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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Because Palestine is too arabic/ethnocrat. I mean that what happening with the jews after the liberation of Palestine. They just got kicked out or what?
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Vulgar materialsts don't count.

>Umayyad soldiers in Spain after they burned down their ships.

Never happened

>Palestine is too arabic

Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer


He's right you know

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Deng did market reforms in China in the 70s and China continues to be ruled by marxist leninists today despite arguably creating a new bourgeoisie and high inequality.

Gorby tried to do perestroika and glastnost in the USSR 1985, and a mere 6 years later it had literally destroyed the whole country.

Why did one reform fail but the other succeed?
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Here what he said to a McDonald's capitalist while he was the Soviet ambassador to Canada.

Source "To Russia with fries" By George Cohen. Capitalist autobiography.

>On 25 February 1956, Khrushchev's Secret Speech became the most traumatic event in Yakovlev's early Moscow life; he listened to the speech from a balcony in the Grand Kremlin Palace. After the 20th Party Congress, Yakovlev lost his previous enthusiasm for communism and led a double life.

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such an immense snake

What garbage

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For all the scare depopulationists have been pushing, many of them fail to realize just how fast both governments and their citizens are adjusting to this changing world. Pronatalist programs seen worldwide, Africa going through its population boom, and governments making the economic reforms necessary to reduce inflation and promote financial security. These things at most are doing much to allow people the security they need to have kids and a stable future, and at least they are preventing the legitimate realities of a dying humanity from ever forming.
If that doesn’t convince you that the global population is genuinely fine, than I can tell you this. There are more governments than ever that will openly pay you to have kids, and there is more food than ever being produced to sustain all those children. Renewable energy has its highest share over the humanity’s energy consumption than at any point in history, and Africans right now are pushing for sustainable power development and nuclear solutions to their energy problems. Most countries (Japan, Jamaica, post soviet states, etc) that are experiencing population decline are seeing a reversal of the trend, which signifies that their populations are stabilizing and growing past a set point rather than simply declining in free fall. Finally, global inflation is declining not growing, which provides the generations of today a chance to start a family some time in the future even if that that future could be years or decades away from when they thought they’d get a chance.
Obviously, things are not entirely fine for people today to simply just start having kids right away. However, to say that humanity’s overall fertility rate will suddenly stagnate and decline rapidly is unrealistic, because of how much were changing as a global society in response to our shared problems.
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They have all the uranium

But none of the knowledge or man power (and they never will thanks to their average autism score being 68)

There's no reason to when property isn't heritable. Other social machines to discourage inbreeding are known to exist. A lower birth rate just means more for the one kid on whom you inflicted life. Besides, the state's withering depends on the family's withering, which is pretty advanced in the West already.

Yeah and how’s your precious German reactors doing? Looking to shut another down for coal nazi?


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what are leftypols thoughts on the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna and Basque country seperatism as a whole?
the basque people obviously form a completely separate identity from both spain and france, and a lot of the separatist movements in basque are pretty far left
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>national liberation
>looks inside
<capitalist nation-building

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Fun fact, Simon Bolivar was Basque. Btfoing spaniards is based.

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Retards, but every reactionary spaniard is eternally bootyblasted by them. So based retards in my book.

White bourgeois ethnostate garbage promoted by the same people who clamor for a free Tibet

It's stupid

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Was Oppenheimer evil? And is it fundamentally evil to create weapons of mass destruction (or weapons in general), considering the likelyhood that it's going to be used big evil governments on civillians?
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>is it fundamentally evil
Yer kind isn't welcome round here, liberal boy

Billions? Without nukes, very unlikely. World War 2, the deadliest war in history, only killed about 3% of the global population (2 billion).

A conventional war between the US and USSR, without nuclear weapons, would probably have the same death toll depending on whether one side wanted to wipe the other out like Germany wanted to with the Soviet Union.

Not arguing for or against proxy wars, mind you, just making a point that you’re severely underestimating how dangerous a nuclear war would be.

nukes are good actually, he didnt think they'd use them on Japan because in reality it was a very unnecessary move by the US.

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>is it fundamentally evil to create weapons
no. the invention of the fission bomb was inevitable. also picrel

retarded ass question

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>How will we get people to understand the urgency of climate change and the need to take drastic action to lower carbon emissions?
>I know, let's vandalize a World Heritage Site and potentially cause permanent damage
How the fuck is this supposed to make people take climate change seriously? I was ambivalent towards attacks on art pieces because maybe the idea is that rich and powerful people frequent those galleries, but what the fuck is vandalizing Stonehenge supposed to achieve other that causing animosity towards the climate movement? This is feeling more and more like a falseflag and psyop meant to discredit the climate movement and make them like idiot fanatics.
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Psyops don't typically announce themselves as such.

You'll find that the old COINTELPRO cutouts didn't openly announce "we're being run by the CIA to spy on you, manufacture reasons to arrest you and discredit your movement, just fyi"

>>1891441 (samefag)
>averting the climate crisis requires sacrifices to the western lifestyle
>these sacrifices will never happen if the rich aren't forced to also make these sacrifices
>/leftypol/ of all places uninterested in forcing porky to also make these sacrifices
it's ovir. fuck it let's roll coal

Yep, OP is a concern troll. I can tell by the indignated but nonproductive tone and from having seen a few concern trolls in my time
sage this shit and off to the climate thread we go, hey ho

if you don't believe money can be used for historically progressive causes you've fallen prey to idealism, sorry.
remember engels? :^)

Yes it was made by aliens. It is known.

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And should fucking die.
First of all it does nothing besides creating midwit retards with fragmentary knowledge about various topics. As we all know fragmentary knowledge is worse than knowing nothing at all.
Second, why use wikishit when you can use 1 out of millions AI chat-GPT like models? And actually read books instead of that garbage?

You know what's the worst part of the wikishit? Plot summary of various films, books and articles. People read those spoilers instead of the actual thing.
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>As we all know fragmentary knowledge is worse than knowing nothing at all.
I don't like Wikipedia, but it seems to me that all knowledge is fragmentary. Rote memorization of fragmentary knowledge and referencing pre written sources and tutorials for the purposes of getting work done quickly is the exception rather than the rule. When I wake up in the morning I make myself a cup of coffee with my fragmentary knowledge of coffee. I do not (unless I'm in a strange mood) meditate on the entire supply chain of the coffee machine, or the coffee grounds, nor do I consider its inner workings unless it is broken.

Just to make sure we aren't playing different language games, what would non-fragmentary knowledge look like, in your opinion, OP?

but the information that AI might reference could be from Wikipedia.

i am sorry for creating a duplicate thread then.

your sins will not be forgiven, call the firing squad

Eh cut it some slack. Yeah there are glowies and propaganda and some shifty foundation that begs for 10x as much cash each year. In spite of that they’re doing okay— quite a lot better than some sites and orgs that are nominally putting up a left front.

The most important service they still provide is that when for-profit corps buy their way to the top of a search engine you can usually append “wikipedia” to the query and get something that wasn’t written by an AI trying to fleece a subscription fee out of you.

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Why did the 1991 Soviet coup fail? They were sloppy and then they just kinda gave up. What were they thinking? They only furthered the political crisis they were supposedly trying to fix.
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In my eyes this blindness stemmed from Khrushchev's denunciations of Stalin, it was seen as wrong to crack down on rightism as it would seem to be a restoration of "Stalinist suppression", which meant in practice that rightist ideas got more and more time in the limelight even if they weren't openly embraced until Gorbachev. I imagine that the reason they saw it as "oppressive" to punish subtle rightism (as in, rightism that still portrayed itself as socialist) was because of the idea that the USSR had entered a Socialist Mode of Production. That was a new idea by Stalin which you can't find in Lenin or Marx (where socialism was merely the movement from Capitalism into the Communist Mode of Production).
If Socialism is declared to be its own Mode of Production rather than a transitional stage, it makes sense why rightism wouldn't be combated as strongly. A restoration from one already-well-established Mode of Production to a prior one doesn't make sense materially unless some sort of catastrophe is faced akin to the Spanish Conquest of America. Even Stalin considered that capitalist restoration from an established socialism would have to come via invasion, which was rendered a non-issue after the establishment of the Peoples' Democracies after WWII. So Khrushchev came up with his theory that Socialism was already a certain fact when he came to power, that the USSR already was devoid of class differences and the government should become a Dictatorship of the Whole People rather than of the Proletariat. The Khruschevites still cracked down on individual illegal enterprises built from corrupt functionaries, but didn't understand that this corruption was occurring due to capitalism not actually being fully abolished. So when Gorbachev decided to legalize these enterprises, it wasn't seen as letting capitalism openly fester because capitalism was supposedly already eradicated. Again, Socialism was seen as its own Mode of Production and an already be an established fact, rather than a transitional stage that could be rolled back even through these rightist policies. By the time it was clear Capitalism was about to be restored, it was thought that the cause of this was the capitalist class that seemingly came out of nowhere, rather than the capitalist class that was allowed into power by the right-deviationist "socialists" led by Gorbachev.

Real Austria-Hungary moment
>Constitutional Austria decayed and perished from the irresponsibility of the political leaders. Most of these politicians admitted the need for a strong Empire, and none, except the German extremists, had any wish to destroy it; only, lacking faith in themselves, they never appreciated that the Empiredepended on them. They inherited from previous generations a reliance on "authority," and did not recognise that, once ministers, they became "authority"; they supposed that to become a minister was merely to secure a stronger bargaining position for their particular interest.

Now compare this cuck's last message to Valery Sablin

Even the supposed communist hardliners became liberals by the end of the USSR.

The coup plotters weren't true Marxist-Leninist "hardliners. They were Gorbachev's own people who thought Gorbachev had lost control and that the new union treaty was stupid.

Is there somewhere I can read this message?

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post instances of Wikipedia glowing, that is WP displaying blatant US/NATO propaganda or disinformation as facts
discuss ways of making WP glow less, including sharing sources that counter the glow. meta studies by reliable institutions are best
what to do if you discover radioactive material on WP:
>do NOT edit without logging in. otherwise your IP will be displayed. IP edits are viewed with more suspicion by editors. VPN or Tor IPs even more so
>DO register an account
>do NOT register more than one account per IP. sockpuppetry is not difficult to detect
>DO edit more articles than just those that glow. this helps build good reputation
>DO complain loudly on Talk pages. some articles are restricted, but Talk pages generally are not
>DO familiarize yourself with WP's bureaucracy. lib editors love referring to WP:OR, WP:SYNTH and similar to try and shut down discussion
WP editors are autistic, but not as autistic as the average poster here is. dedicated comrades can de-glow pages given sufficient numbers and patience
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>wikipedia is growing increasingly archaic and outdated, after all it's existed since 2002
This, it tends to be okish for hard sciences if you know what you're doing. That's about it now. The policies established then rely on a broad media landscape to even hope to function.

>waste time playing edit wars with the national security state
NYPA sage hide report

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When searching for the bolsheviks on google it shows up the national bolsheviks flag from wikipedia.

Been reading the Russian wiki for the Ukrainian war. Fucking glowies took it over a while ago now, but still. seeing the Western and Ukrainian "sourcing" and the obvious fucking bait is so goddamn tiresome. And its locked obviously/

I'm not sure if this fits here but the contradiction between the portuguese and spanish wiki pages on Operation Traira is honestly funny



The Portuguese page paints the operation as a heroic effort by the Brazilian army against the FARC to rescue a few equipments that were stolen, meanwhile the spanish page talks about how it was a massacre done by the Brazilian army against Colombian gold miners at the border.

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Pretty much every people group exposed to Abrahamic faiths ends up incorporating elements from them. They are so successful that everyone, from pagan Nazis to "POC revival" faiths, essentially adopts basic elements of either Christianity or Islam and changes some names on top
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>Pretty much every people group exposed to Abrahamic faiths ends up incorporating elements from them
this is kindof a weird historical analysis anon, of course in the west where society has been officially christian in some capacity for over 1600 years, will have influence from christianity. You may as well ask why chinese marxism is influenced by confucianism or something.

>Most atheists are "reddit atheists" - that is, they don't actually think about the consequences of atheism or what an atheistic model of the world would mean.
neither does the majority of most belief systems?

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>Pretty much every people group exposed to Abrahamic faiths ends up incorporating elements from them. They are so successful that everyone, from pagan Nazis to "POC revival" faiths, essentially adopts basic elements of either Christianity or Islam and changes some names on top
That OP & pic…

anachronistically using "jesus" as an expletive while talking to and crucifying jesus himself is the joke

My point was that both Christianity and Islam have been established as the world religions. Sorry to say, but neither the "POC tribal revival faith" or Nazi larping aren't going to beat them anytime soon

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