The USAno political theater needed a break from the "end of history" and it's consequences. The Twenty-teens were the pivotal moment when US hegemony started to show undeniable signs of decay on the mainstream and so Trump was introduced as the new focal point.
This was, as it's often the case, replicated in the rest of the imperial core. A "new right", fully zionist, NATO compatible was appointed the new boogeyman in the political theater. With all the xenophobic propaganda recoded to reference them instead of the last century woopsies. And a new front of succdems had their stage set for class collaborationism at home and imperialism abroad.
But "Trump-ism" (or however you call that BS, AfD in Germany, Vox in Spain… w/e) must come to an end, obviously. For starters , mortality, Trump will most likely not be able to run again. And the policy demands of the cold war mean the succdems are required to overlap on pretty much ALL OF IT with their purported opponents. So this arc has to be wrapped up.
And which better way to wrap it up than to bring it right back to the beginning, to the "end of history" years. Now depicted as the "good old days" where triumphalist hysteria had westerners feeling good about themselves while they spread utter misery around the world, the so called "blackest reaction". Where "policing" the world though overwhelming military and economic power was a good and righteous cause. Those days of the hopeful future for the western urbanite living in the beginnings of their thousand year BurgerReich, seemingly unstoppable.
Don't believe the 9/11 self victimization. It wasn't revenge bloodthirst how the people lived through it.
We wanted and needed release, catharsis for the epic battle we had just won in the cold war. Color revolutions and impersonal sacking/bombing of eastern untermensch does not feel the same. Our entire national identity is built around the chauvinism that justifies imperialism. You can't just take away the viciousness behind a facade of human rights and "democracy"! Everyone wanted to be able to say the quiet parts aloud again. And we thoroughly enjoyed it.
And guess what, it's going to happen again. Perhaps, hopefully for the last time, although no less enthusiastic.