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If only Dreamcast didn't die prematurely, it could have been better.

There's still hope that Switch will normalize gyro but I do wonder what could have been if KB+M on consoles was the norm. Regenerating health, ADS and cover shooters might have been way less ubiquitous, the aim assist would have almost disappeared, and many PC FPSs would have gotten ports and remasters on consoles (and vice versa). At least we can experience what could have been through emulation but ofc the change in controls demands the change in game design and core gameplay mechanics.
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why do redditors have such a hate boner for console fps games?


Control sticks are an objectively worse way to handle aiming than a mouse because of how they function at a fundamental level regarding physical use and input data.


Not all people you disagree with are Redditors, take meds.
>hate boner for console fps games
<literally embedded a console FPS game footage as a counter-example to other console FPSs
<literally said that the FPS games on Switch (Wii also counts) are a step in the right direction
How about you actually read the post, eh?


>>32648 (me)
Oh, btw, I like Metroid Prime despite its tanky controls. But if I had to choose between the original hardware and Trilogy/PrimeHack/Remastered I'd choose Trilogy/PrimeHack/Remastered. I'd say that Prime's controls at least don't give me mental turmoil, good job, Nintendo.


Old console FPS are fucking awful lol.

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>3 years into the ps5's existence
>still no games
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>Insomniac leak
>Nothing but capeshit games with a single Rachet and Clank in 2029


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Why the fuck are sales going up despite having no games?


There's barely any reason to buy an Xbox now with PC Game Pass.


There is barely any competition between consoles, switch occupies it’s own sphere and is going down in popularity, while xbox is only really popular in america and microsoft seem to be willing to just kill off xbox if it will help them to sell more gamepass subs.

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btw, the guy who did the voice for Max Payne, James McCaffrey died yesterday.



damn, RIP


Don't have a favorite but some performances that stood out were Sir Patrick Stewart as Uriel Septim in Oblivion, Charlie Adler as Harold in Fallout 3 and Matthew Perry as Benny in New Vegas
Some games with good voice acting in general that come to mind are AoM, KOTOR, Fable 1 and GTA4 but I couldnt name names
then again, this is looking more and more like a list of my favorite games ever so maybe this is just nostalgia talking


correction: Harold was voiced by a certain Stephen Russell

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> Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 introduces the four playable vampire clans
This is your reminder that a complete, playable and finished version of Bloodlines 2 exists with all clans playable, and Paradox threw it out because of insane corporate politics and had a new developer start over from scratch. Bloodlines 2 was in a playable state start to end years ago when Paradox had some corporate restructuring, moved all the assets to a new company and had them start over. Paradox burned a complete video game because of decisions made behind closed doors by people who have never touched a video game in their life.
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>In addition to these four clans, an additional clan will be made available via DLC. A sixth clan will appear in a unique, standalone DLC.


And this isn't even remotely the first time this has happened.
It happens with movies and TV shows too.
There is an insane amount of lost art out there killed off by split-second corporate decisions.


>Apparently we are no longer going to be playing a thin blood trying to survive and earn respect of other clans but an elder vampire who awakes after 300 years.

this sounds cheesy as hell lol


Whenever I think it can't be more over I find out it can.


We're not far off from the point where the only category of developer making games that aren't slop are either solo developers or tight-knit friend groups, who have sources of income independent of their gamedevving.

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looking at the old guilty gear sprites you realize wow those games kinda look like ass now in comparison. de-toonification of this magnitude. everything must be genshin now
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So many Strive characters already wear jacket or a coat, so even though on its own Xrd looks better, just a single layer hoodie makes her visually distinct.


Funny how May looks the youngest in Xrd.


probably because they rounded out her features and gave her a generic annoying voice, she also looks less like a sailor and more like a school girl.


Yeah Strive looks like one of those bad western attempts at emulating Japanese aesthetics. It's sad because Guilty Gear had such a distinct style. I don't even really like how the Xrd series games look tbh.


I for one am glad that Xrd exists, ArcSys has shown that you can make cel-shaded games look closer to real 2D animation. Before the character movement was too smooth and the shading looked off (especially noticeable in Transformers Devastation). JSR got around this by having fewer polygons in general and a 30 FPS lock.


Is the Steam Deck worth it or should I just build a proper gaming rig? Portability sounds nice.
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OP is not stupid, if he keeps an eye on what laptops are put on sale he can buy one that does support ootb linux and achieve a much better power per penny ratio


>OP is not stupid
>being new to GNU/Linux is stupid
Never said that. Ever.


Actually if he finds a good cheap laptop with a dedicated gpu he can just look up "[laptop model] linux", only after failing to do this would op be stupid




It depends on what you're planning to do with it.
If you want small games you can already play them on a psvita or 3ds with a better comfortability.
If you want some better games handheld surely its the way to go, but do you want to play stuff like metro handheld?

The steamdeck is already outdated and doesnt run new games, take that into consideration.

So if you want to play something like alan wake 2 than tough luck.
I think the steamdeck is really only worth it if you want to play some ps3 or gamecube games while riding a train, or you want to escape family christmas and shit like this

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i was a few hours into the game, but it got kinda boring, and i sucked at sneaking by BTS, i feel kinda bad about not beating it since my brother told me it is the kind of game that i like, and just now i discovered i could sneak past BTS…
im at this part
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The third way is to run the studio like a co-op and have the workers collectively either decide how the game design should be or they elect somebody to lead the design to avoid a too many cooks situation.


I mean yeah that would be superior I guess.


The third way is to publish the source code.


True. In socialism the raw files for everything should be available, including like movies and stuff so you can re-edit them.


Blender does just that with their movies iirc. Sintel, Big Buck Bunny and others are available as project files so you can fool around with their various assets and rerender then however you like.

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everybody's favorite corporate rigged event that chinletjaks complain about, cheers.
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>favorite corporate rigged event
This. But at least Amored Core 6 won best action game. Bout time us Ravens got some respect


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You made me believe Cocoon had cute girls for a second but it seems they're from another game.


Somebody combined Pizza Party with Freedom Planet of all things.

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<wow typical NEW Kojima showing us the Hollywood stars and no gameplay
None of those people are Hollywood stars… If he was going to sell out and market a game on star power he wouldn't be using Hunter Schafer.
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The teaser is pretty shite tho with its direction and rendering, and Kojima explicitly said he is aiming to make it a "game movie" with no details what is going in for the game other than its psychological horror. That is already enough of a red flag for me to be skeptical about it.
You mean /v/ermin and living fossils like The Quartering bickering about transhumanists as usual. Could not care any less about that.


ngl the only reason im interested in the game is because the trailer is presented like P.T.



the nerve of this uygha to announce another game before showing a single second of death stranding 2 gameplay


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Death Stranding 2 should be basically just Roadside Picnic but in Burgerstan.

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Sega trying to hype up… something sending these lame cards to popular streamers.
I can't remember the last time a company had a "big announcement" that wasn't a monumental disappointment.
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>Sega of America


>America of Sega


Well, they're gonna outsource jobs to Japan so obviously that implies some sort of cooperation between the two. It's like making excuses for Nintendo of Japan that way. The main decision-maker is still the Japanese headquarters, SoA is simply a subsidiary.


No, they've always been butting heads since the 90s, but it's not surprising that the one thing they agree with is fucking over their own workers.


Where is Billy Hatcher Re-Ovulated

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