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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1820033[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

if rosa luxemburg were in charge of the soviet union in 1921, she would have responded to the krondstadt mutiny by having every single anarchist in russia publicly executed. the weird perception of her as a "softer" or "more palletable" choice than lenin is so far from the truth. rosa luxemburg was also significantly more "dogmatic" than bordiga was. she rejected things like natlib and trade unions far more thoroughly than he ever did. if she hadn't been murdered by fascists she'd be far more hated by both mls and anarchists for sure. and to be clear, i like her and say none of this in an attempt to bury her
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>would have been gigabased if they werent pedophiles and rapists
that's a pretty huge "if" don'tcha think, namefag?


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genocide is not a unique appearance of capitalist society but a product of imperialist war in an of itself, to oppose genocide on all terms is not to push nationalist ideology (from which genocide is birthed) but instead to demand an end to the capitalist system

as luxemburg said, wars are never only national in the modern day, they are always bourgeois-imperialistic. hamas and the PLO represent a palestinian bourgeoisie and israel represents the israeli bourgeoisie. both sides demand blood for nationalist construction and are helped and funded by competing bourgeois interests too

no national group has a right to any land, that is nationalistic thinking. all people ought to hold land in common, there is no birthright to anywhere


Capitalism is global, socialism must also follow.


uyghas really believe a fractured proletariat has any chance against the bourgeoisie


>genocide is not a unique appearance of capitalist society but a product of imperialist war in an of itself
genocide has existed since humanity was multiple species
let her cook

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Online Canadian chvd rag The Post Millenial got hacked and its data leaked, including a bunch of FBI e-mails in its user data
Archived here https://web.archive.org/web/20240503041720/https://thepostmillennial.com/
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they should just annex canadia into america already.


It's an ongoing work in progress. Pretty sure Langley tasks its most incompetent officers on this job because it takes virtually zero effort and half the Canadian politicians sitting in their legislature secretly have American passports anyways.

I predict that when Xi hits the socialism button in 2050 America will have finally managed to push through a referendum officially annexing Canada.

This of course assumes that Cucktin remains a Cuck and Ruzzia doesn't do anything to stick up for itself in the meantime like actually launch nukes rather than having Medvedev shitposting on Twitter and calling it a day.




>including a bunch of FBI e-mails in its user data
Wasn't TPM publishing a lot of articles about antifa under Andy Ngo's byline? I figure the FBI agents who subscribed to it were assigned to keeping tabs on antifa types, and that's why they read it, they just hoover up anything about antifa that gets into print. That's my hunch.

>Canadian Conservative publication
>Secretly funded by Americans
<everyone already knows this
Well it wasn't a secret. TPM is owned by Human Events which is an American conservative media company that goes back to the 1940s and Henry Regnery, the right-wing publisher.


Is Canada just America's little brother at this point?

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For example Franjo Tuđman was a Yugoslav Partisan during WW2 that fought against the Nazis and collaborators and was a communist most of his life. Him like many others embraced Nationalism in the 80s/90s and committed the same atrocities he fought against.
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Stamping out radicalism is a structural necessity for labor unions under capitalism. Unions only get recognition and contracts if they are able to discipline their own workforces and 'play ball' with the factory owners. If a union encourages sabotage, revolution, wildcats, etc. the capitalist will tell them to fuck off and have them all arrested.


A lot of them were always nationalists first. Yugoslavia was a pan-national state so all of these guys remained loyal to their individual republics.


I think Mobo Gao provides a useful framework for thinking about this. Though he's talking about the Chinese context it could just as easily apply to Party bureaucrats of 1980s/90s Europe:
>Deng Xiaoping and many like him were not really Marxists but basically revolutionary nationalists who wanted to see China standing on equal terms with the great global powers. They were primarily nationalists and they participated in the Communist revolution because that was the only viable route they could find to Chinese nationalism. The two themes of nationalism and class struggle worked together well before 1949 (Dong 2006). But after 1949, the two themes could not fit together so well. For Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping class struggle was more a means to an end of achieving national unity and dignity. Once that goal had been accomplished the class struggle theme of the Marxist paradigm became irrelevant and the class struggle of the Maoist paradigm was seen as disastrously erroneous. The theme of national unity meant that political control had to remain tight, or democratic reform would lead to national disintegration. The theme of national dignity meant that China’s economy needed to catch up with that of the West. Therefore, to embrace market capitalism was a natural course of action for them.
These people didn't become nationalists after the destruction of their respective states and parties. They already were, and their membership in the party was tolerated to a point thanks to a limited alignment of interests and (particularly in Europe) the continuing right-opportunist degeneration of Marxist-Leninist parties. This degeneration promoted a mentality towards economic construction which easily aligned with nationalist politics and mindless "pragmatism" over internationalism. This trend continued to advance until it reached a breaking point in the Soviets, where the mindless "pragmatists" and opportunists like Gorbachev (who despite their revisionism had some degree of attachment to the Party) could no longer find unity with nationalists like Yeltsin. In that moment the liquidation of the Communist Party was inevitable, with the nationalists having no need for it and the opportunists no longer having any kind of real organizing basis within the masses that could maintain their grip on power. And so the Party was not oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


> In my country most members of the current ruling party were dirt poor peasants who were only able to get a university degree because of communism, later joining the party. They or their parents saw their social status skyrocket and today they are all hysterical anti-communists.
> In my country most members of the current ruling party were dirt poor peasants who were only able to get a university degree because of communism, later joining the party. They or their parents saw their social status skyrocket and today they are all hysterical anti-communists.
Kicking the ladder. There needs to be an analyses on these types and a consensus on how to deal with them (preferably with intense violence in our roblox servers)


stalinoids started doing united frontism in the 30s amd 40s. lots of post-ww2 marxist-leninist governments were formed of bourgeois nationalists who had gone with the flow after soviet occupation. as for yugoslavia, many nationalists joined communist partisans because of the whole being occupied by german nazis thing, then dropped the act once the old partisan leader tito died

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 No.1532795[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>1263434

Talk about job/career advice and other related stuff from a leftist perspective. EX: How to get a job, promotion, skill, switch companies, resume, life hacks, etc.
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is the aws test worth it? i dont want some random burger or indian or whatever having to look at my face and room for an entire hour


Good video anon. Yeah data roles seem to be the black sheep of tech imo.

It created a reserve army of labor for a particular skill, the effects cannot be ignored for long.


>is the aws test worth it?
As a developer? For sure. Management doesn't want to hire a dedicated devops engineer because they cost more money, so they'll expect the dev team to be responsible for devops. As someone that is part of the hiring process and read resumes, we'll try to find someone who has experience with cloudops and seeing a cert on their resume helps. I'm not expecting them to be an expert whatsoever, but they should at least know the very basics.
Imagine you have to read through hundreds of resumes to fill an entry level software engineering position and they are all nearly identical because they all went to the same school where they all did the same projects. The only things that set you apart are personal projects you worked on and your knowledge, focusing on either of these two things will really set you apart from everyone else.


i know almost nobody cares about free certs but what about paid certs that dont come from the big boys in tech?


Just get the big boy certs. There's no valid reason to go for some second rate ones particularly if you're gonna pay money for them.

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Can we have a thread about socialist and related football firms?
Of course we can.

>Inb4: 357 posts about St. Pauli

Anything goes but the less obvious would be great.
Some background info very welcome too.

Pic related: Resistência Coral, Ultras from Fortaleza, supporters of Ferroviário Atlético Clube. The club was founded by railway workers in the early 1930's and has been, ever since, tightly connected to the working class.
The banner in the first image translates to "No war among firms, no peace between classes"
Trivia: one of the club's nicknames is "the proletarian".



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Not sure whether it is connected to any group in particular but DDR references are quite common among Dynamo Dresden fans. I have been to their stadium and seen it myself.

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Hello comrades. I am a long time psychic and practicioner of various spiritual and psychic arts. I have read many books on the topic and have completed numerous seances and exorcisms. I am also a devout communist, having read numerous works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, among others.
Recently, I have thought of a brilliant plan, brought forth to me by my associates when I was relaxing in the mountains of Montenegro with them. Seeing that communist thought is no longer practiced by any real major power on the world, we had decided to contact the spirits of past communist leaders in an attempt to seek advice from them.
After contacting demons from the lesser key of Solomon (Ars Goetia) and consulting them on the dangers and possibilities of talking with dead communists, we came to the conclusion that the best idea is to astral project to them during sleep. We picked Lenin, as he was old and frail by the end of his life, so he would be least likely to react aggressively should we invade his spiritual domain.
The plan was all set up and I volunteered to become the one who would talk with Lenin. We prepared the entire ritual, after which I went to sleep to finish the projection. Finding Lenin's spiritual domain proved somewhat difficult, but after about 30 minutes of a back and forth between different corridors within the spiritual network I have managed to find the intended goal.
I entered somewhat stealthily, but that did not help as he quickly caught onto me and confronted me. Turns out that within his spiritual realm, Lenin was not frail at all, and worse of all he was angry over the intrusion. I tried to explain myself, even citing some of his works to prove my loyalty, but he went on a rampage and threw me against the wall, and started to wreck everything around. He then used a giant sickle and pierced my leg with it, throwing me around once more. With my last breath I managed to escape and return to the real world.
Outside, my leg was fine, however the bone was broken, and I spent the nearest couple days lying in hospital bed.
At home, I frequently hear Lenin's demonic voice call out. I might have messed up. I will, however, still try to use that to my advantage, and try to get his spirit to help bring about a new revolution.
Cheers, comrades. Do not astral project to important communist leaders, they're much stronger than they appear.
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this is what tukachevsky would have wanted
the soviets probably found agartha in the antarctic expeditions


he beat you up because you're a liberal


Gem alert


How do I talk to Bordiga?


mmmh I think have seen a similar or identical shitpost before

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Protesters in Cuba demand food and electricity as shortages bring hardship
>Hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets in Cuba in recent days as the country faces food shortages and near-full day blackouts.
>Cuba has fallen into a near unprecedented economic crisis since the COVID-19 pandemic, with vast shortages of food, fuel and medicine stoking a record-breaking exodus that has seen upwards of 400,000 people migrate to the United States.
>Cuba's government has for the first time asked the UN's food programme for help as food shortages on the Communist-run island worsen.
>The World Food Programme (WFP) said it had received an unprecedented official request from the Cuban government for help providing powdered milk to children under seven years of age.The request is a sign of the seriousness of Cuba's economic crisis.As well as a shortage of milk, fuel and medicines are also running low
COVID and the US sanctions did serious damage to the Cuban economy. The US media is hyping this up as the end of the Cuban government but they always say that at the slightest protest. What do you think of Cuba and its future?
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You should try and have gay sex


Titoism crashing and burning yet again.


>Failed to industrialise on their own like dprk

In 2022, agriculture contributed around 0.8 percent to the GDP of Cuba, 23.77 percent came from the industry and 74.61 percent from the services sector.


In comparison, the US in 2016 had GDP by sector, the following data:Agriculture: 0.9%, Industry:18.9%, Services: 80.2%
China, in 2023, had: Agriculture: 7.1%, Industry: 38.3%, Services: 54.6%

Cuba has an "Upper Middle Income", and is considered a "developing economy", with near 0 unemployment and still has a growing GDP and GDP per capita.
If you go to https://www.populationpyramid.net/cuba/2020/ , you will see that the population is increasingly aging, just like in any other developed nation, and this inevitably will lead to slower economic growth. You can see today that the population of cuba is not increasing since 2017, and is growing smaller and smaller by the year.
There is no way a nation that is sanctioned by the US, has still to deal with the aftermath of covid, is dealing with extreme CIA pressure and protests to disrupt the nation government, to have a "good time". Still, GDP per capita is increasing.

The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Cuba was last recorded at 21046.65 US dollars in 2023, when adjusted by purchasing power parity (PPP). The GDP per Capita, in Cuba, when adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity is equivalent to 118 percent of the world's average. source: World Bank
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>A degenerate worker's state is still a worker's state
There never was a marxist revolution nor a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in Cuba.


>nor a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in Cuba.

Thank Ford for this miracle!

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>Be me, Spanish speaking South American
>Opens youtube news video regarding the zionists and Iran/Palestine
>Almost every comment is a batshit crazy evangelical cocksucking the jews

Does this happen in your country too?
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The communist party of the Philippines has nothing to do with what you're talking about


starting to feel like false flagging, anon. philosemitism is plenty common in many countries, and it does contribute to popularity of zionism. nothing about that is inherently antijewish



did china cause milei?


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>I walked past a small Spanish-speaking strip-mall church with an immigrant congregation near my old place when they were having evening services and there was a big Star of David up on the altar. No, this was not a synagogue. I was, like, is this a cult? What is going on here
Pic related is in what is supposed to be a Christian evangelical temple in Brazil.
Freestyle theology at its best.
That said, OP is has clearly spent too much time in certain /pol/ emulating IBs and he knows exactly what i am talking about.

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I find it ironic that 4chin rightoids invented the midwit meme when evidence shows left wingers have both lower and higher I Q than right wingers. Rightoids like Chris Rufo try to spin this as le "middle class versus lumpenproletariat+academic "low-high coalition"".

But the truth is rightoids if we go by statistics are literally midwits.




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what the fuck is uygha talking about


While it is funny to call people midwits, it was will always remain a cope theory. In french we use "semi-abile" which is better because it's not some blanket category or nonsensical cast and instead just describes a type of overconfident neophyte behavior. "Midwitt" meanwhile is just:
>"No you see all the most intelligent folx and the labourous working man thinks like me! Unlike my ennemy who are the too-normal boring masses oppressing us."
Carl Schmitt for faggot retards.


it has more to do with class. these people went to uni, work in tec, post on reddit, and believe everything on CNN

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 No.695716[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>Ho trovato il problema: te accendi la tivvì
E invece no! Ci sto lontano come la peste! Eppure quella roba infesta pure le notizie a cui do uno sguardo rapido per cinque minuti al giorno su internet… Purtroppo, anche dove ti aspetti che uno spazio sia libero da certa spazzatura, quella roba riesce comunque a passare.


Una parte consistente, quasi il totale, della classe intellettuale italiana è formata da vecchi rancorosi a cui viene permesso, in virtù della loro abilità nello scrivere e nel parlare, di vomitare bile su vari media esprimendo spesso pensieri non più complessi di quelli che i pensionati fanno al bar, eccetto con più virtuosismi linguistici e un vocabolario un po' più complesso. La sostanza, però, è identica.
Quando mi trovo a leggere editoriali di Grasso, Rampini, Polito, Galii della Loggia e vecchi scurreggiori vari, non posso fare a meno di chiedermi se sia tutto uno scherzo: questa gente è davvero pagata per scrivere pensierini da terza media sul più importante giornale del paese? E la gente li legge e pensa pure siano delle grandi menti? Sul serio?
Oggi Grasso, che di solito parla solo di TV transhumaniste quando deve manganellare verbalmente qualcuno, ha accostato la caduta delle pale del Moulin Rouge a tutto ciò che trova brutto in occidente: gli studenti che protestano contro il genocidio, la cancel culture (che non esiste), il woke (che non sa cosa sia). In pratica un tema di uno studente scarso che cerca d'impressionare il prof. Tremendo.


Ecco, le tue righe mi hanno fatto venire in mente la geniale definizione di intellettuale data dal sociologo francese Pierre Bourdieu: sono la sezione dominata della classe dominante. Hanno un "capitale culturale" da spendere sul mercato e questo consente loro di occupare una posizione al di sopra delle classi subalterne, ma sempre un gradino sotto ai veri dominanti. Poi va pure detto che ormai 'sto "capitale culturale" è ampiamente svalutato e questi personaggi campano di rendita sulla fama e la rispettabilità acquisite decenni fa. Giustamente hai fatto notare l'atroce superficialità e scontatezza delle esternazioni di queste menti fini. E mi viene in mente che la recente paura per gli sviluppi dell'intelligenza artificiale forse è motivata dal fatto che ora certi software sono in grado di produrre articoli, editoriali, opinioni e via dicendo uguali se non migliori di quelli di certi soloni. Addirittura sono già in grado di replicare in modo convincente lo stile di questo o di quello. Non parliamo poi della manipolazione audio e video, visto che si potrebbero benissimo generare filmati straordinariamente realistici dove questa gente di una certa kual kultura si producono nei loro soliti alluncinanti dialoghi che vanno avanti anche per dodici ore di fila in uno degli orrendi studi di certi talk show riprodotti a perfezione. Il vantaggio per i diretti interessati è che possono starsene a casa a ronfare - visto il fisiologico abbiocco che coglie chi è avanti con gli anni in orario serale - ed essere comunque retribuiti per via dei diritti d'immagine mentre il popolo dei tele-eroinomani continua ad essere perfidamente drogato dalle piazze di spaccio chiamate tivvù di stato (sempre fedele al governo del momento), rete quattro (eredi Silviuzzo), la sette (Papa Urbano Cairo, in gioventù a bottega proprio da Silviuzzo) e nove (che mi sembra appartenga a qualche gruppo ammeregano e dove domina quell'irritante personaggio insipido e insignificante col suo "tempo che fa").
Un paio di settimane fa avevo pensato scherzosamente che l'IA potrebbe regalarci un'intervista con Andreotti o con Craxi, magari fatta da Minoli - lui ancora vivo, ovvio! - e stavo pensando a come i redivivi statisti della prima repubblica che fu potrebbero commentare lo strazio odierno. Sai che battutacce butterebbe lì il Divo Giulio? Ma una cosa del generPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Qualcuno ha notizie su future proteste pro-palestinesi in sto paese dimenticato da iddio?


penso che per un po' ce ne saranno di meno
tante scuole sono state occupate e ormai gli studenti sono piuttosto stanchi
dovremo aspettare per una nuova ondata

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