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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Michael Hudson once pointed out in the 2nd edition of his book "Super Imperialism" that it was the state department glowies who was reading his book more than the working class, and they actually began to obfuscate economic statistics that revealed the extent of US imperialism after reading his book. So this phenomenon continues to this day.

And is this really any surprise? People will cope/seethe that the working class is so smart, powerful, strong, resilient, etc. Of course they are. They put up with so much. But they aren't superhuman. They don't have the free time or resources at their disposal to read all the theory in the world while simultaneously getting exploited. Meanwhile the bourgeoisie has all the free time and all the resources. So of course they're going to beat us to reading our own theory, and then use that theory to restructure their own strategies in advance. They're absorbing and accounting for our tactics before we have the chance.

How does the international working class get around this?
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Marx himself did not grasp the depth of his own genius and the breadth of its applications.

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>They're absorbing and accounting for our tactics before we have the chance.
Have they stopped destroying the environment, the declining rate of profit, and war with each other?

Just wait because American leaders are incompetent.

Communists should represent the vanguard of the working class, not it's average

capitalists are a tiny minority, hopelessly globally outnumbered by workers. we have the numbers. use that to your advantage.

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To clarify I am pro-Palestine and have held this stance for quite some time now. I do believe that recent wave of palestine supporters have good intentions(and done a lot of genuine good) but I find certain aspects of their activism fascinating, cause they come directly from american twitter activism and its intersecting to see that deal with a real-life issue cause over the past decade this activism has campaigned and marched for causes like american bipoc struggles and queer activism
And while I believe that the majority mean well(and actually haven't done any harm) they are employing tactics and rhetoric that don't make sense outside twitter activism, For instance I came across popular posts stating, "You probably didn't know that x is actually was Invented by Palestinians" or discussing how Palestine is connected to the experiences of black or queer people
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Their goal of being on the "right side of history" encourages using and discarding endless numbers of momentarily useful "allies". All will be denied and forgotten as the eternal revolution turns onwards.

Nah they are 'ideologizing' what is in fact a relatively simple issue of conscience. The abuse of Palestinians is so obviously morally wrong that Leftists can appropriate it as 'our cause', and thus use it 'for advancing our (true) causes'. Israel (and the wider Western capitalist super-structure) is more than happy for Leftists to do this: it helps them paint support for Palestinians as 'looney'.

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Posting this here on the topic of american twitter, magatards fell for this "THE SHOOTER WAS ANTIFA" bullshit tweet which got deleted about an hour later.

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i've never run into this problem OP. there are lots of good accounts out there.

All this activism is shallow and meaningless.
Israelis are cracking their asses in laugther about it hence why they post those brutal videos fucking palestinian kids.
There is no way to stop it
Even less by posting retarded emojis on twitter.
Wokeradlibs are powerless pussies

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So when we finally collapse due to how irresponsible human beings have been with their energy use and fucking up the climate what would there be left to do??
if we collapse, that's it, it's over, all the easily accessible fossil fuels are gone. without accessible dense energy resources you can't jump start mass production, without mass production even screws would be economically unfeasible to produce, let alone things like silicon chips.
and unless you can somehow get people to agree to run on hamster wheels all day in order to generate just enough energy to try to experiment with some form of low tech fusion or a "rudimentary" nuclear reactor, then we're going to be stuck with the preindustrial era forever.
does anyone have any ideas on how if ever would it be possible to restore civilization to the current level we have?

some ideas I could think of:
>combination of biofuels with remaining coal
this would require the deforestation of entire continents over time
limited to regions near rivers, enough to cover the basic energy needs of one small preindustrial city but not enough for industrialization
mass production required to make and repair enough to provide enough energy beyond basics like heating water for personal use or grinding seeds
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Something will be our end eventually. Just what and when.

>whining malthusian faggotry repeated every 10 years by Every Malthusian going since Thomas Malthus himself we should usher disease into cities to kill people en masse
Thorium is massively abundant. China alreasy put a salt water thorium reactor online in 2019 that cant melt down and can be run in desserts (meaning we will be greening the desserts soon )

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>can be run in desserts (meaning we will be greening the desserts soon )

>So when we finally collapse
We won't.

whos we?


is it easier to persuade a:
-fascist into becoming a liberal or a leftist?
-liberal into becoming a fascist or a leftist?
-a leftist into becoming a liberal or a fascist?

Communism is the next evolution of liberalism. Fascism is basically taking communist ideas and making it illiberal.

Liberal into leftist, 90% of people here are liberal and persuaded themselves that they're communist

>Communism is the next evolution of liberalism.
Stfu Bernstein


So you removed my thread because I challenged your dogma?
you really can't argue in good faith can you?
what a shame.

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What are you yapping about?

>they dared to mock the briton wisewoman
i hope for their sake they do not wander into the woods alone

Moved to >>>/meta/34129.


I am very tired today so this post came out as a massive ramble. Still made a it since I saw a user complain about the lack of original threads over /meta/

I managed to catch midway a RAI (italian national TV broadcaster) documentary on the recent history of the south tirol, starting off with italian oppression of the austrians in south tirol during the fascist regime.
And here is the juice: after the war (you know the one), the south tirolean antifascist resistence (which did not collaborate with the italian resistence) funded a party with the approval of the americans, the Südtiroler Volkspartei (SVP)

With the germans gone, they integrated pro-german sud tirolears under their declared aim of indipendence for the now italian province. They had an immediate boost after the war since they didn't get to vote on the constitution.

The documentary interviewed the current head of the SVP, which didn't waste yime to declare that nazi collaborators were a tiny minority, and the heads of the SVP were not nazis. Curiously, a few minutes later, as the documentary recaps the acts of armed resistence/terror attacks in the 60's, they also mention that one of their heads in the afterwar was a war veteran, who lost a leg in russia while in the wehrmacht.

With that said, apparently the indipendence movement died down after the 80's, in part due to the local autonomy conceeded to them by the italian state, in part (the bigger one in my opinion) is due to the state showering them with bags of cash, something that continues to this day.

To be honest, given how german nationalism is intermingled with fascism and nazism I am not too sure about these guys

Oh and nowdays the area is extremely racist. More racist than the venitians somehow. According to my now dead grandpa, it's mostly because immigrants from africa come to work in the farms over there, and since italian is a much simpler language, they learn that instead of sud-tirolean german.
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They would suddenly lose all their privileges in taxes, education and public employment. So, no, they wouldn't like it.
I've never been in Alto Adige, but I doubt they have the same petite bourg mentality as veneti.


what do they get in powers of autonomy?

Lots of money I know. Also lots of powers that are normally given to the region are given to the two provinces. I should check for more info

From looking it up they seem to behave basically as a federated state, with only some directives and immigration, and security being left in the hands of the central state

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Where the fuck is the Samsung strike thread? Has leftypol devolved into geopolitik circlejerks?


Samsung Electronics workers announce ‘indefinite’ strike

>Unionized workers at Samsung Electronics declared an indefinite strike Wednesday to pressure South Korea’s biggest company to accept their calls for higher pays and other benefits.

>Thousands of members of the National Samsung Electronics Union launched a temporary, three-day strike on Monday. But the union said Wednesday that it was announcing an indefinite strike, accusing the management of being unwilling to negotiate. Samsung Electronics says there have been no disruptions to production.

>About 30,000 Samsung workers are reportedly affiliated with the National Samsung Electronics Union, the largest at the company, and some belong to other, smaller unions.

>The company’s union-busting practices had been criticized by activists for decades, though labor actions at other businesses and in other sectors of the society are common in South Korea. Thousands of South Korean medical interns and residents have been on strike since February, protesting a government plan to sharply increase medical school admissions.


thought about making a thread about this two days ago but was too lazy

Daily reminder that Korean chaebols were usually Japanese collaborators and almost definitely American collaborators who got filthy rich during the Korean War

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Yes, built up by Japanese fascists led by Takagi Masao.

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This party sucks shit. It's constantly pissing everyone off and for the past decade it's been on a war path against anything "erotic" and now they are turning its attention towards the most popular manga magazine shonen jump and telling its followers to snitch adult magazines to the United Nations!

Genius moves ostracizing yourselves even more with manga authors and youth, the party is bleeding members fast and they think to prioritize meddling with manga. What's the deal with this party?
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thats just called bourgeois rule

Japan never broke with feudalism though, or at the very least it never had a bourgeois overthrow the feudal class formally, even in the Boshin war

no u

this, it's more of a bait thread for lolifags weeb pedos to complain

>Japan never broke with feudalism
Pretty sure Japan has a capitalist mode of production and democracy (inb4 "not REAL democracy" - democracy sucks, lib) just like the rest of the world.

Who are you kidding, both sides are pissing their pants as usual.

>both sides
lolifag weeb pedos still made the thread to bitch about there shitty cheese pizza and force the opinion of "Japanese Communist party bad because they don't like cp", if there any opposition to that in this thread then no shit

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>For Reagan not only saw communists as parricides, but also as extremely active sexually-completely in contrast to the actual sexual code in most communist countries. For instance, when he ran for Governor of California, one of the central themes of his campaign was “the mess at Berkeley,” a place where, he said, they held “sexual orgies so vile I can-not describe them to you,” promising if elected to “investigate the charges of communism and blatant sexual misbehavior on the Berkeley campus.” A good part of the reason why he was elected was that, as one biographer put it, “hidden away in the hearts of parents was the fear that their own children might one day go away to college, grow beards and march against authority.”… Reagan promised these voters that his first targets as Governor would be the students at Berkeley, “advocates of sexual orgies, drug usage, and filthy speech,” who wanted only to “disrupt the academic community” and who therefore must be brought under control immediately. The situation at Berkeley, he told a woman’s club in April of 1966, was now so bad that their “morality gap is so great that we can no longer ignore it.” He had proof, he said, that the Alameda County District Attorney had just investigated a student dance which had turned into “an orgy,” where they had displayed on a giant screen “pictures of men and women, nude, in sensuous poses, provocative, fondling.” Since Reagan had waved a piece of paper in the air during the speech, saying that he had the report of the DA’s investigation “in his hand,” curious reporters later asked the DA for a copy, only to be told that “my office made no investigations of the college dance.” - Lloyd deMause, "REAGAN’S AMERICA"

You can even see this sort of mentality in people like Ben Shapiro who conflate communism, socialism, and "the left" with rebellion against all authority and goodness for the sake of mindless pleasure. Not to mention the endless obsession with LGBTQ+, qanon pedophile theories, porn, abortion, etc.

What is the actual materialist explanation for the right wing obsession with sex? Does porky get some sort of benefit from everyone being a heterosexual monogamous who goes to church once a week? if not why the backlash? is it just to ensure a constant supply of new workers?
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>in other words, someone who does not possess any reserves to protect them against these tendencies
Have you considered that proletarians have become vastly wealthier since 1850s and so this your defining characteristic is not actually defining?

NTA but class is not defined by income but by relation to the means of production. Middle class/pmc or whatever is more about the cultural differences of office workers vs manual workers and rural/exurban vs urban

umm ackshually lots of animals have sex


season 1 xfiles gilian anderson was pretty fkin hot tbh

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The important difference between Christianity’s and Islam’s influence worldwide is that Christianity either encourages or requires that its members contribute financial assets towards its growth and development. That’s not to say offerings, donations, and tithes aren’t/haven’t been present in Muslim history. However, compared to the number of Christian’s that actively fund the religion’s influence, it is understandable for one to find themselves shocked at the realization that a religion such as Islam is set to decline and be taken over throughout the African continent by Christianity.
Contrary to the ideas many internationally have, Islam is not the fastest growing religion, and abrahamic religion isn’t dying but growing rapidly. As time passes more countries in Africa are set for another ‘Christian expansion’, because many members of current churches and institutions can rely on the sum of revenue collected to fund missionaries that spread out across the continent building churches, libraries, and promoting and spreading the bible (especially in the majority Muslim regions seeing a slow but visible growth in their Christian populations).

Currently, I don’t have enough information about SEA, South Asia, and east Asia to know about Christianity’s rise there.
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What you are basically saying here is that a foundational figure of political philosophy should not be read because Marx disagreed with him despite the fact you can't really get Marx without Plato. Pure retardation.

>foundational figure of two institutions that both need to be abolished
Yeah yeah, Whitehead and "all Western philosophy is footnotes to Plato". Doesn't matter. You know that piety is a mental illness, right?

>i feel like if communism were to fall in china there would most likely be an explosion of religion, kind of in the same way there was in russia post soviet union.
It's quite possible. There was a return of cults after the end of the Cultural Revolution in which there was a pretty violent attack on religion. Due to the disruption caused by the economic reforms, loose social controls, exchanges with the West, and the vacuum of ideology, a "medieval" atmosphere started to return. In the 80s, a lot of crazy things happened in China.

>Though I dont think it's hidden in as much as the chinese are introverted and dont bother each other about it
I think it's a mix, some of that yeah, "mind your own business." I get the sense the culture is much more individualistic than the Western stereotypes, and that also translates to proselytization being strongly discouraged by the government. You can have your beliefs but the implications of the organized religion in the superstructure is a different thing. But you don't see China trying to convert other countries to their ideology either. Confucianism has no problem if you worship Tengri, Buddha or a cow. As long as you don't bother me, I don't bother you, and you and we can chill.

Abrahamic religion can be very sticky, on the other hand. It's like Star Wars where even trying to fight the Dark Side of the Force turns you into a Sith because the very action actually proves that you are God's perfect chosen champion, even if you despise it.

>1st picrel
imagine the smell..

Not Chinese, but also Asian. Most Westerners have ZERO clue just how many Socialist/Communist Buddhists there are. There are Buddhists out there that legit think that Marx was a high level Bodhisattva laying the foundations and blueprints out for people to create a system that generates the least human suffering. Also a lot of the anti-religion arguments that Western atheists present are completely unremarkable to the average Buddhist, even the converts because its so vastly different to Abrahamic religions, and Buddhists will often agree with some of the points made.

Laos for example describes itself straight up as Marxist-Leninist and they have an intense Buddhist practicing culture that isn't going anywhere.

Note: I'm not advocating for Buddhism, I personally think its blatantly not true, observably so, even on a conventional day to day basis if you know its mechanics, but Buddhists in the Eastern part of the world have had pretty close relations with Communism from day 1 basically, and in the West with diaspora communities and converts, we're starting to see pockets of "radical Buddhist" leftists.

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