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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>Westerns try to steal African resources and exploit African labor.
>Russia offers Africa mutually beneficial cooperation
Why should Africa cozy up with Russia?

Like what? Wagner mercenaries injecting their semen into unconsenting African women?

>Russia offers Africa mutually beneficial cooperation
the social-chauvinists are out and about today

you mixed up your talking points buddy

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Bush Jr brought us the forever wars, millions of dead Iraqis and Afghans, the PATRIOT Act, surveillance state, Evangelical madness (he claimed God told him to invade Iraq), etc. Even Killary once called his VP Cheney the "Darth Vader of the Republican Party". But libs with TDS have conveniently forgotten about all this, and think Trump was worse because of mean tweets.
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remember when during trump the libs tried to rehabilitate bush ?

there's this belief that Bush was, not only totally lobotomized, but also emotionally controlled by his father and tricky dick. i can see why someone would think he's stupid, there are many quotes that really dont make him look smart but after all what he did was a joint effort no matter how you put it

there's a good case for this, Bush was the first republican "people's" candidate, he was supposed to be soft, accomodating and generally in touch. the dems attacked him over his gaffes and incompetence so comparing him to Reagen and Bush senior really works out as in "displaying the republican decadence"

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The USAno political theater needed a break from the "end of history" and it's consequences. The Twenty-teens were the pivotal moment when US hegemony started to show undeniable signs of decay on the mainstream and so Trump was introduced as the new focal point.

This was, as it's often the case, replicated in the rest of the imperial core. A "new right", fully zionist, NATO compatible was appointed the new boogeyman in the political theater. With all the xenophobic propaganda recoded to reference them instead of the last century woopsies. And a new front of succdems had their stage set for class collaborationism at home and imperialism abroad.

But "Trump-ism" (or however you call that BS, AfD in Germany, Vox in Spain… w/e) must come to an end, obviously. For starters , mortality, Trump will most likely not be able to run again. And the policy demands of the cold war mean the succdems are required to overlap on pretty much ALL OF IT with their purported opponents. So this arc has to be wrapped up.

And which better way to wrap it up than to bring it right back to the beginning, to the "end of history" years. Now depicted as the "good old days" where triumphalist hysteria had westerners feeling good about themselves while they spread utter misery around the world, the so called "blackest reaction". Where "policing" the world though overwhelming military and economic power was a good and righteous cause. Those days of the hopeful future for the western urbanite living in the beginnings of their thousand year BurgerReich, seemingly unstoppable.

Don't believe the 9/11 self victimization. It wasn't revenge bloodthirst how the people lived through it. We wanted and needed release, catharsis for the epic battle we had just won in the cold war. Color revolutions and impersonal sacking/bombing of eastern untermensch does not feel the same. Our entire national identity is built around the chauvinism that justifies imperialism. You can't just take away the viciousness behind a facade of human rights and "democracy"! Everyone wanted to be able to say the quiet parts aloud again. And we thoroughly enjoyed it.

And guess what, it's going to happen again. Perhaps, hopefully for the last time, although no less enthusiastic.

>And which better way to wrap it up than to bring it right back to the beginning, to the "end of history" years. Now depicted as the "good old days" where triumphalist hysteria had westerners feeling good about themselves while they spread utter misery around the world, the so called "blackest reaction". Where "policing" the world though overwhelming military and economic power was a good and righteous cause. Those days of the hopeful future for the western urbanite living in the beginnings of their thousand year BurgerReich, seemingly unstoppable.
I member when I was in middle school in the aughts my teacher told me it was already over and the Chinese century is inevitable.


It is no secret that the mods have access to our IP addresses (IF they want to check) therefore ro our countries of origin where we post from.

I would like to ask the mod team to generate monthly data based on /thread/ participation [BY COUNTRY] + pro/against predisposition in thread.

A simple % per thread per country of origin would suffice. I would guess, for example, that 50% of the negative posts regarding the USA inside /USApol/ would come from non-USA citizens.

I would also guess, that 70% of the negative comments about China would come from NATO countries.

You get my point, really. All of this could be avoided, by say, making every second month "meme-flag-denial" and "location-flag" month.

Meaning, that we get to see the country of origin every second month INSTEAD of their meme-ideology-flag for a change.

I honestly think this would, on the long run, improve leftypol.


I would also like to see by IP (=country) the participation rate in our mods' chat server (hugbox).

I bet my left testicle that a burger has more time to mingle with mods than a fucking Czech poster

It looks pointless and it probably won't result in anything other than people insulting each other based on their relative countries.

im a third worlder and i hate campists


Don't care. TAke it to /meta/, faggot.


We've probably been in one for at least 25 years. The Dark Age will not be televised.

Once capitalists won the Cold War, there was no longer a need for research supremacy over the Soviets, and the system no longer needed to moderate its worst impulses in order to justify itself, and so we returned to the old-style evil proto-fascistic capitalism we had thought died during the New Deal era. The 1990s boom masked this, at least in the US where people were able to get rich on stocks and tech; it wasn't clear until the 2010s that this was a long-form decline, but it is one.

Future societies will look upon this as another gilded age.
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So it’s the governments fault for why it took British people centuries to realize not bathing or cleaning their homes is objectively uncivilized?

what a glow post

It's funny how reputations are different in different circles. Many would probably think of Germans as some kind of hygeine freaks or something, but in most of the world they're known for not bathing. In some places they call what we call a "whore's bath" a German bath.

the "dark ages" werent dark because they were backwards but because we dont really know what happened during them due to lack of information

>upon this as another gilded age.

They'll call it the 'Hot Century'.

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I’ve been monitoring Africa a lot more than usual, and a thought came to me about the historical mass migrations of entire populations towards centralized settlements throughout history. One pattern that is visible among these migrations is the idea that cultural genocide is the primary contributor to these movements. Whether it’s war, famines, jobs, extradition, etc. in some way or another, people tend to move towards centralized areas when their leaders are shot and their interpersonal connections and values are destroyed. Cultural genocide by modern day capitalism is much stronger than before, because the mechanisms that force the dissolution meant of leadership, norms, and ideologies are actualized in the logistics infrastructure and level of integration present. Going back to Africa, this exact idea holds true, because you can see the escalation of interethnic conflict, degradation of political leadership and values, and rapid increases in urban migration not seen in Eurasia and South America explicitly due to the increased integration different peoples have as the road, railway, and information networks expand and intertwine with each other.
Marx and Engels were right about capitalism’s tendency to force the proletariat towards urban clusters, but to say that such movement was explicitly tied to exploitation alone fails to consider the many other contributions that could lead to such a phenomenon.
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indeed. uyghas will seriously see an obvious sign of the formation of a truly global proletariat and will think its actually communist to oppose it, holy fuck!!!!!!

>Whether it’s war, famines, jobs, extradition, etc. in some way or another, people tend to move towards centralized areas when their leaders are shot and their interpersonal connections and values are destroyed.
do you have any source for that?

>communism is when everybody wears the same clothes and lives in the same gray concrete building
guess mccarthy was right all along!

Communism won't be born from an historical vaccuum.
Capitalist cultural homogenization is progressive in the marxist sense, for when all particularims will have melted, the only struggle left will be class struggle.

the second international called, they want their blind belief in progress back

Because sacralizing national, ethnic or even sexual identities worked so well for socialists in the last decades lol

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what happened to the whole meme about Gen Z turning out to be far right? It doesn't seem like it turned out that way. Maybe zoomers who were already right wing became more right wing than they already had, or more "radicalized" somehow in that they are more willing to ditch bog standard liberal democracy in favor of some sort of unitary theocratic republic (i.e. Iran but Christian)? Or are just more pissed off in general? But thats not really a change.
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>what happened to the whole meme about Gen Z turning out to be far right?
It was wrong and dumb. The end.
P.S. some advice: you didn't need confirmation back when it first came up if you possessed critical thinking.

people need to realize that around the world, the younger generation realized that blaming bad stuff and failings on political figures is fucking insufferable, even if it's just language and you don't mean it. hence, they also realize that saying "Stalin did this" and "Mao did that" is bad and lying. they are starting to realize that there is no such thing as "leader" or "king". and as i observe they are especially loud or only exclusively say "the party" or "the government" or stuff like that when they are talking about communist and AES country. the current and newer generation is getting closer and closer to say "Communist country decided on things very collectively" out loud irl. note that when i say "observation", it's not fbi.gov or text in social medias. by "observation" mean irl and public voice and video recordings. but mosty irl.


>what happened to the whole meme about Gen Z turning out to be far right?
It turned out to be all a meme.

>Gen Zyk

The closest thing is the alienated 'neurodivergent' (aspie) teen boys who get recruited through /pol/ and incel forums. And they're obviously not going to be popular, strong or otherwise effective. More of an embarrassment to the movement than the 'aryan' prison gangs who deal meth and prostitutes.
Since the /leftypol/ Rightoid Cringe thread vanished, linking to the /farcism/ thread:

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Seriously feels like half the Gen Z nazis turn out to be not just wimps, but diagnosed autists (which hitler would have put in the ovens) or crossdressers and furries.
Neat. I'll try and post a few there tomorrow.

>what happened
The material conditions of life under capitalism precludes a rightward shift like "Generation Zyklon" predicted. That's because it would require some investment into the system, a belief that it fundamentally is good and should be "restored" to its prior glory. But Gen Z didn't experience a decline from the peak. They grew up while the decline was already happening. Contrast boomers and (to a lesser degree) Gen X who did live through the decline and have grown more reactionary. They are past their prime though so they're not in a position to be the footsoldiers of the new fascism.

Media and demographic changes play into this as well, making it harder for these younger generations to be intolerant (being exposed to much more diversity), but that's more secondary to feeling fundamentally alienated from the system.

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On 6 September 1966, 48-year-old Greek-Mozambican communist Dimitri Tsafendas stabbed to death South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, the architect of Apartheid.

Tsafendas was a veteran of the Greek Civil War fighting on the communist side. He was also an activist for Mozambique's independence from Portugal.

After being tortured, Tsafendas was declared insane and sent to a psychiatric hospital. Despite living to see the fall of Apartheid, Nelson Mandela's new government did not release him. He died in custody in 1999.
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Mandela was never about anything more than bringing neoliberalism to SA

Damn they let him rot in custody too

He was moved to a psychiatric hospital (prison lite) and stopped being tortured in '94. Assassinations were frowned upon by the mainstream anti-apartheid movement, though they dabbled with light terrorism for a bit. Plus he was a rogue actor when he did it.


Why did Plekhanov and Ilyenkov worship Spinoza so much? They completely misunderstood his philosophy and tried to shoehorn him into an understanding of materialism and only vulgarize it as a result.
>Georgi Plekhanov, the creator of the term "dialectical materialism," also designated Marxism as "dynamized Spinozism"
how fucking embarassing! Spinoza's philosophy was not in finding a logic for the real physical universe, but of some theoretical world, the imagined concrete. Marx's materialism is the complete opposite and rises from Hegel, dealing with relation between substances and their process of change from contradiction. Not Spinoza's substance that derives more from Plato. We don't arrive at the essence of things by some abstract substance, we arrive at it by understanding all it relates with and how its existence influences them. Where did they learn their Spinoza? A shitty Russian translation?

lol wat do u even mean hegel is dynamized spinoza thats accurate

>the pseud who coined the bullshit term "dialectical materialism" was into philosophy
not surprising at all

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This thread is for the discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
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456 posts and 57 image replies omitted.

>surge pricing for means of consumption
Fast food restaurants are trying that gamification nonsense already; people are pissed

NTA but demand far outstripping supply is a strong signal to invest in MoPs for that thing, and there's nothing wrong with pricing that thing in such a way as to finance those MoPs. there's also the added benefit of that price hike regulating demand for that thing

Your alternative: stock runs out?
>there's nothing wrong with pricing that thing in such a way as to finance those MoPs
Eh I would rather say people still obtaining stuff despite the price hike is a signal that justifies expanding production. It's an administrative decision whether to follow through with that and how much to do, not automatic. For example, we will inherit gambling machines. Suppose we don't destroy them. The indicator comparing production cost with demand at raised price will probably tell us to expand the production of gambling machines. It will be a conscious decision whether to do that and not automatic.

Here is the archive of the rest of this thread:
As you can see, this thread was full before the server crash. Please make a new one instead of posting here, or you will create an evil parallel universe.

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🇮🇲ᴵᵗ ⁱˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵒᵖʳⁱᵃᵗᵉ ᵗᵒ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵛⁱʳᵗᵘᵃˡ ᶠʳᵃⁿᵏ ᶜᵒⁿᵛᵉʳˢᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒⁿˡⁱⁿᵉ ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗʳᵘˢᵗ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʸᵇᵉʳ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ☭࿗🏳️‍⚧️



Ok so now that I have your attention we're are gonna discuss and critique with me this PDF I found open among my old browser tabs.


Most importantly, I found a couple of points the author makes that made me turn up my nose.
> One way of determining the underlying productivity of an industry in a country is its turnover. Higher rates of turnover suggest higher rates of productivity, because it implies shorter periods of production and or circulation.

What the hell is this!? The author seems to correlate higher turnover with either higher wages coming from workers changing employeers in growing sectors, or implies that workers with higher wages have a higher tndency of switching jobs.
But how does any of that connect with productivity? If anything, to my knowledge, in a number of sectors, expecially the more specialized ones such as IT, bringing in new people is always a cost since they need to be trained, something that is even harder if the other workers with the field knowledge are leaving in droves.
On the top of that, onboarding time is tipically the lowest in unspecialized jobs, which are typically those with low productivty due to the high level of organic capital, which is itself caused by the low skill required to enter and hence a very large amount of possible job applicats bringing down the price of labor.
So if anything, I would say that either this point is completely moot or potentially the author got this completely upside down.

> I have always portrayed this graph as representing the two arms embracing socialism. The top graph representing the possibilities lodged in socialism, and the bottom graph, because of its stagnant investment, the graph representing the necessity for socialism. The gap is somewhat overstated because it does not include the growth in circulating capital, evertheless, the trends show it to be real and growing over time.

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do you really need two (or more) online personas, zankaria?


He's talking about workers both immediatly before and after, but that would at least make some sense

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