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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Guys, I think the sudan war will end this year.
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Maps for context. The army is only a few kilometres from the capital.

Russia backs both sides

What side does Palau support ?

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Frankly fuck the UAE and their lumpen paramilitaries. I can only wonder what the SCP says after getting walled in the afthermath of the revolution. Poor guys, there were no moment to form an active red batallions

SS vs Wehrmacht civil war: Sudan edition

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So, I got curious to know what's the smartest leftist strand around, like what line of thought is really know to be smart and brilliant in their ideas and analysis. I suspect the some strand of anarchism to be the smart around, or maybe orthodox Marxism.
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Communist movement is larger than just the marxist personality cult.

Anarchism doesn't go further then the cult of Louis XIV, however.

If Stirner was alive today he would have been the biggest shitposter ever

He never was alive, he was a shitpost from Engels that was sadly taken too seriously.

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Basically so many programmers are deeply steeped in bourgeois ideology, meritocracy spooks, and the unfailing belief in specifically their absolute necessity to the Capital system even if other laborers are not as necessary. Their response to AI, and porky openly stating he wants to proletarianize them entirely and completely gut the programming market is to continually tell themselves they’re too important so it can’t happen to them. It seems reminiscent of the craftworkers that couldn’t comprehend the idea of the industrial proletariat and the mechanized factories totally displacing their oh so necessary professions
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i think the "programmers aren't real proletarians" cope is just wage envy tbh

no profession on the west, on average, has class consciousness, programmers are singled out despite being the only profession to have effectively subverted IP law in their domain

It's definitely going to replace mass produced commercial art like graphic design. Even if it's objectively worse I think most people will find it passable enough that it will succeed. Remember that a medieval carpenter could probably make a better table than you'd ever find in a furniture store today. But even if one from Ikea is much worse it's 1/10 the cost and they can make them 100 times faster.

people just talk out the ass.

>i think the "programmers aren't real proletarians" cope is just wage envy tbh
I think it's the false dichotomy between "blue collar" and "white collar"

For some reason people think being deprived of sunlight, being hunched over a desk all day and suffering back pain, carpal tunnel, and pilonidal cysts on your tailbone, forced to dress like a monkey, forced to attend endless meetings and pep talks that interrupt your work and make you stay late, forced to adhere to increasingly byzantine and self-contradictory company policies, are all "cushy." Obviously to some extent manual labor will always be more dangerous, so there is a sense of valor, while "white collar" workers are seen as class traitors, labor aristocrats, or even petty bourgeois.

Then there's the whole insufferable gatekeeping discourse around whether the proletariat as a class makes subsistence wages, or whether each individual proletarian must make subsistence in order to be considered proletariat. I won't elaborate on this because it breaks ord 4 but you know what I'm talking about.

I didn’t say programmers aren’t proletarian, the craft workers were proletarians as well, they just weren’t an industrial proletariat, and they separated themselves from the unskilled who labored in the factory while also arguing the products of those factories would always be inferior to their crafts
Then surprise pikachu face they got absorbed into the industrial proletariat or declassed for the most part

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My dad is drinking two 5% alcoholic drinks a day, and he’s usually only drinks on celebrations like new years. Should I be worried? He’s not been acting odd or anything but I know alcohol as the big scary life ruining drug but maybe I’m being paranoid.

Drinks add up regardless of whether you spread them out over the week or not. Or at least so my doctor told me the other day. No more mid-week low abv beers for me!
also >>>/siberia/

Any amount of alcohol is bad for you, but it won't ruin his life or whatever until he gets liver failure fifteen years from now.
Unless his behavior has recently changed, or he's a particularly bad drunk, I wouldn't worry about it.

Few drinks daily is worse than getting wasted once a week. Alcoholism starts (from my experience) with daily drinks to remain functional.

he should be drinking more


/Subcontinent/ General

Thread dedicated to discussion of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
🇧🇩 🇧🇹 🇮🇳 🇲🇻 🇳🇵 🇵🇰 🇱🇰

Blurb so the body isn't too short:
>The subcontinent has been shaped by a variety of empires, including the Maurya, Gupta, Mughal, and British empires. It's known for its geographical, from the Himalayan mountains in the north to tropical beaches in the south. The region is also a hub of major religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and Sikhism, and has been a center for trade, philosophy, and art for thousands of years.
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border freaks never respond to this point and if they do it's just nazi horse shit. they love the walled world where commodities are more free to move than people.

>third image
Yeah you know that image is thrid-worldist shit when it only includes sub-urban homes and not city blocks
Famous walled paradise of… Somalia

Oops they forgot to draw city blocks I guess their entire point is refuted and imperial core reactionaries are totally right about the need to trreat climate change refugees like animals

At least eight police officers and their driver have been killed in a car bomb attack in Bijapur, India's Chhattisgarh state.

<According to the Indian police, Maoists, that is, Indian communist rebels, are suspected of the act.

>According to the Indian CNN News18 TV channel, there were at least 20 soldiers and authorities in the vehicle that exploded. They were returning from an operation conducted against a Maoist group.

<Rebels and authorities have clashed several times in recent months. The influence of the Maoist rebels in Chhattisgarh and its neighboring states has diminished in recent years, according to the police, but they have been influential in the region for decades.

>The Maoists say they are fighting for Indian farmers and landless workers. The point of contention is especially land ownership and who owns the valuable minerals found in the land. Now the mining industry takes almost all of the benefits from the country's valuables.


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Why is the internal government structure or "elite" of american policymakers obfuscated?!
There is clearly some people that sits down in tables and discusses approach to foreign policy.
The neoliberal and neoconservative policy

What are you asking specifically? Like why do they deal with confidential information?

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Ignoring ideology and politics, I despise how burgers portray their revolution as a 'do or die' struggle for their sovereignty and freedoms, It's portrayed as
>The real Americans, as underdogs who miraculously defeated the world's greatest superpower through American spirt
However, this narrative conveniently ignores crucial facts. For instance, Britain was simultaneously involved in five separate continent-spanning wars, and the US was financially supported by the wealthiest men in the colonies and the French Kingdom, who funded and trained the Continental Army. (Here's a fun fact: there were actually more French soldiers at Yorktown than American ones.) Washington and the other Continental generals were not incompetent; they fought the war with calculated strategy, which ultimately paid off. But let's be clear, it wasn't a life-or-death struggle. There were no massacres or forced looting and pillaging. As always, the Americans had the advantage due to geography.
The American revolution succeeded because you had a small, wealthy population spread out over a huge, largely uninhabited country, so the anarchy caused by expelling the British wasn't much of a problem before a real state could organize. If the situation were different, Washington would easily have become a Generalissimo of America
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>only pennies each year
A penny was worth a lot more in the 1760's, even if it is true.

You still occasionally see it

Anon you know its a republic right?

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There has never been a country in human history more devoted to the accumulation of earthly riches and the hedonistic enjoyment of sensual pleasures then the USA. The mere idea that the see themselves as Christians would be nothing short of an extremely bad joke to early Christians. It's preposterous. You're Sodom and Gomorrah with dissociative personality disorder


What happens after a classless society is formed?

Say, even in classless societies there is consciousness of social relation.

In classed society its just that said consciousness is the most relevant one because it determines whatever the means of production are used to satisfy the interests of the majority of people which labours them to subsist or a bourgeois minority.

Once this society is established, wont people start creating new types of consciousness which could amplify in a new type of social dyanmics, or is the lack of meaningful material differences within these groups that cause such a dynamic sufficient to prevent the surge of meaningful dynamics?
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Gay sex

Were you expecting a reward? Class oppression is a problem like the chores you have to deal with each day. Oblivion is what freedom from class oppression is. I think nothingness is satisfactory.

If you’re asking if some sort of class consciousness can arise in a classless society leading to a new ruling class’s formation from Marx’s standpoint this is looking at things backwards; class formation would only be possible if the material conditions of the given society encourage class formation, with class formation occurring historically and across many generations rather suddenly by the decreed dominance of new rulers.

Dengists out out out

Cabin at the lake. Twins.

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is it true that he abused his wife to the point where she was so mentally ill she decided to pee for hours on end and starved people to the point where they ate their neighbors kids. she decided she was going to pee on drip, which is why it would take. All day. She also also known for abusing the people who worked for her but given who her husband was, I’m not surprised(Rule 14f - low-quality sectarian bait)
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Mao was married 4 times and had children, one of whom died in the Korean War

Mao Zedong used to give me swirlies and take my lunch money in high school, still think communism is cool?

This is a rumor made by a traitor who defected to the United States. People interested in politics in China know the source of this rumor and also know that it is false

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This is a rumor made by a traitor who defected to the United States. People interested in politics in China know the source of this rumor and also know that it is false。This is malicious American propaganda, and I am angry about it,please stop saying shit

Chairman Mao's first wife came from an arranged marriage,There is no love between them,and She just died of illness in 1910(Before the revolution)。
Mao's second wife Yang is a very famous revolutionary hero,and She is definitely his true love,He wrote many poems for her,There are many popular stories about them in China。She was killed by the kmt reactionary government and became a martyr。
Mao's third wife He is also a revolutionary,They went through everything during the Long March,Mao once said she was very good to him,But they eventually divorced,Because they argue when they're together,Perhaps this marriage is less happy?
Mao's last wife JiangQing is highly controversial in China,she is a very important leader in the Great Cultural Revolution,she just Suicide in prison(Her suicide note is “She's going to see Chairman Mao” ),She is considered by many to be a fanatical follower

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Quebecois independence was once a cause celebre for the left. The Quebecois were a super-exploited nation that had their resources robbed from them by Anglo imperialists. In fact, Quebec has far more in common with Latin America than it does with Anglo America. Many Quebecois are metis, just like many Latinos have indigenous heritage. It seems like the left abandoning Quebec has allowed the right to fill that gap. Leftists say Quebec is racist and Islamophobic, and that immigrants need to be protected from independence because they're immigrating to Canada, not to Quebec. If that's the case, why are they French-speaking immigrants going to a French speaking nation? And why are the aspirations of the indigenous inhabitants being put below those of outsiders?
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Very based. Nationalism is the cancer of the earth.

I still can't tell if this is ironic or not

kl is a known schizo with a very recognizable posting style full of emojis, only read his post if you want a laugh

revolutionary patriotism is inherent to communism as it develops from the capitalist nation-state system

read the gotha programme

It is 100% unironic, as I was explaining how I made my World Map that shows all of the SSRs (with the exception of Sub-Saharan Africa where I lumped a bunch of SSRs together into one “Black African” SFSR because I didn’t know enough about the Ethno-Linguistic demographics of that region, 😂🤣) of a future Global USSR, with the National Delimitation policy based on the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principle of Self-Determination of all Oppressed Nations in their own SSR or ASSR, so what do you think of my World Map at >>2088757 , Comrade, ✊😜🇨🇳🇰🇵🇨🇺🇵🇸🤔?

Their is nothing “Schizo” about a World Map of SSRs in a future Global USSR, unless you think a World Maoist PPW (in the aftermath of a Nuclear World War III that destroys the Global Capitalist-Imperialist System) to create a Global USSR (which will implement a Global Cultural Revolution to purge the Superstructure of all Reactionary elements) with a National Delimitation Policy based on the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principle of Self-Determination of all Oppressed Nations in their own SSR or ASSR, in order to place the Workers and Oppressed Nations of the World on the Shining Path to Communism is inherently “Schizo”, which would be a Reactionary Anti-Communist position, Comrade, ✊😜🇨🇳🇰🇵🇨🇺🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🚀☢️!

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