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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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She is not proletarian because she is not a producing member of society, meaning producing something that sustains society. Pronography is a redundant luxury good. Additionally, she doesn't sell her labor power but self-employed people are similar to petit bourgoise. Finally, how much money you make does have an impact on whether or not you have an urge to overturn the current mode of production. Wealthy working class people and poor working class people are not equivalent just because both sell their labour.
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>Thread got saged(ordinance 2)

Imperial Core Mods gon get ya

Bricks that make u'r house
Water that cums out ur pipes
Heat from your pipes
…all sources

None of this matters, dude.

We are being bump-locked.

Enjoy being Jannyied.


Why was this saged though? It doesn't really make sense to me.

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I don't like neither the west's particular universality, where I have to larp as a whitoid, while pretending that whitoid culture is universally "human"
nor the so called multipolar universal particularity, where I have to larp as muh ancestors, whose entire culture was invented wholesale by 18 century bourgeois romanticists

Is there a third option?
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>while pretending that whitoid culture is universally "human"
what aspect of western european culture do you find objectionable anon?

pure idealist tripe, no one cares about 'muh cultural identity' we want fucking housing and healthcare. in the future we will all wear either Cool Sci Fi Helmets And Robes, or Economical Baggy Utility Jumpsuits, out of either comfort or practicality. we will eat the nutrient blocks because they are efficient. under capitalism we think of culture and clothing etc. as 'consumer choices', we think of 'identity' as a collection of consumption habits. this is, again, pure idealism. you are focused on the 'optics' of 'leftism' instead of the actual material conditions of organizing. read some actual anti-colonial theory instead of complaining about ignorant liberals on the internet's idea of multipolarity.

multipolarity is when you're FORCED to larp as your ancestors, huh?

dm me on matrix

<Didn't read the post he's replying to award


Milei authorizes the deployment of Argentine military to guard “strategic targets”
The strategic objectives are “any good, installation or set of fixed installations and material entities of vital importance for the NATIONAL STATE that, in case of being partially damaged or destroyed, would cause serious damage to the life and welfare of the inhabitants of the country, to its economy, to the environment or to the very Security of the Nation, limiting, postponing or preventing its development,” the decree details.

In Win for Agribusiness, Trade Panel Backs US Challenge to Mexican GM Corn Ban
The decision was a win for the agribusiness industry and the Biden administration, which called for the panel in August of last year after negotiations with the Mexican government failed. However, civil society groups condemned the ruling, saying it overlooked threats to the environment, public health, and Indigenous rights while overstating potential harm to U.S. corn exporters.

US says it conducted strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen’s capital
In the latest incident, in the early hours of Saturday, the Houthis said they launched a ballistic missile at central Israel.
The Israeli military said it had failed to intercept the projectile, which fell in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa area.

Erdogan says Turkey will help Syria restructure state and draft constitution
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4 posts omitted.


AFED in my country took a pro uke position.
They have become a laughing stock in the anarchist space.

Also Wayne Price is a fed or severely mentally ill. He comments on anarchistnews obsessively.

Ironic that someone who wants to "destroy" the state, does so much to protect it


In almost every single case, Communists do not overthrow an established regime, but take advantage of unstable governments after the established regime has been overthrown by liberals, authoritarians, or fascists.

Lenin took advantage of the February Revolution, Mao deposed the KMT revolution against the Qing, the Viet Minh exploited the anti-colonial struggle in Vietnam.
22 posts omitted.

Didn't;the KMT took the majority of battlefield losses, and after the Three Alls campaign the CPC really slowed down its partisan activity to avoid reprisal.

The point being is that Communist revolutions are secondary revolutions most of the time; the ruling class is already deposed before they step in.

Lenin was anti-feudal before he became anti-bourgeois, Mao was a product of the anti-Monarchist era.

I generally don't think Marxists will be overthrowing govs any time soon, rather, they get put into power by foreigners or overthrow the people who overthrow governments.

>the ruling class is already deposed before they step in.
Doesn't even make sense. Bolsheviks overthrew capitalists, landlords and priests.

But even if you discount that, then communist overthrew established capitalists in Czechoslovakia in 1948, Portugal in 1974, Cuba in 1959, Hungary in 1919, and many more.

Russia was run by the Tsarist government and its system of aristocracy, with a slow transition to bougeois / liberal rule.

The liberals took power from the feudal aristocracy, and the Bolsheviks deposed the liberals.

In Cuba, Batista overthrew a democratic elected government to establish his own dictatorship.

The November 25 coup in Portugal failed, mind you.

HSR also died quickly. Successful Communist revolutions are usually counter-revolutions against fascists or liberals.

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God Bless. And I'lll easily corral all the god-bothers under myself. God is real and I'll prove to you if you're interested.

So I'm trying to contact me brit brothers with this one, but I am open to all.

I heard they were called god pissants.

Oh, don't go and talk about my Father (Ah, talk about my Father)
God is my friend (Jesus is my friend)
He made this world for us to live in (He made this world)
And gave us everything (Lord gave us everything)
And all he asks of us (Peace!)
Is we give each other love, oh, yeah

[Verse 2]
Don't go and talk about my Father (Don't talk about, oh, no no)
'Cause God is my friend (Jesus is my friend)
He loves us whether or not we know it (Just loves us, oh yeah)
And He'll forgive all our sins (He'll forgive our sins), oh, yeah
And all He asks of us, oh, yeah
Is we give each other love, oh, yeah

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i'm pretty firmly agnostic, even if i were to accept the existence of 'some kind of intelligence beyond the mundane world' i would need a lot of convincing to accept that it is any specific religion's interpretation of divinity. most of the gods i have seen via meditation and/or other means of spiritual inquiry were either Egyptian or otherwise vaguely roman/mediterranean looking, and the only obviously male entity i have seen was a euro-pagan style deer-man or satyr type guy, a nude hairy human male with horns. Gnosticism or some kind of polytheism or animism make the most sense to me.

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Why did the pacifists win?
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why do imageboard users ask loaded rhetorical questions in hopes of confirming their bias? Imagine using Gandhi as an idpol object to represent all Indians lol

Pacifism isn't about absolute utopian end of violence. It's about restrain and value of human life.

>Pacifism is about being spooked to the core

No no, you are not changing anything with your idealism, that‘s the point. You need to misrepresent historic events to prove your misguided principles.

Numbers. (I.e., implied violence.)


Are there even any proletariat there? I don't think there are. Its all bourgeoisie parasites and bourgeoisie tourists. They produce nothing.
>While hotels, restaurants, luxury goods and finance are widely represented in Monaco's DNA, other sectors such as construction, real estate, trade and digital technology
That is the entire industry. What the fuck "digital technology" entails is probably surveillance shit and fucking VPN hosts.
The funniest thing is, that it had two "communist" parties which tried to "win" by election.
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>mfw asked to elaborate

Someone has to serve to bourgeoisie so there must be proles but I imagine it's entirely service sector and no manufacturing or agriculture, mining.

I've been to Monaco, there are normal proletarians there who work normal jobs, live in normal aparrments and don't even make that much. If you wanna talk about the "European Bohemian Grove" it would be Lichtenstein.

Or Venice.

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>I've been to Monaco, trust me, nothing to see there folks! You should focus on uh…. that other small one.

Rich people meet in Monaco to make trade deals for other countries. There is no proletariat except for menial jobs like fast food, if there is any proletariat they are kept renting at below the wage required to survive.

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