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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Be more gentle and patient when educating your working class comrades

Ludwig Wittgenstein (whether you like him or not is besides the point) was a philosopher who talked about something called "language-games." He meant this in a similar way to different types of games we play, like board games, sports, or war games.

His idea was that words and sentences get their meaning from how we use them and the context in which we use them. For example, the word "water" can be used in different ways and have different meanings depending on the situation. It could be a request for someone to get you water, a warning that the water is poisoned, or even a secret code.

So, according to Wittgenstein, language is like a game where the rules are made up of how we use words and sentences, and the meaning comes from playing the game and following those rules.

People often get confused and frustrated when they talk about different things but use the same words. This is like playing a game with someone, but you each think you're playing a different game.

Imagine you and your friend are playing a game of cards. You think you're playing a game where the goal is to get the highest number, but your friend thinks it's a game where you want the lowest number. You both keep playing and arguing about who's winning, but you're never going to agree because you're playing by different rules.

This happens a lot in conversations and arguments. We use the same words but mean different things, or we think we're talking about the same idea but we're actually not. This can lead to unproductive arguments where no one understands each other and everyone gets frustrated.

The key to avoiding this is to make sure we understand each other before we start arguing or discussing something in depth. We need to clarify what we mean by certain words and ideas, and be open to learning that someone else might use those words differently. That way, we're all playing by the same rules and can have a more meaningful conversation.
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lmao read Lacan faggot (but I agree with the initial sentiment)

>the united states is going through its century of humiliation!

It's probably on the whole a necessary element of developing communism.
Nowhere exalted has gone communist.

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Why are most people scared of communism when It would benefict everybody but the 0.1% of mankind? Are we doing something wrong?
<inb4 burgeois propaganda
Lazy answer
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>I need other people to think euro women are desirable
Stfu potato boy

go ahead with dogmaticly repeating the same old ideas from 100 years ago if you want so badly, see how far it gets you

>Nationalists like hiding behind the red banner and alienate everybody for not being a spicy flavoured chinlet.
>Thats it.
There seems to be a lot of communists on the internet who view Nazis as recruiting from the same pool of people as the communists want to recruit from, and then that influences how they talk and present themselves. I think this contributes to the view among normies that communists and Nazis are similar, or have more in common with each other than they do liberals.


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right wingers often claim that they are going to "out breed" the left.
>Charlie Kirk: Celebrating all the moms at our Young Women’s Leadership Summit this weekend. We’re going to win either now or later, when we outbreed the left!
<Chaya Raichik: I come from a family of 8. I plan to have a lot of kids. We’re going to outbreed the Left. Then we’re gonna homeschool or send our kids to private school so they can’t be groomed into becoming activists for leftist causes.
>Michael Knowles: there are two ways to beat the left: you can outargue them or you can outbreed them.
So leftypol will this work? Can the right simply OUTBREED the left and save capitalism forever and ever?
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Rightists haven't read the history of the holy roman empire or played crusader kings. If you have many children and succession laws in your realm don't transfer all assets to one of them, your dynasty will shortly perish. Based ottoman sultans just killed all their brothers legally, that's how their realm was secured for centuries to come.

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>rightoids think war is humans vs. orcs
>rightoids think reproduction is dr. evil and mini me


Also, real trads keep it in the family, just sayin. These uppity merchant larpers will never be trad, capital requires constant revolutionizing of all areas of life

>Rightists haven't read the history of the holy roman empire or played crusader kings. If you have many children and succession laws in your realm don't transfer all assets to one of them, your dynasty will shortly perish. Based ottoman sultans just killed all their brothers legally, that's how their realm was secured for centuries to come.
sounds like turchins idea of elite overproduction


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Redpill me on these mates. Why their crews are like 90% crackers? Why they work so uncritically with Israel in the Mediterranean?
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Just finished nuking your mom so good the aliens gave me communism as a reward

i'd be down, i imagine even virtual attatcks on the digital-infastructure on the vessels could be feasible. also, if we cant do no direct action, we could develop a group amongst ourselves to pool funds to employ pirates in the meditternean to enact our biddin.

Not all questions are good questions and even less are worthy of a thread, which is why we have a thread called:
>QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't need their own thread
>Dump all the seemingly pointless, dubious, and frivolous questions that don't deserve their own shitty threads.

ships at sea are a not reachable, but coordination against the ships at port is very viable

they're trash

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Why do Rightoids hate Confucianism but worship Hegel when their philosophies are the exact same in practice?
> The state must enforce a strict moral code or else society will collapse
> True freedom and happiness is achieved through serving society with an ethical lifestyle.
> The human spirit is developed through strict adherence to social virtues
> The world is connected as one greater spiritual existence therefore happiness is achieved through social harmony
> Traditional family values are the foundation of society
> Moral education must be enforced on the people to develop a functioning of mutual respect
> Passive Dialectical Rectification of traditions is the only way to advance society

Is it really just Orientalism or is something greater at play here?
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I don't think I've ever seen right-wingers online ever talk in depth about Confucius. In fact, the only time I've seen him explicitly mentioned by a right-wing eceleb was a video Keith Woods made about top 25 right-wing thinkers, where he included Confucius.

And for Hegel, yes he is right-wing but he isn't super right-wing either. Online rightists will pick countless other right-wing intellectuals before choosing Hegel. I think part of the reason for this is that Hegel got coopted by the left and part of why that was easy for leftists to do is that both them and Hegel subscribe to Whig history. To them society is still reaching its ultimate stage (Marxists' end of class struggle as the driving force of human history aka communism) but Hegel believed in a form of Whig history too. For Hegel, society was crappy and kept improving until reaching the apex of civilization which for him was 19th century Germany. And that civilization is not bad by any stretch at all, I'll take that over 21st century anywhere but it's still progressive and influenced heavily by the Enlightenment. To me human civilization peaked in 13th century France or Western Europe if I'm being more generous.

Progress to hegel is more ambiguous. To hegel history is contingency until the enlightenment/modernity, where Reason gives meaning to history in the same instance that it reaches its end. Reason is the secret to History that succeeds by accident, but now that it has come alive, it seeks self-consciousness.
Here Reason to marx and engels is the characreristic motif of the bourgeois revolution, which is paired with capitalist production.
So Reason is Capital in its ability to reproduce its conditions of civilisation.
The limit of hegel is not being able to peer beyond the bourgeois veil, where to him the leaders of the world are an enlightened elite, while to marx it is the "real movement" of the majority which comes into self-consciousness.
progress to hegel is progress toward the same dialectical structure of the Absolute Idea by sublation. History is the repetition of ignorance until the world-spirit arrives - which marx also identifies with the global character of capital, beginning in the british and dutch mercantile empires that eventually developed into liberalism. So hegel's limit is his own historicity, since he could not see another possibility

Hey anon my cock is getting all floppy without that stimulation you promised

I would never promise anything good


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This thread is dedicated to our accomplishment of having broken the upper limit of sea surface temperature and the lower limit of antarctic sea ice amount charts this summer, hence ushering our species firmly into the capitalocene. Good job guys! Welcome to the future.

Here's an article about that:

As for the news, there is a drought blocking shipping at the Panama canal, bad wildfires in North America and Greece, persistent heatwaves in eastern Europe and northern Africa, and floods in central and eastern China.

Here's the latest report from the IPCC
<AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023

The website of NASA about climate is great for getting data and visualizing climate change

Last thread: >>1332129
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How does the word inevitable imply control?

The class actors of the acceleration arent the working class; these are the spectators and occasional victims.

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We also have to know what "acceleration" is even referring to here. My orthodoxy is landian, who gets it from deleuze, who gets it from nietzsche, who originally refers to it in his notes as the deepening of modern nihilism, which is then developed into the embodying of this process by the active nihilism of machine labour which represents the pure death drive of the machinic unconscious, schizophrenically assembling spontaneous coordinations of productive-capital.

The class actors of this acceleration are the techno-capitalists and techno-scientists. The proletariat are just flesh thrown into the jaws of the beast to feed the fire of unlimited growth. This all serves the end of realising the inevitability of artificial general intelligence and total organic annihilation. This worldview depends on the "inevitability" aspect however.
I also take marx's position that after a certain level of development, capital becomes irrational and enters into crisis, which is why it needs the keynesian state to constantly save it from itself. This befuddles me then in the anarcho-capitalist drivel of nick land, who doesnt understand capital's internal contradictions, despite himself being a reader of marx. The capitalist state *is* capital's representative itself in the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. But land also says he doesnt like war, because this is too "hot" for him, when war is just the expression of imperialist development.
But land here is confused. He wants this right-wing moral highground of being nice and libertarian, but doesnt understand that capital has no politics; it only serves itself by whichever means.

The World Bank estimates that in 2021 energy companies flared 144 billion cubic metres of gas, putting into the atmosphere the equivalent of over 400m tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The World Bank estimates that globally there are 10,000 gas flares alight at any time and says the amount of gas burnt off this way last year could have powered the whole of sub-Saharan Africa.

It really makes you think how inefficient the world is…

That reminds me, we have this /climate/ general.

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Because Palestine is too arabic/ethnocrat. I mean that what happening with the jews after the liberation of Palestine. They just got kicked out or what?
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Vulgar materialsts don't count.

>Umayyad soldiers in Spain after they burned down their ships.

Never happened

>Palestine is too arabic

Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer


He's right you know

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Deng did market reforms in China in the 70s and China continues to be ruled by marxist leninists today despite arguably creating a new bourgeoisie and high inequality.

Gorby tried to do perestroika and glastnost in the USSR 1985, and a mere 6 years later it had literally destroyed the whole country.

Why did one reform fail but the other succeed?
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Here what he said to a McDonald's capitalist while he was the Soviet ambassador to Canada.

Source "To Russia with fries" By George Cohen. Capitalist autobiography.

>On 25 February 1956, Khrushchev's Secret Speech became the most traumatic event in Yakovlev's early Moscow life; he listened to the speech from a balcony in the Grand Kremlin Palace. After the 20th Party Congress, Yakovlev lost his previous enthusiasm for communism and led a double life.

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such an immense snake

What garbage

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For all the scare depopulationists have been pushing, many of them fail to realize just how fast both governments and their citizens are adjusting to this changing world. Pronatalist programs seen worldwide, Africa going through its population boom, and governments making the economic reforms necessary to reduce inflation and promote financial security. These things at most are doing much to allow people the security they need to have kids and a stable future, and at least they are preventing the legitimate realities of a dying humanity from ever forming.
If that doesn’t convince you that the global population is genuinely fine, than I can tell you this. There are more governments than ever that will openly pay you to have kids, and there is more food than ever being produced to sustain all those children. Renewable energy has its highest share over the humanity’s energy consumption than at any point in history, and Africans right now are pushing for sustainable power development and nuclear solutions to their energy problems. Most countries (Japan, Jamaica, post soviet states, etc) that are experiencing population decline are seeing a reversal of the trend, which signifies that their populations are stabilizing and growing past a set point rather than simply declining in free fall. Finally, global inflation is declining not growing, which provides the generations of today a chance to start a family some time in the future even if that that future could be years or decades away from when they thought they’d get a chance.
Obviously, things are not entirely fine for people today to simply just start having kids right away. However, to say that humanity’s overall fertility rate will suddenly stagnate and decline rapidly is unrealistic, because of how much were changing as a global society in response to our shared problems.
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They have all the uranium

But none of the knowledge or man power (and they never will thanks to their average autism score being 68)

There's no reason to when property isn't heritable. Other social machines to discourage inbreeding are known to exist. A lower birth rate just means more for the one kid on whom you inflicted life. Besides, the state's withering depends on the family's withering, which is pretty advanced in the West already.

Yeah and how’s your precious German reactors doing? Looking to shut another down for coal nazi?


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what are leftypols thoughts on the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna and Basque country seperatism as a whole?
the basque people obviously form a completely separate identity from both spain and france, and a lot of the separatist movements in basque are pretty far left
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>national liberation
>looks inside
<capitalist nation-building

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Fun fact, Simon Bolivar was Basque. Btfoing spaniards is based.

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Retards, but every reactionary spaniard is eternally bootyblasted by them. So based retards in my book.

White bourgeois ethnostate garbage promoted by the same people who clamor for a free Tibet

It's stupid

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