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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Third Worldism, as a strain of Marxist thought, has carved out a critique of imperialism that focuses almost exclusively on the revolutionary potential of the Global South, often at the expense of the Western proletariat. But beneath it lies an unacknowledged Christian residue—ideas of guilt, penance, and redemption that distort its analysis. The problem begins with how Third Worldism treats the Western working class. It views workers in the imperial core as irredeemably complicit in global exploitation, not because of their actions but by their association with imperialist economies. This line of reasoning mirrors the Christian idea of original sin, where guilt is inherited rather than earned. The Western proletariat is cast as the sinner, its redemption possible only through acts of penance toward the oppressed peoples of the Global South.

This moralistic lens is a diversion from Marxism’s focus on material conditions. Revolutionary potential isn’t a question of moral/historical purity but of class relations and the ability to challenge capital. Third Worldism, by contrast, assigns revolutionary agency solely to the Global South, treating the Western proletariat as an inert, corrupted class. This view is simplistic and ultimately idealist, reducing the complexity of global class dynamics to a binary of oppressors and oppressed without regard for class. Third Worldism romanticizes the Global South in a way that ironically echoes Eurocentric tropes. By idealizing the oppressed as inherently revolutionary, it erases the material and historical contradictions within these societies. It’s a view that treats the Global South less as a collection of real, diverse struggles and more as a moral counterweight to the failures of the Western proletariat. This is not solidarity—it’s condescension.

By framing the struggle against imperialism in moral terms, Third Worldism undermines the possibility of global solidarity. Revolutionary change isn’t about confessing guilt or seeking redemption; it’s about organizing internationally and confronting capitalism as a global system. The Western working class is not a uniform bloc of privilege. It, too, contains contradictions and potentials that cannot simply be dismissed.
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>Third-worldists rightfully point out that westoids are scum.

Mindnumbingly stupid
>the only way the first world could have a genuine communist revolution is if they went to war against their own bourgeoisie
There is no "their own".
>the suffering of the first world proletariat is caused not by exploitation, but as a result of disciplinary measures by their bourgeoisie
Bro reduced marxism to a geopolitical sports game with antions and races. Grow up.

my analysis is purely economic bro

lol imagine a communist revolution in the US, and when they start building the planned economy they realize that the entire economy is just distributing third world surplus

they'd have to rehire all the wall street financiers to do their old jobs again

>The struggle of the left in the global south has always been against the American government and against capitalism, but never against people
Don't worry comrade, we're all aware of the fact that there are no third worldists in the third world.

>My ideology is purely economic bro!
<Unironically claiming homeless USians are exploiting the third world bc muh welfare

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I am an Atheist myself (tips fedora) but I felt joy about this. Dunno why, but first thing I thought was that the guy was paid by some CIA NGO or something. Then that he was doing it for attention whoring and ad money. Then I felt sad that in current year people kill over the burning of a book. But then I though the guy was supreme edgy, he totally deserved it.

But in the end, I dont feel good with how I am thinking about it :/ I wanna get rid of religion, but the problem in west asia is not Islam, its imperialism…And after all, islam and christianity etc are nothing compared to the church for the free market…

This guy is a really strange guy he was a christian who served in an iraqi milita allied with Iran and Shia against ISIS then asked asylum in sweden and like converted to atheism and at the same time becoming a racist zio I condemn the killing for religious purpose but I think that the all burn the quran scene was more a racist then anti theist demostration

>move to euro country
>become racist zio
bro integrated

>religger on religger violence
"Atheist" moralist:


<Turning and turning in the widening gyre edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

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🔨Labor Union And Strike Action Tracker🔨

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us
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>Isn't that what Trump's doing here?
>Fired half the federal government to replace them with Heritage goons
>Destroyed the state department
>Collapsed all of America's overseas commitments and relationships
Hmm… That does seem similar to Gorbachev time as General secretary/President
<Turned the GOP into a paramilitary cult that will sooner burn the country to the ground than admit they lost an election
That is something neither Gorbachev nor Yakovlev did. They didn't turn their political project into a mass movement.

you tards not get my "a few good men" reference. thank you for the (you)'s though

radlibs/progressives between roughly age 25-35 are already growing into a new generation of snobbish democrats, and these will be even worse than their predecessors because they have more "left" identity politics interpersonal snobbery while somehow being more actually reactionary than their 90s & 00s counterparts because at least many of those people had enough sense to be disappointed by obama after a trump term. seriously, compare the liberal reaction to obama around OWS to the liberal reaction to biden. at least in obamas first term there was a vocal minority of liberal democrats who felt betrayed that obama didnt end the wars and bailed out wall street. bidens term i saw no equivelant, if you tried to criticize his admin it meant you were an idiot, or a traitor, or possibly a russian bot. no self awareness.

the democratic partys own out of touch self sabotage can at least be explained by the fact that theyre a gerontocracy of miserable old millionaires whose careers depend on deluding themself. but their loyal base is something else, grown adults in the prime of their life who are just completely unreflective cheerleaders of whatever delusions and obvious lies are peddled by these diaper wearing cretins, and with the memory of a goldfish so they never even have to pretend to be accountable for sticking uncritically to the dem party line even when it loudly flipflops 3 times in 2 months. and many of these people will in 100% earnesty say the most smug, belittling things to anyone who doesnt use their particular brand of left-liberal sloganeering when talking about identity or politics or the world, even if it becomes clear after 5 minutes of conversation that they have far more conservative beliefs about all of those things.

honestly give me an actual radlib idpoler any day of the weak over these people. show me your epic gay-flag anarchist sticker on your phone and tell me that bidens bad because hes part of the patriarchy and that you hate the USSR because they had cops. sure a lot of those people become these neocon democrats im talking about but not all of them, and i prefer the cringey and dumb but largely earnest radlib over the new breed of neocon democrat who will make slogan quips about how all men are shit misogynists and turn on a dime to say you hate women if you dont want to vote for a senile rapist genociPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

he also defended bolsonaro and unrestricted free speech for reactoids, don't defend this retard.

He didn't do shit, only took credit from the work of brazilian journalists. Fuck Greenwald, THAT FUCKING FAGGOT


A thread for memorabilia, footage, photos of the USSR, Yugoslavia & the Eastern Bloc countries.

Not a debate thread.
No hardcore edits (phonk, synth, DnB etc.) please, just moody stuff.
All content posted must be about a former state.

Soviet Lithuania 1972

Photos from the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan

Venceremos performed by Inti Illimani at the 10th World Festival of Youth and Students in East Berlin 1973

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Trump reiterates Gaza expulsion plan – and stokes security fears
US President Donald Trump’s suggestion that Egypt and Jordan should absorb Palestinians from Gaza has gotten no takers in the Arab world, shocked US allies like France and Germany, and threatens to strengthen Hamas.

Israel to occupy seized Syrian territory 'indefinitely' as Trump mulls 'troop pull-out'
They currently occupy the strategically important Mount Hermon, the UN buffer zone in the Golan Heights, and parts of Quneitra and Daraa governorates. Israel had already illegally occupied parts of the Syrian Golan Heights since 1967.

Russia tight-lipped on Syrian demand of al-Assad for military bases
Unconfirmed news reports said that in return al-Sharaa demanded al-Assad be sent back to Syria and reparations be paid. Syria’s Sanaa news agency reported that he asked for Russia to rebuild trust through “concrete measures such as compensation, reconstruction and recovery”.

German parliament backs resolution on migration with far-right votes
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2 posts omitted.

Thank you based news anon

Media Hype Set Up Tren de Aragua to Serve as Trump’s New Bogeyman
A CNN headline (6/10/24) last June menacingly warned readers about the United States’s latest dial-a-bogeyman, guaranteed to further whip up anti-immigrant vitriol in the country and justify ever more punitive border fortification: “This Is the Dangerous Venezuelan Gang Infiltrating the US That You Probably Know Nothing About But Should.” The gang in question was Tren de Aragua, which formed in Tocorón prison in the Venezuelan state of Aragua, and spread to various South American countries before allegedly setting its sights on the US. Now the organization that you probably knew nothing about has achieved such a level of notoriety that President Donald Trump issued an executive order on his first day of returning to office, declaring the group (along with other regional drug cartels and gangs) to be a “foreign terrorist organization.” Although there is approximately zero evidence of a smoking gun on the old terror front, the corporate media are doing their best to bring fantasy to life. And as usual, it’s the average refuge seeker who will suffer for it.

Trump’s Tech Donors Have Big Plans For Greenland
President Donald Trump started his second term with his sights set on Greenland. When Trump first proposed buying the Arctic nation during his first administration, it was treated like a joke. But in a phone call last week with Denmark’s prime minister, who controls the autonomous territory’s foreign policy, the president doubled down on his efforts to seize power. In the “aggressive and confrontational” conversation, Trump threatened tariffs if he didn’t get his way. In a news conference earlier this month, he also refused to rule out the use of military force. Now, Denmark is taking him seriously: On Monday, they announced a $2 billion military expansion in the Arctic. Though the island is not for sale, the president emphasized Greenland’s importance to U.S. national security. Left unspoken: A U.S. takeover could weaken the country’s mining laws and ban on private property, aiding Trump donors’ plans to profit from the island’s mineral deposits and build a libertarian techno-city. Trump, who has Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon


Yay. America’s henchmen of terror have finally learned to shoot at the right targets :)

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So, how do I get into anarchism, what the essential reading for a newbie on anarchism? What the main flaws of anarchism? I don't know much about it, but I do sympathize with the idea of no state or some form or "higher" power over people.
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For me, it's the Zapatistas.

any anarchist who claims to have authority to define "anarchism" is a loser authoritarin, im an anarshitss precistely becuase it means whatever i wahnt it to mean

I went to a squat for the first time in my life and honestly, I get it now.

How was it?

At the café by Malatesta is a real easy and fun read as an introduction to anarchist thought, I'm suprised it doesn't get more love.

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What's the LeftyPol view on NEETs? People that don't work or study, just live a very frugal and simple life, many live on NEETbux (social welfare), , they don't engage with capitalism work culture, they don't (have the means) engage with consumist lifestyle or play status games. Of course they are a very awkward bunch many are just plain autistic, but there are few that are "normal" but doesn't engage with work because hate how the system is structured.

So, what's your view on NEETs?
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Why NEETdom is liberal?

NEETs are generally of the Lumpenproletariat, from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia:

>a de-classed strata in an antagonistic society (including vagrants, beggars, and criminal elements) [which] has become particularly widespread under capitalism. It is recruited from various classes and is incapable of organized political struggle. It constitutes, along with the petit bourgeois strata, the social basis of anarchism. The bourgeoisie makes use of the lumpen proletariat as strikebreakers, as participants in fascist pogrom bands, and in other ways. The lumpen proletariat disappears with the abolition of the capitalist system.

The lumpenproletariat form the primary social basis of Anarchism, and although most lacking class consciousness, they have revolutionary potential if properly mobilized by a class conscious platform or vanguard. These de-classed dregs of society, are authentic rebels, not within the bourgeois strata of workers and more distant from the state apparatus, almost unpolluted by bourgeois civilization, they can simply refuse to obey the laws, and are accordingly natural leaders of a kind of actually existing anarchism.

Are you saying that NEETs are anarchists?

No, they form the basis of the real Anarchist movement, and some of them represent a kind of transient pseudo-anarchism (or autonomous self association), an aberration alongside the current state of things.

LMAO, good books about the intersection between NEETdom and anarchism? I remember reading about some anarchist that live like NEET inside of empty building while doing drugs all day up.


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the consensus amongst team red and team blue appears to be that it's because ameriKKKa is not "autocratic" enough unlike china where the ccp shoots and kills you at least 99 times before you even turn 18

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Lol I've never seen a youtube thumbnail like this before. Could US-China relations be turning a new leaf?

I'll miss the outlandish falun gong thumbnails when the US empire is gone

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wait, isn't this the owner of openAI or am i confused?

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The mainstream press has been silent on this issue as of late, anyone have any info to share in order to increase our understanding of this incident?

Has anyone written him a letter?
Does he reply? What am i able and able not to say in a prison letter? Would anyone be interested in collectively writing such a letter of solidarity?

people moved on. they found shinier trends on tiktok and instagram to focus on.

>"propaganda of the deed" retard flavor of the month already expired without furthering proletarian association one bit
"propaganda is more important than class position" retards proven wrong once again

He didn't even force a single, basic reform and I got banned for saying it was pointless nonsense before. I want that red text apology.
>but at least he did something!
He didn't do anything. He shot some labor aristocrat for the glory of small businesses, going off his libertarian twitter follows. All that happened is that it was looked at as a novelty like when that sub exploded.

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