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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What does it look like when a government works for its citizens?

Post examples of governments improving society. They don't have to be socialist, it doesn't need to have survived the cruel realities of capitalism, it doesn't even need to be the correct or ideal solution. I just want real-life examples of what could be.

(It can be a local council, it just has to be a state government. So the Mayor of Marenaleda robbing supermarkets counts, for example)


inb4 whining about the example vid - I can't upload images and am in a hurry

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Japan protests sex assault cases involving US military on Okinawa and their delayed disclosure
In one case, an Air Force member is accused of assaulting a 16-year-old girl in December, while the other, which dates from May, involves a Marine who is accused of assaulting a 21-year-old woman. The case involving the assault of the teenager is a reminder to many Okinawans of the high-profile 1995 rape of a 12-year-old girl by three U.S. servicemembers, which sparked massive protests against the heavy U.S. troop presence on Okinawa.

Dozens more deaths may be linked to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's supplements
The health ministry revealed on Friday that there have been dozens more deaths potentially linked to beni kōji (red yeast rice) supplements sold by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, in addition to the five that had been previously confirmed.

Journalists refused entry to Azerbaijan energy conference ahead of Cop29
The journalists said they were not given a valid reason why they had been turned away, but they chose to leave the venue after “frightening” and “intimidating” encounters with the organisers. The conference was held shortly before research by Human Rights Watch revealed at least 25 instances of the arrest or sentencing of journalists and activists in Azerbaijan over the past year, almost all of whom remain in custody.

Battles rage in north Gaza as Palestinian fighters ambush Israeli troops
In a statement on Friday, al-Quds Brigades,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Labor protesters picket at Connecticut's largest Amazon warehouse
Delivery workers represented by Teamsters Local 396 protested starting at 4 p.m. at Windsor’s BDL4 Amazon fulfillment center at 1215 Kennedy Road. Picketers blocked two entrances to the Amazon warehouse on Kennedy Road, asking passing trucks to honk, urging workers to unionize and shouting insults about Amazon owner Jeff Bezos.

Kroger union workers ratify new contract with increased wages, better benefits
Kroger union employees in Michigan ratified a new contract, which increases wages and improves paid time off and improves benefits. Member of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 951 ratified a new three-year contract, which goes into effect on June 30, according to a release.

The Supreme Court says cities can punish people for sleeping in public places
In its biggest decision on homelessness in decades, the U.S. Supreme Court today ruled that cities can ban people from sleeping and camping in public places. The justices, in a 6-3 decision along ideological lines, overturned lower court rulings that deemed it cruel and unusual under the Eighth Amendment to punish people for sleeping outside if they had nowhere else to go.

California voters to weigh proposal to ban forced prison labor in state constitution
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Episode 389: Muppets take MAGA (TrueAnon)
We kick off our 2024 election coverage with a jaunt down to Sillydelphia for our first-ever Trump rally. Featuring: chicken strips, Jack Posobiec, Cold War veterans, Celine Dion, Beautiful Hillary, the former president himself, and more.

Tudeh Party of Iran, On the latest developments in Iran and the upcoming "election show"
The ludicrous roster of candidates showing up during the registrations for the presidential election show, and manufactured controversies by the regime’s propaganda apparatus about the approval or rejection of this or that candidate by the Guardian Council, is another desperate attempt of the regime to “draw” attentions to the show of installing Raisi’s successor on June 28. The outcome will not benefit the people in terms of the overall policies of the regime and will only be a superficial change and a reshuffling of the regime’s oppressive figures. The recent so-called discussions, including advising the Supreme Leader to “hold free elections” and the debate about “choosing between bad and worse,” which is an outdated matter, is implying that by bringing to power one of these figures the current suppression and repression and the trampling of workers’ rights can be swayed towards democracy and the realization of people’s rights. The correct question is that which of these candidates, all well-known regime figures, have taken a step towards realizing the people’s rights and challenging the theocratic regime? We have gone through five presidential elections over the past two decades. The elected and in fact appointed Presidents in all cases have implemented similar policies of harsh and bloody repression of the rights of the working people, women, and students (since 2005), implementing disastrous economic policies in line with the interests of the country’s grand capitalists which has led to rampant poverty, deprivation, unemployment, inflation, unprecedented corruption, and the destruction of the country’s economic infrastructure. Has there been a difference between the regime’s overall policies and the performance of these regime operatives that we can today fantasize about the possibility of such a change?
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I’m a revisionist. The previous communist thought leaders are all dead and lived a long time ago when the situation in the world was very different. They aren’t perfect gods that we should worship and act like everything they say is gospel. There’s nothing wrong with revising their theories since they were wrong about lots of things. I bet you if they were alive today without a shadow of a doubt they would have changed their theories.
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>People here think pulling out an Engels quote is enough to "win" an argument.
<Why is citing thinkers bad?
>Mao said so in Oppose Book Worship.


Revisionism doesn't mean just developing theory. The term comes from the late 1890s and 1900s for people like Bernstein who were bourgeois evolutionists. They twisted Engel's writing to try and make it sound like he would have supported them. Revisionist means that kind of bourgeois 'socialist'. Basically what we call social democrats today, but back then all socialists were called social democrats. The word 'revisionist' is kind of unfortunate but it is a specific term.


>"quote mining" when the prophets' words ageee with me
>"quote mining" when the prophets' words don't
You pseud!


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This. Explain your revisions because you are just stating the obvious that nobody disagrees with, even "anti-revisionists".

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>There are three conditions for survival that a guerrilla force must embrace if it is emerging subject to the premises described here: constant mobility, constant vigilance and constant distrust. Without these three elements of military tactics the guerrilla will find it hard to survive. We must remember that the heroism of the guerrilla fighter, at this moment, consists of the scope of the planned goal and the enormous number of sacrifices they must make in order to achieve it. These sacrifices are not made in daily combat or in face-to-face battle with the enemy; rather they will take subtler forms, more difficult for the guerrilla fighter to resist both physically and mentally.
<Perhaps the guerrillas will be punished heavily by the enemy, divided at times into groups, while at other times those who are captured will be tortured. They will be pursued as hunted animals in the areas where they have chosen to operate; the constant anxiety of having the enemy on their track will be with them. They must distrust everyone, for the terrorized peasants will in some cases give them away to the repressive troops in order to save themselves. Their only alternatives are life or death, at times when death is a concept a thousand times present and victory only a myth for a revolutionary to dream about.
> - Che Guevara, "Guerrilla warfare: A method"

Let's say fascists take over your country. Or your country is going through strikes and protests and is on the rise. So your country is on the verge of a left wing revolution. Are there any books that one should read in preparation for this? physical training, procurement/production of arms and explosives, tactics, strategy, recruitment, logistics, even food procurement, etc? While reading theories is all well and good there seem to be good but there are very few on the specifics how to actually wage an armed revolution. And before you say this shit glows, the fact is the fucking glowies are likely already here.
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You're not interested in political power You're interested in playing cowboy and Indian, please stop.


The most important skill to learn is long distance running and hiking, the rest is optional compared to that.


>if you consider yourself apt or interested in military action id suggest enlisting
holy muthafuckin glowpost lmfao


>The idea that you're going to form a revolution through people individually doing private sales of small arms and then they're going to defeat aircraft carriers is so fucking funny.
incredible how Americans have learned literally nothing from Vietnam and Afghanistan. how's Operation Prosperity Guardian going bud? there's no way the houthis stand a chance against AIRCRAFT CARRIERS!!!


>nooooo stop trying to abolish my future career!

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For all the scare depopulationists have been pushing, many of them fail to realize just how fast both governments and their citizens are adjusting to this changing world. Pronatalist programs seen worldwide, Africa going through its population boom, and governments making the economic reforms necessary to reduce inflation and promote financial security. These things at most are doing much to allow people the security they need to have kids and a stable future, and at least they are preventing the legitimate realities of a dying humanity from ever forming.
If that doesn’t convince you that the global population is genuinely fine, than I can tell you this. There are more governments than ever that will openly pay you to have kids, and there is more food than ever being produced to sustain all those children. Renewable energy has its highest share over the humanity’s energy consumption than at any point in history, and Africans right now are pushing for sustainable power development and nuclear solutions to their energy problems. Most countries (Japan, Jamaica, post soviet states, etc) that are experiencing population decline are seeing a reversal of the trend, which signifies that their populations are stabilizing and growing past a set point rather than simply declining in free fall. Finally, global inflation is declining not growing, which provides the generations of today a chance to start a family some time in the future even if that that future could be years or decades away from when they thought they’d get a chance.
Obviously, things are not entirely fine for people today to simply just start having kids right away. However, to say that humanity’s overall fertility rate will suddenly stagnate and decline rapidly is unrealistic, because of how much were changing as a global society in response to our shared problems.
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>African nuclear power


They have all the uranium


But none of the knowledge or man power (and they never will thanks to their average autism score being 68)


There's no reason to when property isn't heritable. Other social machines to discourage inbreeding are known to exist. A lower birth rate just means more for the one kid on whom you inflicted life. Besides, the state's withering depends on the family's withering, which is pretty advanced in the West already.


Yeah and how’s your precious German reactors doing? Looking to shut another down for coal nazi?

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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why does india keep oppressing kashmir?


There's lots of economic inequality yes. But very little of it has anything to do with caste or especially religion.


Why does the USA keep oppressing Texas?


If true why the fuck are yall so damn short?


bumping to save

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Post good news.
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Breakthrough News
Africa Stream
Al Jazeera


Al Jazeera english just ran Biden's 25 min speech in SC live, in full, to prove he's not drooling and their anchors basically said he shouldn't be judged on last night. They're captured.


At least aljazeera arabic and africanews are still available.


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Al Jazeera's line is going to be a reflection of Qatar's foreign policy which, in relationship to U.S. politics, has been closer to the Democrats. The Saudis and UAE buddy up to the Republicans. You'll also see Republican-aligned outlets in the U.S. complain a lot about Qatari money which they claim is behind the Palestine protests at universities.


Julian Assange was never a whistleblower. He's a publisher.

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Labour is still set to sweep into power with an overwhelming majority with support from most of the media and little scrutiny. Their manifesto pledges now confirmed - which will they stick to I wonder? Probably only the one about corporation tax.


<NHS: "Cut NHS waiting times with 40,000 more appointments each week, during evenings and weekends, paid for by cracking down on tax avoidance and non-dom loopholes"

<Immigration: "Launch a new Border Security Command with hundreds of new specialist investigators and use counter-terror powers to smash criminal boat gangs"

<Tax: "We will not increase National Insurance, the basic, higher, or additional rates of Income Tax, or VAT" and "Labour will cap corporation tax at the current level of 25%, the lowest in the G7, for the entire Parliament"

<Energy: "Set up Great British Energy, a publicly-owned clean power company… paid for by a windfall tax on oil and gas giants"

<Antisocial behaviour: "Crack down on antisocial behaviour, with more neighbourhood police paid for by ending wasteful contracts, tough new penalties for offenders, and a new network of youth hubs"

<Education: "Recruit 6,500 new teachers in key subjects… paid for by ending tax breaks for private schools."

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fat children toook my life.
ahhhhh ahhh ahh.



I recognise that 'It's the end why don't you admit it … it's the same from Auschwitz To Ipswich' would have been more topical.
Oh well.


I will bake



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Whats up with that proselytizing narrative i always see swinged on left coded enviroments of "ohhhh yesss humanity sucks because the enviroment and we kill so many animals or something"
Like what the fuck is that bourgeois schikt? No bitch humanity doesn't sucks, is the bourgeois parasites that own the factories, i work 9 hours shifts and have 3 pairs of shoes, i didn't "destroyed the planet".
Can we countersignal these guilt tripper retards trying to shift blame onto the proles out for once?
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It would be a miracle if kids today read plato. Instead they read (watch youtube videos on) sartre and foucault.


I'm watching the three hour video essay on Twilight by Contrapoints.
I got a couple chapters into the Republic, then I dropped it.


Not enough pop culture references ig
Hollywood should make a plato movie with chris pratt, maybe that would help


It's called eco-fascism. They use people's inability to understand capitalism's involvement in the destruction of the environment to do regular nazi shit by only applying degrowth rhetoric to the 3rd world / immediate enemies.
And like, the tactic has been around a while. The Matrix tried to satirize it but people were too dumb and started agreeing with the cartoon bad guy.
Ecofash and environmentalists are enemies.
Also no, communists preserve the environment, including humanity, because it benifits the logistics chain


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Sure, yea


The main problem with third worldism is visible from the get-go: no matter if you propose a confederation of independent third world nations or a single state that encompasses, say, all of the Arab states, you are still speaking in terms of nation, and you are still speaking in terms of competition between states, of "national liberation", a movement that had been justified by the Comintern as a transitory task when the working masses of Europe and North America had lost the train of revolution. The problem with this is that it ignores that the argument of communists back then hinged on a theory of semi-feudalism and a numerically insufficient proletariat. What befalls communists today, however, is to understand that revolution cannot fell capitalism without an international organization for it.

In most cases where two currents clash, third worldists fail to hide their disdain for the working class in "first world countries" and hold by the mistaken belief that "third world" workers are more revolutionary by default, which is a prediction that does not stand up to scrutiny. In their invectives against invisible "white chauvinists", they fail to see that, in trying to "enrich" internationalism, they merely impoverish it by adding the moralistic pessimism of online college student types on top.

Many of them, in trying to find a coherent actor in "third worldism", hinge their cause to a multitude of figures - the UN, the 1970's Weathermen (whose activity actually fatally weakened the class struggle), student activists, and "popular movements" that often conveniently go unnamed. What whoozes past their heads is the fact that these are all pale substitutes for the revolutionary, a-national, trans-lingual communist party, the only organ capable of giving revolutionary direction to the proletarian fight.
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Quality post.


Another day, another banger for the TORposting crowd.


>zero arguments, just memes
>bumping a thread to make this dogshit post
another day another ml getting mad at basic marxism


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>the revolutionary, a-national, trans-lingual communist party


To explain why this is funny. You think you can engage with the world on your terms but you can't.
>Many of them, in trying to find a coherent actor in
[the organ] lol
I hope it is readily apparent how this is projection of epic proportions

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