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What is it with materialists and using pic related as an argument against metaphysical criticisms of materialism? I don't disagree with the doctrine of historical materialism necessarily but a lot of these people seem to be incredibly myopic either in erroneously considering human production as the basis for anything that doesn't emerge from this process, or in considering anything outside the frame of human production irrelevant.

>inb4 materialism is anti-metaphysical

In some sense yes, but 1. metaphysical/ontological claims are still made in defence of materialism (i.e. in the unity of matter and form, the consideration of monism, the existence of determinate substance that can be studied) and 2. being anti-metaphysics doesn't mean that a world outside human production doesn't exist and doesn't require study.

>inb4 these considerations don't matter with regards to the program/"I'm tryin to turn the wheel of history ovah here!" etc

That's fine but if materialism is a purely political consideration for you then I'm not interested.
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Materialism is anti-idealist.
Dialectics is anti-metaphysical.


Provide an example of something metaphysical that, were it to exist, would be immune to material analysis without in-of-itself becoming a material condition to be considered in material analysis of other things. You can't.

A praxis based understanding of reality is more scientifically correct than one of assertions of existence and non-existence. If something is irrelevant to praxis, then both assertions of it's existence and non-existence are idealism. If something is relevant to praxis, then there is no ambiguity that it exists in some capacity, thus the assertion is a non-nonsensical shadow of that idealism. Anything else is reddit atheism.


idk i think some of the anti-metaphysics stuff is dogmatic and refers to a specific kind of metaphysics that is more narrow. it always seemed weird to me that some subsets of marxists were so anti-metaphysics when imo marxism also has a metaphysics. like even though lenin went super hard on idealists he also said that berkelian idealism or especially hegel was closer to marx then the positivists and i think a lot of his word choice was specific to the time and the popular understanding of things among the people. i think when they say metaphysics in this sense they mean unexamined assumptions or taking observations as given without reflection. same with materialism, it can be difficult to tell if people mean dialectical materialism or vulgar physicalism, and it also doesn't help that a lot of vulgar physicalists think that they are the true materialists that subscribe to "no ideology" or people who just say they are dialectical materialists without understanding dialectics


>That's fine but if materialism is a purely political consideration for you then I'm not interested.
Stop smoking weed and start changing the world. I dont give a shit about philosophy i just want to have security, a planet that dorsnt die and stop having homeless people or genocides existing.


Those ‘fascist’ considerations were the subject of many many many essays by the Red Guards, you wrecker dolt.

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I made a Twitter just to hate follow reactionaries. What surprised me is I get to see photos of them, and they honestly look just like me. They look human but they're so monstrous once you give them a safe place to say the quiet part out loud. People can interpret this in bad faith, whatever. I guess maybe it's a banality of evil type thing. I mean look at this couple! How do two people like that become so venomous, so cruel, proud racists not for some higher blood and soil cause no just because they see the position of power white supremacy grants them and find it pleasing, and whatever the costs at least it's not me. Like these are the nightmare makers, and they look so… boring

Someone please post that one Matt Christman WebM so I feel less alone.. I just can't help myself but gaze into the abyss.. maybe I'm just a masochist.
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Oh so just a courthouse marriage. OP is really shocked that normies don't look like Gollum, twisted by rage?


>evil is not as often done by supervillainesque people like hitler but instead thousands of little yes men who do what their jobs require of them because theyve not thought about it
Am I missing something? Her big point is that people who are superficially deemed boring, uncharismatic, unthinking push-overs can be evil too? Like no one understood that before her profound insights on the subject?
The basis of Christianity is that everyone is born evil. Did post-WW2 western liberals just forget about the religion that has been in charge of their culture for 2000 years?


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Move to fedi pls. Stop giving patronage to the nazi bar.


i know it sounds pathetic but at least the majority of americans genuinely have trouble understanding this point. they think murder is something that murderers dk and rape is something rapists do, and those are either back alley warped cretins who are ugly and villainous or theyre genius level sociopath tricksters, instead of largely average dull people doing shitty things.

arendts real "contribution" is her "analysis of totalitarianism", which is nonsense taken at face value but does provide an informative view into the mind of how liberal ideology mystifies the 20th century. banality of evil is kind of a humanities student meme, like "kafkaesque"


>back alley warped cretins who are ugly and villainous or theyre genius level sociopath tricksters, instead of largely average dull people doing shitty things.
This is clearly a idea perpetuated by a sheltered middle-class: projecting it's criminality onto only the lower and upper classes.
>banality of evil is kind of a humanities student meme
While Arendt taking this so seriously is a joke, I'm starting to think it's fine as an antidote to the "normal people can't be bad!" attitude. It probably needed to be spread around. I've kind of come around to the idea in a way.

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War on Gaza: Israeli troops withdraw from al-Shifa hospital, leaving piles of dead bodies
Gaza's civil defence put the figure of those killed at around 300. The army said it conducted its raid without harming civilians and medical personnel, but medical organisations and eyewitnesses have strongly rejected the claim. The World Health Organisation said at least 21 patients died during the siege. Survivors told Middle East Eye that scores of civilians were killed during the fortnight-long siege.

Israeli parliament passes law paving the way for Al Jazeera closure
The law, which passed in a 70-10 vote in the Knesset, gives the prime minister and the communications minister the authority to order the closure of foreign networks operating in Israel and confiscate their equipment if it is believed they pose “harm to the state’s security”.

SOHR: ISIS executed 14 Syrian soldiers, including two officers
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that ISIS cells continue their executions of soldiers, the majority of whom are from the regime troops, in various areas in the Syrian desert as part of the dangerous escalation of the cells during the recent period.

Thai court acquits dozens who shut down Bangkok airports in 2008
The Bangkok Criminal Court ruled on Friday that the so-called “Yellow Shirt” protests, which opposed a government headed by allies of deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, were protected under the constitution because they were peaceful and thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Barnes & Noble workers plan union drive at largest US bookstore chain
“Many more” stores will unionize, according to booksellers demanding better pay and conditions. At locations that already have, employees accuse the chain’s management of dragging their heels during contract negotiations. James Daunt, the CEO, is said to have embarked upon a months-long campaign to dissuade employees from voting in favor.

Google to purge billions of files containing personal data in settlement of Chrome privacy case
Google has agreed to purge billions of records containing personal information collected from more than 136 million people in the U.S. surfing the internet through its Chrome web browser. The records purge comes as part of a settlement in a lawsuit accusing the search giant of illegal surveillance.

Arizona GOP advances bill legalizing killing undocumented migrants on suspicion of trespassing
The legislation, which is expected to be vetoed if it reaches the state's Democratic governor, would legalize the murder of undocumented immigrants, who often have to cross ranches that sit on the state's border with Mexico.

Video shows California police fatally shooting teenager who was reported kidnapped
Deputies cornered Anthony Graziano’s vehicle on the side of a freeway in Hesperia, 80 miles east of Los Angeles. When Savannah exited the vehicle, they opened fire and killed her. The shooting sparked national concern, with critics questioning how officers wound up killing the teenage girl they were tasked with rescuing.
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A Letter From Boris Kagarlitsky in Russian Prison
In July, Russian police arrested the Marxist sociologist and political activist Boris Kagarlitsky under trumped-up charges of “justifying terrorism.” He was eventually released in December on the back of a massive international solidarity campaign. However, on February 13, judges reopened the case against him and sentenced him to five years in prison. Kagarlitsky wrote to Jacobin from his cell in Zelenograd, where he is currently serving his sentence, about conditions in Russian jail and the importance of the international solidarity movement.

The downfall of Jeffrey Donaldson will not be the downfall of unionism itself
THE Right Honourable Jeffrey Donaldson, knight of the imperial realm and leader of the largest of Ireland’s fractured unionist parties, got the dawn knock by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and half a day later was released after being charged with multiple historical sexual offences while his wife was charged with aiding and abetting additional offences. To say that politics in Northern Ireland is enduring a deluge of social media speculation is to understate the state of affairs. While the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) doesn’t have a monopoly of religiosity in the pressure-cooker politics of what remains of Britain’s Irish colonial possession, the DUP has uniquely made scripture the soundtrack to its narrative. While the defrocked DUP leader faces one charge of rape, one of gross indecency and several counts of indecent assault, the PSNI has warned that speculation “may have a negative impact on the criminal justice process.” The laws around the reporting of cases involving allegations of sexual offending include full and continuing anonymity for victims unless they choose to waive that right. Nevertheless, speculation about the political consequences is unconstrained.

Ernesto Che Guevara The CPost too long. Click here to view the full text.






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Thanks News Anon

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I need good info on collectivization (mechanics, material analysis etc).
Glowpedia is garbage,
>Don't explain how it works
>Muh famines
>Muh Kulaks
>iT nEvEr wOrkEd!!
>Obligatory SoLZHEnitsyn quotes as historical facts

No good sources from encyclopedias
>Westoids have same problem as glowpedia
>Socialist encyclopedias have very bare bones info

>Rightoids same thing as glowpedia
>Leftoids unsourced apologia
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Go to /edu/ retard


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The Eternal Anglo strikes again!


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Deal with it.

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 No.1797117[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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The actual amount is close to half a trillion.


conscription is different from snatching random people off the streets


Crapitalism is the most cuck-inducing system ever. I understand capitalists set it up for themselves but I don't understand the simps for crapitalism.
>Cannot tax corporations
>Cannot nationalize them
>Muh Private property


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Surrender husbanduru


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🇺🇦🌾🍞NEW BREAD 🇺🇦🌾🍞




Peterson's criticism of Marxism are so shallow.
How did he gain steam with these shallow arguments?
Post modernism? That's a criticism of Marxism. It called Marxism a metanarrative. Why is he conflating the two?
Now he's testifying before congress agaisnt china for it's social score.whats wrong with the social score?
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If you say things that are incrementally more obviously false, you slowly filter out your audience to only those illiterate enough to still believe what you're saying. Then you create / integrate with communities of people that can acclimate kids to the resulting worldview.

It's why conventional scams don't bother to get more believable over time, you want people that are dumb enough that they don't have smarter friends to talk them out of bad financial decisions. This has always been a tool of rallying political support as well. It's just post-Q conservativism has managed to take it unprecedentedly far thanks to SEO.


That's bacause they don't understand either lol


>readiness to shoulder responsibility
I saw that during the 2008 crisis


boomers always preach this shit and never practice it.


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Wasn't he babbling about how marxism was destroying america but he never even read the communist manifesto, the most easily digestable book of Marx and Engels, before losing his debate with Zizek? He doesn't even know what he is criticizing.

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Comrade Zarobyan, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Armenia, is on the podium. He began his speech by saying what a dear comrade Nikita Sergeyevich was the Great Leader of the world proletariat, how everything around him expanded and strengthened under his leadership, what a sure path towards communism he had drawn for the Armenians. Then Comrade Zarobyan noted the outstanding achievements of Comrade Khrushchev in the fight against the cult of personality and those who opposed this struggle:
"Comrades! The historic XX Congress of the CPSU played an extremely important role in the life of our party and the Soviet people. The Leninist course pursued by the Central Committee after the XX Congress found unanimous approval and support of the party and the entire Soviet people. The speeches at this congress gave a completely correct assessment of the divisive, subversive activities of the anti-party group, which tried to turn the party off the Leninist path and return it to the old politics of the cult of personality. It is no coincidence that one of the participants of the anti—party group, Malenkov, so zealously resisted the elimination of the harmful consequences of the cult of personality. This bankrupt politician organized the beating of cadres not only in the Leningrad and Belarusian party organizations, but also the leading cadres of the Communist Party of Armenia. We consider the delegates' suggestion that Malenkov is not worthy to be in the ranks of our great party to be correct. (Applause).
The great merit of the Central Committee of the CPSU, headed by the indomitable Leninist Comrade N. S. Khrushchev, is that, having decisively exposed and defeated the anti-party group and courageously overcome its resistance, he consistently ensured the implementation of the Leninist party line outlined by the XX Congress of the CPSU.
The restoration of Leninist norms of party and state life contributed to an increase in the activity of communists, improving the style and methods of work of party and Soviet bodies. The activities of the Central Committee of our Party and Comrade Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev personally serve as an example of Lenin's style of work for all of us. (Applause)".
And, of course, it was necessary to get rid of Stalinist cadres in Armenia, which was successfully accomplished:
"The recent party conferences and the XXII Congress of the Communist Party of Armenia were held with an unprecedented high activPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It continues in the same tradition as mongol, ottoman and Qing empires which were the most progressive empires in human history


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>Khruschev was reactionary


what are you doing here?


>China and Russia
>capitalist powers
Come on anon even you can’t be that stupid


>Muh hohols, muh feds!
Maybe you are the fed? Maybe you are the fruit born out of mod teams failure at taking proper action when necessary.

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Hamas official says undecided on sending delegation to new truce talks
Talks were to resume in Cairo on Sunday, Egyptian TV station Al-Qahera reported, two days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave approval for fresh negotiations. Mediators had hoped to secure a ceasefire before the start of Ramadan, but progress stalled and the Muslim holy month is more than half over.

At least four killed in Israeli attack on Al-Aqsa Hospital in Gaza
At least four people were killed and 17 others were wounded in the air strike, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a post on X on Sunday.Khaled al-Dakran, a spokesman for the hospital, said several journalists were among the wounded in the attack.

Protests in support of Gaza ceasefire continue for fourth day in Jordan and Morocco
In Morocco, protesters flocked the streets of Casablanca, Meknes, and other cities early on Thursday, waving Palestinian flags and calling for an immediate ceasefire as per the UN Security Council resolution adopted earlier this week. They also denounced Israel’s continued genocide in Gaza and reiterated the demand to terminate all normalization processes with it.

Turkey’s ruling party defeated in mayoral elections in stunning setback
The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) received its lowest percentage of votes since its first victory in general elections in 2002, dropping below 37 percent in the ballot. Meanwhile, the main opposition Republican People’Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Judge questions US government claim it does not have to feed migrant children
A federal judge has sharply questioned the Biden administration’s position that it is not responsible for housing and feeding migrant children while they wait in makeshift camps along the US-Mexico border.

Dozens arrested after protest blocks Philadelphia interstate, police say
Philadelphia officers were called shortly before 4 p.m. Saturday to the westbound lanes of I-676 where officials said about 350 members of the “Party for Socialism and Liberation” had rushed onto the highway, disrupting traffic, city police said…. The protest group put out a call for support, saying on social media that “peaceful protesters” were “brutally arrested .. for marching for Palestinian liberation.” ..

Working Families Party Urges New York Voters to 'Leave It Blank' for Gaza
As the death toll from Israel's war on the Gaza Strip hit at least 32,623 on Friday, the New York Working Families Party endorsed the "Leave It Blank" campaign, which encourages Democratic voters to cast a blank ballot in the state presidential primary next Tuesday to increase pressure on U.S. President Joe Biden to end the bloodshed.

US reportedly approves transfer to Israel of bombs and jets worth billions
The US in recent days authorized the transfer of billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to Israel, two sources familiar with the effort said on Friday, even as Washington publicly expresses concerns about an anticipated Israeli military offensive in Rafah.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/29/us-apprPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


CPP Directs NPA To Carry Out Tactical Offensives To Frustrate US-Marcos Regime’s War Of Terror
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today directed the New People’s Army (NPA) to mount tactical offensives that it is capable of winning as it wages a war of active defense to frustrate the brutal campaign of encirclement and suppression being waged by the US-Marcos regime, and shatter the reign of terror of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in the countryside.

Kuwaiti PM, The Kuwaiti Progressive Movement urges voters to participate in voting for candidates opposed to the infringement of freedoms, popular social gains, citizenship rights and normalization with the Zionist entity
The early parliamentary elections scheduled for the Fourth of next April are being held in light of a political and social situation and an atmosphere dominated by anxiety, tension, racial and class agitation, polarization and conflicts of centers of influence within the authority, in addition to spreading the spirit of boredom and despair due to the repetition of elections and the dissolution of successive councils, a situation that is very different from the atmosphere of relative detente in which elections were held 2022 and 2023, and it is feared that it will continue until after the elections and leaves the country again into a vortex of political crisis, but we are seriously afraid that it will turn into a more complex national crisis.

Nestor Makhno. Platform: Organisational Section
This platform,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



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Mathew Dolloff was the based Antifa security guard who shot and killed a faggot Drumpf supporter that tried to mace him. The judge said Mathew did nothing wrong. The right tries to portray the “victim” as just a nice old man who made hats when obviously he looks like some Hells Angels pedophile psychopath and he was threatening people and chimping out the entire day. We should all be parading him around like a hero and giving him opportunities to do speeches and sending him millions of dollars. It’s so funny seeing right wingers and weird Jimmy Dore fan liberals praising Kyle Rhittenhouse then immediately turn around and scream and cry when a based antifa super soldier rightfully blows a MAGA scum’s brains out.
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>It becomes apparent that more than half of these comments were written by 14 year olds going through a phase induced by the youtube algorithms' spam of 'SJWs EPICLY OWNED' content.
or perhaps even language learning models trained by conservative think tanks to manufacture a false consensus


Lee Keltner tried that in a small town.


Someone please edit footage of Lee Keltner and Ashli Babbittt getting btfo with the Try That in A Small Town song.


hey lefty /pol/ my org has a person standing by the door to stop nazis trying to harass us is this person a class traitor??? ?



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 No.1803703[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Have military and tactical capabilities to damage the Russian war effort
>Choose to kill innocent civilians for no reason and accomplish literally nothing
What the fuck were they thinking? Isis also attacked Imran Khan supporters in Pakistan for no reason. I smell the CIA.
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Robert Kennedy Junior
"We created ISIS"


>How Australian undercover police ‘fed’ an autistic 13-year-old’s fixation with Islamic State


Awesome, looking forward to every dipshit liberal saying "that's a right wing talking point" now.


I doubt the Chinese intelligence services are as incompetent as Russia's


this I doubt the chinese would take an hour to respond to a mass shooting

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