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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Turkish Sikorsky army helicopter shot down at Girê Bahar
On 16 July at 1:35 a.m., the People's Defense Forces (HPG) shot down another Turkish Sikorsky army helicopter at Girê Bahar in the western Zap region of "Şehîd Delîl." The action was confirmed by the HPG Press Center that released a preliminary statement.

Turkey 'threatens' Israel with legal action after army uses Gaza hospital as base
"The photo in the Palestinian press showing a group of Israeli soldiers in front of the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital in Gaza is further evidence of Israel's violation of international law and international humanitarian law," Turkey's foreign affairs ministry said in a statement.

Far-right Israeli groups attacking Gaza aid received over $200,000 from donors
Donations to the groups have poured in on Givechack, an Israeli crowdfunding site, and JGive, a US and Israeli crowdfunding site, according to a report by the Associated Press and the Israeli investigative site, Shomrim, based on open source inspections of the websites and other public records.

Colombia’s Supreme Court removes magistrates from corruption probe after leak
The video that was leaked to Caracol contained the testimony that former UNGRD director Olmedo Lopez gave to magistrate Hector Alarcon about the alleged involvement of House Representative Wadith Mazur (Conservative Party) in the corruption scandal.
https://colombiareports.coPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

After pressure, Georgia attorney general in Cop City case responds to motions
Fowler’s email followed De Janon’s motion filed in late June describing months of attempts to visit the forest, which the state calls a “crime scene”. The attorney petitioned Kimberly Esmond Adams, a Fulton county superior court judge, in the motion to dismiss all charges related to the forest due to the state’s stonewalling. In an 8 July story, the Guardian independently confirmed that other defense attorneys also hadn’t been able to schedule visits; one sent emails to Fowler “at least six times” about the matter, only to be ignored.

Peace Group Faces Death Threats After 'False Accusations' by Lawmaker at RNC
CodePink on Wednesday published a recording of a vicious death threat it received after a GOP congressman's dubious assault allegation against one of the peace group's members resulted in her arrest outside the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

EPA watchdog investigating delays in how the agency used sensor plane after fiery Ohio derailment
The notice the Inspector General quietly posted Tuesday about the investigation said the watchdog will look “to determine whether the EPA and its contractors followed ASPECT flight equipment deployment procedures during the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment” in the hope of improving the response to future https://apnews.com/article/epa-norfolk-southern-east-palestine-derailment-5de5958410a5b0d16fbb45e090f91a68.

Schumer, Jeffries quietly pushed to delay Biden nomination vote
It's a signal that the congressional leaders sympathize with rank-and-file Democrats who want more time to address concerns about Biden's ability to defeat former President Trump. The Democratic National Committee said Wednesday they won't hold their virtual roll call vPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

PCV on repeal of the IGTF: "for entrepreneurs of all; for the people nothing"
The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) rejected on Monday that president Nicolas Maduro announced the reduction to 0% of the Tax on Large Financial Transactions (IGTF) for entrepreneurs in Venezuela, while the rest of the citizens that use foreign currency to buy any kind of product needs to continue to pay the tribute will be taxed at 3%. "For the national bourgeoisie everything; but for the people nothing," said Maribell Díaz, member of the Political Bureau of the CPV during a press statement. "The lady who goes to the supermarket with the dollar, three dollars, five dollars, that does pay tax, but Fedecámaras and Consecomercio were abrogated and left without paying a penny to the nation," said the leader.

NATO summit: Starmer pledges billions for bloodshed while Britain crumbles
At last week’s NATO summit, held in the United States, Britain’s newly-elected prime minister ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer lost no time in prostrating himself before the Washington warhawks. Coming a week after his ‘landslide’ election victory, this conference of the US-led military alliance was Starmer’s chance to shine on the global stage, and ingratiate himself with the leaders of the western world. Leaving aside our criticisms of Sir Keir for a moment, we must give the man some credit: he really did blend in well with this gang of cut-throats, knaves, and war criminals. Good on him! .. .. .. ..
Special relationship: Like night follows day, the Labour leader reassured his NATO allies that his government will continue the exact same policy as his Tory predecessors: that of unconditional supPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Thanks News Anon

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<The United Federated Forces of the Symbionese Liberation Army (commonly referred to simply as the SLA) was a small, American militant far-left organization active between 1973 and 1975; it claimed to be a vanguard movement. The FBI and wider American law enforcement considered the SLA to be the first terrorist organization to rise from the American left. Six members died in a May 1974 shootout with police in Los Angeles. The three surviving fugitives recruited new members, but nearly all of them were apprehended in 1975 and prosecuted.
what is everyones opinions on the SLA? based, cringe, or neither?
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It’s just shitlibs going crazy. It’s one of the few times liberals actually pull off this stuff. The reason why they were doing it is because they were glowie sponsored

Urban guerilla was a bad idea and aimless adventurism that changed absolutely nothing except allowing cops to have more means of surveillance, but the SLA was extremely retarded on top of that. Only the United Red Army in Japan was more retarded than them.

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Another weird group like this: Tribal Thumb. A schizo left-wing group that associated with the SLA and the Manson Family, led by an ex-con who mysteriously avoided consequences from the police infiltrating and attacking left-wing cooperatives in the Bay Area.

>Until 1977, very few people in the People’s Food System would have recognized the names Earl Satcher and the Tribal Thumb. Satcher never belonged to any of the collectives or co-ops. But he had an enormous impact on the fate of the organization … Satcher founded Tribal Thumb in Long Beach, California in the early 1970s. In a letter to the Berkeley Barb of August 8, 1975, he expounded on what he claimed to be the Thumb’s aims, although the rhetoric may have been mostly a smoke screen for a very different agenda: “[T]he dangerous task of bringing down oppression in all its forms yet prevails and we intend to participate in destroying it. Our regards to all the strong men, women and children fighting to attain the new world.”

>According to an article in Grassroots, a Berkeley community newspaper, Satcher, about thirty-five years old at the time of the Food System incidents, had a criminal record dating back to 1960. While imprisoned on charges of auto theft and armed robbery, he apparently became politicized, or picked up the language of the revolutionary movement. Released from prison in the mid-’60s, he got involved in the Black Panthers and attracted the attention of the FBI, which asked the Department of Corrections to keep them informed of his movements. In 1969, Satcher joined forces with Bennie S., who had also served time and later worked for Veritable Vegetable.


>During the 1960s, many Black Panther leaders were imprisoned, and articulate convicts such as George Jackson became radicalized while in prison. This resulted in the Left tending to idealize all prisoners as vanguard revolutionaries. A widespread slogan of the time stated, “All prisoners are political prisoners.” Satcher insinuated that he was a friend of George Jackson and San Quentin Six member Hugo Pinell, and belonged to the Black Guerrilla Family (BGF), but none of that was apparently true. Far from it. The Black Guerrilla Family was an African-American prisoner organization, which George Jackson and others founded in 1966 at San Quentin State Prison, with a revolutionary Marxist ideology and the
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i listen to troooooanon too bro. really? wikipedia to sart a thread???

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Kinda everything of what not to do with militant groups. They were small, mostly young and inexperienced students, and tried to bite off more than they could chew given their numbers and the conditions of the time.
Plus it seems like they were fed infiltrated. All of this is especially bad in anti-communist 1970s USA when people aren't going to take up arms anytime soon other than the most radical people like them, no one was gonna support them and they accomplished nothing good as far as I know.


Latest polling is picrel. Two communist parties at ~12% each. What are the implications of implications? Also: lol at the single white dude ("center" right, ofc).
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>implying reforms don't literally go against communism
Radlibs being radlibs.

Literal ANC shilling and the same rhetoric they have been saying about the EFF since 2013. The author of this article is notorious for hating Malema for over a decade at this point.
The ANC are thiefs and the Communist Party enables them.Gay Nazi is known to have a hate boner for the EFF and loves shilling for the ANC. One reason he said he had a problem with the EFF is because they are too "violent"(in that thread they were protesting a racist incident at a school and of course he has an issue with that.)

The EFF did not improve much and lost seats. But the death of the EFF is really inaccurate and it's just the media having a wet dream that the EFF can go away. The EFF ended up competing with MK for votes and on top of that the EFF has some policies that make many South Africans hesitate to vote for them:Open borders policy. It's keeping true to Pan-Africanism for that policy but it hurts in the ballot box especially when other parties are talking about the issue.

The head of a retail bank called VBS that went kablooey (a bunch of people were defrauded) pleaded guilty and is going to prison, and he named Malema and Shivambu as receiving kickbacks.

So an executive of a bank desperate to save his own neck named the leaders of one of the two main opposition parties to the current government. Fascinating, but hardly something to take at face-value.

The fact of the matter is that the EFF, and the left trend it represents, isn't going away. Even if these allegations are 100% true (and that's a big if) the ANC and SACP have abandoned their historic working class base in favor of liberalism and opportunism. As such, workers and working class movements will look elsewhere.

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Israel says Eilat Port ‘bankrupt’ after months Houthi naval blockade
“It must be acknowledged that the port is in a state of bankruptcy,” explained the CEO of Eilat Port, Gideon Golber. “Only one ship has come here in recent months. The Yemenis have effectively shut off access to the port.”

Ultra-Orthodox demonstrators block key highway after IDF announces new draft plans
Under American pressure, Israel has pledged to deliver large quantities of humanitarian aid into the war-ravaged Gaza Strip. But at the same time, the U.S. and Israel have allowed tax-deductible donations to far-right groups that have blocked that aid from being delivered.

H*T*S disperses protests in Idlib | People go out on protests in 12 areas in solidarity with Binish
Protests took place in Idlib, Kafr Takharim, Armanaz, Qorqinya, Kafrouma Camps, Has Camps, Abin Sama’an, Al-Sahara, western Atma Camps, Al-Atareb, Deir Hassan and Al-Fawa’a in solidarity with Binish and the woman that was run over by a security member of HTS.

Iraqi tribes support the PKK against Turkish occupation
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Thanks News Anon

> Iraqi tribes support the PKK against Turkish occupation
Arab tribes or Kurdish ones?


That's pretty crazy. Is it blowing up in the news?

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‘Doing something’ is such a stupid slogan, and one that could only arise on the internet. If you told a meeting of striking rail workers that you weren’t planning to help them but were at least doing ‘something’, you’d get laughed out of the room
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>help proletarians
Can't you read? That's not what I said.

Okay then how does one "advance the association" of proletarians

They are if they create grey/black market supply chains that can allow nations interested in national liberation to cut ties with multinational corporate conglomerates and NGOs without being immediately killed by sanctions or embargoes.

For example, the union struggle for higher wages and lower working hours. Though the goal itself isn't communist, what determines something being a 'purely proletarian' demand consists not in the fact that it benefits 'only' proletarians - the petit-bourgeoisie can benefit indirectly from many of them - but because these demands form the basis of advancing a pure proletarian association,

words words words…
the point you were originally making was about praxis, when you just prove OP correct that praxis is a purely conceptual horizon


Childhood is to think Christianity destroyed the World. Adulthood is to realize the dominant classses will always use religion as a tool regardless of their context, and that Christianity was actually progressive in his early context, since It was a "religion of women and slaves." I still dislike the homophobia and the exclusiveness of God but now i realized how silly i was when i thought Christianity was the reason of the World (and particularly my country and Latin America generally) to suck
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So too everything indigenous to Europe.

Marxism is indigenous to Europe.

For that matter, postmoder philosophy is indigenous to Europe.

We all Maotist now


So, been reading this for a while now, and gotta say this book really puts things into perspective. All those Bukharins, Kamenevs, Zinovievs, Trotskys, all of them started their treacherous ways as far back as 1917, or even earlier. In retrospect, those people are obvious. They were bosses who were outraged that workers and peasants ditched them for Lenin and Stalin

Like, there's a comparison in the book between two insurrections, one in Petrograd and one in Moscow. In Petrograd, Lenin and Party's center, including Stalin, got their way, and made a bloodless insurrection that saw all bridges taken, all government buildings seized, counter-revolutionaries (social-revolutionaries and mensheviks as well as cadets they were covering for) isolated, no armistices, no negotiations, no nothing, just pure overthrow of power and seizure of it in favor of Soviets. Whenever any trade union or organization objected, Bolsheviks sent delegates to their rank and file, and their bosses screeched in outrage that Bolshevik were so easily stealing their voters and supporters away

In Moscow, since Bolshevik organization there was infested with "future traitors", insurrection came to bloody street fights all over Moscow, with cadets managing to lie their way into seizing Kremlin with arms inside and disarming soldiers there - only for cadets and officers to shoot disarmed soldiers against the wall, without any fucking mercy, while socdems (SRs and mensheviks) were preaching for armistice, reconciliation and shit like that to Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks in Moscow themselves were buying into ALL AND EVERY negotiations bait; from the get go they organized a joint revolutionary military committee with Mensheviks, and even Bolshevik delegates were constantly trying to cheat rank and file of Bolshevik party and negotiate some nonsense. As a result, streets of Moscow ran red, and if Revolution wasn't successful elsewhere, Petrograd and all around, Moscow would have been lost to counter-revolutionaries

And it was fucking telling that "future traitors" were bundled in Moscow like this. Lenin called it vaccilations in the party, those people were described as defeatists, compromisers, cowards, whatever else, because they sabotaged under any possible pretext the victory of the Revolution.

Kamenev and Zinoviev, for example, under the pretext of "government is too strong, workers will all die if we do insurrection right now, we must instead wait and wait and Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Leninism =/= Classless Society
Leninism = Slave Society

No amount of "anarchist" seething will make you relevant, liberal.

Bulharin was objectively right

>T-trotsky was a honest revolutionary who was repressed by Stalin for no real reason other than lust for power!
<What do you mean Trotsky sabotaged EVERY promise Bolsheviks made to the people, from "all power to the Soviets", to "land for free" and "democratic peace without annexations and contributions"? NOBODY CARES

Well, anyway, like a third into 3rd volume, 1958 edition

Immediately noticed four things.
First, Stalin stopped being the author of Soviets national policy, it suddenly became Lenin and "bolsheviks".

Second, Khruschev mentioned here and there, probably missed some random nobodies forgotten to history as well who were relevant in 1958, irrelevant in 1918, and became irrelevant by 1980s.

Third, Bukharin and Trotsky are still enemies of the people, they get criticized heavily. It wasn't until 1980s that revisionists managed to smear Stalin and Lenin in such amounts of dirt that by comparison Bukharin and Trotsky stopped looking worse.

Fourth, schizophrenic attempts to propagandize "unity of command/single authority" while talking about how collegial, cooperative Soviets were fixing the economy in 1918+. They talk about collegial organs of worker control improving economic production, talk about 7-8 members of collegias, but then they do the schizo take of saying that Lenin was promoting "single authority" and that it wasn't Soviet policy to have collegial rule, that they actually wanted single big boss from the get go and just were forced to adopt multiple heads in a single collegial organ of any organization because of lack of specialists

Oh, and a fifth, I guess. WHITEWASHING OF BOURGEOIS SPECIALISTS, either in military or in economy. Not fucking surprising, given Khruschev's upbringing. They quote Lenin saying that those specialists need at least two commissars each, because those specialists hatch counterrevolutionary plans all the fucking time, and then the next passage Khruschev's censorship deepthroats those specialists as true masters of the craft, lmao

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How do we keep the vitriolic losers out of leftism? It seems that leftism draws almost as much of these types as rightism.

These people will never accomplish anything and certainly will never gain mass support.
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That's fine, as long as any accidental nuts are directed toward petit and small bourgeoisie

Baths existed long before bourgeoisie; sounds like you have a you problem


>uygha not even loyal to his own uyghas you bitches must be the worst ones. Finna rope you all and redistribute your suburb houses to black pp
Larping as a uyghur, a classic, but nontheless retarded. I see /pol/ is not sending their best.

>Baths existed long before bourgeoisie; sounds like you have a you problem
All forms of manners, respectability, and likability are bourgeois. Real communists walk around soaked in piss and shit.


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Hello, ask a Kashmiri leftist who lives in Kashmir anything from culture to politics and history of socialism in kashmir
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india is a fake country cobbled together by the uk

>american indians were all like the same and white american took the land from -Them–
>no no those indians not

Hinduism is a fake religion cobbled together by the UK

Hindu is an umbrella term for many different religions on the Indian subcontinent.
The British enforced a strand of ultra-conservative Hinduism and it's interpretation of Varna from the decaying Mughal empire's upper classes.

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It’s a problem. There is no evidence or information that’s come out in the past twenty years that the rapid accumulation of global debt by the rise of central and local banks isn’t a raging headache for literally all governments and workers to put up with. But why is debt such a problem? Well, currently most governments are introducing harsh austerity policies, privatization of essential services like healthcare and education, and free trade in markets that can’t handle the competition. What people are dealing with worldwide in response is a drastic increase in financial (and by extent societal) level instability, hyper competitiveness, mass inequality, and bleak job prospects. It doesn’t matter what part of the world you live in; you have seen at least two of these problems come up in your life. Additionally, as the global debt crisis worsens, these problems will pile up and exacerbate in response. But why has debt so bad?
The answer lies in neocolonialism. Too many economies (including the USA) rely heavily on exporting resources and importing most of their manufactured goods off either industrialized economies, or economies that don’t have the industrial capacity to provide reliable goods. These products are unsurprisingly expensive as shit, because of the transport and production costs associated with them. Additionally, the lack of domestic competiton encourages all industrial capitalists to charge unrealistic sums of money for each of their exports, because there is no working class level revolt or market competition present to stop this. As a result, governments today (that haven’t done what Nigeria just did) are pressured to spend massive sums of taxpayer money on subsidizing imports to reduce the costs of everything citizens need to prevent dissent, anger, and possible revolution. This inevitably for many developing economies requires a shitload of inflation and speculation to convince investors that pouring money into These unsustainable practices isn’t unsustainable. Putting all this shit together, most countries today now end up with a shitload of debt they’re struggling to pay for. Unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done about this issue except forcing domestic industrialization, harsh austerity, raising interest rates, and cutting back on loans permanently until every country that was hit by these crises becomes a functional autarky in the industries that matter most to the inhabitants (agriculture, energy, and essential manuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Global net debt is zero, actually.


Isn't a bunch of this just USA?

From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_exchange_reserves

Image caption: Foreign exchange reserves minus external debt in 2011

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