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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Colombia announces peace talks with rearmed former FARC chief
Colombia’s peace commissioner and rearmed guerrilla chief “Ivan Marquez” announced new peace talks. In a press statement, Peace Commissioner Otty Patiño and Marquez’s group, Segunda Marquetalia, said that the peace talks will kick of in the Venezuelan capital Caracas on June 24. Patiño and the guerrilla representatives said that the talks would proceed without a bilateral ceasefire.

Canada Border Agents Threaten Strike Action Starting Friday Afternoon
“We still hope to avoid strike action and potential disruptions for travelers and commercial traffic at Canada’s borders,” said Sharon DeSousa, national president of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, which represents about 9,000 workers at the Canada Border Services Agency. “But we’ve set a deadline for the Liberal government to get to work on a fair contract for workers.”

US sanctions Palestinian group under decree used to target Israeli settlers
The US on Thursday targeted the Lions’ Den, an armed group that emerged out of Nablus in 2022 and has claimed several attacks against Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank. “The United States condemns any and all acts of violence committed in the West Bank, whoever the perpetrators, and we will use the tools at our disposal to expose and hold accountable those who threaten peace and stability there,” the US Department of State said in a statement.
https://aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


FBI raids Atlanta corporate landlord in probe of rental market price fixing
The federal government’s antitrust investigation into price fixing in the rental market appears to have found a fulcrum in Atlanta after a surprise FBI raid of multifamily property developer Cortland Management. The May 22 search comes as the Biden administration’s Justice Department has reportedly deepened its price-fixing probe into Texas-based tech company RealPage over its rental pricing software and whether it colluded with landlords to raise rents.

U.S. Clears Way for Antitrust Inquiries of Nvidia, Microsoft and OpenAI
Federal regulators have reached a deal that allows them to proceed with antitrust investigations into the dominant roles that Microsoft, OpenAI and Nvidia play in the artificial intelligence industry, in the strongest sign of how regulatory scrutiny into the powerful technology has escalated.

Community Groups Blast Eric Adams’s Plans for NYC’s Version of Cop City
Here in New York City, community organizers are condemning plans to build a new police training facility in Queens that will cost some $225 million. New York City Mayor Eric Adams made the announcement Friday. Construction for the training center is expected to begin in 2026, with plans for it to be operational in 2030.

New York governor pushes for tax increaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Bhaskar Sunkara: A US hospital fired an acclaimed nurse for talking about Gaza. Where’s the outrage?
The problem goes far beyond NYU Langone. Looking around the world, it’s easy to find examples of state authoritarianism. Citizens in countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran face lengthy prison terms or even death for exercising their basic human rights. Thankfully, in the United States, we don’t have to worry about being locked up for tweeting the wrong thing or joining the wrong civil society organization. But despite our protection from public tyranny as citizens, as workers we face forms of private tyranny on a grand scale. A full quarter of private-sector workers have said that they have received political messages or requests from their employers; some workers report extreme instances of being fired for having the wrong message or candidate on their bumper sticker.

South African elections: ANC suffers historic defeat as crisis intensifies
This result represents first and foremost a damning indictment of the ANC, which has been in power for 30 years. It won only 40 percent of the vote, down from 62 percent in 2019, and much lower than expected. In truth, the seeds for this collapse were sown by the historic class compromise made by the ANC leaders during the fall of Apartheid. From the 1940s onwards, the ANC became recognised as the leader of the anti-Apartheid struggle. When the mass revolutionary movement of the workers and youth erupted in the 1980s the ANC placed itself at its head, uniting with the South African Communist Party and the Confederation of South African Trades Unions (‘Cosatu’) to form the ‘Tripartite Alliance’. Therefore, when the ruling National Party turned from naked repression to negotiations as a means of preventing the revolution from going ‘too far’, the ANC naturally took the lead in representing the liberation movement in these negotiations. At this time, the programme of the ANC was officially the ‘Freedom Charter’, which combined democratic demands, such as universal suffrage, with radical social demands, including the nationalisation of the land, the mines, the banks and industrial monopolies. For Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon



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Is there a reason anarchists are more tolerant of maoists, especially as of late compared to other marxist-leninist lineages? I see this a lot more out of anarchists were they shit talk marxism leninism in general less and less especially maoism in particularly.
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unrelated but whenever i hear someone describe an organization as "mycological" "mycelia's" or "rhizomatic" it comes across more like a social signal than an explanation for how it works




bros.. is it really possible for anarchists and Maoists to be comrades 👉👈


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The cultural revolution was based and (or more accurately, BECAUSE) a lot of it was spearheaded by the people themselves instead of state agents. Of course it was unfortunately reigned in by the Marxist state, but hey, it is nice to appreciate landlords being shot and those glorious struggle sessions.

Personally I like it for its Sorelian-esque qualities, the use of mythological violence is clear, the Maoists to the greatest degree seen in the modern era embodied the Sorelian credo — only the most brutal expression of the class war can affect lasting social change. Some in the Italian right even believed, IIRC, that Mao was a secret Sorelian and only adopted Marxism-Leninism as a cover for his Platonic, Spartan, and Ascetic ideals.


As an actual, serious ML I think this image is offensive to Ancoms who are unrelated to internet Maoists with ill-informed opinions.

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Is there a reason utopian socialists and nazis love the same things? Before Lenin centralized the socialist movement in the USSR, a lot of socialist movements in Russia had a "volkish" vibe albiet it was a pro socialjustice one considering the fact everyone in russia were indebted peasants. Early utopians in Russia like Tolstoy and others idealized the countryside and saw cities/industrialization as evil and morally corrupting. They wanted a "Back to the land" movement and wanted to enpower the countryside.

Nowadays Utopians and nazis have a lot of the same media interests. A lot of them are into anime like the Moomins or Night on the Galactic Railroad
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You have less standing than any gay people raising kids


Fertility cult standing is worthless and irrelevant


Everyone has a duty to do socially reproductive labor, you WILL contribute to childcare even if you can't have kids for whatever reason


All duties to Protestant societyand its relations are null and void, except for its abolition.


Standing in what? Not branded being a conservative for literally no reason?

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Iranian opposition liberals are delusional to the point that they believe they are a European country geographically misplaced in the Middle East. Given how intransigent the IRI has been on the hijab law, you think they would have done more to promote a cultural revolution in the education system, and combat the skyrocketing rates of cosmetic surgery among Iranian women.
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First one actually goes hard lmao. Might stamp on a tshirt


your take is idiotic. sorry to say comrade. you will grow up


All morality is morality of convenience brother. This is just the hard truth


Like take slavery. You know that if we're being honest some form of slavery is still considered moral in all three Abrahamic religions right? But nobody other than crazy people like ISIS or Christian Identitarians living in some Northwest American compound will die on that hill


That's not trve Cultural Revolution tho. Like if you look at cultural revolution in China "bombarding the Headquarters' is a huge part of it, with Red Guard militias clashing with he Army and beating up teachers who are normally higher in the social hierarchy. Justing burning books and banning backward social practices does not constitute a revolution; even the Nazis and secularists like Nasser do that. You need to have a total mobilization against all established authority, even the revolutionary state itself. And that is why both the USSR and Iran can't do it.


Communist Mayor Daniel Jadue arrested and given 120 days of preventative detention
The ruling took place in the fourth hearing where the charges against Jadue were presented by the Prosecutor of Metropolitan Center North and formalized. Jadue stands accused of bribery, tax fraud, fraud, and disloyal administration, while leading the Chilean Association of People’s Pharmacies (ACHIFARP). The Prosecutor’s Office had requested the judge give Jadue 120 days of preventative detention while they investigate the case.

Venezuela Opposition Presses Top US Officials to Halt Citgo Sale
Venezuela’s opposition is ramping up lobbying efforts in Washington, trying to persuade the Biden administration to intervene in the court-ordered sale of Citgo Petroleum Corp.’s parent company in the US. The company is the South American nation’s most important foreign asset and its shares are due to be auctioned by July 15. The opposition fears Nicolas Maduro could blame them for Citgo’s loss ahead of crucial presidential elections set for the end of next month.

'Dystopian': UAE Used Global Climate Summit to Push $100 Billion in New Oil Deals
The analysis showed that the UAE's Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) used the COP28 presidency of its CEO, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, to seek deals worth nearly $100 billion with oil, gas, and petrochemical companies in at least 12 countries.

A Yazidi woman and two children in Hol Camp rescued
The Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria announced in a written statement that an operation was carried out afterPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Jadue stands accused of bribery, tax fraud, fraud, and disloyal administration, while leading the Chilean Association of People’s Pharmacies (ACHIFARP)
God, I hate porkies so much.
Death to your pharma profits prokies and death to you and your families of inbred retards.


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Thanks News Anon


>Israel Secretly Targets U.S. Lawmakers With Influence Campaign on Gaza War
<The campaign began in October and remains active on the platform X.
<Last week, Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, and OpenAI, which makes ChatGPT, said they had also found and disrupted the operation.
Is Musk's entire job just to give glowies free range to shit up Xitter?


>>1877442 (OP)
>Communist Mayor
You larping faggots really ought to separate communism from self-applied labels. Jadue is a fucking retard who signed a bunch of contracts and then didn't carry out his end of the deal for whatever reason, and the obvious happened. Let's not forget this asshole also shat on multiple union leaders, as expected from an opportunist.

I hold no sympathy for reformists, much less fucking politicians, and especially not the ones obfuscating what communism is when they're virtually indistinguishable from ghouls like Bachelet, and neither should you if you are such "communists".


Thanks for the info chilebro. Im an ostrich and I know jackshit.
>I just read headlines because Im tired of reading


I know many people want to see the CCP's internal evaluation of the Tiananmen Square incident.

The book 'The man who changed China : the life and legacy of Jiang Zemin' is one I initially got purely to join in on a political joke about Jiang Zemin. However, it contains important accounts of former CCP General Secretary Jiang Zemin. He was directly promoted to CCP General Secretary after the Tiananmen Square incident, experiencing it fully as a core figure of the CCP. There are parts of the text that address the Tiananmen Square incident from the CCP's perspective.

I'll try to forward an excerpt from the English version on zlibrary.
If you want to see the full PDF, it's here:


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The Chinese version omitted this section. I believe there are respective reasons for both the English and Chinese versions.


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This is big, thanks China anon. I'll read it later.


>I read a biography to get a joke
Can it get more based than that?
Very interesting, thanks


Which section? Just "heroic" tank man or a larger chunk of the posted excerpt?


The Chinese version has most of the text detailing the military operations removed,but the other parts of the event are still retained.

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Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism can only be established by forward-thinking visionary utopians with a strong grasp of what the future will hold to help guide the world through the next few years in its transition to multipolarism. So what excuse do you have for still having a pessimistic crabs-in-the-bucket mentality anon? Smoke some weed and learn to relax man. Focus less on mundane shit like basic survival and move to a country with welfare programs so you can focus on more intellectual things. You owe it to your comrades to move to a socialist country with vast welfare programs to live a life of luxury and fantasize about utopian programs of urban development and technological advancement. Retvrn to technocracy.
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No crabs in a bucket. I unironically advocate mass immigration accelerationism. Yes right wingers the swarthy hordes ARE coming for your daughter and it WILL be based. Cry about it.


The swarthy women don't appreciate it, certainly


Looks like I hit a nerve kek
>Enjoy fantasizing about one day(TM) being on top of the pyramid.
No amount of success will change my view that the laws of physics are dogshit and magic is not real. Forget society, the entire universe is wrong.


>I unironically advocate mass immigration accelerationism.
>“I unironically advocate the oligarchs’ decree to import slave labor en masse."

Do you not realize that neo-liberal border policies only help the cartels and the capitalists? These immigration policies enable the SLAVERY of MILLIONS of migrants, the sexual slavery of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN. KYS, neo-liberal. The system would fail faster without these neo-liberal immigration policies, so true acceleration is obviously cutting off porky's slave labor.



In a tangentially related /siberia/ thread, a few anons argued about the flaws of the current school model. It's said that contemporary methods of education are garbage, but no one puts forward an alternative. Of course, that would depend on future material conditions, but I find it important—if only to instigate contemplation—that we discuss together what shapes this future system of education could take.
To kickstart the discussion, here's what I've brainstormed so far:
1. Society has to agree on a body of knowledge, i.e. a basic curriculum, required for every citizen (excluding cognitive disabilities), as it will be expected of them to know it as to partake in the community (labor/higher education/politics/culture/social integration).
2. This body of knowledge has to be taught. Whether by one or multiple professional tutors, or a representative of the community, or a relative of the pupil, or educative media (textbooks/video courses/what have you).
3. There needs to be an artifice to ensure this body of knowledge is being properly taught and learned. We see this today in the form of grading exams, but there must be better alternatives, even if only for pre pubescent children.
4. This body of knowledge has to be studied in formative ages as to develop cultured, independent, cognitively-abled adults.
5. "Play" in formative years is understood today as important to a person's cognitive and psychological development. This body of knowledge must both be taught ludically, and it may not be a hindrance to moments of non-educative diversion.
6. Similarly, moments of social integration must be either part of the time destined to the study of this body of knowledge, or not be a hindrance to it, as it is of utmost importance to the development healthy individual.
Please let me know what is missing, and propose the specifics to these points based on your knowledge.
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>It's very, very, childish still to blame just the school

Note how i added "not really", I'm not soley blaming school, but it was a large contributing factor overal, if you think our current educational systems are even remotely good I don't know what to tell you.

>Reforming the education system is a huge dead end without reforming society.

I mean, I agree 100%, but any meaningful change within the education system is welcome too, I'd even argue that changing the education system is one of the best steps to take towards changing society.


I thought leftypol thought that Roger Waters and by extension PF was based due to him having the same political opinions as the average Zigga.


They should start with the Greeks


>but it was a large contributing factor overal
Were you bullied at school


Ehh, Waters is cool but Gilmour's a huge liberal. I fucking hate hippies.

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We are sitting down with arms locked, no threat, nothing in the police station we occup broken, and police come and arrested for 'violent disorderly conduct'. We do nothing violent they beat us up cut us with handcuffs and then keep us locked up for 23 hours one cell each, 12 of which were WITHOUT SOLICITORS and they tried their best to stop them getting to us by saying they weren't there when they were. They get angry when I shout free palestine. Fucking evil fascists. And you know what the media sides with them don't they. It's all to break up the palestine protest because of the bail rules. The police are fascists of the hitlerite variety, both police and fascism are just the sticks of the bourgeois. With police gone the class system is gone and then crime is gone. People's Police should not be armed and all normal people should be armed to kill the People's Police if they ever get uppity. I trust the PEOPLE so much and I will never trust a fascist. Any pig killed is a good thing no matter the situation. Police and Zionism are the same thing. Average police has thin blue line Union Jack and supports the Zionist Entity. They look away when we tell them stories of Al-Shifa hospital.

Post images, videos, stories of pigs getting whats coming to them. Normalise hurting pigs. Normalise killing pigs. Pin them down and shoot them in the face. Share pigs being slaughtered. Kill Police. ACAB.
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>OPs first time getting arrested
Lol. Don't worry, you will get used to it. :)




Police brutality hit a new record according to communist China's materialist analysis. The Bidler regime's crimes against the proletariat are the greatest.
>Deaths from police brutality have hit a record high. The article "Ending the Culture of Police Violence," published on the website of the Brennan Center for Justice on Feb. 3, 2023, pointed out that the U.S. security edifice is built upon a culture and inheritance of institutional violence. The problem of excessive use of force by police is prominent in the United States, but most law enforcement departments refuse to release the data on the use of force. According to Mapping Police Violence, police in the United States killed at least 1,247 people last year, the highest number of killings since its national tracking began in 2013, which means an average of roughly three people killed by officers each day.


That's been the average for years now though. Not that that makes it any better.


The *estimated* average I should say, since no one really knows for sure because cops aren't made to keep track of this shit.

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<In a speech given by Orbán on 14 September 2023, he said “The postliberal era we look forward to, which will replace the current progressive-liberal era, will not come automatically. Someone has to make it happen. And who will make it happen, if not us?”

People on /leftypol/ often claim that "post liberals" whether they be Orban, Putin, or western rightoids like Adrian Vermule, Patrick Deneen, Nate Hochman, etc. are not really "post liberal" but in fact, are still liberals.

>In recent years, a new intellectual school has appeared among America’s Christian conservatives: post‐​liberalism. Its pioneers include a few Catholic scholars called “integralists” and various public figures known as “national conservatives.” What unites them is their rejection of liberalism. The latter term implies not the center‐​left “liberalism” in American politics, but the broader classical liberal tradition that constitutes the founding principles of the United States: individual liberty, religious freedom, free markets, separation of church and state.

<Contrary to this liberal heritage, the post‐​liberals want a closer relationship between church and state. National conservatives believe, “Where a Christian majority exists, public life should be rooted in Christianity and its moral vision, which should be honored by the state.” The integralists, in turn, want the state to “publicly recognize the truth of the Catholic religion” and act “as agent for the authority of the Church” to the extent that “the state legislates and punishes for purely religious ends.” In other words, as the liberal intellectual William Galston puts it, “Catholic integralists reject freedom of religion, and they are prepared to use government power in the name of public morality to control what liberals consider private and individual decisions.”

>With such an ambitious project, the integralists apparently hope to reverse the tide of secularization in Western societies, which began to take hold even in the traditionally religious United States, where there is a growing “decline of Christianity.”

Is Liberalism just capitalism? because then it makes sense that these figures can still be considered "liberal". But if lliberalism includes human and civil rights, equality under the law, secularism+freedom of religion, political freedomPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Islamic revolution chads stay winning


care to elaborate?


>But if lliberalism includes human and civil rights, equality under the law, secularism+freedom of religion, political freedom, free speech, free press, privacy, etc., then no, these ideas are not "liberal". The only part of liberalism they preserve is private property and market economies, albeit with some populist/socdem and natalist policies. Also they preserve a republican form of government, albeit one that is likely more minoritarian than it was in the recent past.

Liberalism is not synonymous with capitalism. There are illiberal capitalists. People who call this liberal are abusing the term


>Liberalism is not synonymous with capitalism. There are illiberal capitalists. People who call this liberal are abusing the term
being smugly wrong is a leftypol tradition


Before it was white Anglo Saxon protestant, now it's human rights, progress and democracy. HPD

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