>>2132773radlibs/progressives between roughly age 25-35 are already growing into a new generation of snobbish democrats, and these will be even worse than their predecessors because they have more "left" identity politics interpersonal snobbery while somehow being more actually reactionary than their 90s & 00s counterparts because at least many of those people had enough sense to be disappointed by obama after a trump term. seriously, compare the liberal reaction to obama around OWS to the liberal reaction to biden. at least in obamas first term there was a vocal minority of liberal democrats who felt betrayed that obama didnt end the wars and bailed out wall street. bidens term i saw no equivelant, if you tried to criticize his admin it meant you were an idiot, or a traitor, or possibly a russian bot. no self awareness.
the democratic partys own out of touch self sabotage can at least be explained by the fact that theyre a gerontocracy of miserable old millionaires whose careers depend on deluding themself. but their loyal base is something else, grown adults in the prime of their life who are just completely unreflective cheerleaders of whatever delusions and obvious lies are peddled by these diaper wearing cretins, and with the memory of a goldfish so they never even have to pretend to be accountable for sticking uncritically to the dem party line even when it loudly flipflops 3 times in 2 months. and many of these people will in 100% earnesty say the most smug, belittling things to anyone who doesnt use their particular brand of left-liberal sloganeering when talking about identity or politics or the world, even if it becomes clear after 5 minutes of conversation that they have far more conservative beliefs about all of those things.
honestly give me an actual radlib idpoler any day of the weak over these people. show me your epic gay-flag anarchist sticker on your phone and tell me that bidens bad because hes part of the patriarchy and that you hate the USSR because they had cops. sure a lot of those people become these neocon democrats im talking about but not all of them, and i prefer the cringey and dumb but largely earnest radlib over the new breed of neocon democrat who will make slogan quips about how all men are shit misogynists and turn on a dime to say you hate women if you dont want to vote for a senile rapist genoci
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