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I don't know anything about political anarchy, what else should I read? I’ve heard of Conquest of Bread before, so I assume it’s a GOAT of anarchism but idk.
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Interesting pamphlet, a bit shame their critiques of ideologism are lowkey anti-Marx.
Regardless of its political merits, every FOSS contributor ought to read it so they can more effectively rebuff liberal infiltration and identity drama. Looking at you, NixOS

My hackspace is obsessed with NixOS. I haven't done my homework. What is your criticism, Anon?

I only just heard of it, seems like a neat and useful idea tbh. But the Coraline takeover of the project's governance has matured. Eelco has abdicated, all but 1 or 2 of the board has quit, forks are being proposed, "canceling" authors and packages out of spite has been mentioned.

Fascinating, thanks Anon. Is all this drama recorded on their forums? Sounds like a good read.

It's divided between the Discourse and reddit. You might be able to start here and trace back https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nca-member-jonringer-joint-announcement/48231



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>actual communism is a story about great men

thats bait

Milei 🤝 Evo
Milei calls Bolivian coup a farce

>Would the Arce faction stoop to faking coups to keep him out and why?
The reformist faction (Arce et al.) attempting to posture as an authentically revolutionary force while consolidating their reformist position?

Milei is doing his redemption arc
So wholesome

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Be honest, can you actually refute Boehm-Bawerk's theoretical refutations of Marxism? I've attached an image of the relevant text from Sesardic's book, Marxian Utopia, which explains more succinctly Bawerk's objection. I for one subscribe to this refutation of the LTV, wondering if anyone can think of good counter-arguments.
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>The irreducibility of the two kinds of labour indicates there must be some other thing, other than labour, which is an equally important determining factor.
Well that depends on how big the gap between prediction and observation using only one factor is, no?

>if pleasure is all that matters for a good life, then surely someone must be content living, say, 1,000,000 as a pig as opposed to 30 years as a human, because the total amount of pleasure accrued by a pig in 1,000,000 years must surely be greater than a human in 30. Mill counters by saying that we can preserve the hedonistic theory by introduce qualitatively different pleasures, i.e, higher and lower pleasures. Pigs can never experience higher pleasures (…) If we are now distinguishing between different kinds of pleasure, it seems we concede that there must be something other than pleasure which must be making the difference.

If we allow for a notion of marginally decreasing utility, where does this lead us? There are series that have no end, and yet we can tell that they don't go beyond a certain value, for example:
1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32…
never goes beyond 2 (nor even reaches it). So it is entirely possible to imagine an organism that lives forever with its happy score increasing every day, without its happy score ever catching up with the happy score reached by some other organism with a finite life span.

"Pleasure" doesn't mean anything. What is being referred to in the non-retarded version of the utility theory perceives "pleasure" as roughly "command", rather than a sentiment of human beings. Based on Jevons' work at the time, this would have been his understanding - that is, that pleasure is what the capitalist wants out of something, whatever it is. This only works at the local level of management, and it will never describe society in general, without imagining the society as a gigantic clockwork of similar such agents without a "public interest" to speak of. Basically, without a state. If you understood the milieu Jevons came from and what Herbert Spencer was writing around the same time, it ties into philosophical anarchism and the project that was afoot in the last third of the 19th century.

There is a lazy mashed-up version of history which conflates anything with anything. A child can see through the "money makes me feel good" argument, by asking themselves simply if any of this made them feel good about themselves, and what they really wanted. If you are to be told what you're supposed to like at a basic level, that precludes any agency, and this of course was intended as part of the long-run project - to abolish this idea of a "free society" that was implied by agency, so that imperial rule and its interests would replace all reasoning. That has happened thoroughly and irrevocably, judging by the retardation that prevails in our time.

The Germans are muddling through things and screaming like retards about shit they don't understand, and building a cope because they don't have colonies and their people demanded too much stuff.

Utility is trivially disproven as a "substance", by supposition of what it would be, or what "pleasure" would be in any context where meaning is retained. The imperial idea destroyed that context deliberately and gloried in doing so. At the heart of utilitarianism is the thrill of torture itself. It's a Satanic ethos. If you want to be ruled by it, it has a predictable outcome and it's not hard to see, but you're never going to struggle to make the evil into the good.

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You the guy who thinks Marx was a Satanist and that big eugenics is after you


Detention of Imran Khan violates international law, UN working group says
The U.N. working group said Khan's legal woes were part of a "much larger campaign of repression" against him and his Pakistan Tehree-e-Insaf (PTI) party. It said that in the lead up to the 2024 elections, members of Khan's party were arrested and tortured and their rallies were disrupted. It also alleged "widespread fraud on election day, stealing dozens of parliamentary seats."

Cambodian court jails ten environmental activists
Cambodian human rights group Licadho said: “It is astounding that Cambodian authorities are convicting youth activities advocating for clean water in Phnom Penh, protecting mangrove forests in Koh Kong and warning against the privatisation of land in protected areas and presenting it as an attack against the state.”

Students block Shahbagh, highway as quota protests intensify
Students of the University of Dhaka and Jahangirnagar university on Tuesday blocked the Shahbagh intersection and Dhaka-Aricha highway as protests demanding cancellation of the High Court order for the restoration of 30 per cent quota for freedom fighters’ children and grandchildren in government jobs intensified. Students of other public universities, including Rajshahi University and Chittagong University also held rallies and human chains to press home the same demand on the day.

Israel to reserve notorious administrative detention for non-Jewish suspects
The Ministerial Committee for Legislation gave a green light on Sunday to amendmentsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier, convicted over 1975 FBI killings, denied parole
Peltier has maintained his innocence since he was arrested in connection with the deaths that occurred at the Pine Ridge Indian reservation in South Dakota. For decades, advocates such as Coretta Scott King, Nelson Mandela, Pope Francis and James H Reynolds, the US attorney who handled the prosecution and appeal of Peltier’s case, have fought for his release.

San Diego County to pay nearly $15M to family of pregnant woman who died in jail 5 years ago
“The dollar amount doesn’t matter,” said Elisa’s mother, Paloma Serna, who plans to continue to advocate for other men and women in sheriff’s custody. “These things do not change the fact that Elisa is never coming back.”

Tempur Sealy's $4 billion purchase of Mattress Firm challenged by FTC
The FTC unanimously voted to go to federal court to stop the country's biggest mattress maker from merging with the largest bedding retailer, saying the combined company would have "the ability and incentive to suppress competition and raise prices for mattresses for millions of consumers."

Florida prosecutors knew Jeffrey Epstein assaulted young girls years before plea deal
Florida prosecutors knew the late millionaire and financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually assaulted teenage girls two years before they cut a plea deal that has long been criticized as too lenient and a missed opportunity to imprison him a decade earlier, according to transcripts released on Monday.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-nePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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The Democrat Banished For Warning Us About Biden
How is it that the Democrats’ main bulwark between America and a Trump regime is an impaired president whose White House reportedly tried to hide his decline? On this episode of Lever Time, we talk to the Democratic operative whose presidential candidate first tried to sound the alarm to avert this disaster — and whose candidate then faced a “quiet throat slitting” by party bosses.We also explore how Democrats are trying to blackmail voters with an impossible choice: Vote for a struggling Biden or get Trump and the potential end of democracy. Democratic strategist Jeff Weaver was senior adviser to U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips — the only elected Democrat who tried to challenge Joe Biden for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination. Weaver also served as campaign manager for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign and senior advisor for Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign. On this episode, Weaver details Phillips’ experience when the Democratic lawmaker tried to ensure voters knew about Biden’s decline. Weaver also explains exactly how the party could select a new nominee if Biden decides to halt his campaign — and how Democratic powerbrokers might try to tilt the process at the Democratic convention.
[Audio] https://share.transistor.fm/s/33dbaf25

Generation Z Is at the Forefront of a Powerful Uprising in Kenya
Youth in Kenya are rising up in the face of extreme repression. Mass protests began spreading rapidly in response to President William Ruto’s attempt to pass a tax bill. The bill would have raised taxes on household essentials including sugar and cooking oil in compliance with austerity measures that the government is trying to implement in order to receive a loan from the predatory International Monetary Fund (IMF). In response, young Kenyans, proudly identifying as “Generation Z,” have organized a mass movement online. For now, this uprising is developing independently of Kenya’s traditional parties and institutions which would benefit from co-opting the movement out of the streets. While Ruto’s tax bill incited the current uprising, the siPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

REDpill me on Kenya. It's covered on my national TV, which suggests to me that it glows.

Thanks News Anon

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It is not hard for one to do a bit of good. What is hard is to do good all one's life and never do anything bad, to act consistently in the interests of the broad masses, the young people and the revolution, and to engage in arduous struggle for decades on end. That is the hardest thing of all!

"Message of Greetings on the 60th Birthday of Comrade Wu Yu-chang" (January 15, 1940).
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There are not a few people who are irresponsible in their work, preferring the light to the heavy, shoving the heavy loads on to others and choosing the easy ones for themselves. At every turn they think of themselves before others. When they make some small contribution, they swell with pride and brag about it for fear that others will not know. They feel no warmth towards comrades and the people but are cold, indifferent and apathetic. In fact such people are not Communists, or at least cannot be counted as true Communists.

"In Memory of Norman Bethune" (December 21, 1939), Selected Works, Vol. II, pp. 337-38. *

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Hard work is like a load placed before us, challenging us to shoulder it. Some loads are light, some heavy. Some people prefer the light to the heavy; they pick the light and shove the heavy on to others. That is not a good attitude. Some comrades are different; they leave ease and comfort to others and take the heavy loads themselves; they are the first to bear hardships the last to enjoy comforts. They are good comrades. We should all learn from their communist spirit.

"On the Chungking Negotiations" (October 17, 1945), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 58. *

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Imperialism will not last long because it always does evil things. It persists in grooming and supporting reactionaries in all countries who are against the people, it has forcibly seized many colonies and semi-colonies and many military bases, and it threatens the peace with atomic war. Thus, forced by imperialism to do so, more than 90 per cent of the people of the world are rising or will rise in struggle against it. Yet, imperialism is still alive, still running amuck in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In the West imperialism is still oppressing the people at home. This situation must change. It is the task of the people of the whole world to put an end to the aggression and oppression perpetrated by imperialism, and chiefly by U.S. imperialism.

Interview with a Hsinhua News Agency correspondent (September 29, 1958).

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If the U.S. monopoly capitalist groups persist in pushing their policies of aggression and war, the day is bound to come when the people of the whole world will hang them. The same fate awaits the accomplices of the United States.

Speech at the Supreme State Conference (September 8, 1958).

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Over a long period, we have developed this concept for the struggle against the enemy: strategically we should despise all our enemies, but tactically we should take them all seriously. This also means that we must despise the enemy with respect to the whole, but that we must take him seriously with respect to each concrete question. If we do not despise the enemy with respect to the whole, we shall be committing the error of opportunism. Marx and Engels were only two individuals, and yet in those early days they already declared that capitalism would be overthrown throughout the world. However, in dealing with concrete problems and particular enemies we shall be committing the error of adventurism unless we take them seriously. In war, battles can only be fought one by one and the enemy forces can only be destroyed one by one. Factories can only be built one by one. The peasants can only plough the land plot by plot. The same is even true of eating a meal. Strategically, we take the eating of a meal lightly - we know we can finish it. Actually, we eat it mouthful by mouthful. It is impossible to swallow an entire banquet in one gulp. This is known as a piecemeal solution. In military parlance, it is called wiping out the enemy forces one by one.

Speech at the Moscow Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties (November 18, 1957).

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who should i vote?

>Partido Nacional

<christian democratic party

>Partido Colorado

<liberal party

>Frente Amplio

<left party but still a liberal party

>Cabildo Abierto


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Frente Amplio, obviously.

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Partido Nacional did the same that Frente Amplio only with tax cuts. Nothing has changed.

Just vote FA and call it a day.

Just looking at the Wikipedia website you can find these political parties in Uruguay:

Chamber of Deputies

Broad Front (42) (Uruguay Assembly, Socialist Party, Communist Party, Current 78, New Space, Vertiente Artiguista, Movement of Popular Participation, Christian Democratic Party, Party of the Communes, Broad Front Confluence, Progressive Alliance, People's Victory Party)

National Party (30) (National Alliance,Herrerism), Colorado Party (13) (Vamos Uruguay, ProBa), Open Cabildo (11), Independent Party (1), Partido de la Gente (1), Ecologist Radical Intransigent Party (1)


Broad Front (13), National Party (10), Colorado Party (4), Open Cabildo (3)

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How strong is the far-left in France? Is being a communist socially acceptable there?
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france anons, what are the chances the affluent liberals will give into the popular front as a sort of strategical vote to deprive the RN?

Clearly not enough to win a majority for NFP

NFP won
Trots mad

You almost made a point and ruined it. The Jacobins remain an inspiration to all socialist movements.

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It is no exaggeration to say the reason we are heading towards catastrophe and possible extinction is due to losing the propaganda war.

Its not that the system is so oppressive that people cant rebel. Police violence. Threat of homelessness and hunger. Rent. Fear. People can overcome all of this and more. History has shown this. Information is where the true battle takes place.

The reason the revolution does not happen is because the masses are severely brainwashed. Most people believe Capitalism is natural and unavoidable. That humans are inherently evil. And thus a better society is impossible.
Schools and media have perfectly done their job.

Deprograming takes too much individual, conscious effort and time to pretend to reeducate the masses. I can not see the way out of this bros
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This is a quote from a paper Chomsky wrote about Howard Zinn:

""Howard’s remarkable life and work are summarized best in his own words. His primary concern, he explained, was “the countless small actions of unknown people” that lie at the roots of “those great moments” that enter the historical record — a record that will be profoundly misleading, and seriously disempowering, if it is torn from these roots as it passes through the filters of doctrine and dogma.""


Maybe you just want the fix faster than it should happen?

Here's another quote from a Bradbury short story that might be applicable to you:

"“Not only the four horsemen of the Apocalypse rode the horizon to fling themselves on our cities but a
fifth horseman, worse than all the rest, rode with them: Despair, wrapped in dark shrouds of defeat,
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I wouldn’t mind slow but constant social progress. But global warming and the threat of nuclear war change everything. Let’s put nuclear war aside as it is a may or may not happen thing. Global warming on the other hand is happening and worsening. To the point that billions will die, and we may go extinct long term. And even if we survive, somehow, a decent existence may not be possible anymore. We are the endgame. And we must act accordingly.

>The years will pass, and we'll get to work producing more babies than ever before
It's so cool how literally every world leader views their populace as nothing more than cattle

>Was it "too late" when the savagery of WW1 was killing people in the millions?
Yes, unironically. WW1 broke the back of international solidarity and ushered in fascism, and genocided the mobilized working classes, causing leftism to be unprepared to capitalize on the great crisis in capitalism (the depression). we would be travelling to alpha centauri today if WW1 didn't happen with leftist collaboration. all we got was some shitty rump states that later collapsed.

Moved to >>>/dead/5517.


Let's say, for argument's sake, you're elected as a socialist. If you're in a presidential country, you've got the presidency and ~51% of the legislature. If you're in a parliamentary country, you've got ~51% of the legislature and have been elected prime minister. Moreover, your party is loyal: this isn't a Corbyn situation where your victory was a fluke and a disloyal party would immediately dispose you, or an Allende situation where you've got to work with a congress that hates you. You've got control of the legislative and executive branches of government. Financial markets have not immediately panicked at your election (perhaps your platform was vague…), but of course this may change depending on what you do next.

What do you do? What reforms do you set about attempting to implement? Remember that other than the concessions I've set out above, everything else remains as normal. In the USA, for example, you've still got to contend with the supreme court and the constitution. The bourgeoisie are still the dominant class. The bureaucracy and military establishment is made up of the people appointed by previous bourgeois governments. It's possible - perhaps even probable - that it's wise to take a long term, strategic approach to rebuilding working class power while continuing to manage capitalism, rather than trying to quickly legislate socialism into being when the cards are all stacked against you, even if a glacial approach means that people on /leftypol/ call you a radlib socdem. But that's up to you: What do you do, why do you do it, and what reactions do you realistically anticipate?

(Please don't argue the relative merits of reform-vs-revolution "in general" ITT. This premise does not depend on such a route existing: If you think there's no reformist route to socialism, that's great: engage with the question I'm actually asking. You wake up tomorrow, look in the mirror, think "there's no electoral road to socialism", and then turn on the Television to see your own face. You've just won the election: what do you do?)
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400 Days to be Unchained - Pamphlet for Kickstarting Revolution in America

Day 1: The Declaration and Kickstart of the Revolution

- The Declaration is made public, initiating the revolutionary movement. This declaration declares that in 400 days, a new constitutional convention will be head, and at this convention, a new constitution will be drafted.

- The Declaration's proposals include the establishment of a new workers' democracy, "Land Back" initiatives for indigenous communities, radical wealth redistribution and an end to the Military Industrial Complex.

-Additionally, it proposes trials for entities responsible for environmental destruction. This could involve setting up people's tribunals or advocating for international courts to recognize ecocide as a crime against humanity. Essentially, this declaration is the key turning point to begin the revolutionary process. It puts us on a timer, and forces all hands on deck. This means your mutual aid orgs, your various commie parties, your anarchist saboteurs, etc are put in the hot seat, now or never. Ergo, this declaration will need to be discussed in advance with the culture creators, allowing for a day 1 momentum push.

Day 1-30: Spreading the Word

-The Declaration is disseminated through various channels, including social media, public forums, and influencers, to create public awareness and build momentum. This would be an all hands on deck situation. Every major streamer, youtuber, media personality, anyone with a voice who's on the left needs to be lock step in support of this, otherwise the momentum will fail to be gathered.

Day 30-100: Assembling State Organizations and Beginning the Protracted People's War
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> Electoral road to socialism

>the only enemy seriously analyzed in your cool story is anarchists
Porky called and he wants to know why his afternoon blowjob was so late

Takeover the media and do whole bunch of propaganda about how great it will be when you nationalize pharma and tech to get the masses on your side then get the votes to do it and do it. Just start going down the list liquidating fortune 500s in order of market cap. Then when the counter revolution happens you tell the masses that porky is cheating call them into the streets for a general strike and pull the constitutional convention card while condemning corporate violence against citizens and calling for peace and order.

>Capitalists only respond on day 400
Assume they start making moves as soon as your declaration is made public and rewrite this whole thing.


How true is this?

>inb4 /isg/

It's not about e-drama or his internet persona, just the opinion itself.

If workers in the first world ultimately share the same interests with workers in the third world then why do first world workers generally not give a fuck about the third world? Of all the promises bourgois parties lie about to trick people into voting for them ending exploitation in the third world is never one of them and no one in the first world is lamenting the lack of focus on this subject by their governments either. Addressing imperialism and third world exploitation is one of those peripheral subjects few people in the first world seriously care about despite the fact it's the fundament of our global situation. So the more appropriate conclusion is rather that it's either in the interest of first world workers for there to be a continuation of exploitation of the third world and its related imperialism, or first world workers are just apathetic towards it.(>rottenbanana)
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>Having different interests doesn‘t come from one having more wealth but that their better living standards come from the exploitation of the other. I‘m happy to see you prove that workers of the first world and third world have the same interests but so far all of you are just triggered and failed to prove that.
Prove they don't.
Also if they dont why should i fight against capitalism?
You sound like a fed.

>Prove they don't.
The burdon of proof is on the person making a positive statement. Also, I basically made my point against them having shared interests in the very statement you quoted.

>You sound like a fed.

I feel like you people are not good at all at arguing your case and therefore resort to anything but reason and evidence.

If you read the text I posted you will see that Lenin places all workers in the world having the same interests, supports imperialism and class conciliation, exists to weaken the workers' movement by creating complacency and then tricking them into demobilization to withdraw the concepts that were offered.

You can see this phenomenon in unions with compromised leadership acting to sabotage the negotiation of ordinary members if there is no process of democratization and wage equalization to disincentivize class traitors.

The very text I mentioned by Lenin already demonstrates any bribery from imperialism is something optional that benefits only a tiny minority that exists only to weaken the other workers without having solidarity to divide them.

I live in a third world country and I know that developmentalism is an illusion, the entire national and international bourgeoisie is already financialized into the financial market and the money does not go to feed the economy but to the speculation of the biggest capitalists who do not pay taxes anyway.

Every time a worker wins in the class struggle everyone else wins and benefits, work is not something scarce that has to be competed with one another, every time a worker is abused in conditions similar to slavery and there is no fight So yes, wage conditions will become precarious altogether.

Marxism does not value who is more oppressed and who is not as a moral value, the proletariat must acquire supreme power by demonstrating its revolutionary role and because the other working classes must act only on what they have in common with the proletariat to advance in class struggle, even some bourgeois may join the communist movement if he acts as a class traitor.

I will give you a tip because the socialist state solves the problem of unemployment with the right to mandatory public employment, reindustrialization with state companies and cooperatives and then planning everything in the socialization of the economy. Just think about the issue of economic sovereignty, energy, food, technological sovereignty and natural resources.

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*If you read the text I posted you will see that Lenin places all workers in the world having the same interests, support for imperialism and class conciliation exists to weaken the workers' movement by creating complacency and then deceiving them into demobilization to withdraw the concessions that were offered in the past that were acquired in the struggle.

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this is just the thin end of a wedge. it's always deployed to make harebrained arguments about how the western soldiers that export genocide around the world are actually working class.

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