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This is not a thread to criticize the appearance of present day building trends, but to criticize literally every thing else that’s wrong with the way they’re designed.
These buildings; they won’t last a generation. Many of the buildings (mostly homes, unfortunately…) in North America built today are made using cheaply processed materials, framed poorly, and built without many of the features required for a building to last. Many of the buildings built today will not last gen z—much less gen alpha. God forbid the climate crisis or a natural disaster hits this continent, because a shitload of people are going to end up homeless, because the buildings they live in (assuming they can even afford to live in or use these overpriced and underdeveloped units) are going to crumble instantaneously.
Of course, this design is intentional. The landlords that commission these projects don’t care at all about the longevity of the things they construct or their usefulness to society, because these people only care about the land that’s underneath these buildings, and the money making potential from investment into these buildings. The architects and engineers that design these buildings obviously don’t have much say in how the building should turn out. As a result of this combination of greed and negligence, what many North Americans receive are clusters of mass manufactured, cheaply produced, ‘sludge buildings’ that will crumble before 2050, and will exist as massive wastes of taxpayer money.
And some people on this dumbass continent have the nerve to criticize the Chinese for cutting corners in infrastructure development…
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Don't make me tap the sign
<15 Industrial Fires per day


On the plus side, they plywood is so thin it won't kill you when it falls over.


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these things aren't that expensive


>North American buildings are cheap and badly produced. Just like everything else made here
That's because we're working together with China, you goddamn liberals! If only we're not doing business with them, then we won't have any tofu-dreg buildings or low-quality products in our country!


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Colombia lawmakers approve pension reform in victory for Petro
Colombia's lower house on Friday approved a pension reform proposed by President Gustavo Petro, marking a victory for the leftist, who has struggled to get lawmaker approval for several of his cornerstone promises. The government says the reform will strengthen state pension fund Colpensiones, reduce subsidies and increase coverage for those without sufficient savings.

Venezuela: Prisoners End Five-Day Hunger Strike as Maduro Orders Action Against Judicial Delays and Overcrowding
The actions inside penitentiary institutions were accompanied by demonstrations from relatives in several cities, including outside the main court complex in Caracas. Protesters demanded a “quick response” from the Venezuelan state to improve incarceration conditions and tend to convicts suffering from chronic health issues.

Bolivia Deploys Military to Gas Stations Amid Fuel Shortage
Soldiers will make sure that only vehicles registered in a digital system are allowed to fill up their tanks, Deputy Civil Defense Juan Carlos Calvimontes said on Wednesday. Protests against fuel as well as dollar shortages have been growing louder in the Andean nation, with trucker unions threatening road blockades if the situation persists.

Constitutional Court of Ecuador Annuls Again State of Emergency Decreed by President Daniel NobPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Tyson Foods Suspends CFO After Second Arrest
John R. Tyson, 34, was arrested by University of Arkansas police on charges of driving while intoxicated, careless driving and improper turn/u-turn, according to Washington County Sheriff's Office records. He was later released on a $1,105 bond

Wisconsin Republicans block PFAS cleanup until polluters are granted immunity
“People really feel like they’re being held hostage,” said Lee Donahue, mayor of Campbell, which is part of the La Crosse metropolitan area and has drinking water contaminated with astronomical levels of PFAS. “It’s ridiculous, and some would argue that it’s criminal, that they are withholding money from communities in dire need of clean drinking water.”

Biden, Obama headline $28 million Los Angeles fundraiser with George Clooney, Julia Roberts
Late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel will interview Biden and Obama and Hollywood celebrities George Clooney and Julia Roberts are guests, in the latest star-studded event Biden's campaign hopes shows strength and momentum despite Biden's low approval ratings and concerns about his age. Biden landed in Los Angeles on Saturday morning after attending a meeting of world leaders in Italy on Friday.

DACA at 12 is on life support and already leaving out many young immigrants
By 2025, no undocumented high school graduates will qualify for DACA because they will have entered the U.S. after the required arrival to the U.S. of June 15, 2007, according to FWD.US, a progressive group that focuses on immigration and criminal justice.
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The NBA Is Monetizing A Public Health Crisis
The National Basketball Association wants you to gamble. Since 2014, the league has championed the legalization of sports betting nationwide, partially due to its own business interests in gambling. But the emergence of online gambling has coincided with a rise in troubling health outcomes like increased rates of depression and substance abuse. Today on Lever Time, we explore the recent growth of online gambling, sitting down with sports writers and an addiction expert to learn how it’s impacted society and changed the very nature of sports and fandom.

Rebellious neighborhood of Kharkov: mass disruption of deforestation
For stable and high-quality work on translations into English and resuming offline activity, even minimal but regular donations are very important to us. To support the Assembly regularly, you can subscribe to our fundraising or send the selected amount one-time. Thanks everybody! All over the world, grassroots activist communities stand in the way of the robbery and devastation of living space by wild predatory capitalism. Sometimes victoriously, sometimes not so much. Despite the atmosphere of fatigue and demoralization that has covered Ukraine since last year, even in a front-line city it is possible join this global confrontation. And not without results! The problem of illegal sand mining near the Zhykhar (other spellings – Zhikhar, Zhykhor) neighborhood on the southern outskirts of Kharkov started back in the 2000s. Sometime in 2008, it was stopped due to spontaneous rallies of the population and the presence of journalists, later other gangs started it again. Around 2014, it was stopped for the same reasons after a year or a year and a half of struggle. Lake of Osnova, also called the Komsomol quarry, is known for the last pine forest remaining in this second largest city of Ukraine after it massively died on Saltovka due to climate warming, and the Grigorovsky pine forest became practically mixed. This summer began with another attempt to destroy it. On June 1st, photos of the loggers’ work in the ShPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history.

>was the economic advisor for the Austrofascist Engelbert Dolfuss dictatorship in Austria in the 1930s

wow the "Austrian School" of economics was just fascism all along!
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$10 is $10


>winning a larpy competition is real influence
Reported, stop being retarded


No, Mises' stupidity is one of the reasons why Germany and Italy ended up as allies, because if Austria had had a more functioning economy they might not have wanted the Anschluss.


>someone brings up von mises pointing out he was fascist all along
<you shit you pants and act like they're a member of the von mises fan club
>they insist this isn't the case
<you continue your retarded inquisition, insisting one of the more commonly shilled right wing economists in libertarian circles is "niche"
>people point out to you that he isn't niche
<you shift the goalpost from /pol/jacketing random anons to arguing over whether von mises is "niche" or not



Once, a British diplomat asked the Austrian Prime Minister to explain the reasons for Austria's tremendous economic success in the years following WW2. Without delay, the PM replied: "The secret is exports"
A slight pause. This seems an unexciting answer: Britain, too, was dedicated to maximizing her exports…
"Most importantly, we exported all of our economists!"

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The honorary leader of the Communist Party in my country (also a founder of the former Association of European Communist Parties) recently founded a parallel, anti-imperialist party whose main concern is reclaiming the economy from what he characterizes as an oppressive "global financial system". He claims communism can never be achieved (even on a smaller scale) until the workers are freed from the soft colonization of neo-imperialist forces led by the "new bourgeoisie", defined as a class of multimillionaires/billionaires with direct or indirect control/monopoly on the means of productions, politics and mass media.

The interesting thing is, his message resonates with the voters of smaller anti-establishment parties, even on the right. He only failed to get a seat in the parliament because he refused to form an alliance with another alternative party as it wasn't explicitly on the left (it was a centrist party and together, they had enough votes; roughly the same voter-base was basically split in two equal parts and that failed to get both elected). He later changed his mind on the matter, reaching the conclusion that opposing supranational financial/political institutions is the single most important issue that prevents the self-determination of workers (and by extension communism itself), which is why he's now willing to find compromise with whatever party shares the same concerns -including anti-establishment parties on the right or even the far right.

I don't believe in the horseshoe theory but I'm more and more convinced it is possible for people on the fringe of the political spectrum to get "politicized" (and then, possibly radicalized) because of the same kinds of issues/struggle; they may fall on the opposite side of the spectrum, but that's only because external influences framed the same problems in different ways, and that led them to pursue different/opposite solutions and ideologies.
The only people that benefit from such ideological divisionism are the ones that have no interest in finding solutions for problems that are common to both sides (or at least, to the people on both sides); alternatively, it's people that actively benefit from such problems.

It's unpopular by definition but I genuinely believe the fact we're blinded by our differences is the single most determining factor in the common failure to solve the problems that led people to the opposite side of the spectrum in the first place.
ComproPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>leader of the Communist Party in my country





Judging by his syntax and style, I can't tell if OP is Italian, but I suspect he may be talking about Rizzo Pelato Servo della Nato. I could be wrong, but still…


>which is why he's now willing to find compromise with whatever party shares the same concerns -including anti-establishment parties on the right or even the far right.
cringe. may he rot


Good point.


proving the point exactly

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Some quotes:
<At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus.

<The U.S. military’s anti-vax effort began in the spring of 2020 and expanded beyond Southeast Asia before it was terminated in mid-2021, Reuters determined.

<When he addressed the vaccination issue, the Philippines had among the worst inoculation rates in Southeast Asia. Only 2.1 million of its 114 million citizens were fully vaccinated – far short of the government’s target of 70 million. By the time Duterte spoke, COVID cases exceeded 1.3 million, and almost 24,000 Filipinos had died from the virus. The difficulty in vaccinating the population contributed to the worst death rate in the region.

<in 2019, before COVID surfaced in full force, then-Secretary of Defense Mark Esper signed a secret order that later paved the way for the launch of the U.S. military propaganda campaign. The order elevated the Pentagon’s competition with China and Russia to the priority of active combat, enabling commanders to sidestep the State Department when conducting psyops against those adversaries. The Pentagon spending bill passed by Congress that year also explicitly authorized the military to conduct clandestine influence operations against other countries, even “outside of areas of active hostilities.”

<Although the Chinese vaccines were still months from release, controversy roiled the Muslim world over whether the vaccines contained pork gelatin and could be considered “haram,” or forbidden under Islamic law. Sinovac has said that the vaccine was “manufactured free of porcine materials.” (…) “Can you trust China, which tries to hide that its vaccine contains pork gelatin and distributes it in Central Asia and other Muslim countries where many people consider suc
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>(Can go in a different thread)
At least tell them which thread. Your job is to moderate, not curate.




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I personally never been vaccinated in my life


Absolutely problematic! Far-right gamergate chinlets Defending sexist Chinese devs for not accepting consulting progressive fixes on outdated problematic plots.


Wasn't Wukong a champion of league of legends?
That thing always annoyed me, he would keep summoning copies of himself and his ult was very hard to avoid.


There is no sexism in China, GCPR got rid of that


>criticism is problematic
Rightoid, sage and report


>China should learn inclusion and diversity

reported for racism and xenophobia, moid rightoid.


If game journos unionize, their trade union will be reactionary. Prove me wrong

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Mobilized Soldiers' Relatives Call for Russian Officials' Sons to Replace Their Loved Ones
“We demand to replace our men with other quite specific men: the children and husbands of those who tell our citizens from the screens that war is good,” the Put Domoi (“Way Home”) movement, which has organized women-led protests across the country calling for a full demobilization, wrote on its Telegram channel Friday.

Germany outlines plans for 'new' model of military service
"We want a new model that relies primarily on voluntary participation, but also includes mandatory elements if necessary," a document about the proposals read. Young men would have to answer a mandatory questionnaire about their willingness and ability to serve. From this, the Bundeswehr would select the most suitable and motivated individuals after a medical examination.

France's leftist alliance leaders vow to 'extinguish the flame' of far right in upcoming elections
The leaders of the alliance's four main parties emphasized that there was no place for antisemitism within their ranks. On the sensitive subject of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, they said they have agreed to condemn the Oct. 7 deadly Hamas-led incursion into southern Israel as “terrorist massacres” and demanded the release of all hostages held by the group in Gaza. They also promised unwavering support for Ukraine and its defense against Russian aggression, although they vowed that no French troops would ever be sent to Ukraine to help its fight.
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Thanks News Anon


I don't speak Russian, so i don't really understand what pic rel was supposed to mean; Is it some form of putin caricature?


are kulaks still around? It’s an old propaganda poster, the guy just look like putlerino



Not very cool, news anon


It's Kolchak. Flag says "execute every tenth worker and peasant"

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>Russia halted trading in U.S. dollars, the euro and Hong Kong dollars on the country’s flagship stock exchange Thursday after the U.S. imposed fresh sanctions aimed at further tightening the screws on Moscow’s war machine.
The Bank of Russia said trading sessions in the foreign-exchange, precious metals and derivative markets of the Moscow Stock Exchange with settlements in those currencies had been suspended due to U.S. sanctions. However, currency trading will continue in the over-the-counter market—when two parties engage directly without supervision from an exchange.

<Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 80-year petrodollar deal with the United States, which expired on Sunday, June 9, as per media reports.

This agreement, originally signed on June 8, 1974, had been a key part of US global economic influence.
The deal set up joint commissions for economic cooperation and Saudi Arabia's military needs. Back then, American officials hoped it would encourage Saudi Arabia to produce more oil and strengthen economic ties with Arab countries.

Is this the collapse of US dollar? Will imminent economic collapse to gardeners happen?
This happened last day and still nothing happened.
My bets are because of the gaza war petrodollar was dropped(crisis general)
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Bollywood has gone too far


They live a more interesting life than you and you are jealous of their fully emotional existence. Facts suck, embrace emotion



I prefer to call Amerikkka burgerreich, because their hyperinflation is very weimaresque, and the fault of the bourgeoisie in power, and the result of them squandering their own potential, and not the result of underdevelopment or colonialism. They're more of a reich than a stan. Also it sounds like "kaiserreich" where "kaiser" has been replaced with "burger" because America was never monarchist, burger means "bourgeoisie" but it also literally means "cheeseburger"


The pork reich

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>Marxist political economy concerns itself variously with the analysis of crisis in capitalism, the role and distribution of the surplus product and surplus value in various types of economic systems, the nature and origin of economic value, the impact of class and class struggle on economic and political processes, and the process of economic evolution.

Related topics such as finance/business, etc. also welcome

related threads:
>>213072 /crisis/ General (monitoring the market, trends, fluctuations, etc.)
>>1852043 / CYBERCOM / (discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means)
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We need a business economy course in university focused on marxism leninism praxis in the modern world. Marxism leninism in the era of cybercomunications and advanced simulation models of growth.


/leftybros/ how do you respond to this critique?:
>Marx’s logical error was simple enough: he confused what might be called an ontological question with an economic question. Ultimately—ontologically—it is true that all economic value emerges from human labor. But it does not therefore follow that you can infer economic truths from ontological ones. Economic value is not really a “thing” or a “substance.” Rather, it is a subjective assessment placed on a product by an end consumer. This consumer does not typically care how much labor went into the product, only that the product satisfies a particular need. One pair of shoes may be made entirely by robots, another may be made entirely by men, but an end consumer could still assess both as having the same value.


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>One pair of shoes may be made entirely by robots, another may be made entirely by men


>consumer does not typically care how much labor went into the product…
It is not necessary that one cares about that for labor ratios to correlate with price ratios. If markets are competitive, why wouldn't price ratios correlate with input ratios? The onus is on the person who claims otherwise :P
>…only that the product satisfies a particular need.
I don't know where that guy buys his shoes and hamburgers, but most of these are mass-produced items. From the POV of the individual consumer, the price is a given fact and not something dependent on their individual motivations.
>One pair of shoes may be made entirely by robots, another may be made entirely by men, but an end consumer could still assess both as having the same value.
I don't think the person who wrote that is familiar with Marx, because Marx addressed this in the first chapter of Capital Volume I:
<Some people might think that if the value of a commodity is determined by the quantity of labour spent on it, the more idle and unskilful the labourer, the more valuable would his commodity be, because more time would be required in its production. The labour, however, that forms the substance of value, is homogeneous human labour, expenditure of one uniform labour power. The total labour power of society, which is embodied in the sum total of the values of all commodities produced by that society, counts here as one homogeneous mass of human labour power, composed though it be of innumerable individual units. Each of these units is the same as anyother, so far as it has the character of the average labour power of society, and takes effect as such; that is, so far as it requires for producing a commodity, no more time than is needed on an average, no more than is socially necessary. The labour time socially necessary is that required to produce an article under the normal conditions of production, and with the average degree of skilland intensity prevalent at the time. The introduction of power-looms into England probably reduced by one-half the labour required to weave a given quantity of yarn into cloth. The hand-loom weavers, as a matter of fact, continued to require the same time as before; but for all that, the product of one hour of their lPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Casi nuevo hilo, para un casi nuevo año. As always we allow everyone to speak english, we are not Ukrainian fascists.
Conmemorando a Alexis Castillo esta ocasión.

Para luego buscarlo en el catálogo:
Latinoamérica, Latin America, LATAM, /lat/, latinoamérica, latino américa, hispanoamerica, /ñ/
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>What we must create is the human being of the 21stcentury, although this is still a subjective aspiration, not yet systematized. This is precisely one of the fundamental objectives of our study and our work. To the extent that we achieve concrete success on a theoretical plane — or, vice versa, to the extent that we draw theoretical conclusions of a broad character on the basis of our concrete research — we will have made a valuable contribution to Marxism-Leninism, to the cause of humanity.

>By reacting against the human being of the 19th century we have relapsed into the decadence of the 20th century. It is not a very grave error, but we must overcome it lest we leave open the door for revisionism. The great multitudes continue to develop. The new ideas are gaining a good momentum within society. The material possibilities for the integrated development of absolutely all members of society make the task much more fruitful. The present is a time of struggle; the future is ours.

Che Guevara
"Socialism and man in Cuba"



Le ves futuro a la movida? Me pareció leer que van a sacar más volúmenes de Argentina 2050, más detallados, ¿sabés si se está laburando en eso?

Sartelli no sé si es muy potable como candidato pero realmente se puso al hombro el programa de izquierda más factible que vi en este país. Creo que muchos de los puntos que toca compaginan muy bien con el "sentido común" (un plan económico concreto, desarrollo, racionalizar el Estado, la crítica al sistema educativo) y por lo tanto le veo realmente mucho potencial electoral, por lo menos mucho más que a los troskos. Los partidos de izquierda en todo el mundo tienen que volver a tener un programa ECONÓMICO como tuvieron en el pasado, si no tenemos propuestas económicas socialistas concretas y realizables no vamos a llegar a ningún lado, y para mí la planificación económica estatal es un punto muy clave porque es de una efectividad comprobada y es un aporte bien socialista, que nunca te lo va a poder tomar discursivamente una derecha liberal.

Si me hace un poco de ruido tbh la propuesta de estatizar el desempleo así de una jajajja creo que tendría que ver un par de datos de ingresos/gastos para convencerme de la factibilidad, pero por lo demás el diagnóstico que hacen de la coyuntura me parece acertadísimo.


>Le ves futuro a la movida?
y por algo estoy adentro. como todo espacio chico (todavia mas en este clima ideologico) crece lento pero seguro. ya con no ser irracional y sectario ni estar pegado al fracaso del kirchnerismo como muchos otros espacios de izquierda que hay en la argentina les da mucho margen de crecimiento
>¿sabés si se está laburando en eso?
eso dice el viejo, habra que creerle
>la propuesta de estatizar el desempleo
para eso tenes al evita y al polo obrero. esa gente es una riqueza que nadie explota o a lo sumo los usan para pavadas pagandoles migajas, si los pones a trabajar productivamente no solamente vas a ver un aumento relativo en el resto de los salarios sino que ademas la economia va a despuntar como pedo de buzo
eso es el problema del partido en conjunto, que es chico y a mi juicio estuvo demasiado tiempo apelando a la mejora del morenismo en lugar de construir algo aparte como vienen haciendo desde 2015


Le tengo confianza. Le falta por ahora alcance y visibilidad pero cuando empiece a tenerla, yo estoy seguro de que la propuesta del partido le va a dar votos aun por fuera del electorado tradicional de izquierda. Y va en buen camino con todo lo que es la presencia en redes y eso.

Y a los no argentinos, les recomiendo que lean "Argentina 2050" y militen para que los partidos de izquierda de sus países adopten una perspectiva que vaya en esa línea. Argentina tiene una situación particular pero el atraso económico es común a todo Latam y el socialismo tiene que poder dar una discusión ahí; si no, le terminamos regalando a la derecha el asunto que al pueblo más le importa mientras nos enroscamos hablando de temas culturales y el medioambiente. Hay fuerzas "de izquierda" ganando elecciones en el mundo, por más socdem reformistas que terminen siendo ese fenómeno tiene que enseñarnos que existe un grupo de gente que podemos traer para nuestro lado; es crucial para eso poder tener una propuesta de transformación estructural concreta, no utópica y que vaya más allá del distribucionismo socialdemócrata.


joya, entonces te sugiero a que te sumes a darnos una mano, porque sobran tareas y faltan compañeros
de nuevo, el partido no es sectario y pretende ser un frente de corrientes de pensamiento distintas. el programa esta abierto a debate, mejoras y cambios

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