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Why do liberals pretend to be "socially progressive" when they're obviously not?
I've heard these things a lot:
>I'm not racist, but those Indians should go back to their country!
>I'm not against LGBT people, but it's gone too far and if it was my kid I'd disown them!
I don't get it, why can't you just admit you're against these things?
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>so you have very entitled modi voters living in canada feeling some sort of pride by being proletarized and proletarizing canadians while also displaying this passive-agressive hostility towards them as if we were some conquerors lol


>I don't know why its so common for young immigrants to think this
Coping maybe?


GENEVA (AP) — An Indian-born billionaire and three family members were sentenced to prison on Friday for exploiting domestic workers at their lakeside villa in Switzerland by seizing their passports, barring them from going out and making them work up to 18 hours a day.

A Swiss court dismissed more serious charges of human trafficking against 79-year-old tycoon Prakash Hinduja; his wife, Kamal; son Ajay and daughter-in-law Namrata on the grounds that the workers understood what they were getting into, at least in part. The four received between four and 4 1/2 years in prison.

The workers were mostly illiterate Indians who were paid not in Swiss francs but in Indian rupees, deposited in banks back home that they couldn’t access.

Prosecutors said workers described a “climate of fear” instituted by Kamal Hinduja. They were forced to work with little or no vacation time, and worked even later hours for receptions. They slept in the basement, sometimes on a mattress on the floor.



Vietnam took SU side in Sino-Soviet split
The clinic for transgender children in China is hosted by a liberal university in Shanghai
Cuba is collapsing right now
DPRK doesn't have pornography or prostitution, and even public displays of affections are frowned upon, which means that homosexual relations are most likely extremely rare


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The problem with liberal progressivity is that they tolerate other ethinicities, sexual minorities, etc. who have money and are part of upper class. If you are poor working class liberals dont care about your human rights.


Latest polling is picrel. Two communist parties at ~12% each. What are the implications of implications? Also: lol at the single white dude ("center" right, ofc).
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ANC alliance partners denounce 'isolation' in KZN
On Thursday the SACP, Cosatu and Sanco held a media briefing in Durban where they expressed grave concern over what they termed ''a complete breakdown of their working relationship with the ANC”.

The provincial secretaries of the three organisations- Cosatu’s Edwin Mkhize, the SACP’s Themba Mthembu and Sanco’s Sizwe Cele — said they had learnt of political developments in the province through the media.

Recently the alliance said it had learnt via the media of the removal of eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda and the coalition talks with the IFP and the DA.

The alliance partners said they had heard from IFP president Velenkosini Hlabisa of the agreements on a coalition in the province when he held a media briefing. They added that before the elections they had also had difficulty receiving information from the ANC on decisions regarding the governance of state-owned enterprises.

Moreover, secretariat meetings meant to take place with the ANC had all but ceased to exist.

The alliance partners, who said they were not invited to the table for coalition negotiations, also expressed concerns over a possible IFP, ANC, DA and NFP coalition government for the province.

“In KwaZulu-Natal it is the MK Party that has acquired 45% of the vote, ours is a principled stance that they should govern but not with the ANC. We are very sceptical of the MK Party because we haven't been taken through their constitution, their policies. So who would we say we are forming an alliance with,” Mthembu said.
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He will lead Africa one day.


>Z flair
Of course you support the Apartheid party


Is the way the ANC has devolved a critique of Democratic Centralism, anons? To me it seems a system very easily captured by bribery and so on.
SACP Central Committee's Dr. Alex Mashilo weighs in on the formation of a new government.


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Days in and one racist already outed as a DA MP:

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>How will we get people to understand the urgency of climate change and the need to take drastic action to lower carbon emissions?
>I know, let's vandalize a World Heritage Site and potentially cause permanent damage
How the fuck is this supposed to make people take climate change seriously? I was ambivalent towards attacks on art pieces because maybe the idea is that rich and powerful people frequent those galleries, but what the fuck is vandalizing Stonehenge supposed to achieve other that causing animosity towards the climate movement? This is feeling more and more like a falseflag and psyop meant to discredit the climate movement and make them like idiot fanatics.
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The issue is isn't that it isn't immediately effective.

It's that it's never effective and is arguably brings animosity to the movement. You bring up nuclear disarmament protests. It's been many decades now, where's the nuclear disarmament?


Psyops don't typically announce themselves as such.

You'll find that the old COINTELPRO cutouts didn't openly announce "we're being run by the CIA to spy on you, manufacture reasons to arrest you and discredit your movement, just fyi"


>>1891441 (samefag)
>averting the climate crisis requires sacrifices to the western lifestyle
>these sacrifices will never happen if the rich aren't forced to also make these sacrifices
>/leftypol/ of all places uninterested in forcing porky to also make these sacrifices
it's ovir. fuck it let's roll coal


Yep, OP is a concern troll. I can tell by the indignated but nonproductive tone and from having seen a few concern trolls in my time
sage this shit and off to the climate thread we go, hey ho


if you don't believe money can be used for historically progressive causes you've fallen prey to idealism, sorry.
remember engels? :^)

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As a communist What is your stance on immunization are you pro or anti-vax and what would Mao say about it?
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We vaxxmaxx


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I am a big fan of the VAX line of computers from Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). The VAX family was a huge success for DEC, with the last members arriving in the early 1990s. The name VAX refers to its Virtual Address eXtension concept that allowed programs to make use of this newly available memory while still being compatible with unmodified user mode PDP-11 code. The name "VAX-11", used on early models, was chosen to highlight this capability. DEC quickly dropped the −11 branding as PDP-11 compatibility was no longer a major concern. The line expanded to both high-end mainframes like the VAX 9000 as well as to the workstation-scale systems like the VAXstation series. The VAX family ultimately contained ten distinct designs and over 100 individual models in total. All of them were compatible with each other and normally ran the VAX/VMS operating system.


chinese vaxx is cool.

nontheless i think the pandemics quarantine were a meme the US and western governments pushed to propell social media


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>what would Mao say about it?
Pasteur discovered the existence of viruses which made it possible for him to develop the first vaccine. Similarly, it's because Mao discovered the laws operating within socialist society that give rise to the bourgeois line in the party that he was able to develop the policies, the strategy and tactics, to defeat the bourgeois line and various bourgeois headquarters, not once but repeatedly.


Basically think of Maoism as a vaccine against revisionism. It works on the herd immunity principle. You need to inoculate everyone against it because even a few capitalist-roaders can cause an outbreak. People can disagree privately but laws should compel them to conform with the science here.


Armenia recognises Palestinian statehood, says Armenian foreign ministry
Armenia supports a United Nations resolution on an immediate ceasefire in Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza and is in favour of a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a ministry statement said.

Workers at a Levi's supplier factory in Turkey subjected to ‘violence, mass sackings and blacklisting’
The report accuses Ozak Global, the provincial security forces and the company’s favoured union, of having been complicit in “violence, arrests and retaliatory mass firings against roughly 400 workers, after the majority of the facility’s workforce chose to join an independent union” since last November.

Third consecutive day | Turkish forces continue to reinforce contact lines with regime forces within “Putin-Erdogan” area
Yesterday, Turkish forces brought military reinforcements for the second consecutive day to “Putin-Erdogan” area, where a military convoy comprising 22 military machineries including tanks and armoured vehicles entered and headed to Turkish positions in Al-Zawiyah Mountain.

Le Pen’s Party Gains Support in Poll; Macron Approval Drops
A poll by Ifop-Fiducial for Sud Radio found that 38% of those interviewed want the National Rally to win, and increase of two points from June 10, the day after Macron announced a snap vote. An alliance of left parties, the New Popular Front, was in second place with 29% backing, unchanged. Support for Macron’s party and its allies rose to 22% from 18%.
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>Sean O’Brien, the president of the Teamsters union, will speak at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee next month
it's over


>Sean O’Brien, the president of the Teamsters union, will speak at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee next month, a move that could spell trouble for Joe Biden’s support among blue-collar workers ahead of the November election.
MAGAcom bros, I kneel


A Jailed Socialist in Turkey Calls for Solidarity With Gaza By Alp Altınörs
ISIS, who committed genocide against the Yezidis in Shingal on August 3, 2014, and before that had carried out a genocide against the Turkmen of Tel Afar, could not do the same in Kobani. It did not let itself be written into history as a city that suffered the pain of genocide — and instead became known as the city that stopped ISIS. Today, the world is witnessing another genocide: the one perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza. The Israelis want to annex Gaza and expel its Palestinian population (just as they did in the Nakba of 1948). Let us recall what Naomi Klein wrote about disaster capitalism. Once again, a part of the Palestinian homeland will be filled with settlements by the occupation forces. The pain and suffering of the Palestinians will be transformed into profits for Israeli monopolies. Those who upheld the democratic protests against the ISIS genocide in Kobani yesterday, today come out against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The universities of the United States are raising their voices against this barbarism. When there is a genocide ongoing, to watch in silence is also a crime. We who ten years ago tried to prevent a genocide unfolding before our eyes, are today punished with prison sentences in this political trial.

The New Popular Front in France and the balance of class forces
FRANCE is in a deep systemic crisis of the kind that has punctuated its history with violent eruptions. We index them by the years in which they took place from 1789 onwards. The panicked election for the National Assembly called by President Emmanuel Macron following his party’s humiliation in the European elections, means France in three weeks could have: a fascist prime minister, or a prime minister on a left programme that bosses are screaming is “anti-capitalist,” or no prime minister plus chaos in the government. All with eruptions on the street bigger than those already taking place. Hundreds of thousands protested at the weekend against Marine Le Pen and her far-right National Rally (RN) that topped the European election. Polling for the legislative election is volatile. The RN is at about 32 per cent. Macron’Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon



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Communism doesn't work because people won't work if the state provides everything, that's fact. Why would anyone want to innovate and study? Why would one study to become a physician when he'll end up winning the same amount as someone who doesn't do shit? Communism ends up in famine and misery because of this
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>Communism doesn't work because people won't work if the state provides everything, that's fact.
<It is ordered that adults capable of working, not wishing to perform their most important constitutional duty, the duty to work honestly in accordance with their abilities, and avoiding socially useful work… shall be subjected to banishment by order of a county (city) people’s court to specially designated places for a term of from two to five years, with confiscation of the property acquired by non-toiling means
-Soviet anti-parasitism law 1961 https://soviethistory.msu.edu/1961-2/anti-parasite-law/anti-parasite-law-texts/law-against-parasites/
>Why would anyone want to innovate and study? Why would one study to become a physician when he'll end up winning the same amount as someone who doesn't do shit?
One's payment in socialist societies was a factor of the hours worked, their experience, the hazards associated with a job, and the education needed to perform their job, so a teacher made more than a taxi driver and a factory worker with 20 years experience made more than one with 5 years. Getting a good education was also a means of moving somewhere better, performing well in your classes or getting a good job could allow you to move from the village to a provincial town, or from a provincial town to a major city.
>Communism ends up in famine and misery because of this
Those post-socialist provincial towns and villages are in misery because of capitalism. Take a drive down certain rural areas and it'll look like you wandered into a post-apocalyptic environment, with the only industries in sight being cafes and car washes for tourists.



haha funny monkey



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monke is more intelligent than OP

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In just ten years over 20 million people have been killed by capitalism in europe alone. How do we deprogram and save humanity?


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I know i know irrelevant shithole in the middle east and whatever but on the other hand
This article lays things out very nicely
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>and throwing hissy fits about how that is Russia's fault,
yeah, mother russia did nothing wrong. it was all armenians' fault for thinking that mother russia might intervene in their favor instead of letting nato aligned azerbaijan to reconquer artsakh


>but what if after submitting to EU you instead of becoming lowest tier in EU caste system you'll get one step removed from the top


>Sakartvelo wants to normalise relations with Russia…
I acutally kind of have to hand it to Georgia for actually passing this law. I always thought of that country as basically having been an American puppet since 2004.
>Armenia is completely shitting the bed, capitulating to Turkey and Turkey-B (aka Azerbaijan) and throwing hissy fits about how that is Russia's fault, so Russia is understandably not giving a shit anymore about the Kardashians that didn't left the Caucasus but somewhat want to taste some more Ottoman medicine one hundred years after the first dose.
How in the hell isn't a blatant traitor like Pashinyan not get removed after presiding over the largest geopolitical catastrophe in Armenian history? And for what? Accession to the EU/NATO in the 2040s at best? Given the way things are going in the world, I doubt there will even be an EU or NATO to accede to by then.


>Over the largest geopolitical catastrophe in Armenian history?
Armenians loosing all of their land isn't a catastrophe to them, it's a tradition

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Once beacon of stability, Vietnam to name third president in a year

Vietnam is seeking its third president in little more than a year after its ruling Communist Party on Wednesday forced the resignation of Vo Van Thuong, who was only elected last year after the sudden dismissal of his predecessor.

With accumulated foreign direct investment higher than its gross domestic product, Vietnam's stability is crucial to multinationals with large operations in the Southeast Asian manufacturing hub, including Samsung Electronics, which ships from Vietnam half of its smartphones, and Apple, which has many key suppliers in the country.

That stability, which has been guaranteed for decades by a state tightly controlled by the Communist Party, now looks less certain, although analysts agree that the current leadership changes will not impact the country's key policies, including its "bamboo diplomacy" aimed at keeping good relations with the United States and China at the same time.

Behind the latest reshuffle is the long-lasting "blazing furnace" anti-graft campaign that party chief Nguyen Phu Trong launched back in 2016. It is aimed at eradicating corruption so widespread that in some provinces up to 90% of applicants for land certificates paid a bribe, according to a report published in March 2023 by the U.N. Development Programme and other organisations.

The campaign intensified over the last two years, with critics saying it has been increasingly used for political purposes by party factions competing for power.

Thuong, 53, stands accused of having violated party rules, according to a statement issued on Wednesday, which did not clarify what exactly he did wrong.

He quit days after police announced the arrest for alleged corruption a decade ago of a former head of central Vietnam's Quang Ngai province, who served while Thuong was party chief there.
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Another obstacle for a future socialist revolution.


i'm actually surprised that the MLM discourse about Vietnam getting FID from Israel has not spread here. maybe you guys aren't such complete fags after all


>t.Israeli investor


You'll get better answers in /Sea/, I promise.


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More importantly if one wondered around Hanoi loudly singing HO HO CHO MINH! like in that Oktoberklub song would this be considered socially acceptable as a celebration of the great man or would it be seen as very disrespecting?

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if you ever wondered what the modern Weatherman/leftist Western revolutionary looks like, you have well-documented examples of foreign volunteers in Iraq and Syria. So I'm not going to pretend I was there, most of my information is from some documentaries and one autobiographical comic of a guy who volunteered. The actual soldiers, doctors, and engineers from Western countries were highly sought after. The doctors and engineers more so, and the real soldiers were used as instructors and occasionally worked with local units, but these guys were not the majority going,
So first off, the YPG was a Kurdish ethnic militia and it did not accept foreigners (which bummed out a lot of these guys). They had to join the SDF; in most cases, they did not have any skilled labor or military ability, so they were made to do grunt work in the liberated cities. They were also encouraged to post on social media to bring international attention. They felt like they were adding to the war effort and helping to kill fascists and the Kurds would gain some credibility. Despite that, there were culture clashes, this was still a Middle Eastern nation and these guys just could not read the room. Like organising a drag-show, They actually dissolved their international brigades because there were too many of these retards coming that didn't even want to do physical labor.

This is a documentary about a group of British and American soldiers who were actually fighting. They are respected, working with local forces and training with them on the ground.
The one is a podcast about the 'anarchists' in Rojava. most of it was just willful denial on their part.
The is the comic I mentioned.by a volunteer who was made to do grunt work.
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Why did you make this thread about Foreign Fighters in Syria again?
Learn to use the catalog, retard.


> so they were made to do grunt work in the liberated cities.
The three people I know well who went to fight: Two fought in Raqqa, building-to-building urban fighitng. One died fighting turks during Olive Branch. So i do not know what you mean by either 'grunt work' as they were fighting or combat-medicing or whatever, nor 'made' considering they CHOSE to go and volenteer, it's what they signed up for.

TBH brother it sounds like you're angry at international volenteers and seething. Did you get in an argument or fall out with a volunteer at a meeting or something?


The hell are you talking about, the YPG had an academy to teach people coming how to fight and foreigners did fight under this organization, under YPG international. The YPG is the main member of the SDF which is a coalition so yeah of course they joined the SDF. The culture clashes were mostly internal to Syria because, breaking news, most people over there have a very traditional upbringing in contrast to the progressiveness of orgs like the YPG which aims to emancipate women among other things.
Maybe do your homework before spitting on people sacrificing their lives to fight fascism.


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Foreigners joining the peshmerga while it happened, was extremely rare, most foreigners joined the YPG associated group. The issue with the YPG was that they would rather have tea than to fight isis while isis was just in another village a mile away. The death of westerners was taken rather hard by the YPG. Very few units were formed with just westerners. One exception was Martyr Bagok unit. Most of which were veterans of western militaries. Hardly social media larpers. Shit, that unit could not even take photos. The other formed with macer gifford turned into a shitshow when the larpers started using all the morphine as recreational drugs.


This is a former US Soldier who actually fought in Ukraine and it really does show the massive difference in quality and qualification

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