers and operates on their own weird mixture of headcanons, gameplay concessions and attempts at expanding the setting on their own that contradict and sometimes even retcon Black Isle's lore. It is like there was a building underway and then some guy barges in saying "hey, I can do better than you" with no idea what it is, takes over the construction and then attempts to continue it without heeding the original architects's input or criticism. Dumb as shit, but this is how the Bethesda top management wants Fallout to be treated for whatever reason and I do not even fully understand why.

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I've just finished playing the Skyrim mod Beyond Reach and thought i'd post some of my thoughts here. I'd played through the mod once before many years ago back when it was a quite a bit smaller in scope and it's questline pretty much ended at reaching Evermore and being knighted. The first time I played it because the mod author had posted about it in a thread on /leftypol/ and i decided to check it out and came away very impressed, but am even more so now seeing the progress and development made over the years since. So if by any chance you still visit /leftypol/ and see this razorkid then love to you and everyone who worked on the mod, it's an amazing and remarkable achievement <3

Anyone else who enjoys playing Skyrim and hasn't tried Beyond Reach I heartily recommend.
10/10 would save Tamriel from Ur-Dra/Ur-Fascism again
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can you give a synopsis of the mod from your pov and what you liked about it? i havent touched skyrim in years but im willing to be sold on it


I felt a pang of both happiness and sadness having finished the mod but more due to the content of the mod, it's story and themes. I've played Skyrim and beat it over and over so many times over the years that i don't think I feel anything much regarding vanilla. Besides im not done yet beating the game on this character/playthrough since before trying Beyond Reach again I'd been playing through Vigilant (for the nth time) and Glenmoril (for the first time) and now will try Unslaad for the first time, all mods that inspire feelings of sadness, loss, melancholy, etc.

Beyond Reach is a new lands mod which adds an additional world space to the west of Skyrim in the province of High Rock, specifically it's east which consists of the Kingdom of Evermore which lies across the Western Reach (coressponding to Markarth's eastern Reach) and part of the High Rock lowlands running along the Bjoulsae river. It's large and full of content at a level comparable to base Skyrim though the content quality is certainly above vanilla level.

The world-space is meticulously designed to a very high standard and polished to a good level (maybe short of mods like Beyond Skyrim: Bruma but that's a very high bar), with beautiful and distinct environments, music, NPCs, custom armours and weapons, spells and enchantments, building models and so on.
The mod contains 3 major settlements plus numerous smaller hamlets, dozens of varied dungeons to explore and dozens of quests, alongside a very well-written main questline. The mod is almost full voiced with 80% of the voice acting being of a good quality and the remaining being acceptable. There are some unvoiced character and lines that are still being worked on as I understand but it doesn't affect the enjoyment much for me.
The mod's writing and worldbuilding is excellent and the standout feature of an already very well-rounded project. If you're familiar and interested in elder scrolls lore, it's metaphysics and cosmology then i recommend the mod all the more as it engages with it at length, but while keeping itself grounded to gritty reality throughout. It is for the most part lore-friendly with the exceptPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Seems like the kind of Skyrim mod I would enjoy. I finished Moonpath to Elsweyr and almost completed Project AHO before and kinda want to get started with another mod on the next playthrough and something more grounded and serious like this is a good choice. Any other quest mods you would recommend besides this one and Vicn's trilogy?


I haven't played moonpath to elsweyr in years and at the time it seemed fairly bland (though it was an early quest mod) and as far as I know it's now a part of the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod which I haven't played yet though am interested in doing, just not right now as I understand it requires a new save.
Not played Project AHO either so got to put that on my list as it sounds cool.

As for other mods I'd reccomend Beyond Skyrim: Bruma if you haven't tried it before, the intitial offering/teaser of the Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil project which is still pretty sizable and fun.
Wheels Of Lull is pretty good though I had some issues with it, but if you like esoteric lore and fighting Thalmor I'd reccomend it.
Grey Cowl of Nocturnal is pretty neat, but wasn't that memorable for me.
The forgotten city is very well reputed although it didn't impress me all that much either.
Finally gotta reiterate that almost nothing beats Enderal, heartily reccomend giving it a try.


Moonpath was obviously meant to be beginning of a much bigger mod that would encompass the city of Dune and other parts of Anequina, but.the development died down and so it only got Tenmar,, small bits of desert land and the airship. Sad, but the only working Elsweyr expansion project now is the Elsweyr part of Beyond Skyrim.

AHO is cool as it centers around Telvanni, the Dwemer and the Telvanni's attempts to understand their technology. Not gonna spoil much, but I there is a lot of references to various lore concepts that the modders utilize to build their own thing. The only thing that saddened me is that there is not much stuff to do besides the main batch of side quests and **that you cannot help the slaves in any path you choose.*

Legacy of the Dragonborn is kind of a trophy room/museum mod that grew out into an archaelogy and exploration mod as far as I understand. Not sure what it really entails aside from building item collections, but there seema to be a questing component to it.

Grey Cowl is already on my list as well as Beyond Skyrim, but I did not get to them yet. Got to do them as soon as they become available for my character. Not sure about Forgotten City though.

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The major thing keeping me from getting interested in the RE remakes and village is the movement. Compared to other third person games, it’s really unresponsive. Like I can pick up a game like fallout 4 hell even 3, the last of us 2, or gears of war and get on the move immediately. The movement of re village and the remakes feel really sluggish: you can’t sprint forwards properly, you can’t sprint backwards or to the side, the guns feel like they have trillions of years of end lag between shots, guns themselves have weird recoil physics compared to other shooters, melee combat is awful never use it and the levels are designed in a cramped fashion for lazy scares. I can’t feel scared playing resident evil because the horror element isn’t genuine. I feel weak in a game like far cry 2 because the player isn’t made a god but not unreasonably powerful either meaning actual threats feel like actual threats, like a sniper or a car patrolling the roads. Tlou2 made the infected intimidating by giving them buffs that justified the games difficulty like increased movement speed, instakills, detection + patrolling and mini bosses like shamblers and bloaters. Those things are crazy fast, faster than the player whose moving at reasonable speeds.
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Most boomer shooters have no velocity simulation at all. That's the default. Like I said, when you press forward you move forward X amount each tick, then you instantly stop when not pressing. That's what responsiveness is.


Oh my god. Ugh, look I’m not sure if you’ve actually played these games at this point but I’m gonna sssume you did and just haven’t noticed yet. This doesn’t happen, because you wouldn’t be able to use nearly all the tech available if there was no velocity attached to anything. The devs of the original quake didn’t just implement movement in 3d so you’d only be able to move in a specified direction on the first tick at a static speed, they also provided ways of maintaining it. You have forces like gravity that simulate acceleration, momentum is carried over when you’re airborne and increases as you fall simulating potential energy transfer to kinetic energy. You can b hop, you can shoot yourself with a rocket to provide a force upwards that’s communicates a sense of acceleration to the player. If everything in quake moved the way you’re describing where there’s no velocity, no momentum, no acceleration, it would be stupidly difficult to get through most of the game, and be even harder to speed run it.

Fallout 3s movement was unresponsive because it was neglected and had to exist on bethesdas shittier version of the creation engine than being hardcoded through havok directly. Unsurprisingly the moment it got upgrades this problem of weird movement got fixed with skyrims introduction of real acceleration to the startup of any run or sprint, and it never came back in any major games released after. Most pvp and pve shooters today have this kind of startup into a terminal velocity style movement to make it easier for players to shoot at each other, but have cancelable sprints and runs with some amount of end lag to allow space for other actions without losing the sense of weight they provide. I could keep going but it means the same thing, weight matters to movement in game design and can make a massive difference in how enjoyable a game is when it’s implemented with care.


Ok, Quake. Most of them have the movement I described. It's the default way to program movement.

>Fallout 3s movement was unresponsive because it was neglected and had to exist on bethesdas shittier version of the creation engine than being hardcoded through havok directly.

God I'm tired of this meme. These "engines" don't have any limitations like that. You can program any movement into them in an afternoon. The math is brain dead simple.


>God I'm tired of this meme. These "engines" don't have any limitations like that. You can program any movement into them in an afternoon. The math is brain dead simple.
*they program the movement like they do, because that's what their audience wants. Also seemingly yourself if you could decide what it is what you're looking for.


But you know this is a core part of the games, they were always meant to have tank controls and thats something thats widely praised for making the games more scary. Its fine if you don't get it but the whole point is to restrict your movement and gunplay.

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>he Never played the game about the Irish man in nazi occupied paris who helps the resistance by blowing shit , climbing buildings, wearing disguises, carbombing checkpoints, panzerfausting blimps,grand theft tank,and worst of all, punching nazoids.
What's your excuse?


I did. It was ok. Way too repetitive.


>electronic arts
Why is it always the AAA studios publishing the most revolutionary games?


Its actually pandemic who made the game, EA just bought the studio and shut it down like they Always do


yea, i bought this when it came out.
It was pretty fun could have been better, quite forgetable.


Was he part of the IRA?


What is your opinion on proliferation of porn games on mainstream gaming platforms?

Like when I first saw shit that I am used to downloading off F95zone popping up on Steam and GoG I got weirded out, but then I though about it and its probably for the best, maybe this will encourage higher quality games rather than shovelware trash dominating the industry currently.
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VNs aren't games

Bastard bonds is ok but there's not really much gay content and the gameplay gets old like a 1/3rd thru the campaign
It feels like a good foundation of a game but there's just not enough content for the expected playtime. It's a shame we'll probably never going to get a sequel actually using the potential of the concept.


Steam has fallen.


I swear this guy is pumping out a game each month


how do you even play these? Do you just click stuff to activate animations?


Basically yeah. It's about as erotic as bumping Barbie and Ken together.

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VRchat /games/


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Anyone can now find the Alunya 3D models on VRchat.

Btw, you don't need a VR headset to play VRchat & can play on PC. & it's free

At Prismic's Avatar Search, by searching Alunya

It's the most popular avatar world around.


Model #1: Alunya no tail
^zip is Alunya without the tail


Model #2: Alunya with Tail
^zip has Alunya with the tail

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