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Was she a Stalinist? She sure as hell never did anything wrong.
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Alright, who's your most hateable character/characters in the series? I'll start: The Slaughterhouse Nine. Easily the most vile of the entire villains catalogue.


Trickster, what the fuck was he thinking?


He was arrogant and overestimated his own capabilities, and when his failures began to catch up with him and his deteriorating mental state, he became a follower rather than a leader.


Trickster wasn't hateable for me, annoying and stupid sure, but he has nothing on the utter vileness of the Slaughterhouse Nine. The fate of Mouse Defender is something that genuinely made my stomach turn, and I've seen a lot of vile shit in my life online and IRL.


Trickster was a charismatic antagonist, far more so than Jack Slash.


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What it says on the tin - I've seen a couple threads about preparing for a Guerrilla war or whatever, but not much about defending yourself and others at a demonstration or during a riot, which is obviously a much more common situation to find yourself in. I specifically had defending from riot police in mind, but anything would be interesting/useful.
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This one is apropos
Mods spoiler plox


The picture was of one of those plastic cock and ball torture condom or whatever the perverts call it things I think

I don't actually know what they look like, but that looked like it.


Rioting from kenya live, watch and learn

The Kenyans do it better than you do.


thanks anon


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I think the only technology with any real-world practicality that’s also popular in science fiction is power armour; more specifically, the exodus they are built on top of. The necessity of those suits in warfare would likely be for transporting riflemen around hard-to-navigate terrain. Even then, it’s likely that such a technology would be used sparingly for small patrol missions than in actual combat. Why am I bringing up exo suits in a thread with such a specific quote? Because it’s often overlooked by writers how unbelievably broken some of their in game weapons are.
If Xeelee Sequence, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, EVE Online and Gothic Fleet Armada got anything correct about sci fi, it’s that the best tactic in any war of attrition is to spam your opponent with only the most broken weapons available to you in your kit. There’s absolutely no reason to use any other technology, if any faction can just blast someone else with endless space lasers, auto cannons, and large bombs until they inevitably win a battle. Especially if the technologies available are cheap to make and mass produce. If this wasn’t true, NATO wouldn’t still be relying on shitty and possibly rusty m4 carbines, Leopard 1s, and Apache-64s to fight in every fucking battle they’ll ever participate in regardless of context. Similarly, there wouldn’t be so many countries using Ak-74us, and armoured single-machine-gunned trucks to supply their armies.
In fiction this brainless approach to mechanized combat is even more apparent in the galactic empire’s (the Star Wars one to prevent confusion) over usage of the death star and their star destroyers whenever they start losing basically any fight, the interim coalition’s tendency to favour its space navy during its alien-genocide campaigns, or the Necron’s haha funny star- and planet- destroying super weapons. Literally the only time a cool sci fi faction decides to use a technology that isn’t brain dead simple and cheap is if that faction is complete shit. Examples of this relationship between technologies usage and a faction is apparent in the Terran federation, the UNSC, the Imperium of man, Gundam’s Earth federation, Supreme Commander’s Earth federation, every house in Dune, and more—no I don’t care that all of those factions consist exclusively of humans.
Looking back at all of this, any sci fi fan has to wonder. Are all fictional—and by extent real—wars doomed to always fall into being series of brief battles detPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Power armor is goofy. In a real world military you don't want to invest that much expensive tech into an individual soldier. For a whole tank crew (and accompanying footsoldiers) it's conditionally worth it (but usually not these days). With higher tech weapons and armor, the trend has been towards being more long range and remote. Elite soldiers wearing bulky power armor is pretty fundamentally at odds with how modern militaries work; it's basically just trying to modernize the (mythical) knight in shining armor.


>I think the only technology with any real-world practicality that’s also popular in science fiction is power armour
The thing with power armour is that if you have the technology for it, you might as well just build a robot or proper cyborg instead since you're removing the weak point.

I'm not really sure about the point you're trying to make with the rest of the post. Like yes having better weapons and more weapons would help you a lot to win a war. You'd only use useful weapons as well. But in real life (and lots of fiction like Gundam, Star Wars etc. because they need to sell models) there are tons of variations of every single weapon. Real life militaries have a trillion versions of everything each specialised for a single task. Think about how many different kinds of missiles there are for similar purposes. It's only due to budget limitations in sci-fi TV shows that they all use the same spaceship and weapons.


Yeah, the modification potential of superior technologies make them the most likely weapons to become overused in science fiction and in real life. That aspect of any good technology doesn’t suddenly make other technologies stand out. Instead, that aspect does the opposite. What I want to find is a sci fi game or franchise that can utilize all kinds of combat technology in a practical matter. Currently, it’s reasonable to question if such an IP even can exist.


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I'm pretty new to victoria 3, and I'm looking for some advice. What are some fun countries to play as while still being a beginner? Also, what are the best mods I should get?
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While doing the 5 year plan, you will need to acquire the goals that the player chose. During it, the player will receive some strong bonuses to complete the plan. If he accomplish the objectives, he will receive positive modifiers. If He doesn't, the population will be disappointed, you will lose some prestige and probably will need to chose a scapegoat to mitigate the situation.

Overall, very interesting mechanic. Not just a buff, but an important mission to the game.


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>There's nothing more satisfying in CK3 than taking a vassal that doesn't know their place and putting them in a dungeon.
One of my minor minor vassals just assassinated my king out of the blue. I arrested him, dungeoned him, torturued him, revoked his titles, then castrated him. I made it my mission to snuff his house out.


Some of the most fun I have is slowly taking the heirs before the vassal so they end up falling into the same type of civil war they got me into.


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idk if it is true or not that the performance got much better i have all DLCs and playing in 1.7.0. Pirate game, so that might be the reason. My PC is okeIsh in improvement. Playing with some mods, that might explain how slow this thing is.

third economy in the world, India and China have so many manpower that is getting hard to compete with them, but oh well, i have almost abolished unemployment so that is nice.

The soviet union was finally created, all thanks to the best socialist group, the social-democrats.

My population is prospering, all we need is more wine and oil and everything will be fine. But i think i will stop at this point, i have played enough


Laws that i did not pass, but should have done.

1)Communal self governance for bureaucracy
2)Multiculturalism for citzenship
3)One of the three options of the distribution of power.
4)collectivized agriculture



This place needs an AI chatbot thead, so this is it now.

To start things off, I've made a card for Alunya: https://chub.ai/characters/xalkoi/Alunya
Fuck Fork and modify it to oblivion

Don't want to give money to capitalist but want to try it out? First download SillyTavern: https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern

Then create an account on Poe.com and follow the guide on SillyTavern to get the API key (just copy the value of the cookie)

Now download the png of the bot and import it on sillytavern, have fun.

And if you don't mind being unable to lewd the bots, you also have https://beta.character.ai/
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It forces you to use their unintuitive AI image generation tool exclusively for the pictures. There's literally no tutorial for how the tagging system works, so I couldn't get her to look anywhere close to accurate when making the profile pic for the bot based on the one I made earlier.

The bot is here; I'll probably make it private or just delete it if it becomes too cringe to have it up in public:



I'm not the only one who finds the AGI cultism intolerable am I? Really hate these guys.


The people who think LLMs are a path to AGI are retarded. It's just the latest thing a certain set of bourgeois mouthbreathers have attached to. The AI alignment people were the "new atheists" a decade ago. I don't know how they will cope when AI doesn't bring us heaven on earth (for tech bro evangelists only of course).


gotta agree, the idea we will make something smarter than us by feeding it our own shit including pretty stupid one is retarded. Its an excellent bullshit generator though.


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We anons humbly request Alunya artwork from drawfriends
As Alunya art would be for all leftyanons' sake & .org
Especially from new drawfriends|
This time a 2nd time.
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Spotted at >>>/leftypol/1889522


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What did he mean by this


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Alunya + poljak OC
crossposting from >>4566


Where can I get 20 liters of that


 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Rap is extremely politically incorrect, liberally uses the gamer word, glorifies guns, thug, culture, and misogyny. It's everything /pol/ loves. Is it just because they hate blacks more?
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You have zero way of knowing that.


I dont think they actually hate rap. They probably dont care for it musically but in reality raps a /polacks best friend. Rap shows black americans at our absolute worse more often than not. I'm pretty sure they love it


NTA but there are hundreds of rappers that were fairly popular in the 90s that nobody remembers anymore, hell people are already forgetting about people like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and other YA pop-stars from a decade ago who aren't that active anymore.


Nas and Kendrick are highly acclaimed though.


>Nas and Kendrick are highly acclaimed though.
According to pop media. Hell I haven't even given those two a passing thought in years until you brought up their names. I know both youths and adults who've never even heard of them and don't care to know about them. It's all hype.


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Every single game you are just killing Soviets or other evil Russians. The Soviet Union is pure evil in the games. I fail to see how this overrated dogshit series is “based”. The only game that’s actually based is Peace Walker since you are killing CIA agents instead of Russians like in literally every other game. Or in MGS4 when you get to kill Blackwater mercenaries but even in that game the US military are portrayed in a positive light. Hideo like most Japanese are massive cucks and suck USA dick. Most of the villains are actually based. Skull Face talks about how evil America is and how he wants to overthrow the Amerikkkan world order. Solidus is also based but these are supposed to be the “bad guys” for some reason.




Also forgot to add all the “villains” are basically just anyone who wants to overthrow the US world order. Just like some shitty CoD game. So based.


Well this is about politics not just gaming.


I find your post funny but you're overestimating the media literacy of /leftypol/, if you post it in /games/ it won't be interpreted as bait.


cold take presented as hot take type thread


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It is no exaggeration to say the reason we are heading towards catastrophe and possible extinction is due to losing the propaganda war.

Its not that the system is so oppressive that people cant rebel. Police violence. Threat of homelessness and hunger. Rent. Fear. People can overcome all of this and more. History has shown this. Information is where the true battle takes place.

The reason the revolution does not happen is because the masses are severely brainwashed. Most people believe Capitalism is natural and unavoidable. That humans are inherently evil. And thus a better society is impossible.
Schools and media have perfectly done their job.

Deprograming takes too much individual, conscious effort and time to pretend to reeducate the masses. I can not see the way out of this bros
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>The years will pass, and we'll get to work producing more babies than ever before
It's so cool how literally every world leader views their populace as nothing more than cattle


>Was it "too late" when the savagery of WW1 was killing people in the millions?
Yes, unironically. WW1 broke the back of international solidarity and ushered in fascism, and genocided the mobilized working classes, causing leftism to be unprepared to capitalize on the great crisis in capitalism (the depression). we would be travelling to alpha centauri today if WW1 didn't happen with leftist collaboration. all we got was some shitty rump states that later collapsed.


WW1 revealed to all that none of these people making promises were what they purported to be, and the people were left with no one. That was the purpose of all of this - to destroy any concept of democracy, what little existed, because they hated the people and wanted to subsume them in some cockamamie system or another. It was inmposed by force, by insinuation, and by the vices of the human race, which really were the human spirit. The aspiration for it to be different was always a faint one, made possible because people would for the first time really have any way to speak of the rest of the world. For most of history, people don't move that far from where they are born, and don't have much to do with anyone outside of that world. States are weak and have little interest in the working class, and this was assumed when they were shoved into cities and made to starve by this callosu and Satanic order.


What was carried out privately and at a local arena became the civic cult of modernity, which was made completely alien by insinuation to serve aristocracy - to restore serfdom and the filthiest impulses of Germanic culture and the vices of the human race generally.

Germany wasn't defeated enough, basically. But, it will be defeated utterly, its way of life eliminated and kept in a museum of degenerate art where it belongs. That would then start the process of allowing this society to heal, if its excesses can be described as what they were, and no more excuses regarding this are tolerated. When you go down that rabbit hole, history makes a lot more sense. These stupid people have this completely undeserved reputation and insist that this time their plans will totally work and can't lose. It's the same song and dance since the cope of 1914.

That won't solve our problems, of course. I doubt humans have it in them to want this situation to be different in the public. Too many of them allowed this to go on in ways that were wholly unnecessary and not prompted by anyone, except an impulse of aristocracy that humasn learned by the example - the only example we are allowed to see of what humans can be.


Anywhere there is a hint of sentiment other than the thrill of torture, it is mocked, made unseemly, and declared heretical against the spirit of the human race. The human spirit is a monstrosity and history has judged.


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By Blood alone waiting room edition.


I didn't realise they also reworked the Far-Eastern Collapse.
If Kerensky fucks up the Manchu's still take over the West, Republicans run off to Transamur and Vladivostok and then either become one of two different flavours of authdem, Ukrops spawn in the north, but can either be SocDem or Banderites who are now properly set to reactionary.
Harbin proper gets to keep some of the south now, Its either led by Gastev who calms down his autism a bit and becomes PopSoc

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rate my epic encirclement

cant wait


Very nice very nice, do you not even have USSR on your side?


I did non historical, trotsky did a civil war, and then got crushed by germany + japan. Germany had a civil war very early, hitler got fucked, and then german empire allied with poland and finland.
on the plus side, france went communist, then swiss and italy joined its faction before they joined mine (so we're all together in the war). UK didnt get involved at all into anything, and US declared against all communists and supplied our enemies.
I will likely finish off at least germany and poland, dunno if have the faith to go fuck japan and US this game.


Name a more OP leader for USSR. Ill wait.


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Monaco wants 1000 modernized T-90's from nazbol russia. I love RP games.


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How does capitalism, and its most retrograde right wing layers, even keep the idea about race in the public discourse to begin with? I don't think "race" is even really an apolitical and scientific concept to begin with, but if we take science as mediated through the superstructure, then something like race may be naturalised and justified through "genetics" and ancestry/genealogy databases.
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Racism is an extension of nationalism. Think of it as a biological nationalism. It's about trying to find a common biological descent that the majority of the population of a nation have (or at least come up with one), and using that to determine who's an outsider. People ultimately believe in it, because it can raise their social standing and get them favors from the "biological majority" bourgeoisie and also because it just ends up becoming a powerful ideology.
Did he actually think there was a master race on Mars and Venus?


>Racism is an extension of nationalism. Think of it as a biological nationalism.
There is no point in conceiving of it in that manner. You are explaining one construct with another construct when their actual origins and development are distinct.

>It's about trying to find a common biological descent that the majority of the population of a nation have

You operate under the naive assumption that races were laid out based on genuine scientific inquiry. Race came about to justify the exploitation of colonized people and the categorization of these races were merely due to historic and economic happenstance. If races had been set based on common biological descent then people would have concluded there is only the human race, unless you were an American race scientist who believed in Polygenism. Europeans believed in Monogenism and still distinguished by more than on race.

>People ultimately believe in it, because it can raise their social standing and get them favors from the "biological majority" bourgeoisie

You virtually don't benefit at all from being a part of a category that everyone else is a part of. People in Western Europe believed in the existence of the white race and all of them were a part of it. They don't gain anything from being a part of a group everyone in their society is a part of and they also didn't gain favors from the "biological majority bourgeoisie" (?) from that. The point of these constructs was to justify what they did to people in the colonies.

>and also because it just ends up becoming a powerful ideology.

People have no way of knowing that beforehand and that's just a claim made in hindsight.


Race is the kind of thing where the more you promote it at an institutional level, the more it can reinforce itself. Like with science, if you do studies where you sort people into race categories, any differences you find are going to be put in terms of those race categories (as opposed to things like income level or something). The more you do that, the more ingrained that category becomes in the institution. Another big factor is just lack of social mobility. People generally are in the same stratum as their parents, and if you have generational poverty and a group that's intentionally ghettoized with zoning and home loan policies, then it's going to contribute to a difference in material circumstances that's reflected in culture and socioeconomic status that can be lazily interpreted as race differences.


I'm not saying it's done in good faith. It's obviously a vulgar form of "science" that comes out of the construct of nationalism. Not all nationalists are racists, either, of course. But racist nationalists can become more popular at certain times. Long-term institutional ingraining of these ideas is definitely a factor as well.


Like the church need the devil to reconcily the existence of evil with the idea of an omnipotent and ontologically good deity, capitalism need an essentialist classification of people to justify the misery and brutal exploitation of some.



Post less computery hardware you think is neat or have question about.
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I like the idea of just being able to slap more hands / devices onto a clock as needed. Fill a whole wall with time related information of varying usefulness.


this is tech. self powered, elegant, zero maintenance. post more please.


Snatch blocks, they're a pulley you can put on a rope, rather than having to thread it through. So like how zipline hooks work.


Calligraphy pen splitting open to draw a wide line using the arcing film of ink.


🎨: scribblewise


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Linux thread including trends, technical knowledge (i.e. sysadmin/automation) and more
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BeOS was a nice modern take on a PC operating system yet HaikuOS development is so slow.


>53 years of ugly hacks in a trenchcoat kept around, supposedly for legacy/compatibility
<backwards compatibility of any meaningful program is substantially worse than Windows
>fetishise doing everything of value in the shell as cope for incompetence at GUI design
<the shell is ugly, unintuitive, inconsistent shit by the standards of CLIs, with dumb command names, inconsistent syntax, and patchy documentation saved only by the fact you can now just use google.


I agree with the overall sentiment, but xahlee is a notorious comp.lang.lisp troll and praises powershell's of all things. For a good shell syntax, look no further than plan9 rc or s6 execline. There are also alternative command sets and many replacements for single programs, like the ones the rust people keep write for no reason at all. I don't think most shell commands are necessarily bad though and find is tolerable even. The unix shell command set is relatively small and well-known, so i don't think naming should be an important consideration. As opposed to the different brackets in bash, the meaning of most commands can be clarified in the sentence on top of the manpage (cut selects parts of a line, paste collates files with a field-separator per-line).


you can replace bash
zsh and fish were linked above
python is a good scripting language as well
and if you can criticize gui design, why not make your own apps with gtk or qt?




Last weekend I got totally socially destroyed by people in my orgs with a whole load of lies, emotional appeals, etc. They had secret meetings to talk to a lot of key people to convince them of these lies in advance. They then sprung all of this on a national meeting, throwing me under the bus among borderline rape allegations against friends of mine who arent even members and they never interacted with to any capacity, all in an effort to put their candidate in a light on a platform of "fighting sexism" and take down the opposing candidate in the process.
The party I spend 3+ years of my life in a near full time manner building up, of which i build up the entire chapter from zero to dozens of members, including the people who fucked me over, all of it is taken away from me.
The people in the org were easily swayed by a very obvious plot. Nobody opposed a showtrial without any evidence in which people were attacked by name, despite them not having mentioned any of these issues before to the confidants or the board. People, including those who said they would have my back, didnt dare to intervene.
A moscow trial was conducted in an org of only a little over a hundred people.

If communists are unable to defend and see such snakes and opportunists even at this level, and are so easily swayed, and if even this small a scale is enough to invite full on throwing comrades under the bus for your own gain, then all is lost. The opportunist powerplays that happened in the soviet union are inevitable. Democracy and workers power is an impossibility. The left can never win because it is unable to even have a functioning democracy beyond 150 people without falling to unopposed opportunism.

I am done with politics, i'm going back to my life with people I actually can trust, and im just gonna grill. The Marxist ideal is an illusion, even the smallest level politics gets easily corrupted by opportunists.
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Want to give a little background on your party? What were you doing what were you tryinh to accomplish?


non party structures oriented towards a specific goal where success and failure can be objectively judged. generally i would say such structures should be of the dual-power, class consciousness building type (unions of various sorts, for example), but frankly even charity is preferable to the party form. (so long as one doesn't wind up NGOpilled. i suggest charity purely because direct-action charity ought to serve as an education in logistics.)

a lemonade stand which sells no lemonade goes bankrupt. a trade union which utterly fails in every struggle or sells out its membership at every turn loses members to more useful unions. a tenants union that leads its members up the garden path invariably disbands. a soup kitchen that never has any food isn't going to bring anybody in. but a party which does not take power, does not contribute anything of value to struggles, does not effectively educate members, does not do anything to improve (and often does much to weaken) how positively the public sees the left, which does not, in short, achieve anything except its own existence, inevitable infighting with other orgs, and almost inevitably some manner of cult like behavior and/or sex scandal goes goes: "ah, but look at our program! we have the right line!"
it's a farcical situation, and the primary reason parties are not to be trusted: they can always ask to be judged by their "successes" (usually a collection of press releases, mere empty rhetoric from the irrelevant) and not by their failures (every other aspect of their existence), and because they do not do anything there are no practical risks to fucking everything up: mount a coup in the soup kitchen and piss off the guy who brings the soup in? great, idiot, you've destroyed the organization. mount a coup in the party which alienates 75% of the party membership, including the guy who handles the oh-so-precious newspaper and who handles the wordpress? "well, as comrade stalin said: better fewer, but better", the iron law of institutions holds: you're ruling in hell rather than serving in heaven. you get to determine that all important line.


>get fucked over by marxoid deception and lies (typical)
>wtf how could this happen, workers control is over!!!
yeah you deserved it kek
>The Marxist ideal is an illusion
no shit, centroidism isn't the only alternative tho. God damn is the average socialist really this brainwashed by the Marxist hegemony that they cannot fathom an alternative to Marxoidism or the Leninoid party system and its inevitable degeneration?


Try the /cybercom/ thread. They have a side interest in rule by sortition.


plz dont invite worthless drooling morons into good threads, thank you very much


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>Hey guys do you think the AAA games industry are too sexist to female protagonists because they constantly get the ever living shit kicked out of them? Here are examples of games I hate where there's danger and death everywhere so you'll obviously get the ever living shit kicked out of you.

The absolute state of this guy.
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Well see the canon outcome of those games is when the protagonist dodged getting the shit beat out of them, because in order to get to the ending you gotta not die.


>2024 and he's still making "lefty-"poltards screech
Still the best game critic on the scene and it's not even close.


Zoomer brain cant comprehend the cynical rant critic.


Literally who?
What's their position on the recent corruption in gaming journalism involving the rather brilliant Sun Wukong game?

What was it Julian Assange said about corruption in journalism on that x hashtag?


>exceptions that prove the rule


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Works on my reader (Flym)


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Post general thoughts, comments and marxist or any analysis on the show.

Ep 1 and 2 is out, Ep 3 comes out today.

Never seen GoT and enjoying the show so far, decent political intrigue so far.
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good episode but the uncensored cock sucking was distracting. made me think of the 80s movie caligula which was as much a hardcore porn as it was a swords and sandals epic


It's funny they went out of their way to make sure Alicent knows she fucked up. The show is really going hard for team black and putting all the bad stuff on Daemon.

The prop department was probably a little too proud of the fake dick (and lingering on it made it more noticeable).


I thought it was pretty fake looking. But it was impressive that they filmed it so "directly", it's not something you usually expect. Also get over yourself, we've been seeing tits and pussy in film and tv for a long time now, it's about time cocks became a norm.


> Also get over yourself, we've been seeing tits and pussy in film and tv for a long time now, it's about time cocks became a norm.
I also find that distracting to be fair. I'm equal opportunity with it.


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GoT had plenty of cocks but as pointed out by South Park they were never erect, let alone showing penetration. There are actual censorship laws in some places that classify an actual erect penis as pornography, which is a big reason why they don't do it. HBO has been showing hog in their programs for a while (often gratuitously), but they don't really get this explicit. AFAIK it's a first for the network (certainly for the franchise) to show something like that. If it was just a background thing I doubt most people would have noticed, but they put it front and center because that's how HBO does it.

Probably the most ridiculous example was from their limited series The Night Of where they had a scene of investigators discussing the plot next to a cadaver and they did multiple insert shots of a photo right next to the cadaver's penis (picrel).



Nihilism will have to manifest itself as a psychological condition, first when we have sought in all that has happened a purpose which is not there: so that the seeker will ultimately lose courage. Nihilism is therefore the coming into consciousness of the long waste of strength, the pain of "futility," uncertainty, the lack of an opportunity to recover in some way, or to attain to a state of peace concerning anything—shame in one's own presence, as if one had cheated oneself too long…. The purpose above-mentioned might have been achieved: in the form of a "realisation" of a most high canon of morality in all worldly phenomena, the moral order of the universe; or in the form of the increase of love and harmony in the traffic of humanity; or in the nearer approach to a general condition of happiness; or even in the march towards general nonentity—any sort of goal always constitutes a purpose. The common factor to all these appearances is that something will be attained, through the process itself: and now we perceive that Becoming has been aiming at nothing, and has achieved nothing. Hence the disillusionment in regard to a so-called purpose in existence, as a cause of Nihilism; whether this [Pg 13]be in respect of a very definite purpose, or generalised into the recognition that all the hypotheses are false which have hitherto been offered as to the object of life, and which relate to the whole of "Evolution" (man no longer an assistant in, let alone the culmination of, the evolutionary process).

Nihilism will manifest itself as a psychological condition, in the second place, when man has fixed a totality, a systematisation, even an organisation in and behind all phenomena, so that the soul thirsting for respect and admiration will wallow in the general idea of a highest ruling and administrative power (if it be the soul of a logician, the sequence of consequences and perfect reasoning will suffice to conciliate everything). A kind of unity, some form of "monism":' and as a result of this belief man becomes obsessed by a feeling of profound relativity and dependence in the presence of an All which is infinitely superior to him, a sort of divinity. "The general good exacts the surrender of the individual …" but lo, there is no such general good! At bottom, man loses the belief in his own worth when no infinitely precious entity manifests itself through him—that is to say, he conceived such an All, in order to be able to believe in hisPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Black rock shooter!


I know nothing about this guy, but this video is very based and /dead/pilled:



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Energy to achieve… what?


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

With this one, you can make actual songs.
Hearing right now to the international as an anime opening.

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it's already created viral memes lol


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I made an anti-war and anti-capitalist rap song in Finnish because we're sorely lacking those over here.


[Intro, Spoken]
Masa Mainio tässä vain, ja mulla on tänään vähän sanottavaa koskien suomen valtion asehankintoja. Jees, let's go.

[Verse 1]
Valtion kirstu tyhjä, meille aina hoetaan,
Kun hoivaa tarvittaisiin, rahat puuttuu taas.
Mut yllättäen löytyy budjetista fyrkkaa, hävittäjiin, tankkeihin, ja ohjuksiin.
Mihin katosi kaikki ne lupaukset, hyvinvointivaltion hankkeisiin?

Rahaa aina löytyy aseisiin, muttei koskaan meille,
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Made a song about Grace beating Alunya in a duel + love songs


^to make your own songs using prompts.
(I advise not using key words mainly, but a synopsis or prompt like "Alunya beats Grace in a duel") with an addition of key words & descriptions like "Grace has emerald eyes").
(you get 5 songs per day)
To get a genre, write it in front of the prompt like gangsta rap or diss rap or diss track or rap battle or rap song or ballad or medieval ballad or musical or punk or blues or happy pop song or bluegrass – (there are more I think).


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To download your song, click the 3 dots & click video. Sometimes you have to wait or refresh the page to get the video download ready.


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Post music to cry to.
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If you're into metal, basically everything Insomnium makes. If you're not, their stuff isn't really that heavy and is really accessible to listen to. I reccomend Across the Dark. Also The Great Cold Distance by Katatonia is pretty sad as well and is more like alternative rock.





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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

so i finished watching the entire series and something made me feel uneasy. starting with episode 6 and going into episode 7 the show takes a very political turn. a turn against capitalism and an actual, intended or not, positive portray of communism. almost directly actually. at least, it takes the blame completely away from communism, portray some of the communist in the show as actually good people fighting against the evils of capitalism. at least those to be heavily hinted at as being communist. which made me very delighted but then it dawned to me, this is a amazon prime production based off a video game from bethesda who is now owned by microsoft. three massive, very capitalist, corporations that have shown time again to be very for profit.

but even if we remove the debate whether or not communist being portrayed as good did happen in the show, the show itself was extremely critical of capitalism and that makes me wonder why these billion dollar corporations that are the epitome of why capitalism is bad, be telling its viewers, the very nature of amazon, bethesda, and microsft, everything they stand for, the people who made the show and games, are bad? why would they want their consumers to hate the very thing that allows these elites, these companies, to exist in the first place?

is it some sort of chess move i don't understand? have we reached a state where capitalism could very well nuke the planet and people won't care so these companies don't care if criticism about them is made? or more wishful thinking, they think this will spare them from the revolution? i don't understand their move here. i don't expect capitalist companies to allow people to hate them.
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>That belongs more in the Chernobyl thread TBH >>9068
But it's about fallout lore and the fact that becoming a ghoul has some real world basis in biology and if it was real would probably affect or be affected by skin color which might have some complicated implications.
>Also did you take that from >>>/edu/21949 ?
I thought of separately from that.


In the future humanity will be glowuyghurs or will not be.


that would be cool
gives me eraserhead type vibes
you could also play up the racism to show how irrational the pre-war society and culture was
but its a sanitized amazon show, i doubt they would try to make people feel weird watching something like that


holy ADHD zoomer


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>Repressive desublimation is a term, first coined by Frankfurt School philosopher and sociologist Herbert Marcuse in his 1964 work One-Dimensional Man, that refers to the way in which, in advanced industrial society, "the progress of technological rationality is liquidating the oppositional and transcending elements in the "higher culture." In other words, where art was previously a way to represent "that which is" from "that which is not," capitalist society causes the "flattening out" of art into a commodity incorporated into society itself

fancy egghead talk for "they took our politics and turned it into a shiny toy they can sell us"


 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post in this thread every time you come to this board. Post music you like here, whatever it may be.
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This girl is amazing



 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
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Good film!

Why do all the animals have big asses?


Scavenger's Reign was great. It's exactly the sort of exploration of a harsh and dangerous alien world which I love, and which is severely underrepresented in visual mediums. Books like this are really common in the sci-fi genre but when it comes to TV or film that fit this kind of genre, all I can really think of is Made in Abyss and this. I think it is something that can only really be done in comics and cartoons, since with live action you'd have to rely so much on CGI and you wouldn't be able to do it stylistically so it'd end up a mess. Live action alien exploration stories always downplay the aliens.

I liked it a lot. Overall its a really good film. I didn't really like the character designs but the rest of the art was great, especially for a Western Animated film of which I am not really into the cinematographic tropes of. A lot of thought was put into the detail. Action scenes were kinnetic and exciting, even though as I said I don't really like the tropes of Western fight scenes. It kind of had a wierd ending which didn't sit well with me though, its kind of like a reverse GitS. But, I don't understand why in all robot films where their minds are directly copied from humans, they are still discriminated. Surely if you are going to have a robot backup activated once you die you'd want them to have the same rights you did. Every single person would have the motivation to give robots equal rights because they are all going to die and become robots anyway one day. I will say the story is not exactly the most original ever, but its good enough.

I legitimately hate Invincible. It's such rubbish. There's no consistent world building, and no themes other than exciting alien superhero vs CIA and good guys!!! I hate superheroes. I also hate smiling friends and South Park so much. How can anyone enjoy that rubbish. I feel sick just trying to watch either of them.


>Both, some anime like one piece is extremely mainstream and some other anime like “my little sister can’t be this cute” or whatever it’s called appeals to another kind of audience.
Almost like blanket statements about a whole medium are fucking retarded.


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It pains me that Regular Show was cut short. Pains me even more when I remember what happened to JG's second show. It's extremely disheartening that the crew never shared all that openly announced cut content. At least with Regular Show you had to poke around to know they had more plans for Season 8 but it got cut. Quintel came out and talked about Close Enough's episodes getting cut down with half of almost each one in S1 gone. Plus if you pay attention you can see bizarre inconsistencies in those episodes that imply the cut content had been fully animated and removed at the last second without the chance to revise scenes.

After Close Enough I just gave up on new shows entirely. I'm tired of trying. It's hard enough as it is to find something to enjoy, Close Enough was even a little disappointing since it obviously leaned more into Californian writing, but I still stuck with it because I did ultimately enjoy the characters and I wasn't going to drop a JG show. But even when I do find something to enjoy there's always something that fucks it up for me, usually in production.


They can't, already sold it to some other distributor, so unless they somehow try and get out of that contract , they don't have a say
also sad that WB, the studio that created and is the homes of the looney tunes, sold off a classic 2d LT film because they have no faith


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No thread for the European Cup yet? First match tomorrow, Germany vs Scotland. Already met a bunch of drunk Scots on the train.
>hurr durr professional sports is capitalism
>hurr durr this is like the olympics 1936
>hurr durr cheering for national teams of capitalist states is fascism
>hurr durr it's called soccer
Let people have fun for once, this is called /hobby/. Political discussions are okay, shitting on some countries is okay, shitting on retards on and off the field is okay, but please none of the dumb stuff above.

Who do you think is gonna win? My bet is on Spain, but that's just a gut feeling. I hope none of the most boring teams amongst the faves, France and Portugal, wins. England has a decent shot this time with Bellingham. Austria could be the underdog that surprises.
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What do these bums even do?


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They actually did it


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Thoughts on sports betting? been making some profit this euro's


it's risky and very addicting but if you're doing well, more power to you.


Be careful kid… The house always wins!…


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Thread for talking about webcomics. Share your favs, discuss latest updates.

I recently discovered "basket of guts"
A story about a lich that comes out of his crypt for world domination and find the world evolved and then quickly end on the run from a "modern" state security services.
Really liking it so far. Good mix of genres, starting from a standard fantasy world and instead of freezing it in time add societal and technomagical development. Also I find it pretty funny. Not everything translated yet sadly.

its on leftypol that I discovered Out Of Placers (apparently created by a furry artist, which explain the horniness)
Pretty interesting world building.

Finished since quite a while but at the time followed schlock mercenary. Goofy SF about a mercenary company.

On a more smutty side, I like alfie by incase.

For the non storyline webcomics, existential comics, oglaf and SMBC are my favs.



damn, started reading, that kid is really an insufferable, entitled little cunt. Well played to the author, now I have to keep reading in the hope of seeing the brat get some retribution.


I guess it doesn't bother me as much since I like brats.

Seriously though it gets better as it goes on IMO.


Been meaning to get back into https://www.sabrina-online.com/archive.html lately.

Also https://halo-head.com/ is fun, very colorful and solid characters.



post jungle and drum and bass music. Anything from the 90s to today.
27 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



>no good jungle past 1998
yes because after that it got renamed drum and bass


i wish that anon posting the songs would learn to embed


Drum & Bass - Vinyl Reality


Shout-out to stonerchan


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Meme thread for /AK/
Post memes, stories, funny shit and /k/ screencaps.
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>Embedding error.
File Version here

Also just realized the OP I made 3 years ago has 222 GETS… for a MEME thread lol


Also similar vibe.
>Self-defense: Point-blank Shot Dodge + Submission


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>If Military Recruiters Were Honest - Honest Ads (Military Commercial Parody, Army, Marines)


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Stupid shit from a while back


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“The entire orc race was crafted by gods and they have a super huge civilization that has survived multiple battles against magic and massive armies.” “oh by the way there capital has a population of a few thousand.”

“Stormwind is a massive industrial capital with the capabilities of equipping its army’s soldiers with fully ornamented metal armour, magic and even guns.” “Also the entirety of the alliance is in the medieval era of technology somehow for… reasons.”

“There are actual gods and people with access to time travel and teleportation that can casually obliterate Azeroth and all the other dimensions at any time but won’t, because the writers only need to acknowledge this when it’s convenient for any expansions.”
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>I dunno if Blizzard has ever given an in-universe reason why not every race uses things like helicopters and robots
It's because the advanced technology is made entirely by two "mad scientist" races, neither of which have any conception of "user friendliness," "safety standards," "reliability" or "practicality."

In the MMO, there's actually a good example given of why most races are still in the middle ages and haven't fully adopted gnome and goblin technology. The farmers of Westfall decided to buy a bunch of harvester robots to do their farming for them… only for the robots to go haywire and start attacking everything.


I haven't really followed the story since Cataclysm, but my distant impression was them writing the most absurd shit so they can have a fantasy cliche. Like I saw the cutscene that is apparently for when you kill Deathwing and it's the dragon aspects saying they have to give up their powers now to maintain the balance or something.

Then I saw another cutscene where they resurrect a Naaru and the Naaru tells Illidan that he's the prophesied Chosen One and then Illidan says that he doesn't trust statements like that because he got tricked by a demon once, and so the Naaru tries to make him the Chosen One by force and so Illidan kills the Naaru and gets attacked by a paladin and tells the paladin that he's blinded by his faith and runs off. Like, fist off, why would Illidan be the Chosen One of the Holy Light, he's a Night Elf it's not even his religion lmao. And he's been corrupted into a demon at that! A demon Night Elf is the Chosen of the Light? lmao wtf.

And so I did some digging and apparently that Naaru was the Draenei equivalent of Christ Returned and their response to Illidan killing it was… Velen saying that trying to make someone do something against their will is bad. lmao wtf is this writing. How the fuck are the "heroic" characters always on the side of the writers no matter what. Helen is the prophet of the Holy Light and when a fight breaks out between Holy Light Jesus and a demonic Night Elf because Holy Light Jesus was trying to get the demonic heathen to accept the Holy Light, Velen, Prophet of the Holy Light, automatically takes the side of the fucking demon.

And the writing only gets worse from there! This is the shit modern retail WoW shit eaters have nostalgia for!


Christ. No wonder why people are struggling to really get into wow despite the increasing player counts. It’s going to take an unholy amount of papers, quests, and levels to fix every world building plot hole in the game’s current state without resorting to retconning. At least the RuneScape devs know that their writing is fucking lazy, which is why they don’t ever expect the player to take the story or world building seriously.


The increasing player counts are from the Classic servers.

I can't imagine anyone new getting into the modern retail version of the game. At least with Classic and the old "vanilla" world, it was an actual game from the first second you got into the game world (even if tab target combat has always been controversial.) And all you really needed to know about the game's story was the little blurb you were given at the beginning.

Now you get dropped off on a fucking tutorial island (a mistake Vanilla avoided!) and then wade through hours upon hours of braindead easy, pointless, garbage content with no clear direction for the privilege of playing an entirely different game once you hit max level. And it's an endgame you might not even expect if you're expecting something akin to an RPG, because in reality it's sitting in the capital maybe doing some repetitive phone game quests or getting teleported to an instance where you essentially play Dance Dance Revolution with one hand and some Mario Party minigame with the other, and it's expected that you already know your particular Dance Dance Revolution sequence and that you've already studied all the Mario Party minigames like it's fucking homework.


The worst part of this shit show is that this started because of Blizzard’s mid 2010s theories on accessibility in game design. It wasn’t just wow; all their games got affected by these theories. The result was a shit load of convoluted and hard-to-understand systems introduced to wow meant to make the game easier.
Dungeon finders didn’t make finding dungeons with friends easier, but it did make people that already were hardcore raiders even more angry if they got paired with players that sucked. The new quest designs and mini games didn’t make the game offer easier content to new players, but it did make the game’s quests way more confusing, and the progression system even more complicated respectively. I don’t even want to start on their approach to the UI features.
Thankfully, most of these features have either been toned down or flat out removed after shadowlands and dragon flight dropped. However, players today should worry if the studio fully dropped their theories on accessibility, and focused back on making simple but challenging gameplay experiences. Wow was easier when it was that way; same can be said about the story.


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Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


so has anyone tried it?


I did my time way back when. I can't go back again.


why not? Valhalla is fast paced. You'll be level 90 in 2 days, 1 day if you focus



this really is the greatest game i have ever played


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>Muh BLM
Liberals are not our friends
>muh LGBT alphabet soup agency
Idpol is not socialist, it's liberalism see the /leftypol/ Manifesto
>mostly retarded right wing propaganda
Nah, you're just flake

>replying to a post almost exactly a year old only to start whining again
Get thicker skin my brother in christ.



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Mislinked a post, it's >>>/edu/10137


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Printable pig

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