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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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/👁️\Secret Societies & Cryptocracy Study 🏛️
Being well aware that capitalism is the root of all problems and not some Catholic / Zionist Masonic Lodge or a Council of 13 I want to dedicate a second thread towards the study of what these organizations actually are, how they accumulated their wealth from their foundation, what their influence is and what their goals are.

This is not a Poltard thread about "da jooz"! This is a thread dedicated towards the real study of esoteric societies / "magical" organizations and their spheres of influence.

From the illumnati, to Order 322, to the obscure Neo-Nazi pedo cults given by the Order of Nine Angels & Temple Ov Blood, to the Mormons, to the pyramid scheme of the Church of Scientology, LaRouche and so on! How they infiltrate government positions, political parties and what we know about them.

Recommended books for analysis (links not included, might post PDFs in the thread):
-Occult Features of Anarchism by Christopher Scott Thompson and the Erica Lagalisse
-Bakunin's Anti-Jacobinism: 'Secret. Societies' For Self-Emancipating. Collectivist Social Revolution by Robert M. Cutler
-Revolutionary Demonology by Gruppo Di Nun
-Any book on the illumnati (c'mon they're in your supermarket's books aisle! Lets have a laugh)
-Magick by Aleister Crowley
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The difference between occult and the rest of society is one but simple. The occult conspire to take all the drugs for themselves, the social part of society wants the drugs for everyone.

Wouldn't be surprised if Subgenius guys are into NRx and other libertarian to fash pipeline stuff like that these days. Their vibe dovetails really well with the Thiel scene. Total subjectivism, everything is a joke/play. Chaos magic which is kinda similar in spirit had a split in the 90s that was partially over fascism so they were in on it before it was cool again.

Anyone have any good info\links, on how COS is related to: Discordianism, Exorius, and Chaos Magick \"neo thelema"?

I don't know if a link as direct as what you seem to think exists actually did exist. COS and Discordianism are very different.

damn that kid looks 12


Luigi Mangione
>A Frat gymbro
>Follows various people from across the poltical compress, from AOC, Edward Snowden and Tucker Carlson
>Quotes Nietzsche and is an environmentalist
>Is against "un-human" architecture
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so could he walk free?

The watchword of critial metaphysics: generalize disquiet! Their own paranoia will be an essential element of the overthrow of the ruling class.

> to shove a knife between their ribs
A ninja is in fact a working class person rising up against the fascistic class society that crushes them…they are not dressed like an assassin, they are usually dressed like a normal worker, because that's what they are.
>Back surgery at 20. Kicked off his parents’ healthcare at 26. Then the shooting
How many young people fell into a depression because of this social murder? We must reach out and sweep them into a movement instead of letting them languish as atomized passive NPCs



I am a Mutualist. I have been through many leftist movements, I have been active in them, and in the end I became a Mutualist, very attached to anarchism, mainly to a more Communalist political organization but with a Mutualist economy.

Yes, I believe in the free market and I am anti-capitalist. I came to these conclusions above all after first abandoning the Leninist planned economy, because it was inefficient and became state capitalism. I came to embrace ideas of Cybercommunism, but I consider it too cumbersome to be applied immediately and can be very risky. Then I abandoned Social Democracy because it did not solve the problem of inequality. I became a Mutualist because while I adhere to the ideas of Self-Managed Socialism and Workers' Councils, I detest hierarchies and consider them oppressive, including representative democracy, as I consider true democracy to be closer to anarchist ideas. On the other hand, I believe in the freedom of producers. In my country there is a lot of illegal street trading, and I consider it a right to be able to sell individually as long as you do not exploit or create wage relations, so I only support cooperative companies with free partners and individual ownership.

I believe that Mutualism can be a possible and practical system if a structure is created that makes it feasible, and I consider it a viable way to end Capitalism, wage labor, and private ownership of the means of production.

I do not rule out the possibility that Mutualism will lead us to a Post-Scarcity Communist Society. I think that a Mutualist Society should have as its perspective the achievement of a 100% automated Post-Scarcity Communist Society, but with a libertarian political organization similar to that proposed by Bookchin in his book “Post-Scarcity Anarchism”

I have more things to say, but I leave it for any questions you may have. I hope there are more mutualists so I can organize with them

Pd: I support Rojava and I consider that its economic model is mutualist in practice
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Rojava cant afford economic experiments with a planned economy while its under attack by islamist turks.

Like the Soviet Union. History repeats itself. They are doing a good job of cleaning the world of islamists tho.

What experiments? Again, planning isn't unique to any mode of production. Individual Rojavan firms also do planning.
This obsession with individual producers and "being your own boss" is thoroughly petite bourgeois.

>the only viable alternative is funded and maintained by US imperialism and SOCOM

>libertarian -> lolbert
fuck off seppo.


Why are fascists so close to getting it and yet they rarely if ever do? The only answer I have is that a fascist is emotionally invested in a romanticized worldview of tribes, nations or races being in an epic conflict with one another. So any growing awareness of capitalism being the problem is redirected and diffused to money itself being the problem, or greedy conspirators, or, of course, a race of people embodying everything bad that is actually capitalism. To acknowledge that it‘s capitalism both calls for unity across these primitive or constructed divisions, which is in a way a death of your people as a romantic concept and also the end of an epic that is more alluring than fighting a system instead of orcs.
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>What kind of fascists do you mean?
yeah you talking about the guy with a bat in the street or the financial oligarch who shipped a pallet of bats to their headquarters? i think its pretty obviously why the second type doesn't "get it" and how stopping them stops the first type

>fascists are against capital
the fucking what

>state domination
>the state
Anarchist Detected

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opinion on park chung hee

They obviously mean bourgeois nation-states, dumbfuck, not some theoretical DotP.

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Well, the late 2000s and early 2010s were fun. We got the first black President, LGBTQ+ rights, the decline of the religious right, and through the power of the internet, we were starting to flirt with things like socialism and sex positivity. Then gamergate happened, the Nazis went online, the Bernie campaign was squelched out by the DNC, and Trump won (the first time) on a platform of racism and xenophobia.

We had a brief respite during Trump’s first term because he caused such a personal backlash and the Nazis overreached badly with Charlottesville, as well as the mass outrage at the murder of George Floyd, but COVID and the rapid capture of online media by right wingers led to a deep hollowing out and atomization of our society, especially through the subtle diffusion of reactionary ways of thinking even through ostensibly “apolitical” or even “progressive” sources.

Paranoia and xenophobia run rampant, everyone is extremely selfish and has no interest in helping anyone but themselves and those like them, Puritanism (both broader sex negativity and especially transphobia) is the norm again because ppl are being taught to view everything around them as a threat to themselves and/or society and the right (as well as parts of the left, I’m looking at you, radfems) figured out how to do social conservatism without overtly religious messaging, dating discourse is mind-bendingly essentialist, misogynistic, and reactionary now (redpill talking points are mainstream even with many women, slut shaming is back with a vengeance, any men who don’t fit the old-school stoic provider role are shamed as failures, body positivity has been more or less tossed entirely even by many progressives, people talk about “hookup culture” and porn like medieval peasants talked about witches, completely innocuous things are “red flags” and “icks” now, the whole “tradwife” thing, etc).

It feels like the pendulum swung back at least 15 years on almost every single facet of society and I don’t know how long this is gonna last or how we get out of this. Why did this have to happen while I was supposed to be living my peak life in my early-mid 20s smh

This is gonna be a loooooong decade, folks(14g)
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>There wasn't as much of it last year, but I did remember Joe Rogan and J.D. Vance talking about how they'd win the "normal gay guy vote."

As a personal anecdote a (distant) friend of my partner's ended up falling into this, kept yapping about the LGB movement and claiming that he was voting for trump to save the economy, blah blah. He himself is gay. Last I heard he was regretting it because of him learning how tariffs work. The effort against trans people has definitely worked to break up what would otherwise be a pretty uniform contingent against the right.

>Sex positivity, drug liberalization, body positivity, anti-nationalism, and anti-conformity is why the libs lost
All of these things are popular except 'anti-nationalism', which honestly libs don't even do. Anything that approaches it is framed as a desire to improve things, make the great nation even greater despite our flaws, ect.

>It's sad how so many leftists become ultra-progressives in terms of familial or sexual relations when big capital is saying the same thing
Read the Manifesto. Family abolition has always been part of Communism and capitalism itself destroyed the "traditional" family conservatives all want to go back to.
>given over another previously sacred thing to capital for nothing in return
Read the Manifesto. Destroying "previously sacred things" is one of the progressive functions of capitalism. Nothing is sacred you fucking larper.

What’s with you nighas and tailing fascists this fucking hard?
You could actually read Marx instead of quoting a rightoid meme like “You will own nothing”.
The very nature of Capital progressively abolish all those sentimental structures and values of the time before it and indeed, even its own earlier epochs, it is not on us to try return to a better, kinder, more traditional, more (etc) capitalism, but to transcend the relation altogether. The nuclear family, fyi, or anything known as a so-called “traditional family”, all were historical, not “traditional”, traditions as they are being historical artifacts; family structural and hegemonic sexual relations emerge dialectically, capitalists aren’t plotting the “destruction” of “the family”; capital is too anarchic for them to plan much of anything long term

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It's merely capital doing its balancing act between political/cultural legitimacy and/or economic profitability. If it puts your company in a better position to portray your hiring practices as highly biased towards race/gender instead of competency, you do it. If everybody adopts that practice then you are no longer unique, and the boons wear off: you are left with a talentless hacks who represent all the colours of the rainbow.

Idiot leftists and conservatives cheer whenever the pendulum swings in either direction, while the obvious constant is that capital can't overcome its own limitations and socially destructive behaviour that it pretends to solve with politically correct shit.

>It's sad how so many leftists become ultra-progressives in terms of familial or sexual relations when big capital is saying the same thing
Bro is actually a contrarian to own the libs

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Why did ISIS run to Africa of all places? And why west Africa?
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>ISIS is CIA backed

Retarded take, why would the USA special forces send troops to fight them then?

since i learned ISIS cells sell merchandising it really put a new light on how it all works

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because,unlike what people here may think,being "backed" doesn't mean being a loyal roboslave that perfectly follow the master,and just means the CIA gives them shit and sent them towards a direction 5 years ago,and now they're doing whatever the fuck they want

>In mid-February, a CIA-armed militia called Fursan al Haq, or Knights of Righteousness, was run out of the town of Marea, about 20 miles north of Aleppo, by Pentagon-backed Syrian Democratic Forces moving in from Kurdish-controlled areas to the east.

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‘The rich are on course to destroy all our lives’
Its findings showed that while the richest capitalists had already exceeded that limit in the first 10 days of 2025, it would take someone from the poorest half of the global population nearly three years to use up their share.

Libya expels 600 Nigeriens in ‘dangerous and traumatising’ desert journey
The expulsions come as EU countries have been accused of ignoring the widespread and systematic human rights violations and abuses against migrants in Libya as they seek to reduce the number of people arriving in Europe, with Italy signing deals with Tunisia and Libya to reduce Mediterranean crossings.

Benin suffers heavy troop losses during jihadist border attack
Col Gomina did not say how many Beninese troops had been killed during the attack, but a security source put the death toll at 28. The chief of staff called on military commanders to improve their operational strategies to counter security threats.

Three more self-defense battalions formed in Qamishlo
Following the overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria, the people are setting up their own self-defense units to counter the attacks by the Turkish state and the Syrian National Army (SNA) mercenaries against North-East Syria.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Biden and Trump teams coordinated push for new Lebanese president
The Biden administration and President-elect Trump's team closely coordinated to push for Gen. Joseph Aoun to be elected as the new president of Lebanon, a U.S. official and a source familiar with the issue told Axios.

Progressive Magazine Publishes Previously Secret DNC Membership List
"According to DNC bylaws, at-large members must be voted in by the rest of the membership, but the current class was put forward by Harrison as a single slate that was voted on up-or-down as a bloc," Sifry added. "The hacks definitely stand out among Harrison's handpicked cohort. Those include top fundraisers Kristin Bertolina Faust and Alicia Rockmore of California, Carol Pensky of Florida, and Deborah Simon of Indiana, as well as David Huynh of New York, whose main claim to fame appears to be his work as a consultant to now-jailed cryptocurrency hustler Sam Bankman-Fried when he appeared to be the Next Big Funder of the Democrats in 2021-2022."

California fires: 10 killed and 10,000 structures destroyed as blazes continue
Weather forecasters in Los Angeles expect fast, dry winds to return towards the end of the weekend, threatening to fuel wildfires that have already destroyed 10,000 structures and killed 10 people. Urgent “red flag” alerts – meaning critical fire weather conditions – announced by the US National Weather Service (NWS) said moderate to strong wind and low humidity would continue on Friday morning, as five fires raged across the metropolis.

US Supreme Court to hear Obamacare preventive care dispute
The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide the legality of a key component of the Affordable Care Act that effectively gives a task force establPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

CP of Venezuela, Communist Party of Venezuela demands respect for democratic freedoms and immediate release of former presidential candidate Enrique Márquez
The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) denounces before national and international public opinion the arbitrary detention of Enrique Márquez, former presidential candidate supported by Venezuelan communists in the elections of July 28, 2024. On the night of January 7, the disappearance of Márquez, leader of the Centrados en la Gente party and member of the Popular Democratic Front (FDP), a platform that groups together left-wing, popular and revolutionary political and social organizations, among them the PCV, was confirmed. A few hours before this event, other political leaders of the FDP, such as journalist Juan Barreto and constitutional lawyer María Alejandra Díaz, denounced police harassment at their homes. In the case of Barreto, a commission of the FDP, formed by the PCV and Comunes, verified that the subjects were hooded and equipped with long-range weapons.

DFLP Statement on the 15th Month of Al-Aqsa Flood War
With the conclusion of the savage October War, its 15th month, and its entry into its 16th month, and in light of the legendary steadfastness of our people and our resistance in the Gaza Strip, and the continued rise of the mass movement in the West Bank, and its confrontation with the occupation and settlers, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement, in which it confirmed that through national and societal dialogue, and translations of what is agreed upon, and the preservation of the blood of our people, and blocking the path to sedition, we strengthen the steadfastness of our people and our resistance, and deepen our unity in the field, and pave the way towards a comprehensive national programmatic vision, capable of breaking the back of the invasion and occupation, and thwarting the “day after” projects for thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Thanks News Anon



Human beings have three major desires, the desire for food, the desire for sex, and the desire for sleep. Among these three major desires, because appetite is the desire to meet human survival needs, the behavior of satisfying appetite is among the three , priority is first. If people can eat delicious food in the process of eating, they can also make them extremely happy. In real life, there are people who are persistently pursuing this kind of pleasure. We usually call such people a gourmet, while This restaurant is specially for those who are tired of the common food in the world, tailor-made, and provide food that fits their identity.
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

Is that shit?
Im not gonna click on the images I feel like its a virus or some shit

read Mao: the people have only one problem, which is how to eat

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You're looking for >>>/siberia/ or >>>/hobby/


I am not that versed in Venezuela. Why did the U.S. target them in particular so hard. They didn't target other pink wave socdems as hard with sanctions and the like. Is it because of the oil and the fact that Venezuela is close with Cuba? Or is there another reason? Hugo Chavez seemed barely more radical than your average Latin American socdem.
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Why Venelueza not becomes competent like Iran? I wonder.


>Hugo Chavez seemed barely more radical than your average Latin American socdem
You haven't listened to any of his speeches then, he was a mix between an utterly charismatic and very confrontational speaker, like the early/mid 20th century's caudillos. He alone put all the venezuelan military under his control, and they're still loyal to his cause even with Maduro at the lead who is a retard. I don't know of any other latino socdem who managed to achieve that.

It’s literally all about that one speech Chavez gave after GW Bush in the UN where he said “the devil was here, I still smell sulfur”. That’s burrowed into the minds of the deep state even deeper than the Iran hostages.

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FOSFALC (Free and Open Source Fully Automated Luxury Communism)

A material mode of communism characterized by free sharing of technical schematics for constructing the industrial apparatus of capitalism

Predicated on the idea that one way in which capitalism enforces private property is through private ideas. Instead, public ideas can make those irrelevant, since workers can sidestep privately designed means of production in favor of freely open source ones

Imagine a repository of CAD files for printing 3d printers capable of printing all of the materials necessary for creating all of the major industrial apparatuses. In other words, capable of bootstrapping itself


Similar to this

Thusly enabling communism materially

18 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

Still the issue persists that the socialist country would be indirectly working for and subsidizing capitalist firms without recieving nothing in exchange. The main issue here is that it is near impossible to have a system of shared information open enough to include every scientist and worker of SOEs and coops or even the whole country while at the same time being closed enough so that the bourgoisie can't leech and profit from our collective efforts. It's the problem with information sharing, it is hard to regulate the access to a medium level, it tends to be either protected by secrecy or irrestrictively accessible.
It's not entirely an undiserable prospect, because the socialist system would surely earn respectability and prestige if it's outcome is included in high level capitalist companies, but it undermines the effort of building up socialism as a competitive efficient economic system that can at least compete with and eventually outcompete the capitalist mode of production.

Ah, I see. I do not see socialism as competition with US/bourgeois. The goal is different. The ideology will not be the same and may be consumers goods, etc, will change. Like, a car will be valued not just by how fast it is and what music it can play, but how modular it is, the design is free to modify, not just open, you can modify it and it is easy to modify, it is durable, etc. But it still just a thing, a car, individual thing. But it will also include things like mechanics clubs and open door factories where you can do some things, and anyone can do. So in general population will study longer to be able to do that. The tools will be different, they may require everyone to know some programming. etc. But it is how I see it.
I thougt if you want to make those things in a bourgeois country, you can publish them under a GPL-like copyleft license.

>The ideology will not be the same
AAaa, it will be changing and then it is just not ideaology anymore.

The education, the minimum could be made higher, like mechatronics college degree. + some philosophy.

It can be education at place, not just studying until you can begin doing something. idk.

Not very competitie as you see, if valued by sum of all money deals or GDP.

>The education, the minimum could be made higher, like mechatronics college degree. + some philosophy
I see it as different, more that the floor rises, >>2109094
>Still the issue persists that the socialist country would be indirectly working for and subsidizing capitalist firms without recieving nothing in exchange. The main issue here is that it is near impossible to have a system of shared information open enough to include every scientist and worker of SOEs and coops or even the whole country while at the same time being closed enough so that the bourgoisie can't leech and profit from our collective efforts. It's the problem with information sharing
I think this kind of description is putting the behavior of communists within a context of global capitalism, and playing by capitalism's rule. I view it differently. That it's more a matter of escape velocity. You're basically advising that communists limit the effectiveness of workers domestically because it might make bourgeois elsewhere arrange their workers more scientifically and "outcompete" the domestic workers. I'm skeptical of that, since a bit part of it would be that not just schematics are shared, but industries across the entire socialist nation would share openly everything they know on how to operate effectively and minimize necessary labor. So as long as there are diverse industries, you can reach an escape velocity and just move away from global capitalism

Free and Open Source Fully Automated Luxury Juche Communism

>Like, a car will be valued not just by how fast it is and what music it can play, but how modular it is, the design is free to modify, not just open, you can modify it and it is easy to modify, it is durable, etc
Exactly. Paradoxically, these very things that would create value for a socialist economy, are those same things that would limit profits within a capitalist economy. The goals are diametrically opposed, and so playing by capitalist rules is counterproductive.

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