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Realistically, what do we do to bounce back from this?
>huge temperature drops that make growing food difficult, greatly shrinking the time to grow crops
>roaming bands of savages who rapemurdereat anyone who isn't part of their tribe
>collapse of modern civilization and morals, and likely writing and language systems as everything gets fragmented into small survivor groups
>remnants of the empire will be the best supplied to retake and reimperalize after everything clears up in a decade or two

How can we preserve communist knowledge and thought to the other side?
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>Xi's dick?
>third world?
yep, it's a certified leftypol moment


china is above the equatorial line, they're northoids too
when i say total. northoid. death. i mean TOTAL. NORTHOID. DEATH.
one hundred percent (100%) destruction of all that exists above the equatorial line


>ead de fuggin tater


*ham sandwich* gommunism


>I'm less concerned about hypothetical nuclear Armageddon and much more concerned about the very real, inevitable natural disasters which will be caused by climate change
Why not both? Climate change will trigger conflicts that escalate into WW3, resulting in billions of deaths.


Craft unfurls China’s flag on the far side of the moon and lifts off with lunar rocks to bring home
The Chang’e-6 probe was launched last month and its lander touched down on the far side of the moon Sunday. Its ascender lifted off Tuesday morning at 7:38 a.m. Beijing time, with its engine burning for about six minutes as it entered a preset orbit around the moon, the China National Space Administration said.

Election Results: Counting on, UP and Maharashtra Shocker to BJP-led NDA as of Now
At the time of writing, the Narendra Modi-led BJP, which started its election campaign with the slogan of “Abki Baar 400 Paar”, was down 64 seats, at 239 seats (several rounds of counting are still pending) compared with its 2019 tally, which in itself is being seen a huge dent on ‘Brand Modi’ and a big hole in the BJP’s aim to have a ‘Congress-Mukt Bharat’. This even as the NDA is still poised to form a government for the third time, albeit in a truncated form.

Maldives to ban Israeli passport holders from entry in protest over Gaza war
The Maldives says it will ban Israelis from entering the country, known for its luxury resorts, with the office of the president making the announcement as public anger rises over the war in Gaza. The Maldives president, Mohamed Muizzu, has “resolved to impose a ban on Israeli passports”, a spokesperson for his office said in a statement, without giving details of when the new law would take effect. The country is visited by thousands of Israelis every year.

Five ISIS members killed in Deir ez-ZorPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Amazon’s first U.S. labor union moves to affiliate with Teamsters
In a post on X, the Teamsters said the affiliation was unanimously approved by the union’s board on Tuesday. The affiliation agreement is tentative until members of the ALU and the Teamsters vote to ratify it, Smalls said in a text message. The decision has already generated pushback from the ALU Democratic Reform Caucus, the group that sued the ALU last year. Arthur Schwartz, an attorney for the caucus, said it was unclear how the ALU will hold a membership vote to ratify the Teamsters affiliation when it “doesn’t possess a list of employees, much less a membership list.”

ACLU Plans Lawsuit Over Biden's Trumpian Attack on Asylum Rights
On Tuesday, the ACLU said Biden's policy will "rush vulnerable people through already fast-tracked deportation proceedings, sending people in need of protection to their deaths." "We intend to challenge this order in court," Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project, said in a statement. "It was illegal when Trump did it, and it is no less illegal now."

US House passes Republican bill to sanction International Criminal Court over Israel
The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation that would impose sanctions on the International Criminal Court over its prosecutor's decision to seek arrest warrants for Israeli officials related to the war in Gaza. The vote was 247 to 155, with 42 Democrats joining Republicans in backing the measure. There were no Republican "nay" votes, although two voted "present."

Red-state AGs sue blue states for trying to impose climate extremism everywhere
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CP of Greece, European elections in Greece: The vote for the KKE sends an anti-imperialist and anti-war message
An important difference in the election campaign, which the KKE is conducting to enlighten the workers, is the one concerning international developments, the involvement of the EU and Greece in the imperialist war in Ukraine, as well as in the massacre of the people of Palestine. All the bourgeois political parties are silencing the developments on the war fronts and hiding the causes of the conflicts, the responsibilities of the EU, as well as of the USA and NATO. In contrast to the bourgeois parties, the KKE notes that the European Union, together with the USA and NATO, has a leading role in imperialist wars and interventions. It supports Israel, the occupying state which has fomented genocide against the Palestinian people. It heavily funds and arms it to shed the blood of the Palestinian people. It supports the imperialist war of Saudi Arabia against Yemen and in the name of fighting the Houthis, under the pretext of protecting navigation, it has set up the imperialist operation Aspides (Shield) alongside the US-British Prosperity Guardian operation. Together they are setting fire to the Red Sea region, multiplying the risk of a general conflagration.

Right-Wing Extremism Is the Norm in the Dominican Republic
No one in the Dominican Republic was surprised when businessman Luis Abinader of the Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM) managed to get himself reelected in the first round of the presidential elections on May 19. He obtained 57.4 percent of the votes, well ahead of his competitors Leonel Fernández of Fuerza del Pueblo (FP) with 28.9 percent and Abel Fernández of the Partido de la Liberación Dominicana (PLD) with 10.4 percent. The polls and four years of a government with barely any coherent political opposition predicted this result. In addition, the policies of the three leading candidates were almost indistinguishable, which partly explains the low voter turnout. In other parts of the region, the rise of the far right has occurredPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon


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Thanks News Anon


>the petty bourgeois can't be revolutiona-
<From the standpoint of capital, therefore, what with hindsight appears to be part of a normal business cycle looked more like a dangerous secular trend toward stalemate-or worse-at the point of production, with all that implied for profits and the attendant social function of capitalists. This perception is, again, consistent with the evidence available then and now. But it is inconsistent with modern assumptions about the social power and cultural authority of "big business." That is probably why the obvious question seems practically impertinent: what could workers bring to bear in their struggles against employers that created the stalemate of the late 188os and early 189os? To put it another way, what resources did capitalists lack?
<If we follow the lead of the new labor historians and look more closely at the struggles for control of the workplace that began in earnest in the 188os, the significant variable appears to be the stance of the communities in which the struggles took place. When local officeholders, constables, editors, and small shopkeepers acted in solidarity with striking workers-and this seems to have been the norm-large employers were unable to impose their will on the labor force or to reshape the labor process, even if they imported external forces of law and order. Only when such solidarity was missing at the outset or undermined by protracted strikes, were the large employers able to reduce wages, break unions, and reconstruct the labor process.
<In this sense, the microeconomic problem was inseparable from the macroeconomic problem, or, in the parlance of the late nineteenth century, the economic problem entailed a social question. For the stalemate at the point of production was enforced by a larger deadlock that clearly involved more than capitalists and workers. At the very least it involved the loyalties of a middle class that was still rooted in and defined by petty proprietorship, not by occupational ladders within large bureaucratic organizations. It involved a middle class, in sum, that apparently had not acknowledged the permanence or legitimacy of large capital, a class that could, therefore, side with striking workers against large capital.
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Go back, you have no idea what marxism is and no one wants you here.


Opinion discarded


>James Livingston’s masterful tome The Origins of the Federal Reserve: Money, Class, and Corporate Capitalism, 1890-1913

lmfao, nice source bro
bait used to be believable…


>basic marxist theory proven right in practice (it works)
>muh class collaboration
>muh thanos capeshit western media
They arent sending their best


Marxism is just capitalism rebranded. Return to Marx.

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There has been a trend of right-wingers failing to meet the expectations of recent polling, why is this the case? It seems to be a fairly consistent theme. This is in spite of most zoomer men being more right-wing than ever


>This is in spite of most zoomer men being more right-wing than ever

wheres the proofs


Define these terms in accordance with your subject matter before attempting to continue this thread and discussion:
>Right wing
>Recent polling
>Consistent theme
>Zoomer men
>More right wing than ever


> more right-wing than ever
wym its not like young men are going back to church and advocating for segregation. more right wing than ever seems a bit hyperbolic considering how conservative men were in general 100 or even 50 years ago


>There has been a trend of right-wingers failing to meet the expectations of recent polling, why is this the case?
I think it's because they try to astroturf themselves into power and polls can also be manufactured to create the impression of momentum that is not really there. As with so much related to reactionary movements, the question is not so much "is this a scam?" as "what is the scam?"


Since a revolution doesn't seem to be on the horizon, (and even if it was, what about in the meantime?) why don't we do the next best thing and live communally? Such a prospect won't be desirable or even possible for literally all of us, all in one place–we live in different countries, some folks are doing well enough that a commune would degrade their quality of life, some are in some way, shape, or form, dependents, others have dependents relying on them or are otherwise too rooted to their current location to move, some of yall are, let's be real, too anti-social to want to take part in a project like this, etc., etc.–but for the rest of us it would kill so many birds, the subject of many a post and thread here, with one stone: Inability to get ahead in life? Lack of a social life? Yearning for some greater meaning? Bored? Well then let's pool our resources, time and labour and start a commune!
Personally, I'm in Canada and working towards being able to buy a patch of land and live out of a yurt while I slowly build a house anyway and it'd sure be fun to do it with some like-minded people. Maybe that sounds too rustic for you and I'd be willing to compromise, the only dealbreaker for me is that I have room to garden to my hearts content.
The only hard and fast rule I'd have for such an endeavor is that everyone must have an equal stake in the project and in turn, pay their own way. I don't want to be a landlord or for you to be a tenant or vice versa. New people join? We'd all sell an equal portion of our stakes to make them an equal. Someone wants to leave? We'll buy them out and spread their stake equally among us.
Of course, I'm getting ahead myself and don't expect this to go anywhere but in the event this idea dies on the grapevine then maybe use it to post reading material about communes and communal living or to discuss the topic in general
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Starting a new commune is harder than joining an existing one. Google search always helps in these situations.


>Commune movements have literally never worked
>Except the ones that do ignore those
Retard. I won't lie that there aren't many unstable communes that fall apart, but there are a few success stories as well. Read about East Wind and Twin Oaks, both going strong over 50 years.


thank you for sharing this, had no idea something like this existed.


Only a few successes left from a whole movement . Exactly.
And what have they achieved to further revolution? Nothing.
This was settled before either of us were borne, anon.


>Only a few successes left from a whole movement
About sums up the burger left as a whole…

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Just thought of this one: if raising the minimum wage necessarily increases inflation, then reducing the maximum wage necessarily reduces inflation. Mathematically, you can't have it both ways.


stupid idea because most income at the top end comes from capital not labor. So a "maximum wage" wouldnt mean shit other than giving CEOs more compensation in the form of stocks rather than wages.


Not nescessarily, it can also just kill those buisnesses faster or it can make the inflation worse. An example of the later is Elons wages, which 99.99% from stocks, meaning either some dividens or stock sales. Artificially reducing his wage means reducing the stock price, to compensate from the reduction of investment into the company, either workers salary would have to be lowered or prices raised. This would increase inflation.

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I know reddit is a cesspool, but reading through the posts made at r/teachers simultaneously broke my heart and made me rage. Doesn't help either that I have several friends who have been teachers for over 10 years, and they've told me horror stories about the state of American education.

For one thing, American schools are grossly underfunded. Every time states start running out of money the first cuts they make are to the schools (including state universities). But it's not just that. Teachers (my friends who teach included) are making the point that the parents of the children they teach no longer value their kids' education. These kids are reading far below grade level, can barely do basic math, know nothing about geography, history, or the natural sciences, and simply don't care. To top things off, most of these kids (we're talking gen alphas, so kids born after 2012) have loads of behavioural issues, lack any sense of discipline, are terribly rude to teachers, and are glued to their phones and iPads/Tablets. The parents expect the teachers to function more like babysitters than teachers and put very little to no effort into educating their children at home (for example, they don't read to their kids or help their kids learn math).

You may not see this as a big deal, but it will have implications down the road. American society and culture has become heavily anti-intellectual as it is and the downfall of the education system is only going to make things worse. Much worse.
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Therapy, you need it


Yea I need it because youre stalking me like a rabid dog.


As long as you are aware you are in serious need of it.


Nta but kys hazbot


I'm a jewish Jihadist tyvm


Liberal, educated knowledge/professional workers in second/third world countries tend to be pro western and want their country to be like/friendly to the USA. The same demographic of people in the west are the mirror image in that they like foreign travel, countries, and are less patriotic.

Why do liberal knowledge workers have a tendency to dislike their own culture?
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What do you call it when I don't have 'guilt' per say over my lab-aristocrat status, but a strong sense of needing to make good off of my good start? I utterly despise failsons and those who threw their opportunities away.


Its always funny when people take it as a personal insult when you like something foreign.


that is guilt in denial


They are appropriating our culture. It's highly dirsrepectful. This is my culture, not a costume.


A term used only by people who haven't left the basement

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i mean, of course he was pretty evil, but was he intending to actually do anything that day? or was it just a vain attempt to garner a revolution? could it have been a wild piece of performance art? i lean toward the latter. the symbolism of every moment of the attempted coup, from the headband to the seppuku to the death poems, planned for almost a year, it seems like one large way to make an impact before going out
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i should have worded it better, the dude was not really evil


>complete with the repressed homosexuality.
Mishima wasn't a homosexual. He had a wife and kids and slept with women. He was a samurai larper and pre-Meiji Japan was a bisexual society where sexual relationships between older and younger men were idealized. Mishima's nationalism created an edgy fascination with homosexual behavior. Mishima didn't really get or care about the Buddhist ideology behind nanshoku. He only cared about it because of his ethnonationalism and edgelordism.


He was an elite culture vulture who wanted to taste everything he could
Many on the right like BAP (another wealthy socialite) become total spiritual gluttons, which further pathologises their nihilism and contrarianism


>he wasn't gay he just sucked cock for the bit


Wouldn’t that make him bi not gay?

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in many post-communist countries with large amounts of nostalgia, many of the people nostalgic for it become very socially conservative, sometimes even regrettably blaming things that aren't capitalism like random minorities for the problems caused by liberalization and shock therapy and citing laws from 50 years ago as proof we should still be homophobic
there is also the severe problem of the commodifcation of things from the communist past, selling them as mere souvenirs
how would we, as marxists, overcome the reactionary and revisionist sections of these?
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<Surplus value in general is value in excess of the equivalent. The equivalent,
by definition, is only the identity of value with itself. Hence surplus value can
never sprout out of the equivalent; nor can it do so originally out of circulation;
it has to arise from the production process of capital itself. The matter can also
be expressed in this way: if the worker needs only half a working day in order to
live a whole day, then, in order to keep alive as a worker, he needs to work only
half a day. The second half of the labour day is forced labour; surplus-labour.
What appears as surplus value on capital’s side appears identically on the
worker’s side as surplus labour in excess of his requirements as worker, hence
in excess of his immediate requirements for keeping himself alive. The great
historic quality of capital is to create this surplus labour, superfluous labour
– 250 –Grundrisse
from the standpoint of mere use value, mere subsistence; and its historic
destiny [Bestimmung] is fulfilled as soon as, on one side, there has been such
a development of needs that surplus labour above and beyond necessity has
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Im not a fabian reformist. My point about socialism is extremely orthodox however, that it is aboit politically representing the working class, as opposed to eliminating it from self-consciousness by individualist obscurantism like anti-work rhetoriticians do.
Its funny that you imagine me a villain when i want labour given toward its self-determination (which would also mean lower working hours in general), when the post-work types thrive on the notion of a superabundant marketplace which would depend on contemporary imperialist conditions.


<The creation of a large quantity of disposable time apart from
necessary labour time for society generally and each of its members (i.e. room
for the development of the individuals’ full productive forces, hence those of
society also), this creation of not-labour time appears in the stage of capital, as
of all earlier ones, as not-labour time, free time, for a few. What capital adds is
that it increases the surplus labour time of the mass by all the means of art and
science, because its wealth consists directly in the appropriation of surplus
labour time; since value directly its purpose, not use value. It is thus, despite
itself, instrumental in creating the means of social disposable time, in order to
reduce labour time for the whole society to a diminishing minimum, and thus to
free everyone’s time for their own development. But its tendency always, on the
one side, to create disposable time, on the other, to convert it into
surplus labour. If it succeeds too well at the first, then it suffers from surplus
production, and then necessary labour is interrupted, because no surplus
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Yes exactly


They wouldn't have made a decission against their own geopolitics to advance the revolution. In fact, they didn't. They turned into nationmaking, which leads to the collapse of socialism.

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