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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Is class warfare really necessary for the revolution? Why can't the bourgeoisie and the proletariat put aside their differences and work together? Nobody would need to die in a bloody war.
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I mean fucking "terrorism"? Really? You couldn't get any vaguer?

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>Is class warfare really necessary for the revolution? Why can't the bourgeoisie and the proletariat put aside their differences and work together? Nobody would need to die in a bloody war.

The NPC has around 2000 delegates and the vast majority of them are CPC members. This is meaningless.

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Milei shuts down museums memorializing victims of Argentina’s military dictatorship
On December 27, 2024 and January 2, 2025, hundreds of public employees belonging to the Government Workers Association union (Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado, ATE), were joined by the mothers of victims disappeared under state terror of 1972-1981 (Madres de la Plaza de Mayo) and other human rights and left organizations in marches and rallies at various memorial museums in Argentina, demanding that they not be shut down, in the name of “Memory, Truth, and Justice.”

Brazil president signs law authorizing offshore wind development
The Brazilian government said the law provides guidelines for projects and restoration of explored areas, in addition to requiring prior consultations with affected communities to ensure "respect for traditional maritime practices and local culture." More than 80% of Brazil's electricity comes from renewable sources, mainly hydroelectric, according to government data.

Israeli Military Says Four Soldiers Killed In North Gaza
The deaths brought to 403 the total number of soldiers killed in the Palestinian territory since Israel launched its ground offensive in retaliation for Hamas's October 7, 2023 attack. An officer and a reservist soldier were "seriously wounded" during the same incident and were taken to hospital, the military said in a statement.

Lebanon’s army chief Joseph Aoun elected as president after agreement with resistance
The Lebanese parliament elected the Army’s Commander-in-Chief, Joseph Aoun, onPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Insurance commissioner issues moratorium on home policy cancellations in fire zones
California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara has issued a moratorium that bars insurers from canceling or non-renewing home policies in the Pacific Palisades and the San Gabriel Valley’s Eaton fire zones. The moratorium, issued Thursday, protects homeowners living within the perimeter of the fire and in adjoining ZIP codes from losing their policies for one year, starting from when Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on Wednesday.

Activists Gear Up to Counter Trump’s Inauguration
In 2025, that same protest has been recast as the “People’s March” and is seeking to shape the Trump opposition, protesting under the slogan: “We are not going backward.” The People’s March branding is meant to be inclusive, however the event still touts itself as “feminist-led.” … The People’s March is organized by a broad coalition, whose partners include large progressive groups like Planned Parenthood, the National Organization for Women, Abortion Access Now, the Sierra Club, the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), and Democratic Socialists of America.

Community groups provide relief as LA staggers from wildfire emergency
After the fires began burning, the worker-owners at All Power Books decided on Tuesday night to convert the leftist bookstore cooperative into a warehouse for emergency resources. Over the next 48 hours, residents all over the city packed the community space with box after box of canned food, masks, blankets, sleeping bags and toiletries.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

What the PSL (and the Campist Left) Gets Wrong about Venezuela
Nicolás Maduro is set to take office for his new presidential term on January 10. The political crisis in Venezuela has only deepened since the 2024 elections, with increasing polarization and a marked escalation of government repression. The U.S. government and mainstream media claim the problem is a rogue authoritarian government that wants to stay in power at any cost. A sector of the Left, in contrast, portrays the conflict as a struggle between U.S. imperialism and a revolutionary government making headway toward socialism. The biggest leftist organization in the U.S. defending Maduro today is the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL). We choose to debate the PSL because their views represent a larger sentiment on the Left: the idea that opposing U.S. imperialism demands that we support any foreign government that presents itself as opposition to the United States. To escape this trap, we need to have a clear-eyed, Marxist internationalism, one that can build bridges with the working class and working-class organizations in other countries. The first section of this article offers a recap of what happened in Venezuela since the elections in July, 2024. Then, I will examine the longer political process in Venezuela since the rise of Chavismo, while critically analyzing the views and arguments put forward by the PSL. Lastly, I put forward a perspective and orientation that balances an adamant resistance to U.S. imperialism with a principled opposition to Maduro’s repressive, capitalist government.

The Black Book of Communism Is a Shoddy Work of History
Whenever the history of twentieth-century communism is discussed, it will not be long before you find a particular figure cited with absolute certainty. Writing in the Wall Street Journal on the centenary of the October Revolution, David Satter informed its readers that communism was “the greatest catastrophe in human history,” having been responsible for one hundred million deaths. The British Conservative politician Daniel Hannan had a similar message as he prepared for “the most monstrous of centenaries.” According to Hannan, communism was fPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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If you put only $500 a month into the Nasdaq 100 ETF which anyone can do you would have one million dollars in 25 years. Knowing this how is it possible be to poor? You can do that even on the worst minimum wage job. If you're so poor you can only put $250 a month you would still have $500k more than enough to retire off the interest. Think next time you see a poor person with an iPhone or eating out at a restaurant they could be investing and becoming rich instead of blowing their money. I know workers at Walmart who did this and are worth millions now.
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1. the bank takes depositor money (collectively)
2. they loan it to capitalists (fractional reserve banking)
3. those capitalists buy means of production and labor power
4. commodities are produced and sold for profit using the principal that was loaned.
5. surplus value is generated
6. some of that surplus value is reinvested in expanding production, but some of it is used to pay rent and loans the capitalist took
7. those loans had a rate of interest.
8. the portion that was used to pay back the interest on the loans was taken from surplus value
9. a very small fraction of that interest is deposited into your savings account since the bank essentially gambled with your money
10. the reason you are able to withdraw your money even though the bank is gambling with it is because the bank is essentially betting against everyone withdrawing at once. It's called fractional reserve banking
10. If everyone does try to withdraw at once the bank gets bailed out by the government OR goes bankrupt.
11. Therefore money in savings accounts profit from surplus value, albeit fractionally and indirectly.

>The market is not a casino.
lol it absolutely is and its rigged even harder than actual casinos. they literally set up the game so poor people cant make money. look up the minimum deposit for futures contracts or the pattern day trader rule. the market is manipulated to hell by bots owned by banks that have a fiber line running across the road and into wall street that literally sell their order books to professional manipulators called makers that front run you and steal your money with their faster ping. imagine playing blackjack where the minimum buy in is six figures and you get locked into betting the same amount and then on top of that the other players get to know the cards for the last round of betting while excluding you. counting cards at stocks is actually really fun but you can only do it in unregulated bucket shops because legit exchanges will rob you blind legally.

>I will show you how they can easily do it
You can always show how one individual can easily do it but that doesn't mean that everyone can do it. Everyone could become doctor lawyers but then nobody would be left to farm the food. You are ignoring that poverty is a systemic problem that is necessary under a capitalist mode of production.

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you should take a look at that inflation adjusted purchasing power lol

>At no point does bank create surplus-value
you didn't follow the argument


Years of leftypol saying that SJWs aren't leftists. Years of leftypol saying how "voting with the wallets" is liberal retardation. Years of leftypol saying how "cheking the priviledge" is Cointelpro action against class consciousness.
Now, we have multipolaroids checking the priviledge of "westerners" saying how their iphone prevents revolution. And anti-zionists saying that if you buy a Burger you are a genocidal monster. How did this happen? Many of the people think like this were hating SJWs years ago. So, how did they circle back into the same moralist arguments?(Rule 14f - low-quality sectarian bait)
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you're so low autism score it's embarrassing

This is a fucking dogshit thread, and if I were in charge, pretty much everyone would be banned. Why the fuck has this been allowed to stay up for as long as it has is completely beyond me.

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It's probably more just that they both build their ideology on the same christian moralism and witch hunting tendencies common to a lot of westoid ideologies.

>Campist faggot seething


Why has so much rhetoric which began as distinctly anarchist been appropriated by mainstream liberals and Democrats?

I’m not kidding. “Community care”, “mutual aid”, and “harm reduction” among other terms are used almost entirely by white liberals now. Your average liberal in 2025 espouses queer and neurodivergent idpol, wants community-based solutions to social problems, wants the police defunded (not abolished but defunded), wants sex work and drugs legalized, wants NARCAN sold at 7-Elevens, and basically holds to a political worldview that’s essentially diet Kropotkin. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kropotkin is being actively read by American Democrats at this point.

So what happened to make it this way? Anarchism in America used to have teeth to it. Now it’s been so watered down with a hyper-fixation on vulnerability and presents a program that’s something someone like AOC could easily get behind. How much longer until Mariame Kaba is invited to speak at the DNC?
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I mean, look at how easily anti-abortion idiots steal anarchist rhetoric.

>Why has so much rhetoric which began as distinctly anarchist been appropriated by mainstream liberals and Democrats?

>I’m not kidding. “Community care”, “mutual aid”, and “harm reduction” among other terms are used almost entirely by white liberals now. Your average liberal in 2025 espouses queer and neurodivergent idpol, wants community-based solutions to social problems, wants the police defunded (not abolished but defunded), wants sex work and drugs legalized, wants NARCAN sold at 7-Elevens, and basically holds to a political worldview that’s essentially diet Kropotkin. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kropotkin is being actively read by American Democrats at this point.

>So what happened to make it this way? Anarchism in America used to have teeth to it. Now it’s been so watered down with a hyper-fixation on vulnerability and presents a program that’s something someone like AOC could easily get behind. How much longer until Mariame Kaba is invited to speak at the DNC?

I mean if true, would that be a bad thing? I'd rather have liberals be sort-of kropotkinists than rawls reading keynesians who follow the morning joe line of being neocon-lites?

What you say is way more common among younger dems than boomers and its probably a good thing. I mean if you can trick liberals into reading kropotkin than you should probably do it.

Reading Kropotkin doesn’t do much if the end result is making capitalism more comfy.

When you're starting from -10 getting to 0 is in the right direction.

Crushing, disheartening progress…

TBH shit like this makes me hate the fact that “Reddit liberals” make up the majority of people you meet every day, rather than Marxists or even non-liberal anarchists. I wish most of the people I encountered every day were Marxists and reacted to events in their lives like Marxists would.

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There is no absolute, pure, 'true' etc. democracy. Leftoids assert the *ideal* of democracy against the real results of democratic rule under capitalism - namely, the supremacy of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie rules precisely through democracy. The fact that the bourgeoisie is in power does not mean that countries like the US are not democratic. Rather the fact that they are democratic, based on universal suffrage, etc, ensures bourgeois rule.

When we see that democracy has led to the rule of the bourgeoisie, the answer is not to appeal to some fictitious 'real democracy', but to recognize that democracy itself is just an organizational mechanism, whose content is provided by relations external to it. Marx makes this point himself in the Conspectus. 'Democracy' does not necessarily imply the rule of any particular class - everything depends upon the conditions within which democracy exists and operates. In a society based on competition between free and equal *citizens*, the most economically powerful and successful rise to the top.

<Asine! This is democratic twaddle, political drivel. Election is a political form present in the smallest Russian commune and artel. The character of the election does not depend on this name, but on the economic foundation, the economic situation of the voters, and as soon as the functions have ceased to be political ones, there exists 1) no government function, 2) the distribution of the general functions has become a business matter, that gives no one domination, 3) election has nothing of its present political character.

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>The US is a democracy and so are almost all countries in the world
Totally wrong. Read Aristotle.

>daemon" (demon)

Some people here unironically tell others to read philosophy to "debunk" them.


>In such conditions, "more democracy" is the rallying cry of the middle-class, not that of the proletariat.
I'm not sure I 100% follow. I advocate for more democracy because bourgeois democracy is not democratic enough.

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If existence is inherently defined by motion then how can something as static as mathematical descriptions suffice to capture material reality? Is this motion ultimately superseded by metaphysical relations whose truth content persists regardless of perpetual material changes thereby making the foundation of the world static after all?
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couldn't you explain it easier by saying that if 1/3=0,333… therefore 3/3=0,999… (=1)?

I don't believe step 1. Prove to me that:
10 * 0.999… = 9.999…

>If existence is inherently defined by motion
>looks that up
lmao no. Things exist regardless if an observer is there to deem it true that it exists.

The math-philosophy dialectic is how we get video games

<If existence is inherently defined by motion then how can something as static as mathematical descriptions suffice to capture material reality?
because they arbitrarily use one point as a "point of reference" and treat it as static?

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State Corporatism is a unitary politics with the State as one personhood, a living organism, a higher personality and being; not to be confused with a collection of private corporations.
The ideology of State Corporatism traces its lineage back to Plato's Republic, Hobbes' Leviathan, and the formation of one-party States and Fascism.
In Plato's Republic is State Corporatism:
>That the other citizens too must be sent to the task for which their natures were fitted, one man to one work, in order that each of them fulfilling his own function may be not many men, but one, and so the entire city may come to be not a multiplicity but a unity.
In Hobbes' Leviathan is State Corporatism:
>And in him consisteth the Essence of the Common-wealth; which (to define it,) is "One Person, of whose Acts a great Multitude, by mutuall Covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the Author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all, as he shall think expedient, for their Peace and Common Defence.”
In Italian Fascism is State Corporatism:
>It is the State that possesses a concrete will & must be considered a person.
Giuseppe Bottai
>However, in speaking of the corporative State, it must not be understood as meaning only all that which pertains to the relations between employers and workers – relations based on a principle of collaboration rather than upon a struggle of classes. Fascism with its new arrangements aims at a more complex end. This, summed up in a few words, is "to reassert the sovereignty of the State over those syndicates, which, whether of an economic or social kind, when left to themselves broke out at one time against the State, subjecting the will of the individual to their own arbitrary decision, almost musing the rise of judicial provisions alien to the legal order of the State, opposing their own right to the right of the State, subordinating to their own interests the defenceless classes, and even the general interest, of which the State is naturally the judge, champion and avenger."
A brief disclaimer: this is the what the corporatism of Fascism is, State Corporatism, and not to be mistaken with the corporative system itself which act as internal organs of this higher personality. Those corporate bodies are limited and are organs, and that kind of corpoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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he seems to be arguing in favor of it quite fervently whenever someone says it's a bad idea

>state corporatism thread
>hobbes leviathan OP image
>no mention of mercantilism
>no mention of the never ending oscillation between free trade and protectionism that capitalists nations do

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There is a Hobbes' Leviathan OP image because… Hobbes' Leviathan is an illustration of State Corporatism.
The State is a "Corporation of One Person"; Hobbes Leviathan, made up of a multitude, has the generation of Commonwealth formally called "The People" as One Person.
Notice, Hobbes' Leviathan is "many in one".
The City below is organized not as a multiplicity, but a unity.

>he seems to be arguing in favor of it quite fervently whenever someone says it's a bad idea
More like explaining it quite fervently.

Notice, the same idea that Jean Bodin & Thomas Hobbes stress with Absolute Sovereignty – is the same thing advocated in Fascism's State Corporatism, as it is no less absolutist.

Jean Bodin adds.
>Provided that they [the family] are joined together by the legitimate and limited rule of the father.
>I have said "limited", since this fact chiefly distinguishes the Family from the State.
>That the latter [The State] has the final and public authority.
>The former [The Family or Household] limited and private rule.

Hobbes adds.
>In All Bodies Politique [Any Corporation under the State] The Power of The Representative is Limited.
>In Bodies Politique, the power of the Representative is always Limited: And that which prescribes the limits thereof, is the Power Sovereign. For Power Unlimited, is absolute Sovereignty. And the Sovereign, in every Commonwealth, is the absolute Representative of all the Subjects.

>For Fascism the State is absolute, the individuals & groups relative.


Luigi Mangione
>A Frat gymbro
>Follows various people from across the poltical compress, from AOC, Edward Snowden and Tucker Carlson
>Quotes Nietzsche and is an environmentalist
>Is against "un-human" architecture
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so could he walk free?

The watchword of critial metaphysics: generalize disquiet! Their own paranoia will be an essential element of the overthrow of the ruling class.

> to shove a knife between their ribs
A ninja is in fact a working class person rising up against the fascistic class society that crushes them…they are not dressed like an assassin, they are usually dressed like a normal worker, because that's what they are.
>Back surgery at 20. Kicked off his parents’ healthcare at 26. Then the shooting
How many young people fell into a depression because of this social murder? We must reach out and sweep them into a movement instead of letting them languish as atomized passive NPCs



I am a Mutualist. I have been through many leftist movements, I have been active in them, and in the end I became a Mutualist, very attached to anarchism, mainly to a more Communalist political organization but with a Mutualist economy.

Yes, I believe in the free market and I am anti-capitalist. I came to these conclusions above all after first abandoning the Leninist planned economy, because it was inefficient and became state capitalism. I came to embrace ideas of Cybercommunism, but I consider it too cumbersome to be applied immediately and can be very risky. Then I abandoned Social Democracy because it did not solve the problem of inequality. I became a Mutualist because while I adhere to the ideas of Self-Managed Socialism and Workers' Councils, I detest hierarchies and consider them oppressive, including representative democracy, as I consider true democracy to be closer to anarchist ideas. On the other hand, I believe in the freedom of producers. In my country there is a lot of illegal street trading, and I consider it a right to be able to sell individually as long as you do not exploit or create wage relations, so I only support cooperative companies with free partners and individual ownership.

I believe that Mutualism can be a possible and practical system if a structure is created that makes it feasible, and I consider it a viable way to end Capitalism, wage labor, and private ownership of the means of production.

I do not rule out the possibility that Mutualism will lead us to a Post-Scarcity Communist Society. I think that a Mutualist Society should have as its perspective the achievement of a 100% automated Post-Scarcity Communist Society, but with a libertarian political organization similar to that proposed by Bookchin in his book “Post-Scarcity Anarchism”

I have more things to say, but I leave it for any questions you may have. I hope there are more mutualists so I can organize with them

Pd: I support Rojava and I consider that its economic model is mutualist in practice
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Rojava cant afford economic experiments with a planned economy while its under attack by islamist turks.

Like the Soviet Union. History repeats itself. They are doing a good job of cleaning the world of islamists tho.

What experiments? Again, planning isn't unique to any mode of production. Individual Rojavan firms also do planning.
This obsession with individual producers and "being your own boss" is thoroughly petite bourgeois.

>the only viable alternative is funded and maintained by US imperialism and SOCOM

>libertarian -> lolbert
fuck off seppo.

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