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Nationalism is progressive


There is nothing I wish more for you to be right


We ought to cuck bosses, by fucking their wives and partners. Like literally.


Butterface is proletarian but butterbod is fascist and capitalist.


Unions in the USA will be ineffective until Taft-Hartley is repealed or they embrace illegalist tactics

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So, I did my epistolikh psifos shit and I have curiosity to see how voting works here (Belgium). Therefore I will be voting. Help me decide.

>Only party that continuously says it how it is. What they said before the crisis came to be. >They have some good guys. I like Pafilhs (not that i follow what anyone in KKE says) and Boyopoulos
>Good take on Gaza
>They really manage to gather people to protest. They also organize other good shit.
>They get attacked by nazis
>Their families fought during the civil war
<All the shit they say is boring to the point it feels like they are controlled opposition
<They care mostly for small business. If you dont have a bussiness or you are unemployed they give two shits about you.
<HACKNEYED PHRASES all the time. It feels like you talk to old grandpas with dementia.
<Shit take on Ukraine war
<Where the fuck are they on the internet? Their webpage is stuck in the soviet union BBS era. You cant find any lecture. I dont even know any of their plans or what exacktly they would change

>DIEM 25

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>this isn't real socialism
every time with you infantiles, explain this then


Is a communist party in charge?


Roman empire was also socialist
Face facts, liberal


don't forget about the Ottoman Empire

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Scottish folk singer Ewan MacColl wrote numerous Jacobite songs and was also known to be a devoted socialist. Were Jacobite songs well-received among Scottish communists/socialists in general? What significance did Jacobitism hold for these communities, I also have heard before the Northern-Ireland conflict, Cromwell was a fairly popular Republican/Socialist figure


The Jacobites were reactionaries


>I also have heard before the Northern-Ireland conflict, Cromwell was a fairly popular Republican/Socialist figure


he ended the Monarchy and didn't care about what right class or bloodline one came from

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kind of hate it when the news talks about "us" building a new particle collider or how "we" are developing new green technologies or whatever. mother fucker who are you talking to
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They should have said "everyone except OP built a new particle collider."


>mother fucker who are you talking to
humankind you dumb piece of you're alright


10 or so years until zoomers take over old media and they give the American audience a “W” because “we” landed on mars.


She-wojack is really cute.


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🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/7/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-blasts-rafah-fate-of-ceasefire-uncertain

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


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You know they wont, what they're doing was already pretty unimaginable not so long ago


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So I don't see genocide there. Does anyone know more about ICC procedures? Like is it possible that they could still charge them with the big one?


Not even close. Operation cyclone was the most expensive covert operation ever conducted and funded by such measures as massive bond fraud in America that helped usher in a recession. Funding, man power equipment, intelligence and propaganda networks across essentially ever major country outside the Soviet Union, even the Chinese. And it was not successful in and of itself. The Afghan government was able to secure the country with the help of the very limited military support given by the Soviet revisionists. It was only when the Soviets pulled out (and then finished a complete counter revolution themselves) that the forces of reaction were able to overcome, in 1993. The Palestinian resistance is more like the Afghan government resisting hard against the waves of barbarians of all the most powerful nations on earth beating at their door. Don't you ever dare confuse the two or you spit on our history, present and future.


The CNN interview suggested that the charge would come up during findings of evidence because it would require substantialmy more evidence of intent rather than just looking at what happened on the ground.
It's not off the table

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Realistically speaking, what are the chances of a communist revival? When?

Looking at communist parties worldwide they don't tend to have much support and raising consciousness seems to be an eternal mission rather than a milestone. What do we have to wait for? WW3?
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Imagine not aspiring to be an honest, earnest and sincere person.


Bump, I couldn’t let my analysis in this thread get deleted, ✊😜!


> They will consolidate thier positions in the class war, before we can even really begin the class struggle.
Pretty sure they consolidated their positions long ago


It's not going to be "let's do the USSR again." China figured this out which is why they're fine with waiting decades to really push for it. For example, "communist" is such a dirty word in America that the idea that everyone will just collectively agree "let's become the USSR: 2" is complete nonsense. I think the most realistic event would be some socialist market reforms after an economic crisis. Also, protests like the Palestine ones are very liberal, since half the time I see them talking about "STOP FUNDING WARS" when if the sky turned polka-dot and America became communist, it would be its duty to aid uprisings in other countries. We fund the wrong people for the wrong reasons, rather than a blanket anti-war message.

I 100% believe dogmatic purists are the most obstructive people after the liberal elite. The US government has already teamed up with anarchists before.


>For example, "communist" is such a dirty word in America that the idea that everyone will just collectively agree "let's become the USSR: 2" is complete nonsense
Correct. But there were no American characteristics in that USSR, and there is no serious revolutionary theory treating the imperial core's conditions recently. It's hard to find American sentiments that haven't already been burned by capital, and the Slovene School is doing a shitty and local job of mining Christianity for a way to justify a vanguard/priesthood/party class in all but name.
>rather than a blanket anti-war message
I think people actually get shot for those. War is the worst team-building exercise any manager has ever arranged. Without war, the state would disintegrate. (A perspicacious but tragically incomplete essay, must-read. The US government would never team up with Randolph Bourne, however.

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Let's make a goal-driven bingo sheet, or some other scoring quiz. The revolution will be gamified!

I've provided some basic bingo squares to start us off, feel welcome to extend or ignore them.

(I used bingobaker.com since it's plain and easy to edit, but you can use GIMP, Krita, MS Pain, etc.)
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Points need to be better distributed tbh


Also obligatory:
>has been attacked by cops


I may not like it, but this is peak socialist praxis.


That's a better way to frame it, I was originally considering something like 'been arrested', but real uyghas don't get caught.
Maybe 'has been targeted by cops' is more open


Yeah that's better

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It all looks like it was made for an early 20s college girl. Can I fucking have something a little less cutesy pls.
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I'm sure they're ideologically consistent at least!


Do you self-flagellate every time you buy your groceries too? Do you cry when you open the door (produced via unfair wage slavery) to go to your high school?


This is trve socialism actually because the flags are rectangular and displayed the appropriate way.


Thank fuck the stalinoids used crossbars so that a weeb can promote japanese style flags for american "socialist" parties 100+ years later!


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Third Way social democracy is plain wrong. It's destroying the very core of the egalitarian and communitarian basis of the ideology. Neoliberalism is inherently anti everything the left stands for with its cutting down on welfare and expansion of the market-like reforms in every aspect of society. It perverted the ideology to appeal to more voters. But maybe, without it, the social democrats would have lost votes in scandinavia and things may have gotten even worse underneath rightwing governments. Maybe there is a place for compromise, in a pragmatic fashion, in order to preserve as many gains as possible. But it had seemingly negative effects on the parties and they don't seem to be turning back towards orthodox social democracy any more.

Neoliberalism advocates for freedom as an overarching social value that requires reducing state functions towards a minimal state. Social democracy instead has the government take a paternalistic role instead and tries to ensure the wellbeing of the people even if it means limiting the free market heavily.

This radical centrism of the Third Way is a betrayal of leftwing values. And 2008 proves the shortcomings of the neoliberal ideology. A crisis of that degree never happened during the post war era with Keynesianism.

What do you think would have been the right path for these parties during the start of the neoliberal era?
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Nta but they're just repeating right-wing propaganda. Hero cults run on lies.


When leftists fail to give workers a socialist alternative they are forced to vote socdem.
>just do a great leap forward and go full north korea


During the world wars, the US government sold war bonds to the public and used the money to pay private companies to produce weapons and military supplies. In previous decades, the government used eminent domain to expropriate land and give it directly to private railroad owners to extend their tracks. Public-private partnerships and using the state to create markets or subsidize profits is nothing new, and has been done my bourgeois governments for over a century and a half.

The difference between then and now was that in the past profit rates were higher and extensive industrial development was ongoing, which justified high taxes and funding public goods and services to create a healthy industrial workforce. This dropped off in the 1970s/80s, and the response was to cut these public goods and services and smash organized labor, while keeping intact or expanding support and subsidies for businesses.

Pop-leftists insist on 'neoliberalism' as an ideological movement that was imposed by a nefarious libertarian cabal - meaning it can be willed away by political reform regardless of economic conditions. They refuse to consider that 'neoliberalism' was a rational and necessary survival response for global capitalism, in the absence of a viable communist alternative.


>They refuse to consider that 'neoliberalism' was a rational and necessary survival response for global capitalism, in the absence of a viable communist alternative.
I'm going to keep tapping this sign again and again until you religiontards get your cosmic dramas tf off this board.
<According to the Materialist Conception of History, the factor which is in the last instance decisive in history is the production and reproduction of actual life. More than this neither Marx nor myself ever claimed. If now someone has distorted the meaning in such a way that the economic factor is the only decisive one, this man has changed the above proposition into an abstract, absurd phrase which says nothing. The economic situation is the base, but the different parts of the structure-the political forms of the class struggle and its results, the constitutions established by the victorious class after the battle is won, forms of law and even the reflections of all these real struggles in the brains of the participants, political theories, juridical, philosophical, religious opinions, and their further development into dogmatic systems-all this exercises also its influence on the development of the historical struggles and in cases determines their form. It is under the mutual influence of all these factors that, rejecting the infinitesimal number of accidental occurrences (that is, things and happenings whose intimate sense is so far removed and of so little probability that we can consider them non-existent, and can ignore them), that the economical movement is ultimately carried out. Otherwise the application of the theory to any period of history would be easier than the solution of any simple equation. We ourselves make our history, but, primarily, under pre-suppositions and conditions which are very well determined. But even the political tradition, nay, even the tradition that man creates in his head, plays an important part even if not the decisive one.


not a socdem but you are confusing neoliberals with socdem. Socdem didn't survive in europe into the 21st century. Thatcher killed it in the 80s in the UK at the very least.

Neoliberalism was literally about unwinding socdem, keynesianism, etc. not promoting it.

Most of those socdem parties started off as dem-soc marxism influenced parties who advocating nationalization but after some failed nationalizations in the 30s they backed off it and ended up moderating to partial nationalization and regulation so roided keynesianism with social services.

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