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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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How can people listen to jazz or look at modern cinematography or other contemporary western art without feeling utter disgust and an urge to vomit. Everything that middle-class society brands as some great product of man's will reeks and oozes nihilistic life-negating ideology. I can't stand to walk down the street without wanting to fall over and cry when I see an art exhibition or an antiquariat. How bourgeois.
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1. Yes you can.
Film is a subjective medium and trying to form an objective analysis to it is folly.

2. Some films aren't there for a greater message, they're there purely for entertainment. Deadpool and wolverine was intended as a dumb fun adventure with 2000's nostalgia while pitting two culturally significant superheroes against eachother with entertaining fight scenes, and most people watched it for that. The soviet union still had circuses, I'd hardly say that creating mass entertainment is problematic. Rather, it's the systems that distribute these films that ought to be scrutinised.

The west has produced and made culturally significant films- some of which are anti-capitalist in nature, and dismiss it for being western is just aestheticism.
Some films I'd recommend you watch:
<Sorry To Bother You,
<They Live,
<The Florida Project,
Or hell, a lot of films from the italian neo-realism movement.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

> Do any of you people live in a city?
New York City
27 years
13 years
> How have you not noticed that gentrification is policy and the result of that policy are thousands of little specialized stores or workshops for bourgeois tourists to spend their money and pretend to engage in cultural production and exchange.
What does any of this have to do with le jaz bad fucktard?
It’s honkie Midwestoids like you jacking up rents to begin with ffs (I mean well no it’s porky westoids but damn it do you incomes price out locals anyway)

*porky landlords

Literally fucking how?

Nietzschean bullshit. OP is merely one member of a long line of retards who think it's possible to synthesize Marx and Lenin with Nietzsche and Heidegger


why is a bourgeois right like "free speech" vigorously defended by right and left in principle, yet neither support it in practice? because it ultimately serves impractical aims. the "freer" speech becomes (on unfortunate platforms like twitter), the worse that public discourse also becomes. why give rights to the wrong? because you want to larp as an 18th century secularist separating church and state?

i personally do not believe in free speech, neither for my friends or enemies, because im sane. same way i dont believe in democracy for its own sake, because thats retarded. there are things i should have no power over, as a citizen. there are things which should not be allowed to be said. controversy only arises when you are dishonest about such issues and pretend that all things are born in freedom. they are not. shake the cage and you will get bitten. at the end of words is a fist or a gun, and this is speech's internal limits. talk shit, get hit.

this is also why i think we must move away from anonymity as a culture. irl all these twitter trolls would cower under the light of the sun. they are judged in their essence as losers, and that to me is only right. it is regrettable that the biggest cowards talk the loudest (like a small dog yapping behind a fence), but that is precisely why i oppose free speech. nothing of value would be lost in censoring these fools. the tiktok ban is a good start.
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Your logic is exactly why OP wrote what he wrote

Capitalist countries just have no conception of freedom. They think getting barraged with garbage 24/7 is "freedom of speech" even if the vast majority of individuals have no real platform. It's the "freedom" to be manipulated.

>why is a bourgeois right like "free speech" vigorously defended by right and left in principle, yet neither support it in practice? because it ultimately serves impractical aims. the "freer" speech becomes (on unfortunate platforms like twitter), the worse that public discourse also becomes. why give rights to the wrong? because you want to larp as an 18th century secularist separating church and state?

>i personally do not believe in free speech, neither for my friends or enemies, because im sane. same way i dont believe in democracy for its own sake, because thats retarded. there are things i should have no power over, as a citizen. there are things which should not be allowed to be said. controversy only arises when you are dishonest about such issues and pretend that all things are born in freedom. they are not. shake the cage and you will get bitten. at the end of words is a fist or a gun, and this is speech's internal limits. talk shit, get hit.

I agree but this is autistic. Who cares what you 'support'?

>this is also why i think we must move away from anonymity as a culture. irl all these twitter trolls would cower under the light of the sun. they are judged in their essence as losers, and that to me is only right. it is regrettable that the biggest cowards talk the loudest (like a small dog yapping behind a fence), but that is precisely why i oppose free speech. nothing of value would be lost in censoring these fools. the tiktok ban is a good start.

This glows. Whats your real name and address OP?

Dude, limiting hate speech is not bad because of some delusional belief in which everyone is amenable to reason; it's bad because you want these people leaving a trail instead of hiding away in the shadows. By limiting their speech, you're depriving others of the information they need to avoid them.
There's also the simple fact of human nature that many will give credence to what authority figures are trying to suppress.

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In my opinion, cyber-communism still has the same problems as Soviet planning, i.e. problems in relation to prices, due to the idea of ​​currency based on time worked, or money given based on this, which reminds me a lot of the energy accounting of 20th century technocrats.

There would be two possible failures:

The first is that if the state sets prices for acquiring products based on supposedly objective costs, this can again cause prices not to adjust to scarcity, and added to the fact that wages are fixed to work, the fact that this is totally arbitrary based on time, can cause it not to reflect the exact quantity of what is produced. I know that linear programming and other mathematical methods can be used, however, we still do not guarantee the dilemma of scarcity, since prices are information mechanisms. This would only work in an economy that pays in kind.

Demand, although it would be democratically determined by the people, generating real demand data, there being again no dynamic price system, there could be shortages, because regardless of demand, the famous objective costs based on labor time, or objective costs of production, are not really based on the flexibility of market prices, and it is quite limiting. Who assures us that such a supposedly objective cost is not flawed or does not cover the complexity of a flexible system?

I am absolutely skeptical that a calculation based on objective costs that is derived from the currency of labor time can coordinate the dilemma of scarcity and determine prices reliably. All this would be nothing more than another elaborate way of setting prices, which would cause the problems I point out throughout the essay.

Example: If a critical resource like lithium for batteries becomes scarcer, the time-based target cost or supposed objective costs may fail to set the price, since it is likely that it will not adjust to the scarcity, unlike the supply and demand curve, where a good when its inputs increase in price occurs due to scarcity, and its price tends to offset the production costs of those same inputs, for example, labor, capital inputs, land, etc. That is to say that when a good or raw material becomes scarce for whatever reason, then producers raise prices, because they cannot sell the same quantity of goods at the previous price, since that would generate scarcity in the consumer, and there is nothing left but to raise prices to recover the investment, it isPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I always thought mutualists were anti-market lol. Or maybe thats volunteerism or what its called

An armed working class. Honestly though you could say that about literally anything. What's your guarantee that the most egalitarian and democratic anarchist commune won't democratically vote to have you drawn and quartered for no reason? Laws and constitutions are pieces of paper, what they're actually maintained by is a social peace, a balance of power and social structure that all the relevant actors in society are sufficiently satisfied with.

there is no such thing as 'cyber-communism'. It is just communism. The reduction of randomness and arbitrariness by increasing scientific planning as our understanding of science and technology improves IS socialism/communism. Any market in socialism/communism is temporary, and due to inadequate scientific understanding. In due time, the market will completely disappear and replaced by glorious science. If we want to evolve from mercantile chimps to Homo Sovieticus that is.

there is no such thing as "communism". it's just cybernetics

>How the hell will the planners fix the prices of the whole economy just by estimating the time of work?!
The cybercoms operate in a probabilistic framework from what I gather which is a positive critique to Marx's economic doctrine. Instead of thinking that prices orbit values (expressed in socially necessary labor-time yadda yadda) and that they're somehow a function of value. probabilistic political economy treats prices as random variables and uses (relatively simple) stastical methods to obtain working models of capitalist economy and whose theoretical models were proven correct by empirical observation. yakovenko's work is pretty accessible in this regard, if you want more classical scientific rigour.


Can someone recommend me some leftist news sites? I want to stay on top of things, but all of the news outlets I'm aware of either buy heavily into mainstream American idpol and politics a-la Fox News and CNN, are really sloppy "independent journalism" that reads more like a blog than news, or some combination of the two. And right now, I'm getting most of my news from browsing threads on Leftypol, which is probably worse than either.

I'm really looking for something that separates the wheet from the chaff and analyzes things from a Marxist perspective. Thanks in advance.

>inb4 erm leftism isn't

You know what I mean smartass.
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you just have to ignore the sectarian trot ramblings

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>you just have to ignore the WSWS sectarian trot ramblings
I'm still laughing at those aggressively caucasian globalist neocon losers going apeshit because of the "1619 project" ruined their precious utopia ideals in Amerikkka. Trots need to believe in childish stories of heroic bourgeois revolutions against the evil tyranny of (reads) paying fewer taxes than any other British empire colony??? lmao
<However, WSWS is not an ordinary publication. Part of their Trotskyist party line is that the American Revolution was a bourgeois revolution which tore down old feudalist relics, created conditions for new freedom, and accelerated the historical dialectic towards world communism. In order that Americans revere the revolution until communism is achieved, it is necessary that WSWS keep the 1950s-era "consensus history" on life support for as long as it takes. (By the way, I understand the term "consensus history" as sarcastic; it refers to a collective ideological bias which deters people from asking questions of historical narrative.)
WSWS more like WS-we-hate-blacks-and-want-segregation-not-wokeness-WS

Uphold the true communism of The New York Times

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>When you call your political enemies bitches and edgelords 100 years later think you wanted to kill prostitutes.
What are some other examples of communist myths/propaganda/slander that are accepted as fact by some communists nowadays?
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but he had a Jewish background so it was more personal for him and he didn't hate it for conspiratorial reasons like Bakunin raving that Marx was a secret Jewish banker elite.*

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Stalin later went back on all that and helped form Israel.

And after that he openly attacked the zionist Israel with Syria

Holy crap Louis look at the amount of distortions this communist is bringing on a post, no wonder the anon he responded even made that post.

Luckily this revisionist behaviour was corrected by Khruschev, the true standard bearer of Marxism-Leninism.

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>"Wie kriegen wir diesen Krieg zu einem Ende?" könnte mit Trump tatsächlich eher erfolgen.
>Wie positionieren wir uns jetzt als Europäer und Deutsche? Darauf sind wir zu wenig vorbereitet.
>Was passiert wie verhalten wir uns? Haben wir irgendeinen Plan in der Schublade, wenn Trump jetzt in einem halben Jahr sagt hier ist mein Friedensplan?
>Und was sagen wir Europäer. Nein sagen wir dann? Putin darf nicht gewinnen? Wir Europäer unterstützen weiter die Ukraine?
>Die Mittel dazu haben wir ohne die Amerikaner nicht. Dann geht uns irgendwann tatsächlich die Luft aus
<USA-Experte der ARD Stefan Fröhlich
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Wir kommen in Schwarz-Gelb, Dicka
Mit paar Liter Aperol-Spritz

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Geliefert wie bestellt.

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Der Anti-Elfenbeinturm Ketaconnaisseur Elon Musk hat mit seinem römischen Salut die Wokeria gekonnt ausgetrickst. Ein Fanal der Freiheit. 🗽

Alice Weidel hat ihm doch vor kurzem erst erklärt, dass Hitler ein Kommunist war. Er grüßt sicher nur die Genossen.

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Third Worldism, as a strain of Marxist thought, has carved out a critique of imperialism that focuses almost exclusively on the revolutionary potential of the Global South, often at the expense of the Western proletariat. But beneath it lies an unacknowledged Christian residue—ideas of guilt, penance, and redemption that distort its analysis. The problem begins with how Third Worldism treats the Western working class. It views workers in the imperial core as irredeemably complicit in global exploitation, not because of their actions but by their association with imperialist economies. This line of reasoning mirrors the Christian idea of original sin, where guilt is inherited rather than earned. The Western proletariat is cast as the sinner, its redemption possible only through acts of penance toward the oppressed peoples of the Global South.

This moralistic lens is a diversion from Marxism’s focus on material conditions. Revolutionary potential isn’t a question of moral/historical purity but of class relations and the ability to challenge capital. Third Worldism, by contrast, assigns revolutionary agency solely to the Global South, treating the Western proletariat as an inert, corrupted class. This view is simplistic and ultimately idealist, reducing the complexity of global class dynamics to a binary of oppressors and oppressed without regard for class. Third Worldism romanticizes the Global South in a way that ironically echoes Eurocentric tropes. By idealizing the oppressed as inherently revolutionary, it erases the material and historical contradictions within these societies. It’s a view that treats the Global South less as a collection of real, diverse struggles and more as a moral counterweight to the failures of the Western proletariat. This is not solidarity—it’s condescension.

By framing the struggle against imperialism in moral terms, Third Worldism undermines the possibility of global solidarity. Revolutionary change isn’t about confessing guilt or seeking redemption; it’s about organizing internationally and confronting capitalism as a global system. The Western working class is not a uniform bloc of privilege. It, too, contains contradictions and potentials that cannot simply be dismissed.
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>Again, the Third Worldists have recognized a problem and formulated a solution.
Let me just add this quip which didn't fit the semi-annoyed natue of the longer post. It's good praxis to sometimes 'dialectically' reverse the statement. What I mean is that, TW have formulated a problem and then recognized a solution. What I mean is: TW made up a problem and then presented the solution, but they mirrored the interaction in their head.

It's not ass much real third worldism as this idiotic liberal (as in, endorsed by EU and NATO) smug attitude of "heh, your country should be destroyed and you should be enslaved for eternity because you're naturally unwholesome". It's just the same bullshit westoids (people who support western regimes) apply to China, Russia, Iran etc, but applied to western countries. There are reasons why class struggle is complicated in the west, mostly has to do with the labor aristocracy and not the bulk of the working class. However, these reasons are fading away right now.
What it does in reality is alienate domestic workers for the same reasons Russian, Chinese and other "regime" workers hate their liberals' guts. A glowie laughs every time you say this shit.

> Their major decline didn't begin until the 1970s.
Ironically enough the PCI reached the peak of it's consensus in the 1976 elections with 34% of the votes

>Do you also feel this way about Workers World Party and PSL's "Global Class War" thesis, or the World "Anti-Imperialist" Platform's conception of anti-imperialism?
>"Global Class War" Thesis
Surely you mean Lenin's theory of imperialism…?

>Their reasoning stems from a very real fact: that the quality of life enjoyed in the first world — the pay, the technology, the services, etc. — requires the exploitation of the vast majority of people in the world.
This actually isn't true, see >>2108977


Most nations are controlled by rich families, from Latin America to Japan and South Korea, a few families control the corporations and government. Should we eliminate the families to avoid a counter revolution? If yes, do we include the children?
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Why is the focus on what we are doing /after/ the revolution we have yet to have?

Because believe it or not, what comes after is the hard part.

No. It's that not everyone occupied the same spaces online.
You can have posters with just as long lifespan as you and they may not even know certain common phrases

motion carried

next on the agenda: white people

you know being humiliated and turned into a laughing stock can be treated as a form of martyrdom. It doesn't have to be murder. All martyrdom comes down to "look what THEY did to OUR guy"

if your enemies captured you and made you wear a silly little outfit and paraded you around in that outfit while people throw rotten food at you it wouldn't necessarily make you look bad in historical hindsight. it would just make them look cruel.

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The first and most important understanding all contemporary communists must have is that climate change IS our ally!

And no, NOT because of anything nonsensical like it will increase awareness of the contradictions because they won’t. The human race will not ever overcome false consciousness. The average human is a literal illiterate moron, a subhuman at its core, the proletariat doesn’t exist as a class as every living prole is drowning deep in petit bourgeois consciousness. The absolute dream of most proles is to murder and enslave the majority of their own class. Look at this comment, this is the furthest proles will ever get, they will admit capitalism makes life hellish, and then reject communism anyway, acknowledging Capital must continue its rampant drive, with a few partial tweaks

The proletariat is a pathetic, vile, barely human mass; worthy as such of Marx’s lowly appraisal of the corpulent peasant masses of France; the proletariat is not capable of anything, not even organizing its own thoughts let alone anything else, communism is fully impossible and the proletariat will end when they tear each other’s throats out to make sure Zuck and the rest can escape to their doomsday bunkers.
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Well, I find it impossible to explain how time and time again people living even in the most repulsive shitholes keep falling for reactionary sentiment going against their own interests without employing at least some psychoanalysis. Maybe I'm biased because I'm a thirdie.

>Tfw MLroach can’t explain why most proles are explicit anticommunists by their own retarded Catholic logic

Reality doesn't change. Sociology might though

And you claim to be against anti-intellectualism


Moved to >>>/dead/5865.

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A lot of images and posts of the last general got broken. So I think it's better to make a new one.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! Starting off this general with massive wave of cult sex camps.
Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
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Bro she is smoking hot

Respectfully, would.

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No wonder why there are a lot of British expats here in Thailand lately.

Vietanon, how's it going with the leadership handover since Trong died?
>still calls it Burma
lol burgers.

Plenty of the ethnic minorities in Myanmar still call it Burma because it’s still a de facto Burmese chauvinist state

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