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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Are you ready for the Venezuela red guards and the little book containing Hugo Chavez though? Maduro is about to kick out all the capitalist roaders and establish a true socialist republic. TRUST THE PLAN!
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Every socialist country had commodity production

theres no such thing as a socialist country

>Communists don't like Maduro because of the economic problems
>Not Maduro turning on the Communists, destroying the CPV and other Communist orgs who challenge his national bourgeois capitalism.
Clown shit.

Anyways, this rhetoric about a "cultural revolution" is just more opportunist phrasemongering. The "pink wave" in South America really seems to be turning into a reflection of how African socialism went in the late 20th century, with all kinds of regimes with nothing to do with socialism (looking at you Somalia) wrap themselves in red to appeal to the masses and end up setting back revolutionary struggle in their countries immensely.

So you're saying that it doesn't matter when the country's economy (on which millions of workers depend to eat day to day) is inefficiently managed; but whether the government puts a good or bad face on a political minority of the country?

Maoists are such liberal cultists holy shit

What a bizzare misreading of what I said.

I'm saying that economic problems are not in and of themselves a reason to consider a government "good" or "bad". Cuba has experienced severe economic hardship for decades now, however they do not represent anything close to the same degree of mis-leadership and counter-revolution that Maduro does. Economic hardship can come from any number of things, not just mismanagement. Communists are right to criticize Maduro's refusal to implement socialist planning in the economy and diversification of the economy. Communists are right to criticize him maintaining Venezuela's dependence on oil. But it's not this criticism or the economic hardships in and of themselves which have led to the complete break of the Communists with the PSUV. Policy can be struggled over within the working class movement, combating capitalist roaders in the movement can be done through dialogue in many circumstances.

However, Maduro and the PSUV have shown their true colors in their turn towards outright suppression of the working class movement. This is no longer the same party that Chavez, in his idealism, sought to found and merge the PCV into. It's a national bourgeois opportunist Party that has themselves created the impossibility for unity by openly and violently turning against the working class movement. Yet another tragic proof that idealism, even with a proletarian character at the start, only serves the bourgeois classes and their revisionist "socialism". All it's capable of putting into power are compradors and opportunists.


Bolivian judge orders the arrest of former President Morales in sex abuse case
Morales, who enjoys strong support from many Indigenous and rural populations in Bolivia, continued to be backed by leaders like Isidro Vaca, who said the former president was in hiding because he believes he would not receive justice under the current government.

“More than 30 killed in ELN offensive in northeast Colombia”
According to Ombudsman Iris Marin, the people were killed in what appears to be an attempt by the ELN to assume full control over Catatumbo. Among those who were killed were five demobilized former FARC guerrillas and an unknown number of community leaders, said Marin on social media platform X.

Power cuts hit Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area and other parts of Argentina
Several areas in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) and Rosario in the province of Santa Fe have been suffering prolonged power cuts which enraged residents who, in addition, were deprived of state subsidies on their electricity bills and are therefore paying full fare in exchange for… literally nothing.

Hamas and Palestinian Resistance Forces Declare Ceasefire With Zionist Regime
Zionist forces are required to fully withdraw from all areas of the Gaza Strip and return to the pre-war borders. The Rafah crossing must be reopened, with Zionist forces withdrawing entirely from the area The entity is mandated to ease the travel of injured individuals for treatment abroad. The entity must permit the daily entry of 600 aid trucks, as per a humanitPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Meatpacking Companies to Pay $8 Million for U.S. Child Labor Violations
Perdue Farms and JBS, two of the country’s biggest meatpackers, will pay a combined $8 million after the Department of Labor found the companies relied for years on migrant children to work in their slaughterhouses. The deals, announced this week, are part of a flurry of child labor settlements that have come in the last days of the Biden administration, which has been cracking down on the practice.

Biden says the Equal Rights Amendment is law. What happens next is unclear
The issue has long been the subject of legal controversy. In 2020, the national archivist — who is charged with making constitutional amendments official — declined to certify the amendment, citing an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel. The department said it considered the ERA to be expired after a 1982 ratification deadline was missed. In 2022, the Office of Legal Counsel released an opinion affirming that 2020 decision.

Biden's Clemency Clock Winds Down for Donziger, Littlejohn, Peltier, and Assange
Outgoing U.S. President Joe Biden announced commutations on Friday for approximately 2,500 people who have been convicted of non-violence drug crimes—a move that was cheered by rights groups and brings his total number of pardons and commutations to the highest of any president. But Biden has so far stopped short of granting clemency to a number of high profile individuals whose cases—while all very different—have generated significant public interest and sympathy.

‘Fields were solitary’: Migration raids send chill aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Jihadism, capitalism and neo-Ottomanism
– About this sudden change in Syria. Turkish Foreign Minister, said he had convinced Russia and Iran in Doha not to intervene on the side of the Syrian government, otherwise it would have been a bloodbath. It means that militarily the Russian and Iranian forces would have to face huge weaponry and mercenaries supplied by forces outside the country. Which ones? Okuyan: All these preparations were made in Idlib. Idlib had been left under the control of Turkey during the Astana talks, and the AKP government had vowed to purge the region of terrorists. We know that Russia has expressed its concerns on this issue from time to time, but nothing has changed in the end. In any case, it is not possible for either the UK or Israel to send weapons there without Turkey’s knowledge. It is also impossible for Russian and Iranian intelligence not to notice all these preparations. But they did not grasp the seriousness of the situation. I cannot say they turned a blind eye, both countries were hit hard in the end. It was also ensured that the Syrian Army would not resist. Officers were bought, and inside sleeping agents were activated. The economic conditions in Syria had already diminished faith within the army. Therefore, when the Turkish Foreign Ministry told Russia and Iran, “Do not intervene unnecessarily, this is over,” after the operation began, it was really over. Now we see that the Russian side is criticizing Assad. Russia spent the past few years trying to persuade Assad to meet with Erdoğan. Hence, it was clear that Putin was not eager for a new conflict in Syria. Many sources were already saying that Russia would step back in Syria to get what they wanted in Ukraine. Syria fell before the table was set for Ukraine. I already thought that, in Syria, Russia would not confront the bloc formed by Israel, the USA, the UK and Turkey any way. Things went in this direction. The same goes for Iran.

At Home, Joe Biden Squandered Countless Opportunities
The trouble with evaluating Joe Biden’s presidency on the domestic front is that it both was so much better than anyone had a right to expect and fell far, far short of both what the moment demanded aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Even in comparison to other Asian tigers, China has seen a level of population decline that was only seen during its “century of humiliation.” Fucking ten million people are gone from that country since 2020. Barely a decade ago.

No, the “but there population is big” isn’t an excuse. China is losing people disproportionately faster than other East Asian countries. The level of decline experienced is similar to the decline seen by many post soviet states.

I doubt this trend will last long. After all, it only took Russia a few years to regain a lot of their lost numbers. However, action still needs to be taken to fix whatever hell is going on there. Just look at the shape of this graph. Looks like a fucking mountain.
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You must be stupid and have never read a book in your life. As the other anon mentioned, reserve army of labor is important for capitalism. Not only that but bourgeois democracy has problems when the elderly population that depends on welfare grows too large for the economically active population to sustain. Trends in population number but also fertility, gender ratios, age groups, death rates etc are all crucially important in long term economic analysis.

Literally does not matter. The obsession with this is 100% racist is origin and I can’t express this any more clearly. Economics does not, ever, under any school of thought, ever think that there is a 1:1 equivalence of worker productivity. Productivity is a factor of technology and social development. An individual worker in an advanced factory is literally 20x more productive than a backwards one. It is not something that is determined by population.

This is, no joke, racism. It’s literally about racial demographics. It’s not about economy or society. It’s about racial demographics. It is a chart of racial demographics and is only of interest to racial demographers.

Irrelevant. You can print laborers in a laborer factory now. They get screwed together by mechanics laborers who came from a laborer factory.

It’s a good example of how domination of cultural production means we are all helpless to redefine cultural conflict. We have to accept that racial demographics control the future because nazis who own the press says we do.

>Theres no difference between the female-male ratio of China compared to other countries.
A 70 year old Chinese woman is not going to marry a 30 year old Chinese man.


What is the current state of maoist insurgencies and people's wars throughout the world? Turkey, India, Philippines, Peru, Nepal, also those who took part in Rojava, etc. I haven't followed them for a while. And what do you guys think about them?
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Sri Lanka? If so, the JVP that just got elected isn’t the JVP under Rohana Weejiweera

They are all dead, except in Nepal where they won, and some African country where a guerrilla of this type COULD exist, other than that it's a globally failed and obsolete revolutionary strategy.



>OG Maoist movement sold opium.
Fake CIA talking point

They probably did to some minor extent, but so did literally everyone. However, the Chinese Republicans were the worst offenders. According to Stilwell, the extent of it was horrible in major Chinese cities that were basically being run by the Triads

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Communist view The 'baby M' case is one of the most interesting historical instances for me. feel it should be discussed more
For those unaware, the Baby M case was a legal battle in the 1980s over the custody of a child born through surrogacy. Mary Whitehead, a housewife married to a garbageman, agreed to serve as a surrogate for William and Elizabeth Stern, two wealthy Jewish working professionals, and was inseminated with William's sperm. However, after giving birth to the child, named Baby M in court documents, Mary Beth changed her mind and decided she wanted to keep the baby. A legal battle ensued, which ultimately ended in William stern's favor. What's interesting to me, however, is despite their resources, most of the public and people from across the political spectrum were supporting Mary Beth Whitehead. Feminists and right-wingers marched together, saying it's immoral to sell a woman's body for a childless couple
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is this exploitative?

Feminists and Rightists aren't as opposed as one might think. However, a distinction must be made, many current "anti-censorship", "more sexy women in video games" gamers would have been liberals just a decade ago, think Jimmy Kimmel. Classical elements of the Right and Dissident-right both oppose similar institutions as certain Feminists, such as Hollywood for its sexist depiction of women, according to feminists, and being run by 'degenerate Jews,' according to Rightists. They also oppose porn and surrogacy. If you delve into the alternative crunchy mom scene, it forms a perfect circle. As the far-right rises globally, I believe certain feminist groups will be pressured to support them

>one of the most interesting historical instances for me
why? this is quite intrascendetal

braindead takes fags don't die in palestine or lebanon because any of those groups they die because israel keeps bombing everyone

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I made a thread a while ago discussing how technological advancement is both slowing down, and that the use of pre-civilizational or ancient technology is being used way more often than before. I still stand by my beliefs. In fact, I think the future will see a specific trend emerge. This trend is primitivization.

Primitivization is a real world. However, it isn’t used often. Basically, logistical, resource, and manufacturing restraints are putting limits on how complex most technologies discovered and used today can be distributed. Consumer goods of the future will involve less electrical components, less mechanical movements, and less rare resources.

Expect to see escalators and elevators replaced with staircases. Expect to see skyscrapers and automatic doors replaced with flats and doorways. I don’t even have to say anything about how basic and primitive most architecture internationally has gotten. Expect to find that most of the electrical utilities you use today to be replaced with ancient designs. Hell, you can even expect to see steel and concrete to be replaced with stone, cement, and adobe.

These designs include wind catchers, aqueducts, and more.

You get the idea. The focus of manufacturing today is on consuming less. Using primitive designs saves manufacturers much more money. Primitive designs also tend to just work better than the overpriced overengineered garbage being mass designed these days.

By the way, primitivization also ties into military tech too. Artillery-based weaponry is coming back, and with it, so is siegecraft given how the Sudan and Ukraine wars are going.
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what about mass timber from sustainably managed forests?

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wanting substitutable methods of living is not reactionary.

>another thread about how OP feels about the vibes of society turning into something

>the focus of manufacturing today is on consuming less. it saves money.

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>”Have you seen that new Tiktok-“
Tik Tok? That’s dusty and last year, I’m on Red Book now.

The concentration of American capital in the tech sector has caused it to shut out the last non Zionist-shill imperialist apologia and outright reactionary content in an attempt to further solidify its control over the marketplace

This is a good thing. The less Americans with access to the internet the better.

I don’t buy into the whole socialism by 2049 thing but China really might win by just doing nothing.

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Americans are just moving xiauhongshu, activitypub and learning to web surf. (surprisingly more talk about activitypub than bluesky since meta started censoring links to pixelfed, making instagram people find out about pixelfed)
Like you can be whedonistic about it but America finally losing it's core web is only going to make Americans more prevelant on the web, not less. It'll shatter their indoctr nation, making them less annoying, but you're going to be dealing with them more from hereon.


When I was at the store the other day, I noticed that a can of coconut cream advertised itself as using "no monkey labor". I was unaware that monkey labor was used in coconut farms. Looking it up, it turns out that coconut companies in Southern Thailand have been kidnapping wild pig-tailed macaques, an endangered species of monkey native to the region, chaining them up, removing their canine teeth to prevent them from biting their handlers, and making them harvest coconuts. Macaques are smaller and more nimble than humans, and are better at climbing trees, so they're more efficient than human workers, and since they're slaves and not proletarians, they don't have to be paid because they're not allowed to leave. This makes them highly profitable, and they're almost universally used in the parts of Thailand where they can be found. When not being made to pick coconuts, coconut monkeys spend their lives chained to trees, pacing repeatedly, which is typical behavior of captive animals.

This is all pretty par for the course as far as international capitalism goes. It's pretty similar to the various atrocities you can see in the palm oil, banana, chocolate, and meat industries. It only inspired me to make this post because, on google, I came across a reddit post from someone who noticed the same sticker on the same brand of coconut milk as I did.

The thread is filled with people defending the use of monkey slave labor. Seriously. The top comment is an article from NPR which takes a "neutral" stance on the issue, quoting Arjen Schroevers, a Dutch man who moved to Thailand in his 40's to marry the owner of a "monkey school". In his open letter to PETA, he defends the use of monkey labor in broken English on the grounds that the monkeys are not beaten (though there is quite a bit of footage of them being strangled and whipped), and that Thai coconut farmers have used macaques to pick coconuts for decades. He reaffirms that the monkeys are kept chained to prevent them escaping, and that they are transported in cages.

This is good enough for the redditors, who scoff at "extreme animal rights activists" and say "not all animal labor is cruel", with another saying "i follow an InstaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

u get half point for at least somewhat correct usage of the term commodity fetishism (tldr)

Sorry anon. Shit sucks for real.


This thread is for the discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
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>eco-authoritarian regime


I wanna post this schizo pic of a terminator park ranger robot pointing a gun at the viewer defending the 'rewilding zone - no humans 500 miles' but cant find it, it went hard as fuck

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you WILL be taken care of by loving machines and you WILL like it
reminds me of this existential comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/139
cute win3.1 poner


So basically because they don't think it's real (physical) they think it's bunk?

But yet we know that it is real (circularly socially emergent) because, well, it's literally observable?

INDEP is garbage, they are a bunch of anti marxist anarcho-liberals who uncritically reproduce Steedman's critique of the LTV and hayeks arguments against central planning.

We need an explicitly marxist version of INDEP that rejects parecon nonsense.

>INDEP is garbage
There are no other orgs with any reach that genuinely try to do cybernetics and planning.
If any do exist, they're irrelevent.
Also INDEP has young people in it, that's 'fucking essential.
I propose young blood transfusions be given to dickblast to stave of his encroaching alzeimers.


The idea of working for the sake of working is fascistic in nature and we should ensure for more automatisation of work wherever its possible to ensure more comfortable working conditions and times for everyone and henceforth more easily strive towards a more equal world.
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>what communist even argues this?
Have you never read a leninhat rant on work, hello newfag I guess?

what's this from

>hating on brown people
>some slur he directed at a guy he hated in a personal letter
Really stretching that as far as you can, reactionary.

The fucking right to be lazy lol

One of the funniest pieces of bait i've seen lately

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