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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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This article https://www.piratewires.com/p/oakland-defund-police-movement-earl-harper-lateefah-simon is written by a Zionist funded organization to promote right-wing oligarchy and ignore Palestine protests.


It illustrates the problem with not militantly opposing the grifters who wrap themselves in leftist language.

Leftism in 美国 cannot advance until such elements are fully removed and discredited. These grifters are the public image and unfortunately the reality of the left wing of American politics. such grifters out to be kicked out and denounced. These grifters are part of the same complex that denounces Palestinian resistance. If you encounter them run them out, they create the most potent enemies of leftism. Their hypocrisy and collaboration makes them the first obstacle to creating an actual leftist movement in 美国

short excerpt
>The Anti Police-Terror Project — co-founded by Earl Harper — gave at least $800,000 to organizations run by Harper and at which his mother and, until recently, wife are board members, along with $55,000 to the personal LLC of APTP’s vice president.
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Are we supposed to find humor in this? This thread is very poorly worded overall.


your reading comprehension is poor.

piratewires is not leftist and is likely getting AIPAC money, that being said this article does bring up facts that makes leftist look bad. The left ought to denounce and refuse to recognize or collaborate with the NGO complex that uses left language and causes to funnel money and reputation into their own private fortunes. The faux-left NGO complex is an even bigger obstacle to meaningful organization and action as the police state.


>The left ought to denounce and refuse to recognize or collaborate with the NGO complex that uses left language and causes to funnel money and reputation into their own private fortunes
That already happens. Youre fighting phantoms.
>Spend time denouncing random right wing publications
Waste of your time, go build your cell. Even making your own newspaper like trots which spreads your own viewpoint into the world that isnt "other paper bad" is better than what you propose.
>The faux-left NGO complex is an even bigger obstacle to meaningful organization and action as the police state.
It really isn't.


>That already happens.
no it doesn't, name/link to any article that records even one leftist denouncing Lateefah Simon, or the corrupt NGOs.

She should have the same kind of pressure and protests Nancy Pelosi gets for supporting Israel

>It really isn't

completely wrong, Leftists are screwing the pooch by not organizing against the injustice of corruption being done in their name. Leftist causes lack. It is lazy to let the corrupt NGO complex go on unchallenged.


>NGO complex
Whatever else they may be doing, they are organizing the reproduction of the capitalist order and its culture. They are also the nerve centers of the Western capitalist order who conduct counter-revolutionary actions against revolutionary leftists. They need to have their brains scrambled so that other actions and projects can succeed.


I politically Identify as an Attackism-Helicopterist. Ever since I was a teen I wrote essays of soaring over the third world liberating helpless foreigners. People say to me that an ideology being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm dialectical. I'm having my comrades install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on our headquarters. From now on I want you guys to call me "Huey" and respect my right to utilize lethal firepower during debate. If you can't accept me you're a anti-helicoptist and are violating my right to political association. Thank you for being so understanding.


reactoids have just one joke


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>too thick to understand satire of political labeling
Why do you browse Leftist Politically Incorrect?


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What is the general consensus on Wikispooks? I don't see it being talked about that often on here.

I think it's a good source for normalfags but gives too much credit to right wingers and neo nazis by treating them like innocent journalists that are snuffed by the big evil gov/corps. Also Independent Journalism thread.
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> K!Kel Kik K!kel K!ke slavoj zizek and nick land k!kel kik K1ke www.glowie.gov


What the fuck


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Reuters doing actual journalism. Why now? US anti vaccine psyops in the Philippines while the country was getting hit by Covid. An amazing exposure that nobody wants to talk about. If the US is willing to sacrifice Filipino lives it proves they will have no problem seeding pathogens in any rebellious vassal state. Unbelievable reporting.


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Altman and Openai are getting reined in. The adults are taking over. Expect more psyops that may kill you if if suits US geopolitical aims.


>Taibbi's (extremely selective) reporting on The Twitter Files is nonethethoughbutless essential
>The compromises he made to maintain access - "I was in an unstable situation" - essentially made The Twitter Files a limited hangout
No contradiction

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If you want to make revolution, just buy the guns illegally.
>But what if you get caught?
I have nothing to lose. I can get caught for any other reason.

Communists gave nothing to lose. We are willing to fight and die for what we believe. Rightoids need guns to be legal so they can form Klan cells without losing their jobs as boat dealership owners..
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Hey, comrades in non-burger and non-rural places:

where are the nearest guns?
are they guarded at all times?
how many people do you need to get them?


>just buy the guns illegally
thanks for the advice, officer
there are ways to obtain guns legally in most countries, such as hunting and sports shooting. the main downside is that you may be on a registry. not being on such a registry would be the main reason to get guns illegally, but then you have a whole bunch of other problems. for example, you're going to need to transport the guns to train with them. better hope you don't have any neighbors that might see you, and/or that your guns can be taken apart and put in an inconspicuous bag. then you also need to find or build a shooting range because owning guns that you don't know how to use isn't very useful
where I live hunters can have up to 6 guns and the licenses are for life, unless you're convicted of violent crime, drug use or similar. you can have semi-automatics of any caliber. this means one comrade can arm five others that don't have to be on any registry. you can get familiar with your guns, and if neighbors notice you (as they have me) then you have a perfectly valid explanation


lol buy an air gun. They make ones that kill a 1000 pound boar.


In places like Eastern USA where you can't buy firearms most of the time the law is basically "a gun is something that requires a CHEMICAL reaction" like a friend of mine who has chickens got an airbow which is basically a crossbow that uses air to keep away vermin.



Imagine being such a fucking dickless CUCK that when your liberal centrist coalition gets publically ass raped by the Fascist Right you justified surpressing the left for decades to keep out of power you decide to bend over for a second fucking helping, to give them complete control of the nation even faster then they otherwise would get it.
Like God DAMN Macron is a fucking BITCH.
Fucking absolute gay cock sucker for the far right he spent his entire career defining himself in opposition to:
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He was openly tyrannical during COVID, which is why he's getting his ass raped in elections by the reactionary far right. He sued a guy who called him a nazi. That wasn't even the only guy, another dude made a measly poster and got fined 10000 euros. He was larping as a dictator and this has gotten the far-right so much popular support.

Don't get me started on the "leftists" that tried to defend him and other leaders that acted like him during the lockdowns. What a losing issue that is.


i would be more surprised to see liberals NOT side with fascists than the opposite. of course maKKKron is a little fash freak, he is a liberal, and the only difference between liberalism and fascism is courage.


reminder: french liberals almost universally supported Hitler and/or the Vichy regime in the 1940s.


C'est fini


If your problem with Macron is that he forced peoploe to lockdown and get the vaccine, you are a retard.

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I thought 420chan.org was back.

Srsly thouhh I forgot you existed I remember sometimes browsing you while waiting for my hypno porn to download back on the 8chan days..

Fuck you all though
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Hey it's like staying at a friend's house until you can get a more stable living situation. Eventually another 420 will pop up. Until then /siberia/ and /hobby/ should be sufficient.


It's a 15+ year old project and most everyone who used to use it moved on or died.
Why not just accept it's over?


The guy who made 420 redirected here as a joke. It's not our fault lol


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Sadly he will actually fit in here.


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From the perspective of Marxists, historians, Iraqis, Kurds, Muslims, Christians, Persians, and Yankees alike: What did Saddam Hussein do wrong?
From my perspective Americans only know and hate him because he invaded Kuwait, a country that gave the US oil, and would would threaten American economic security. People whine all the time about civilian casualties but blame Saddam for America bombing Iraq "back to the stone age" and then imposing sanctions on the country for a decade, then invading and further destabilizing the country. As far as I know, Kuwait deserved Saddam. I would care more about civilian casualties in Kuwait if NATO didn't prove itself to be a force of mass destruction and terror against a man, who after fighting Iran for a decade, did anything in his power to eliminate the debts that he and his people had acquired from such a costly war. And what would Kuwait lose if Saddam would win? He'd just repair all the damages he did to Kuwait, he was a man who modernized his country, and released it from a bureaucracy of princes and executives. We can't expect people to be perfect, and we can't expect American military to have a soul.
Back to my point, is there anything I should know about Saddam Hussein that he did wrong, maybe there's a detail about the gulf war, Iran-Iraq war, or during his rule from 1968-2003 that I missed.
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He killed communists and oppressed Shia and other tribes as a favor to his sugar daddy, the USA. The whole deal with Iran was him fucking around and finding out and the USA dropped him just like they drop everyone they use. Also, liberal powers exclusively prop up the worst sects/people in Islam on purpose. The strategy was developed during the Arab Revolt which orchestrated by the British empire to destroy the Ottomans, to divide Islam but it also set the seeds of anti-communis that would be realized by groups like the Muslim Brotherhood later on. The whole philosophy behind it is totally retarded and filled with contradictions like them turning around and saying revolution is the greatest sin, when they thought of themselves as revolutionaries. The reason the west loves being pals with actual tyrants is because they kill the intellectuals that can point this out. The Saudi government kills, exiles and even runs online disinfo campaigns on youtube/twitter to silence dissent.
>but what about daddy saddam there's that picture of women not wearing burkas, so that means he's based!
He did the same thing for daddy. He killed any threat against the US, until he did it too much and fucked around and found out.

There's a reason the Iranian revolution caused liberals to seethe for decades. The mastermind of the Iranian revolution was a genius that managed to create a blend of the desire for a religious government that also favored socialist ideas. It was an example of how fragile the nation building that the imperial west did was.



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How did the IRGC lose while being armed by the US & Israel? Iraq on the other hand didn't receive a single American rifle. Must be embarrassing lil IRGCuck bro.


>CIA puppet Saddam
<doesn't allow US investments in his country
>ZASED theocracy of the proletariat led by the revolutionary clergy (PBUH)
<allows US investment in their country
Very materialist, much dialectics.

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread dedicated to following the results of EU elections this weekend. It also coincides with local elections in Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, and Malta; and parliamentary elections in Belgium and Bulgaria.

The far-right is expected to grow exponentially because of their open Ukraine-scepticism, diligently opposed by the mainstream.


* Portugal is expected to have a lower turnout because the election is to be held on the same period they have their national holiday.

* Qatargate.

* Hungary might be stripped of its EU voting rights under Article 7; meanwhile Hungary is scheduled to hold the next EU presidency.

* Czechia banned Voice of Europe, claiming it is a Pootin outlet.

thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM9erS90gTE
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>Magyar-anon, can you point me to any English resource about the events you're talking about?
They are very scarce I'm afraid. I've only found this section from an article:
<Then, last summer, apropos of another case, they accused MP András Jámbor and the Szikra Movement of supporting paedophilia. The background to the affair is that Krisztina D., a member of the Movement, was arrested in connection with what's become known as the antifa case, following which pictures with paedophile content were found in her partner's apartment, on a laptop that was not hers. In the end, the police officially declared that Krisztina D. had nothing to do with the brutal attack. Someone unconnected to the Szikra Movement was summoned by the police in the case, but they committed suicide before the police could question them. At the time, the government media were abuzz with claims that the Szikra Movement and András Jámbor himself were paedophiles.
If you want to see more, I advise you to check websites such as the one in the link, or one of these: nepszava.hu, hvg.hu (liberal news sites just like telex), search for relevant keywords (like Aunt Teefa) and machine translate their articles. You can also check magyarjelen.hu which is the main far-right news site and the earliest source of right-wing narratives.
Tbf I don't want to defend the aforementioned org too much. Their leaders are total traitors who used a bunch of Westernized urban leftists most likely IMTfags who deluded themselves into thinking that they were doing entryism to campaign for the pro-Western liberal coalition.

>Btw, there is any chance King Viktor's reign will ever come to an end except for his death at a very old age and at the same time Hungary will not devolve back to plain neoliberalism without his purely theatrical shenanigans about being against Ue and Nato without actually being against them?

I don't think it's purely theatrical, but you are right that his anti-Western position is much less stronger than what is stated. Unfortunately you are still correct about neoliberalism. Their economic policy barely sovPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Europe elects is reporting that the Czech party ANO is leaving Renew/ALDE with their 7 MEPs (incidentally this made them the biggest single party in the Renew faction). In recent years ANO has adopted in recent year increasingly leftish/'populist' positions, refusing the established cordon sanitaire against the Czech Communist party and cooperating with them on some points.

This has further spurred speculation on the inminent formation of a new anti-atlanticist EP faction initiated by the German BSW.



Von der Leyen's majority is slim, so now the SocDems, part of the vdL-Alliance, are trying to lure SMER back into their faction to increase their votes after kicking them out for being too critical of NATO/Ukraine support. This would sabotage the new anti-atlantic faction led by BSW and M5S.

(Huffpost Italy/paywalled)


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What made a homeless man with a mom that died when he was still a teenager into an extreme anti-communist social darwinist that believed in shoving homeless people and anyone that wasn't a middle class german into concentration camps?
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that post was obviously /pol/ bait
as if fucking national socialism was an answer to the problem of ethnicity dividing workers lmfao


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based workers
he was that weirdo at work who thinks hes better than everybody else.


or they get proletarianized, as stalin pointed out in his shoemaker example from 1906


if they fail then yes, that's just basic marx, nothing to do with funny mustache man

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

With Europe going full fascist, Russia being dragged into war with the EU, China being geographically surrounded by enemies, and the third world being too oppressed to rise up…
America, a country that leans right-wing, has somehow ended up as the last hope for communism and humanity to succeed over the forces of evil.

We face extinction and the forces of evil seem determined to drag us down into oblivion. Not only do we have to have a cultural revolution in America to change its internal right-wing bias, but we also need to wage war against fascism overseas. What leftists called "the great satan" has now become a sort of helm's deep, a last refuge against the mindless euroach fascist masses.

What can we do? How do we win?
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Sorry this was meant to >>1885595


why wouldn't it send troops? america has no problems getting its hands dirty, in particular when the opponent is defenceless. landing a few squads of dumbass marines for "peacekeeping" is right up the usa's alley.

they can also just use the cia to fuck things up internally, as they do all the time.

and this is before we consider that costa rica is maybe a few hundred kms from the panama canal, and we all know what happened there. just say that costa rica is "the new centre of drug trade" and voila: casus belli is ready and waiting.


Correct, faggot
Again, sorry numbers are scary


Reported for anti-Marxism, enjoy counting the seconds to your demise, autie


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