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No ironically I am waiting for the contradictions of capitalism to reach a point where there is a thermonuclear war and capitalist society collapses, many people will die? yeah, but the majority will be from the northern hemisphere so…

In a radioactive wasteland only anarcho-communist societies will exist
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>fascism is when things are bad
fascinating analysis


"It is the chilling example of a people that is willing to immolate itself atomicly so that its ashes can serve as a foundation for new societies and that when a pact is made, without consulting it, by which the atomic rockets are withdrawn, it does not sigh with relief, it does not give thanks for the truce; He comes to the fore to give his own and unique voice, his own and unique combatant position, and further, his decision to fight even if it were alone."

Ernesto Che Guevara


I've never been more relieved to be Australian. We may be able to dodge all this.


well you'll still be australians though


So it seems.

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>Of all the classes that stand face to face with the bourgeoisie today, the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class. The other classes decay and finally disappear in the face of Modern Industry; the proletariat is its special and essential product.

Why was he so wrong about this?
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>Where, exactly, does Ehrenreich take anything but the base as the point of departure?
see >>1899725


I make a six digit salary, hold stocks and invest in a managed fund. I am a proletarian.


i make 30k/yr, do not hold financial assets, but I work in an office. i am a PMC and am not a proletarian


What does that even mean? I support everything that will improve the lot of the working class


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This whole stupid thread is why it's so irksome when leftists smugly deny the importance of income differentials to class status. No, income is not the sole determinant of class, but it's safe to say that if you have a chunk of money lying around in reserve, you are not some hapless proletarian, and even both Marx and Engels said as much.

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Not that it matters, there's copies everywhere. There's a good outline of the early intel campaign against him and the media here
>Assange required to instruct WikiLeaks to destroy unpublished files

Before Assange’s guilty plea was entered in court, the agreement with the U.S. government required him to “take all action within his control to cause the return to the United States or the destruction of any such unpublished information in his possession, custody, or control, or that of WikiLeaks or any affiliate of WikiLeaks.”

As required by the agreement, Assange provided a sworn affidavit before the plea hearing that indicated he had taken this step.

WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson confirmed to The Dissenter that Assange had requested that he destroy "all unpublished U.S. secret documents."

This provision in the plea agreement echoed the infamous decision in 2013 by editors at The Guardian newspaper to take a power drill and angle grinder to a hard drive which contained copies of vast troves of information leaked by National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden to then Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald.

Editors were threatened with legal action if they did not either hand over the hard drives. They agreed to destroy them in the basement of their headquarters in London, even though it was understood that copies existed elsewhere outside of the U.K.

Technicians from Government Communications Headquarters—the U.K equivalent of the NSA—filmed the destruction of the computer hard drive while taking notes and providing instructions to the editors.

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Get ready for him to mysteriously die through a suicide or an accident. Nothing ever happens.


huh, didnt he have some dead man switch with additional shit nobody got ?


Australia is fake, too. Have you seen the "photos" of Australian animals? Ridiculous stuff.



Canadian airline WestJet cancels at least 235 flights following a surprise strike by mechanics union
The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association said its members started to strike Friday evening because the airline’s “unwillingness to negotiate with the union” made it inevitable. The strike came after the federal government issued a ministerial order for binding arbitration on Thursday. That followed two weeks of turbulent discussions with the union on a new deal.

Guatemala asks LGBT pride marchers to have 'good manners' after bid to ban event
"The parade is ready to go and we will not give in to intimidation attempts," the organizers' committee said on X. "This is a peaceful, civic and communal demonstration where diverse people are united by the celebration of who we are."

Third day of Israel operation in north Gaza as thousands displaced
The armed wings of both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad said they were engaged in ongoing fighting with Israeli forces there. Israel's military, meanwhile, said its operations were continuing in Shejaiya where fighting "above and below the ground" left a "large number" of militants dead.

Iran heading for runoff election after neither lead candidate scores majority
Iran is heading to a runoff election in a week’s time after the reformist lawmaker Masoud Pezeshkian secured a narrow lead over the hardline former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili but failed to secure more than 50% of the votes. Turnout may end up low as 40%, a record low for an Iranian presidential election since the revolution in 1Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Families of Uvalde shooting victims push for more arrests after indictments: ‘Why only two people?’
“We are having to relive this nightmare again knowing they had the chance to save some of our loved ones – maybe all of them,” Arreola said, adding that she wants more officials to be indicted following the “cascading failures”, as described by the justice department, in the police’s delayed response to the shooting.

Ron DeSantis Stops Florida Beaches Closing Amid 'Fecal Pollution' Warnings
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has vetoed a bill that would have given the state the power to close beaches if tests show water does not reach the state's health standards. DeSantis made the call this week, despite Floridians being warned against swimming due to "fecal pollution" just two months ago.

13-Year-Old Boy Shot and Killed by Police After Chase
After a struggle on the ground, a police officer “ultimately discharged his firearm once, striking the male,” Mark Williams, the chief of police, said at a news conference on Saturday. The boy was taken to a hospital, where he died, the police said. Later, officers recovered a replica of a Glock 17 Gen5 handgun with a detachable magazine, according to the news release.

Revealed: the tech entrepreneur behind a pro-Israel hate network
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Biden and Trump debate: zombie vs. gangster
Following the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, one question is on the minds of millions of ordinary Americans and the US ruling class: “How the hell are these our only options?” The agonising 90-minute display saw a bewildered Biden mumble and stumble his way through incomprehensible half-sentences, after which his wife had to lead him by the arm from the stage. Trump put in his usual performance of bragging, blustering, and lying at an average rate of once every three minutes (according to CNN).The ‘debate’ (if one can call it that) has aptly set the tone for the remainder of this farcical election contest between two of the least popular presidents in US history. On the one hand, we have a senile genocide enabler; on the other, a megalomaniacal huckster. Heads, we lose. Tails… we lose. It’s no accident that it has come to this. To paraphrase the French philosopher Joseph de Maistre, every system gets the leaders it deserves. Last night's woeful spectacle perfectly sums up the senile decay of US capitalism.

American Suburbs Are Decaying: Review of Disillusioned: Five Families and the Unraveling of America’s Suburbs by Benjamin Herold (Penguin Press, 2024)
For the better part of a century, American internal migration patterns have been massively influenced by the suburban promise of great amenities, low taxes, privacy, safety, and a fresh start. But as long-time education reporter Benjamin Herold argues in his new book, Disillusioned: Five Families and the Unraveling of America’s Suburbs, that dream has always been elusive, not least because the suburbs themselves have a baked-in economic life cycle. Through a portrait of five families in pursuit of the suburban idyll, Herold reveals how suburbs are born to fail. Disillusioned is just as much about schools and race as it is about housing as a Ponzi scheme, but when it comes to daily life, these can’t be neatly separated. All five families Herold profiles move to the suburbs to get their children into better schools. But schools’ performance and resources too often mirror their racial makeup, good intentions or not. Part of the suburban story is that opportunity is usually dPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Is there great revolutionary potential in Argentina right now? The country is going to the shitters at the expense of the working class and it seems like it's only going to get worse
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whenever lefties talk about revolutionary potential you know ur about to bite down hard on a big fat juicy nothing burger. even if there is a revolutionary potentials all the lefties in the world cannot make it happen because theya re too busy arguing over purple juice and the korrekt marxist line on UFOs

look maybe revs of the future will not come through a VANguards of autistic retards like L3n1nists say and anarchists basically agree with but pretend they dont. NO! revolutions of the present and future and future past will be revolutions of disoragnized mobs that will unite like an electronic wave through a bunch of particles. so what if people are lumpen (fat)? as long as they cause chaos in the streets things will move fine.

just instigate chaos and let revolution happen by wuwei


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From my perspective Latin America in general has the most revolutionary potential globally. The main problem Argentina faces is that working class dissatisfaction can be effectively channeled through the moderate (or moderated) Peronist ideology due to its historical image as an ally of the worker, instead of actually productive revolutionary movements like Syndicalism. Good news is that because of the incredible strength of the Syndicalist movement prior to the Bolshevik Coup and then the following rise of Peronism, Marxism never managed to usurp the position of Syndicalism in the country. Even more good news is that Peronism itself was in part influenced by Syndicalism (due to the aforementioned strength of the movement) meaning that left-peronists can more easily be swayed to the ideology. If a revolution does come in Argentina then it will, thankfully, NOT be led by the Marxists.


>Is there great revolutionary potential in Argentina


lol no, argentina has no class consciousness. even less now with milei since lolbertarians and the media succesfully installed the narrative that the ruling class of argentina is not the rich but the politicians. argentina is long stuck in a political loophole called peronism vs anti-peronism and the tragedy is that they're both anti-revolution and pro class collaboration.
if Milei fixes inflation, people here will support him no matter what. he could sell off the whole country but if he pulls off single digit inflation they'll worship him for it. they did the exact same thing with menem and to this day there are still many people defending him.


yeah the argentine capitalist social structure is depleted. thats why our crisis cycles are so severe compared to other countries, and why we are getting more and more bizarre, ignorant and useless bourgeois as political leaders. also we have a vanguard party that although small and without political experience is analyzing our particular socioeconomic structure and history
all we need is a program (saying no to milei and peronism is fine, but we need a way out of this mess) and delimit ourselves from peronism. most of the working class dislikes peronism as of now so we need a policy of open confrontation with them so they dont drag us in their trainwreck

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like British conservatives or American republicans who became communists or socialists later in life?
Henry Hyndman is an interesting case. he started as a conservative who converted to socialism after reading the Communist Manifesto and the writings of Henry George. He even founded one of the earliest socialist parties in Britain, but he was fiercely and openly anti-Semitic. Blamed Jewish bankers and "imperialist Judaism" for much of the world's state and had paranoid theories about an "Anglo-Hebraic Empire." Surprisingly, he was not racist towards other ethnic groups. He supported Independence in Asia and Africa. for example, just simply distrusted the Jews and did not like that they were overrepresented in the bourgeoisie class and emerging socialist groups
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I think the former royal Machu dynasty counts. The House of Aisin-Gioro all live normal upper-middle class lives with professions in China


>chris chan medallion dedicated to a russian pagan god
You don't get it bro. It was *ironic*


Proles will become the new oppressor class and they will rape and dominate latinos then we will need an international movement to overthrow proletarianism


Proles will become the new oppressor class and they will rape and dominate imported latinos and robots then we will need an international movement to overthrow proletarianism


When the proletariat takes power, they will abolish both the capitalist and proletariat class.


<The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.

Can someone with a thesaurus and an encyclopedic knowledge of 20th century french post-modern and structuralist philosophy explain what the literal fuck this means?
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>Judith Butler
should be shot


New thinkers say Capitalism is not a stable as it seems.


The entire intelligentsia should be buried alive in unmarked graves, frankly


I suspect that structuralist and many other pomo authors are intentionally obtuse in their writing because they aren't confident that they could actually argue their point.


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Found where you GOP cuntoids are cribbing your ideology from

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Cost of living is rising every day, colleges are debt slave machines but parents will still push their kids into going. Rapidly rising homelessness, inflation, etc
But everyone seems to be ok with it or at least tolerant.
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Why would you expect it to be any different?
As long as people aren't starving to death on a mass scale, people will usually just keep their heads down and hope things will gradually get better

What leftist revolutionary organization are you a part of OP?


I can't make predictions hundreds of years into the future, and I wouldn't think any of the nations today would survive with the names and meaning they have today. There may, very likely will, be people descended from today's Chinese that inherit some part of that history. China was the only civilized center that wasn't subsumed into the prevalent Satan-worship that is at the foundation of every other civilization and that installed itself pretty much in broad daylight in every country. This isn't to say China is "untainted" in modern history, but that it was the only civilized center that descended from an entirely different line of thinking. They're the only large polity that rejected God-worship and God-abasement in the form that it took from the outset, never developing this concept as it exists in most of the world. That is one reason there is this much obsession about China, and why they keep insisting on fighting endless race wars. It's a proxy for that old grudge and bringing about the return of Jesus or whichever Luciferian or Satanic figure they invoke.

Because that's going to be much of human history moving forward - the death march of the Satan, however it happens - I can't make predictions, as if the imagined world ordering of the 20th century were ever stable, or even what it purported to be. If you look at China today, they have a denuded culture, and being a large and rich polity, they're likely going to be lined up much as the United States is now and the Soviet Union was in the 1980s. I imagine collapsing China will be the endgame of the current project to consolidate the empire, and it will be even bigger than the ongoing downfall of the United States. The US, for all of its influence on the world, really is a paper tiger. China had the natural wealth, so large that it could rebuild after being the shithole of the world until Mao came along. Destroying that would be the ultimate win for the empire and the monsters that prevailed in humanity. So, I don't buy the hype of "China ruling for centuries". That's some Nazified faggotry and I imagine a lot in China would laugh their asses off at the idea. It reads like something a Kraut or Israeli would write to make their disgusting fake countries appear natural and insist everyone secretly wants to be like them. China very clearly does not want to be Kraut, and in typical fPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


My crystal ball sputters out around 2100 at the latest, and you can't really say for sure what will happen in the future. I suspect that war, more war, and the depravity of humanity will reduce human numbers far below the "goal" of 500 million - a goal that was only raised at first because it was a sufficiently low number to justify a general and all-pervasive eugenic purge of humanity and a permanent siege to glorify the ritual sacrifice at the center of its religion.


So, I would be surprised if there were much more than maybe 200 million humans on Earth by the 23rd century. Fecundity was always premised on a political and economic imperative where more people meant more labor and more soldiers, which benefitted the family who owned their children. There is already no reason anyone in their right mind would have children, and there is no incentive to mass produce slaves in eugenic cloning vats just because, other than the sadism of their Satanic race. If we had any decency, we would make it our mission to suggest that, so long as the eugenists rule, it would be obligatory to see human numbers dwindle to nearly nothing, and for those who survive to build in the ruins the truly "final" humanity after the eugenists succumb to their own crapulence. I suspect, though, that the real powers of humanity saw something like this, and there will be an end to eugenism as we have known it, after which it's not possible to make many predictions now. It would entail a type of political thought that the present ruling ideas and theories of history do not allow, whatever it may be. We can only speculate about the potential technology that would exist in that world to a point, and the motives a reasonable entity would have in such a world.

I really suspect that by 2500, the people alive then will wonder what the fuck was wrong with the people of the 20th century. There have been in our time enough people asking this question, but because it's not politically admissible as "real", it remains the domain of fantasy. They'd probably conclude that the idea of "ruling the world" or any of these world-historical missions is some sort of insane faggotry. Of course, they'd probably recall that the world was conquered long ago - how long ago depends on who you ask and how far they want to roll back history. For all intents and purposes, the British won the world in 1914 when the Krauts went full retard.


He is right. Socialism will never replace capitalism unless the working class is class concious, organized and ready to take action. People and lumpen will just blame a boogeyman like immigrants or muslims instead.

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Iranian Kurdish parties firmly reject Kurdistan Regional Government's pressure to disarm and relocate
"The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) security agencies have notified Komala (the Kurdish branch of the Communist Party of Iran), the Komala of Revolutionary Toilers of Iranian Kurdistan (Shorshger), and the Komala of the Toilers of Kurdistan (Zahmatkeshan) to evacuate their bases in Zirgwez, Zirgwezala, and Bana Gawra villages to Arbat refugee camps and a newly established camp in Surdash."

Israeli forces arrest 28 Palestinians in raids in occupied West Bank
The overnight raids, part of Israel’s increasingly violent assault on the occupied territories, targeted the governorates of Jenin, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah and el-Bireh, Nablus and Jerusalem, said the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society on Thursday.

FARC dissidents order former guerrillas to leave southern Colombia
In a letter, the EMC’s Ivan Diaz Front said that fighters of rival guerrilla group Segunda Marquetalia were “hiding” in Miravalle, a hamlet that was founded to reintegrate the FARC. The EMC and Segunda Marquetalia oppose the peace deal that was signed by their former comrades and the national government in 2016. Both FARC dissident groups are vying for control over the area around Miravalle that lies in what used to be FARC heartland.

Toronto residents flood city lotteries amid ‘impossibly unaffordable’ housing
A new analysis by the Toronto Star has shown that demand far outstripped supply for six lotteries to Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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“Pro-worker and pro-business”: The failures of class collaboration
If you were worried about what Labour will be like in government, worry no longer. According to Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves, speaking to an audience of capitalists at the start of the party’s election campaign, her plan is for Labour to be both “pro-business and pro-worker”. The Marxist term for this is ‘class collaboration’. By asking both the bosses and the workers to be ‘reasonable’ in their demands, say the reformists, we can get to the best of all possible worlds, and sand off capitalism’s rough edges. There’s just one small problem: whenever anyone’s asked lions to lie down with lambs in the past, it generally hasn’t ended well.

Julian Assange Is Free, but Justice Has Not Been Served
On June 24, 2024, Julian Assange left Belmarsh Prison in London and boarded a plane for Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. Upon reaching the US territory the next day, the journalist was taken to a federal courthouse. Inside, Assange pled guilty to conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act. When asked to explain his crime, Assange told the judge, “Working as a journalist I encouraged my source to provide information that was said to be classified in order to publish that information. I believe that the First Amendment protected that activity. I believe the First Amendment and the Espionage Act are in contradiction with each other, but I accept that it would be difficult to win such a case given all these circumstances.” As part of the plea deal, Assange was sentenced to time served. During the sentencing, Chief US District Judge Ramona V. Manglona said, “The government has indicated there is no personal victim here. That tells me the dissemination of this information did not result in any known physical injury.” After setting the journalist free, the judge noted that the following week was Assange’s birthday, saying, “It’s apparently an early happy birthday to you.” Assange entered the courthouse one of the most visible political prisoners in the world. He left a free man for the first time in over a decade. There is zero question that Assange going free is cause for celebration. Assange is a journalist who expoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Kurds should resist the shithole theocracy in Iran instead of fleeing to Iraq


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Thanks News Anon


When Rojava ends Turkey and Iraq

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you're right it means the master race :^)


does anyone have links to the debates? i plan to learn persian in the future and would like to save them as future learning material


Hibernian hands typed this post.


bros, are we going to reunite ireland on time to be in the star trek timeline?

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