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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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How do we support those moving away from fascism and other totalitarian movements?


- https://lifeaftehate.org
- https://evolveprogram.ca
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People mocking incels as unhygienic and gross really did not help me when I used to self-identify as an incel. I had serious body image issues at the time as I was in the closet about being trans, and I had relational trauma which gave me a serious sense of self-loathing.

I don't think mocking the right as unattractive will really help. I think a lot of people in far-right groups deal with relational trauma and body-image issues. Particularly, masculist groups like incels and Redpill tend to have signs of bigorexia. Mocking incels for being ugly is a little like mocking pro-ana for being ugly.

I don't think we really have the same goals here. I'm more interested in helping antisocial NEETs out of the far-right rabbithole than directly fighting fascism.

I strongly support militant anti-fascism. I am not a pacifist. But in this specific thread I was intending to discuss other stuff.


Right wing ideas don't really stand up to scrutiny so the second I started seeing leftist ideas like accelerating production instead of the USA-left ideas of a 24/7 pride parade, I pretty much was hooked.

I wasn't deep into the racist shizo shit though. I voted for Trump in 2016 because he promised to kick out lobbyists, reopen power plants, and bring up American production to challenge to China. Needless to say, I was disappointed by 2020.


I now understand why half of leftypol is like it is, thank you.


That's what I mean. Instead of counter-recruiting, we have to recruit people who don't align with the "right".


You could argue that counter-recruitment is largely a waste of time. Personally, I am more interested in fighting the socioeconomic conditions which allow fascism to flourish. But I think there may be some use in direct counter-recruitment.

At a directly pragmatic level, counter-recruitment provides valuable intelligence for activists, and provides us a better understanding of fascism. Counter-recruitment is also good publicity.

A different reason for a look at counter-recruitment is that the state is already directly involved, and uses counter-recruitment to advance its objectives. State counter-recruitment efforts target minority populations, and promote centrist bullshit. They also don't address the real roots of fascism. See the UK's PREVENT program as an example of Islamophobic counter-terrorism efforts.

It's possible to argue counter-recruitment efforts are counterproductive, and tend to radicalize more than deradicalize. But the state is already involved in counter-recruitment. You may want counter counter-recruitment efforts.

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What’s your opinion on the red guard? Do you think they were too radical or do you think they were Based
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>too radical
No such thing

The Red Guards were on the road to a truly revolutionary conception, as evidenced by the January Storm, until the counter-revolutionary elements took control, a natural consequence caused by the Marxist elements of the GPCR (the party system)


Seems based but im not a surprised that Mao backstabbed them in favor of party rule.


>Unfortunately there arose one of the recurring evils of Chinese politics—factionalism—with fateful consequences for the Cultural Revolution. It proved easier to work together for pulling down than for building. As increasing numbers of university people withdrew skeptically into their private concerns, a core of activists grew ever more brittle in their politics and shattered like a boxful of biscuits. Thus when Kuei sent his men to root out “capitalist-roaders” from the army at Nanking (where the commander of the military region was Hsu Shih-yu, who survived the rebels so well that he is today among the top ten leaders of China), they split into an “Excellent Faction” and a “Fart Faction.” (This elegant label derived from the cry of “You’re worse than a bunch of dogs making wind” with which members of the second faction greeted the first faction’s cry, “The situation is excellent.”) Instead of tackling the army the two groups tore into each other with grenades and machine guns until Premier Chou and Mrs. Mao intervened.


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Also OP you might be interested in this book… could probably track down a PDF

>In Cultural Revolution and Revolutionary Culture, Alessandro Russo presents a dramatic new reading of China's Cultural Revolution as a mass political experiment aimed at thoroughly reexamining the tenets of communism. Russo explores four critical phases of the Cultural Revolution, each with its own reworking of communist political subjectivity: the historical-theatrical “prologue” of 1965; Mao's attempts to shape the Cultural Revolution in 1965 and 1966; the movements and organizing between 1966 and 1968 and the factional divides that ended them; and the mass study campaigns from 1973 to 1976 and the unfinished attempt to evaluate the inadequacies of the political decade that brought the Revolution to a close. Among other topics, Russo shows how the dispute around the play Hai Rui Dismissed from Office was not the result of a Maoist conspiracy, but rather a series of intense and unresolved political and intellectual controversies. He also examines the Shanghai January Storm and the problematic foundation of the short-lived Shanghai Commune. By exploring these and other political-cultural moments of Chinese confrontations with communist principles, Russo overturns conventional wisdom about the Cultural Revolution.


did no wrong

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How long do you guys think it’s going to take these losers to completely run the French government and its economy into the ground? I’m betting a couple months, because it’s obvious that these cunts are going to do nothing to address landlordism, high taxation, government mismanagement, costs of living, the country’s destroyed reputation in the Sahel, and any other problems, but they will blame every failure they are about to inflict on that imperialist country on immigrants.
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Average Westoid mindset
>Voot reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
<Standard of living gets worse
>Double down, voot further right reactoid
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Yeah that’s what you get when you have a population that thinks voting for endless autarkyism and austerity will save them from an unproductive economy. At least generation z is turning more towards jobs that involves directly producing things again; contrast to their dumbass grandparents…



I mean the thing is Right Wingers appeal to an actual constituency within a nation. "The Proletariat" isn't a national constituency in a meaningful sense. Basing electoral campaigns on appealing to a "proletariat" doesn't really work in the age of globalized capitalism. Native workers can rightfully recognize that an influx of immigration will expand the supply of labor and lower wages, the Right can appeal to that nativism and the Left just plays defensively.

Seriously, what's the argument the Left has? "You're going to just have to accept it. This is Capitalism's fault." Who, in the world, does that appeal to? The Right acknowledges an idea that resources are limited and so we "can't afford to share them with just anyone" and the Left just plays defensively on mostly moral grounds: "it isn't right." While the Right appeals to native workers material interests. I don't think most people can say anyone is voting Left these days in the hopes of improving their situation in life, it's all defensive: stop the right from getting in and making things worse. It's a permanent siege mentality.

I was reading a few articles on the leadup to France's new election, and it had quite a few folks who were voting for National Rally. One said: "Yeah they're racists, but I'm hoping they'll do something on rent." That was a running theme with a few of them: "Yeah shit's bad, the center can't hold, we need change." And they aren't looking to the Left for that change, they're looking Right, because anyone can do napkin math and realize "more people = more competition for resources." The idea of a "unified proletariat" is illusory against the reality of a global, nomadic workforce. If you lose your well-paying factory job to a sweatshop in Malaysia are you going to write a letter to some person you don't know, who doesn't speak your language, "Congratulations, Comrade! Glad to see you've got new employment!" If you're looking for work to survive and you're up against a newly arrived immigrant promising to work for less, are you gonna smile and say: "Well may the best man win?"

You'll hear this frequent refrain: "OPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


the true division lies in skilled labor and unskilled labor. the latter is what people refer to as an 'immigrant' if it's foreign but they take up jobs ala construction; which is what we're gonna need if we want to take seriously the idea of rebuilding our aging infrastructure. what we need to stop are visas for skilled labor whom we import from all across the globe ala doctors and nurses, whom the domestic workers here don't consider 'immnigrants' but fellow doctors and nurses, a class distinction.


Immigrant, immigrant, immigrant. You and that other guy are whining endlessly about them and your dumbass first world job markets, but you are both failing to realize that even without foreign migrants, you would both still be competing for shit jobs regardless. The reasons for this competition are resource dependence, arbitrary restrictions on economic opportunities, and domestic rural to urban migration.
The first reason is obvious. For as many banana republics that exist in the global south, the “first world” is shockingly not any less reliant on foreign labour and resources. I would know, I’m from fucking Canada and over half this dumbass country’s exports are just oil and refined petroleum products. Same goes for the Nordic states. Most of Australia's economy is literally just minerals; a lesser extent goes for Britain in its current dumbass state; and even parts of France are looking like they’re headed for resource dependency in the coming years. The only exceptions are Germany, South Korea, and Japan. The former for government subsidation and immigration policies, and the latter two for geographical limitations. It’s no wonder that most of the ‘first world’ is stuck in housing crises. Not enough people are willing to work in jobs that matter.
The latter two reasons are easier to understand. Discrimination and systemic barriers to opportunities for many just leave people that otherwise would’ve been useful to stay stuck unemployed. The last reason is simpler to understand, because most of a country’s industry is in large urban settlements, and most people that move to them aren’t foreign migrants but domestic ones, because they simply outnumber them.
Ignoring these three facts and blaming every competition-related hardship gets nothing done. Nothing will be resolved in the short term or in the long term.

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Redpill me on these mates. Why their crews are like 90% crackers? Why they work so uncritically with Israel in the Mediterranean?
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>We'll be a space faring civilization living in artificial habitats in the future, you know.
if my grandma had wheels she would be a bike


Just finished nuking your mom so good the aliens gave me communism as a reward


i'd be down, i imagine even virtual attatcks on the digital-infastructure on the vessels could be feasible. also, if we cant do no direct action, we could develop a group amongst ourselves to pool funds to employ pirates in the meditternean to enact our biddin.


Not all questions are good questions and even less are worthy of a thread, which is why we have a thread called:
>QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't need their own thread
>Dump all the seemingly pointless, dubious, and frivolous questions that don't deserve their own shitty threads.


ships at sea are a not reachable, but coordination against the ships at port is very viable

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Deng did market reforms in China in the 70s and China continues to be ruled by marxist leninists today despite arguably creating a new bourgeoisie and high inequality.

Gorby tried to do perestroika and glastnost in the USSR 1985, and a mere 6 years later it had literally destroyed the whole country.

Why did one reform fail but the other succeed?
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I believe you. Every discovery I find about this guy makes me seethe hard with the deepest of hate. Yakovlev has got to be one of the greatest wreckers of all time


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Here what he said to a McDonald's capitalist while he was the Soviet ambassador to Canada.

Source "To Russia with fries" By George Cohen. Capitalist autobiography.


>On 25 February 1956, Khrushchev's Secret Speech became the most traumatic event in Yakovlev's early Moscow life; he listened to the speech from a balcony in the Grand Kremlin Palace. After the 20th Party Congress, Yakovlev lost his previous enthusiasm for communism and led a double life.


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such an immense snake

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The most stable and effective federal government possible would be a nonpartianist republic with a unicameral parliament made solely by a House of Commons, and whose legal system is composed entirely of civic laws. The state would be managed by governments whose authority is divided linearly into municipal, provincial, and federal levels. There would be no territorial government, no separation of powers, no decentralization of authority away from this simple hierarchy, and no permitted or legitimized factionalism. Prove me wrong.
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>prove me wrong
OP is a faggot


At least your honest and not trying to convince us that you are a socialist. The next step is admiting you are a socdem.


I do appreciate communization theory. Therefore I don't see why the form of the provisional administration would change so much once it had decided the revolution, would not continue to effectively chew up the enemy forces. It is in no way certain that any level of despotism will be necessary for longer than it can stand on its own, or that technocratic managerialism will win the day.


Kys for being a social reactionary and falling in love with a name.


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>non-partisan republic
Don't leftists live and breathe party politics?
Good luck with having no political parties with a republic.


Go make a hyper-modded hoi4 configuration, governments don't work like that. You have what historical development gives you. One country is given necessarily federal divisions on this stage and has never had a need for a second party, another has like 6 parties and no significant divisions.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This party sucks shit. It's constantly pissing everyone off and for the past decade it's been on a war path against anything "erotic" and now they are turning its attention towards the most popular manga magazine shonen jump and telling its followers to snitch adult magazines to the United Nations!

Genius moves ostracizing yourselves even more with manga authors and youth, the party is bleeding members fast and they think to prioritize meddling with manga. What's the deal with this party?
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Perhaps read more than half a sentence you retard


a weak yen isn't that bad. part of the reason the lost decade happened is that the US made them adopt a strong-yen policy to reduce their exports to America and increase American imports to Japan (which didn't work, since the issue wasn't price, it was protectionist regulations and licensing policies), with the side effect that Japanese firms could then buy up a fuckton of US industry, real estate, etc, since a strong yen means cheaper dollar-denominated goods. that's where you get a chunk of "japan takes over the world" shit from in the 1980s.

the flip-side is that a high yen means more expensive yen-denominated goods abroad, which risks slowing the japanese economy down. now, the japanese weren't going to eat a recession just to have a high yen because America said they had to, so the government ran the money printers and jacked up public spending at the same time, which ultimately leads to the asset price bubble and the lost decade.


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Real wages have decreased as well though. They're in a recession right now and it keeps getting worse for them.


oh yeah, no, i'm not saying japan's economy's not fucked. just that one shouldn't judge the economic health of a country by its currency valuation.


Ah got it now. Mb.

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what are leftypols thoughts on the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna and Basque country seperatism as a whole?
the basque people obviously form a completely separate identity from both spain and france, and a lot of the separatist movements in basque are pretty far left
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Loser nationalists. The only good communist group in West Europe in the late 20th century was the RAF.


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>national liberation
>looks inside
<capitalist nation-building


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Fun fact, Simon Bolivar was Basque. Btfoing spaniards is based.


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Retards, but every reactionary spaniard is eternally bootyblasted by them. So based retards in my book.


White bourgeois ethnostate garbage promoted by the same people who clamor for a free Tibet

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Bolivian president thanks people after facing down failed coup attempt
President Arce hailed the withdrawal as a victory for Bolivia’s democracy and addressed the country’s citizens in the aftermath, some of whom had taken to the streets in protest of the alleged coup attempt. “Many thanks to the Bolivian people,” said Arce. “Long live democracy.” Dramatic footage on Bolivian television showed Arce facing down Zuniga and a group of soldiers in a palace hallway on Wednesday. “I am your captain, and I order you to withdraw your soldiers, and I will not allow this insubordination,” Arce said.

Colombia investigating alleged wiretapping of top court
The scandal caused by the magistrate’s wiretapping accusations is the latest of many. The DNI’s predecessor, intelligence agency DAS, was dismantled in 2011 after it had been caught spying on the Supreme Court, members of Congress and people considered politically inconvenient for former President Alvaro Uribe.

Argentina enters technical recession as job losses mount under Milei
The official INDEC statistics agency also released jobs data, which showed the jobless rate rising to 7.7% in the first quarter, up from 5.7% at the end of last year. That meant some 300,000 newly unemployed people since the previous quarter. Triple-digit inflation and the recession have hit consumers hard and hurt sales of products like beef, while Milei's spending cuts have seen state infrastructure projects halted and major job losses in sectors such as construction.

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Puerto Rico power company suspends $65M worth of maintenance projects, sparking outcry amid outages
The private operator of Puerto Rico’s power grid confirmed Monday the deferral of $65 million worth of maintenance and improvement projects in the U.S. territory, with some repairs postponed for at least a year because of budget constraints, putting at risk the already troubled grid — and sparking a widespread outcry.

'Dangerous Precedent': Record AIPAC Spending Helps George Latimer Defeat Jamaal Bowman
Progressive Rep. Jamaal Bowman lost his reelection bid in New York's 16th Congressional District on Tuesday to an establishment-backed county official whose campaign was propelled by nearly $15 million in spending by AIPAC's Republican-funded super PAC.

Portland delays vote on homelessness response contract with Multnomah County
The plan sets specific goals, including moving nearly 2,700 unhoused homeless people into shelter and adding 1,000 shelter beds by the end of 2025. It also requires a “Steering and Oversight Committee” to approve a publicly accessible dashboard for tracking performance goals and how the money is being spent.

'Reprehensible': NTSB Chair Says Norfolk Southern Interfered With East Palestine Probe
Norfolk Southern's uncooperative approach didn't stop after the vent-and-burn, according to the NTSB. Throughout the investigation, the company delayed or avoided sharing informatiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


CP of Venezuela, PCV to support Enrique Márquez’s presidential candidacy
«Today we reiterate the need to coincide in a programmatic proposal that vindicates the rights of the workers and the people in general; that takes into account the demands for wages, social benefits, vacations, Christmas bonuses; the right to union organization and collective bargaining agreement; to prevent the processes of persecution and criminalization of those who fight; to release the imprisoned workers.» «In this exchange with the candidate, we have also raised the recovery of the political rights of the people. The validity of the Constitution as a fundamental source of reference for the reestablishment of institutionality in Venezuela. The recognition of the true leaderships of the parties that have been intervened by decision of the Government’s leadership; the reform of the law so that there is truly proportional representation of minorities», he added. The rights of the indigenous peoples, the defense of nature and «an independent and sovereign foreign policy, not subordinated to any power block», are other core issues of the political-electoral agreement that the PCV will sign with the political organization Centrados [that is backing Marquez’s candidacy].

The Ayatollah Won’t Free Palestine, but Workers of the Middle East Can
Following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the country’s regime called for five days of mourning. While the country’s feminist uprising in 2022 and historically low turnout in its March parliamentary elections show that the regime is widely detested among Iranian society, thousands still mobilized to mourn Raisi’s death. Support for the president was even more prominent on social media, in large part due to the way that the Iranian regime has spent the past several months depicting itself as a powerful champion of the Palestinian cause. The movement for Palestine has rocked the foundations of international politics, inspired youth in imperialist countries to rise up, and has always held an important place in the hearts of people throughout the Middle East who see in Palestine their own struggles against imperiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Genuine question. Will it be over for Cuba as a socialist country in a few years? I want to believe in it but how will they overcome these brutal sanctions and US backed color revolutionary attempts in the upcoming years? What do the people especially the young folk currently say?
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An expression of luxury then
You say tomato, I say potato


Yes, but def take sunscreen, meds and condoms. They can be hard to get there.


I wasn't there for too long, only two weeks and I stayed in Havana.The Cubans I talked to generally are either apolitical, lukewarm support the government or are anti-government and pretty open about it. Funny thing is that regardless of their politics they all hate the Miami Cuban Gusanos because of the Blockade. Don't let anyone tell you that "freeze peach" is a problem there. As long as you aren't trying to actively overthrow the gov there you can say what you want. I have some batshit stories about drunk reactionary Canadian and American tourists I met at some of the bars there.


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Despite a recent deterioration due to economic hardships, Cuba still has an incredible healthcare and education system, basically no illiteracy and a medical fleet they even eventually export to other countries.

What I have always wondered is, why can't they cash this same "human capital" base in a way to help in the development of the economy? If you can have the best doctors of the Thirld World thanks to your free universities, why can't you concentrate your efforts in raising a generation of, say, software engineers, that can work in SOE to bring more dollars to the system and overall upgrade the economy? The software industry is not capital-reliant (besides computers, which they already have, despite not being the latest models) and neither requires the import of intermediates supplies, it's basically farming and squeezing brains and if they can develop vaccines I'm sure they can put out some decent programmers too, right?



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